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- PC-FasType CGA & MONO - Registration and Payment Form
- =====================================================
- Name: ___________________________________ Title: _______________
- Company: ________________________________________________________
- Address: ________________________________________________________
- City: _____________________State/Country:___________Zip:_________
- Phone Work: (_____) _____ - ______ Home: (_____) _____ - ______
- My PC is a: (model)________________________ Date: _____________
- I obtained my evaluation copy of PC-FasType: CGA [ ] MONO [ ]
- from: (vendor, bbs name)_________________________________________
- Please complete the payment portion below.
- +----------+------------------------------+----------+----------+
- | | | Cost | Total |
- | Quantity | Description | per unit | Cost |
- +==========+==============================+==========+==========+
- | |PC-FasType/CGA Package | $25.00 | |
- +----------+------------------------------+----------+----------+
- | |PC-FasType/MONO Package | $25.00 | |
- +----------+-+----------------------------+----------+----------+
- | NJ residents, please add NJ sales tax | |
- +---------------------------------------+----------+
- Disk Size: | Shipping Cost: DOMESTIC --> add $3.00 | |
- [ ] 5.25" | (choose one) CANADA --> add $5.00 | |
- [ ] 3.50" | OVERSEAS -->add $10.00 | |
- +---------------------------------------+----------+
- Unless specified, 5.25" diskette TOTAL | |
- will be sent to registrant. +==========+
- Payment: [ ] MASTERCARD [ ] VISA [ ] Check [ ] Money Order
- Credit card #:_______________________________ Exp. Date:____/____
- Cardholder's Name:_______________________________________________
- Signature: ______________________________________________________
- Cardholder's name: ______________________________________________
- *****************************************************************
- Send all items to: TRENDTECH CORPORATION
- PC-FasType Registration
- P.O. Box 3687
- (Federal ID # 22-2361270) Wayne, New Jersey 07474-3687 USA
- *****************************************************************
- VOICE: (201) 694-8622 FAX: (201) 694-2543
- PC-FasType - Other Pricing
- ==========================
- Please read the file named SITELICE.DOC for details and
- pricing for site and right-to-copy licenses.
- This price list is effective until Dec. 31, 1995. If today's
- date is after Dec. 31, 1995, these prices may no longer be valid.
- Please call Trendtech Corp. for new pricing.
- Single-User Registration:
- 1 copy $25.00
- price includes disk with latest version, a printed
- user guide and registration code.
- Right-to-Copy License:
- 2- 5 $18.00 each copy
- 6- 10 $15.00 each copy
- 11- 20 $12.00 each copy
- 21- 50 $11.00 each copy
- 51-100 $10.00 each copy
- >100 <call Trendtech>
- price includes one master disk, ONE printed user
- guide, ONE registration code, and number-serialized
- labels for the quantity ordered, and the right to
- copy the disk and manual for the quantity ordered
- Multiple copies - volume purchase discount:
- 2- 5 $23.00 each copy
- 6- 10 $21.00 each copy
- 11- 15 $19.00 each copy
- 16- 20 $18.00 each copy
- 21- 30 $17.00 each copy
- 31- 50 $16.00 each copy
- >50 <call Trendtech>
- price includes disks/manuals in quantity ordered.
- Site License:
- Corporate, Government - $500.00 US$
- Educational - $300.00 US$
- price includes one master disk, one activation disk,
- and one printed User Guide. Title screen contains
- name of registering organization. Right to copy
- disk and User Guide is limited to only one site.
- PC-FasType - Comment Form
- =========================
- Your comments about this software and documentation are
- welcome. Please take the time to fill out this form or write or
- call us with your comments.
- Name: _____________________________ Title: __________________
- Company: _______________________________________________________
- Address: _______________________________________________________
- City: __________________________________________________________
- State/Country: _______________________________ Zip: ____________
- Phone Work: (_____) _____ - ______ Home: (_____) _____ - ______
- PC-FasType: CGA [ ] MONO [ ] Ver. No.:______ Date:________
- Comments:_______________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________________
- *****************************************************************
- Send this form to: TRENDTECH CORPORATION
- PC-FasType Comments
- P.O. Box 3687
- Wayne, New Jersey 07474-3687
- U.S.A.
- FAX NUMBER: (USA) 201-694-2543
- *****************************************************************