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- P C - F a s T y p e / C G A Version 4.3
- P C - F a s T y p e / M O N O Version 1.3
- Last updated: September 1991
- B B S S Y S O P I N F O R M A T I O N ?
- -------------------------------------------
- Copyright 1983-1991, TRENDTECH CORPORATION, All Rights Reserved.
- Published by Trendtech Corporation, P.O. Box 3687, Wayne, NJ
- 07474-3687
- This file provides information for bulletin board Sysops who wish
- to distribute PC-FasType via their BBS systems.
- We explicitly permit uploads of the Shareware version of
- PC-FasType to BBS systems. Uploading the registered version is not
- permitted. If you have any question as to whether the version
- which has been uploaded to your BBS is Shareware, simply run
- PC-FasType and observe the title screen. If the text to the right
- of the title screen says "Unregistered Evaluation Copy", and the
- next screen is the SHAREWARE INFORMATION screen, then it is the
- Shareware version. Anything else should be considered a registered
- version and discarded.
- Please note, if your BBS is associated with a commercial or
- user-group Shareware library which distributes disks for a fee, you
- must obtain permission in writing from Trendtech Corporation BEFORE
- placing PC-FasType in the library. See the file VENDOR.DOC for
- distribution details. This restriction does not affect your
- permission to place PC-FasType on your BBS as long as you are not
- charging a fee for its distribution. (other than normal user fees
- for general use of your board).
- If you have any questions about PC-FasType please contact us by any
- of the following methods:
- CompuServe 76210,771
- Voice: (201) 694-8622, days Eastern U.S. time
- FAX: (201) 694-2543, 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week
- US Mail Trendtech Corporation
- P.O. Box 3687
- Wayne, NJ 07470
- U.S.A.
- A valid copy of the Shareware version of PC-FasType should normally
- contain all of the files listed in the PACKING.LST file.
- If the PACKING.LST file or one or more of the files listed in
- PACKING.LST are missing, please contact Trendtech Corporation (201)
- 694-8622 and tell us the problem.
- The best way to archive PC-FasType for your BBS is to first
- INSTALL PC-FasType on your hard disk as per the installation
- instructions found in the readme file. The install program will
- automatically remove the INSTALL.EXE and ID files from the
- installation. You can then ZIP up the entire directory and place
- the zip'd file in your download library. Please note that the
- CFASTYPE.EXE and MFASTYPE.EXE files have been compressed with
- PKLITE; you might want to uncompress these before ZIP'ping.
- Trendtech Corporation will be happy to provide you free of
- charge, a specially prepared disk set with PC-FasType/CGA and
- PC-FasType/MONO. Just ask us in writing and give us the name of
- your BBS along with its telephone number. Make sure you give us a
- valid mailing address to send the disk set to. Please note that
- we DO NOT upload to BBS's; we will MAIL you our special BBS SYSOP
- disk package with both PC-FasType/CGA and PC-FasType/MONO already
- ZIP'd for you.
- ===================================================================
- The following archived file name should be used for PC-FasType
- distribution on BBS's:
- PCFTC43.ZIP (PC-FasType/CGA Ver. 4.3)
- - or -
- PCFTM13.ZIP (PC-FasType/MONO Ver. 1.3)
- Using PKZIP, everything will compress down to a single file of
- about 260kb.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- PC-FasType/CGA - Short Description:
- PCFTC43.ZIP PC-FasType V4.3 Typing Tutorial (ASP)
- Practice typing on MS-DOS PC's equipped with COLOR monitors.
- PC-FasType/CGA - Long Description:
- PCFTC43.ZIP PC-FasType V4.3 Typing Tutorial (ASP)
- PC-FasType is an easy-to-use menu-driven interactive typing
- tutorial designed for use by computer enthusiasts who wish to
- improve their typing skills on PC's running the MS-DOS Operating
- System. The program displays a color image of the keyboard and
- prompts you to use the correct keys. You must have color
- graphics (CGA/EGA/VGA) capability.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- PC-FasType/MONO - Short Description:
- PCFTM13.ZIP PC-FasType/MONO V1.3 Typing Tutorial (ASP)
- Practice typing on MS-DOS PC's with MONO screens; ideal for
- laptops and portables.
- PC-FasType/MONO - Long Description:
- PCFTM13.ZIP PC-FasType/MONO V1.3 Typing Tutorial (ASP)
- PC-FasType/MONO is an easy-to-use menu-driven interactive typing
- tutorial designed for use by computer enthusiasts who wish to
- improve their typing skills on IBM PC's and compatibles running
- the MS-DOS Operating System. The program displays a character
- graphics image of the keyboard and prompts you to use the
- correct keys. You can have any kind of monitor (color or mon) to
- run this program. Ideal for laptops and portables.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** PC-FasType is a trademark of Trendtech Corporation, Inc.
- Copyright 1983-1991 by Trendtech Corporation, Wayne, NJ
- All Rights Reserved