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- CHEMICAL Ver 4.2 Feb 23, 1990
- CHEMICAL is a molecular modeling Program to aid in the formation
- of three dimensional pictures of chemicals. Atoms are selected
- from a Periodic Table (using the A command) and electron
- orbital information retrieved. The Atoms are then bonded
- (using the B command). The chemical is displayed as it is
- being constructed. The chemical can be viewed from different
- directions by using the up and down cursor keys and the V
- command. If desired the Hybrid and Ionize commands can be used
- to alter the orbitals before bonding. Atoms can be bonded
- into groups, then the groups bonded to other groups to make
- large chemicals. The current version for CHEMICAL (4.1)
- includes support for MicroSoft Mouse Drivers.
- CHEMVIEW is a companion program that shows 3-dimensional
- animation of the models generated with CHEMICAL. CHEMVIEW
- requires an EGA board and monitor. CHEMVIEW is written in
- Turbo PROLOG with the graphics routines written in Turbo C.
- To use CHEMVIEW simply start the program and select the
- file desired.
- BIOCHEM is a companion program that combines files made with
- CHEMICAL into larger molecules. Chemical groups can be
- bonded together using Covalent, Ionic, Hydrogen, or Peptide
- bonds. This program provides much more capability than Group
- command that was included in older versions of CHEMICAL.
- BIOCHEM works with a CGA, EGA, or VGA monitor.
- CRYSTAL is companion program that places atoms on a lattice
- framework to form crystal structures. The structure is
- defined by a text file. A text editor is built into the
- program. The text file is converted to a image that is shown
- rotating in three dimensions. An EGA or VGA monitor is
- required.
- CHEMICAL requires 640K bytes of RAM and a CGA or EGA
- display. You may need to eliminate RAM resident programs
- in order to run CHEMICAL.
- CHEMICAL is started by entering CHEM at the DOS prompt. The
- CHEM.DOC, CHEM.TUT, and *.BGI files should all be on the
- same directory. Select the graphic mode desired, then push
- the Enter key. The program GRAFTABL should be run prior to
- running CHEMICAL with a CGA monitor. The graphic display
- format is different for the various modes for a particular
- monitor. Try each mode to determine your preference.
- Commands are selected by depressing the first letter of
- the command or by depressing (cr) if the command has already
- been selected. The following commands are available:
- The commands for version 4.0 of chemical are:
- A - (Atom) This command displays a periodic table.
- Elements are selected by moving the cursor to the
- desired Element, then depressing the CR key. The esc
- key is used to exit this command.
- B - (Bond) This command is used to bond two atoms. A list
- of all atoms selected is displayed, along with its
- electron orbital configuration. The size of the atom is
- determined the first time it is bonded.
- A choice of three bond types: Anti, Dative, and Shared, is
- provided to determine which atom in a bond will supply the
- two electrons needed for a molecular orbital. A shared bond
- takes two electron from each atom. A Dative bond takes both
- electons from one atom. An anti bond allows three or four
- electrons to be used in the bond.
- C - (Clear) This command clears the screen and the buffer for
- all Atoms and Bonds selected so far. A Yes/No menu is
- used to reduce the change of accidently clearing the buffer.
- FA - (Animate) This command executes program CHEMVIEW which shows
- molecules in 3 dimensional rotation (on EGA monitors only).
- The cursor keys are used to change the direction of rotation,
- the + and - keys change the size, the End key stops rotation,
- the space bar returns to the CHEMVIEW window and the Ctrl
- Break key returns to CHEMCIAL. CHENVIEW.EXE must be on the
- default disk.
- FB - (View Buffer) This command stores the buffer under the
- file name TEMP.DAT, then allows the file to be viewed.
- FH - Show help file
- FM - Minimize Chemical File size by deleting unused
- orbitals. Do not use this command until you are
- completely done, since no additional bonds can be
- made to a minimized file.
- FR - Read a Chemical File
- FS - Goto Operating System
- FT - Show Tutorial File
- FV - View a file from disk
- FW - Write a Chemical File
- H - (Hybrid) This command is used to combine electron orbitals
- into hybrids. A list of possible Hybrids is displayed.
- A _5 or _6 ending indicates that the bonding angles have
- been adjusted to make a 5 or 6 bond flat ring.
- I - (Ionize) This command is used to ionize an atom. A list of
- the possible ionizations is displayed.
- MA - (Move) This command is used to manually move an Atom or
- Group.
- MC - Change color of atom. The color for all atoms of the
- type selected are changed.
- MD - Deletes a selected atom from the current buffer. This
- command is most useful for modifing an existing file
- into a similar chemical. All atoms following the one
- selected are re-numbered. This command may require
- several seconds on large files.
- MR - (Re-center) All atoms are re-centered on the screen.
- This command is used when reading files generated by
- older versions of CHEMICAL.
- MS - Rotate around Sigma Bond - Atoms are free to move around
- sigma bonds, and will generally do so to minimize the
- energy of the system. This command will rotate an atom
- and other attached atoms.
- MX - Rotate atoms around X axis. Do not use any of the
- rotate commands until the molecule is complete. The
- angle for bonds made after rotation may not be correct.
- MY - Rotate atoms around Y axis
- MZ - Rotate atoms around Z axis
- P - Print the screen. CGA mode should be used if you want
- the atoms to be labeled.
- R - (Not on Menu) Read to buffer from TEMP.DAT
- SB - Toggles Bond lines on/off. Bond lines are only available
- in graphic mode with 16 colors.
- SC - Toggles electronegativity scale on/off. When on, a color
- scale is shown at the bottom of the display window (EGA
- mode only). The atom colors are changed to correspond to
- the electronegtivity of the atom. When off no scale is
- shown and the colors are changed to have more contast.
- SE - Toggles expanded view on/off.
- SG - Toggles grid on/off.
- SN - Toggles atom numbering on/off.
- V - (View) This command will show the view of the chemical
- that has been selected by the up/down cursor keys.
- The horizonal axis and vertical axis are shown in the
- upper right hand corner of the screen. Lines are
- shown to indicate bonds. The upper right hand corner of
- the screen shows which axis (X, Y, or Z) is aligned
- with the vertical and horizontal view shown.
- Atoms are listed on the left. In 16 color modes, the
- color is used to designate the atoms. In 2 and 4 color
- modes, the atoms are labeled.
- W - (Not on Menu) The Write command write the buffer to
- the file TEMP.DAT. The Write and the Read commands
- can be used to recover from an error during
- construction of a chemical.
- Contruction of Ring Structures
- Ring structures are difficult to make because of the large number
- of possible bonds. Also the angles need adjustment to make a
- closed ring. Special hybrids ending in _5 or _6 are provided in
- CHEMICAL for constructing 5 and 6 flat ring structures. The ' and `
- bonds should be selected to form rings. CHEMICAL defaults (high-
- lights) to this choice to simplify ring formation.
- The formation of combined six and five ring structures such as
- Purine requires adjustment of the angles for the atoms to meet
- correctly. CHEMICAL will make this adjustment if the six atom
- ring (using _6 hybrids) is made first (don't forget to bond the
- 1st and 6th atoms before added the 7th). Then three _5 hybrids
- should be selected. The default bonds should then form the correct
- double ring structure. The first ring is generated clockwise and
- the second ring is generated counter-clockwise.
- The angles in the sp3 hybrid do not allow a flat ring. A
- twisted ring can be made by selecting the default bond
- selection sequence.
- Example 1: Make Water Molecule
- 1) Use the A command to show periodic table
- 2) Select O,H, and H using the cursor keys and Enter Key
- 3) use esc to exit A command
- 4) Select the Bond Command
- 5) Select O and H
- 6) Select shared (default) bond
- 7) Select one of the O-H bonds
- 8) Use the Bond Command to make the other O-H bond
- (Two atoms always need to be selected to make a bond)
- Note: The angle between the Hydrogen atoms can be made closer
- to the actual angle by selecting the sp3 hybrid for Oxygen.
- Example 2: Benzene C6H6
- 1) Clear previous entries with (C)lear
- 2) Enter 6 Carbon Atoms using (A)tom
- 3) Select the sp2 hybrid for each Carbon Atom using (H)ybrid
- 4) Use the Up/Down cursor key to set view to TOP
- 5) Bond Atoms 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5, 5-6, 1-6 (selecting highlighted bond)
- 6) Make a pi bond between atoms 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6 using (B)ond
- 7) Enter 6 Hydrogen Atoms using (A)tom
- 8) Bond each hydrogen atom to a carbon atom
- Example 3) [Co(NH3)6]3+ Coordination Compound
- 1) Select Co and six N atoms
- 2) Select the +3 ionization and d2sp3 Hybridization of Co using
- the Ionize and the Hybrid commands
- 3) Select the sp3 Hybrization of N using the Hybrid command
- 4) Bond the six d2sp3 orbitals on Co with the six N atoms using
- the dative bond
- 5) Select 18 hydrogen atoms
- 6) bond the hydrogen atoms to the six nitrogen atoms
- CHEMICAL, CHEMVIEW, and CRYSTAL are placed in the Public Domain
- and may be freely copied and distributed. The latest version of
- including source code can be obtained from the author for $20.
- Updates are $10 for registered users. The source code is not
- for public distibution and is only available from the author.
- The following programs are also available:
- PLANETS computes information relating to the position,
- distance, magnitude, orbit view, skyview, etc. for the major
- planets, four minor planets, and halley's comet on a specified
- date and time. Also, orbital data for any desired planet or
- comet can be entered and saved in a disk file. Skyview and
- orbital views can shown in forward or backward motion. The moons
- for each planet can be displayed. This program requires a
- graphics display and 256K bytes of memory. The latest
- version is 4.1.
- CHARACTER is a computer program designed to draw faces. The
- drawings consist of lines of different color and thickness. The
- age, weight, and emotions (Anger, Disgust, Fear, Happiness,
- Sadness, Surprise) can be changed by adjusting scales on the left
- side of the screen. Individual features, such as eye seperation,
- nose position, or nose width, can be changed by accessing
- additional menus. The detailed positions of the lines can be
- changed by using a mouse. CHARACTER requires 512K bytes of
- memory, and a CGA, EGA, VGA, or Hercles monitor. A mouse is
- required to access all the features of CHARACTER.
- Larry Puhl
- 6 Plum Court
- Sleepy Hollow, Ill. 60118
- CHEMICAL/CHEMVIEW/CRYSTAL (price is for all 3) $20 ____
- BIOCHEM $10 ____
- PLANETS $10 ____
- CHARACTER $20 ____
- Shipping outside of USA $5 ____
- 3 1/2 inch disks $2 ____
- (Updates for registered users are half price)
- TOTAL ____
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