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- 1) Format a new disk with DOS in residence (preferably DOS 2).
- 2) Copy the programs of form NMR?.EXE on to a separate disk.
- With these files, also copy NMR.BAT.
- 3) Do the same for the files of form NMR?.BAS.
- This set of programs is given to you in two versions. The first have
- the format NMR?.BAS for their file designations. These are the listings of
- the routines in BASIC. This coding is provided for your convenience; the
- versions given here compile with the MicroSoft BASIC compiler without use of
- the BASRUN module. If you wish to modify the programs to make use of this,
- just get rid of the statements producing or using the file, "SCRATCH.NMR" and
- reinstate the COMMON statement.
- Also included are files of the form "NMR?.EXE." These can be run
- at once provided you have copied them on to a disk with DOS present. If you
- do not own the MicroSoft compiler, use the routines as given. To use these
- routines (provided you have also copied NMR.BAT), just type NMR and the
- programs will execute.
- The programs should be easy to use; the programs are menu driven and
- instructions a fairly staight-forward. Read all menues carefully and
- follow instructions faithfully. With a little experience, you should find
- these routines both easy and fun to use.
- If you have any questions or problems, you may reach me as follows:
- Milton D. Johnston, Jr.
- Department of Chemistry
- University of South Florida
- Tampa, Florida 33620
- 1-813-974-2535
- D. Johnston, Jr.
- Department of Chemistry
- University of South Florida
- Tampa, Fl