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Text File | 1989-01-16 | 76.5 KB | 1,990 lines |
- ______
- MSFORMS is a copyrighted product and as
- such is protected by the copyright laws of
- the United States.
- You are therefore asked NOT to give copies
- of your MSFORMS REGISTERED disk away to
- anyone.
- You may, and indeed are encouraged, to give
- away copies of your MSFORMS EVALUATION
- disk, providing, of course, that you adhere
- to the limits contained in the license
- agreement.
- Your cooperation in this matter is greatly
- appreciated.
- Declan Cowley
- August 1987
- Version 3.10
- copyright 1986, 1989
- by
- Declan Cowley
- 801 Seminole Blvd.
- Geneva, Fl 32732
- 407-896-6645 (work)
- MSFORMS page 1
- ------
- MSFORMS page 2
- MSFORMS is copyrighted and is NOT in the public domain. Even
- though the program is distributed under the SHAREWARE concept,
- and can be freely copied, there are still some limitations to
- protect the quality of the distribution and to support future
- development.
- Users of MSFORMS may make copies of this program for trial use by
- others on a PRIVATE NON-COMMERCIAL BASIS. This program may not
- be sold by anyone other than the author.
- By accepting and using this software, you acknowledge that this
- software may not suit your particular requirements or be
- completely trouble free.
- With proper application, this software will perform as described.
- However I will not be responsible for your specific application
- or any problems resulting from the use of this software.
- If the software does not perform as described, my liability to
- you is limited to replacing the software or refunding the
- purchase price (if purchased and registered). I have no
- liability to you or any other person or entity for any damage or
- loss, including special, incidental or consequential damages,
- caused by this software, directly or indirectly.
- This agreement is governed by the laws of the State of
- California. Should any part of this agreement be held invalid,
- the remainder of the agreement will still be in effect. This
- agreement can only be modified by written statement signed by me.
- Under this license you may NOT:
- 1) Distribute the program in connection with any other product
- or service, as part of a corporate or institutionally
- sponsored distribution.
- 2) Charge anything for MSFORMS. An exception is made for
- registered user groups who may charge a cost based fee
- (not to exceed $10) to cover their own costs.
- 3) Distribute the program in modified form, or without the
- accompanying demo files and this document file.
- Declan Cowley
- August 1987
- MSFORMS page 3
- ---------------------
- MSFORMS is distributed through a unique marketing concept called
- SHAREWARE. The diskette with programs on it can be freely copied
- and shared. It is also available directly from the author for
- $50, shipping and handling included. We ask you to help us
- distribute MSFORMS by sharing unmodified and complete copies of
- the EVALUATION RELEASE with others. We also encourage you and
- those to whom you have distributed the program, to register
- your copy if you find the program of use. Registration has
- a number of benefits to you:
- 1) You will receive the most recent version of the program.
- -the registered version has a few enhancements over this
- shareware release - mainly ...
- * it does not have the SHAREWARE notice.
- * fixes of any found or reported bugs.
- * recent improvements/additions.
- * you may request to receive the source code -
- QuickBASIC source and the C and assembler library modules.
- 2) You will be notified of updates.
- 3) (MAINLY) You will be supporting the concept that allowed you
- to receive MSFORMS in the first place. Only through user
- support can I continue to improve MSFORMS and perhaps develop
- other programs.
- Only by supporting the program authors who release valuable
- programs as shareware can you encourage others to do the same.
- Supporting shareware will encourage other authors which will
- result in more low cost quality software for you to enjoy. If
- ASHTON-TATE and LOTUS had their way we would all be spending
- upwards of $500 for each software package and not even be allowed
- to make backup copies for our own protection under threat of
- legal prosecution. Fortunately not all of us think this way -
- hence SHAREWARE.
- MSFORMS page 4
- ---------------------
- An IBM PC or MS-DOS compatible computer with 512K of RAM and
- running MS-DOS V2.0 or higher, dual 360K floppies (with a hard
- disk recommended). A serial port and a parallel printer port
- are also required.
- -----------------------------
- A hard disk is the best configuration to work with, as there is a
- lot of disk activity during program execution as MSFORMS reads in
- the various files it needs and creates data files. I suggest
- capturing your QUAN reports onto a floppy, or into their own
- subdirectory. It makes erasing the files easier (since there is
- no real reason to keep the captured QUAN reports)- and more
- foolproof.
- If you have a dual drive system, then MSFORMS and its files
- should be on the same floppy. The QUAN reports on another.
- Before proceeding, I would suggest that you make a backup copy of
- the distribution disk. Use the backup for normal everyday use
- and put your original away in a safe place. Once you have
- customized MSFORMS to your parameter lists, make a backup of the
- support files for safe keeping.
- MSFORMS page 5
- ---------------------
- MSFORMS reads in an ASCII QUAN report that has been generated on
- a FINNIGAN(tm) mass spectrometer using Finnigan TCA software,
- and produces a finished report suitable for giving to a client.
- This is accomplished by attaching the RS-232 communications cable
- from the GC/MS NOVA computer to the serial port of your PC.
- You then load a suitable terminal emulator program on your PC
- and capture as individual ASCII files the FINNIGAN TCA QUAN
- reports onto your PC's disk. (Also supports the ITD).
- MSFORMS is then loaded and the QUAN filenames passed to the
- program, along with other information, including matrix type and
- dilution factors. MSFORMS reads in the QUAN report, parses it
- and then gives you the opportunity to edit the results or add
- flags before it prints out a results form suitable for
- presenting to a client. In addition, MSFORMS will also generate
- an MS/MSD report and a surrogate summery report.
- A CONFIGURATION menu allows the user to set up default parameters
- for the program to use and to define your printer control codes.
- The FILE MAINTAINCE section is used to set up the files MSFORMS
- requires while processing the QUAN report. These files include
- 'library' name lists - two for each analysis (soil and water
- matrix) - complete with MDL's (method detection limits), a
- surrogate file that tells MSFORMS how many internal standards
- and surrogate standards you use in your analysis and the
- concentrations of your surrogates and a print header file that
- contains the name and address that will appear on the top of
- the report, and an MS/MSD info file. In addition, this section is
- used to create a BATCH file that MSFORMS can use to process
- multiple QUAN reports unattended.
- MSFORMS is not all encompassing (unfortunately), therefore it
- places certain restrictions on you and your system in order for
- you to be able to use it. These restrictions are not very severe
- and can be easily incorporated into your method of operation. The
- restrictions will be pointed out to you during the course of the
- rest of this manual.
- Finally, this is not a substitute, for FINNIGAN's
- QAFORMASTER(tm). Although, perhaps one day!!! It is intended
- for any GC/MS lab that employs FINNIGAN mass
- spectrometers and uses FINNIGAN's AUTOQUAN(tm) software. Its
- function is to aid the analyst in processing the mass
- spectrometer QUAN results into a presentable form, suitable for
- giving to a client.
- MSFORMS page 6
- MSFORMS was written primarily because I used to spend so
- much time transcribing data from QUAN reports to work
- sheets and calculating values based on dilution factors which I
- then hand to a secretary who types it again. One day I
- discovered how easy it was to interface a PC to the MS and
- download a QUAN report. That was the beginning - this (MSFORMS
- V2.61) is the middle (and the fifth evaluation release). The
- end may not be for quit a while as I have many ideas for
- changes and additions to MSFORMS. What really spurred me on was
- FINNIGAN's $4000 QAFORMASTER program. That program is very
- comprehensive (suitable of FINNIGAN), with a manual that boggles
- the mind. I thought an inexpensive and easy to use program
- might find some favor.
- I refer you to the EPA CLP STATEMENT of WORK for ORGANIC
- ANALYSIS Multi-Media, Multi-Concentration 10/86 revision, as a
- guide to what I am trying to achieve. So if some of my
- explanations of what the program does or what I am trying to
- achieve with it are less than lucid, then if you refer to this
- document, I hope it will become clearer.
- Finally, I am a practicing scientist and programmer, not a
- writer. So please bear with me as I do my best to create a lucid
- description of this program and how to use it.
- MSFORMS page 7
- -------------------------
- Like most people, you are anxious to see what you have in
- MSFORMS. So this section is a quick demo of the MSFORMS program.
- On your distribution disk are all the files that are needed for
- this demo. You should have the following:-
- First we will generate the volatile organics report. Start by
- inserting your backup copy of the distribution disk into drive A,
- then enter MSFORMS at the DOS A> prompt, followed by a carriage
- return. The SHAREWARE notice will appear followed shortly by the
- MSFORMS opening screen and shortly following it the main
- menu. Select 'QUAN REPORT GENERATOR' with the cursor keys, then
- the parameter entry screen will appear. The cursor will be
- positioned at the first entry - QUAN FILENAME. Type QUAN1.VO
- followed by a carriage return (<CR>). For the following eight
- entries enter anything you want. At the nineth entry (SAMPLE
- TYPE) enter 'W'. For now enter one's for the dilution factors.
- After a very short pause the screen will change and the data will
- be displayed for modification. The data can be displayed in
- pages using the PgUp PgDn keys, or you can go to the top and
- bottom of the data by using the HOME and END keys respectively.
- To select a result for editing, press the cursor up or cursor
- down keys. The selected result will be highlighted, continue to
- use the cursor keys to select the item of interest. When you
- have moved the cursor to the item of interest press the <F1> key
- to edit the result, or press the <F2> key to edit the flag (two
- flag characters are allowed). Once you have finished editing the
- results, press the ESC key to start the printing of the form.
- MSFORMS page 8
- At this time there should be a fair amount of disk activity -
- this is normal. Very shortly the printer will fire up and the
- report will be printed. Basically that's all there is to it.
- Now repeat the above exercise, only use QUAN4.BN for the QUAN
- FILENAME entry. This time you will get a semi-volatiles report.
- Repeat the exercise again, only this time use GC.PC for the QUAN
- FILENAME entry (and water for the MATRIX). This is the way to
- specify that no quan report exists, it will then read in the
- NAMES.PCW file and present you with an edit screen without
- results. Edit in the results, then print the report. This is
- the mechanism that can be used for generating GC reports, or
- reports for any other instrument that has a list of compounds.
- Repeat the exercise again, only enter BATCH for the QUAN FILENAME
- entry. This will automatically produce both reports using the
- QUAN1.VO and QUAN4.BN files. Note that this time no data is
- presented for editing. This is discussed later in the manual.
- Now select 'MS/MSD REPORT GENERATOR' from the menu. The MS/MSD
- parameter screen will appear. Enter QUAN1.VO, QUAN2.VO and
- QUAN3.VO for the filenames (in that order), complete the rest of
- the entries and an MS/MSD report is generated. Repeat the above
- for the three .BN QUAN files (4,5,6 in that order) and you will
- get a BNA MS/MSD report.
- Select the 'MS/MSD REPORT GENERATOR' again. This time enter
- GC.PC for the first QUAN filename. The cursor will now skip the
- next two fields. Proceed as normal with the rest of the entries.
- This time three screens will be presented for EDITing. Editing
- in the spike results will allow you to enter data from a GC run
- for an MS/MSD report. The first screen is for the results from
- the unspiked sample, the second for the spike and the third for
- the spike duplicate.
- Now select 'SURROGATE REPORT GENERATOR' from the menu, answer VO
- and a surrogate summery report will be printed. Selecting it
- again and answering BN will produce another surrogate report.
- MSFORMS page 9
- -----------------
- Since the FILE MAINTAINENCE section creates files that
- MSFORMS requires in order to work, we shall discuss it first.
- FILE MAINTAINENCE is used to create six files, three of
- which must be present for MSFORMS to work.
- The files are:-
- 1) NAMES.xxW
- 2) NAMES.xxS
- 3) SURROGAT.xx
- 4) MATRIX.xx
- - where xx is any two letter extention, user defined.
- All these files are present on the distribution disk. However,
- you will need to create your own in order to customize the system
- to your operation.
- The files present on the distribution disk also include six ASCII
- QUAN reports downloaded from my 4600. They are
- QUAN1(2&3).VO and QUAN4(5&6).BN and they are VOA and SVO
- reports respectively. You may use these files together with the
- other files above to do 'test runs' of the program.
- Selecting 4 at the main menu will select FILE MAINTAINENCE.
- You will be presented with a menu. The selections are:-
- The first four entries create or edit the NAMES.xxS or
- NAMES.xxW files.
- MSFORMS page 10
- ------------------------
- Selecting this item on the menu will bring up a screen asking
- for the two letter extention (xx (above)) of the file you wish to
- create and the matrix. Your selection here will create a file
- named either NAMES.xxW or NAMES.xxS.
- Once selected a new entry screen is displayed:-
- MDL ------- UNITS ------------------------
- COMPOUND NAME ------------------------------
- CODE # ----
- CAS # ----------
- The entry number is filled in for you - it is a counter to help
- you keep track.
- The MDL (method detection limit) is entered first. Entering a
- 0 (zero) will terminate entry and write the file to disk.
- The MDL value to enter should correspond to your reportable MDL
- for your standard analysis weight/volumn. As per the VOA CPL
- contract this would correspond to 5 (ug/l or ug/kg) for MOST
- compounds. As per the BNA CPL contract this would correspond
- to 10(ug/l) for MOST compounds. Since the normal dilution factor
- for water is 2 it will be necessary to half the CLP values to 5
- in order to get the correct MDL (when using a dilution factor of
- 2) on the printed report. The MDL used in SVO analysis of soils
- with a normal soil sample weight corresponding to 30gm, the CLP
- contract level of 330 (ug/kg) for MOST compounds (this also
- corresponds to a normal dilution factor of one for a 30gm soil
- sample extracted and concentrated to 1ml).
- If you are not doing CLP work then the MDL you enter is
- determined by your standard operating procedures. The reportable
- units that will appear on the report form is taken from the UNITS
- entry.
- *** NOTE ***
- The program actually only reads the UNITS field and the
- BASE MULTIPLIER field from the FIRST entry in each file -
- this is why the input routine will not prompt you for them
- a second time, but carries the input over into all
- subsequent entries.
- MSFORMS page 11
- Next is the compound name. Here you enter the compound name AS
- YOU WANT IT TO APPEAR on the printed report. If you want it
- capitalized on your report - make sure you capitalize it when you
- enter it.
- *** NOTE ***
- This is one of the restrictions (actually three) the
- program will make on your system.
- 1) The internal standards MUST be the first 'x'
- compounds in your name list.
- 2) The surrogate standards MUST be the next 'y'
- compounds in your name list.
- 3) The balance of the compounds in your TCA list MUST
- 3a) This restriction (3) also applies to your IS and
- SS. This means that your QUAN report MUST list the
- compounds in the following order:-
- a: Internal Standards
- b: Surrogate Standards
- c: rest of the TCA compounds
- Why is this? Because MSFORMS does not have the ability
- (yet) to determine which compound is where. Therefore
- it expects the order of compounds in the QUAN report to
- correspond to the order in this name list. It further
- discards the first 'x' compounds (the internal
- standards) and processes the second 'y' compounds (the
- surrogate standards) and generates % recovery results
- for them. The balance of the compounds are treated as
- TCA compounds.
- MDL values for the internal standards and surrogates --
- you cannot enter zero (as this would terminate entry)
- so I suggest a suitably small non zero but positive
- value, such as 0.1.
- If you intend to use the ND option on your report then
- the MDL value entered in the FIRST entry of the name
- list is used on the report.
- One final restriction - the QUAN report must be
- complete with NOT FOUNDS if necessary. That means the
- QUAN report MUST NOT have had the NOT FOUND's
- compressed out by EDSL (U;W;E.
- The reason for this restriction is related to the
- programs current inability to determine what compound
- is where. The processing of the QUAN report involves
- discarding all text only lines from the QUAN report,
- leaving only lines containing results. Then the number
- on the left is read in and this tells the program what
- compound it is, which it then reads from the name file.
- MSFORMS page 12
- This is why the order is important. If you compress
- out the NOT FOUND's with EDSL (U;W , the entries are
- renumbered and that number no longer points to the
- correct compound in the name list.
- For those of you not familiar with how to preserve the
- QUAN list intact, especially if you have automatic
- procedures that do additional data processing on an
- analytical run that compresses out the NOT FOUND's,
- incorporate the following before and after the
- procedure:
- procedure
- This obviously presupposes that the file you are
- processing is in $1. If it isn't you will need to set
- it up beforehand.
- Finally, if you are unclear as to the above I suggest you take a
- look at the two QUAN reports supplied with this program and the
- name lists also supplied.
- Next is an entry entitled CODE. At present this is not used. It
- is present in order to provide forward compatability between the
- files generated now with future versions of MSFORMS.
- The next entry is the CAS #. This is a report option.
- The last entry is BASE MULTIPLIER. The BASE MULTIPLIER is a
- constant factor that you wish applied to the data results (it
- does not effect the surrogates) to bring the QUAN report values
- up to the reportable UNITS. For instance the MDL for CLP soils
- is 330 ug/kg. However only 30 grams are extracted. To convert 30
- grams to kilograms a multiplier of 33 is required. Entering 33
- as the base multiplier takes care of this automatically. The
- only thing the analyst needs to worry about are dilution factors.
- This also allows the program to be customized to unusual
- extraction volumns and final extract volumns. Once these are
- standardized, calculate the factor to convert the QUAN results to
- reportable results and enter it into the BASE MULTIPLIER.
- Thereafter you need only concern yourself with dilution factors
- (ie: variations from your standardized extraction volumns and
- final extract volumns). If you do not need to use a BASE
- MULTIPLIER, enter a value of one.
- MSFORMS page 13
- -----------------------
- Menu item 2 (EDIT LIST) allows you to select an entry in
- the appropriate name list for editing. You supply the entry
- number - the program then displays the entry for editing. You
- need not re-enter all data for that entry - hitting return does
- default to the original data. Enter data only if you wish to
- make a change. You may modify the UNITS field and the BASE
- MULTIPLIER field in this option. REMEMBER entry #1 is the record
- the program reads to get the UNITS and BASE MULTIPLIER fields and
- MDL entry.
- ----------------------
- This section allows you to delete an entry from the name list and
- to insert an entry into the name list. After selecting the file
- to change the entries are displayed for selection in order from
- first to last. You have three choices:
- Keep - keeps the entry (no change)
- Delete - deletes the displayed entry
- Insert - allows you to insert a new entry in
- FRONT of the displayed entry.
- Finally, you are asked to confirm your changes. Answering No
- will not make the changes permanent. Yes, will.
- ------------------------
- Menu item 4 (ADD NEW ENTRIES TO LIST) allows you to add
- additional compounds to your selected name list. This item will
- append the new entry to the END of the name list. Bear in mind
- that all entries in the name list will appear on the report form.
- Just to reiterate, the compound entry numbers in this module
- must correspond to the compound name and the number that appears
- on the left of your QUAN report. The program expects these to be
- the same, and indeed uses these numbers to get the compound name
- and MDL from the appropriate name list, NAMES.xxW or NAMES.xxS.
- *** NOTE ***
- As MSFORMS is designed to handle a maximum of 160
- compounds per report, the NAMES program will
- terminate user input after the 160th entry has been
- input (in modules 1 and 3). The file will be written
- to disk and closed with 160 compound entries in it.
- MSFORMS page 14
- -------------------------
- Menu item 5 will create a disk file that will tell MSFORMS how
- many internal standards and surrogate standards are in the
- NAMES.xxx file and corresponding QUAN report. At the moment the
- assumption is that the same number of internal standards and
- surrogates are used in both soil and water analysis.
- The entry screen looks like:
- VOA(V) or BNA(B) or GC(G) -
- The true (undiluted) value corresponds to the surrogate
- concentration at a dilution factor of one.
- A value of zero is a valid entry if you should use no surrogates
- (or internal standards).
- MSFORMS page 15
- ---------------------------
- Menu item 6 will create a disk file of the information MSFORMS
- needs in order to process matrix spike/matrix spike duplicates.
- The screen display looks like:
- COMPOUND NAME : ------------------------------
- QUAN REPORT ENTRY NUMBER - this is the same as in the name lists,
- if the compound is number 32 on your QUAN report then enter 32
- here. MSFORMS uses this number to select out of the QUAN report
- only those entries it needs.
- COMPOUND NAME - this is self explanatory, again enter it exactly
- as you want it on your report.
- COMPOUND CODE - at this time, this entry is not used, but is
- included to allow forward compatability at a later date.
- CONCENTRATION - enter the spiking concentration of the compound.
- This value will be used to compute the percent recoveries. This
- is the true (undiluted) value.
- ----------------------
- Menu item 7 will create a disk file that contains the name,
- address and phone number of your lab. This information is read
- in by MSFORMS and placed at the top of the printed report.
- In addition a footer can be added to your report, such as a
- disclamer (or a Christmas greeting). The footer can be up to
- 122 characters long. Input is divided in two fields 61
- characters long. Enter your footer until you reach the end of
- the field, then hit return and enter the second field. When
- entering, ignore the artifical boundery at the end of the field -
- type until you reach it then hit return and continue. If you
- have to break a word in the middle, that's okay, just continue on
- the next line where you left off. The footer will be
- automatically centered on the report form.
- MSFORMS page 16
- --------------------
- Menu item 8 will create a disk file with all the report
- parameters for multiple files. This will allow MSFORMS to do
- data processing on multiple files unattended.
- The data entry screen which appears is almost identical to the
- MSFORMS data entry screen. The only difference is the presence
- of 'ENTRY # :' that appears in the upper left of the screen.
- This keeps track of how many files you have entered.
- The entry screen looks like this :
- QUAN FILE NAME : --------------
- BLANK FILE ID : --------------
- CLIENT NAME : ------------------------------
- LAB SAMPLE NUMBER : --------------
- CLIENT SAMPLE NUMBER : ------------------------
- DATE RECEIVED : ----------
- DATE SAMPLED : ----------
- DATE EXTRACTED : ----------
- DATE ANALYSED : ----------
- The only required entries are QUAN FILE NAME, SAMPLE TYPE and the
- There are restrictions as to what you may enter here, and the
- program checks for valid input.
- QUAN FILE NAME: Valid entries require any two
- letter extension. This is how MSFORMS determines
- what name list to use. The only other limitation
- is that it be a valid DOS filename. NOTE: the GC.xx
- entry is not valid here, as this requires the edit
- screen input.
- BLANK FILE ID: This is the mass spec instrument
- file name. (extraction date (BNA) and analysis date
- (VOA) are already present on the report) The sample
- instrument file name is extracted by the parser and
- will appear on the report under the blank id.
- SAMPLE TYPE: Only an 'S' or 'W' or 'A' is valid.
- The 'A' will use the appropriate .xxW name
- list. However, result units will read 'total
- nanograms' in place of whatever is in the name
- list for UNITS.
- DILUTION FACTORS: Any numeric entry greater than 0
- (zero) is accepted. The range of values is
- .0000001 to 99999999.
- MSFORMS page 17
- -------
- MSFORMS is started from the DOS prompt by typing MSFORMS followed
- by a carriage return. The opening screen is the SHAREWARE
- notice. If you register your copy of MSFORMS, you will receive
- the latest edition of the program, complete with serial number
- and without the SHAREWARE notice.
- The second screen is the real opening screen, and the one on
- which your serial number will appear. This screen also tells you
- what version it is.
- The third screen is the main menu. At present it has only six
- offerings. Item 1 is the parameter entry screen for report
- generation and is virtually identical to the batch file entry
- REPORT. Item 3 is the MS/MSD entry screen and item 4 is EPA CLP
- the CONFIGURATION menu. Item 6 exits to DOS.
- For menu item 1, QUAN REPORT GENERATOR the same restrictions
- apply as in FILE MAINTAINENCE. The same four entries are
- required, the others are optional. All non required
- entries supply information that will appear in the header of the
- printed report. Lab sample number and date analysed are passed
- to the surrogate summery report.
- Again, the QUAN FILE NAME MUST end with any valid two letter
- extention, however, here a third entry is also valid. Entering
- BATCH will transfer control to the file we created with item 7
- in FILE MAINTAINENCE and proceed to automatically process the
- files named therein.
- Entering GC.xx is also valid. Essentially this is the 'blank'
- report. The xx is any valid two letter extention for which all
- the appropriate files have been created. The 'GC' tells the
- program that a QUAN file does not exist. The program then goes
- out and creates a blank report by reading in the NAMES.xx file
- and assigns zero to each result. On the edit screen you then get
- to edit in the results. The GC.xx entry is NOT valid in BATCH.
- If you have entered GC.xx for the QUAN FILENAME, a window will
- open requesting the METHOD. This is to allow the user to specify
- the GC method number (ie: 601, 8010 etc.). On the report form,
- the method number will replace the QUAN FILE ID.
- MSFORMS page 18
- If 'A' is entered for sample type, a window will open at the top
- of the screen requesting additional input.
- Result Units (total nanograms)
- extract volumn(ml) (1000)
- The values in brackets are default values and can be kept by
- simply hitting return, else enter the changes required. The
- volumn entry is based on 1000ml for calculations (1000ml gives a
- factor of one). Anternate entries will adjust the results
- accordingly - especially useful if reporting results in wt/litre
- volumn. This works in ADDITION to the dilution factors.
- If 'S' is entered for sample type, a window will open at the
- bottom of the screen requesting additional input.
- Percent Moisture (0)
- The value in brackets is default, and corresponds to NO percent
- moisture correction. This works in ADDITION to the dilution
- factor.
- If the sample matrix is soil, then one of two additional messages
- appear underneath the RESULT UNITS: on the report. Either
- "Results reported on a wet weight basis" or "Results reported on
- a dry wight basis", depending upon your answer to the percent
- moisture question.
- Once the final item on this screen has been entered MSFORMS will
- read in and parse the named QUAN report. Then a fourth screen
- appears which will present a listing of CMPD # and its VALUE for
- editing before the report is printed. This will allow the
- analyst to remove erroneous data from the QUAN report or correct
- results that have been recalculated. To remove a false hit from
- the report simply enter the compound number. You will then have
- the compound number and its value displayed at the bottom of the
- screen and be prompted for the new value. The minimum
- allowable value is 0.
- Once finished editing the data, MSFORMS then processes the
- results data and prints the finished report.
- MSFORMS will multiply the MDL by the dilution factor for the
- sample in keeping with CLP protocol. Also in keeping with CLP
- protocol, MSFORMS supplies the letter 'U' after the MDL value
- when it is reported as the result. Result values between 0.5MDL
- and the MDL are reported with a 'J' appended. Result values less
- than 0.5MDL are reported as the MDL.
- MSFORMS page 19
- One final note. If the BATCH mode is invoked, the editing screen
- is bypassed. If you need to edit any QUAN reports prior to
- processing and you want to use the BATCH mode, then you can edit
- your QUAN reports using WORDSTAR(tm) in its non document mode.
- Of course, any other ASCII file text editor will also work.
- Printed results are rounded to two significant figures.
- If you call up a screen you do not want to be in, pressing return
- without entering anything will return you to the main menu.
- During the execution of the program, if you find that MSFORMS
- returns an error telling you that a file does not exist or if you
- forget a filename, it is possible to get a directory listing.
- During MOST fielded input, pressing the <F10> key will cause a
- window to open. Enter the Drive:\Path for which you need a
- listing and press return. The filenames for that Drive:\Path
- will be displayed. If there are more entries than can be
- displayed in the window, pressing PgDn and PgUp will display the
- rest. HOME will allow another Drive:\Path to be entered. END
- will close the window and return you to the input field you were
- at prior to calling the directory window.
- Menu item 2, SURROGATE SUMMERY REPORT will ask for the two letter
- extention for which to generate the summery report. The
- surrogate summery file is generated automatically each time a
- report is processed from item 1, unless, of course, zero
- surrogates is specified in its surrogat.xx file.
- When the surrogate summery report is printed the file containing
- the surrogate summary (SURRHOLD.xx) is renamed to SR??????.xx
- for archival purposes (or for your QC officer). The data in this
- file contains information not currently printed. The data is
- contained in the following format:
- num, lab id, date analysed, time analysed, date extracted,
- instrument filename, matrix, (surrogate results .....)
- num = 6 + (number of surrogates)
- ie: VOA analysis uses 3 surrogates, therefore num = 6 + 3 == 9.
- MSFORMS page 20
- Menu item 3, MS/MSD REPORT GENERATOR will call up the following
- input screen:
- SAMPLE QUAN FILENAME : --------------
- MSD QUAN FILENAME : --------------
- SAMPLE ID : --------------
- MATRIX (Soil/Water/Air) : -
- DATE ANALYSED : ----------
- DILUTION FACTOR : ---------
- The SAMPLE QUAN FILENAME refers to the unspiked sample. The next
- refer to the two spiked samples. The program checks to see that
- all three have the SAME file name extention (ie: .VO or .BN).
- An entry of GC.xx is a valid input here. Again, this tells the
- program that you wish to generate an MS/MSD report for an
- analysis, but that there are no QUAN files to read in. Since
- there are no quan files to read in, the QUAN filename for the MS
- and MSD will be bypassed. The program will request other field
- items, then you will be presented with the edit screen to edit in
- the results for the SAMPLE, then MATRIX SPIKE and then the MATRIX
- SPIKE DUPLICATE, each in turn. Watch the box over the compound
- names to tell which is currently requested.
- The SAMPLE ID is for laboratory sample identification on the
- report. MATRIX and DATE ANALYSED are self explanatory. Input on
- these three items is optional.
- DILUTION FACTOR is as it implies. The assumption made here is
- that all three samples were run using the same dilution factor.
- The program will subtract the unspiked sample values from the
- spiked values and then use the concentrations entered into the
- MATRIX.xx files created in FILE MAINTAINENCE to calculate percent
- recoveries. All values are multiplied by the entered dilution
- factor before any calculations are made. The program uses the
- spike and spike duplicate results to compute the RPD.
- Calculations are done on the results unmodified, but the results
- are rounded only prior to printing.
- *** NOTE ***
- MSFORMS uses the computer's system clock to generate
- the REPORT DATE on the forms. So make sure the
- system date is set correctly when the computer is
- turned on.
- MSFORMS page 21
- Menu item 4, EPA CLP REPORTS MENU. This will display a menu of
- EPA CLP forms. At this release only the first entry is
- functional, the HSL REPORT - FORM I. The other forms are
- currently under development.
- Selecting the HSL FORM I REPORT will display the header screen:
- QUAN FILENAME:............... .............
- Lab Name:......................... Contract:...........
- Lab Code:....... Case No:...... SAS No:....... SDG:......
- Matrix: (soil/water) ...... Lab Sample ID:.............
- Sample wt/vol:..... (g/ml).... Lab File ID:...........
- Level:(low/med)...... Date Received:........
- % Moisture: not dec.... dec.... Date Extracted:........
- Extraction:(SepF/Cont/Sonc).... Date Analysed:........
- GPC Cleanup:(Y/N)... pH:..... CONC UNITS: .....
- Column:(pack/cap)...... (ug/l or ug/Kg)
- Dilution Factor: Sample:........ Surrogates:........
- If you have conpleted the EPA HEADER in the configuration menu,
- then the lab name, contract, lab code, case no., sas no., sdg
- no., level, extraction, GPC and column will be filled in from the
- file information. Otherwise you will need to supply the
- information. Hitting return will accept any existing data. Some
- items (matrix, sample (g/ml), level, extraction, GCP, column and
- conc units) have specific required entries. To speed entry in
- these fields, it is only necessary to enter one letter. The
- accepted letters are:
- --------------------------------------------
- SAMPLE (g/ml): G G
- M ML
- GPC: Y Y
- N N
- Once you conplete the entries, the QUAN report is read in and the
- EDIT screen is displayed. The entry results can be edited at
- this time. Hitting ESC will print the form. An EPA CLP FORM I
- is printed. This matches the CLP format report in most ways.
- The few descrepiencies are: fixed 34 compounds per page, the
- report footer does not say 1/87 Rev and the SV page 2 does
- not have the diphenylamine note. The header form number says
- only 1 instead of 1A or 1B or 1C etc.
- MSFORMS page 22
- ------------------
- This selects the configuration menu, which offers the following
- options:
- -----------------
- This allows you to set the DRIVE:\PATH specifications for where
- MSFORMS will look for its own files (NAMES.xxx etc.), as well as
- where it will look for your QUAN files. This will eliminate the
- need to enter a drive specifier, as well as allow you to keep the
- files in another subdirectory, if you so desire.
- Enter drive specifiers as 'A:' or 'A:\' not simply 'A'. Enter
- path specifiers as 'A:\path' or 'A:\path\' or '\path\'. The
- preceding backslash is required if no drive specifier is
- included. The trailing backslash can be omitted because
- CONFIGURE will add it if omitted.
- The report options are:
- a: PRINT 'J' VALUES - a yes/no answer is required.
- If you answer NO the 'ND' will be printed in place of the
- 'MDL' or 'J' values. The form footer information will be
- changed from the 'U', 'J' info to read "ND = indicates the
- compound was analysed for, but not detected at a detection
- limit of 'x'". Where 'x' is the MDL value found in the first
- record (IS#1) of the NAMES.xxx file. This value will be
- adjusted for dilution.
- b: U/J CUTOFF - enter percent (1 - 100).
- If you answer Yes (a: above), then you will be asked for the
- 'U/J' cutoff (This step is omitted if you answered No). The
- U/J cutoff is the percentage of the MDL value you wish J
- values reported to. ie: If the MDL is 10 and you wanted to
- report J values down to 1, then enter 10 (10% of 10 = 1. 100%
- would only report MDL's and no J values).
- c: NUMBER OF LINES/PAGE - a numeric value greater than zero.
- This tells the printing routine how many LINES OF RESULTS to
- print per page.
- d: TWO COLUMNS - a Yes/No answer is required.
- 'Y' will cause two columns of results to be printed per page
- in 15 cpi print format. 'N' will cause only a single column of
- results to be printed per page in 10 cpi print format.
- MSFORMS page 23
- e: PRINT CAS # - a Yes/No answer is required.
- Turns on or off the printing of CAS#.
- f: PRINT SURROGATES - a Yes/No answer required.
- Turns on or off the printing of the surrogate percent
- recoveries. If surrogate printing is turned off, the program
- will continue to calculate surrogate percent recoveries and
- append them to the surrogate summary file.
- g: PRINT DILUTION FACTOR - a Yes/No answer required.
- Turns on or off the printing of the dilution factor used for
- analysis. This will appear on the bottom of the report
- opposite the RESULT UNITS:.
- h: PRINT % MOISTURE - a Yes/No answer required.
- Turns on or off the printing of the % moisture value. This
- will appear on the bottom of the report underneath DILUTION
- FACTOR. A % moisture will be printed only if one is entered.
- When the screen comes up, the current settings are displayed. In
- most cases hitting return without entering anything will retain
- the current setting. The two settings that require explicit
- entry each time, are the two Path:\directory entries. This is
- because a null path IS a valid entry and the computer cannot
- distinguish between retaining the current entry or changing it to
- a null.
- Last but not least, you are asked if you want to save the
- configuration info. 'Y' saves it to a disk file (MSFORMS.CFG).
- 'N' does not save it, but puts the changes into effect for the
- duration of the session. At startup, MSFORMS will read in the
- configuration info and put the values into effect. MSFORMS will
- require the MSFORMS.CFG file to be in the same directory as
- itself.
- -----------------
- The printer configuration screen will allow you to configure the
- program to work with your printer. The following entries are
- required:
- COMPRESSED (17 cpi)
- 10 cpi (PICA)
- MSFORMS page 24
- The filename MSFORMS reads in at startup is PRINTER.CFG. Two
- printer configurations are supplied, EPSON (EPSON.PRN) and HP
- laserjet II (HPLJET.PRN). Copy the appropriate file to
- PRINTER.CFG, or create your own configuration file. The control
- code sequence MUST be entered as the decimal values separated by
- commas. NO SPACES ARE ALLOWED. The HP laserjet does not support
- double width printing - so 'NONE' is entered in this field (see
- file).
- When the screen comes up, the current entries are displayed.
- Hitting return without entering anything will retain the current
- values.
- --------------------
- This section accepts data that remains fairly constant in the
- header of the EPA reports. It will create a file for later
- retrieval during program execution. The display wiil be:
- LAB NAME: ......................... CONTRACT: ...........
- LAB CODE: ....... CASE NO: ...... SAS NO: ....... SDG NO: ......
- LEVEL:(low/med) ...... VOLATILES COLUMN: (pack/cap) ........
- EXTRACTION: (SepF/Cont/Sonc) .... GPC CLEANUP: (Y/N) ...
- The same single letter entries mentioned above, also applies
- here. There is no entry validation performed here.
- MSFORMS page 25
- -------------------------
- We have covered MSFORMS, now lets cover the complete operation
- from getting the QUAN report from the MS to generating the
- printed report.
- To start, it is necessary to connect the PC up to the NOVA
- computer and use it as the system terminal. To do this you need
- to disconnect the communications cable from the back of the mass
- spec terminal and connect it to the SERIAL port of your PC.
- Next you will need a suitable communications terminal emulator
- program which is capable of capturing data displayed to the
- screen into a disk file on your PC. At the very least the
- program should be able to emulate a DEC VT-52 or VT-100 and best
- of all should be able to emulate a Tektronix 4010. Although most
- all text only type emulators should work - I have only tried the
- DEC and TEK emulators.
- The communications parameters will need to be set up properly if
- you hope to have a meaningful communication with the NOVA.
- The parameters are:
- BAUD RATE : 9600
- A note about parity - the WESTWARD terminal uses SPACE parity and
- TekTERM supports SPACE parity. However some communications
- programs do not - so experiment with what is available. I would
- like to recommend a program that is in the public domain. It is
- called TekTERM and it is a DEC VT-100 emulator with a tektronix
- 4010 emulator built in. This program is outstanding. It is
- incredibly easy to use (the 'manual' is one page), offers high
- resolution text (VT-100 mode) and best of all, complete tektronics
- 4010 emulation WITH FULL GRAPHICS!!! The PC display does not have
- the resolution of the tektronix, but all the information is there
- - highly readable. In addition, the cross-hairs work perfectly.
- You can display CHRO, use the cross-hairs to select a scan and go
- into SPEC and look at the spectra. It's all there.
- The program is in the public domain and available from user
- groups. It is disk # 441 from PC-SIG (1030 E. Duane Ave. Suite D,
- Sunnyvale, Ca 94086 @ $6 + 6.5% sales tax in Ca. each). I will
- also be happy to provide the program free to all who register
- Since there are many communications programs that you could use,
- I cannot even begin to give detailed instructions as to how to go
- about downloading a QUAN report that would be meaningful.
- Therefore my discussion will use the TekTERM program mentioned
- above.
- MSFORMS page 26
- Assuming the PC has been properly connected to the NOVA, the
- TekTERM program is started by entering TT at the DOS prompt. The
- opening screen displays with the four possible commands listed at
- the bottom. ALT-L will ask for the configuration file (4600 in
- my case), then ALT-C will connect you (put you on line with the
- NOVA). If you do not get the MSDS prompt(>) or IDOS prompt(+)
- right away, press return. If that does not bring it up check
- your communications parameters. (Make sure your COM port is
- properly assigned in both the program and in the computer - no
- conflicts.)
- Assuming we have a prompt, you will need to be in MSDS. To list
- a QUAN report on the screen you would type QUAN <filename>. This
- will display the requested QUAN report. However this will also
- pause after each page and wait for a RETURN before displaying the
- next page. This is fine on the screen, but we want to capture
- the displayed QUAN report to a disk file so it would be nice not
- to have to keep pressing return. I have two very short
- procedures on my MS to handle VOA and SVO QUAN reports.
- They are:
- DUMPBN.PR = QUAN $(D;;;;G2;;;E
- These will display the QUAN reports without having to keep
- entering RETURNS.
- Back at our display we have the MSDS prompt (>) and we wish to
- capture the QUAN report for file 86M1BN0245.
- 1) Type DUMPBN 86M1BN0245 - do NOT hit return yet.
- 2) Press F4 - this starts the capture routine.
- - a prompt will appear asking for the name to give
- the captured file.
- - enter QUAN245.BN (remember the file name
- restrictions).
- - press RETURN
- 3) Now you are back at the MSDS display with the cursor under
- the captured filename prompt.
- NOW press RETURN.
- 4) After a brief delay, the QUAN report will scroll by. There
- should be intermittent disk activity as the QUAN report is
- written to disk.
- 5) Once it is finished and you have the MSDS prompt back - press
- F4 again (this closes the captured file).
- That's all there is to it. The captured file is now ready to be
- processed by MSFORMS. It shouldn't take much to see that
- downloading a lot of files can be automated somewhat by using an
- MSDS procedure driven by a name list.
- MSFORMS page 27
- ___________
- The captured files can be processed without further manipulation
- by MSFORMS. As I mentioned earlier, MSFORMS provides a results
- editor for the analyst to correct false hits, etc. If the BATCH
- mode is employed, this results editor is bypassed to allow
- multiple files to be processed unattended. If it is necessary to
- edit any of the files to be processed in BATCH mode then an ASCII
- text editor will be required. WORDSTAR(tm) when used in it's non
- document mode is an excellent choice. Points to remember
- regardless of which editor is used. The position (column) is
- important, so be sure to overwrite what is there - not insert.
- Since the position of compounds in the QUAN list MUST match the
- positions of compounds in the NAMES name list it will be
- necessary to reposition any compounds to their correct position
- in the list if they are added after the QUAN report has been
- created.
- I achieve this (very infrequently - if your library lists are set
- up properly) by setting $8 to a shortened filename. Then append
- the missed compounds to this list. When all the missed compounds
- have been found, a procedure similar to the following will insert
- the compound into the correct place.
- XYZ.PR = EDQL 86M1VO0281,DEC(-4,42;W;E
- EDQL 281,DEC(A;E
- EDQL 86M1VO0281,DEC(-1,4;A;E
- EDQL DEC,86M1VO0281
- Then review it and W;E if its correct.
- Newer versions of Finnigan software allow sorting the quan list
- by library number - this is much faster than the method above!!!
- Lastly, the name assigned to the captured file. In my lab the
- GC/MS runs are assigned filenames like: 86M1BN0245
- - the first two characters (86) signify the year.
- - the second two characters (M1) the instrument number.
- - the third two characters (BN) the analysis type.
- - the last four characters (0245) a sequential number
- assigned at run time.
- All of that will not fit into a DOS filename. So it must be
- concatenated into something meaningful within the limits of DOS
- (8 characters). Remember I limit your choice of extension to two
- letters.
- The maximum number of entries currently supported (at least on
- the edit screen {2 screens}) is 160. Raw result values up to (8
- digits) will be correctly parsed. Values larger than that will
- be truncated on the left.
- MSFORMS page 28
- -------
- This program began in July of 1986 as a programming exercise
- I set myself. First I discovered how easy it was to connect a PC
- to the mass spec, then I wanted to find out what would be
- involved in processing a captured QUAN file. Therein began the
- start of this program. As I proceeded with my project it grew
- bit by bit until it reached its present form. I use it daily in
- my laboratory, and it has increased my productivity considerably.
- I no longer need spend hours processing yesterdays data. I can
- now complete the data in about half the time, and with fewer
- errors. I decided to distribute the program as I felt other labs
- could make use of it also.
- However, the future of the program depends on you the end user.
- User support through registration will assure continued
- development and phone support (but only for registered users).
- Your comments and suggestions are not only welcome but
- encouraged. Please let me know what you like about the program,
- and what you dislike (with suggestions for improvement, please).
- Let me know what you would like to see added in future versions.
- If a sufficient number of people request a particular change,
- then I will do my best to implement it. All other suggestions
- will be considered, and implemented where feasible.
- BUGS!!!
- Although I have been using this program in my own lab
- for a while now and even though I have done my best to
- detect and eliminate these pesky creatures, I am sure
- some of you will manage to find some. Please let me
- know if you do. I also need to know what produced the
- bug and what it did. I'll do my best to fix any bugs
- in a timely manner.
- What am I looking at doing in future revisions?
- 1) Non dependent positions of the compounds in the QUAN report.
- Probably through the use of a code that would have to be in
- your library compound name - ie: the first four characters.
- Now you know what that CODE entry in NAMES is leading up to!
- Comments?
- 2) Another module to generate QC SAMPLE reports.
- 3) Support for the CAS # on the printed report. (CLP forms)
- **** completed March 1988 ****
- 4) Automatic page breaks if you have more than about 70
- reportable compounds. **** completed June 1988 ****
- ***** user definable page breaks also *****
- 5) Builtin terminal emulator.
- MSFORMS page 29
- ---------------
- QuickBASIC's error handling is terrible. Unfortunately it
- has deteriorated with QB4, rather than improving. As a
- result of this, I have written a file checking routine that
- checks for the presence (existance) of a file in the
- specified DRIVE:\path, immediately after you enter the
- filename. If the file does not exist, the error is reported
- and you are asked to reinput the filename. In addition,
- certain critical MSFORMS files are also checked. Their
- absence will usually abort the procedure (reporting the
- error and the missing filename to you first). The file
- checking is fairly transparant with a hard disk, but quite
- noticable if you are using floppies.
- 2: MSFORMS is written in QuickBASIC and requires version 4.
- The screens and most fielded input is written in assembler.
- The windowing routines were written in assembler in previous
- versions. From version 2.10 on, the windowing routine is
- written in C, as is the file checking procedure and some
- fielded input and all function key input. Microsoft C
- version 5 is required for linking (MEDIUM memory model
- library).
- Because of the requirement of the C library, I will not
- automatically be supplying the source code. Instead, I have
- included a place on the registration form for requesting it.
- ONLY the QuickBASIC source code will be supplied. The rest
- (the assembler and C procedures) will be supplied as
- linkable libraries. However in order to recomplile the
- program you will have to have the following:
- Microsoft QuickBASIC 4
- Microsoft C compiler version 5
- or QuickC
- Microsoft LINK version 3 or later
- (supplied with the above compilers)
- You should also have:
- Microsoft Library Manager (LIB)
- Microsoft MAKE
- Microsoft CODEVIEW version 2
- (these are supplied with MSC 5)
- Remember one of the above C compilers IS REQUIRED to
- recompile the source code because the C MEDIUM memory model
- library is used.
- MSFORMS page 30
- -----------------
- If you purchased MSFORMS directly from me in your own name, then
- your copy is already registered and you will receive all the
- benefits of registration. You do not need to send in a
- registration form.
- If you received MSFORMS some other way, you may register your
- copy by filling out the following form and mailing it to the
- listed address along with $50 (shipping and handling included).
- You will promptly receive the latest version of MSFORMS.
- (Request TekTERM if you wish a copy). You will also be placed in
- database of registered users so that you will automatically be
- notified of any MSFORMS updates.
- Mail to:
- Declan Cowley
- 801 Seminole Blvd.
- Geneva, Fl 32732
- NAME : __________________________________________
- COMPANY : _______________________________________
- ADDRESS : _______________________________________
- CITY/STATE : ____________________________________
- ZIP : _______________ PHONE : _____________________________
- WHICH VERSION OF MSFORMS DO YOU HAVE : __________________________
- WHICH MODEL MASS SPEC DO YOU USE : ______________________________
- WHAT REVISION OF INCOS DO YOU USE : _____________________________
- How did you first learn about MSFORMS or where did you first
- obtain a copy of MSFORMS?
- __________________________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________________________
- MSFORMS page 31
- --------------------------
- Do you like the program generally, but certain parts do not meet
- your specific needs adequately?
- Well if so, then a custom version may be what you need. I am
- willing to do customizing of MSFORMS if the project is reasonably
- practical to implement. You will need to call me and discuss it
- on an individual basis. Any costs involved would be based on the
- amount of time and effort required to implement your request.
- As the saying goes, 'Nothing is impossible - it just takes a
- little longer to implement!'
- Declan Cowley
- December 1986
- MSFORMS page 32