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- UPDATE.DOC Jan 1989
- ****** MSFORMS V3.10 UPDATE ******
- This release has added the long awaited and much needed position
- independence of the entries in the QUAN report. In order to do
- this two things are required: 1) the USECODE must be set to 'Y'
- in the MSFORMS configuration file, and 2) the CODE entry in the
- NAMES.xx file must be assigned. The program now uses that CODE
- entry, so an explanation of how to set it up correctly is in
- order.
- If USECODE is set to 'N' in the configuration file, then the
- program works as before. If set to 'Y' then the first four
- characters of the compound name in the QUAN report are read and
- used to match the entry with the entry in the NAMES.xx file. The
- two MUST match. If they do not, then the program assumes that
- QUAN entry is of no interst, and ignores it. The NAMES.xx file
- MUST have the internal standards first, followed by the
- surrogates, followed by the analyte list (this is the same as
- before!). The order of the analytes in the NAMES.xx file, is the
- order that they will appear on the report.
- The fact that the unwanted entries are ignored in the QUAN
- report, means that now special NAMES.xx files can be set up that
- are only a subset of the entire QUAN report. Example: you run a
- 625 analysis, the TCA report contains all the BNA compounds, but
- you are asked only to report the acids. Solution: set the
- USECODE to 'Y', enter the QUAN filename (QUAN 5.BN) and for NAME
- LIST enter 'AC'. An acids only report will be generated.
- The main data entry screen has two new entries. The first I've
- already mentioned: The NAME LIST entry. You will be asked for
- this ONLY if you have USECODE set to 'Y'. This allows you to
- specify the two letter extention of the NAMES.xx file you want to
- use. It can be different from the two letter extention of the
- QUAN file.
- The second new entry is PROTOCOL. This allows you to specify
- what protocol was used for analysis. IE: 624 or 8270 or 608/8080
- etc.
- The USECODE is NOT used for specifying different NAMES.xx files
- if you are generating EPA CLP forms. It will still be used to
- match the QUAN entries with the NAMES.xx entries.
- The CODE is NOT used to sort the entries, only match them with
- the NAMES.xx entries. As I stated earlier, the order of the
- entries in the NAMES.xx file is the order they will appear in the
- printed report.
- 1
- The CODE entries in the NAMES.xx file MUST match the first FOUR
- characters the Finnigan library name. The match HAS TO BE EXACT.
- Also make sure that they are UNIQUE for each entry. You can use
- only letters, or only numbers or a combination of both.
- As additional demos, I have included QUAN7.VO and QUAN8.BN.
- These two files contain only hits (the non hits have been U'd
- out) and they are not in order. I have also included a file
- NAMES.ACW to demonstrate the subset of a full BNA analysis.
- A final caveat. The program will not handle duplicate entries in
- the QUAN report properly. It will use the first entry it finds.
- Example: suppose that the last surrogate is not found, you
- manually find it and append it to the end of the QUAN list, if
- you do not delete the first 'zero' entry for the surrogate, the
- program will find the first entry and stop looking.
- Also the SPIKE program has not yet been updated to handle using
- the CODE. Consequently, QUAN reports must contain the 'NOT
- FOUND' entries for the MS/MSD report generator to work properly.
- The MSFORMS.DOC manual states that a maximum of 160 entries in
- the QUAN report can be handled. This number has been downgraded
- to a maximum of 120 entries with this release.
- *****************************************************************
- **** MSFORMS V2.80 UPDATE ****
- This release fixes two bugs that were present in the 2.70 release
- - both minor. In addition support for EPA CLP format forms has
- started. This release only supports FORM I. Future releases will
- add additional forms. The menus reflect the additions.
- Here then, is an explanation of the new additions:
- Menu item 4, EPA CLP REPORTS MENU. This will display a menu of
- EPA CLP forms. At this release only the first entry is
- functional, the HSL REPORT - FORM I. The other forms are
- currently under development.
- 2
- Selecting the HSL FORM I REPORT will display the header screen:
- QUAN FILENAME:............... .............
- Lab Name:......................... Contract:...........
- Lab Code:....... Case No:...... SAS No:....... SDG:......
- Matrix: (soil/water) ...... Lab Sample ID:.............
- Sample wt/vol:..... (g/ml).... Lab File ID:...........
- Level:(low/med)...... Date Received:........
- % Moisture: not dec.... dec.... Date Extracted:........
- Extraction:(SepF/Cont/Sonc).... Date Analysed:........
- GPC Cleanup:(Y/N)... pH:..... CONC UNITS: .....
- Column:(pack/cap)...... (ug/l or ug/Kg)
- Dilution Factor: Sample:........ Surrogates:........
- If you have conpleted the EPA HEADER in the configuration menu,
- then the lab name, contract, lab code, case no., sas no., sdg
- no., level, extraction, GPC and column will be filled in from the
- file information. Otherwise you will need to supply the
- information. Hitting return will accept any existing data. Some
- items (matrix, sample (g/ml), level, extraction, GCP, column and
- conc units) have specific required entries. To speed entry in
- these fields, it is only necessary to enter one letter. The
- accepted letters are:
- --------------------------------------------
- SAMPLE (g/ml): G G
- M ML
- GPC: Y Y
- N N
- Once you conplete the entries, the QUAN report is read in and the
- EDIT screen is displayed. The entry results can be edited at
- this time. Hitting ESC will print the form. An EPA CLP FORM I
- is printed. This matches the CLP format report in most ways.
- The few descrepiencies are: fixed 34 compounds per page, the
- report footer does not say 1/87 Rev and the SV page 2 does not
- have the diphenylamine note. The header form number says
- only 1 instead of 1A or 1B or 1C etc.
- 3
- --------------------
- This section accepts data that remains fairly constant in the
- header of the EPA reports. It will create a file for later
- retrieval during program execution. The display wiil be:
- LAB NAME: ......................... CONTRACT: ...........
- LAB CODE: ....... CASE NO: ...... SAS NO: ....... SDG NO: ......
- LEVEL:(low/med) ...... VOLATILES COLUMN: (pack/cap) ........
- EXTRACTION: (SepF/Cont/Sonc) .... GPC CLEANUP: (Y/N) ...
- The same single letter entries mentioned above, also applies
- here. There is no entry validation performed here.
- *********************
- Finally, an addition (improvement ??) in the reporting of
- surrogate summaries. Currently, when you print a surrogate
- summary report, the SURRHOLD file is archived in the form of an
- SR999999 file. Now, in addition to archiving the SURRHOLD file
- an additional file is created - SRxx9999.WKS. As the WKS
- extention signifies, this file is a LOTUS 123 worksheet file and
- can be read by any version of LOTUS 123 from version 1.0 on. The
- four digits in the SRxx9999 name correspond to the last four
- digits in the SR999999 name. If your QA/QC officer uses LOTUS
- for control charting your surrogate results, this should make it
- a lot easier.
- Declan Dec 88
- NOTE: This program has not been tested with the INCOS 50. If
- you have an INCOS 50 and this program does not parse the
- QUAN report correctly, I would appreciate it very much
- if you could send me some ASCII files of the INCOS 50
- QUAN reports. Then I could work on the parser.
- Thank-you.
- 4