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- @PAGE@
- PC-FasType - Quick HELP Facility -- Registration Information
- What is Shareware?
- PC-FasType is distributed as 'Shareware'. Shareware is a computer
- program distribution and marketing method that permits buyers to
- thoroughly evaluate the program prior to purchase. Shareware is NOT free
- and it is NOT in the Public Domain. Shareware is an alternative
- distribution method for commercial software. If, after evaluating
- PC-FasType, you find it useful enough to use on a regular basis to improve
- your typing skills, then you are expected to pay for it by registering
- your 'Use' license with Trendtech Corporation. The SINGLE-USER
- Registration Fee is $25.00 plus $3.00 for shipping and handling payable by
- check or Money Order in U.S. Funds drawn on a U.S. bank. Corporate and
- Educational Site Licenses, and Right-to-Copy Licenses are also available.
- Please read the file named REGISTER.FRM on disk for registration and
- additional pricing options, or contact us for a copy of our License
- Schedule.
- @PAGE@
- *** PC-FasType - Purchase Information ***
- The Shareware version of PC-FasType displays registration information
- screens, registration procedures and registration inducements, as do most
- quality Shareware products produced by members of the Association of
- Shareware Professionals.
- When you register your 'Use' license of PC-FasType with Trendtech
- Corporation, you will receive a disk containing the very latest version of
- PC-FasType along with instructions and a special code provided ONLY to
- registered users that, when used properly, will eliminate the registration
- information screens at the beginning and end of the program.
- You are also allowed to make additional copies of the latest version
- of PC-FasType you receive and pass them on to your friends and associates.
- However, you are NOT allowed to give out your registration code to NON-
- registered users of PC-FasType. This would be a dereliction of your
- responsibility as a registered user and a serious violation of our license
- agreement and good trust in you as a valued customer.
- @PAGE@
- PC-FasType encourages registrations by displaying various Shareware
- Registration information screens at the beginning and end of the program.
- When you use your REGISTERED version, there will be NO registration
- inducement interruptions to hinder your normal use of PC-FasType.
- When you install your registered version and use your registration
- code, these extra screens will not appear on the display when you run
- PC-FasType. However, this Registration Information you are NOW reading in
- this Quick HELP Facility will still be available.
- *** Registration Benefits ***
- ---------------------
- Registration of PC-FasType gives you many benefits: you'll receive a
- disk containing the latest version of PC-FasType, special instructions
- along with a unique registration code assigned to you that will eliminate
- the Shareware Information screens; plus a handsomely printed and bound
- User Guide, - and, free technical support from Trendtech by telephone,
- fax, or letter for a period of 90 days after registration. Finally,
- you'll receive the author's letter of sincere thanks for supporting
- @PAGE@
- Shareware that will also include an express money back guarantee if you
- are not fully satisfied with PC-FasType for whatever reason.
- When you copy and pass along PC-FasType to your friends and
- associates for evaluation, please encourage them to register their copy if
- they find the program useful. But please, don't pass on your personalized
- registration code.
- You can easily install your registration code by using an Environment
- Variable named FTREG. Just set FTREG equal to your registration code like
- this; at the DOS prompt, type the following command:
- set FTREG = (your code)
- (your code) was given to you when you received your registered package and
- can be found on the thank-you letter or registration card.
- @PAGE@
- You can put this command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT so it's automatically
- set each time you start up your PC. If PC-FasType doesn't find FTREG in
- your environment list or the registration code is not valid, the program
- will come up in it's Shareware version and display the registration
- encouragement screens.
- When you copy and pass along PC-FasType to your friends and
- associates for evaluation, please encourage them to register their copy if
- they find the program useful. But please, don't pass on your personalized
- registration code.
- Not so! Any fees paid by you to organizations other than Trendtech
- Corporation are for their disk duplication and distribution services only.
- Trendtech Corporation receives no part of those fees. "For-Profit" disk
- vendors must first obtain permission from Trendtech Corporation to
- distribute PC-FasType. Trendtech also prefers to deal with disk vendors
- who are Associate Members of the A.S.P.
- @PAGE@
- The Association of Shareware Professionals
- Trendtech Corporation is proud to be a member of the Association of
- Shareware Professionals and fully supports the organization's goals of
- providing inexpensive quality software in a "try before you buy" form.
- Without registrations from satisfied users, this version of
- PC-FasType could never have been produced. Please support the efforts of
- Trendtech Corporation and the ASP by registering PC-FasType.
- P.O. Box 3687 FAX: (201) 694-2543
- Wayne, New Jersey 07474-3687 CompuServe: 76210,771
- U.S.A.
- For more information about the A.S.P. write to the following address:
- ASP - Executive Director
- 545 Grover Road
- Muskegon, MI 49442-9427 U.S.A. CompuServe: 72050,1433