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- @PAGE@
- PC-FasType - Quick HELP Facility -- Intermediate Menu
- Your task, for any exercise selected from this menu, is to type the
- line of characters displayed in the text window. Follow the house-shaped
- cursor as it moves along and points to each character to be typed. The
- text window will "scroll" upwards if there are more lines for you to type
- than shown on the screen.
- If you wait too long to type the character above the cursor, you'll
- be prompted by the key being flashed on the screen keyboard. It will
- continue to flash until any key is pressed. Try to stay ahead of the
- prompt so you can build up your speed. If you make a typing error the
- character will be "flagged" with an asterisk (*) underneath it, and the
- keystroke will be counted as an error when PC-FasType computes your score
- for this exercise. You'll sacrifice some speed by backspacing and fixing
- errors, but you'll improve your accuracy. PC-FasType will also let you
- backspace to previous lines to fix errors. You can even backspace all the
- way back to the top line currently displayed in the text window. You
- cannot however, backspace into text that's already scrolled off the
- screen.
- @PAGE@
- This will count against you in terms of lost time and additional
- keystrokes. Weigh this against being penalized five keystrokes (one five-
- letter-word) for every SINGLE keystroke error you let pass uncorrected.
- If you're a beginner and feel you've become reasonably proficient at
- typing all of the letters of the alphabet, you can test your new skills by
- attempting to perform some of the simple exercises selected from this
- menu.
- If you make typing errors, an asterisk (*) will print under the
- letter where the error occurred. If you want to go back and fix the error
- then press the backspace key until the cursor is under the letter where
- you made the error. Now begin typing the correct letters, you won't be
- penalized for the error in your typing score -- but, you will lose time;
- sort of a penalty anyway, so be judicious in choosing which typing errors
- to fix.
- @PAGE@
- These exercises may contain a few numbers, capital letters, or some
- of the shifted special characters; so you should be able to breeze through
- these lessons with ease. Note the double character spacing between
- sentences too. This is standard word-processing technique.
- All of the keyboard helpers are still available from the Keyboard
- Helpers Menu for your use. You can set these anytime without affecting
- any of your drill or exercise selections. An interesting combination
- would be to set the hidden key feature ON, and then outline the HOME keys
- for guidance.
- Don't forget that you can tell PC-FasType to save all of your
- settings for the next time you use the program. This is the SAVE SETTINGS
- option of the Main Menu.
- @PAGE@
- The INTERMEDIATE EXERCISES Menu selections are described as follows:
- ** Begin Typing ----------------- F10 **
- Display the Screen Keyboard and begin typing any previously selected
- drill or exercise.
- ** HELP! Facility ---------------- F1 **
- Call up the Quick HELP Facility of PC-FasType.
- ** WORDS - 3 Letter Groups ------- F2 **
- These exercises consist of groups of simple 3-letter words, mostly
- in alphabetical order, to help you gain control of your keystroke
- technique, improve coordination, and to build speed.
- ** WORDS - 4 Letter Groups ------- F3 **
- These exercises consist of groups of simple 4-letter words - again,
- mostly in alphabetical order; slightly more complex than the 3-
- letter word groups, and designed to build more speed.
- @PAGE@
- ** WORDS - 5 Letter Groups ------- F4 **
- These exercises consist of groups of 5-letter words. And, as stated
- above, designed to help you build more speed.
- ** MORE WORDS -------------------- F5 **
- These exercises are more complex as they consist of variable length
- and hard-to-type words from 8 to 12 characters in length. You'll
- need a dictionary to try to understand the meaning of some of these
- words!
- ** PHRASES - Common Phrases ------ F6 **
- These exercises consist of simple phrases you may see in text you
- would be typing or may encounter in everyday vocabulary. Typing
- these common phrases will help you develop a "rhythm" to your typing
- technique.
- @PAGE@
- ** Return to Previous Menu ------- <- **
- This selection will display the previous menu - the BEGINNER DRILLS
- Menu. Use the selector bar or simply press the left arrow key.
- ** Display Next Menu ------------- -> **
- Select the next menu - the ADVANCED EXERCISES Menu for display. Use
- the selector bar or simply press the right arrow key.
- While sitting in front of the keyboard, remember to keep your typing
- fingers at the HOME position. Position your wrists properly by moving them
- up and down until they feel most comfortable. Adjust your posture too
- until you feel comfortable; the keyboard may be at different heights
- depending on where your PC is located.
- @PAGE@
- He: "Have a nice day."
- She: "Thanks, but I have other plans."