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- P C - F a s T y p e / V G A Version 1.0
- Last updated: July 1992
- W H A T I S S H A R E W A R E ?
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- W H A T I S T H E A S P ?
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- The Shareware Concept................................2
- The Virus Problem....................................3
- The Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP).....6
- Contacting ASP Members Via CompuServe................7
- Author Address Changes...............................7
- ASP Ombudsman Statement..............................8
- Trendtech Corporation Page 2
- - Definition and Description of Shareware and the ASP -
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- The Shareware Concept:
- ======================
- If you are familiar with the idea behind Shareware, then you know
- that Shareware is the ultimate in money back guarantees. Most money
- back guarantees work like this: You pay for the product and then have
- some period of time to try it out and see whether or not you like it.
- If you don't like it or find that it doesn't do what you need, you
- return it (undamaged) and at some point - which might take months -
- you get your money back. Some software companies won't even let you
- try their product! In order to qualify for a refund, the diskette
- envelope must have an unbroken seal. With these "licensing"
- agreements, you only qualify for your money back if you haven't tried
- the product. How absurd!
- Shareware is very different. With Shareware you get to try it
- for a limited time, without spending a penny. If you decide not to
- continue using it, you throw it away and forget all about it. No
- paperwork, phone calls, or correspondence to waste your valuable time.
- Software authors who use the Shareware method of distribution
- feel that Shareware is the best way to try a product. You are able to
- try it on your own system(s), in your own special work environment,
- with no sales people looking over your shoulder. Have you ever
- purchased a car and realized that if you could have test driven it for
- 30 days your purchase decision might have been different? With
- Shareware these problems can be avoided - you DO have a 30 day test-
- drive!
- After trying a Shareware product and deciding to continue to use
- it, then - and only then - do you pay for it. Not only that, but
- Shareware is traditionally MUCH less expensive simply because you are
- paying for the software, not the advertising and marketing that
- comprises the majority of the cost of most software (a one page ad in
- PC Magazine, one time, can cost upwards of $20,000). If the try-
- before-you-buy concept sounds like an ideal way to make your purchase
- decisions, you're right!
- Some companies burden their products with annoying copy
- protection schemes because they don't trust their users. Shareware
- developers not only don't use copy protection, they freely distribute
- their products because they DO trust their users.
- Someone once said that you should never trust software which
- doesn't trust you. This makes a lot of sense - no wonder Shareware is
- becoming so popular among users and developers.
- Shareware is a distribution method, NOT a type of software.
- Shareware is produced by accomplished programmers, just like retail
- software. There is good and bad Shareware, just as there is good and
- bad retail software. The primary difference between Shareware and
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- - Definition and Description of Shareware and the ASP -
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- retail software is that with Shareware you know if it's good or bad
- BEFORE you pay for it. Registration of Shareware products, in
- addition to being required, is also an incentive for programmers to
- continue to produce quality software for the Shareware market.
- There is another significant advantage to Shareware - it allows
- small companies (like Trendtech Corporation) to make software
- available without the hundreds of thousands of dollars in expenses
- that it takes to launch a traditional retail software product. There
- are many programs on the market today which would never have become
- available without the Shareware marketing method. Please show your
- support for Shareware by registering those programs you actually use
- and by passing them on to others. Thank you for your support!
- ==================
- The Virus Problem:
- ==================
- We've all heard the horror stories about computer viruses.
- Unfortunately, we have also heard lots of conflicting statistics and
- opinions. When it comes to the virus problem there is a lot of
- confusion among users and even developers.
- The sad truth is that some unscrupulous publishers of anti-virus
- products are using half-truths, overdramatizations, and outright
- fabrication to promote sales of their products. They delight in
- manipulating statistics to support their marketing efforts. While not
- illegal, these snake-oil tactics are certainly not ethical.
- To make matters worse, the media has frequently promoted the
- misinformation promulgated by these unscrupulous individuals rather
- than the straight facts. While the misinformation may be more
- interesting than the actual facts, the media is not doing the computer
- industry any favors by spreading inaccurate information. To be fair,
- many newspapers, magazines, and news networks are beginning to realize
- which "virus experts" are reliable and which "experts" say whatever is
- in their own best interest.
- One of the most interesting myths that has been promulgated by
- these snake-oil salesmen is that BBSs (Bulletin Board Systems) and
- Shareware programs are a major source of virus infections. This is
- interesting since one of the individuals who makes this claim, also
- distributes his virus detection system as Shareware. Some
- corporations are now afraid of Shareware and BBS activity because of
- this misinformation.
- In the October 11, 1988 issue of PC Magazine, publisher Bill
- Machrone's editorial was entitled "Shareware or Scareware?". In his
- article, Bill Machrone points out "The truth is that all major viruses
- to date were transmitted by commercial [retail] packages and private
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- - Definition and Description of Shareware and the ASP -
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- mail systems." That sounds a little different than the claims being
- made by less knowledgeable journalists.
- Let's consider for a moment, the distribution differences between
- retail software and Shareware software. Company XYZ releases a new
- version of its retail software product. At the same time that company
- XYZ ships tens of thousands of copies to its retail distribution
- channels, it also ships 30,000 updates to loyal users. Most of those
- loyal users will receive the update within a few days of each other.
- This can be a big problem if the update happened to be infected with a
- virus.
- "Not likely", you say? It has already happened! Several times!
- There have been seventeen (17) major incidents of virus and trojan
- horse problems in retail software. Some of these incidents affected
- tens of thousands of users. What about Shareware? To date there has
- been one case of a shareware author shipping an infected product. The
- virus was detected by the disk vendors and the problem was corrected
- immediately. No users were infected.
- "But it makes sense that programs which are passed around have a
- greater chance of virus infections, doesn't it?" Think about it. Who
- has the most to lose if viruses were spread by BBSs and Shareware
- programs? The BBS operators, Shareware disk vendors and the Shareware
- authors, of course. Because of this, reputable BBS operators, disk
- vendors and Shareware authors are very careful with the programs they
- handle.
- Think about it. Hundreds (even thousands) of BBS operators and
- disk vendors are carefully examining the programs they receive and
- distribute. Their business depends on it. This means that any given
- Shareware program can go through hundreds (even thousands) of
- checkpoints where the program is carefully examined. If a problem is
- found the word spreads incredibly fast. News travels "on the wires"
- even faster than the proverbial small town gossip. Programs have
- disappeared almost overnight as a result of this highly efficient
- communication network.
- If a Shareware program has been around for a few months, it has
- been checked for virii and trojan horses many more times than any
- retail software could hope to be checked. Retail distributors don't
- check the disks they sell. Even if the publisher checks their masters
- for virii (few do), that is still far less than the scrutiny to which
- Shareware programs are subjected.
- There's something else to consider. Most retail distributors
- have a return policy. What do they do with packages that are
- returned? They shrink-wrap them and resell them, of course. How can
- you be sure that you are the first person to purchase the package you
- just bought at your friendly neighborhood computer store? You can't.
- On the other hand, most shareware authors erase, reformat, and
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- - Definition and Description of Shareware and the ASP -
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- reduplicate the disks that are returned to them. Which do you think
- is safer?
- Bill Machrone's article in PC Magazine goes on to say "It's time
- to recognize that there's nothing to fear in shareware. As a
- distribution medium, it saves you money and helps you try out new
- genres of software with minimum risk."
- Does this mean that we should all start buying Shareware instead
- of retail software? Not at all (although few Shareware authors would
- object). Let's face it, more data has been lost to power failures and
- spilled cups of coffee than all virii, trojan horses, and worms
- combined! An even bigger threat is plain old human error, a mistake,
- a wrong key press, turning off the power while files are open, and so
- forth. Accurate information and common sense (regular backups) are
- the best defenses against lost data.
- Sure, the virus problem is real. Virii exist. But shunning
- Shareware is not the answer. Shareware and BBSs are, quite simply,
- NOT a major source of virus infections. Some corporations have even
- banned Shareware entirely because of fear of infections. This is not
- only unreasonable, it is also expensive. Think how much they could
- save in software costs if they would only try software before they buy
- it!
- Is there anything you can do to help protect yourself from virus
- infections? Absolutely! Fortunately, the best preventive measures
- are also the least expensive!
- If you need informative, accurate and practical information,
- please read the treatise on "Computer Virus Myths" written by Rob
- Rosenberger and Ross M. Greenberg. This treatise is available as a
- text file on many BBSs and online services. It not only gives you the
- facts, it also provides the best overall strategy for protecting your
- computer system.
- Don't let fear stop you from saving money on software. Don't let
- fear prevent you from trying some of the best software available.
- Shareware is an important market for software. Take advantage of it.
- You'll be glad you did!
- Trendtech Corporation Page 6
- - Definition and Description of Shareware and the ASP -
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- =================================================
- The Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP):
- =================================================
- _______
- ____|__ | MEMBER
- --| |o |-------------------
- | ____|__ | Association of
- | | |_| Shareware
- |__| o | Professionals
- -----| | |---------------------
- |___|___| (R)
- In the early days of Shareware there were no real standards.
- Independent authors had no efficient way to learn from each other or
- to work together to improve the overall image of Shareware. There was
- no system in place to ensure that users were treated fairly and
- professionally. There was no way for users to find an address for an
- author who had moved. In short, the Shareware community was
- disorganized and each author did things the way he or she thought was
- best. It was clear that if Shareware was ever to become a viable and
- respected marketing alternative, there had to be some standardization.
- There had to be some guidelines to best serve the users.
- In 1987 a handful of Shareware authors founded the Association of
- Shareware Professionals (ASP). In forming this industry association,
- these Shareware authors had several primary goals in mind, including:
- o To inform users about Shareware programs and about Shareware
- as a method of distributing and marketing software.
- o To foster a high degree of professionalism among Shareware
- authors by setting programming, marketing, and support
- standards for ASP members to follow.
- o To encourage broader distribution of Shareware through user
- groups and disk dealers who agree to identify and explain the
- nature of Shareware.
- o To assist members in marketing their software.
- o To provide a forum through which ASP members may communicate,
- share ideas, and learn from each other.
- The newly formed Association of Shareware Professionals worked
- together to draft a code of ethics for all present and future members.
- This code of ethics included several requirements that soon became
- very popular among users (customers), including:
- Trendtech Corporation Page 7
- - Definition and Description of Shareware and the ASP -
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- o A member's program (evaluation version) could not be limited
- (crippled) in any way. In the true spirit of Try-Before-You-
- Buy, users must be able to evaluate all the features in a
- program before paying the registration fee.
- o Members must respond to every registration. At the very least
- they must send a receipt for the payment.
- o Members must provide technical support for their products for
- at least 90 days from the date of registration.
- A new system was put in place to help ensure that users were
- treated fairly and professionally. If a user was unable to resolve a
- problem with a member author then the user could contact the ASP
- Ombudsman with their complaint. The Ombudsman would then try to help
- resolve the dispute. For more complete details regarding the
- Ombudsman, please refer to the "ASP Ombudsman Statement" below.
- The ASP currently (July, 1991) has about 375 author members and
- almost 200 vendor members, with new members joining every week.
- ======================================
- Contacting ASP Members Via CompuServe:
- ======================================
- There is an easy and convenient way to speak directly to many ASP
- Members (both authors and vendors). Visit the Shareware forum on
- CompuServe. Simply type "GO SHAREWARE" - or "GO SHARE" - from any
- CompuServe ! prompt.
- Here you will be able to talk to the authors of your favorite
- Shareware programs, learn about other programs, ask questions, make
- suggestions, and much more. We'd love to meet you online, please come
- visit us today!
- =======================
- Author Address Changes:
- =======================
- People move. Forwarding orders expire. What can you do?
- "I got a copy of a Shareware program written by an ASP Member.
- I sent in the registration fee and the post office returned my
- letter saying that it was undeliverable. Now what do I do?"
- If the author has moved then chances are very good that you have
- an old version of the program. This is another situation that the ASP
- can help you to resolve. ASP Members are required to keep the ASP
- informed of address changes. If you need to obtain the current
- address for a member, simply write to the following address:
- Trendtech Corporation Page 8
- - Definition and Description of Shareware and the ASP -
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- ASP Executive Director
- Association of Shareware Professionals
- 545 Grover Road
- Muskegon, MI 49442-9427
- U.S.A.
- FAX: 616-788-2765
- CompuServe Electronic Mail: 72050,1433
- ========================
- ASP Ombudsman Statement:
- ========================
- This program is produced by a member of the Association of
- Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the
- Shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a
- Shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member
- directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you
- resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide
- technical support for members' products.
- Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at:
- ASP Ombudsman
- Association of Shareware Professionals
- 545 Grover Road
- Muskegon, MI 49442-9427
- U.S.A.
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