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- @PAGE@
- PC-FasType - Quick HELP Facility -- General Information
- Welcome to PC-FasType
- PC-FasType is a computer-based typing instruction program designed
- for intermediate and advanced PC typists who want to improve their
- accuracy and speed on PC's running the MS-DOS Operating System.
- PC-FasType is an excellent vehicle for beginning typists too who want
- to learn touch-typing on PC's. It's designed for use by typists either in
- a private at-home environment or during spare time at the office. And
- PC-FasType is ideal for use as a tool in the classroom when teaching PC
- typing/keyboarding skills. Your typing statistics can be recorded and
- saved in a history file for auditing your progress. You can view your
- history anytime, so you'll know if you're getting better (or worse).
- Timings, WPM, percent of accuracy, number of errors, etc., are displayed
- at the end of each drill or exercise. The highest WPM and running average
- WPM is retained during your current typing session.
- @PAGE@
- PC-FasType has the capability to drill you on all shifted special
- characters and upper-case symbols plus all CAPITAL Letters; you'll need to
- use the SHIFT keys to successfully type any of these characters. You'll
- also learn how to use the ENTER and BACKSPACE Keys.
- All drills, exercises, and features are selectable with the arrow
- keys and function keys. This Quick-HELP Facility is available with every
- Menu; you can use it for quick reference while learning how to type with
- PC-FasType.
- PC-FasType is very flexible for the beginning typist. Beginners can
- select many combinations of drill sequences from the Beginners Menu.
- Additionally, one or more typing 'helpers' can be set from the Keyboard
- Helpers Menu. The combinations are many; you can adjust your drills to
- boost your typing skills in those areas you may feel are weak (i.e.
- Numbers, CAPITALS, special symbols, etc.), and you can improve your speed
- and accuracy. With the 'Choose Your Own' option in the Beginner Drills
- Menu, you can even select a specific row of keys or columns of keys, or
- all of the keys for specific fingers to practice typing.
- @PAGE@
- Save Your Program Settings
- You can save your program settings to a disk file when you're
- finished with your typing session. Select 'Save Settings' from the MAIN
- menu and make sure the checkmark is on. Each time you leave PC-FasType
- it will remember the drills, exercises, or special files you were using.
- When you start PC-FasType again your settings will be just as you left
- them. Just select BEGIN TYPING or press F10 and resume your drill or
- exercise. The names of the two files for saving program settings are:
- Save Your Statistics
- Your typing statistics for each drill or exercise where you've typed
- a minimum number of characters will be saved to a statistics history file
- on disk. To use this feature you must SELECT it in the main menu. The
- checkmark next to the menu entry indicates that PC-FasType will save your
- typing statistics at the end of each drill or exercise. Remember, to make
- your typing history meaningful though, you must type a minimum number of
- characters in each drill or exercise.
- @PAGE@
- The minimum number to type is:
- 10 characters in BEGINNER DRILLS
- Typing at least this many characters will cause the drill or exercise
- result to be recorded in the history file. Typing less than the minimum
- number shown above will waste valuable disk space and give you a distorted
- view of your true typing skills.
- The name of the typing statistics history file that PC-FasType
- creates for you is called HISTORY.HST and will reside in the current path
- unless you tell PC-FasType to put it elsewhere with the FTSPEC environment
- variable.
- FTSPEC Environment Variable for Special Files
- An Environment Variable called FTSPEC is available for you to tell
- PC-FasType where you want MS-DOS to store your program settings and
- history files. The program will normally create these files in the
- current path. If you're working on a LAN you'd want your settings and
- @PAGE@
- history files to be stored in your own private directory. You can do this
- by using the FTSPEC environment variable. To tell PC-FasType where to put
- your special files, place the following MS-DOS command in your
- set FTSPEC = (drive:)\directory
- Consult your MS-DOS User's Guide for more information about using
- environment variables.
- If you have a two-floppy system without a hard drive you can tell
- PC-FasType to place your special files on a freshly formatted floppy disk
- in drive B:.
- Use this SET command:
- set FTSPEC = b:
- and PC-FasType will place your program settings files and typing history
- files on the floppy disk in your PC's B: drive.
- @PAGE@
- The MAIN MENU Selections
- The MAIN MENU of PC-FasType is used to help you access the other
- menus in the program. There are five primary menus from which you can
- choose warm-up drills, typing exercises, keyboard helpers, and features;
- all selectable with the cursor keys or function keys on your keyboard.
- There are also several Sub-menus and dialog boxes to help you 'fine tune'
- your drill and exercise selections.
- When any of PC-FasType's menus are displayed, you can get to the
- Quick-HELP Facility by moving the cursor bar to the HELP line in the menu
- and pressing the ENTER key, or by simply pressing the F1 Function key.
- When you select an item from the menu, a check mark will appear to the
- left of it indicating you made a selection by pressing the ENTER key or
- the Function Key for that item. If you're selecting drills or exercises,
- this action will reset some of your previous selections even if you change
- your mind. You're here because you probably selected the Quick HELP
- Facility while PC-FasType's MAIN MENU was displayed.
- @PAGE@
- Beginner SKILL; 0-15 WPM
- Intermediate SKILL; 15-45 WPM
- Advanced SKILL; +45 WPM
- When you start up PC-FasType, the skill selection will be set at the
- Beginner Level. The prompting rhythm for typing will be rather slow, and
- the drill count - the number of randomly selected characters for you to
- type is set at 20. This skill level stays in effect for all drills and
- exercises until you change it by selecting a different skill level or
- adjusting the count in the Keyboard Helpers Menu.
- For the Intermediate Skill selection, the prompting rhythm will be a
- bit faster, but nice and easy for the intermediate typist. The number of
- characters for you to type is set at the count of 40.
- The prompting rhythm for the Advanced Skill selection is for speed
- demons. You may want to turn off the sound (QUIET Mode - Helpers' Menu) as
- things get pretty noisy if you can't sustain the speed. The number of
- characters for you to type is set at the count of 60.
- @PAGE@
- Copyright Notices
- PC-FasType(Tm)
- Copyright 1983-1992 Trendtech Corporation, Inc., Wayne, New Jersey, U.S.A.
- All Rights Reserved. Licensed Material; this software program, the
- documentation, screen display renditions of keyboards, and text files are
- the property of Trendtech Corporation, Inc., Wayne, NJ, U.S.A.
- Portions of the user-interface were implemented using "The Window BOSS"
- Copyright 1984-1990 Phillip A. Mongelluzzo.
- PC-FasType is a trademark of Trendtech Corporation, Inc., Wayne, NJ.
- IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines, Inc.
- PC-FasType is distributed as Shareware and has specific Licensing
- provisions, please read the REGISTRATION INFORMATION portion of the Quick
- HELP Facility or the User Guide for more information about Shareware,
- Licensing, and Registration procedures.