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- P C - F a s T y p e / V G A Version 1.0
- Last updated: July 1992
- Copyright 1992 by Trendtech Corp.
- All Rights Reserved
- I M P O R T A N T I N F O R M A T I O N
- -----------------------------------------
- Welcome to PC-FasType/VGA
- =========================
- PC-FasType/VGA is a typing tutorial program SPECIFICALLY designed
- for VGA quality monitors and the 101-Key Standard Keyboard sold with
- computers running under the MS-DOS operating system. The INSTALLATION
- instructions below will get you up and running quickly.
- PC-FasType/VGA is distributed on one 360KB 5.25" floppy, or one
- 720KB 3.50" mini-floppy and requires the following minimum equipment
- to run properly:
- o IBM AT, PS/2; any Intel 286, 386, 486 or compatible computer
- o 512KB RAM (computer memory)
- o A HARD DISK with at least 800kb of available space
- o MS-DOS - Version 3.3 and higher; (MS-DOS 5.0 preferred)
- o VGA display capability
- o At least one Floppy disk drive; 3.5" or 5.25"
- If you downloaded PC-FasType/VGA from a BBS then all you had to
- do was uncompress the files, so you can ignore this section. If you
- received PC-FasType/VGA on a disk then please read on.
- You can install PC-FasType/VGA onto a hard disk, or from one hard
- disk sub-directory to another sub-directory, or even from a hard disk
- to a high-capacity floppy (1.2MB or 1.44MB). The easiest installation
- is from the distribution floppy disk to a hard disk sub-directory.
- This can be done by inserting the PC-FasType/VGA Shareware disk into
- one of your floppy disk drives and making it the default drive. Start
- the install process by typing the following at the MS-DOS prompt:
- A> install [d:]
- where d: is your hard disk drive or your
- high-capacity floppy
- For example: to install PC-FasType/VGA from your floppy disk
- drive A: to your hard disk drive C: - type the following commands:
- a: <ent> (make A: the default drive)
- install c: <ent> (begin the install process)
- When you select the "Install PC-FasType" menu item from the
- Install menu list, the program will install PC-FasType/VGA and all its
- documentation files in a sub-directory called \FASTYPE.
- Other installation variations are:
- A:> install c: <ent> -> install from A: to hard disk C:
- A:> install b: <ent> -> install PC-FasType/VGA from A: to B:
- A:> install <ent> -> INSTALL will prompt for the drive.
- B:> install a: <ent> -> install from B: to A:
- B:> install c: <ent> -> install from B: to hard disk C:
- C:\TMP> install d: <ent> -> install from hard disk C: to D:
- (this example assumes you've first copied the
- shareware distribution files into the sub-
- directory named \TMP on drive C:)
- Important note: PC-FasType/VGA CANNOT be installed onto 360kb
- (low capacity) floppy disks.
- If you're installing onto a larger capacity floppy, then you'll
- only need ONE diskette. This includes the following: 720kb 3.5",
- 1.2mb 5.25", and 1.44mb 3.5" floppies. These disks will hold ALL of
- PC-FasType's uncompressed files. You can label the high-capacity
- disk as "PC-FasType Working Copy".
- ======================================================================
- If you're an experienced PC user or want to get started quickly,
- you can bypass the standard install program and just run the
- compressed executables and specify a target drive and subdirectory.
- To uncompress and load all of the files onto your hard drive, place
- the distribution disk in floppy drive A: or B: and make it the default
- drive, then type the following commands at the DOS prompt:
- A> ftvga10 -ec:\fastype <ent>
- A> ftvdoc10 -ec:\fastype <ent>
- and PC-FasType/VGA will be installed on your hard disk drive and sub-
- directory named C:\FASTYPE.
- ======================================================================
- Before you can run PC-FasType/VGA, it must be "installed" on
- either a high-capacity floppy disk or your hard drive. See the
- INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS above for more information.
- After you've installed PC-FasType/VGA, you can run the program by
- simply typing FT and pressing the Enter Key <ent>.
- INFORMATION SCREEN. After these screens are displayed and the tables
- loaded, the Main Menu will be displayed. The menu selector bar will
- be resting on the 'Begin Typing' selection. Just press the Enter key
- or function key F10 to start a typing drill of the HOME keys. To
- return to the Main Menu during typing, press the Escape key.
- For DRILLS: Place the fingers of each hand on the home keys
- (ASDF JKL;) and type each letter as you are prompted for it. The
- program selects the letters randomly. The number of characters you
- have to successfully type is displayed at the top of the screen and
- will count down to zero as you successfully type each character. When
- the drill is finished your WPM and other statistics will be displayed
- on a typing statistics screen.
- For EXERCISES: lines of text will be displayed above the screen
- keyboard; type each character pointed to by the house-shaped cursor
- () and when you reach the symbol or end of the line, press the
- enter key (for "carriage-return"), or the space bar. When you finish
- typing the exercise your WPM and other statistics will be displayed.
- When menu's are displayed, use the arrow keys (cursor keys) to
- move the menu selector bar up and down the menu. Select the drill,
- exercise, or option by pressing the enter key when the item you want
- is highlighted by the menu selector bar. You can use the function
- keys as a short-cut. In most cases, the item you select will be
- check-marked. You must ALWAYS select BEGIN TYPING or press F10 to
- begin typing.
- There are five drill, exercise, and feature selection menus and
- 3 sub-menus for selecting additional keys to learn. The
- primary menus can be displayed by pressing function keys F1 to
- F5 anytime while the screen keyboard is displayed.
- <Esc>ape key:
- Pressing the Escape key anytime during a drill or exercise will
- cause the drill or exercise to terminate and your current WPM
- to be displayed; pressing the Escape key again will display the
- menu where you started the exercise.
- QuickHELP:
- ALL menus have the QuickHELP Facility available. For all
- menus, the function key F1 is always the HELP key. When you
- select HELP, a QuickHELP Facility Menu will be displayed; the
- selector bar will rest on the item matching your help request.
- Follow the instructions given on the bottom of the menu.
- You are licensed to operate PC-FasType/VGA on your PC for testing
- and evaluation as to its usefulness to you, on a trial basis for 30
- days. We believe this to be a fair and equitable time period for
- evaluation and we trust your good judgement and sense of fair play in
- making a decision regarding registration.
- The PC-FasType/VGA User Guide is included on the distribution
- disk in a compressed format. The INSTALL program will let you
- uncompress and view it on-screen, or let you print it on your printer.
- It's about 66 pages long, but if you register, you'll receive a
- handsomely printed and bound User Guide.
- Inquiries can be telephoned to (201) 694-8622; if there's no
- answer, please leave a message on the answering machine along with
- your name, address and daytime phone number, the version number of
- PC-FasType/VGA you are using, and a short message. We'll return your
- call as soon as possible. You can FAX your question too; our FAX
- number is (201)-694-2543 and is available 24 hours a day.
- Site licenses and right-to-copy licenses are available for all
- organizations. Educational institutions requesting "LAB-PACK" pricing
- can use our Right-To-Copy price schedule. Read the file named
- SITELICE.DOC for licensing details and complete pricing.
- If today's date (the date you are reading this) is a year or more
- later than the file dates on this distribution disk than please
- contact Trendtech Corporation for information about a more current
- version of PC-FasType/VGA. Shareware tends to "acquire a life of its
- own" once it's released; not all vendors and sysops will bother to
- acquire the latest version from the author. That is why you should
- only buy or download Shareware from disk vendors or BBS's who are
- authorized "Associate Members of the A.S.P."
- The "Single-User" registration fee and all site and right-to-copy
- licensing fees are guaranteed through Dec. 31, 1995. If you're
- reading this file now and 1995 is history, chances are there's been a
- registration fee increase. Contact us for availability and pricing.
- You can only be sure of getting a top-quality virus-free version
- of any ASP Shareware product by obtaining your copy directly from the
- author, or from a disk vendor who is an Associate Member of the
- Association of Shareware Professionals, or from a reputable BBS
- service. Be suspicious of any program you download from a BBS or of a
- disk obtained from a local disk vendor, whose file dates or copyright
- notices are more than two years old. If it's a Shareware product,
- contact the author directly for information about current versions.
- You can print this readme file to your printer by simply issuing
- the following MS-DOS command at the prompt:
- 1. First insert the PC-FasType/VGA disk in drive A.
- 2. Then make sure your printer is turned on and the paper
- is set at top-of-form.
- 3. Type:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** PC-FasType is a trademark of Trendtech Corporation, Inc.
- Copyright 1983-1992 by Trendtech Corporation, Wayne, NJ, USA
- All Rights Reserved