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- S P E L L A N D P R O N O U N C E S P A N I S H W O R D S
- COPYRIGHT - 1992
- Spell And Pronounce Spanish Words (C) is totally protected by the Fed-
- eral Copyright Laws of the United States and the International Treaty
- Provisions.
- Any "Non-Registered User" of Spell Spanish Words (C), will be granted
- a Temporary License of 30 days; during which time, this program may
- only be used on a trial basis. The purpose of this 30 day period, is
- to allow the "Non-Registered User" adequate time to determine if this
- program totally meets all of the individual's requirements for a pro-
- gram of this nature, before actually registering his, or her, copy.
- If you intend to continue using Spell Spanish Words (C) for a period
- that will exceed 30 days, you are expected to Register your copy of
- this program, before the expiration of the 30 days. Any use that ex-
- ceeds the 30 day Temporary License period, by a Non-Registered User,
- is in total violation of this License Agreement.
- Any User, whether Registered, or Non-Registered, is only permitted to
- use this program on a single computer system. If the User owns more
- than one system, then this program may be moved from one system, to
- another. Under no condition, will any User be granted the authority to
- install this program on two, or more systems at the same time. If the
- User has a need to have this program installed on more than one system,
- then the User will be expected to Register each system accordingly.
- All Registered and Non-Registered Users, are encouraged and granted
- the authority to copy this program and to provide such a copy to any
- individual. This will enable any other individual the same opportunity
- that the User has been granted under this License Agreement. Any copy
- that is distributed by any User, must be copied in such a manner that
- all files on the original disk will be intact and in unmodified form.
- Any Licensed Distributor of Shareware, or Public Domain Software, is
- given the expressed authority by Computer Specialties and the author
- of Spell Spanish Words (C) to distribute this Software to the public
- only under the following conditions:
- It is understood that a Distributor has certain expenses in conducting
- business on a daily basis. While this software remains Non-Commercial
- in nature, all Distributors will be authorized to market this software
- providing they only charge a nominal fee to cover copying, postage, and
- handling expenses.
- Any Registered User, or Licensed Distributor, who intentionally vio-
- lates this License Agreement will automatically loose all rights that
- are reserved for such Users and Distributors. This License Agreement
- can not be modified in any way.