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- Two Easy Steps To A World Of Color
- Having a color monitor takes advantage of the color codes
- provided by the MS-DOS disk. These simple-to-learn codes
- will spark life into programs that you write and provide as
- many as 64 color combinations "free," just by typing a few short
- color codes.
- In the next sections, you will be creating color
- combinations and Menus that will contain Speed Keys. When
- creating these Menus you will also be adding a different color
- combination to each one.
- Ansi Escape Codes For Color
- How To Use These Codes
- STEP 1.
- You must copy from the MS-DOS disk a file called Ansi.Sys.
- This file takes your color codes and adapts them so that your
- color monitor can use them.
- The next step is to store Ansi.Sys in a special file called
- Config.Sys so that it will be available to DOS when the
- computer is turned on.
- STEP 2.
- The Ansi.Sys file must be stored in the Config.Sys file as
- outlined on the next page. With this accomplished you will
- have the necessary components to run the color codes and
- have color appear on your color monitor.
- You start by copying the Ansi.Sys file from the DOS disk
- as follows:
- Insert the MS-DOS into the Computer.
- Next to the A> Prompt, type the following:
- Copy Ansi.Sys B: <Press the Enter key.>
- Follow the DOS prompts. Insert your disk when requested.
- A copy of the Ansi.Sys file from MS-DOS disk will be transferred
- to your disk.
- One More Step
- Leave your disk in the computer.
- In this next step, you are going to create a Config.Sys file
- in which you will put your Ansi.Sys command.
- To do this: type the following next to the A> Prompt, like this:
- Copy Con Config.Sys
- Device=Ansi.Sys
- F6 <Press Enter key to end the file.>
- ------------
- That's all there's to it!
- You now have the two files you need to get color.
- -6-
- The ANSI Color Escape Sequences
- The word ANSI stands for the "American National
- Standards Institute" which developed these codes.
- Below is a copy of the color Escape codes for setting
- color to the background and letters.
- These codes are called the ANSI Escape Codes,
- or Sequences for setting the foreground
- (letters or text) and background colors. Type as indicated.
- Don't use capital letters for the code.The Escape Code
- always starts:
- With a Dollar Sign ($)
- A Small (e)
- A Left Bracket ([ )
- And ends with the small letter (m)
- All of the above parameters are used on the next page.
- $e[0m Normal, white on black
- $e[1m Bold, high intensity
- $e[4m Underline if available
- $e[5m Blink
- $e[7m Reverse video
- These five commands are called attribute commands.
- They let you control the brightness, blinking and reverse video.
- $e[30m black letters $e[40m black background
- $e[31m red letters $e[41m red background
- $e[32m green letters $e[42m green background
- $e[33m yellow letters $e[43m yellow background
- $e[34m blue letters $e[44m blue background
- $e[35m magenta letters $e[45m magenta background
- $e[36m cyan letters $e[46m cyan background
- $e[37m white letters $e[47m white background
- The group of Ansi codes list 8 colors for the letters
- and 8 colors for the background. Simple math shows
- that 8 x 8 =64. Therefore, we have 64 possible
- color combinations.
- There are a few simple rules you must follow if you want the
- color codes to work:
- ▀ You must always start with the word "Prompt".
- ▀ Then the dollar sign, as the first entry after Prompt.
- ▀ Then the small e (Yes, you can use a capital E here.)
- ▀ Then the left bracket.
- ▀ End with a small m. (small m, please)
- ▀ Escape sequences may be combined by putting a
- semicolon after each item.
- Screen Color to Black and White.
- -7-
- To do this, type the following next to the A> Prompt, like
- this:
- Prompt $e[0m $p$g
- <Press the Enter key.>
- The $e[0m is the code to reverse all colors to black and
- white. This is known as reverse video. Your screen will
- remain black and white until you add some of your own
- color or use a commercial program that has its own color
- program, or restart your computer.
- You should now have your original black and white
- colors on your screen. If you still have color on your screen,
- recheck the way you entered the Ansi Escape codes.
- It is important that you type the codes exactly as shown.
- Make certain that:
- ▀ The first word is "Prompt. Prompt
- ▀ The second word is the dollar sign ($). Prompt $
- ▀ The third word is the small (e). Prompt $e
- ▀ The next, the left bracket ( [ ) Prompt $e[
- ▀ Then the code number Prompt $e[7m
- ▀ Finally,next to the code type $p$g Prompt $e[7m $p$g
- The $p$g gives you this subdirectory prompt A:\>.
- When you type Escape codes and can't get any color change
- on the screen, you must restart (boot) your computer to
- enter these new escape commands into the computer's
- "memory."
- Press Esc key to return to Menu
- GO TO CHAPTER 3 "Color Combinations"
- -8-