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- (Excerpts from Almanac 1991)
- by
- Jeff Napier
- This Chapter copied by permission from Another Company
- Almanac 1991. The complete Almanac can be had by sending
- $9.95 to: Another Company, Box 298, Applegate, OR 97538.
- At one time Thoreau was a school teacher. When he was
- accused by his supervisors of leniency, he grabbed six
- random kids and spanked them.
- The flu mutated into a killer in 1918 and killed 20
- million people. In the US: 548,000.
- One out of every 300 Americans is a millionaire.
- Americans use enough toilet paper in one day to wrap
- around the world 9 times. If it were on one giant roll -
- that we all used - we would be unrolling it at the rate of
- 7600 miles per hour. (roughly mach 10, ten times the speed
- of sound)
- The world's longest operation took 96 hours. During
- February 4 - 8, 1951, surgeons in Michigan removed an
- ovarian cyst from a woman. When they were done, she weighed
- 308 lbs less.
- Cataract surgery (removal of lens from eye) was first
- done in 1748. But the first anesthesia wasn't until 1842!
- Galileo Galilei, the famous astronomer spent so much
- time looking at the sun with his telescope, that he went
- blind for the last four years he lived.
- 24% of Los Angeles is road and parking lots for cars.
- According to the best calculations of some of the
- scientists working on the Manhattan Project (atomic bomb)
- before the first test, there was a 3 in one million chance
- that an atomic bomb would melt down the earth - yet they went
- ahead and tested the first atomic bomb.
- There are 1.3 billion cattle in the world, and they all
- belch. This is a serious problem! Each of these cattle burp
- up about 8 oz of methane per day, which totals 1/3 million
- tons. According to one scientist's calculations, this is
- enough methane to ruin the world's weather by raising the
- temperature 5 degrees within 60 years, due to the greenhouse
- effect.
- The FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) considers
- chocolate acceptable for public consumption as long as there
- are less than 60 insect fragments per 100 grams. (about 4
- ounces)
- The Volkswagen was originally called the Strength-
- Through-Joy-Wagon.
- Your hair grows a total of 83 feet per day.
- Explanation: You have over 100,000 hairs and each one grows
- about 1/100 of an inch.
- Try to say the alphabet without moving your lips or
- your tongue. Every letter will sound exactly the same.
- "LEECHES AND THEIR APPLICATION. - The leech used for
- medical purposes is called the hirudo Medicinatis, to
- distinguish it from other varieties, such as the horse-leech
- and the Lisbon leech. It varies from two to four inches in
- length, and is of a blackish brown colour, marked on the
- back with six yellow spots, and edged with a fellow line on
- each side. Formerly leeches were supplied by Sweden but
- latterly most of the leeches are procured from France,
- where they are now becoming scarce.
- When leeches are applied to a part, it should be
- thoroughly freed from down or hair by shaving, and all
- liniments, &c., carefully and effectually cleaned away by
- washing. If the leech is hungry it will soon bite, but
- sometimes great difficulty is experienced in getting them
- to fasten on. When this is the case, roll the leech into a
- little porter, or moisten the surface with a little
- blood, or milk, or sugar and water, Leeches may be
- applied by holding them over the part with a piece of linen
- cloth or by means of an inverted glass, under which
- they must be placed.
- When applied to the gums, care should be taken to
- use a leech glass, as they are apt to creep down the
- patient's throat; a large swan's quill will answer the
- purpose of a leech glass.
- When leeches are gorged they will drop off themselves;
- never tear them off from a person, but just dip the point
- of a moistened finger into some salt and touch them with
- it.
- Leeches are supposed to abstract about two drachms of
- blood, or six leeches draw about an ounce; but this is
- independent of the bleeding after they have come off, and
- more blood generally flows then than during the time they
- are sucking." - from an old book, written 131 years ago.
- Lifespans of Animals
- Horse...............30
- Rabbit...............5
- Dog.................15
- cat.................13
- Elephant...........100
- Crocodile..........300
- Cow.................25
- Pigeon..............20
- Eagle..............100
- Whale..............100
- Tortoise...........350
- Lion................40
- Pig.................25
- Crow...............100
- World's worst meal? Eating a bicycle! A man did this by
- grinding it into powder.
- Some people have as many as 500 taste buds per square
- centimeter, others as few as 5/cm2. Do pancakes with maple
- syrup taste the same to you as they do to me?
- NOTE TO OUR READERS: Although we have researched the material
- in this database carefully it is possible we have made a
- mistake or two. You might want to do your own checking to
- verify facts before placing bets, etc.
- In 1743 a teen-age boy was observed to have eaten 384
- pounds of food in one week.
- In 1963 a man ate a single meal weighing 54 pounds.
- Coca-Cola, Hires Root Beer and Dr. Pepper were all
- introduced in the same year, 1886.
- John Pemberton, the inventor of Coca-Cola referred to
- it as, "Esteemed Brain Tonic and Intellectual Beverage."
- 7-Up was originally called Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-
- Lime Soda when it was invented in 1929.
- The 7 is for the original size - 7 ounces - and the Up
- was for "bottoms up." The first advertising slogan for 7-Up
- was, "It takes the ouch out of grouch."
- It takes 25 gallons of water to produce one pound of
- wheat. It takes 2500 gallons to produce one pound of meat!
- If the water used by the cattle business was not paid
- for by American taxpayers, beef would cost $35 per pound.
- The mayfly has a two-hour long lifespan. It has no
- mouth, because it will not have time to digest a meal.
- In Russia, the average citizen spends 100 hours per
- year waiting in lines just to receive food. That's two and a
- half work weeks.
- We drink 3 million gallons of orange juice daily in
- America.
- We drink 15 million gallons of beer daily in America.
- (We drink five times more beer than orange juice.)
- In Massachusetts it is against the law to use tomatoes
- in clam chowder.
- Archie Bunker's daughter in All in the Family, Sally
- Struthers was the voice of Pebbles in the cartoon, The
- Flintstones.
- One of 88 births is twins. One out of every 16 children
- are born with defects. Most of these are minor, such as the
- many babies born with tails, which doctors cut off. Most
- people do not know if they had a tail.
- In 1914, the world's first airline service started. The
- St. Petersburg-Tampa Airboat Line, with two scheduled
- flights per day, had a plane with one passenger seat.
- The world's first automobile was made in France, in
- 1771 by Nicolas Joseph Cugnot. It had a top speed of 2.3
- mph. It was powered by a two-cylinder steam engine.
- In total, 18 million Model T Fords were built.
- Soldiers do not march in step across bridges because
- the vibration could be sufficient to knock the bridge down.
- Every day 20,000 people write a letter to the
- president.
- The term Gadget came from Gaget, one of the partners in
- the company that built the Statue Of Liberty. He sold
- miniatures of the statue to the public who mispronounced his
- name when referring to the little statues.
- 90% of tires on the road are underinflated. How are
- yours?
- You have a greater chance of injury playing volleyball
- than football.
- Most tennis injuries actually happen after the game
- when the winner tries to jump over the net.
- Most people think the Wright Brothers were first to
- fly. The first real airplane flight happened in France on
- Oct 9, 1890 by Clement Ader. It was steam powered. The
- altitude was only a few inches. The Wright Bros. knew about
- and studied this flight.
- Decibel = smallest amount of change detectable by the
- human ear.
- great gross = 12 gross = 1728.
- hand = 4"
- Hertz = cycles per second
- 1 hp = ability to lift 33,000 lbs one foot in one
- minute. One real horse = .66 hp
- Karat = how many parts out of 24 are pure. (i.e. 18
- Karat = 3/4 pure)
- Quire = one 20th of a ream
- ream = 500 sheets (sometimes 480)
- Alan Alda - Alphonso D'Abruzzo
- Woody Allen - Allen Steward Konigsberg
- Alice Cooper - Vincent Furnier
- Redd Foxx - John Sanford
- Donna Summers - LaDonna Gaines
- Elton John - Reginald Dwight
- Martin Sheen - Ramon Estevez
- The giant squid has the largest eye of any living
- animal at up to 15" diameter.
- World wide there are 1,006.7 men for every 1,000 women.
- Life expectancy around the world in 1950 was 47.4 years.
- Mid-1983, the average stay in a California hospital was
- $775.00.
- 50% of bomb deaths occur to the people setting the
- bombs.
- 20% of women visiting emergency rooms are there because
- of injuries inflicted by the men they love.
- All of the radio waves from space ever studied equal
- less than the power of a snowflake hitting the ground.
- The U.S. has on the road 127,000,000 cars. Lined up
- bumper to bumper, they would circle the globe 18 times.
- The worlds most boring publication is probably the
- calculation of pi to 2 million places, in 800 pages.
- The last episode of M*A*S*H* on Feb 28,1983, was
- watched simultaneously by 125 million people.
- L.A. is an abbreviation, but most people don't know the
- full name. It is, "El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de
- los Angeles de Porciuncula".
- Dolphins have brains that are 40% larger than humans.
- Are we really the most intelligent animal on earth?
- The worlds longest limousine is 47 feet and has a
- built-in swimming pool. It rents for $5,000 per day.
- In 1957, a senator, Strom Thurmond, made a speech that
- lasted 24 hours, 19 minutes.
- There is a place in Hong Kong so populated, that each
- person has 42.69 square feet. It would seem that this allows
- only about 6 X 7 feet floor space per person, but most
- buildings are many stories high. If all the people came out
- on the streets at once, such as during an earthquake, there
- would not be enough room to stand.
- 1 apple................... 80
- 1 banana................. 100
- 1 can beer............... 150
- 1 brownie................. 85
- 1 tbsp butter............ 100
- 1 carrot.................. 30
- 1 oz cheese............ 82115
- 1 egg..................... 85
- 1 french fry.............. 11
- 1 oz ground beef.......... 60
- 1 tbsp honey.............. 65
- 1 hot dog................ 170
- 1 cup milk............... 255
- 1 pancake................. 60
- 1 cup peanuts............ 840
- 1 slice pizza............ 145
- 1 cup popcorn............. 25
- 1 saltine cracker......... 15
- 1 can soft drink......... 145
- 1 tbsp sugar.............. 45
- 1 oz whiskey.............. 70
- 1 slice white bread....... 70
- 8 oz yogurt.............. 230
- aerosol spray............1926
- air conditioning.........1911
- anesthesia...............1842
- antiseptic surgery.......1867
- aspirin..................1889
- ball-point pen...........1888
- electric motor...........1837
- electron microscope......1931
- helicopter...............1939
- incandescent light.......1879
- nylon....................1930
- optical microscope.......1590
- penicillin...............1929
- rocket engine............1926
- submarine................1776
- television...............1923
- thermometer..............1593
- vacuum cleaner...........1907
- A man had a frog on his head so he went to a doctor.
- The doctor Said, "So, what seems to be the problem?"
- And the frog said, "There's something stuck to my butt."
- The people who work in the Interior Decorating
- Department of Sears have to do a lot of paperwork. They have
- to write a customer's name 67 times for a job which can sell
- for as little as $300 installed.
- American women spend $900 million per year on lipstick.
- That's $1700 per minute.
- Lindbergh was the 67th man to make a non-stop flight
- over the Atlantic Ocean.
- Each episode of Miami Vice, the TV show, is budgeted at $1.4
- million. The whole yearly budget of the real Miami Police Vice
- department is only $1.2 million.
- The IRS offers free advice, but 30% of the advice they
- give is wrong. If you fill out your forms incorrectly based
- on what they have told you, you are still responsible for
- the fines and penalties.
- A mouse can have 8 babies. Assuming four of them are
- female, and knowing that a mouse can give birth 60 days
- after being born itself, after 18 months, a pair of mice can
- become 4.5 million.
- People have died from shaking vending machines and
- having the machines fall on them.
- "Dr. Leroy Wolins, a psychologist at Iowa State
- University, had a student write to 37 authors of scientific
- reports asking for the raw data on which they based their
- conclusions, of the 32 who replied, 21 said their data
- either had been lost or accidentally destroyed. Dr. Wolins
- analyzed seven sets of data that did come in and found
- errors in 3 significant enough to invalidate what had been
- passed off as scientific fact." quoted: - Dr. Mendolsohn,
- Confessions of a Medical Heretic
- All your blood vessels and capillaries stretched out
- would be over 100,000 miles long.
- During 1971, an Englishman committed suicide with an
- electric drill by making 8 holes in his head.
- In 1930, five German men had to bail out of their
- glider plane. Conditions were right for hail that day, and
- these men fell to the ground as the cores of giant ice
- rocks.
- Your color TV is a source of some very rare and weird
- elements. There are europium and yttrium to make the reds,
- and without cerium the radiation from your set would turn
- the picture tube glass purple.
- The outlaw who killed Jesse James, Bob Ford, later
- starred in a play called "How I Killed Jesse James".
- Americans spend 37 billion hours per year waiting in
- lines. That's almost four work weeks (40 hours per week) per
- year for each of us.
- 16 out of every 100 doctors will be sued this year.
- Heaviest man: Jon Minnoch (1941-1983), 1400 lbs.
- Most operations: Joseph Ascough (b 1935) underwent 327
- operations for windpipe warts.
- The highest shade temp ever recorded was 136.4 degrees
- fahrenheit in Libya.
- Who says dinosaurs are extinct? One live specimen of
- the lizard Komodo Monitor was found that was 10'2" long and
- weighed as much as three average people.
- The largest dinosaur ever, Brachiosaurus, weighed the
- same as 800 people and was 4-1/2 stories tall.
- Do you wish you could cancel call waiting from your
- phone sometimes? You can in most communities. On a touch
- tone phone, after you get a dial tone, enter * 70, on rotary
- phones dial 1170. Call waiting will resume after you hang
- up.
- Ferdinand Porsche went to trade school to be trained as
- a factory foreman. He got the lowest grades in his class.
- People often wonder how Hitler, with all his crazy
- ideas and rough manner could become so popular a leader. A
- great deal of Hitler's appeal to the masses was that he
- decided to control the automobile industry and promised them
- Volkswagens, cars that every family could afford at a time
- when there was only one car for every 211 people in
- Germany.
- German Count Von der Wense was asked by the Nazis to
- surrender his land for the government Volkswagen plant. They
- offered payment, however. He took the money and bought other
- land, but that land was conquered by Russia. Finally, after
- the war, he ended up with the job of official tour guide of
- the Volkswagen facilities, on the very land he used to own.
- During WWII, 2,700,000 tons of bombs were dropped on
- Germany, (killing 300,000 civilians, seriously injuring
- 780,000 people.)
- "When elephants clash, the grass gets trampled"
- - old proverb
- 10% of all Americans earn their livings in some way
- associated with the automobile industry.
- People can usually determine the sex of another unseen
- person from their smell, according to a study by the Smell
- and Taste Center at the University of Pennsylvania.
- German researchers trained honey bees to expect food at
- a certain time every day. Then they cut off the bees' heads
- and transplanted a part of their brains into the brains of
- other bees. The bees with the brain transplants then
- expected the food at the same time of day.
- Bees may have a true sixth sense, one that people
- probably do not have: They have magnetic crystals in their
- abdomens with which they may feel direction relative to the
- earth's magnetic field.
- According to research by a British fashion design firm
- and by Sears Roebuck, yesterday's fashions will no longer fit
- modern women. There has been a gradual trend of breasts and
- hips becoming smaller, and waists thicker. Generally, women
- are becoming more tube-shaped.
- In France computer use is called l'informatique, and in
- Sweden computers are called dators (because they handle
- data).
- If your kitty-cat scratches up valuable furniture, tape
- balloons to it. The cat will never scratch there again.
- If you could stack up all the copies of the Guinness
- Book of World Records made just in the year 1985, your pile
- would reach into outer space. It would be 1006 miles high.
- People who live near big airports have as much as a 19%
- higher death rate. Could it be that the noise makes them
- crazy? There has also been some research indicating a higher
- birth defects rate near airports.
- "When I was younger, I could remember anything, whether
- it had happened or not." - Mark Twain.
- The first typewritten manuscript submitted to an author
- was for a book called Life On The Mississippi, by Mark
- Twain in 1874.
- A bicycle racer in good condition can apply about one-
- half horsepower for 20 minutes, and one horsepower for not
- more than 30 seconds.
- Eighty-eight employees of the IRS were convicted of
- crimes in 1987 ranging from selling drugs to embezzlement.
- One out of every 149 Americans is named Smith.
- Average attorney fees during 1989 is $118/hour.
- If a man could be paid minimum wage for shaving, he
- would earn $11,222.50 in a lifetime, working 3,350 hours.
- There have been 2,458,000,000 copies of the Bible made.
- If you put them on a long bookshelf and started driving
- along the shelf at 55 mph, you would have to drive 40 hours
- per week for over 17 weeks to get to the end.
- Baby ducks think the first moving thing they see is Mom.
- If they see a kitty cat when they hatch...
- A scientist has managed through gene-splicing to create
- cedar and poplar trees with square trunks. These will mean
- less wasted wood at the mills when lumber is cut.
- In an average lifetime a person will walk the same
- distance as three times around the equator.
- 2 out of every 3 new businesses are started by women. 1
- out of 4 women fail in their new businesses. The failure
- rate of men is 4 out of 5.
- At graduation a child has logged 13,000 hours of
- school, and 15,000 hours of television.
- When the FDA randomly checked turkeys at packing
- houses, they found 1/2 of all them infected with food
- poisoning.
- Last year 81 million Americans got sick from food
- poisoning and 9,000 of them died. The average American will
- get food poisoning 100 times in a lifetime. The symptoms are
- headache, sick feeling, diarrhea. Most people think this is
- the flu. To prevent food poisoning, clean all kitchen items
- with heat, never leave food at room temperature.
- Remember when you could buy little green turtles in
- department stores? These were discontinued because they
- passed salmonella (food poisoning) to children. People who
- knew about the turtle scam were glad. Almost all of those
- turtles starved to death. It seems that a turtle can survive
- several months without eating after birth. The commercial
- turtle food that was available where the turtles were sold
- was usually nothing more than "ant eggs." In fact, it was
- only ant egg SHELLS. But it does not matter that the food
- was not nutritious, because the turtles wouldn't eat it
- anyway. When the shells decomposed and sank to the bottom of
- the water, people used to think that the turtle had eaten.
- Your mouth makes 2 glasses of saliva in one day.
- How do we know what animals think, feel? I say be kind
- to animals just in case it matters to them. The poet William
- Blake said, "How do you know but that every bird that
- cleaves the aerial way is not an immense world of delight
- closed to your senses five?"
- There are 35 countries that have atomic bombs with
- which we can be blown up: Austria, Argentina, Belgium,
- Brazil, Canada, China, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, East
- Germany, Egypt, Finland, France, Iran, India, Israel, Italy,
- Japan, Mexico, Netherlands,Norway, Pakistan, Poland,
- Portugal, Rumania, Russia, South Korea, South Africa,
- Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, United Kingdom,
- United States, Yugoslavia.
- The longest legitimate word in the English language is
- probably: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.
- This 45-letter word is a lung disease. It can be found in
- Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, 8th Edition. See if you
- can pronounce it.
- Hemidemisemiquaver is a musical term meaning a 64th
- note.
- The proper name for "/" is solidus.
- Do you know the artist Rembrandt's last name?
- In the US 30.8% of women live to be at least 85 years
- old, but less than 15% of men do.
- Abbott and Costello had an insurance policy covering
- damages due to a disagreement between them.
- Rembrandt's last name is van Rijn.
- In Switzerland women could not vote until 1971.
- There is a policeman in Ontario, Canada who is blind.
- (He does not direct traffic, he transcribes surveillance
- tapes.)
- The guy who won the Indianapolis 500 in 1915 had to get
- out and push his broken car for more than the last mile of
- the race.
- W.C. Fields kept $50,000 in a German bank during WWII
- in case the Germans won.
- In 1939 an author named Ernest Vincent wrote a 50,000
- word novel called Gadsby. What was unusual is that there is
- not a single letter e in the whole thing.
- The Mexican term for Americans, GRINGOS, came from a
- song that cowboys often sung, called "Green Grow the
- Lilacs."
- Human beings and pigs are the only animals that can get
- sunburned.
- A person can sweat up to 3 gallons per day.
- As you know, there is some iron in humans. How much?
- About as much as one small nail.
- On December 5, 1664, a ship sank off the coast of
- Wales. The only survivor was a man named Hugh Williams. On
- December 5, 1785, another ship sank. One man survived,
- another Hugh Williams. On December 5, 1860, yet another ship
- went down with only one survivor - you guessed it - his name
- was Hugh Williams.
- There is a species of lizard that has three eyes.
- Sometimes snakes are born with two heads. They usually
- co-exist alright until one tries to swallow the other.
- Scientists tested vision in men with tight collars and
- ties and found significant improvement in these mens' vision
- when they loosened their ties and unbuttoned their collars.
- A baby was born to parents in Turkey that weighed 24-
- pounds, 4-ounces at birth.
- In one large city a telephone operator traced the
- source of an emergency phone call because the caller would
- not speak. The phone only emitted unusual noises. When the
- emergency technicians arrived at the scene, they found a
- basset hound who had dialed 911 in the processes of chewing
- up the phone.
- There are over one million earthworms under the average
- homeowner's lawn. These will move about three tons of dirt
- per year.
- Dogs can hear sounds up to ten times farther away than
- humans.
- Have you ever wondered why cats and some dogs turn
- around in circles before lying down? This is an instinctual
- motion dating to when the animals had to squash down tall
- grass to make a comfortable place to settle.
- There are over 100 million germs in a teaspoon of
- soil.
- In a fish, the brain weighs about the same as the
- spinal cord. In a human, the brain is fifty-five times
- heavier.
- An elephant's brain is four times bigger than a
- man's.
- Nerve impulses move slowly. It takes 1/50 second to
- notice a pain in you foot.
- Some dinosaurs had two brains! Since nerve signals move
- from one part of the body to another relatively slowly and
- since these beasts were so large, a second brain was located
- at the base of the tail to maintain control of the back of
- the creatures. Interestingly, the rear brain was bigger than
- the one in their heads.
- Ex-First Lady Nancy Reagan was in a high-school play
- (in 1939) in which she had only one line: "They ought to
- elect the First Lady and then let her husband be
- President."
- Of all occupations a person who is a professional
- baseball player is likely to live longest.
- If you are 50 pounds overweight, you will have at least
- 8,000 miles more blood vessels than a thinner person.
- It is said that James A. Garfield, a United States
- President could write with both hands simultaneously. And,
- while one hand was writing translation into Greek, the other
- could be writing Latin.
- If you could harness the electrical output of your
- brain, you could power as a 10-watt light bulb.
- Fifty percent of women did not live to age thirty-five
- 200 years ago.
- In pre-historic times, average human lifespan was 18
- years.
- The scientist, Louis Pasteur, used to sneak a
- microscope into friends' houses under his coat and then
- examine the food they were about to serve to make sure it
- was safe from germs.
- It is possible for a tapeworm 32 feet long to grow
- inside your belly. (although very uncommon)
- Surgeons used to have to operate quickly, before the
- patients died of extreme pain or blood loss. Robert Liston
- worked so fast that one day he accidentally cut off his
- nurse's fingers. It is not known whether the rest of the
- operation was a success.
- Some vultures have learned that for dinner they can
- crack other bird's eggs by throwing stones at them.
- Some anglerfish, who live in the ocean at depths of
- over one mile, have unusual lives. To see where they are
- going in that depth, or perhaps to attract food, the females
- have a chemically operated lamp that hangs on a stalk in
- front of their mouths. The male doesn't need to see because
- early in his life, he bites into the belly of the female and
- stays there forever. After a while the female grows skin
- over the connection, and the male degenerates, losing his
- teeth, his fins, and any means of life beyond being a small
- appendage hanging off the female.
- One species of shark is so competitive that the babies
- fight each other within their mother, until only one is left
- to be born.
- If you keep alligator eggs below 86 degrees, all
- females will be born. At above 93 degrees, the result is all
- males.
- Horned toads shoot streams of blood from their eyes
- when they are disturbed.
- "I couldn't wait for success, so I went on ahead
- without it." - Jonathan Winters
- The ex-husband of the columnist Ann Landers started
- Budget Rent-A-Car with $5,000 and turned it into a big
- company which he later sold for $10 million.
- Here's an easy one, see if you can remember: What are
- the names of the four musicians who composed the Beatles?
- (..Read on, I'll tell you in a minute)
- The Mets baseball team of 1962 had two pitchers whose
- names were Robert G. Miller and Robert L. Miller. They
- called Robert G. Righty, and Robert L. was referred to as
- Lefty.
- There is a man whose official name has been legally
- changed to Mr. 1069.
- Japanese rickshaws were invented by an American who
- visited in Japan in 1869.
- The game of tennis was originally called sphairistike.
- Answer: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo
- Starr.
- When the subject of a national bird to represent
- America came up, Benjamin Franklin suggested a turkey, but
- an eagle was selected.
- During a battle of the Civil War, Major General John
- Sedgewick said - just before he was shot to death, "Why,
- they couldn't hit an elephant at this dist..."
- I'll bet you don't know what a Zambony is. It is a
- machine that refinishes the ice in a skating rink.
- Black and Hispanic people were twice as likely to
- suffer a personal crime in 1988 at 10.4 per 1000 people,
- compared to white people who had 4.7 crimes per 1000.
- In general, crime is down 25% since the 1970's.
- In India jewelry is sold by weight (by grams) no
- matter how much handwork has gone into it.
- "If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys."
- -Armand Hammer
- The typical dog owner spends about $5,000 on the dog
- during ten years.
- An octopus has three hearts.
- How successful was Vincent Van Gogh? He only sold one
- painting in his whole life!
- "Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we
- have to alter it every six months."
- -Oscar Wilde
- In a research study, it was found that three-quarters
- of women in the United States wear the wrong size bra.
- 10 Americans per day accidentally poison themselves to
- death.
- An English king used to like eating rotten oysters.
- If you are the typical owner of a computer, you watch
- 40% less television than people without computers.
- If you paid an eighteen year old American minimum wage
- for all the hours of television the kid has watched, that
- teenager would get $50,000!
- If you paid $1 for every murder an average 18-year old
- has seen on television, the kid would get $20,000!
- During the 1920's there was a law in Russia that all
- private automobiles (not ones used by the government) had to
- have a yellow stripe painted all the way around the whole
- body.
- You can type the word "typewriter" all from the row of
- keys above the home row.
- How much money is there in America? There is about
- $823 cash in circulation for each of us.
- The Bible contains 3,566,480 letters, 810,697 words.
- Every weekday morning, the commuters of Los Angeles use
- 250,000 gallons of gas getting to work. They drive 5 million
- miles, which would be like one car driving to the moon and
- back 20 times, or around the earth's equator 192 times.
- In 1945, the Empire State Building was hit by an
- airplane, which destroyed most of the seventy-eighth floor.
- If you lined up all the mountain bikes in America,
- tire-to-tire, and then rode a bike along that line, it would
- take you 18 weeks, (riding 40 hours per week, 15 miles per
- hour) to get to the end of the line.
- When researchers in Louisiana placed rubber snakes and
- turtles on highways and observed the behavior of 22,000
- motorists, they discovered that 87% of the drivers purposely
- avoided hitting the creatures, but 6% of drivers went out of
- their way to "kill" the rubber animals with their tires.
- Percent of gross national product spent on science:
- Cuba 0.7%
- Soviet Union 4.6%
- United States 2.5%
- Mexico 0.6%
- Argentina 0.39%
- It appears that Adolf Hitler may not have died from
- suicide as people used to believe. He could still be alive
- in hiding. A scientist has tried to match dental records
- from the corpse in the bunker that was supposed to have been
- Hitler and found that the dental features don't match photos
- taken of Hitler when his mouth was open.
- One night in 1833 there were almost a quarter-million
- shooting stars.
- A church steeple was struck by lightning and destroyed
- on April 18th, 1599. The members of the church rebuilt it.
- It was hit by lightning three more times between then and
- 1783, and rebuilt again and again. Every time it was hit,
- the date was April 18th.
- The army of Liechtenstein was made up of one man, who
- gave up the military life at age 95.
- 230 people died when Moradabad, India was bombed with
- giant balls of hail over 2 inches in diameter.
- While fishing at a pond in New York State, a man lost
- the glass part of his lantern. Five years later, once again
- fishing in the same spot, he caught a fish that was wearing
- that glass lantern chimney.
- Major earthquakes have hit Japan on:
- September 1, 827,
- September 1, 859,
- September 1, 1185,
- September 1, 1649 and
- September 1, 1923.
- The largest moths in the world have a 14 inch wingspan.
- These "Hercules" moths live only 2 weeks and never eat.
- Would you be upset if one landed on your head?
- Sweden once had a supreme court justice who was
- nineteen years old. When he was ten, he could speak fluently
- in 12 languages.
- There is only one person in all recorded history who
- has been killed by a meteorite. Manfredo Settala (1600-
- 1680).
- Male natives of New Guinea shave their beards with
- sharp blades of grass.
- There are plants with a body temperature just like
- birds and mammals. Skunk cabbages can have an internal
- temperature 25 degrees higher than their surroundings.
- Americans smoke 1 billion cigarettes per day. If you
- lined up all the cigarettes smoked in one day, then drove
- past them at 55 miles per hour, it would take 28 weeks
- (driving 40 hours per week) to get to the end of the line.
- 11,000 cigarettes are lighted every second, just in
- America.
- Every 22 seconds, a kid tries smoking for the first
- time.
- The most words on a single postage stamp is 746 (from
- the country of Greece, year: 1954)
- A Japanese priest set a kimono on fire in Tokyo
- because it carried bad luck. The flames spread until over
- 10,000 buildings were destroyed and 100,000 people died.
- (Year: 1657)
- Insects are nearsighted. They cannot see farther than 9
- feet.
- ";qooooooo.,,,xkiiiiiii"
- This is what happens when a kitty cat walks across a
- computer keyboard.
- The person who is currently the oldest in the world is
- 115 years old. She spent 75 years of her life in a mental
- institution.
- You have just enjoyed a small random collection of excerpts
- from ALMANAC 1991. For your complete ALMANAC 1991 (pre-registered
- copy) send $9.95 to:
- Box 298
- Applegate, OR 97530
- 503-846-7884
- Please specify whether you prefer 5.25" or 3.5" disk.