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- This program contains a PHYSICS tutorial which presents the physical
- properties ( Mass, charge, time, etc. ) in a graphic chart analogous
- to the chemistry periodic table. That is, the properties are arranged
- so that the relationships between the properties can be easily seen.
- Relativisticly correct formulas can be obtained directly from the chart.
- Property names are "buttons", which when "clicked" on, lists physical
- and historical data on the property.
- This program will provide users with a clear overview of physics in a
- very short time. It will provide technicians, engineers, chemists and
- anyone interested in science with a far better understanding of physics.
- ===============================================================================
- The PHYSICSX.EXE file is a 200K self-extracting archive which contains the
- following programs:
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CHART .CRD A file containing a chart of physics properties.
- EXPLAIN .CRD A file which explains the physics property chart.
- PHYSICS .CRD A tutorial on physics.
- PROPERTY.CRD A file containing descriptions of various properties.
- CARDS .SYN A system configuration file.
- HELPBOX .HLP A context sensitive help file.
- PHYSICS1.PCT A graphic file.
- PHYSICS2.PCT Another graphic file.
- PHYSICS .EXE The main program.
- PHYSICS .COM A EGA graphics driver. ( Works with VGA also. )
- If you need another driver, let me know.
- MATRIX .com A mouse driver.
- ===============================================================================
- To use the program.
- 1. Copy the PHYSICSX.exe file to the desired directory.
- 2. Type PHYSICSX <RETURN> to unarchive the files.
- The unarchived files require about 900K of disk space.
- 3. Type PHYSICS <RETURN> to run the program.
- 4. MOUSE to the desired PROPERTY or FUNCTION and CLICK.
- If you have no mouse, TAB and CURSOR to the desired function
- and press RETURN. Press ALT to enter the menu.
- 5. Select PREVIOUS LINKED CARD from the menu or press <CONTROL Q>
- to return to the main chart when running the program.
- 6. Press F1 for help at any time.
- 7. Don't rename the files as some are linked togeather.
- ===============================================================================
- This program is NOT public domain. It is SHAREWARE. If you like and benefit
- from the program, you are expected to pay.
- If you like the program, give others a copy to try. If you like or don't
- like it, call, write or FAX me your criticisms and suggestions.
- ===============================================================================
- I have not done a good job on the PROPERTY data but as soon as I free up
- some time from trying to put bread on the table, I will clean up, add to
- and improve on the property data. I did not password protect this file so
- you are free to work on it yourself. If you put togeather a good data file,
- please send me a copy.
- ===============================================================================
- I will expand this program to cover specifics of electronics, cosmology,
- engineering, etc. if I am supported in my effort.
- ===============================================================================