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- POTTERS PROPERTY CHART techniques applied to planet calculations.
- ------------------- CONSTANTS -----------------------
- C = Speed of light 2.99792500E+8
- G = Universal gravitational constant 6.6700000E-11
- M(A) = Mass of the sun 1.9870000E+30
- ------------------ CALCULATED -----------------------
- U = Mass per length constant = 2*C^2/G 2.6949188E+27
- E(A) = Event diameter(sun) = M(A)/U 7.37313486E+2
- ----------------- PLANET CONSTANTS ------------------
- E(R) = Planet orbital radius 5.7910000E+10 1.0820000E+11 1.4960000E+11 2.2790000E+11 7.7830000E+11 1.4274260E+12 2.8700000E+12 4.4960000E+12 5.9120000E+12
- VEL(B) = Planet orbital velocity 4.78616937E+4 3.50180321E+4 2.97852756E+4 2.41241424E+4 1.30624756E+4 9.63856223E+3 6.80120940E+3 5.43357901E+3 4.74014677E+3
- M(B) = Planet mass 3.2440000E+23 4.8690000E+24 5.9750000E+24 6.4350000E+23 1.9020000E+27 5.6940000E+26 8.7120000E+25 1.0310000E+26 5.5570000E+24
- ------------------ CALCULATED -----------------------
- SIN(B) = VEL(B)/C 1.59649403E-4 1.16807566E-4 9.93529712E-5 8.04694661E-5 4.35717225E-5 3.21507784E-5 2.26863894E-5 1.81244661E-5 1.58114255E-5
- COS(B) = (1-SIN(B)^2)^.5 9.99999987E-1 9.99999993E-1 9.99999995E-1 9.99999997E-1 9.99999999E-1 9.99999999E-1 1.00000000E+0 1.00000000E+0 1.00000000E+0
- DEL(B1) = 1/COS(B)-1 1.27439661E-8 6.82200385E-9 4.93550645E-9 3.23766747E-9 9.4924757E-10 5.1683635E-10 2.5733615E-10 1.6424817E-10 1.2500068E-10
- DEL(B2) = 1-COS(B) 1.27439660E-8 6.82200374E-9 4.93550645E-9 3.23766747E-9 9.4924757E-10 5.1683635E-10 2.5733615E-10 1.6424806E-10 1.2500057E-10
- DEL(B3) = (SIN(B))^2/2 1.27439660E-8 6.82200370E-9 4.93550644E-9 3.23766749E-9 9.4924750E-10 5.1683628E-10 2.5733613E-10 1.6424814E-10 1.2500059E-10
- DEL(B4) = E(A)/E(R) 1.27320581E-8 6.81435755E-9 4.92856609E-9 3.23525005E-9 9.4733841E-10 5.1653360E-10 2.5690365E-10 1.6399321E-10 1.2471473E-10
- ENERGY(1) = M(B)*VEL(B)^2/2 3.7155831E+32 2.9853362E+33 2.6503984E+33 1.8725021E+32 1.6226748E+35 2.6449166E+34 2.0149309E+33 1.5219509E+33 6.2430093E+31
- ENERGY(2) = U*E(D)*C^2 3.7121113E+32 2.9819903E+33 2.6466714E+33 1.8711040E+32 1.6194114E+35 2.6433676E+34 2.0115446E+33 1.5195887E+33 6.2287325E+31
- ENERGY(3) = M(B)*DEL(B1)*C^2 3.7155831E+32 2.9853363E+33 2.6503984E+33 1.8725021E+32 1.6226750E+35 2.6449170E+34 2.0149311E+33 1.5219512E+33 6.2430137E+31
- K1 = E(A) 7.37313486E+2 7.37313486E+2 7.37313486E+2 7.37313486E+2 7.37313486E+2 7.37313486E+2 7.37313486E+2 7.37313486E+2 7.37313486E+2
- K2 = VEL(B)^2*E(R)/C^2/2 7.38003068E+2 7.38140801E+2 7.38351764E+2 7.37864421E+2 7.38799329E+2 7.37745538E+2 7.38554700E+2 7.38459620E+2 7.39003474E+2 1.7022065E-3
- K3 = DEL(B1)*E(R) 7.38003077E+2 7.38140817E+2 7.38351765E+2 7.37864416E+2 7.38799383E+2 7.37745646E+2 7.38554757E+2 7.38459775E+2 7.39003999E+2 1.7027695E-3
- K4 = DEL(B2)*E(R) 7.38003071E+2 7.38140805E+2 7.38351765E+2 7.37864416E+2 7.38799383E+2 7.37745646E+2 7.38554757E+2 7.38459276E+2 7.39003343E+2 1.7018828E-3
- -----------------------------------------------------
- Four DELTA calculations are listed.
- 1. DEL(B1) was calculated from SIN(B).
- 2. DEL(B2) yields a value close to DEL(B1) but deviates at high velocities.
- 3. DEL(B3) is the Newtonian approximation to DEL(B1).
- 4. DEL(B4) is listed to show the relationship between DELTA and RADIUS.
- -----------------------------------------------------
- Three ENERGY calculations are listed.
- 1. ENERGY(1) is the NEWTONIAN energy calculation.
- 2. ENERGY(2) was calculated using the ENERGY EVENT DIAMETER.
- 3. ENERGY(3) was calculated using MASS and DEL(B1).
- -----------------------------------------------------
- Keplers constant was calculated four ways.
- 1. K1 is simply the EVENT DIAMETER of the sun.
- 2. K2 was calculated from the orbital radius and velocity.
- 3. K3 was calculated using DEL(B1).
- 4. K4 was calculated using DEL(B2).
- Examination of the data will show that K4 shows the least deviation.
- I have not analyzed this but I suspect this is because the constants were calculated using DEL(B2).
- I believe that good data would show K1 = K3.
- -----------------------------------------------------