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- This software requires an IBM PC, XT, AT, or PS/2 or a compatible
- computer with at least 256K bytes of random access memory . A
- color/ graphics CGA, EGA, or VGA board and a compatible monitor
- are essential to fully utilize this software.
- The operating system must be PC-DOS or MS-DOS 2.0 or a later
- version.
- Files on distribution diskette: This software is distributed on
- a single floppy disk. It consists of the following 9 files:
- WORLD.EXE This is the executable program file
- WORLD2.EXE This is the executable program for OS/2 system
- WORLDINFO.DOC This document
- MAKING A WORKING COPY: The first step is to make a working copy
- of the software on the distribution diskette. If software will
- be used on a floppy disk system, you will need to format a
- floppy diskette and copy the software. The FORMAT command of DOS
- may be used to make a working copy on a floppy diskette:
- 1. Place the DOS diskette in default drive A.
- 2. Place new diskette in drive B.
- 3. Format the new diskette using the command FORMAT B:/S.
- 4. Remove the DOS diskette from drive A: and replace it
- with WORLDINFO distribution diskette. Copy the entire contents
- of the distribution diskette to the working diskette using the
- command COPY A:*.* B:.
- 5. Place the distribution diskette in a safe place.
- Program EXECUTION: To execute WORLDINFO. Place the working
- diskette in the default disk drive. Then type WORLD <Enter>
- to execute the program.
- The main menu:
- 1 - A F R I C A
- 2 - A M E R I C A
- 3 - A S I A
- 4 - A U S T R A L I A
- 5 - E U R O P E
- 6 - W O R L D M A P
- 7 - L O N G E S T R I V E R S
- 8 - H I G H E S T M O U N T A I N S
- 9 - L A K E S A N D S E A S
- 10- E N T E R T A I N M E N T
- 11- E X I T
- If your choice from number 1 to 5, it will go to sub menu
- 1 - C O U N T R Y N A M E S ?
- 2 - C A P I T A L N A M E S ?
- 3 - I N F O B Y C O U N T R Y
- 4 - I N F O B Y C A P I T A L
- 5 - I N F O B Y M A P S
- 6 - M A I N M E N U
- Number 1 and 2 will ask you the name of the Country or Capital
- highlight on screen according to the continent you preferred before.
- Number 3 and 4 will wait for you to type the Country or the
- the capital . After your ENTER, computer will try to Match your
- input of the Country or the Capital and displays :
- 1: The country name
- 2: The capital
- 3: Population
- 4: Population / Square mile
- 5: Largest City
- 6: Area ( Square miles )
- 7: Languages
- 8: Religions
- And highlight the Country on the map.
- Number 6 have a circle on the screen and waiting for you to move.
- You can use arrow keys or Home, PgUp, End, and PgDn keys to move the
- circle. Press Enter will let you know the Country and Capital names.
- If your Circle go out of Screen, Press NUMBER "5" KEY to move it
- back on screen.
- To move the circle quicker or slower use "+" or "-" key
- Number 6 on MAIN NENU will show you the WORLD MAP and displays
- the COUNTRY name and Highlight it on Screen.
- Number 7 Let you know 12 Longest Rivers in the World.
- Number 8 Let you know 12 highest Mountains.
- Number 9 Show you 12 largest Lakes and Seas.
- Number 10 or type E will have BLACKJACK for your Entertainment.
- Number 11 or X will exit the program.
- If you have particularly enjoyed this program
- please register for your Software. For your convenience we
- included the REGISTRATION FORM.
- 3643 Dale St.
- Lakeland, FL 33813
- From: Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- City: . . . . . . . . . . , State . . . . . ,Zip Code . . . . . .
- Additional space for foreign address . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- Circle registration option A: or B: below.
- A: Please register my copy of The WORLD-INFO Program ( Version 2.0 )
- Send me a Original diskette. I' ve enclosed the suggested
- $20.00 registration fee.
- B: Please register my copy of The FASTSTART Program ( Version 2.0 )
- The educational program for Children form 3 to 10 year old.
- Send me a manual and a original copy . I' ve enclosed the
- suggested $15.00 registration fee.