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[ You can print this text file (4 pages) with your word processor, or at
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MathCounts 3+4 v1.0
copyright 1992 Able Art Software - All Rights Reserved.
* Graphics-based 3rd and 4th grade math tutorial covering
+, -, x, /, %, fractions, decimals, word problems, and more.
* Instructive feedback and remedial work are provided.
* A simple Menu system, or an automatic Beginner's Mode,
can accommodate students with different rates of learning.
* MathCounts 3+4 keeps track of students' progress: where
they are, what they've done, what they're ready to do next.
* The program can be customized with favorite reinforcing
words and phrases, and friends' names in word problems.
Minimum program requirements: 100% compatible PC, XT, AT with 640K
RAM, DOS 3.0 or higher, graphics adapter (Hercules mono, EGA, VGA).
MathCounts 3+4 runs fine from a floppy disk. Put the disk in the
drive, and at the A:> (or B:>) prompt type: MC34 <Enter>
LEAVE THE FLOPPY DISK IN THE DRIVE until after you exit the program.
Make backup copies regularly, no matter which drive you use.
To put the program on a hard drive, first make a directory:
(example) MD C:\MC34 <Enter>
Then change to the new directory, put the MathCounts 3+4 disk in
drive A and copy ALL MathCounts 3+4 files into the new directory.
(example) CD C:\MC34 <Enter>
COPY A:\*.* <Enter>
To run MathCounts 3+4 from a hard drive, change to the proper
directory (MC34:\>) if you haven't yet and type: MC34 <Enter>
(NOTE: If, for any reason, your disk already has other students'
names and records stored on it, see instructions below for deleting
these so that your student(s) will start out with new records.)
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MathCounts 3+4 covers a lot of material, but is easy to use. After
a brief introduction, students should be able to manage largely on
their own.
For beginning students of about 3rd grade level, it may be best to
start with Beginner's Mode. (Choose this option after the student's
name has been entered.) Beginner's Mode will automatically present
suitable problems in an ordered series. When a student becomes
comfortable with the material and presentation, or any time you
want to concentrate on specific problem areas, you can switch to
using the Menus. (Beginner's Mode is available for 7 "lessons",
after which only the Menu system is active.)
All of the program's functions are available through a simple Menu
system. Choices on each Menu progress from (1) less to (7) more
difficulty. For most students, a sequential approach starting with
earlier Menu items and then progressing to later ones will give the
best results. But don't wait to finish all the items on one Menu
before starting on the next Menu. For example, students should be
trying easy word problems (item 1 on the Word Problem Menu) by the
time they've done some addition and subtraction (items 1 and 2 on
the previous Menu). The program will recognize attempts to do
problems that are well beyond the current level of difficulty, and
suggest that easier ones be done first (see instructions below for
moving up or down difficulty levels).
To go back to Beginner's Mode after using the Menus, choose to exit
the program, and then press 'n' when asked if you want to leave
MathCounts 3+4. Select student's name, and then 2) Beginner's Mode.
If the student has already covered many of the Menu items,
Beginner's Mode may seem too easy.
Program performance on the oldest (slowest) PC's and XT's may be
sluggish (on XT's be sure to use the fastest turbo setting).
For the latest 386 - 486 machines, you may want to set your
turbo switch to a slower setting. In either case, set the turbo
switch BEFORE loading MathCounts 3+4.
MathCounts 3+4 keeps track of how well students are doing. (Students
do well if given the chance.) If a student correctly completes at
least three out of four problems of a given type, MathCounts 3+4
automatically moves on to harder problem levels. If not, further
problems of that type will be at the same level of difficulty
until at least 75% are done correctly. The primary reason for
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keeping records is to allow the program to change levels properly
and to progress at different rates in different areas. However,
the records can also be used to check the suitability of this
tutorial for any given student.
MathCounts 3+4 will often supply remedial problems in appropriate
background areas when a student is having some trouble. On the
other hand, if a student jumps ahead to problems at harder levels,
the program will suggest that background material be covered first.
(Suggestions can be ignored and over-ridden.) An overview of a
student's progress is presented in the Student's Progress Graph,
item 5 on the Shapes, Sizes, Graph Menu.
The Students Progress Graph should be used with some sensitivity.
You may find that this graph is consulted often, since it shows at
a glance how many problems of each kind have been done, which levels
a student is working at, and the percentage of "correct" responses
in each area. The graph is there to help students and instructors
see what material has been covered. Many factors may affect the
information shown on the graph, and it is therefore best to use it
as a general guide only.
Records are kept in the MCRECORD.DAT file, which must be on the
floppy disk, or in the directory, from which MathCounts 3+4 is run.
In each area of the tutorial, a student works at a particular level
of difficulty. It is possible to go down a level or levels (to
repeat certain types of problems) or to go up (to do specific
problems, or for students that are beginning at an advanced level).
Difficulty levels can be changed in two ways:
1.) Whenever a menu item beyond the current difficulty level
is selected, a message will appear suggesting that easier
menu items be completed first, but the option will be
given to change the difficulty level upward as well.
2.) The Student's Progress Graph (item 5 on Shapes, Sizes,
Graph Menu) shows the current difficulty level for each
tutorial area. Use the arrow keys to highlight the level
you wish to change (up or down), and then just follow the
prompts. This is a convenient way to go back a level to
repeat certain kinds of problems.
MathCounts 3+4 will prompt for up to three students' names and keep
records for them. You can delete students if you need to (WARNING:
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students' records will be deleted as well). Be sure you have a
CURRENT BACKUP copy in case you decide afterward that you have made
a mistake. Press <ALT><F9> at the main menu to show the setting
choices. Select number 3) Students & Records. Answer the prompts
to delete any or all names and records.
Throughout the program, words and phrases of encouragement appear
when a student does well. MathCounts 3+4 comes with a list of
these, but you may want to change them to better reflect current
local usage or personal preference (your children may have favorite
phrases, or they may tire of old ones). To list the phrases or make
changes, press <ALT><F9> at the main menu. Select 1) Encouragement.
You can use up to 16 characters for each word or phrase.
In each word problem, one or more names will be used. You can
change the names that will appear (your children might like to use
the names of friends or acquaintances). To list the names or make
changes, press <ALT><F9> at the main menu. Select number 2) Word
Problem Names. You can use up to 10 characters for each name.
If a problem arises which you cannot solve after carefully reading
these instructions, and you find that you need to contact Able Art
Software for technical assistance, please include all relevant
information on: your computer system (including CPU, disk drives,
video), DOS version, other system software, and any details you have
noticed about conditions leading up to the problem.
* * * *
MathCounts 3+4 is based upon the notion that: Students, especially
in their earlier years, need all the help they can get learning to
use and enjoy mathematics. Building confidence and a positive out-
look can sometimes be more important than "mastering" benchmark
concepts. Students are all different; they learn best in different
ways and at different rates. Materials which adapt to such dif-
ferences in the most positive way possible are preferable. If
computer programs are to promote learning, they must do more than
automate the delivery of drill materials. They must begin to provide
flexible, dynamic, and individualized tools for inquiring minds.
[ You can print this text file (4 pages) with your word processor, or at
the DOS prompt with printer ready, type: COPY MC34.DOC PRN <Enter> ]
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