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- Thanks for trying PC Allowance, a Shareware program for PC compatibles
- that will teach your kids the basics of banking and managing money. If you
- are interested in trying the program right away, please read all of this
- file, and in particular the section RUNNING PC ALLOWANCE THE FIRST TIME.
- PC Allowance works just like a bank's automatic teller machine. With
- it you can automate all the allowances in your household, ending many
- family arguments about money. Kids can use it as a basic money management
- tool to help keep track of where their money goes. Maybe best of all, the
- program will reward saving by compounding interest on money saved.
- PC Allowance features a full set of banking functions. It accepts
- deposits, makes withdrawals and writes mock "checks." It will automatically
- accrue a set weekly allowance, perform compound interest calculations,
- publish account "statements" and even make loans. You can add memos to any
- transaction, set minimum balance requirements and maintain a nearly
- unlimited number of accounts, each with its own password protection. The
- program is fully menu-driven and provides complete mouse support, though a
- mouse is not necessary.
- PC Allowance is copyrighted Shareware. You have a limited license to
- evaluate the program for up to 30 days, after which time you must register
- it if you find it useful. Registered users receive a printed and bound users
- manual, unlimited technical support, the lastest registered version, bug
- fixes, discounts on future upgrades and notification of all future upgrades
- and other products from Syntonic Software. Non-registered users will suffer
- through life with nagging guilt and lowered esteem in the eyes of their
- children.
- PC Allowance requires at least 256 kilobytes of RAM and DOS 2.0 or
- higher. The program will run on hard disk or floppy disk systems and on
- almost all computer monitors, including monochrome. You may need to change
- the program's color selection when running on a monochrome system. For
- printer output, the program produces plain-vanilla ASCII text which works
- on dot matrix, daisy wheel and non-Postscript laser printers.
- To install PC Allowance, just copy all the files onto a subdirectory
- on your hard drive, or onto one floppy disk. The files may be compressed
- into an archive, in which case you will need to extract the program files
- with the appropriate utility. These files should be present:
- PCALLOW.EXE The main program file
- MANUAL.DOC The on-disk documentation and user's guide
- README.DOC This file
- REGISTER.DOC The registration form (print it and send it in
- with your check!)
- In addition, FILE_ID.DIZ may be present if the archive was downloaded from
- a BBS. This is the standard program description and should be included in
- the archive if you upload to another BBS.
- The beauty of the Shareware concept is that it thrives on a free
- exchange of programs. Please note that the operative word in this section is
- FREE. You're free to distribute this program in anyway you want (copying it
- for friends, uploading to bulletin boards, placing in a user group library,
- etc.) PROVIDED certain requirements are met:
- 1) All files, including the documentation, must be included in any
- distribution.
- 2) No files may be modified in any way. This includes, but is not limited to,
- editing of text files and disassembly or alteration of binary files.
- 3) No fee whatsoever may be charged for the program, other than the usual
- connect charges for BBS systems and on-line services. Disk catalogs and
- vendors may distribute PC Allowance for a reasonable materials and handling
- fee, provided that they are members of the Association of Shareware
- Professionals (ASP). All others must receive prior written approval from
- John H. Byrd before doing so.
- 4) All program listings and descriptions must accurately name and describe
- PC Allowance and its version number. The program may not be listed under any
- other name, nor under a generic description. The file title may be abbreviated
- in BBS listings provided the full name is used in a file description. A
- suggested title for BBS listing is PCAxxx, where xxx respresents the version
- number. For instance, Version 1.0 would be PCA100.
- PC Allowance is supplied "as is," and the user assumes all liability.
- Neither John H. Byrd nor Syntonic Software shall be liable for any loss or
- damage that may result from using this program.
- Run PC Allowance by typing PCALLOW at the DOS prompt. (As with all
- DOS commands, capital letters are optional.) You will need a "Banker's
- Master Key" to set up accounts and perform most advanced functions. The
- default Master Key is MASTER. You can change this to another code word of
- up to 10-letters (or numbers) by selecting "Setup/Banker/Master Key" on the
- pop-up menus. You can also view a summary of helpful hints by typing
- PCALLOW ? at the DOS command line.
- Please use and enjoy PC Allowance. I hope all your children become
- millionaires and treat you to the golden years that you deserve. In the
- meantime, if you have any problems, comments or suggestions, I'd like
- to hear from you. Please call or write. You can contact me via
- CompuServe (72060,1556), or GEnie (J.Byrd7). Or, write to:
- John Byrd
- Syntonic Software
- 16432 Forest Home Road
- Charlotte, NC 28278
- Or call (704) 588-2099 or (704) 542-0473.
- John Byrd
- 8/03/92