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- << Introducing XYSee 3.0a >>
- High Performance Math!
- Points to Parametrics...Lines to Lissajous
- About XYSee:
- XYSee supplements high school and college level studies in Algebra,
- Geometry, and Trigonometry. XYSee's intuitive menu structure, com-
- prehensive tutorial, and context-sensitive help, make it suitable
- for home use without professional supervision.
- With XYSee You Will:
- o Conduct interactive "what if" analysis on a broad array of Functions
- o Cover material found on the SAT, ACT, and Math Placement Tests
- o Challenge problem-solving skills with ho-hum to horrific Puzzles
- o Run easy-to-use Macros, saving keystrokes and automating tests
- o Add your own custom macros and puzzles with the "smart" Editor
- o Track progress with printable Performance Reports
- XYSee's Advanced Features Include:
- o Fully interactive, high-resolution Color Graphics
- o Frustration free "Smart Mouse" menu selection
- o Multi-level model expansion as in Y=sin(X)...Y=Asin(BX+C)+D
- o Asymptote, vector, foci, and axis translation Visualization Aids
- o Illustrated, step-by-step User's Manual for rapid familiarization
- System Requirements:
- o IBM-PC compatible computer with 384K memory and one disk drive
- o PC/MS-DOS version 2.1 or greater
- o VGA/EGA graphics card versions available
- o Mouse and graphics printer optional
- Can't Wait?...
- You may "fast track" the review process as follows:
- 1. At the DOS prompt, key "XYSee" <ENTER>
- 2. Use your arrow keys or mouse to select the "Run Macro" option
- 3. Select the "Tutorial" option
- 4. Relax and enjoy!
- NOTES: ISBN 0-9627172-1-5
- XYSee has been approved by the New York City Board of Education.
- XYSee is compatible with Windows' "full screen" mode.
- Tandy Users: XYSee expects a Microsoft compatible mouse system to
- be active. You should execute "Mouse.COM" to enhance
- the internal DeskMate mouse driver.
- Review documentation:
- XYSee is a large program...Because of disk space limitations, we are
- unable to include all the documentation found in the full registration
- package. However, when used in conjunction with XYSee's comprehensive
- tutorial and example macros and puzzles, this brief document provides
- an excellent overview of the program's new and exciting features.
- NOTATION: Keystroke references will be indicated as <KEY>
- (Ex.: Enter key=<ENTER>).
- Program Registration:
- XYSee is supported entirely through user registration. Your under-
- standing and support are crucial to the continued availability of this
- unique educational tool. Upon registration, you will promptly receive:
- o The latest registered version of XYSee
- o The illustrated XYSee user's manual
- o Additional demonstration macros and puzzles
- o One year of free technical assistance
- o One year of free major-version updates
- To obtain your XYSee registration package, complete and mail the
- convenient order form to:
- Insight Advantage
- 4509 Yellowleaf Dr.
- Fort Worth, TX 76133
- The ASP and You:
- Insight Advantage is a member of the Association of Shareware
- Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware
- principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-
- related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly,
- ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a
- dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical
- support for member's products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at
- 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442 or send a Compuserve message via
- Compuserve Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.
- Starting XYSee:
- To start the program, enter "XYSee" at the DOS prompt.
- Ex.: A:\>XYSee <ENTER>
- Getting Around:
- You may use your mouse or arrow keys to navigate XYSee's menus.
- <ACCEPT> a selection with your <ENTER> key or leftmost mouse button.
- <CANCEL> a selection with your <ESCAPE> key or rightmost mouse button.
- "OK" Dialog Boxes:
- XYSee uses dialog boxes to:
- o Accept user input data and request confirmation
- o Report program status and error conditions
- You may <ACCEPT>, <CANCEL>, or input the requested data as appropriate.
- Setting Up XYSee:
- You may configure XYSee to your particular Sound, Color, and Data drive
- requirements. Because your review copy of XYSee may have been previously
- configured by another user, we recommend selecting the "Reset Setup"
- option prior to accessing any macro or puzzle files for the first time.
- How XYSee Uses Colors:
- Functions being plotted are colored yellow. Individual components of
- Parametrics and Composites are plotted in red and blue with the combined
- plot, in yellow. When present, visualization aids (offsets, vectors,
- asymptotes, etc.) will be colored green. Puzzle functions (pieces) are
- in white, with solution attempts in yellow. Outlier highlighting is in
- yellow on the variables panel. If the vertical and/or horizontal scale
- has changed since the last plot, the affected scale will be in red until
- a subsequent plot returns it to white. The cursor display is in cyan.
- Getting Help:
- XYSee includes a comprehensive on-line "Tutorial" covering the program's
- features and functions. In addition, should you get lost navigating the
- program's structure, you may refer to the "Menu Tree" diagram in the
- middle of the screen. Expanded edit-key assignment and file syntax
- coverage is available in the editor. Finally, you may access XYSee's
- extensive context-sensitive help system at any time by pressing the
- <F1> function key.
- The following short descriptions cover frequently used menu options.
- Update Values:
- A new plot display is produced each time you update an equation.
- Equation changes typically affect the form, position, and orientation
- of the display. This option allows you to explore these changes.
- NOTE: Numerical limits for all XYSee variables are +/-99.
- Cursor:
- Highlights points of interest on a plot. May be single stepped in
- manual mode with the arrow keys or mouse. Within a macro, the cursor
- may be "jumped" from point to point with the step multiplier.
- (Ex.: Up * 5 jumps up 5 steps)
- Overlay Plot:
- The "Store" and "Restore" options are used together to visually place
- one plot display over another for on-screen comparison. Vertical and
- horizontal scale factors are stored along with the plot. When the plot
- is restored, these scale factors will be used to rescale (if necessary)
- the active plot. The use of stored scale factors allows the direct
- comparison of points between the plots.
- Statistics:
- XYSee calculates up to seven statistics for each function. The number
- and kind of statistics varies from function to function. Access the
- individual function Help files <F1> for additional information.
- Select Model:
- XYSee employs a unique formula expansion technique to customize its
- complexity to individual user needs. New students may start with the
- most basic form of an equation. As they progress however, the student
- may wish to explore more complicated models.
- For example:(^ stands for squared)
- o Basic parabolic equation form Y=X^
- o With magnitude control added Y=AX^
- o With single axis translation coverage added Y=A(X-H)^
- o Magnitude and multiple axis translation (Y-K)=A(X-H)^
- In this manner, XYSee adds over 50, fully interactive, levels of
- complexity to its 20 core equations. Just as in our parabolic example,
- this feature is specially well suited to the introduction of new material
- characterized by distinct levels of complexity. The student may save the
- custom selection of models for automatic activation in a future session.
- Print Plot:
- The current plot can be reproduced on an Epson or IBM compatible graphic
- printer. The current function, its active model, and its variables are
- printed with the plot. Puzzle file identification is also included.
- Zoom Scale: {Puzzles}
- Within the numerical limits of XYSee, it is possible to plot puzzle
- functions partially or entirely outside the range of the display.
- While attempting to identify these "hidden" functions, you can select
- a different plot scale. XYSee scales extend from +/- 1 to +/- 10,000.
- Show Outlier: {Puzzles}
- A "Tolerance" value is associated with each puzzle. The tolerance sets
- limits on how close a guess must come to be considered a match. The
- "Show Outlier" feature highlights values that exceed these limits.
- This allows you to "lock-in" correct guesses while refining incorrect
- ones. Values from 0 (exact match) to 9 (rather far off) may be selected.
- Editor-key Assignments:
- -----------------------
- Left/Right on line .F2 Cursor up .........Up-arrow
- Right 10 spaces ...Tab Cursor down .....Down-arrow
- Top of screen ....Home Cursor left .....Left-arrow
- Bottom of screen ..End Cursor right ...Right-arrow
- Previous screen ..PgUp Insert character .......Ins
- Next screen ......PgDn Delete character .......Del
- Top of file ........F3 Backspace/Delete .Backspace
- Bottom of file .....F4
- Copy line from .F5 Insert line ...F7
- Copy line to ...F6 Delete line ...F8
- Append line ...Ent Restore line .Esc
- Print edit file .......F9 Help ..................F1
- Quit/Check Syntax ....F10
- File Syntax:
- ------------
- (Line 1) <Delay><Space><Command><Space>{Comment}
- Ex.: 3 Null Add a 3 second additional delay.
- (Line 1) <Delay><Space><"Message"><Space>{Comment}
- (Line 2) <Message text>
- Ex.: 4 Message Display the next line.
- This message will be displayed on the screen.
- (Line 1) <Delay><Space><"Entry"><Space>{Comment}
- (Line 2) <Entry (0-9)/(A-Z)>
- Ex.: 2 Entry Select the "A" data-drive.
- A
- (Line 1) <Function type><Space>{Comment}
- (Line 2) <Parameter value #1><Space>{Comment}
- (Line n) <Parameter value #n><Space>{Comment}
- Ex.: Point Add this function to the puzzle.
- 1.2 "X" value.
- 3.4 "Y" value.
- Notation convention: <Required>, {Optional},
- "Literal", (Note only)
- XYSee Macro Commands:
- ---------------------
- ACCEPT ......Enter key substitute "ACCEPT" ...Pause till "ACCEPT"
- BEEP ..............Attention bell "CANCEL" ...........Abort Macro
- CANCEL .....Escape key substitute
- DOWN ...Down arrow key substitute SPECIAL COMMANDS
- ENTRY .Character response follows 0-9 ..Numeric ENTRY response
- LEFT ...Left arrow key substitute A-Z ...Letter ENTRY response
- MESSAGE .....Message text follows
- NULL ..........Non-executing line
- OFF-KEY ........Lock the keyboard
- ON-KEY .......Unlock the keyboard
- RIGHT .Right arrow key substitute
- STOP .............Terminate Macro
- UP .......Up arrow key substitute
- WAIT .........Pause till "ACCEPT"
- XYSee Puzzle Functions:
- -----------------------
- -------- ------- ---------
- Point: P(X,Y) X, Y
- Line: AX+BY+C=0 X, A, B, C
- Circle: (X-H)^+(Y-K)^=R^ R, H, K
- Parabola: (Y-K)=A(X-H)^ A, H, K
- Sine: Y=Asin(BX+C) A, B, C
- Tangent: Y=Atan(BX+C) A, B, C
- Para: Y=Asin(BPiT);
- X=Ccos(DPiT) A, C, B, D
- Comp: Y=AX/B;
- Y=-Ccos(DX) A, C, B, D
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Copyright (C) Insight Advantage, 1992, All rights reserved.
- XYSee is a trademark of Insight Advantage.
- IBM and IBM-PC are registered trademarks of International
- Business Machines Corp.
- MS-DOS and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp.
- Epson is a registered trademark of Seiko Epson Corp.
- Tandy and DeskMate are registered trademarks of Tandy Corp.