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- 1 12 ** Welcome to XYSee **
- ======================
- [Select Plot]: This is the entry
- point for plotting functions.
- <ACCEPT><ENTER> to view Family
- Menu selections.
- Note: Select the Run Macro
- option for a demonstration of
- XYSee's many exciting features.
- 2 11 [Puzzle Menu]: Puzzles are
- combinations of functions
- interwoven on a common display.
- The challenge is to select
- pieces (functions) with
- dimensions (variable values)
- matching the display within a
- user defined tolerance.
- <ACCEPT> to view Puzzle Menu
- selections.
- 3 12 [Run Macro]: Macros are disk
- files containing commands which
- emulate manual keyboard se-
- quences. Macros can replace
- small, frequently used routines
- or automate large and complex
- presentations ("Tutorial").
- Use the XYSee editor to create
- your macros ("Edit Files").
- <ACCEPT> to view Macro Menu
- Selections.
- 4 10 [Edit Files]: Create, change,
- and validate your XYSee macro
- and puzzle files with this
- application-sensitive editor.
- Application command, edit-key
- assignment, and file syntax
- (format) help is available.
- <ACCEPT> to view Edit Menu
- selections.
- 5 11 [Setup XYSee]: Configure XYSee
- to your individual requirements
- with respect to color, sound,
- and data file location, etc.
- <ACCEPT> to view Setup Menu
- selections.
- Note: Please refer to the
- "Registration" selection for
- XYSee ordering information.
- 6 9 [Exit XYSee]: You may terminate
- the current session from here.
- <ACCEPT> to return to the DOS
- prompt.
- Note: You may save program
- changes for use as defaults
- in a future session.
- 7 8 [Sketch Pad]: Mathematics is not
- only useful, it can also be
- beautiful! Each sketch is based
- upon a particular family of
- functions.
- <ACCEPT> to view the different
- sketches.
- 8 11 [Update Values]: Plot displays
- are defined by values assigned
- to formula variables. The
- assigned values typically
- affect the form, position, and
- orientation of the displayed
- function. You may investigate
- the effect of variable changes
- with this option.
- <ACCEPT> to change variables.
- 9 7 [Cursor]: Use this visual
- indicator to identify points
- of interest on the display.
- You may reposition the cursor
- with the arrow keys or mouse.
- <ACCEPT> to activate the cursor.
- 10 9 [Overlay Plot]: XYSee can
- combine two or more plots for
- comparison. Multiple plots of
- a single function and/or indi-
- vidual plots of different func-
- tions may be combined at will.
- <ACCEPT> to view Overlay menu
- selections.
- 11 11 [Statistics]: Each function has
- associated with it various sta-
- tistics. XYSee attempts to
- calculate as many of these as
- possible. In some cases, ter-
- minology has been selected to
- introduce common engineering
- usage (amplitude, frequency,
- offset, etc.).
- <ACCEPT> to view statistics.
- 12 9 [Select Model]: Formulas may
- be expressed in various levels
- of complexity. For example,
- Y=X can be expanded to Y=AX,
- or even Y=(AX)+B to support
- individual requirements.
- <ACCEPT> to open a formula
- model entry box.
- 13 11 [Print Plot]: The current
- plot display may be copied to
- a graphics printer. Popular
- EPSON(tm) and IBM(tm) compat-
- ible graphics modes are suppor-
- ted. If your printout appears
- chopped or distorted, try
- selecting a different mode.
- <ACCEPT> to open a print mode
- entry box.
- 14 9 [Select Puzzle]: This is the
- point of puzzle activation.
- <ACCEPT> to view a directory
- of available puzzles.
- <CANCEL> to abort an active
- puzzle (if confirmed) and
- return to the Main Menu.
- 15 6 [Solve Puzzle]: This is the
- entry point to solve an active
- puzzle ("Select Puzzle").
- After activation, <ACCEPT> to
- view Family Menu selections.
- 16 7 [Save Puzzle]: Saves remaining
- pieces of the current puzzle
- to a disk file - "XYSAVED".
- <ACCEPT> to save the current
- puzzle or confirm overwriting
- a previously saved one.
- 17 6 [Puzzle Report]: <ACCEPT> to
- view a complexity and solution
- status report for your puzzle.
- Note: You may print a copy of
- the report if desired.
- 18 12 [Zoom Scale]: It is possible
- within the numerical limits of
- XYSee to plot functions par-
- tially, or even entirely out-
- side the range of the display.
- In attempting to identify these
- "hidden" functions, you may
- need to change the display
- scale.
- <ACCEPT> to open a zoom scale
- entry box.
- 19 9 [Show Outlier]: This feature
- highlights out-of-tolerance
- values which can cause a so-
- lution attempt to fail. "Show
- Outlier" is used to "lock-in"
- correct values while attempting
- to "zero-in" on incorrect ones.
- <ACCEPT> to highlight outliers.
- 20 12 [Select Macro]: Macros are disk
- files containing commands which
- emulate manual keyboard se-
- quences. Macros can replace
- small, frequently used routines
- or automate large and complex
- presentations ("Tutorial").
- Use the XYSee editor to create
- your macros ("Edit Files").
- <ACCEPT> to view a directory
- of available macros.
- 21 12 [Tutorial]: XYSee's exciting
- features are highlighted in
- this continuously looping macro
- routine. Take a few moments to
- become familiar with the power
- and versatility you may apply
- in your educational endeavors.
- <ACCEPT> to start tutorial.
- During execution, <CANCEL> to
- stop the tutorial.
- 22 12 [Store]: XYSee can combine two
- or more plots for comparison.
- <ACCEPT> to store the currently
- active display.
- Note: The plot scale in effect
- when an overlay is saved is re-
- established when the overlay is
- restored. Any currently active
- display will automatically be
- rescaled to the new value.
- 23 10 [Restore]: <ACCEPT> to overlay
- the current display with a
- previously stored plot.
- Note: The plot scale that was
- in effect when the overlay was
- saved will be reestablished.
- Any currently active display
- will automatically be rescaled
- to the new value.
- 24 5 [Sound ON/OFF]: Context-
- sensitive audio enhancement.
- <ACCEPT> to toggle sound on or
- off to suit your environment.
- 25 10 [Set Color]: Four predefined
- sets of colors are available
- as well as monochrome. The
- enhanced contrast of monochrome
- may suit gray-scale monitors
- (laptops, page-whites, etc.)
- and screen capture needs best.
- <ACCEPT> to open a color set
- entry box.
- 26 10 [Files in]: XYSee normally
- expects to find macro, puzzle,
- and program files in the same
- default ("X:") location. If
- you wish to separate your data
- files, you must specify their
- new location with this option.
- <ACCEPT> to open a data drive
- entry box.
- 27 11 [Configure DOS]: Sets up your
- operating system to support
- special requirements of XYSee.
- <ACCEPT> to check for a system
- "CONFIG.SYS" file containing a
- FILES=20 statement.
- Note: After confirmation,
- XYSee will create or alter the
- file as necessary.
- 28 11 [Registration]: XYSee 3.0
- ** This is not free software **
- Your understanding and support
- are critical to the continued
- viability and availability of
- this unique educational tool.
- <ACCEPT> for XYSee license and
- registration information.
- 29 12 [Reset Setup]: XYSee saves
- configuration changes and cur-
- rent formula models in an init-
- ialization file for use during
- future sessions.
- <ACCEPT> to restore the stan-
- dard program configuration.
- Note: Be sure you save the new
- (standard) configuration as you
- exit XYSee.
- 30 12 [Variable Values]: Update your
- plot values at this point.
- <ACCEPT> to open a plot value
- entry box.
- <CANCEL> to automatically plot
- your new values and return to
- the Options Menu.
- Note: Numerical limits for all
- formula variables are +/- 99.
- 31 8 [Variable Values]: Update your
- formula variables at this point.
- <ACCEPT> to open a plot value
- entry box.
- Note: Numerical limits for all
- formula variables are +/- 99.
- 32 9 [ File ]
- [ Directory Options ]
- [Filename]: <ACCEPT> to select
- the displayed file.
- [--No File--]: This directory
- position is available for an
- additional file.
- 33 12 [ File ]
- [ Directory Options ]
- [Filename]: <ACCEPT> to select
- the displayed file.
- [--No File--]: This directory
- position is available for an
- additional file.
- [-Other Files-]: <ACCEPT> to
- display additional files.
- 34 10 [Edit Macro]: Change and re-
- validate existing macro files.
- Extensive application command,
- edit-key assignment, and file
- syntax (format) help is avail-
- able within the application-
- sensitive editor.
- <ACCEPT> to view a directory
- of available macros.
- 35 10 [Edit Puzzle]: Change and re-
- validate existing puzzle files.
- Extensive application command,
- edit-key assignment, and file
- syntax (format) help is avail-
- able within the application-
- sensitive editor.
- <ACCEPT> to view a directory
- of available puzzles.
- 36 10 [New Macro]: Create, change and
- validate new macro files. Ex-
- tensive application command,
- edit-key assignment, and file
- syntax (format) help is avail-
- able within the application-
- sensitive editor.
- <ACCEPT> to open a filename
- entry box.
- 37 10 [New Puzzle]: Create, change
- and validate new puzzle files.
- Extensive application command,
- edit-key assignment, and file
- syntax (format) help is avail-
- able within the application-
- sensitive editor.
- <ACCEPT> to open a filename
- entry box.
- 38 12 [Configure DOS]: Sets up your
- operating system to support
- special requirements of XYSee.
- <ACCEPT> to install a FILES=20
- statement in your "CONFIG.SYS".
- <CANCEL> to prohibit changes
- to your operating system.
- Note: You should re-boot your
- system after configuring DOS.
- 39 11 [Accept When Ready]: XYSee is
- ready to print...
- Please ensure your printer is
- online and ready with paper
- installed.
- <ACCEPT> to begin printing.
- Note: Graphics printouts ty-
- pically take a minute or so
- to complete.
- 40 10 [General Data Entry]: Single
- character update module.
- <A-Z, 0-9> To complete update.
- <ACCEPT> To confirm default
- entry and return to menu.
- <CANCEL> To abandon changes
- and return to menu.
- 41 11 [Var. Value Entry]: Update
- values used to define the
- current display.
- <ACCEPT> to complete entry or
- to confirm default value and
- return to menu.
- <CANCEL> to restore default
- value or to abandon changes
- and return to menu.
- 42 11 [Enter Filename]: An XYSee file-
- name consists of from one to
- eight letters. Numbers,
- special characters, and file
- extensions may not be used.
- <ACCEPT> to activate the new or
- default filename.
- <CANCEL> to restore the default
- filename or return to menu.
- 43 10 [Overwrite Duplicate File]:
- XYSee has found an existing
- file with the same name as your
- new file. You may wish to view
- the contents of the existing
- file before continuing.
- <ACCEPT> to overwrite file.
- <CANCEL> to enter new filename.
- 44 5 [View Sketch]: A repeating
- sequence of mathematically de-
- rived displays.
- <ACCEPT> to view another sketch.
- 45 10 [Default Settings]: XYSee's
- default settings are:
- Sound = On
- Color Set = 1 {Blue/Magenta}
- Data Drive = X {Default}
- <ACCEPT> to restore defaults.
- <CANCEL> for current settings.
- 46 12 [Save Custom Settings]: Sound,
- color set, data drive, and/or
- formula model changes have
- occurred. If the changes are
- not saved now, the settings will
- revert to previous defaults.
- <ACCEPT> to save the new changes
- as session defaults.
- <CANCEL> to retain the previous
- session defaults.
- 47 12 [Terminate Active Puzzle]:
- Active puzzles are automatically
- terminated upon leaving the
- puzzle module. If you would
- like to continue with this
- puzzle at another time, select
- the "Save Puzzle" option.
- <ACCEPT> to terminate the cur-
- rent puzzle.
- <CANCEL> to prohibit termination.
- 48 8 [Configure DOS]: Update Complete!
- Due to the way DOS is designed,
- CONFIG.SYS changes are not
- effective until after you re-
- boot your computer system.
- <ACCEPT> to return to the Setup
- Menu.
- 49 9 [Geometric Menu]: Selections...
- Point#1: Coordinate X=(A+B)C
- Point#2: Ordered pair P(X,Y)
- Line#1: Slope-Intercept Y=AX+B
- Line#2: Linear Eq. AX+BY+C=0
- 50 8 [Point#1]: Coordinate.
- Form: X=(A+B)C
- Offset [horiz]: (A+B)C
- Example Values:
- A B C
- 6.0 -2.0 0.5
- 51 11 [Point#2]: Ordered pair.
- Form: P(X,Y)
- Offset [horiz]: X
- Offset [vert]: Y
- Origin Distance:
- Sqrt(X^+Y^)
- Example Values:
- X Y
- 7.0 -7.0
- 52 12 [Line#1]: Slope-Intercept.
- Form: Y=AX+B
- Slope: A
- X-Intercept: -B/A
- Y-Intercept: B
- Segment Length:
- Sqrt((X2-X1)^+(Y2-Y1)^)
- Example Values:
- X A B
- 8.0 0.4 -1.6
- 53 12 [Line#2]: Linear Equation.
- Form: AX+BY+C=0
- Slope: -A/B
- X-Intercept: -C/A
- Y-Intercept: -C/B
- Segment Length:
- Sqrt((X2-X1)^+(Y2-Y1)^)
- Example Values:
- X A B C
- 5.0 0.0 1.0 -5.0
- 54 12 [Parametric1]
- Form: Xcos(T)+Ysin(T)-P=0
- Slope: (Y2-Y1)/(X2-X1)
- X-Intercept: P/cos(T)
- Y-Intercept: P/sin(T)
- Segment Length:
- Sqrt((X2-X1)^+(Y2-Y1)^)
- Example Values:
- X T P
- 5.0 2.0 -2.0
- 55 8 [Geometric Menu]: Selections...
- Point: Ordered pairs P(X,Y)
- Line: Linear Eq. AX+BY+C=0
- <ACCEPT> to view Geometric
- Menu selections.
- 56 7 [Point]: Ordered pairs.
- Form: P(X,Y)
- Example Values:
- X Y
- 7.0 -7.0
- 57 7 [Line]: Linear Equation.
- Form: AX+BY+C=0
- Example Values:
- X A B C
- 5.0 0.0 1.0 -5.0
- 58 11 [Conic Sect. Menu]: Selections..
- Quadratic Eq.: AX^+BX+C=0
- Circle: (X-H)^+(Y-K)^=R^
- Ellipse: (X-H)^/A^+(Y-K)^/B^=1
- Parabola: (Y-K)=A(X-H)^
- Hyperbola: (X-H)^/A^-(Y-K)^/B^=1
- 59 10 [Quadratic Eq.]
- Form: AX^+BX+C=0
- Greater root.
- Lesser root.
- Root separation.
- Example Values:
- A B C
- -4.0 0.0 20.0
- 60 12 [Circle]
- Form: (X-H)^+(Y-K)^=R^
- Radius: R
- Diameter: 2R
- Circumference: 2Pi R
- Area: Pi R^
- (X) & (Y) Offsets.
- Example Values:
- R H K
- 5.0 5.0 -5.0
- 61 12 [Ellipse]
- Form: (X-H)^/A^+(Y-K)^/B^=1
- Major axis.
- Minor axis.
- Aspect ratio.
- Foci Separation.
- Offsets [horiz-vert].
- Example Values:
- A B H K
- 7.0 3.5 0.0 5.0
- 62 11 [Parabola]
- Form: (Y-K)=A(X-H)^
- Directrix: K-(A/4) {C}
- (X) Focus: H
- (Y) Focus: K+(A/4) {C}
- Vertex: (H, K)
- Example Values:
- X A H K
- 8.0 1.0 2.0 -30
- 63 11 [Hyperbola]
- Form: (X-H)^/A^-(Y-K)^/B^=1
- Center: (H, K)
- (X) Foci: H+Sqrt(A^+B^)
- (X) Foci: H-Sqrt(A^+B^)
- (Y) Foci: K
- Excentricity: Sqrt(A^+B^)/A
- Example Values:
- Y A B H K
- 4.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 -4.0
- 64 8 [Conic Sect. Menu]: Selections...
- Circle: (X-H)^+(Y-K)^=R^
- Parabola: (Y-K)=A(X-H)^
- <ACCEPT> to view Conic Sect.
- Menu selections.
- 65 7 [Circle]
- Form: (X-H)^+(Y-K)^=R^
- Example Values:
- R H K
- 5.0 5.0 -5.0
- 66 7 [Parabola]
- Form: (Y-K)=A(X-H)^
- Example Values:
- A H K
- 1.0 2. 0 -30
- 67 12 [Trig. Menu]: Selections...
- Sine: Asin(BX+C)+D
- Cosine: Acos(BX+C)+D
- Tangent: Atan(BX+C)+D
- Cosecant: Acsc(BX+C)+D
- Secant: Asec(BX+C)+D
- Cotangent: Acot(BX+C)+D
- 68 12 [Sine]
- Form: Y=Asin(BX+C)+D
- Amplitude [peak]: A+D
- Offset [vert]: D
- Period [rad]: 2Pi/B
- Phase Shift[rad]: -C/B
- Frequency [cyc/sec]: B
- Period [sec/cyc]: 1/B
- Phase Shift[deg]: -180C/BPi
- Example Values:
- X A B C D
- 7.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 -3.0
- 69 12 [Cosine]
- Form: Y=Acos(BX+C)+D
- Amplitude [peak]: A+D
- Offset [vert]: D
- Period [rad]: 2Pi/B
- Phase Shift[rad]: -C/B
- Frequency [cyc/sec]: B
- Period [sec/cyc]: 1/B
- Phase Shift[deg]: -180C/BPi
- Example Values:
- X A B C D
- 7.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 -3.0
- 70 12 [Tangent]
- Form: Y=Atan(BX+C)+D
- Gain [vert]: A+D
- Offset [vert]: D
- Period [rad]: Pi/B
- Phase Shift[rad]: -C/B
- Frequency [cyc/sec]: B
- Period [sec/cyc]: 1/B
- Phase Shift[deg]: -180C/BPi
- Example Values:
- X A B C D
- 6.3 5.0 0.5 -1.0 -15
- 71 12 [Cosecant]
- Form: Y=Acsc(BX+C)+D
- Gain [vert]: A+D
- Offset [vert]: D
- Period [rad]: Pi/B
- Phase Shift[rad]: -C/B
- Frequency [cyc/sec]: B
- Period [sec/cyc]: 1/B
- Phase Shift[deg]: -180C/BPi
- Example Values:
- X A B C D
- 6.3 5.0 0.5 -3.1 10
- 72 12 [Secant]
- Form: Y=Asec(BX+C)+D
- Gain [vert]: A+D
- Offset [vert]: D
- Period [rad]: Pi/B
- Phase Shift[rad]: -C/B
- Frequency [cyc/sec]: B
- Period [sec/cyc]: 1/B
- Phase Shift[deg]: -180C/BPi
- Example Values:
- X A B C D
- 6.3 5.0 0.5 -3.1 10
- 73 12 [Cotangent]
- Form: Y=Acot(BX+C)+D
- Gain [vert]: A+D
- Offset [vert]: D
- Period [rad]: Pi/B
- Phase Shift[rad]: -C/B
- Frequency [cyc/sec]: B
- Period [sec/cyc]: 1/B
- Phase Shift[deg]: -180C/BPi
- Example Values:
- X A B C D
- 6.3 5.0 0.5 -3.1 10
- 74 8 [Trig. Menu]: Selections...
- Sine: Asin(BX+C)
- Tangent: Atan(BX+C)
- <ACCEPT> to view Trig.
- Menu selections.
- 75 6 [Sine]
- Form: Y=Asin(BX+C)
- Example Values:
- A B C
- 3.0 1.0 1.0
- 76 6 [Tangent]
- Form: Y=Atan(BX+C)
- Example Values:
- A B C
- 5.0 0.5 -1.0
- 77 12 [Advanced Menu]: Selections...
- Para#1: Xcos(T)+Ysin(T)-P=0
- Para#2: Y=Asin(B Pi T) &
- X=Ccos(D Pi T)
- Para#3: Y=Asin((T+Pi)/B) &
- X=Csin(DT)
- Comp#1: Y=AX/B &
- Y=-Ccos(DX)
- Comp#2: Y=Acos(BX) &
- Y=Csin(DX)
- 78 12 [Parametric2]
- Form: Y=Asin(BPiT) &
- X=Ccos(DPiT)
- Amplitude [peak]: A
- Period [rad]: 1/B
- Frequency [cyc/sec]: PiB
- Amplitude [peak]: C
- Period [rad]: 1/D
- Frequency [cyc/sec]: PiD
- Example Values:
- A C B D
- 8.0 8.0 2.0 4.0
- 79 12 [Parametric3]
- Form: Y=Asin(TPi/B) &
- X=Csin(DT)
- Amplitude [peak]: A
- Period [rad]: B
- Frequency [cyc/sec]: Pi/B
- Amplitude [peak]: C
- Period [rad]: Pi/D
- Frequency [cyc/sec]: D
- Example Values:
- A C B D
- 9.0 3.0 3.0 1.0
- 80 12 [Composite1]
- Form: Y= AX/B &
- Y=-Ccos(DX)
- Slope: A/B
- Amplitude [peak]: C
- Period [rad]: Pi/D
- Frequency [cyc/sec]: D
- Example Values:
- A C B D
- -1.0 3.0 1.0 1.0
- 81 12 [Composite2]
- Form: Y=Acos(BX) &
- Y=Csin(DX)
- Amplitude [peak]: A
- Period [rad]: Pi/B
- Frequency [cyc/sec]: B
- Amplitude [peak]: C
- Period [rad]: Pi/D
- Frequency [cyc/sec]: D
- Example Values:
- A C B D
- 5.0 4.0 3.0 1.0
- 82 9 [Advanced Menu]: Selections...
- Parametric: Y=Asin(B Pi T) &
- X=Ccos(D Pi T)
- Composite: Y=AX/B &
- Y=-Ccos(DX)
- <ACCEPT> to view Advanced
- Menu selections.
- 83 7 [Parametric]
- Form: Y=Asin(BPiT) &
- X=Ccos(DPiT)
- Example Values:
- A C B D
- 8.0 8.0 2.0 4.0
- 84 7 [Composite]
- Form: Y= AX/B &
- Y=-Ccos(DX)
- Example Values:
- A C B D
- -1.0 3.0 1.0 1.0
- 999 4 This is help index 999
- [. boundaries of the display .]
- [12345678901234567890123456789]
- This is the last record
- {-----------------------------------}