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- ===============================
- ** THE VOCABULATOR (c) V3.10 **
- ===============================
- A shareware software package by:
- 22 Carrollwood Drive
- Tarrytown, NY 10591
- Suggested BBS name, this version: VOCAB310.ZIP
- BLUE BULL is proud to bring to you The Vocabulator (c) Version 3.10.
- The Vocabulator (c) helps you learn nine foreign languages
- quickly and easily.
- It helps overcome the essential problem with learning a foreign
- language - the fact that most people have so much difficulty
- acquiring enough vocabulary that they cannot comprehend the
- structure and pronunciation of the language which is being
- taught by Teacher, Tape, Friend or Lover.
- It gives you the means to quickly learn a hard core of around
- 500 words in a number of languages.
- It also gives you the ability to add new words and phrases,
- change translations to a form which suits your way of remembering
- things, or even to generate a learning vocabulary for a completely
- new language!
- ==================================
- The Vocabulator (c) requires an IBM PC, XT, AT, PS2 or EISA 100%
- compatible with at least 400kB free memory.
- The program as supplied requires a hard disk with at least 1 Mb free.
- To run The Vocabulator (c) from a diskette with less than 1Mb,
- you will first have to install the program on a friends' hard
- disk, then you may have to delete some language libraries which
- you do not need, or make different diskettes for different
- groups of languages. Each diskette needs the following files:
- VOCAB.EXE (The Program file)
- VOCAB.HLP (If you need help)
- <Language>.* (Files for languages you wish to use).
- The program supports any screen which emulates MONOCHROME, CGA, EGA,
- VGA, SVGA or HERCULES (c) standards, but contrast problems may be
- experienced when using a CGA card with a Black and White screen.
- The program requires MS DOS (c), or IBM DOS (c) Version 3.xx or higher.
- =================================
- 1. You should have received the following files on your
- distribution diskette:
- 2. Log to the drive which contains these Vocabulator (c) files.
- 3. Run the install program by typing "INSTALL".
- 4. Select <R>egistration option and print a registration form.
- 5. You may also print this manual from the same menu.
- 6. Then execute the <I>nstall option from the menu, which
- will copy all necessary files onto your hard drive, then install,
- and run the program.
- For example:
- A: (Log to A: drive)
- INSTALL (Executes install program)
- If you don't like installation programs:
- Copy the file VOCAB310.EXE into a suitable directory on your hard
- drive, log into this directory and type "VOCAB310" to uncompress
- the files, and then type "VOCAB" to execute the program.
- For example:
- C:
- VOCAB310
- If you received your files from a BBS, you will have received the
- single compressed file VOCAB310.<ZIP> (or some other compression
- routine file extension).
- To have got this far, you will already have used the decompression
- utility chosen by your BBS to uncompress the file.
- Now use the install routine as described above to uncompress, and
- run the program.
- ==================
- Remember to register your copy of The Vocabulator (c) if you
- like and plan to use it. To do this, run the program "INSTALL"
- and select the <R>egistration option, which will print out a
- registration form. Complete this form and return it, together
- with your registration fee, to the address on the form.
- After the registration form had been printed and mailed, it is
- only necessary to type "VOCAB" after logging to the correct
- directory.
- If you have any doubt about your comprehension of the statements
- made above, we would strongly recommend that you read the rest
- of this manual BEFORE you decide to use the program.
- The Vocabulator (c) is distributed under "Shareware".
- ==================
- Shareware gives users a chance to "TRY BEFORE YOU BUY". If you
- try a Shareware program and continue using it, you are expected
- to register. Individual programs differ on details- some request
- registration while others require it, some specify a maximum
- trial period. With registration, you get anything from the
- simple right to continue using the software to an updated
- program with printed manual.
- Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and Commercial software,
- and the copyright holder retains all rights, with a few specific
- exceptions as stated below. Shareware authors are accomplished
- programmers, just like commercial authors, and the programs are
- of comparable quality. (In both cases, there are good programs
- and bad ones!) The main difference is in the method of
- distribution. The author specifically grants the right to copy
- and distribute the software, either to all and sundry or to a
- specific group. For example, some authors require written
- permission before a commercial disk vendor may copy their
- Shareware.
- Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. You
- should find software that suits your needs and pocketbook,
- whether it's Commercial or Shareware. The Shareware system makes
- fitting your needs easier, because you can try before you buy.
- And because the overhead is low, prices are low also. Shareware
- has the ultimate money-back guarantee - if you don't use the
- product, you don't pay for it.
- ===========================
- We are NOT a heavy corporation, we are two guys who believe that
- we can produce a high standard of software to distribute under
- the Shareware concept.
- Wally (J.F.) Walters writes the programs. He has developed a
- number of major Software applications at home to help him in his
- job as the Technical manager of a Medium-sized Steel Furniture
- Manufacturer. He gets a huge kick out of producing what he sees
- as tight and useful programs such as this.
- Kobus Reyneke is an old master at Customer Service Administration
- and Marketing. He feels he is losing his personal touch with
- customers as his career develops into the Management of an
- International Trading Outfit. He gets a huge kick out of getting
- the word out to you, the customer, and administering all the one
- on one correspondence that results from this.
- We are both getting a kick out of bringing this product to you
- at a giveaway price, but please remember that there are many
- hours of midnight oil contained in this program, and we do feel
- we deserve a reasonable return from this effort (if we don't get
- it, all we have to do is flog the product to some commercial
- software outfit who will move it to you at $100).
- So please, recognize this effort on our part, and, should you
- decide to use this product, mail off your registration fee
- straight away.
- ============================
- Users of The Vocabulator (c) must accept this disclaimer of
- warranty:
- The Vocabulator (c) is supplied as is. The author disclaims all
- warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation,
- the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any
- purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or
- consequential, which may result from the use of The Vocabulator (c).
- The Vocabulator (c) is a "shareware program" and is provided at
- no charge to the user for evaluation. Feel free to share it with
- your friends, but please do not give it away altered or as part
- of another system. The essence of "user-supported" software is
- to provide personal computer users with quality software without
- high prices, and yet to provide incentive for programmers to
- continue to develop new products. If you find this program
- useful and find that you are using The Vocabulator (c) and
- continue to use The Vocabulator (c) after a reasonable trial
- period, you must make a registration payment of $25 to BLUE
- BULL. The $25 registration fee will license one copy for use on
- any one computer at any one time. You must treat this software
- just like a book. An example is that this software may be used
- by any number of people and may be freely moved from one
- computer location to another, so long as there is no possibility
- of it being used at one location while it's being used at
- another. Just as a book cannot be read by two different persons
- at the same time.
- Commercial users of The Vocabulator (c) must register and pay
- for their copies of The Vocabulator (c) within 30 days of first
- use or their license is withdrawn. Site-License arrangements may
- be made by contacting BLUE BULL.
- Anyone distributing The Vocabulator (c) for any kind of
- remuneration must first contact BLUE BULL at the address below
- for authorization. This authorization will be automatically
- granted to distributors recognized by the ASP as adhering to its
- guidelines for shareware distributors, and such distributors may
- begin offering The Vocabulator (c) immediately (However BLUE
- BULL must still be advised so that the distributor can be kept
- up-to-date with the latest version of The Vocabulator (c)).
- You are encouraged to pass a copy of The Vocabulator (c) to your
- friends for evaluation. Please encourage them to register their
- copy if they find that they can use it. All registered users
- will receive a copy of the latest version of The Vocabulator (c).
- ============================================
- * Make sure your printer is switched on and "On Line".
- * Log to the correct directory containing
- The Vocabulator (c) files.
- * Type "INSTALL"
- * Select <R>egister option from the main menu.
- - your registration form will be printed
- to your printer.
- * Complete the form, and return it together with your
- registration fee of $25 to:
- (make check out to: BLUE BULL SOFTWARE)
- ===============================
- If we have produced a more recent version of the Vocabulator (c)
- than the Shareware copy you have, you will receive the latest
- version free of charge.
- You will be provided with a personal code which will cause The
- Vocabulator (c) to stop producing those irritating registration
- reminders each time you enter and leave the program.
- Any "meaningful and significant" bugs reported to us will be
- corrected, and an updated version forwarded free of charge
- within 90 days from your date of registration.
- Free support will be provided for 90 days from your date of
- registration -see "FREE SUPPORT BY MAIL" for details.
- You will be mailed details of any updates, or additional data
- files which may become available, and will be offered a reduced
- price subscription to these.
- If you like BLUE BULL's Vocabulator (c), we are sure that you
- will like many of our new programs which we have in the
- pipeline. As a registered user, you will receive advance
- notification of these products, as well as discount registration
- fees.
- ====================
- The Vocabulator (c) is supported free of charge by mail for a
- period of 90 days from your date of registration. During that
- time any "meaningful and significant" bugs reported to us will
- be corrected and an updated version forwarded free of charge. We
- will also gladly answer any questions you may have regarding The
- Vocabulator (c). Please feel free to send questions, problems,
- suggestions, etc. to:
- Hardware and operating software requirements have been listed in
- reason, your specific hardware or software environment does not
- support The Vocabulater (c) and BLUE BULL SOFTWARE is unable to
- rectify the situation, your registration fee will be refunded in
- full. Please explain your situation in detail so we can attempt
- to accommodate as wide a range of environments as possible.
- BLUE BULL SOFTWARE is a member of the Association of Shareware
- Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware
- principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a
- shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting BLUE
- BULL directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can
- help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but
- does not provide technical support for members' products. Please
- write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI
- 49442 or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail to ASP
- Ombudsman 70007,3536.
- =================================================
- The Vocabulator (c) is a program which helps you overcome one of
- the biggest problems in learning a new language -- the fact that
- you have difficulty in learning pronunciation and structure
- because you do not know enough VOCABULARY.
- The program helps you overcome this problem by giving you a
- "flip card" display of common words and phrases.
- The program uses Industry Standard Menu Selection and
- Navigation standards. The Cursor (arrow) keys will move you
- around the screens to edit and view data. <F1> will invoke
- screens providing assistance relating to the function you are
- currently in. <Esc> will abort the current operation, and return
- you to the previous higher level of the program.
- The various options are selected by a "Menu" of options. You
- select the option by moving the highlight to the option you wish
- to execute, and then press <Enter>. A quick method of making this
- selection is also provided simply press the first letter of the
- menu option you wish to execute, and the option will execute
- directly. The various options are described below.
- ----------------------
- The Vocabulator (c) can prompt with YOUR LANGUAGE WORD, where
- you want to translate into the foreign language, or with the
- FOREIGN LANGUAGE WORD when you want to translate back into your
- own language.
- You can speed up or slow down the prompt speed as your
- proficiency in the language improves. You do this by pressing
- the up and down arrow keys while in the prompting routines.
- As you begin to learn more words, you will find that some
- well-known words continue to prompt, which tends to waste time,
- and makes you feel frustrated. Press <Enter> when such a word is
- displayed in the prompt routines, and the word will be removed
- until you decide to restore it.
- This "hiding" routine is also useful when you have just started
- with the language - you may well find that there are so many
- words that they are not repeated often enough for you to learn
- them quickly. All you do then is press <Enter> when the more
- difficult words are displayed, until you have a small enough
- list of words which you can learn quickly. When you have learnt
- these words well, reinstate the other words in order to learn
- them.
- During prompting, you may often find that you are confused, and
- wish to think about, or look at previous or similar words. To do
- this, press <Space> in the prompting routines, which will halt
- the prompting process. You can then look at the previous few
- words which are still displayed on screen, or browse through
- your vocabulary database by pressing <F1>.
- ----------------------
- The Vocabulator (c) is supplied with databases of about 500
- words for a number of common languages. This list has been
- recommended to us as THE MOST USEFUL list for a beginner in a
- language. If you develop your knowledge beyond the scope of this
- list, this routine allows you to add, edit, or delete words as
- you wish.
- You can even generate your own new language database by means of
- this routine as follows:
- Exit to DOS, and log to the Vocabulator (c) Directory Type
- "COPY BLANK.MAS <Name of your language>.VOC" Type "COPY
- BLANK.ORD <Name of your language>.ORD" Re-enter the Vocabulator
- (c), select your new language, and build up a database of the
- words you want to learn.
- ----------------------
- If you have hidden words in the prompt routine, and now want
- them to be returned to the prompting list, execute this option
- to restore them.
- -----------
- If you want a hard copy of your Vocabulary database, use this
- routine to printout the words.
- -----------------------
- In the unlikely event that you find that your data seems to be
- corrupted, and words seem to be missing or duplicated, use this
- option to attempt to correct these problems. NOTE: These
- problems should normally only occur after a power failure while
- you are editing words.
- -----------
- If you have made modifications to any of your language
- libraries, you will want to make regular backups to floppy
- disks. To do this, make sure you have a formatted disk in drive
- A:, and then execute this option, which will copy your selected
- Language Library to the floppy disk.
- *** END OF MANUAL ***