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Text File | 1993-02-12 | 74.3 KB | 1,580 lines |
- From
- We Make Learning an Adventure
- Copyright (c) Adventure LearningWare, 1993.
- All Rights Reserved.
- Mission Statement:
- Adventure LearningWare is a customer-driven company
- committed to providing the best value in high-quality
- educational software for the home and the school.
- Adventure LearningWare
- 5667 Snell Ave #236
- San Jose, CA 95123
- Sales: (800) 829-5519
- FAX: (408) 224-4455
- CompuServe: 71332,3605
- Table of Contents
- -----------------
- WELCOME..................................................1
- Hardware Requirements...............................1
- Starting Up.........................................2
- Playing Treasure Hunt Math...............................3
- Phase One...........................................4
- Phase Two...........................................4
- Phase Three.........................................4
- Phase Four..........................................4
- The High Score List.................................5
- The Scoreboard Menu.................................5
- Retaking a Level....................................5
- Auto Saving of Menus................................5
- Using the Menus..........................................6
- Text Box............................................6
- Filename Box........................................7
- Selection Box.......................................7
- Action Button.......................................7
- Using the File Selection Menu............................8
- Viewing and Printing Math Problems.......................10
- Using Record Keeping.....................................11
- Using the Editor.........................................12
- Starting the Editor.................................12
- Creating and Saving a Custom Problem File...........12
- Using a Custom Problem File in Treasure Hunt Math...14
- Playing MathTris.........................................15
- The Main Menu............................................16
- The Secondary Menu.......................................18
- The Scoreboard Menu......................................19
- The Record Keeping Menu..................................20
- The Print Menu...........................................21
- Appendix A: Listing of Math Problems
- Appendix B: Troubleshooting & Customer Support
- Appendix C: Agreement
- Treasure Hunt Math Page 1
- -------
- Welcome to Treasure Hunt Math! Suitable for home and school uses, this
- program covers elementary math education for grades 1 through 6 (ages 6-
- 12). Older children as well as adults who need to brush up on their math
- skills will also benefit from this program. The program contains over 1000
- math facts in all the math operations introduced in elementary school
- (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals and
- percents). This big array of problems is organized by subject and level
- and include review lessons. An easy to use problem editor lets you
- customize and add to the problems. Parents and teachers will appreciate
- the record keeping capabilities, and the ability to generate printed math
- tests and certificates of achievement. The objective of the game is to
- find a treasure that was long sunk with a pirates' ship. There are four
- phases that take you in and around the treasure island and under the sea!
- As you progress through each of the phases, you are presented with math
- problems to solve. Depending on the option you selected, the challenge may
- be solving the equation or finding a missing factor. A study mode is
- available where you can preview the equation before attempting to solve it.
- The registered version includs MathTris, a falling-blocks style math drill
- game. The exciting graphics, animation and sound effects throughout the
- program promise hours of fun and make learning math facts an enjoyable
- experience!
- Hardware Requirements
- ---------------------
- Treasure Hunt Math requires the following hardware in order to run:
- * IBM PC or compatible.
- * MS-DOS 2.1 or higher.
- * 384K of RAM.
- * Hard disk or floppy drive (Hard disk recommended but not required).
- * An EGA, VGA or better graphics adapter.
- Note: The program will not run on Monochrome Display Adapter (MDA),
- Hercules, the Color Graphics Adapter (CGA), (MCGA), or the IBM PC Jr.
- graphics display.
- * A dot-matrix or LaserJet compatible printer (optional).
- Treasure Hunt Math Page 2
- Starting Up
- -----------
- * Change your current directory to the program directory. For example,
- if you installed the program in a directory called THM, then type
- following at the DOS prompt and press ENTER:
- * To start Treasure Hunt Math type THMATH at the DOS prompt and press ENTER:
- * Press any key to get past the opening screen. You will be in the Main
- menu.
- * Be sure NUM LOCK is turned off.
- * Press ENTER to choose the Name option. A flashing cursor will appear in
- the text box.
- * Enter your name then press ENTER when done. You can use the ARROW keys,
- DEL and BACKSPACE to edit the name.
- * Press the RIGHT ARROW key once to select the Subject option
- * Use the UP and DOWN ARROW keys to choose the appropriate Subject.
- * Press the RIGHT ARROW key once to select the Level option
- * Use the UP and DOWN ARROW keys to choose the appropriate level.
- * Press B to begin the game. You are off and running!
- Treasure Hunt Math Page 3
- Playing Treasure Hunt Math
- --------------------------
- Treasure Hunt Math theme revolves around a quest for a treasure long-sunken
- with a pirates' ship. Armed with a treasure map, you progress through four
- different stages in and around the treasure island. Between each phase the
- treasure island map is displayed with your current position highlighted
- with a flashing (X) mark. In the first phase, you collect secret messages
- in bottles that are floating around the island. In the second phase, you
- land on the beach where you pick seashells that may contain precious
- pearls. In the third stage, you make sure you have enough food for your
- journey by collecting coconuts in your basket. In the last phase, you head
- for the deep sea in your diving suit. Surrounded by fascinating sea
- creatures, you continue your treasure quest, gathering various items from
- the lost treasure. As you progress through each phase, you will be
- presented with math problems to solve. Since these are math facts that
- should be memorized, you can enter the solution from left to right only
- (you cannot enter the solution from right to left as if you are computing
- them). Solve all problems in a phase and you are rewarded with a bonus
- round. In the timed bonus round, there are no math problems to solve, only
- a good chance to accumulate even more points. Solve all the problems in
- the game and the treasure is yours in a delightful animation sequence. You
- can print a certificate of achievement if your score is 90% or higher. A
- top score will guarantee you a place in the high score list. If your
- performance was less than perfect, you get the chance to retake the
- problems you missed.
- All throughout the game, you can use the Esc key to interrupt the
- ongoing activity.
- Treasure Hunt Math Page 4
- Phase One
- ---------
- In this phase you are on a boat with a mission to collect secret messages
- from bottles floating in the waters surrounding the treasure island. Move
- the boat around using the four ARROW keys (be sure NUM LOCK is turned off).
- In the bonus round watch out for the fins of deadly, hungry sharks. Look
- for the red bottles for an extra bonus.
- Phase Two
- ---------
- Once on the beach, you collect seashells. Use the ARROW keys to move
- around on the screen. In the bonus round, watch out for the crab, he is
- known for his tendencies to bite! Collect the shells with pearls for an
- extra bonus.
- Phase Three
- -----------
- Try to get as many coconuts as you can in your basket. Use the left and
- right ARROW key to move from one end of the screen to the other. In the
- bonus round, don't step on the stinging snake!
- Phase Four
- ----------
- In this phase, you put on your diving suit and dive into the fascinating
- waters surrounding the treasure island. Use the left and right ARROW keys
- to move. Collect the treasure items as they fall around you. In the bonus
- round, try to avoid the annoying jelly fish but make sure you capture the
- pirate's sword for extra points.
- Treasure Hunt Math Page 5
- The High Score List
- -------------------
- If your score is among the seven highest, it will appear alongside your
- name on the high score list. The high score list is automatically saved
- after each game. To delete the high score list, simply delete the file
- THMATH.SCR. To accomplish that, make sure the file is in your current
- directory, and type the following at the DOS command line:
- After deleting this file, the next time you run the program you will have a
- blank high score list.
- The Scoreboard Menu
- -------------------
- After a round of the game, the scoreboard will display information about
- your performance. This information includes your name, the date, subject
- and level, total number of problems, number of problems solved correctly,
- and the score as a percentage.
- From the scoreboard menu you can choose to go to the main menu, or to print
- out the scoreboard. If you have a score of 90% or more, and were not in
- study mode, you can print a certificate of achievement, or go on to the
- next level for the current subject. If you missed a few items, and your
- score is less than 90%, you can choose to retake that level.
- Retaking a Level
- ----------------
- When retaking a level, you get a second chance at solving the problems
- you got wrong the first time. There are no bonus rounds. When finished
- retaking, you are returned to the Retake Scoreboard menu where you can only
- go to the Main menu or print the scoreboard. You cannot print a certificate
- nor can you retake a second time. No performance record is saved even if
- Record Keeping is turned on. Also, you will not be presented with the
- high score list.
- Auto Saving of Menus
- --------------------
- The state of the Treasure Hunt Math menus is saved automatically when you
- quit the program. The next time you start the program, the menus will be
- restored to that saved state.
- Treasure Hunt Math Page 6
- Using the Menus
- ----------------
- Treasure Hunt Math menus contain a variety of options. To change an option
- you have to select (highlight) it first. The selected option is the one
- with a red box around it. To select an option, use the LEFT and RIGHT ARROW
- keys (be sure NUM LOCK is turned off). You can also use the TAB or
- SHIFT+TAB (hold down the SHIFT key and press TAB) keys to select an option.
- You "Choose" an option to carry out an action. This is done by pressing
- the ENTER key once the option is selected. You can use the Esc key at
- any time to quit the current menu.
- There are four different kinds of menu options: text boxes, filename boxes,
- selection boxes and action buttons.
- Text Box
- --------
- A text box is used to enter textual information. It is typically preceded
- by a label explaining its purpose. The modifiable text itself is
- surrounded by a box. To change the text, press ENTER when the text box is
- selected. A flashing cursor in the shape of a vertical bar indicates where
- the next typed character will appear. Start adding text by typing it in,
- new text is inserted at the cursor position. Use the LEFT and RIGHT ARROW
- keys to move the cursor around the text. The HOME key will position the
- cursor at the beginning of the text, while the END key will position it at
- the end. The DEL key will delete the character to the right of the
- cursor, and the BACKSPACE key will delete the character to the left of
- the cursor. To accept the edited text, press ENTER. The ESC key will
- discard any changes and restores the text to its original form. An example
- of a text box option is the Name option which lets you enter your name.
- Note: Some text boxes accept more text than what can be displayed at a
- time in the text box. In this case, the entered text will scroll to
- the left or right of the text box. The text box will be, in effect, a
- "window" through which you can see parts of the text. Use the LEFT
- and RIGHT ARROW keys, the HOME and END keys to gain access to
- various parts of the text.
- Treasure Hunt Math Page 7
- Filename Box
- ------------
- The filename box option is used to enter or to select a filename. It looks
- like the text box option except for a disk icon at the right end of the
- box. Press ENTER when the filename box option is selected to choose it.
- You will be presented with a file selection menu that allows you to pick up
- or enter a filename from any disk and directory. See "The File Selection
- Menu" later in this chapter for detailed information about using the file
- selection menu.
- Selection Box
- -------------
- A selection box option is distinguished by an up and down arrow depiction
- to the right of the box. The option contains a value that can assume one
- of many predetermined ones. You change the selected value by pressing the UP
- and DOWN ARROW keys to scroll through the different options (be sure NUM
- LOCK is turned off). An example of a selection box option is the Subject
- option.
- Action Button
- -------------
- An action button is a gray rectangular area with some text that briefly
- describes the action. The action button causes an action, such as starting
- a game, printing or quitting the current menu. All action buttons have a
- shortcut key that is printed on the button inside square brackets "[]". To
- choose an action button, press ENTER while it is selected. Alternatively,
- you can press the button's shortcut key to initiate the action. An example
- of an action button is the Begin button which starts the game.
- Treasure Hunt Math Page 8
- Using the File Selection Menu
- -----------------------------
- The File Selection Menu appears whenever you choose a filename box option.
- Its purpose is to let you select or enter a filename from any disk and
- directory on your system. The file Selection Menu contains the following
- options:
- * Filename Text Box: Choose this text box if you would rather type a
- filename than select it from the scroll box. It is assumed that the file
- is in the currently selected directory; NO DRIVE OR PATH INFORMATION
- SHOULD BE INCLUDED WITH THE FILENAME. You will have to type in a filename
- if you want to create a file that does not exist (for an output operation).
- Once you entered the filename and pressed ENTER, the File Selection Menu
- will close and will return the filename to the calling filename box. Press
- ESC if you change your mind and decide not to enter a filename; the
- previous filename will be restored in the text box.
- * Mask Text Box: Acts like a "filter" that controls what files get displayed
- in the scroll box. Basically the mask is used to match a group of files
- the same way it is used in the DOS directory command; dir. The mask can
- contain the DOS wildcard characters the asterisk "*" and the question mark
- "?". The asterisk wildcard substitutes for any or all characters in a name
- or extension, while the question mark wildcard substitutes for a single
- character.
- Ex1: Enter *.DAT for a mask to list all files with the .DAT extension.
- This will match files like:
- Ex2: To list all files with the .DAT extension whose names begins by ADD
- followed by at most a single character, use the following mask ADD?.DAT.
- This mask will match files like:
- But will not match a file like ADD12.DAT.
- Note: The mask *.* will match all files in the current directory.
- Treasure Hunt Math Page 9
- * Path Label: This is not an option but a label that displays the currently
- selected path. You change the path selection by picking different
- directories and disk drives from the File Scroll box (see below).
- * File Scroll Box: You choose a selection from the list in the scroll box by
- using the UP and DOWN ARROW, HOME and END keys to highlight it, then
- pressing ENTER. The action performed on a selection will depend on its
- type.
- There are three different types of items in the file scroll box:
- 1. The List Of Filenames: Lists the filenames in the directory specified by
- the path label. Only the files that match the supplied mask will be
- listed. Filenames are listed as a name followed by an extension and
- separated by a dot. For example, ADD1.DAT and SUB1.DAT are filenames.
- Choosing a filename (by pressing ENTER) will terminate the file selection
- box menu and returns that filename to the calling filename box. You can
- use the HOME key to get to the top of the list of filenames with one
- keystroke.
- 2. The List Of Directories: The directory names are surrounded by square
- brackets "[]" to differentiate them from regular files. For example,
- [DATAFILES] and [MYFILES] represent directories. Selecting a directory
- entry causes your path to be set to that directory, and files from that
- directory will be read into the file scroll box. The double dot directory
- "[..]" is a special directory that takes you back up one directory level.
- 3. The List Of Disk Drives: These are represented by one letter followed by
- a colon ":" and surrounded by square brackets. For example, [A:], [B:] and
- [C:] represent system drives. Selecting a drive will cause the path to be
- set to the root directory of that drive. Before you select a floppy drive,
- you must make sure there is a floppy in the drive, or a disk error will
- result. You can use the END key to get to the bottom of the list of disk
- drives with one keystroke.
- * OK Button: The OK button will close down the File Selection menu and
- return whatever filename is in the file text box option.
- * Cancel Button: The Cancel button will cancel the File Selection menu. It
- will not change whatever filename that was in the calling filename box.
- Note: To learn more about files, directories and wildcards please refer to
- your DOS manual.
- Treasure Hunt Math Page 10
- Viewing and Printing Math Problems
- ----------------------------------
- To view or print math problems, perform the following steps:
- * Go to the Secondary menu (from the Main menu choose the Secondary Menu
- button).
- * Choose the View/Print Problems button.
- * The currently selected subject and level (or custom problem file) will
- be displayed.
- * To print the file as is or as a test, select the Print Problems/Test
- button. In the print menu you can select the printout to be one of
- three choices:
- * File: To print the problems in the order they appear in the file.
- * Test: To print the problems in a test format, and in the order they
- appear in the file. The text boxes labeled: Class, Date, Instructions
- and Title will appear as options in the Print menu. In these text
- boxes you can enter the information you want to show on the test sheet.
- * Random Test: Same as Test but the problems are printed in random
- order.
- For more information on the Print menu, see the section, "The Print Menu"
- later in this manual.
- Treasure Hunt Math Page 11
- Using Record Keeping
- --------------------
- Treasure Hunt Math has the capability of recording reports on the student
- progress. These records are valuable in determining the student's progress
- and areas of weaknesses. The reports have the student name, date, subject
- and level, total number of problems, those solved successfully and the
- score as a percentage. The record file can be viewed and printed as
- needed.
- To turn on record keeping, perform the following steps:
- * Go to the Secondary menu (from the Main Menu choose the Secondary Menu
- button).
- * Select the Record Keeping option and toggle it to On.
- * A filename box labeled File appears below. Choose it and you will
- activate a File Selection menu where you can select the record keeping
- filename.
- Note: The extension .REC is recommended for record keeping filenames. If
- no extension is specified when selecting a record keeping filename,
- .REC will be appended to the filename by default.
- If the record keeping file does not exist, it will be created, otherwise
- new records will be appended to the existing file. As long as record
- keeping is turned on, a record will be added to the file after each
- completed game round.
- To examine or print a record keeping file, perform the following steps:
- * Go to the Secondary menu (from the Main menu choose the Secondary Menu
- button).
- * Choose the View/Print Record File action button.
- * If you need to change the selected record keeping file, choose the Record
- File filename box.
- * When you have a valid record keeping file selected, record information
- from that file will be displayed.
- * Use the PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys to step through the records in the
- file. The number of the record you are looking at and the total number
- of records in the file are printed on screen. You can also use the HOME
- key to go to the first record in the file or the END key to go to the
- last record.
- * To print all or parts of the record keeping file, choose the Print button.
- In the Print menu, you specify the first and last record number to be
- printed.
- * To delete the record keeping file, choose the Delete button. You will be
- asked for confirmation. The delete operation is irreversible!
- For more information on the Print menu, see the section, "The Print Menu"
- later in this manual.
- Treasure Hunt Math Page 12
- Using the Editor
- ----------------
- The editor allows you to modify existing math problems files or to create
- new ones. The flexibility and customization offered by the editor enhance
- the usability of Treasure Hunt Math.
- Starting the Editor
- -------------------
- To start the editor, choose the Editor button from the Secondary menu.
- The top section of the screen displays the name of the file that you are
- currently editing. This name can be "Untitled" if you are editing a new
- file, or it can be the name of a built-in level or a filename that you
- opened for editing.
- The main section of the editor screen is where you edit the math problems.
- When the editor starts up, it picks up whatever built-in level or custom
- problem file you had selected in the program. A highlight marks the problem
- to be edited. You can move the highlight using the four ARROW keys. The
- bottom section of the screen displays a help message of the available command
- options.
- You can create math problem files with up to 40 problems. Each problem can
- be a maximum of 15 characters long
- Creating and Saving a Custom Problem File
- -----------------------------------------
- To edit/modify a problem: move the highlight to the problem to be edited.
- Press ENTER and type the problem. You can use the LEFT and RIGHT ARROW,
- BACKSPACE and DEL keys to edit the problem. Use the asterisk "*" to
- indicate multiplication and the colon ":" to indicate division. No
- extraneous spaces are necessary when typing a problem. When done, press
- ENTER again. The problem will be checked for correctness. If errors are
- detected, you will be notified and asked to either keep your answer or to
- choose from the computed one(s). The editor basically checks for two kinds
- of errors:
- 1. The math problem type has to be supported by Treasure Hunt Math (see
- below for the format of supported problem types).
- 2. The arithmetic correctness of the equation. If the editor "thinks"
- you are in error, you will be prompted to either accept the editor
- recommendation(s) or to keep your own.
- Note that the editor can complete a problem for you. For instance, if you
- enter:
- 2 * 3
- The editor will complete the equation to read:
- 2 * 3 = 6
- If the equation can have more than one solution, you will be prompted to
- choose one. For example, if you enter:
- 2 / 4
- The editor will prompt you:
- Which answer do you have in mind? 1) 1/2 2) 50%
- Treasure Hunt Math Page 13
- The format of supported problem types:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | Format | Type | Example |
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | N1 + N2 = N3 | Add two naturals | 2 + 3 = 5 |
- | N1 - N2 = N3 | Subtract two naturals | 4 - 2 = 2 |
- | N1 * N2 = N3 | Multiply two naturals | 2 * 3 = 6 |
- | N1 : N2 = N3 | Divide two naturals | 6 : 3 = 2 |
- | F1 = F2 | Reduce to lowest term, or | 2/4 = 1/2 |
- | | Rename as a whole or mixed number | 5/2 = 2 1/2 |
- | F1 + F2 = F3 | Add two fractions | 1/4 + 1/2 = 3/4 |
- | F1 - F2 = F3 | Subtract two fractions | 5/8 - 1/2 = 1/8 |
- | F1 * F2 = F3 | Multiply two fractions | 3/4 * 1/2 = 3/8 |
- | F1 : F2 = F3 | Divide two fractions | 3/8 : 1/2 = 3/4 |
- | F = D | Express a fraction as a decimal | 1/2 = .5 |
- | N * D1 = D2 | Multiply a natural by a decimal | 10 * .5 = 5 |
- | P * D1 = D2 | Find the percentage | 10% * 50 = 5 |
- | D = P | Express a decimal as a percent | .25 = 25% |
- | F = P | Express a fraction as a percent | 1/2 = 50% |
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Where:
- N, N1, N2 and N3 are natural numbers.
- F, F1, F2 and F3 are positive fractions.
- D, D1, and D2 are positive decimals (can contain a decimal point).
- P is a percentage.
- Treasure Hunt Math Page 14
- * To insert a problem: move the highlight to where you want to insert the
- problem and press INSERT. You can then edit the new problem.
- * To delete a problem: highlight the problem and press DEL. You will be
- prompted for confirmation. This operation is irreversible!
- * To write a file: press W to write the file. A File Selection menu will
- appear. Choose a name to save this file to. The File Selection menu user
- interface is similar to the one in the Treasure Hunt Math program. For
- more information, see the section, "Using the File Selection Menu", earlier
- in this manual.
- * To read a file: press R, a File Selection menu will appear. Choose a file
- to read the problems from. The File Selection menu user interface is
- similar to the one in the Treasure Hunt Math program. For more
- information, see the section, "Using the File Selection Menu", earlier in
- this manual.
- Note: The extension .DAT is recommended for custom problem filenames. If no
- extension is specified when selecting a custom problem filename for a read
- or write operation, .DAT will be appended to the filename by default.
- * To clear a file: Press C to clear all the problems. You will be prompted
- for confirmation if you have not saved the problems to a file. This
- operation is irreversible!
- * To quit the editor: Press Q and confirm your choice. If the file was
- changed and not saved you will be asked if you want to do so.
- * To modify a built-in level: Press L (for Load level). You will be prompted
- for a subject and level. The selected level will be displayed in the edit
- area. You can add, delete, modify and save the problems as described
- above. Note that the built-in level is never actually changed. All the
- changes are made to the file that you write out to the disk. The next
- section describes how to use a custom problem file in the Treasure Hunt
- Math program.
- Using a Custom Problem File in Treasure Hunt Math
- -------------------------------------------------
- To use a custom problem file in Treasure Hunt Math, perform the following
- steps:
- * Go to the Main menu.
- * Choose the Custom File selection in the Subject option.
- * In the File filename box, select the filename of the problem file you
- created in the editor.
- * The file will be read and used for all activities (the game, printing of
- tests and in MathTris) until you select another file or a built-in level.
- Note: If no extension is specified when selecting a custom problem filename
- to read, .DAT will be appended to the filename by default.
- Treasure Hunt Math Page 15
- Playing MathTris
- ----------------
- (registered version only)
- MathTris is an exciting, falling-blocks style math drill game. Choose the
- MathTris button from the Main menu to start the game. A menu box will
- appear.
- If you had a built-in level selected when you started MathTris, a level
- menu will show in the menu box. You can use this menu to select a level
- for the current subject. The middle gold bar at the bottom of the screen
- indicates the currently selected subject and level. Select the game speed
- from the Speed menu, this ranges from Beginner (slowest) to Expert
- (fastest).
- When you are ready, choose the Begin button. The game will start with
- three partial equations at the bottom of the "wells". A gold bar
- containing the solution to one of the equations will start dropping from
- the top of the screen. The speed at which the gold bar drops will depend
- on the selected speed. Use the LEFT and RIGHT ARROW key to direct the
- falling gold bar where it can form a correct equation. The DOWN ARROW key
- makes the gold bar drop quickly, with no direction control. The amount of
- points awarded for forming a correct equation depends on the game speed
- selected.
- Across the top of the screen, there is a display of how many gold bars
- (unsolved equations) remain.
- Different sea creatures will move across the screen. You get bonus points
- when you successfully create an equation before the sea creature disappears
- from the screen. The bonus points are awarded according the following
- table:
- -------------------------------------
- | Sea Creature | Bonus Score |
- -------------------------------------
- | Mermaid | 100 |
- | Dolphin | 50 |
- | Sea horse | 25 |
- | Fish | 12 |
- -------------------------------------
- The game is over when all problems in the selected level are completed, or
- when wrong answers pile up to the surface of a "well", which is three
- equations deep.
- To change to another subject or to load a math problem file, quit the game,
- select the desired subject or custom problem file from the Main menu
- and restart MathTris.
- Treasure Hunt Math Page 16
- The Main Menu
- -------------
- The Main menu is the initial menu that comes up when you start Treasure
- Hunt Math. The options in this menu are:
- * Name. Enter your name in the text box. The supplied name is used for
- record keeping purposes, printing of certificates and in the high score
- list.
- * Subject. You can select from addition, subtraction, multiplication,
- division, fractions and decimals. The special selection Custom File is
- used for reading in problem files created by the math problem editor.
- * Level. Select a level for the selected subject. The level menu is
- replaced by the File option (see below) if you selected Custom File as the
- Subject option.
- Use the following table to determine what subject/level is appropriate for
- a certain grade level:
- ----------------------------------------------
- | Grade | Subject and Level |
- |--------|-----------------------------------|
- | 1 | Addition: 1, 2, 3, 4 |
- | | Subtraction: 1, 2, 3, 4 |
- |--------|-----------------------------------|
- | 2 | Addition: 5, 6, 7, Revision |
- | | Subtraction: 5, 6, 7, Revision |
- |--------|-----------------------------------|
- | 3 | Multiplication: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
- | | Division: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
- |--------|-----------------------------------|
- | 4 | Multiplication: 6, 7, 8, Revision |
- | | Division: 6, 7, 8, Revision |
- |--------|-----------------------------------|
- | 5 | Fractions: 1, 2, 3, 4, Revision |
- |--------|------------------------------------
- | 6 | Decimals: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Revision |
- ----------------------------------------------
- Treasure Hunt Math Page 17
- * File. This filename box appears only if you selected Custom File for the
- subject option. Use the File Selection menu to pick up a custom problem
- filename previously generated with the math problem editor. The data in
- the file will be used instead of the built-in levels.
- * Format. Select Horizontal, Vertical or Horizontal/Vertical. These
- selections refer to the way the math problems are presented. For example,
- in Horizontal mode an addition problem will be presented like this:
- 5 + 3 =
- In Vertical mode, the problem will be presented like this:
- 5
- + 3
- ---
- In Horizontal/Vertical mode, the problem presentation will alternate
- between Horizontal and Vertical.
- Note: The Format option will appear only when the selected level is
- addition, subtraction, multiplication or division. This option will be
- hidden and defaults to Horizontal if you select Fractions, Decimals or
- Custom File for the Subject option.
- * Activity. Select Solve to find the result of an equation; Find Missing
- Factor to find a missing operand; or Study. In the Study mode, the
- equation is first shown to be studied, then the result will be hidden and
- you will be asked to solve it.
- * Sound. Turn the game sound effects On or Off.
- * MathTris. Choose this button to start the MathTris game (available in
- registered version only).
- * Begin. Choose the Begin button to start Treasure Hunt Math.
- * Secondary Menu. Choose to go to the secondary menu, where more program
- options are available.
- * Quit. Choose the Quit button to quit Treasure Hunt Math. The program will
- prompt you for confirmation.
- Treasure Hunt Math Page 18
- The Secondary Menu
- ------------------
- The Secondary menu is accessed when you choose the Secondary menu button
- from the Main menu. It contains more options, that are typically less used
- than the ones in the Main menu. The options in this menu are:
- * Month, Day and Year. These are read from the system date. You will need
- to change them only if the system date is not correct. The date
- information is used for record keeping purposes and when printing
- certificates.
- * Record Keeping. You can turn this option On or Off. When turned on, the
- Record Filename menu appears. When this option is turned on, a performance
- summary is saved in the record keeping file after each completed round of
- Treasure Hunt Math.
- * Record Filename. Select the filename where the record keeping information
- will be saved. If this file exists, new records will be appended to it, if
- it doesn't exist it will be created. The file will keep growing as long as
- Record Keeping is turned on. You can examine and print the contents of the
- file in the View/Print Record File menu, where you can also choose to
- delete it. For more information, see the section, "Using Record Keeping",
- earlier in this manual.
- * Editor. Choose this button to start the math problem editor. For
- information on using the editor see the section, "Using the Editor" earlier
- in this manual.
- * View/Print Record File. Choose this button to go to the Record Keeping
- menu where you can view, print or delete a record file. For more
- information, see the section, "Using Record Keeping", earlier in this
- manual.
- * View/Print Problems. Choose this button to view or print the currently
- selected problem set. You can also print the problems in test or file
- formats. For more information, see the section, "Viewing and Printing Math
- Problems", earlier in this manual.
- * Begin. Choose the Begin button to start the game (same function as the
- Begin button in the Main menu).
- * Main Menu. Choose this button to go back to the Main menu.
- Treasure Hunt Math Page 19
- The Scoreboard Menu
- -------------------
- You get to the Scoreboard menu after a round of Treasure Hunt Math. The
- options are:
- * Main Menu. Choose to go to the Main menu.
- * Print Scoreboard. Choose to go to the Print menu where you can print the
- scoreboard information as they appear at the top of the screen.
- * Retake. This button appears only if some problems were missed and
- your score is less than 90%. Choosing this button will restart the game
- with only the problems missed the first time. See the section,
- "Retaking a Level", earlier in this manual.
- * Next Level. This button appears only if your score is at least 90% and you
- are not using a custom problem file. Choose this option to go to the next
- built-in level (e.g., from Addition level 1 to Addition level 2).
- * Print Text Certificate, Print Graphic Certificate. These buttons appear
- only if your score is at least 90% and you were not in Study mode. Choose
- either of them to print a certificate of achievement. The graphic
- certificate features nice, detailed graphics but is slower to print than
- the text certificate.
- Treasure Hunt Math Page 20
- The Record Keeping Menu
- -----------------------
- The Record Keeping menu lets you view, print or delete record keeping
- files. The options in this menu are:
- * File. Use the File Selection menu to select the record keeping filename
- that you wish to view, print or delete. This should be a file created by
- the Record Keeping option in the Secondary menu.
- * First. Choose to display the first record in the file.
- * Last. Choose to display the last record in the file.
- * Previous/ Next. These action buttons let you page through the records in
- the selected record keeping file.
- * Print. Choose to go to the Print menu, where you can print a range of
- records from the record file.
- * Delete. Choose to delete the currently selected record file. You will be
- prompted for confirmation before the deletion is carried out.
- * Cancel. Choose to cancel the Record Keeping menu and return to the
- Secondary menu.
- For more information, see the section, "Using Record Keeping", earlier in
- this manual.
- Treasure Hunt Math Page 21
- The Print Menu
- --------------
- The Print Menu appears whenever you choose a print action button. For
- example: when printing a math problem file, a test, record file or a
- certificate of achievement. Some options are general print options that
- are always present. Others appear only depending on what it is you're are
- trying to print. The permanent options for the Print menu are:
- * Printer Port. Select where the printer output should go to:
- --------------------------------------------------
- | Select | If your printer is connect to |
- | | (DOS device name) |
- --------------------------------------------------
- | Parallel 1 | Parallel port 1 (LPT1). |
- | Parallel 2 | Parallel port 2 (LPT2). |
- | Serial 1 | Serial port 1 (COM1). Note(1) |
- | Serial 2 | Serial port 2 (COM2). Note(1) |
- | File | Output goes to disk file. Note(2) |
- --------------------------------------------------
- Note(1): To be able to communicate over the serial port, serial printers
- require setting the serial port communication prameters using the DOS
- Mode command. The Mode command should be run from the DOS command
- line or from a batch file. A Mode command to configure COM1 to work
- with a specific printer could look something like:
- mode com1:96,n,8,1,p
- Please refer to your printer and DOS manuals for the specifics of
- using the Mode command and configuring your printer.
- Note(2): Choose File if you want the printer output to go to a DOS file
- that you can later print using the DOS print command. The output will
- go to the filename you supply in the Output Filename option (see
- below). This is handy for computers that are not attached to a
- printer. You can, for example, get the printer output in a file that
- you name OUTPUT.PRN. Later on, you can take that file to a computer
- attached to a printer and print it using the DOS Print command:
- print output.prn
- * Output Filename. This option appears only if you have selected File for
- Printer Port. Use the File Selection menu to select the filename where you
- want the printer output to go (see note(2) above).
- * Print. Choose the Print button to start the print operation. You will be
- notified of the success or failure of the operation.
- * Cancel. Choose the Cancel button to cancel the print operation. This will
- close down the Print menu.
- Treasure Hunt Math Page 22
- Other Print Menu options are available only depending on the kind of
- printing you are doing. These options are:
- * Printer Type. This selection option is present only if you are printing a
- graphic certificate. Your options are:
- * LaserJet if you have an HP LaserJet or compatible printer, or
- * Dot-Matrix. If it is an Epson or an IBM Proprinter compatible dot-matrix
- printer.
- * Class, Date, Instructions and Title. Are present only if you are printing
- a test (or a random test). Use these text boxes to enter the information as
- you want them to get printed on your test sheet. For more information, see
- the section "Viewing and Printing Math Problems", earlier in this manual.
- * Print As. Is present only if you are printing a problem file or a test.
- The options are:
- * Test: To print out a test with the problems in the order they appear in
- the file.
- * Random Test: Will print out a test with the problems listed in a random
- order.
- * File: Will print out a list of the problems.
- For more information, see the section "Viewing and Printing Math Problems",
- earlier in this manual.
- * First Rec and Last Rec. Are present only if you are printing a record
- file. You use these menus to specify the starting and ending record for
- the print operation. For more information, see the section, "Using Record
- Keeping", earlier in this manual.
- Treasure Hunt Math Appendix A
- Appendix A: Listing of Math Problems
- ------------------------------------
- Addition
- --------
- Addition 1 Addition 2 Addition 3 Addition 4
- (19 Problems) (21 Problems) (25 Problems) (30 Problems)
- 1+0=1 8+0=8 11+1=12 14+2=16
- 2+0=2 7+1=8 10+2=12 13+3=16
- 1+1=2 6+2=8 9+3=12 12+4=16
- 3+0=3 5+3=8 8+4=12 11+5=16
- 2+1=3 4+4=8 7+5=12 10+6=16
- 4+0=4 9+0=9 6+6=12 9+7=16
- 3+1=4 8+1=9 12+1=13 8+8=16
- 2+2=4 7+2=9 11+2=13 14+3=17
- 5+0=5 6+3=9 10+3=13 13+4=17
- 4+1=5 5+4=9 9+4=13 12+5=17
- 3+2=5 10+0=10 8+5=13 11+6=17
- 6+0=6 9+1=10 7+6=13 10+7=17
- 5+1=6 8+2=10 13+1=14 9+8=17
- 4+2=6 7+3=10 12+2=14 14+4=18
- 3+3=6 6+4=10 11+3=14 13+5=18
- 7+0=7 5+5=10 10+4=14 12+6=18
- 6+1=7 10+1=11 9+5=14 11+7=18
- 5+2=7 9+2=11 8+6=14 10+8=18
- 4+3=7 8+3=11 7+7=14 9+9=18
- 7+4=11 13+2=15 15+4=19
- 6+5=11 12+3=15 14+5=19
- 11+4=15 13+6=19
- 10+5=15 12+7=19
- 9+6=15 11+8=19
- 8+7=15 10+9=19
- 15+5=20
- 14+6=20
- 13+7=20
- 12+8=20
- 11+9=20
- Treasure Hunt Math Appendix A
- Addition 5 Addition 6 Addition 7 Addition Rev
- (36 Problems) (37 Problems) (26 Problems) (29 Problems)
- 17+4=21 20+6=26 0+10=10 4+1=5
- 16+5=21 19+7=26 10+10=20 3+3=6
- 15+6=21 18+8=26 20+10=30 7+1=8
- 14+7=21 17+9=26 30+10=40 7+2=9
- 13+8=21 16+10=26 20+20=40 5+4=9
- 12+9=21 15+11=26 40+10=50 6+5=11
- 11+10=21 14+12=26 30+20=50 8+4=12
- 18+4=22 13+13=26 50+10=60 11+2=13
- 17+5=22 21+6=27 40+20=60 8+5=13
- 16+6=22 20+7=27 30+30=60 10+4=14
- 15+7=22 19+8=27 60+10=70 9+6=15
- 14+8=22 18+9=27 50+20=70 11+5=16
- 13+9=22 17+10=27 40+30=70 13+4=17
- 12+10=22 16+11=27 70+10=80 9+8=17
- 11+11=22 15+12=27 60+20=80 9+9=18
- 18+5=23 14+13=27 50+30=80 14+5=19
- 17+6=23 21+7=28 40+40=80 14+7=21
- 16+7=23 20+8=28 80+10=90 12+10=22
- 15+8=23 19+9=28 70+20=90 17+5=22
- 14+9=23 18+10=28 60+30=90 18+4=22
- 13+10=23 17+11=28 50+40=90 14+9=23
- 12+11=23 16+12=28 90+10=100 12+12=24
- 18+6=24 15+13=28 80+20=100 17+7=24
- 17+7=24 22+7=29 70+30=100 14+11=25
- 16+8=24 21+8=29 60+40=100 40+10=50
- 15+9=24 20+9=29 50+50=100 60+10=70
- 14+10=24 19+10=29 50+30=80
- 13+11=24 18+11=29 50+40=90
- 12+12=24 17+12=29 50+50=100
- 19+6=25 16+13=29
- 18+7=25 23+7=30
- 17+8=25 22+8=30
- 16+9=25 21+9=30
- 15+10=25 20+10=30
- 14+11=25 19+11=30
- 13+12=25 18+12=30
- 17+13=30
- Treasure Hunt Math Appendix A
- Subtraction
- -----------
- Subtraction 1 Subtraction 2 Subtraction 3 Subtraction 4
- (25 Problems) (30 Problems) (29 Problems) (33 Problems)
- 1-1=0 8-3=5 12-2=10 15-3=12
- 2-1=1 8-4=4 12-3=9 15-4=11
- 2-2=0 8-5=3 12-4=8 15-5=10
- 3-1=2 8-6=2 12-5=7 15-6=9
- 3-2=1 8-7=1 12-6=6 15-7=8
- 3-3=0 9-3=6 12-6=6 15-8=7
- 4-1=3 9-4=5 12-7=5 15-11=4
- 4-2=2 9-5=4 12-8=4 15-12=3
- 4-3=1 9-6=3 12-9=3 15-13=2
- 4-4=0 9-7=2 13-2=11 15-14=1
- 5-1=4 9-8=1 13-3=10 16-2=14
- 5-2=3 10-1=9 13-4=9 16-4=12
- 5-3=2 10-2=8 13-5=8 16-5=11
- 5-4=1 10-3=7 13-6=7 16-7=9
- 6-1=5 10-4=6 13-7=6 16-8=8
- 6-2=4 10-5=5 13-8=5 16-10=6
- 6-3=3 10-6=4 13-9=4 16-12=4
- 6-4=2 10-7=3 13-10=3 16-13=3
- 6-5=1 10-8=2 14-2=12 17-3=14
- 7-1=6 10-9=1 14-3=11 17-4=13
- 7-2=5 10-10=0 14-4=10 17-7=10
- 7-3=4 11-2=9 14-5=9 17-9=8
- 7-4=3 11-3=8 14-6=8 17-12=5
- 7-5=2 11-4=7 14-7=7 17-13=4
- 7-6=1 11-5=6 14-9=5 17-15=2
- 11-6=5 14-1=13 18-3=15
- 11-6=5 14-11=3 18-5=13
- 11-7=4 14-12=2 18-8=10
- 11-8=3 14-13=1 18-9=9
- 11-9=2 18-12=6
- 18-13=5
- 18-14=4
- 18-16=2
- Treasure Hunt Math Appendix A
- Subtraction 5 Subtraction 6 Subtraction 7 Subtraction Rev
- (32 Problems) (32 Problems) (37 Problems) (30 Problems)
- 19-4=15 23-3=20 30-20=10 8-4=4
- 19-6=13 23-6=17 30-10=20 9-1=8
- 19-7=12 23-7=16 40-30=10 9-5=4
- 19-9=10 23-9=14 40-20=20 10-4=6
- 19-12=7 23-12=11 40-10=30 10-9=1
- 19-14=5 23-15=8 50-40=10 11-4=7
- 19-15=4 23-18=5 50-30=20 12-3=9
- 19-17=2 23-21=2 50-20=30 13-1=12
- 20-3=17 24-3=21 50-10=40 14-4=10
- 20-5=15 24-4=20 60-50=10 15-3=12
- 20-9=11 24-6=18 60-40=20 11-9=2
- 20-10=10 24-8=16 60-30=30 12-8=4
- 20-12=8 24-12=12 60-20=40 13-7=6
- 20-15=5 24-15=9 70-60=10 14-7=7
- 20-17=3 24-19=5 70-50=20 15-6=9
- 20-19=1 24-22=2 70-40=30 16-4=12
- 21-2=19 25-2=23 70-30=40 17-4=13
- 21-3=18 25-3=22 70-20=50 18-4=14
- 21-5=16 25-6=19 80-70=10 19-4=15
- 21-6=15 25-8=17 80-60=20 20-4=16
- 21-8=13 25-11=14 80-50=30 15-9=6
- 21-11=10 25-14=11 80-40=40 16-9=7
- 21-14=7 25-18=7 80-30=50 18-9=9
- 21-19=2 25-20=5 80-20=60 19-9=10,
- 22-5=17 26-2=24 90-80=10 20-9=11
- 22-8=14 26-3=23 90-70=20 60-20=40
- 22-10=12 26-6=20 90-60=30 70-20=50
- 22-13=9 26-8=18 90-50=40 80-30=50
- 22-16=6 26-11=15 90-40=50 90-50=40
- 22-17=5 26-14=12 90-30=60 100-80=20
- 22-19=3 26-18=8 100-90=10
- 22-21=1 26-20=6 100-80=20
- 100-70=30
- 100-60=40
- 100-50=50
- 100-40=60
- 100-30=70
- Treasure Hunt Math Appendix A
- Multiplication
- --------------
- Multiplication 1 Multiplication 3 Multiplication 5 Multiplication 6
- (13 Problems) (13 Problems) (26 Problems) (26 Problems)
- 1*0=0 3*0=0 5*0=0 7*0=0
- 1*1=1 3*1=3 5*1=5 7*1=7
- 1*2=2 3*2=6 5*2=10 7*2=14
- 1*3=3 3*3=9 5*3=15 7*3=21
- 1*4=4 3*4=12 5*4=20 7*4=28
- 1*5=5 3*5=15 5*5=25 7*5=35
- 1*6=6 3*6=18 5*6=30 7*6=42
- 1*7=7 3*7=21 5*7=35 7*7=49
- 1*8=8 3*8=24 5*8=40 7*8=56
- 1*9=9 3*9=27 5*9=45 7*9=63
- 1*10=10 3*10=30 5*10=50 7*10=70
- 1*11=11 3*11=33 5*11=55 7*11=77
- 1*12=12 3*12=36 5*12=60 7*12=84
- 6*0=0 8*0=0
- Multiplication 2 Multiplication 4 6*1=6 8*1=8
- (13 Problems) (13 Problems) 6*2=12 8*2=16
- 6*3=18 8*3=24
- 2*0=0 4*0=0 6*4=24 8*4=32
- 2*1=2 4*1=4 6*5=30 8*5=40
- 2*2=4 4*2=8 6*6=36 8*6=48
- 2*3=6 4*3=12 6*7=42 8*7=56
- 2*4=8 4*4=16 6*8=48 8*8=64
- 2*5=10 4*5=20 6*9=54 8*9=72
- 2*6=12 4*6=24 6*10=60 8*10=80
- 2*7=14 4*7=28 6*11=66 8*11=88
- 2*8=16 4*8=32 6*12=72 8*12=96
- 2*9=18 4*9=36
- 2*10=20 4*10=40
- 2*11=22 4*11=44
- 2*12=24 4*12=48
- Treasure Hunt Math Appendix A
- Multiplication 7 Multiplication 7 Multiplication
- (26 Problems) (26 Problems) Rev
- (30 Problems)
- 9*0=0 9*0=0
- 9*1=9 9*1=9 1*4=4
- 9*2=18 9*2=18 1*9=9
- 9*3=27 9*3=27 2*3=6
- 9*4=36 9*4=36 2*7=14
- 9*5=45 9*5=45 2*9=18
- 9*6=54 9*6=54 3*4=12
- 9*7=63 9*7=63 3*12=36
- 9*8=72 9*8=72 4*4=16
- 9*9=81 9*9=81 4*9=36
- 9*10=90 9*10=90 4*12=48
- 9*11=99 9*11=99 5*4=20
- 9*12=108 9*12=108 5*9=45
- 10*0=0 10*0=0 6*1=6
- 10*1=10 10*1=10 6*6=36
- 10*2=20 10*2=20 6*11=66
- 10*3=30 10*3=30 7*4=28
- 10*4=40 10*4=40 7*9=63
- 10*5=50 10*5=50 8*1=8
- 10*6=60 10*6=60 8*6=48
- 10*7=70 10*7=70 8*11=88
- 10*8=80 10*8=80 9*4=36
- 10*9=90 10*9=90 9*9=81
- 10*10=100 10*10=100 10*1=10
- 10*11=110 10*11=110 10*6=60
- 10*12=120 10*12=120 10*12=120
- 11*0=0
- 11*11=121
- 12*3=36
- 12*8=96
- 12*12=144
- Treasure Hunt Math Appendix A
- Division
- --------
- Division 1 Division 3 Division 5 Division 6
- (13 Problems) (13 Problems) (26 Problems) (26 Problems)
- 0:1=0 0:3=0 0:5=0 0:7=0
- 1:1=1 3:3=1 5:5=1 7:7=1
- 2:1=2 6:3=2 10:5=2 14:7=2
- 3:1=3 9:3=3 15:5=3 21:7=3
- 4:1=4 12:3=4 20:5=4 28:7=4
- 5:1=5 15:3=5 25:5=5 35:7=5
- 6:1=6 18:3=6 30:5=6 42:7=6
- 7:1=7 21:3=7 35:5=7 49:7=7
- 8:1=8 24:3=8 40:5=8 56:7=8
- 9:1=9 27:3=9 45:5=9 63:7=9
- 10:1=10 30:3=10 50:5=10 70:7=10
- 11:1=11 33:3=11 55:5=11 77:7=11
- 12:1=12 36:3=12 60:5=12 84:7=12
- 0:6=0 0:8=0
- Division 2 Division 4 6:6=1 8:8=1
- (13 Problems) (13 Problems) 12:6=2 16:8=2
- 18:6=3 24:8=3
- 0:2=0 0:4=0 24:6=4 32:8=4
- 2:2=1 4:4=1 30:6=5 40:8=5
- 4:2=2 8:4=2 36:6=6 48:8=6
- 6:2=3 12:4=3 42:6=7 56:8=7
- 8:2=4 16:4=4 48:6=8 64:8=8
- 10:2=5 20:4=5 54:6=9 72:8=9
- 12:2=6 24:4=6 60:6=10 80:8=10
- 14:2=7 28:4=7 66:6=11 88:8=11
- 16:2=8 32:4=8 72:6=12 96:8=12
- 18:2=9 36:4=9
- 20:2=10 40:4=10
- 22:2=11 44:4=11
- 24:2=12 48:4=12
- Treasure Hunt Math Appendix A
- Division 7 Division 8 Division Rev
- (26 Problems) (26 Problems) (30 Problems)
- 0:9=0 0:11=0 9:1=9
- 9:9=1 11:11=1 6:2=3
- 18:9=2 22:11=2 16:2=8
- 27:9=3 33:11=3 18:2=9
- 36:9=4 44:11=4 20:2=10
- 45:9=5 55:11=5 12:3=4
- 54:9=6 66:11=6 27:3=9
- 63:9=7 77:11=7 4:4=1
- 72:9=8 88:11=8 24:4=6
- 81:9=9 99:11=9 44:4=11
- 90:9=10 110:11=10 20:5=4
- 99:9=11 121:11=11 45:5=9
- 108:9=12 132:11=12 6:6=1
- 0:10=0 0:12=0 36:6=6
- 10:10=1 12:12=1 72:6=12
- 20:10=2 24:12=2 28:7=4
- 30:10=3 36:12=3 63:7=9
- 40:10=4 48:12=4 24:8=3
- 50:10=5 60:12=5 72:8=9
- 60:10=6 72:12=6 96:8=12
- 70:10=7 84:12=7 36:9=4
- 80:10=8 96:12=8 81:9=9
- 90:10=9 108:12=9 10:10=1
- 100:10=10 120:12=10 60:10=6
- 110:10=11 132:12=11 120:10=12
- 120:10=12 144:12=12 44:11=4
- 99:11=9
- 12:12=1
- 72:12=6
- 132:12=11
- Treasure Hunt Math Appendix A
- Fractions
- ---------
- Fractions 1 Fractions 2 Fractions 3
- (38 Problems) (36 Problems) (32 Problems)
- 2/10=1/5 2/2=1 1/3+1/3=2/3
- 2/12=1/6 3/2=1 1/2 1/5+3/5=4/5
- 2/14=1/7 4/2=2 1/4+1/4=1/2
- 2/16=1/8 5/2=2 1/2 1/4+2/4=3/4
- 2/18=1/9 6/2=3 1/6+1/6=1/3
- 3/9=1/3 3/3=1 2/7+1/7=3/7
- 3/12=1/4 4/3=1 1/3 1/8+1/8=1/4
- 3/15=1/5 5/3=1 2/3 3/8+1/8=1/2
- 4/6=2/3 6/3=2 5/8+1/8=3/4
- 4/8=1/2 4/4=1 3/8+3/8=3/4
- 4/10=2/5 5/4=1 1/4 2/9+1/9=1/3
- 4/12=1/3 7/4=1 3/4 2/9+4/9=2/3
- 4/14=2/7 8/4=2 1/3+2/3=1
- 4/16=1/4 5/5=1 2/5+3/5=1
- 4/18=2/9 6/5=1 1/5 5/8+3/8=1
- 5/10=1/2 7/5=1 2/5 3/5-2/5=1/5
- 5/20=1/4 8/5=1 3/5 7/9-5/9=2/9
- 6/8=3/4 9/5=1 4/5 3/4-1/4=1/2
- 6/9=2/3 10/5=2 5/6-1/6=2/3
- 6/10=3/5 6/6=1 6/7-2/7=4/7
- 6/12=1/2 7/6=1 1/6 7/8-1/8=3/4
- 6/14=3/7 11/6=1 5/6 7/8-3/8=1/2
- 6/16=3/8 8/7=1 1/7 5/8-3/8=1/4
- 6/18=1/3 12/7=1 5/7 5/9-3/9=2/9
- 8/12=2/3 14/7=2 8/9-2/9=2/3
- 8/14=4/7 8/8=1 7/9-4/9=1/3
- 8/16=1/2 9/8=1 1/8 1-1/2=1/2
- 8/18=4/9 11/8=1 3/8 1-2/3=1/3
- 9/12=3/4 13/8=1 5/8 1-3/4=1/4
- 9/15=3/5 15/8=1 7/8 1-2/5=3/5
- 9/18=1/2 16/8=2 1-3/7=4/7
- 10/12=5/6 9/9=1 1-3/8=5/8
- 10/14=5/7 10/9=1 1/9
- 10/16=5/8 11/9=1 2/9
- 10/20=1/2 14/9=1 5/9
- 12/14=6/7 18/9=2
- 12/15=4/5
- 12/18=2/3
- Treasure Hunt Math Appendix A
- Fractions 4 Fractions Rev
- (38 Problems) (30 Problems)
- 1/2*1/2=1/4 2/18=1/9
- 1/3*1/2=1/6 4/10=2/5
- 1/3*1/3=1/9 6/9=2/3
- 2/3*2/3=4/9 8/12=2/3
- 1/2*1/4=1/8 9/18=1/2
- 3/4*1/4=3/16 10/18=5/9
- 2/5*3/5=6/25 12/14=6/7
- 1/6*1/2=1/12 4/4=1
- 5/6*1/6=5/36 7/5=1 2/5
- 2/7*5/7=10/49 10/5=2
- 3/7*2/5=6/35 11/6=1 5/6
- 3/8*1/2=3/16 9/8=1 1/8
- 3/8*3/7=9/56 16/8=2
- 5/8*1/8=5/64 18/9=2
- 3/8*5/8=15/64 1/6+1/6=1/3
- 2/9*2/5=4/45 1/8+1/8=1/4
- 4/9*4/7=16/63 5/8+3/8=1
- 1/2:1/2=1 3/4-1/4=1/2
- 1/3:2/5=5/6 5/8-3/8=1/4
- 1/3:5/9=3/5 7/9-4/9=1/3
- 1/4:1/4=1 1-1/3=2/3
- 3/4:1/4=3 1-5/8=3/8
- 1/5:2/5=1/2 1/3*1/2=1/6
- 2/5:3/7=14/15 1/2*1/4=1/8
- 3/5:2/3=9/10 2/7*5/7=10/49
- 1/6:4/5=5/24 2/9*2/5=4/45
- 1/6:2/3=1/4 1/4:1/4=1
- 1/7:2/7=1/2 1/6:2/3=1/4
- 2/7:1/3=6/7 3/8:5/8=3/5
- 6/7:2/7=3 1:1/3=3
- 3/8:3/8=1
- 1/8:5/8=1/5
- 3/8:5/8=3/5
- 1/9:1/3=1/3
- 2/9:4/9=1/2
- 4/9:3/5=20/27
- 1:1/2=2
- 1:1/3=3
- Treasure Hunt Math Appendix A
- Decimals
- --------
- Decimals 1 Decimals 2 Decimals 3
- (31 Problems) (30 Problems) (30 Problems)
- 1/10=.1 10*.1=1 10%*140=14
- 3/10=.3 10*.2=2 10%*110=11
- 5/10=.5 10*.7=7 10%*80=8
- 7/10=.7 10*.01=.1 10%*30=3
- 9/10=.9 10*.02=.2 10%*14=1.4
- 1/100=.01 10*.07=.7 10%*11=1.1
- 3/100=.03 10*.12=1.2 10%*10=1
- 5/100=.05 10*.15=1.5 10%*8=.8
- 7/100=.07 10*.32=3.2 10%*3=.3
- 9/100=.09 10*.001=.01 10%*1.4=.14
- 10/100=.1 10*.002=.02 10%*1.1=.11
- 13/100=.13 10*.007=.07 10%*1=.1
- 17/100=.17 10*.012=.12 10%*.8=.08
- 30/100=.3 10*.015=.15 10%*.3=.03
- 35/100=.35 10*.032=.32 10%*.1=.01
- 39/100=.39 100*.1=10 1%*140=1.4
- 50/100=.5 100*.2=20 1%*110=1.1
- 56/100=.56 100*.7=70 1%*80=.8
- 73/100=.73 100*.01=1 1%*30=.3
- 87/100=.87 100*.02=2 1%*10=.1
- 90/100=.9 100*.07=7 1%*14=.14
- 96/100=.96 100*.12=12 1%*11=.11
- 1 1/10=1.1 100*.15=15 1%*8=.08
- 2 3/10=2.3 100*.32=32 1%*3=.03
- 4 3/10=4.3 100*.001=.1 1%*1.4=.014
- 5 5/10=5.5 100*.002=.2 1%*1.1=.011
- 7 5/10=7.5 100*.007=.7 1%*1=.01
- 2 7/10=2.7 100*.012=1.2 1%*.8=.008
- 4 7/10=4.7 100*.015=1.5 1%*.3=.003
- 6 9/10=6.9 100*.032=3.2 1%*.1=.001
- 9 9/10=9.9
- Treasure Hunt Math Appendix A
- Decimals 4 Decimals 5 Decimals Rev
- (29 Problems) (25 Problems) (38 Problems)
- 1=100% 1/1=100% 5/10=.5
- 3=300% 1/2=50% 3/100=.03
- 8=800% 1/3=33 1/3% 9/100=.09
- 10=1000% 2/3=66 2/3% 50/100=.5
- 15=1500% 1/4=25% 90/100=.9
- 42=4200% 3/4=75% 3 3/10=3.3
- 69=6900% 1/5=20% 7 7/10=7.7
- 1.5=150% 2/5=40% 9 9/10=9.9
- 4.2=420% 3/5=60% 10*.03=.3
- 6.9=690% 4/5=80% 10*.003=.03
- .1=10% 1/6=16 2/3% 100*.3=30
- .3=30% 5/6=83 1/3% 100*.03=3
- .8=80% 1/8=12 1/2% 100*.13=13
- .01=1% 3/8=37 1/2% 100*.009=.9
- .03=3% 5/8=62 1/2% 100*.013=1.3
- .08=8% 7/8=87 1/2% 10%*30=3
- .15=15% 1/10=10% 10%*3=.3
- .42=42% 3/10=30% 10%*.3=.03
- .69=69% 7/10=70% 1%*30=.3
- .001=.1% 9/10=90% 1%*3=.03
- .003=.3% 1/12=8 1/3% 1%*.9=.009
- .008=.8% 1/20=5% 1%*.1=.001
- .015=1.5% 1/25=4% 5=500%
- .042=4.2% 1/50=2% .2=20%
- .069=6.9% 1/100=1% .9=90%
- .108=10.8% .12=12%
- .115=11.5% .69=69%
- .142=14.2% .013=1.3%
- .169=16.9% .135=13.5%
- .751=75.1%
- 1/25=4%
- 1/10=10%
- 1/8=12 1/2%
- 7/8=87 1/2%
- 1/5=20%
- 4/5=80%
- 1/3=33 1/3%
- 1/1=100%
- Treasure Hunt Math Appendix B
- Appendix B: Troubleshooting & Customer Support
- -----------------------------------------------
- * Problem: The program gives an error message on start up or fails to start.
- * The program will check if you have the necessary hardware before it
- tries to run. Please check the section, "Hardware Requirements" for
- information about hardware requirement.
- * If the video system does not meet the requirements, the program will
- notify you and give you the option to quit or continue.
- * Problem: I can't get my printer to print with the program.
- * Make sure your printer is properly connected, turned on, has paper and
- is ready to print (i.e., on-line).
- * Make sure that you have selected the appropriate port in the Printer
- Port option of the Print menu. Please refer to the section, "The Print
- Menu" for more information on setting up the Printer Port option.
- * If you have a serial printer, you have to issue a DOS Mode command to
- setup the port communication parameters. The command should be issued
- before running Treasure Hunt Math. Please refer to your printer
- documentation.
- * Try printing a simple text screen (can be the DOS command line screen),
- by pressing SHIFT+PRINT SCREEN (hold down SHIFT while pressing PRINT
- SCREEN). If the test is unsuccessful, you need to check your printer
- documentation on proper setup.
- * Problem: I can print a text certificate but not a graphic certificate.
- * Make sure that the Printer Type option is set correctly. If you have a
- LaserJet or compatible this option should be set to LaserJet. If it is
- a dot-matrix printer, the option should be set to Dot-Matrix.
- * If you have a dot-matrix printer and it is not IBM Proprinter or Epson
- compatible (most printers are), then you won't be able to print graphic
- certificates.
- * Problem: I get a "Drive not ready" error when trying to read or write from
- my floppy drive.
- * Make sure you have a formatted diskette in the floppy drive you are
- trying to access and that the drive's door (if applicable) is closed.
- * If you have inserted a blank non-formatted diskette, you will need to
- format it first using the DOS Format command. Please refer to your DOS
- documentation for information on the Format command.
- * Problem: I get a "Write-protected disk" error when trying to write to my
- floppy disk.
- * The floppy you are trying to write to is write protected. Remove the
- write-protect tab on 5.25-inch diskette, or slide the tab back over the
- write-protect hole on the 3.5-inch diskette.
- Treasure Hunt Math Appendix B
- * Problem: I cannot find my problem or record files in the File Selection
- menu.
- * Check the displayed path label to make sure you are looking at the right
- drive and directory.
- * Make sure you have the right floppy in your floppy drive.
- * Problem: I have read this section, and the relevant sections of the manual,
- but I still have a problem.
- You can contact us in one of the following ways:
- * Write use at:
- Adventure LearningWare
- 5667 Snell Ave #236
- San Jose, CA 95123
- * Send us a message on CompuServe, ID 71332,3605.
- * Send us a fax at 408-224-4455.
- Treasure Hunt Math Appendix C
- Appendix C: Agreement
- ---------------------
- Definition Of Shareware
- -----------------------
- Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. The Shareware
- system makes fitting your needs easier, because you can try before you buy.
- If you try a Shareware program and continue using it, you are expected to
- register. And because the overhead is low, prices are low also. Shareware
- has the ultimate money-back guarantee; if you don't use the product, you
- don't pay for it.
- Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial software, and the
- copyright holder retains all rights.
- Agreement
- ---------
- Treasure Hunt Math is a "shareware program" and is provided at no charge to
- the user for evaluation. If you find this program useful and continue to
- use it after a reasonable trial period, you must register it with Adventure
- LearningWare. Please see the program for registration instructions and
- incentives. Feel free to share it with your friends and with your local
- elementary school, but please do not give it away altered or as part of
- another system. Please encourage them to register their copy if they find
- that they can use it.
- Educational institutions and commercial users of Treasure Hunt Math must
- register and pay for their copies of Treasure Hunt Math within 30 days of
- first use or their license is withdrawn. Lab packs and site-licenses
- arrangements are available.
- Please see the file REGISTER.DOC, or print an order form from the program's
- quit screen for complete ordering information.
- Disclaimer
- ----------
- Users of Treasure Hunt Math must accept this disclaimer of warranty:
- Treasure Hunt Math is supplied as is. Adventure LearningWare disclaims all
- warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the
- warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. Adventure
- learningWare assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential,
- which may result from the use of Treasure Hunt Math.
- The software product, including this manual, is copyrighted and contains
- proprietary information. All rights are reserved.
- Adventure LearningWare reserves the right to make improvements in the
- product described in this manual at any time and without notice.
- ASP Ombudsman Statement
- -----------------------
- "This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware
- Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle
- works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem
- with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to
- help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an
- ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products.
- Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442 or
- send a CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536."