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Text File | 1992-12-25 | 37.5 KB | 1,002 lines |
- M A T H M A N I A C
- Program Documentation
- Version 1.03
- The Intelligent Math Tutoring System
- Copyright 1992, 1993 by Downsoft Software Company
- All Rights Reserved
- Table of Contents
- =================
- 1. Official Notices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
- 2. Program Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
- 3. User Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
- 4. Program Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
- 5. Shareware Definition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
- 6. Benefits of Registration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
- 7. Order Form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
- Page 1
- Official Notices
- ================
- Math Maniac
- The Intelligent Math Tutoring System
- Copyright 1992,1993 by Downsoft Software Company
- All Rights Reserved
- Downsoft Software Company is an approved vendor and associate
- member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP
- wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you.
- If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with
- an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able
- to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or
- problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical
- support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman
- at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442 or send a Compuserve
- message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.
- A Special Note to Teachers
- Teachers who use PCs in the educational environment may receive the
- REGISTERED program for free. You may either call and DOWNLOAD the
- REGISTERED version directly from Downsoft, or you can pay shipping
- charges only and have the program sent to you on diskette. All I ask
- is that after using the program for 1 month, you fill out a short
- evaluation form (included in the REGISTERED version), reporting on
- your students' experience using the program, and that you notify
- parents that the program is being used at your school and is available
- for purchase from Downsoft Software. I have two sons, ages 4 and 7
- years, and they have made substanial progress using MATH MANIAC, and
- confirming these results on a large segment of school age kids would
- be a great asset to me in my attempts to refine and improve the
- program.
- Page 2
- Documentation
- Math Maniac is a full-featured math tutorial program that
- entertains as it educates. It is set up like a flash-card system.
- Math drills are presented, and kids are either "complimented" or gently
- "insulted" depending on the accuracy of their answers. After 3 wrong
- choices, the computer displays the correct answer and moves on to the
- next problem. Records are maintained, and students are pushed to
- achieve a level of mastery of each level, and the level of difficulty
- is increased as each level is achieved.
- The following is documentation for the Math Maniac (MM.EXE) program.
- The order of explanation has been arranged logically so that these
- functions are detailed in the same order as they are found during
- execution of the MATH MANIAC program. If you are using the program,
- any feedback in the way of suggestions, criticism, ideas, in other
- words, anything that you think would make this program better and
- more useful, would be sincerely appreciated. The simple aim
- of this program is to provide kids of elementary school age with an
- easy and fun way to practice math drills. The program tries to allow
- each student to proceed at his or her own pace, and wants the student
- to strive for a level of mastery of each level of difficulty before
- proceeding to the next higher level.
- If you have a hard disk and you would like to install the program to
- it, you may run the INSTALL.BAT program. Log on to the drive that
- contains the MATH MANIAC diskette by typing either A: [Return] or
- B: [Return] at the DOS prompt.
- Then run the Install program by typing:
- INSTALL [Return]
- This will automatically install the program onto your C: drive in a
- subdirectory called \MANIAC, and all of the necessary files will be
- copied to it. You can then follow the subsequent instructions for
- running the program. If you want to install the program to a hard
- disk other than C:, you must make a \MANIAC directory on the hard disk
- that you intend to install the program to and then copy all of the
- files on the original distribution disk (or the self-extracting .EXE
- file) to the newly created subdirectory.
- If you do not have a hard disk, or want to run the program first from
- the floppy that it came on, follow these instuructions. To run the
- program, you insert the program disk into the A: drive of any IBM PC
- or compatible computer and after logging onto the A: drive, type:
- MM [Return]
- This will execute the program. There is a file called DEFAULT.DAT
- which is the data file which will be loaded if no other data file is
- selected. The data file is changed when you "Select" a file from the
- File menu, or you choose a Level or an Operation from the other menus.
- You may also specify a data file when you begin the program by
- typing:
- MM [options] [filename] [Return]
- Page 3
- where [filename] is the name of the data file (without the brackets).
- Command line options include:
- -S = No Sounds
- -I = No Insults
- -C = No Compliments
- -T = Timer OFF
- These commands can be typed in any order after the MM command. If no
- commands or filenames appear on the command line, then the program
- defaults to All options ON and DEFAULT.DAT is the data file of the
- math problems presented.
- The following are brief descriptions of the various menus presented in
- the Math Maniac program. These duplicate the context sensitive HELP
- screens found throughout the program by pressing [F1] at various
- points during the program.
- Enter Your Name
- You can enter your name at this prompt. Math Maniac will keep track of
- your activity, and optionally record your scores and times at the end
- of each excercise. If no name is chosen, "Math Maniac" is used. The
- shareware version allows you to choose 1 of 20 different names while the
- REGISTERED version allows you to enter ANY student name.
- File Menu
- The File Menu allows to choose from a list of file operations. You
- can Select, Create, and Edit the data files. You also can exit (or
- "Shell") out to the DOS prompt where you can run DOS commands or other
- programs.
- Run
- Execute the program using the selected .DAT file. If you Select a
- file, then that file will automatically be run and you won't need to
- select this menu choice.
- New Student
- This menu selection allows you to change the name of the student. The
- shareware version allows you to choose from a list of 20 student names.
- The REGISTERED version is personalized to allow you to type in ANY
- student name that you choose (up to 29 characters). The .REC files
- store this name with your test results to allow you to track progress.
- If no name is selected, the default name "Math Maniac" is assigned.
- This can be changed by selecting New Student any time while the program
- is running.
- Page 4
- Select A File
- Use the arrow keys to move to the data file which you wish to select.
- You can also enter the first letter of your choice and the selection
- bar will jump to the first selection that it finds beginning with
- that letter. Press [Enter] to select and run the data file which the
- selection bar is highlighting.
- Create a File
- This menu selection allows you to create custom sets of problems which
- can be used by the student. These files are not restricted to a
- particular operation and operations can be freely mixed.
- Enter Data File Name
- Enter the name of the Data file that you wish to create. It can be any
- valid DOS filename. Enter the first 8 characters only, without a period
- ('.'). The extension ".DAT" will be automatically be appended to the
- filename that you choose.
- Enter a Number
- Enter the first number you wish to put in the new problem. Be sure to
- press [Enter] after you type the number. Input is limited to 3 decimal
- integers. The same instruction applies to the second number in the
- problem.
- Enter an Operation
- Enter the math operation that you want for the problem. Your choices
- are +, =, * and / representing Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide.
- Save This Problem
- Enter 'Y' to add this problem to the new file. If the problem is not
- correct or you wish to correct it, enter 'N' and the problem will be
- erased.
- Information
- This screen presents information about the program. It lists the
- company information and programmer credits and how to contact
- Downsoft Software Company for a copy of the program.
- Os Shell
- This choice allows you to temporarily exit the program. If you use
- this selection, you must type "EXIT" at the DOS prompt to return to
- the program. While outside the program, you can run DOS commands,
- even other programs, provided the system has enough memory remaining.
- Quit
- This selection will end the program and return you to the operating
- system. When you are with the program, use this option to exit the
- program and return to DOS.
- Page 5
- Level Menu
- Level refers to the level of difficulty for each math operation. The
- levels currently range from A to H, with A being the easiest and H being
- the most difficult.
- Choose Level
- Levels range from A to H, with A being the easiest and H being the most
- difficult. If you choose a level or an operation, then the data file
- used will be the operation combined with the current level of
- difficulty. (Example: Level B, operation Add will select ADD2.DAT).
- Operation Menu
- This choice allows you to pick the math operation that the game will
- use. The choices are +, -, *, and /, which refer to Addition,
- Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. You can also create and use
- custom data files which mix in some or all of the operations in a
- single data file.
- Addition
- This option will select addition as the current operation and use only
- data files that feature addition problems.
- Subtraction
- This option will select subtraction as the current operation and use
- only those files that feature subtraction problems.
- Multiplication
- This option will select multiplication as the operation and use only
- those files that feature multiplication problems.
- Division
- This option will select division as the current operation and use only
- those files that feature division problems.
- Print Menu
- This menu allows you to create and print test files for the student to
- practice written tests on the problems presented in the current data
- file. You can also view the contents of any of the record (.REC)
- files to see the result history for each student.
- Create Test File
- Enter 'Y' to create a TEST file which can be printed and used for a
- written test on the problems in the current exercise. The test will
- print the problems randomly, and an ANSWER list containing problems
- and answers in the same order. This makes it easy for the student or
- teacher to correct the written test with a minimum of effort.
- Page 6
- Print Test
- Enter 'Y' to print a TEST. It will contain all the problems in the
- current file, printed in random order. A corresponding ANSWER list
- will also be printed, making correcting the TEST simple for teacher or
- student.
- View Records
- This allows you to review the record (*.REC) files of all of the
- students. The .REC files are contained in the current directory under
- the name of the student. This allows you to review and track the
- progress as each student improves with continued practice of the math
- drills.
- Settings Menu
- The Settings Menu lists the options that you can switch when the
- program is running. You can turn the Sound on or off, along with the
- display of insults and congratulatory messages. You can also select
- how the problems are displayed.
- Display
- This selection allows you to change the way in which the math exercises
- are presented. You may choose Vertical, Horizontal, or Combined format.
- Exercises will always be presented in the chosen format.
- Vertical
- This selection will cause all subsequent problems to be displayed in
- Vertical format. You can see an example of each format from which
- you can choose displayed as you move from one format choice to the
- next.
- Horizontal
- This selection will cause all subsequent problems to be displayed in
- Horizontal format. You can see an example of each format from which to
- choose displayed as you move from one format choice to the next.
- Combined
- This selection will cause all subsequent problems to be displayed in
- both Vertical and Horizontal formats. You can see an example of each
- format displayed as you move from one format choice to the next.
- Timer On/Off
- This selection will toggle the timer setting On and Off. When On, the
- time elapsed will be displayed upon completion of each exercise and
- will be recorded in the .REC record file.
- Page 7
- Sound On/Off
- This selection will toggle Sound On or Off. When it is On, all sounds,
- songs and sound effects from the program are audible. When Off, none
- of these sounds are generated. The menu will always display the
- current state of all settings.
- Insults On/Off
- This selection toggles the display of messages for WRONG answers On or
- Off. When On, the user is gently insulted for making a wrong choice
- and is encouraged to try harder. When Off, none of these messages are
- displayed.
- Congrats On/Off
- This selection toggles congratulatory messages On or Off. When On, the
- student is praised for each correct answer entered with a short message
- posted above each problem. When Off, none of these messages are
- displayed.
- Quit Menu
- This choice is used to exit the program. Selecting [Y]es will exit the
- program and selecting [N]o will allow you to return to the program.
- No or Yes
- Please respond either with a 'Y' or a 'N'. If you answer 'Y', you
- will exit from the program. A 'N' response will return you to the
- program, with all the current settings still active.
- Page 8
- User Tips
- 1. Pick an easy level. It may seem obvious, but start off at an easier
- level that you may believe the student is capable of. This will
- give them a feeling of success and satisfaction, particularily if
- they have not had a great deal of experience interacting with
- computers. You want them to feel that using the program is enjoyable,
- and adds to their learning experience.
- 2. Go to an appropriate level. Increase the level when they can
- consistently achieve perfect scores at current levels of difficulty.
- As you may already know, the computer will "BEEP" a song over the
- speaker when a math exercise is completed perfectly. If you hear
- too many songs coming from the computer, the math problems need to
- be more difficult.
- 3. Review the results. Usually, kids will want to show you the result
- screen immediately upon conclusion of each exercise. If it is not
- convenient for you to review the results at that time, then have
- your student "save" the results, and you can both look at them by
- "Viewing" the record file, saved under their student "name"
- (MATH_MAN.REC is the default record file).
- 4. Encourage speed. All of the exercises are timed, and the timings
- are stored along with other test information in the .REC files.
- Examine the previous test results and suggest that the student
- strive to "beat" his or her previous time.
- 5. Use the printed tests. Tests are printed which will include all of
- the problems in the selected math exercise, presented in random
- order. I have created special test files, usually of 100 problems,
- and I have the students attempt to see how many they can solve in
- five minutes. Note the results, and subsequently retest them,
- encouraging them to finish more problems each time the test is
- taken. Instruct them to skip over problems that they don't readily
- know the answer to. This will allow them time to come back and work
- on them after they complete the problems that they can answer
- quickly. The obvious advantage is that they will develop the skills
- to take timed tests and will result in better scores on competitive
- tests.
- 6. Roll your own. Every student has their own weaknesses. You can
- best aid the student by examining the results and designing your own
- exercises to stress the problems that each student needs particular
- practice in solving. If you develop a set of examples that you feel
- are especially good, please send them to us. We will see that you
- are sent the next release of MATH MANIAC free of charge to thank you
- for your contribution.
- 7. Use combined format. You should have the student use BOTH
- horizontal and vertical formats, so that the format does not become
- an impediment. Some larger long division problems may prove awkward
- when presented in a horizontal format (e.g. "216 / 18 ="), but it is
- more important for the student to recognize that it is the SAME
- concept. They can easily convert to the format of their choice by
- using a pad and pencil.
- Page 9
- 8. Write the tables. After younger students master the basics of
- addition, teach them to write out their tables, BEFORE they attempt
- multiplication and division. This will accomplish 2 key objectives.
- First, they will quickly see that multiplication is simply shorthand
- addition (computers don't multiply, they just add very quickly).
- Second, they will have the practice of writing the tables, which
- they should be allowed to use to solve the ensuing math exercise.
- Each time they look up an answer in the tables that THEY have written
- will reinforce and repeat the rote experience that some of us
- remember from having to "write" our tables "10 times each", without
- the muscle cramps we used to endure. DON'T let them reuse a table
- that they have previously written. Make them write a new one from
- scratch each time they do an exercise in multiplication or division.
- EXCEPTION: They should be allowed to use the same multiplication
- table for the division exercises on the same material. This will
- reinforce the relationship between multiplication and division.
- 9. Be persistent. Make this program part of their *daily* routine.
- I usually insist that my 7 year old son do 4 exercises, of 25-40
- problems each and a written test, every day in addition to his
- regular school work. If they have other computer games they they
- enjoy playing, then insist that they do their MATH MANIAC first,
- before pursuing other interests. My son is currently in the second
- grade, doing addition and subtraction with results from 0-999; has
- mastered multiplication of tables 1-6, and is currently working on
- tables 7-12 in multiplication and division. He has been using this
- program consistently for about 6 weeks. In the same time span, my 4
- year old is adding and subtracting numbers from 0-20.
- Try it out for yourself. I'm sure you will be rewarded for your
- efforts, as your student shows improvement with continued use of MATH
- MANIAC. Enjoy!
- Steve Downie
- Downsoft Software Company
- Page 10
- Program Notes
- There are different "songs" that may be heard upon successful
- completion of each exercise. There shareware version contains 4 songs,
- while the REGISTERED version has 25 songs.
- You are asked upon perfect completion of an exercise, whether or not
- you would like to go on to the next level. This will only have an
- effect if you are using the ADDx, SUBx, MULx or DIVx data files, where
- the level is represented by x and the filename becomes the next one
- (x+1), until 8 (highest level of difficulty) is reached.
- You can review student record (*.REC) files by choosing View from
- the print menu. The files are stored under the name chosen from a list
- of names in the shareware version; the REGISTERED version allows you to
- enter a student name. Both versions function in the same manner. In
- either version, if no name was entered, the record is stored under the
- filename MATH_MAN.REC.
- Unlike earlier versions, ESCape checking is disabled at the main menu
- level, so that you must choose Quit either from the File menu or at the
- Quit menu. Online, context sensitive help is now included, and an
- appropriate help screen should appear when pressing F1 from anywhere in
- the program.
- Current limitations include that DATA files are limited to a maximum of
- 100 problems per filename. Record files are also limited to 100 records.
- Problem operands may be up to 3 digits each, but the result must also
- be limited to a 3 digit answer. Anything beyond those limits should be
- in a more advanced program than this program is intended to be.
- If there are files of mixed math operations (e.g. Addition and
- Subtraction, etc...), the operations for each data file will be stored
- in the .REC file upon completion of the exercise. You will see the
- operations contained at the "Operations:" line of the View Records
- menu.
- Playback of any of the songs may be interrupted by ANY keystroke during
- playback.
- If you find any of the sets of data file either too easy or too
- difficult for your child, feel free to create your own data files. If
- you want, feel free to overwrite the ADDx.DAT, SUBx.DAT, MULx.DAT, and
- DIVx.DAT files with data that you feel is most suitable for you own
- child's level of math skills. I have selected what I thought to be
- varying levels of difficulty on a scale of 1 to 8, but feedback on how
- these levels work for your situation would be helpful in designing more
- effective data files.
- Page 11
- Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software before
- buying it. If you try a Shareware program and continue using it, you
- are expected to register. Individual programs differ on details -- some
- request registration while others require it, some specify a maximum
- trial period. With registration, you get anything from the simple right
- to continue using the software to an updated program with printed
- manual.
- Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial software, and the
- copyright holder retains all rights, with a few specific exceptions as
- stated below. Shareware authors are accomplished programmers, just like
- commercial authors, and the programs are of comparable quality. (In
- both cases, there are good programs and bad ones!) The main difference
- is in the method of distribution. The author specifically grants the
- right to copy and distribute the software, either to all and sundry or
- to a specific group. For example, some authors require written
- permission before a commercial disk vendor may copy their Shareware.
- Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. You should
- find software that suits your needs and pocketbook, whether it's
- commercial or Shareware. The Shareware system makes fitting your needs
- easier, because you can try before you buy. And because the overhead is
- low, prices are low also. Shareware has the ultimate money-back
- guarantee -- if you don't use the product, you don't pay for it.
- MATH MANIAC is a "shareware program" and is provided at no charge to
- the user for evaluation. Feel free to share it with your friends, but
- please do not give it away altered or as part of another system. The
- essence of "user-supported" software is to provide personal computer
- users with quality software without high prices, and yet to provide
- incentive for programmers to continue to develop new products. If you
- find this program useful and find that you are using MATH MANIAC and
- continue to use MATH MANIAC after a reasonable trial period, you must
- make a registration payment of $19.95 + $4.00 shipping to Downsoft
- Software Company. The $19.95 registration fee will license one copy
- for use on any one computer at any one time. You must treat this
- software just like a book. An example is that this software may be
- used by any number of people and may be freely moved from one computer
- location to another, so long as there is no possibility of it being
- used at one location while it's being used at another. Just as a book
- cannot be read by two different persons at the same time.
- Commercial users of MATH MANIAC must register and pay for their copies
- of MATH MANIAC within 30 days of first use or their license is
- withdrawn. Site-License arrangements may be made by contacting
- Downsoft Software Company.
- Anyone distributing MATH MANIAC for any kind of renumeration must first
- contact Downsoft Software Company at the address below for authorization.
- This authorization will be automatically granted to distributors recognized
- by the (ASP) as adhering to its guidelines for shareware distributors, and
- such distributors may begin offering MATH MANIAC immediately (However
- Downsoft Software Company must still be advised so that the distributor
- can be kept up-to-date with the latest version of MATH MANIAC.).
- Page 12
- You are encouraged to pass a copy of MATH MANIAC along to your friends
- for evaluation. Please encourage them to register their copy if they
- find that they can use it. All registered users will receive a copy
- of the latest version of the MATH MANIAC program.
- This is the second revision of the first release, and the program has
- no known problems. If you encounter a problem, please report it by
- calling (310) 338-0715. We will fix it and send you a FREE update for
- reporting the problem.
- Questions, comments, compliments, and complaints may be sent to the
- author:
- Steve Downie
- Downsoft Software Company
- 8726D S. Sepulveda Blvd, Ste. C91
- Los Angeles, CA 90045 USA
- (310) 338-0715
- CompuServe 74716,521
- Page 13
- Benefits of Registration
- 1. More songs. The REGISTERED version contains 20 additional songs
- which are played when the student successfully completes an exercise.
- 2. More Data. The REGISTERED version has larger data files, and contains
- bonus data files. The files that are included further refine the
- learning curve and are designed to produce MAXIMUM results.
- 3. A Personalized program. The name requested by the REGISTERED user
- is printed both on the opening screen and becomes the DEFAULT
- student name. The student name is recorded and used in both the
- .REC filname and is stored with each record in the .REC files.
- 4. Upgrade Notices. As the program evolves and upgrades are released,
- registered users will receive notification of the availability and
- enhancements contained in new releases. Upgrades will be released
- at a nominal fee, to be determined by the value of the new features
- and the amount of work that went into adding them. You will also be
- made aware of other quality software as it becomes available.
- 5. A Money-Back Guarantee. The REGISTERED version is shipped with a
- 30-day, money-back guarantee. If you are unsatisfied with the program
- sent to you for ANY reason, your money will be gladly refunded.
- 6. Nag Screen Removal. Removal of all REGISTRATION "reminders" on
- program screens and printouts from the program, which appear on the
- shareware version. All shareware statements are replaced by
- 7. User Support. Registration entitles you to one year of support
- at Downsoft Software (310) 338-0715, should you have any questions
- at all about the program. Support is available from 9:00 to 5:00,
- Monday - Friday, Pacific Time. On Compuserve, you can contact the
- author, Steve Downie, directly via EMAIL at CIS# 74716,521.
- 8. Data Compatibility. There are plans to implement more efficient data
- formats for the data files in future releases of MATH MANIAC. As a
- REGISTERED user, you are guaranteed that any future release of MATH
- MANIAC will contain a conversion program to ensure that any data
- created with prior versions of the program can be converted to the
- current format. This guarantees that any special data that you create
- using MATH MANIAC will always be compatible with the latest version.
- 9. My Sincere Gratitude. Registration is source through which the
- program can continue to grow and improve, and other programs like it
- can undergo development.
- Page 14
- To receive a copy of the registered version of Math Maniac(c), which
- includes the additional features described in the MM.DOC file, fill out
- the order form that follows and send it, along with a check, MC, or VISA
- number in the correct amount to:
- Downsoft Software Company
- 8726D S. Sepulveda Blvd. Suite C91
- Los Angeles, CA 90045
- Using VISA or Mastercard, you can order over the phone by calling:
- Phone: (310) 338-0715 (8 to 5 Mon-Fri PST)
- Orders received by 3:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time ship that day.
- You may also register MATH MANIAC through COMPUSERVE. Just type
- "GO SWREG" and follow the instructions to complete the registration
- process. Downsoft will be notified by Compuserve via EMAIL and the
- REGISTERED version will be shipped the following day. You will be billed
- $23.95 on your Compuserve bill, which covers the program registration
- ($19.95 plus the $4.00 shipping charge).
- Page 15
- Downsoft Software Order Form
- Customer Information
- Name: _____________________________________________________________
- Company: _____________________________________________________________
- Address: _____________________________________________________________
- City: _______________________________ State: _____ ZIP:____________
- Phone: _______________________________
- Student Name: ________________________________________________________
- ___ Math Maniac 1.03 ($19.95). ___ 5-1/4 disks. ___ 3-1/2 disks.
- Cost of order. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 19.95
- California residents add sales tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1.65
- Shipping/handling.
- ___Next Day: $13.00 ___Second Day: $8.00 ___Regular: $4.00 $ _______
- Total Cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ _______
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Form of Payment
- ___ Check ___ Money order ___ Visa or MasterCard.
- Card Number: _________________________________ Exp. Date:________
- Signature:______________________________________________________
- In order to help us determine how best to improve and market MATH
- MANIAC, please tell us how you found out about MATH MANIAC:
- Compuserve: ______
- BBS System: ______ Name: _______________________________________
- Another User: ______
- School: ______ Name: _______________________________________
- Review: ______ Publication: ________________________________
- Comments: _______________________________________________________
- _______________________________________________________
- _______________________________________________________
- _______________________________________________________
- _______________________________________________________
- Page 16