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- To receive a copy of the registered version of Math Maniac(c), which
- includes the additional features described in the MM.DOC file, fill out
- the order form that follows and send it, along with a check, MC, or VISA
- number in the correct amount to:
- Downsoft Software Company
- 8726D S. Sepulveda Blvd. Suite C91
- Los Angeles, CA 90045
- Using VISA or Mastercard, you can order over the phone by calling:
- Phone: (310) 338-0715 (8 to 5 Mon-Fri PST)
- Orders received by 3:00 p.m. Pacific time ship that day.
- You may also register MATH MANIAC through COMPUSERVE. Just type
- "GO SWREG" and follow the instructions to complete the registration
- process. Downsoft will be notified by Compuserve via EMAIL and the
- REGISTERED version will be shipped the following day. You will be billed
- $23.95 on your Compuserve bill, which covers the program registration
- ($19.95 plus the $4.00 shipping charge).
- ============================================================================
- Downsoft Software Order Form
- Customer Information
- Name: _____________________________________________________________
- Company: _____________________________________________________________
- Address: _____________________________________________________________
- City: _______________________________ State: _____ ZIP:____________
- Phone: _______________________________
- Student Name: ________________________________________________________
- ___ Math Maniac 1.03 ($19.95). ___ 5-1/4 disks. ___ 3-1/2 disks.
- Cost of order. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 19.95
- California residents add sales tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1.65
- Shipping/handling.
- ___Next Day: $13.00 ___Second Day: $8.00 ___Regular: $4.00 $ _______
- Total Cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ _______
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Form of Payment
- ___ Check ___ Money order ___ Visa or MasterCard.
- Card Number: _________________________________ Exp. Date:________
- Signature:______________________________________________________
- In order to help us determine how best to improve and market MATH
- MANIAC, please tell us how you found out about MATH MANIAC:
- Compuserve: ______
- BBS System: ______ Name: _______________________________________
- Another User: ______
- School: ______ Name: _______________________________________
- Review: ______ Publication: ________________________________
- Comments: _______________________________________________________
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