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- [ You can print this text file (5 pages) with your word processor, or at
- the DOS prompt with printer ready, type: COPY MC34.DOC PRN <Enter> ]
- MathCounts 3+4 v1.1
- copyright (c) 1992-93 Able Art Software - All Rights Reserved.
- ***** PROGRAM FEATURES *****
- * Graphics-based 3rd and 4th grade math tutorial covering
- +, -, x, /, %, fractions, decimals, word problems, and more.
- * Instructive feedback and remedial work are provided.
- * A simple Menu system, or an automatic Beginner's Mode,
- can accommodate students with different rates of learning.
- * MathCounts 3+4 keeps track of students' progress: where
- they are, what they've done, what they're ready to do next.
- * The program can be customized with favorite reinforcing
- words and phrases, and friends' names in word problems.
- QUICK START SUMMARY (full instructions below give complete details):
- Make a backup copy of your MathCounts 3+4 floppy disk and put it in
- drive A (or B). Close the drive door and type A: (or B: if using
- the B drive).
- Set Turbo speed to fast if you are using an older PC-XT.
- At the A: (or B:) prompt, type MC34 and press enter.
- LEAVE THE DISK IN THE DRIVE until after you exit MathCounts 3+4.
- When prompted, enter the student's name. (If your disk already has
- other students' names and records on it, see full instructions
- for deleting these.)
- For beginning students of about 3rd grade ability, try choosing
- Beginner's Mode to start with.
- To concentrate on specific problem areas, or for more advanced
- students, choose Menu Mode. (You can switch between Beginner's
- Mode and Menus by restarting the program.)
- Program settings can be changed or customized by pressing ALT-F9
- at the Main Menu.
- To view students' progress or change levels of difficulty, select
- the Students' Progress Graph (Shapes, Sizes, Graph Menu).
- page 1
- -------------------------------------
- Minimum program requirements: 100% compatible PC, XT, AT with 640K
- RAM, DOS 3.0 or higher, graphics adapter (Hercules mono, EGA, VGA).
- MathCounts 3+4 runs fine from a floppy disk. Put the disk in the
- drive, and at the A:> (or B:>) prompt type: MC34 <Enter>
- LEAVE THE FLOPPY DISK IN THE DRIVE until after you exit the program.
- Make backup copies regularly, no matter which drive you use.
- To put the program on a hard drive, first make a directory:
- (example) MD C:\MC34 <Enter>
- Then change to the new directory:
- (example) CD C:\MC34 <Enter>
- Once you are in the new directory, put the MathCounts 3+4 disk in
- drive A and copy ALL MathCounts 3+4 files into the new directory:
- COPY A:\*.* <Enter>
- To run MathCounts 3+4 from a hard drive, change to the proper
- directory (MC34:\>) if you haven't yet and type:
- MC34 <Enter>
- (NOTE: If your disk already has other students' names and records
- stored on it, see instructions below for deleting these
- so that your student(s) will start out with new records.)
- MathCounts 3+4 covers a lot of material, but is easy to use. After
- a brief introduction, students should be able to manage largely on
- their own.
- For beginning students of about 3rd grade level, it may be best to
- start with Beginner's Mode. (Choose this option after the student's
- name has been entered.) Beginner's Mode will automatically present
- suitable problems in an ordered series. When a student becomes
- comfortable with the material and presentation, or any time you
- want to concentrate on specific problem areas, you can switch to
- using the Menus. (Beginner's Mode is available for 7 "lessons",
- after which only the Menu system is active.)
- page 2
- All of the program's functions are available through a simple Menu
- system. Choices on each Menu progress from (1) less to (7) more
- difficulty. For most students, a sequential approach starting with
- earlier Menu items and then progressing to later ones will give the
- best results. But don't wait to finish all the items on one Menu
- before starting on the next Menu. For example, students should be
- trying easy word problems (item 1 on the Word Problem Menu) by the
- time they've done some addition and subtraction (items 1 and 2 on
- the previous Menu). The program will recognize attempts to do
- problems that are well beyond the current level of difficulty, and
- suggest that easier ones be done first (see instructions below for
- moving up or down difficulty levels).
- To go back to Beginner's Mode after using the Menus, choose to exit
- the program, and then press 'n' when asked if you want to leave
- MathCounts 3+4. Select student's name, and then 2) Beginner's Mode.
- If the student has already covered many of the Menu items,
- Beginner's Mode may seem too easy.
- Program performance on the oldest (slowest) PC's and XT's may be
- sluggish (on XT's be sure to use the fastest turbo setting).
- MathCounts 3+4 keeps track of how well students are doing. (Students
- do well if given the chance.) If a student correctly completes at
- least three out of four problems of a given type, MathCounts 3+4
- automatically moves on to harder problem levels. If not, further
- problems of that type will be at the same level of difficulty
- until at least 75% are done correctly. The primary reason for
- keeping records is to allow the program to change levels properly
- and to progress at different rates in different areas. However,
- the records can also be used to check the suitability of this
- tutorial for any given student.
- MathCounts 3+4 will often supply remedial problems in appropriate
- background areas when a student is having some trouble. On the
- other hand, if a student jumps ahead to problems at harder levels,
- the program will suggest that background material be covered first.
- (Suggestions can be ignored and over-ridden.) An overview of a
- student's progress is presented in the Student's Progress Graph,
- item 5 on the Shapes, Sizes, Graph Menu.
- The Students Progress Graph should be used with some sensitivity.
- You may find that this graph is consulted often, since it shows at
- a glance how many problems of each kind have been done, which levels
- a student is working at, and the percentage of "correct" responses
- in each area. The graph is there to help students and instructors
- page 3
- see what material has been covered. Many factors can affect the
- information shown on the graph, (e.g. changing difficulty levels
- to repeat problem types) and it is therefore best to use it as a
- general guide only.
- Records are kept in the MCRECORD.DAT file, which must be on the
- floppy disk, or in the directory, from which MathCounts 3+4 is run.
- In each area of the tutorial, a student works at a particular level
- of difficulty. It is possible to go down a level or levels (to
- repeat certain types of problems) or to go up (to do specific
- problems, or for students that are beginning at an advanced level).
- Difficulty levels can be changed in two ways:
- 1.) Whenever a menu item beyond the current difficulty level
- is selected, a message will appear suggesting that easier
- menu items be completed first, but the option will be
- given to change the difficulty level upward as well.
- 2.) The Student's Progress Graph (item 5 on Shapes, Sizes,
- Graph Menu) shows the current difficulty level for each
- tutorial area. Use the up-down arrow keys to highlight
- the category level you wish to change, and then just
- follow the prompts. This is a convenient way to go back
- a level to repeat certain kinds of problems.
- MathCounts 3+4 will prompt for up to three students' names and keep
- records for them. You can delete students if you need to (WARNING:
- students' records will be deleted as well). Be sure you have a
- CURRENT BACKUP copy in case you decide afterward that you have made
- a mistake. Press <ALT><F9> at the main menu to show the setting
- choices. Select number 3) Students & Records. Answer the prompts
- to delete any or all names and records.
- Throughout the program, words and phrases of encouragement appear
- when a student does well. MathCounts 3+4 comes with a list of
- these, but you may want to change them to better reflect current
- local usage or personal preference (your children may have favorite
- phrases, or they may tire of old ones). To list the phrases or make
- changes, press <ALT><F9> at the main menu. Select 1) Encouragement.
- You can use UP TO 16 CHARACTERS for each word or phrase.
- page 4
- In each word problem, one or more names will be used. You can
- change the names that will appear (your children might like to use
- the names of friends or acquaintances). To list the names or make
- changes, press <ALT><F9> at the main menu. Select number 2) Word
- Problem Names. You can use UP TO 10 CHARACTERS for each name.
- If a problem arises which you cannot solve after carefully reading
- these instructions, and you find that you need to contact Able Art
- Software for technical assistance, please include all relevant
- information on: your computer system (including CPU, disk drives,
- video adapter), DOS version, and other system software. Please
- also note the details concerning the problem you are having,
- including the exact part of the program you are using, and any
- keystrokes entered just prior to the difficulty.
- * * * *
- MathCounts 3+4 is based upon the notion that students, especially
- in their earlier years, need all the help they can get learning to
- use and enjoy mathematics. Building confidence and a positive out-
- look can sometimes be more important than "mastering" benchmark
- concepts. Students are all different; they learn best in different
- ways and at different rates. Materials which adapt to such dif-
- ferences in the most positive way possible are preferable. If
- computer programs are to promote learning, they must do more than
- automate the delivery of drill materials. They must begin to provide
- flexible, dynamic, and individualized tools for inquiring minds.
- page 5
- [ You can print this text file (5 pages) with your word processor, or at
- the DOS prompt with printer ready, type: COPY MC34.DOC PRN <Enter> ]