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- Copyright (c)1992-3, Able Art Software. All Rights Reserved.
- Able Art Software, BOX 964, Nelson, B.C. Canada V1L 6A5
- This file provides information for the distribution of
- shareware copies of MathCounts 3+4 v1.1 by Disk Vendors.
- There should be four (or five) files on this disk:
- MC34.EXE - Mathcounts 3+4 program
- MCRECORD.DAT - program data (essential)
- MC34.DOC - program documentation
- MC34VEND.DOC - this file
- (FILE_ID.DIZ) - description file on BBS disks
- Suggested full product listing:
- MathCounts 3+4 v1.1 <ASP>
- Graphics-based math tutorial for 3rd and 4th grades, covering
- addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, estimation,
- word problems, fractions, decimals and more; record keeping,
- context-sensitive remedial work, automatic beginner's mode.
- Suggested short product listing:
- MathCounts 3+4 v1.1 <ASP>
- Graphics-based 3rd & 4th grade math, includes +, -, x, /, %,
- decimals, word problems, fractions, record keeping and more.
- Suggested BBS archive filename:
- MC34V11
- Suggested BBS 40-char description: (see also FILE_ID.DIZ)
- Math 3-4, +,-,x,/,% etc. Records. <ASP>
- ***** PROGRAM FEATURES *****
- * Graphics-based 3rd and 4th grade math tutorial covering
- +, -, x, /, %, fractions, decimals, word problems, and more.
- * Instructive feedback and remedial work are provided.
- * A simple Menu system, or an automatic Beginner's Mode,
- can accommodate students with different rates of learning.
- * MathCounts 3+4 keeps track of students' progress: where
- they are, what they've done, what they're ready to do next.
- * The program can be customized with favorite reinforcing
- words and phrases, and friends' names in word problems.
- Minimum program requirements: 100% compatible PC, XT, AT with 640K
- RAM, DOS 3.0 or higher, graphics adapter (Hercules mono, EGA, VGA).
- You are hereby granted permission to distribute MathCounts 3+4
- as long as you:
- 1) Clearly explain, in an obvious manner, the shareware concept,
- the need for users to register shareware products they use,
- and that the price the user pays for your disks is a copying
- fee only.
- 2) Leave all copyright notices intact and in place.
- 3) Have not been asked by us not to distribute it.
- 4) Only distribute the shareware version of MathCounts 3+4.
- A message at the beginning of the shareware version clearly
- states that "This is an UNREGISTERED shareware copy." Any
- version of MathCounts 3+4 without this message must not
- be distributed. The shareware version is not "crippled" in
- any way; it merely includes shareware messages and
- information which are removed from the registered version.
- 5) When listing MathCounts 3+4 in any vendor catalog,
- advertisement, or mailer, call it "MathCounts 3+4"
- and not ANY other name.
- 6) Do not "rent" or "lease" MathCounts 3+4 to others.
- If you have not already done so, we strongly recommend that
- you become an ASP approved vendor. The ASP vendor program
- provides an important service for both authors and vendors,
- and gives customers confidence that reasonable standards are
- met in the distribution of shareware products. Contact:
- Association of Shareware Professionals
- Vendor Certification Committee
- 545 Grover Rd, Muskegon, MI 49442-9427
- The single-user registration fee for MathCounts 3+4 is $29.95
- including shipping and handling charges for addresses within
- continental North America. Outside U.S. and Canada shipping and
- handling is $5.00 extra and payment must be in U.S. funds,
- drawn on a U.S. Bank. Site licenses with substantial discounts
- for schools are also available.
- Site License Discounts for Schools
- Quantity Discount % price/unit savings/unit
- 2-4 35 $19.47 $10.47
- 5-10 45 16.47 13.47
- 11-15 49 15.27 14.67
- 16-20 52 14.37 15.57
- For more than 20, contact us.
- To run MathCounts 3+4 for evaluation, first be sure that the MCRECORD.DAT file
- is in the same directory as MC34.EXE (you can run the program from any drive).
- Enter MC34 to run. For documentation, enter TYPE MC34.DOC |MORE
- Note: This program writes to the disk file MCRECORD.DAT at program exit. To
- leave a clean records file for users after evaluating the program, just before
- you exit, select ALT-F9 at the Main Menu. Then select 3) Students & Records.
- Select 4, Delete All. When prompted for a name, press enter (twice), then
- press "y". Choose to go to the menus and exit. Of course, you could make
- a backup copy and just play with that.
- You can contact Able Art Software at:
- Voice ......... (604) 229-4766, 9-5 PT
- Mail .......... Able Art Software
- P.O. Box 964
- Nelson, B.C. Canada
- V1L 6A5
- _______
- ____|__ | (R)
- --| | |-------------------
- | ____|__ | Association of
- | | |_| Shareware
- |__| o | Professionals
- -----| | |---------------------
- |___|___| MEMBER