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- ==================
- Teacher's Grade Book Program
- Version 4.00
- for use with
- IBM PS/2, XT, PC and compatibles
- 512K and DOS 2.1 or greater required
- GRADE BOOK POWER (tm) is a copyrighted program distributed as
- SHAREWARE. All rights are reserved. You may make 1 copy of this
- program and documentation for a 21 day evaluation.
- If you decide to continue to use this program, you must pay a
- registration fee of $59.00 plus $2.00 shipping/handling. Checks,
- MasterCard, VISA are accepted. Purchase orders are accepted from
- schools. School district and site licenses are available. To
- order GRADE BOOK POWER, use the order blank that can be printed
- from the pull down menu.
- Registered owners will receive a printed manual, diskette with all
- improvements made since the distribution of the shareware diskette,
- removal of all references to evaluation shareware, notification of
- major updates, and voice telephone support. GRADE BOOK POWER can
- only be updated and improved when you support my efforts.
- Manual by Terry L. Jepson
- WISCO Computing, P. O. Box 8
- Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495-0008
- Entire contents (C)Copyright Terry L. Jepson 1989, 1991, 1992
- Published by WISCO Computing. All rights reserved.
- Modem support is available on the Rapids River BBS (715) 435-3855
- (Free access 300 to 38,400bps V.32bis/V42bis 24 hours 8/N/1)
- Voice Support only available to registered users (6-10 pm CST)
- MasterCard and VISA orders accepted (715) 423-8189
- GRADE BOOK POWER allows the use of either two-9 week or 3-6 week terms per
- semester. Many special options included for both elementary and secondary
- teachers. Creates over 30 different reports. Individual progress reports
- for students/parents include assignment date, title, points possible,
- points earned, letter grade, category averages, grading trend, personal &
- general comments, absences, tardies, and missing assignments, optional
- parent signature, grade override, weighting, low test throw out option,
- grading scale, optional semester exam, and extra credit.
- Version 4.00 includes detailed attendance and tardy reports. Additional
- administrative and teacher reports are also included in this new version.
- QUICK START (for those that don't like to read the manual)
- 1. Copy files to a subdirectory on your hard disk.
- 2. Start the program the first time by typing GRADES /INSTALL
- 3. Enter the drive/subdirectory to contain the student data.
- 4. Answer the other 3 questions when displayed.
- 5. Go to the SET-UP MENU.
- 6. Save the Settings on the SET-UP MENU.
- 7. Enter your class names on the NAMES MENU.
- 8. Enter your student names on the NAMES MENU.
- 9. All Menu options are now available.
- 10. If you like the program and want to continue using
- GRADE BOOK POWER, you must register and send payment.
- WISCO Computing is a member of the Association of Shareware
- Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware
- principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware
- related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member
- directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you
- resolve a problem with an ASP member, but does not provide tech-
- nical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP
- Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442-9427 or send
- Compuserve message via Compuserve mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536