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- This manual is divided into the following sections:
- 1. Getting Started
- 3. Tuning
- 4. Chord Structure
- 5. Technical Support
- SECTION 1 - Getting Started
- The following assumes a basic knowledge of DOS:
- Backing up the GUITAR TEACHER files is recommended, for
- two reasons:
- 1. If one copy is destroyed or rendered unusable for
- some reason, you will have a backup copy.
- 2. If you copy the files onto your hard disk and run
- GUITAR TEACHER from there, the program will load
- much faster and work faster when it needs to use the
- disk.
- To make a backup to a blank floppy diskette, use the
- DOS "COPY" command in a similar manner to the following:
- copy a:*.* b:
- If your knowledge of DOS is limited so that you have
- trouble with this command, refer to your DOS manual and look
- up "COPY", or ask a friend for assistance. In the meantime,
- GUITAR TEACHER can be run from the original diskette, but
- don't forget, you don't have it backed up! The standard
- practice is to store the original diskette and use the
- backup as your working copy.
- To copy the files onto your hard disk, first make a
- directory to store them in using the DOS "MKDIR" (MD)
- command. You might type the following:
- md c:\guitar
- Next, type:
- copy a:*.* c:\guitar
- Again, if these commands are beyond your knowledge of
- DOS, you may require assistance.
- GUITAR TEACHER's user interface was designed to be as
- standard as possible. A computer user of any experience
- should have little trouble getting around it's environment.
- Throughout the program, the first letter of each option that
- may be chosen at a particular time, is displayed in high
- intensity (bright) mode. Pressing the letter runs the
- option.
- GT.EXE must be run from the directory where all the
- GUITAR TEACHER files are stored. On start-up, GT.EXE
- immediately looks for certain files. If they are not in the
- current directory, the program aborts.
- Example: Let's assume for instance your GUITAR TEACHER
- files are stored in a directory called C:\GUITAR and your
- current default directory is C:\WPFILES. If you were to
- type:
- c:\guitar\gt
- GT.EXE would attempt start-up and look in C:\WPFILES for the
- required files. Upon not finding them, the program would
- abort. Here you must change the default directory using the
- DOS "CHDIR" (CD) command. In this case you would type:
- cd c:\guitar
- Then type:
- gt
- At this point, it should start with no trouble.
- Running and using PRINT!.EXE:
- Included is a file called PRINT!.EXE. It too must be
- run from the proper directory (see instructions above
- regarding GT.EXE). Below are explanations of the options
- available with PRINT!:
- Manual:
- This option sends a copy of the manual to your printer.
- When you choose this option, printing does not begin
- immediately. It allows you to exit without printing if you
- change your mind. The manual prints at 66 lines per page
- so, don't reset your printer to any other line spacing. A
- large margin has been included to allow holes to be punched
- if you wish to keep your manual in a binder.
- Order:
- Choosing this option allows you to print an order form
- for a registered copy of GUITAR TEACHER or GUITAR PRO.
- To run GUITAR TEACHER type: gt
- When the copyright notice appears, pressing most any key
- will cause it to disappear. Press a key again and the main
- screen (the chord menu) will appear. Below are explanations
- of the options on the main menu listed at the top of the
- screen. "HELP" should guide you through with little
- trouble. Press <H> or <F1> to display the HELP window.
- Tuner:
- Once you have chosen this option from the main menu,
- the best way to get familiar with the tuner is to press <H>
- or <F1> for "HELP".
- Before tuning up, you may wish to reverse the display
- from right-handed to left- or vice versa by pressing <R>.
- The small box in the lower right hand corner of the screen
- shows the current display mode. This setting will be saved
- when you exit GUITAR TEACHER.
- Notice the numbers 1 through 6 above the guitar
- fingerboard on the screen. The screen opens with the number
- one string marked with the menu block. Use the right and
- left arrow keys, or number keys to select different strings.
- Once you have selected the string you want to tune, press
- <Enter> to sound the note and press <Enter> again to stop
- it. You can also press the numbers <1> through <6> to
- select a string and switch on the sound all in one
- keystroke. See section three of this manual for detailed
- information on tuning. Press <X> to return to the chord
- screen.
- At this point, press <Enter> to display a chord. It's
- probably obvious to most that the numbers on the fingerboard
- are the numbers of the fingers to be used in playing the
- chord. For beginners, note that the thumb is not finger
- number one -- the thumb is not counted. There are only four
- possible finger numbers and they refer to your four fingers.
- On most diagrams, there will be one or more of the
- letters "o" or "x" at the top of the fingerboard. "o" means
- the string is to be played open. "x" means the string is
- not to be played. Sometimes this might seem impossible, but
- that's because the chord may have to played differently from
- the way one might think. For instance, you might have a
- chord where all strings are to be played except for the
- fourth string. In some cases, one of the fingers used to
- press another string is also used to dampen the fourth
- string simply by touching it as it reaches over. Other
- chords must be plucked with your strumming hand fingers to
- miss the strings marked with "x". Most chords however,
- don't present a problem.
- On many diagrams there will be a Roman numeral beside
- the first fret. This means that it is in fact not the first
- fret, but the fret corresponding to the numeral. This is
- standard notation for guitar music -- Roman numerals refer
- to fret numbers or "position" numbers. For those of us who
- have forgotten exactly what all those Roman signs mean, here
- is a review:
- I = 1
- II = 2
- III = 3
- IV = 4
- V = 5
- VI = 6
- VII = 7
- VIII = 8
- IX = 9
- X = 10
- XI = 11
- XII = 12
- XIII = 13
- XIV = 14
- XV = 15
- You'll rarely need to know them as high as 15. See section
- four of this manual for detailed information on chord
- structure.
- Once a chord is on the screen, you can press <Enter>
- again to hear the notes played as an arpeggio, or press any
- of the numbers 1 through 6 to hear single strings. Note, if
- there is an "x" above a string, you'll get an error.
- Swap:
- Notice the notes that make up the chord listed on the
- right side of the screen. If a chord is based on a root
- that is a sharp or flat, the names of the notes can be
- swapped. For instance, A# and Bb are the same note -- they
- are called "enharmonics". Even though the chord sounds
- exactly the same, the notes can all be named differently
- depending on whether you consider it to be based on one note
- or the other.
- Reverse:
- "R" allows switching between right- and left-handed
- display modes. The box in the lower right hand corner of
- the screen shows the current setting.
- Colors (Color monitors only):
- By pressing "C", you can cycle through 10 different
- color schemes. Your last selection will be saved when you
- exit. If you have a monochrome monitor and this option
- appears on the menu, your display adapter has caused GUITAR
- TEACHER to detect a color monitor. You can force a
- monochrome display by running GUITAR TEACHER with a "/m".
- Type: gt/m
- Adjust (Monochrome monitors only):
- Pressing "A" displays a screen to help you to properly
- set your monitor's brightness and contrast dials. If you
- have a monochrome monitor and this option does not appear on
- the menu, force a monochrome display with the "/m".
- Options:
- This allows adjustment of the arpeggio characteristics.
- If you press <Enter> to hear the chord and the sound begins
- immediately, you may not have time to pick up your pick and
- play along with the computer. Choosing "D" from the Options
- screen, allows you to set a delay period for your needs.
- You may want the chord to play a little slower or faster as
- well, so a tempo adjustment has been included.
- Exit:
- As mentioned above, when you exit GUITAR TEACHER,
- certain settings are saved to the file CONFIG.DAT. If
- running GUITAR TEACHER from a floppy diskette, that same
- diskette must be in the drive when you exit so CONFIG.DAT
- will be found.
- SECTION 3 - Tuning
- If you have trouble tuning your guitar, you're in good
- company. Most people including many professionals have a
- love/hate relationship with their instruments because of
- tuning problems. In most cases, it's because the guitar was
- not set up right in the first place, and is actually
- impossible to tune correctly. But, even if everyone was
- given a perfectly adjusted instrument, it's doubtful that
- one in a great number could properly explain how to tune it.
- Many know various different ways of getting the instrument
- into some kind of acceptable shape, but many of the methods
- are faulty.
- The most common method of tuning is actually a very
- poor one. Most guitarists learn early that the first string
- open (E, the thinnest string) is the same pitch as the
- second string at the fifth fret. One starts by hoping that
- the first string is close to being in tune, and then if the
- second string, fifth fret can be tuned to sound the same as
- the first string open, then the second string it is reasoned
- must be in tune as well. After comparing the second string
- with the first, the third string is compared with the second
- and so on until all of the strings are in tune.
- There are at least two problems with this method.
- First of all, most guitars, especially acoustics, don't have
- their bridge "saddles" set at the right distance from the
- top nut and so when the second string seemed to be in tune
- at the fifth fret, it probably wasn't in tune if played
- open. Secondly, our hearing is not perfect and even when we
- think two notes are perfectly in tune there is still a
- certain amount of error. As you move across the neck toward
- the sixth string, your error is compounded. How many times
- have you used this method, thinking you did a good tuning
- job and then when you played a chord it sounded terrible?
- That's because when you tuned the second string to the
- first, you were just a little out, but by the time you got
- to the sixth string, you were a long way out.
- When tuning, it's best if you tune every string to the
- same note instead of several different notes that get
- gradually more and more out of tune. This can be a little
- tricky and demands considerably more knowledge. However,
- with the GUITAR TEACHER tuner you don't have to worry about
- the problems of tuning to inaccurate notes since they are
- all in tune within 1/10,000th of a cycle per second. As
- well, you're not tuning the strings at the fifth or any
- other fret -- you tune them as open strings.
- So how does one know when the string is actually in
- tune with the tone from the computer? Most people can tune
- it so it's close, but there's a way to be very precise.
- When two notes are close to the same pitch, but not quite,
- you should hear a faint pulsating sound. As the notes get
- closer to being the same pitch the pulsating slows down, and
- the goal is to make it stop altogether. When it stops, the
- two notes are vibrating at the same number of cycles per
- second.
- If your tuning still seems inaccurate, it may be that
- your bridge and/or top nut are not adjusted properly. You
- might consider taking your guitar to a repair shop for an
- opinion.
- SECTION 4 - Chord Structure
- Chords are another great mystery to musicians and of
- special interest to guitarists because eventually every
- guitarist ends up playing a lot of them, whereas a trumpet
- player for instance, never plays one. A chord is simply a
- combination of single notes. There is no end of
- combinations one could come up with, and so naming them all
- with descriptive names would be quite a task. However, over
- the centuries attempts have been made to categorize
- different combinations and give them names. Understand from
- the start that the names for chord categories that have come
- to be accepted are only barely descriptive. Besides that,
- most teaching on the subject of intervals and chord
- structure is confusing, and on top of all that, different
- "authorities" disagree on the spacing of some intervals.
- The simplified explanation below should take you a long way.
- To understand the formula for each chord category, one
- must first consider the major scale. That is:
- Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do
- To play the major scale starting at any note, it must
- be played with the following intervals:
- Do * Re * Mi Fa * So * La * Ti Do
- or:
- 1 * 2 * 3 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 8
- Each number or asterisk represents a fret on the
- guitar. What this means is that you must skip a fret
- between certain notes, but not others. Forget about "Do,
- Re, Mi" now and just consider the numbers. From 1 to 2 is
- called an "interval". From 1 to 2 is a distance of two
- semitones (there is a fret between 1 and 2). Notice that 3
- and 4 are right next to each other and likewise 7 and 8.
- The rest have frets between them. Therefore, it is a
- greater distance from 1 to 2 than it is from 3 to 4. Try
- playing a major scale starting at the second string, (next
- to the thinnest string) pressing the first fret (C). Call
- this note number 1. Next, play the second note of the scale
- in the third fret, and then continue following the number
- pattern above until you reach the end of the scale. You
- should end up at the 13th fret which is the next C and
- exactly one octave from the note you started with. You have
- just played a C major scale.
- So what does this have to do with chords? It's simple
- really. The different chord categories are simply different
- number combinations out of the major scale. The most basic
- chord for instance is a major chord, which is any
- combination of the first, third and fifth notes of the major
- scale. The chart on the following page should help.
- (6) 13 F# G G# A Bb B C C# D Eb E F
- E F F# G Ab A Bb B C Db D Eb
- (4) 11 D Eb E F Gb G Ab A Bb Cb C Db
- C# D D# E F F# G G# A Bb B C
- (2) 9 B C C# D Eb E F F# G Ab A Bb
- (1) A Bb B C Db D Eb E F Gb G Ab
- 7 G# A A# B C C# D D# E F F# G
- 6 F# G G# A Bb B C C# D Eb E F
- 5 E F F# G Ab A Bb B C Db D Eb
- 4 D Eb E F Gb G Ab A Bb Cb C Db
- 3 C# D D# E F F# G G# A Bb B C
- 2 B C C# D Eb E F F# G Ab A Bb
- 1 A Bb B C Db D Eb E F Gb G Ab
- So, a C major chord is made up of any combination of C,
- E and G (1, 3 and 5 from the C major scale). If you display
- a C major chord, you'll find that every alternative is a
- different combination of these three notes. Notice the
- formula for the selected chord is listed at the very bottom
- of the screen with the "voicing" for each alternative listed
- just below the fingerboard diagram. Number "1" is also
- referred to as the "root" of the chord. Now display an E
- minor chord. Notice the formula is R b3 5. Now look at the
- E major scale above. The root is E, a flatted 3 is G
- natural, and 5 is B. Knowing these number combinations is
- actually more important and descriptive than the names of
- the categories. For instance, calling a chord a "C7"
- doesn't reveal a lot about the structure, but knowing the
- formula is 1 3 5 b7, starting with C, is much more useful.
- (You need to know the names though.)
- Many reading this will become quite suddenly
- enlightened on this subject. What you need to do now is
- study the structure of every chord you play. Gradually,
- you'll begin to see how useful this knowledge is.
- SECTION 5 - Technical Support
- Technical support is available to registered users of
- GUITAR TEACHER/PRO. The support is limited to help in using
- the software. (We cannot provide lessons in music theory or
- advice on how to fix your guitar.) Telephone support is not
- yet available, but you may write to Celista Software at the
- address listed below giving your name, address and telephone
- number along with your GUITAR TEACHER/PRO registration
- number (found on the diskette label). If there seems to be
- a problem with the software, please explain in detail, what
- steps led to the problem, whether it happens repeatedly
- etc., and provide the version number of DOS you're using,
- details of your hardware and any software in memory at the
- time the problem occurred.