1 No character is specified in the PICTURE string field.
2 Character string in the PICTURE string exceeds 30 characters.
3 The mistake is found in the PICTURE string field.
4 Missing parentheses in the PICTURE string field.
5 Repetition number in the PICTURE string field is invalid.
6 The mistake is found in the specification of the numerical value. Specify the numerical value in the form of [sign][integer number][.integer number], within the range of 1-18 digits.
7 Specified number exceeds 18 digits. Specify the summation of integer part and decimal part is less than 19 digits.
8 The numerical value is not specified.
9 The length of a Boolean exceeds 256.
10 The length of the alphabet, alphanumeric character item or alphanumeric character editing item exceeds 256.
11 The item length of a Japanese item or Japanese editing item exceeds 128.
12 The number of the figure digit of the figure item or figure editing item exceeds 18 digits.
13 The number of the figure digit of the figure item or figure editing item is 0. Please specify for the number of the digit is 1-18 digits.
14 The mistake is found in the character position of the PICTURE string field or there is a combination not permitted.
15 Specified figure digit exceeds the limitation value. The integer digit must be 14 or less and decimal must be 4 or less.
16 A Boolean item cannot be specified.
17 The mistake is found in the input value.
18 The mistake is found in the specification of the character for the currency editing.
19 The character for the currency editing is not specified.
20 The mistake is found in the specification of an initial value.
21 The item length of the figure editing item exceeds 256.
25 Resource not found.
100 NULL.
101 Invalidity.
102 Invalid handle.
103 Negative value.
104 NULL string.
105 There isn't such class.
300 PowerCOBOL runtime system
401 Getting %u bytes memory was unsuccessful.
500 t
501 wn
502 err
503 fatl
504 impropriety argument
601 Internal memory of runtime is short.
602 Cannot register %s class's Window Class.
700 Recipe structure version which was required is not supported.\nCreate it as present version.
800 Error occurs when create %s.\nThere isn't %s class in this environment
801 Error occurs when create %s. \nVersion mismatch
900 There isn't sheet information in this .WIN file.
1000 This function is only for design.
1001 This function is only for execution.
1002 This function is only for rmRun mode.
1003 This function is only for rmTest mode.
1004 This function is only for rmDll mode.
1005 This application cannot execute in plural instance.
1006 Starting Sheet has already opened.
1010 Fail to load %s. Detail code = %lu
1100 Object isn't created because item name is wrong.
1101 Set item name.
1102 %s isn't proper for item name.
1103 Item name %s is already used.
1104 Item name is against the rules.
1107 %s is reserved word.
1108 %s is already used for array item.
1109 Used item %s is not supported current runtime.