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Text File
139 lines
000020 Identification Division.
000030 Program-Id. Chapt18a.
000031* Transaction Entry
000043 Environment Division.
000050 Configuration Section.
000055 Source-Computer. IBM-PC.
000056 Object-Computer. IBM-PC.
000057 Special-Names.
000058 Crt Status Is Keyboard-Status
000059 Cursor Is Cursor-Position.
000061 Input-Output Section.
000062 File-Control.
000063 Select Optional Trans-File Assign To "TRANS.TXT"
000064 Organization Is Line Sequential
000065 File Status Is Trans-File-Status.
000066 Data Division.
000067 File Section.
000068 Fd Trans-File.
000069 01 Trans-Record.
000070 03 Transaction-Date Pic 9(8).
000071 03 Transaction-Type Pic X(4).
000072 03 Transaction-Dealer Pic X(8).
000073 03 Transaction-Price Pic S9(7)v99.
000074 03 Transaction-Qty Pic 9(3).
000075 03 Filler Pic X(40).
000076 Working-Storage Section.
000077 01 Keyboard-Status.
000078 03 Accept-Status Pic 9.
000079 03 Function-Key Pic X.
000080 88 F1-Pressed Value X"01".
000081 88 F3-Pressed Value X"03".
000082 88 F4-Pressed Value X"04".
000083 03 System-Use Pic X.
000084 01 Cursor-Position.
000085 03 Cursor-Row Pic 9(2) Value 1.
000086 03 Cursor-Column Pic 9(2) Value 1.
000088 01 File-Error-Flag Pic X Value Space.
000089 88 File-Error Value "Y".
000090 01 Trans-File-Status Pic XX Value Spaces.
000091 88 Trans-File-Success Value "00" Thru "09".
000092 01 Error-Message Pic X(50) Value Spaces.
000093 01 Open-Error-Message.
000094 03 Filler Pic X(31)
000095 Value "Error Opening Transaction File ".
000096 03 Open-Status Pic XX Value Spaces.
000097 01 Write-Error-Message.
000098 03 Filler Pic X(31)
000099 Value "Error Writing Transaction File ".
000100 03 Write-Status Pic XX Value Spaces.
000101 Screen Section.
000102 01 Data-Entry-Screen
000103 Blank Screen, Auto
000104 Foreground-Color Is 7,
000105 Background-Color Is 1.
000107 03 Screen-Literal-Group.
000108 05 Line 01 Column 30 Value "Darlene's Treasures"
000109 Highlight Foreground-Color 4 Background-Color 1.
000110 05 Line 03 Column 28 Value "Transaction Entry Program"
000111 Highlight.
000112 05 Line 4 Column 01 Value "Date: ".
000113 05 Line 5 Column 01 Value "Category: ".
000114 05 Line 6 Column 01 Value "Dealer Number: ".
000115 05 Line 7 Column 01 Value "Price: ".
000116 05 Line 8 Column 01 Value "Quantity: ".
000122 05 Line 22 Column 01 Value "F1-Save Record".
000124 05 Line 22 Column 23 Value "F3-Exit".
000125 05 Line 22 Column 56 Value "F4-Clear".
000127 03 Required-Reverse-Group Reverse-Video Required.
000128 05 Line 4 Column 16 Pic 99/99/9999
000129 Using Transaction-Date.
000130 05 Line 5 Column 16 Pic X(4)
000131 Using Transaction-Type.
000132 05 Line 6 Column 16 Pic X(8)
000133 Using Transaction-Dealer.
000134 05 Line 7 Column 16 Pic ZZ,ZZZ.99-
000135 Using Transaction-Price
000136 Blank When Zero.
000137 05 Line 8 Column 16 Pic ZZ9
000138 Using Transaction-Qty
000139 Blank When Zero.
000143 03 Highlight-Display Highlight.
000163 05 Line 20 Column 01 Pic X(50) From Error-Message
000164 Foreground-Color 5 Background-Color 1.
000166 Procedure Division.
000167 Chapt18a-Start.
000168 Perform Open-File
000170 If Not File-Error
000171 Initialize Trans-Record
000172 Perform Process-Input Until F3-Pressed Or
000173 File-Error
000174 Perform Close-File
000175 End-If
000176 Stop Run
000177 .
000178 Open-File.
000187 Open Extend Trans-File
000197 If Not Trans-File-Success
000198 Move Trans-File-Status To Open-Status
000199 Move Open-Error-Message To Error-Message
000200 Perform Display-And-Accept-Error
000257 End-If
000267 .
000277 Process-Input.
000288 Display Data-Entry-Screen
000297 Accept Data-Entry-Screen
000298 Move Spaces To Error-Message
000299 Evaluate True
000300 When F1-Pressed
000301 Perform Write-Record
000302 When F4-Pressed
000303 Initialize Trans-Record
000304 When F3-Pressed
000305 Continue
000306 When Other
000307 Continue
000308 End-Evaluate
000317 .
000327 Write-Record.
000337 Write Trans-Record
000338 If Trans-File-Success
000339 Initialize Trans-Record
000340 Move "Record Written" To Error-Message
000341 Move "0101" To Cursor-Position
000342 Else
000351 Move Trans-File-Status To Write-Status
000352 Move Write-Error-Message To Error-Message
000357 Perform Display-And-Accept-Error
000397 End-If
000407 .
000417 Display-And-Accept-Error.
000427 Set File-Error To True
000437 Display Data-Entry-Screen
000447 Accept Data-Entry-Screen
000457 .
000467 Close-File.
000477 Close Trans-File
000487 .