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Job112a.Sda Job Cost v1.12 by Micro Data Assist
Job112a.Sdn Monitor budget progress of projects
Job112b.Sdn Compare status to budget at any time
Jobc14.Sda Job Cost v1.14 by Micro Data Assist.
Jobc14.Sdn Monitor budget progress of projecrs
Jobs32.Sda Compare status to budget at any tome
Jobs32.Sdn Job Cost version 3.2
Jobs32a1.Sdn Excellent Job cost analsys program
Jobs32a2.Sdn Calculate any job costs
Litcost1.Sda LitCost version 1
Litcost1.Sdn Designed to calculate the costs of pratically any item
Lp10026.Sda LP100 Linear Programming optimizer
Lp10026.Sdn Maximize or minimize math programming problems
Maint26.Sda Maint 2.6
Maint26a.Sdn The Ultimate Maintenance and Service Call Utility
Maint26b.Sdn The Ultimate Maintenance and Service Call Tracking System
Maint30.Sda Maint version 3.0
Mainta30.Sdn Invaluable for any business that provides a service 1 of 4
Maintb30.Sdn Disk 2 of Maint
Maintc30.Sdn Disk 3 of Maint
Maintd30.Sdn Disk 4 of Maint
Md121.Sda Mortgage Designer v1.21 by MaeDae (W)
Md121.Sdn Complete home mortgage calculations
Med1107a.Sda MED#1 v1.07 by MEDshare Inc.
Med1107a.Sdn Complete Medical Office Management (1/2)
Med1107b.Sdn Supports preprinted insurance forms (2/2)
Medlinap.Sda PC-AP version 1.0
Medlinap.Sdn Accounts Payable program, small, but easy to use
Medlinar.Sda PC-AR version 1.0
Medlinar.Sdn Account receivable program
Medlingl.Sda PC-AL version 1.
Medlingl.Sdn Double entry acccouting program
Medlinpr.Sda PC-PR 1.7
Medlinpr.Sdn Payroll writing program, easy to use
Mn90txf1.Sda 'Minnesota' tax forms for HP laser jet
Mn90txf1.Sdn Can be used by programmers for tax prgrms
Mn90txf2.Sda Minnesota 1990 laser printer tax form
Mn90txf2.Sdn Software included to print forms
Modar1.Sda MODAR v1.0 accounts receivable
Modar1.Sdn From Modern Microcomputing v1.0
Modar2.Sda MODAR v2.0 accounts receivable
Modar2.Sdn From Modern Microcomputing v2.0
Modbil61.Sda Modern Professional Billing v6.1
Modbil61.Sdn Client billing Accounts Receivable
Modbill4.Sda Modern Professional Billing v4.0
Modbill4.Sdn Client billing Accounts Receivable
Modbill6.Sda Modern Professional Billing v6.0
Modbill6.Sdn Client billing Accounts Receivable
Mrktim21.Sda Stock Market Timer
Mrktim21.Sdn Calculates different items from the stock market closing
Mrktp11.Sda Market Plus
Mrktp11a.Sdn Complete investment tracking system 1 of 2
Mrktp11b.Sdn Market Plus 2 of 2
Mtg21.Sda Making The Grade v2.1 for teachers
Mtg21.Sdn Complete system for tracking students
Multrk.Sda MultiTrac 4.3
Multrk1.Sdn Client, propect, project tracker system 1 of 2
Multrk2.Sdn Multitrac 2 of 2
Pa_comp.Sda Great companion program for Painless Accounting
Pa_comp.Sdn Painless Companion v1.0
Pac4.Sda Painless Accounting version 4.0
Pac4_1.Sdn Complete Accounting Package 1 of 3
Pac4_2.Sdn Painless Accounting 2 of 3
Pac4_3.Sdn Painless Accounting 3 of 3
Pac534_1.Sda Painless Accounting 5.0
Pac534_1.Sdn Complete Accouting 1 of 2 files
Pac534_2.Sdn PA 2 of 2
Pacct5a.Sda Painless Accounting v5.0 Full Ledger
Pacct5a.Sdn Painless Accounting v5.0 (1 of 3)
Pacct5b.Sdn Painless Accounting v5.0 (2 of 3)
Pacct5c.Sdn Painless Accounting v5.0 (3 of 3)
Pacomp5.Sda Painless Accounting Companion v5.0
Pacomp5.Sdn Use with Painless Accounting By Pierce
Painles1.Sdn Painless Accounting 1 of 3
Painles2.Sdn Painless Accounting 2 of 3
Painles3.Sdn Painless Accounting 3 of 3
Painless.Sda Text file description of Painless Accounting
Pal200.Sda PAL version 2.0
Pal200.Sdn Personal Appointment Locator Program
Payr222.Sda Complete business payroll system
Payr222a.Sdn Payroll USA v2.22 (1 of 2)
Payr222b.Sdn Payroll USA v2.22 (2 of 2)
Pc_calc.Sda Easy to use home spreadsheet program
Pc_calc1.Sdn PC Calc+ v1.0 (1 of 3)
Pc_calc2.Sdn PC Calc+ v1.0 (2 of 3)
Pc_calc3.Sdn PC Calc+ v1.0 (3 of 3)
Pc_fdocs.Sdn PC File Documentation (1 of 3)
Pc_file.Sda General purpose database program manager
Pc_fprgm.Sdn PC File program files (2 of 3)
Pc_futil.Sdn PC File utility files (3 of 3)
Pcact220.Sda A peppy home accounting package
Pcact220.Sdn PC-Accounting v2.20
Pcbidp20.Sda Computerized job costing program
Pcbidp20.Sdn PC Bid Plus v2.0
Pcbidp21.Sda Computerized job costing program
Pcbidp21.Sdn PC Bid Plus v2.1
Pcbill.Sda Easy to use billing and invoicing program for small business
Pcbill.Sdn PC Billing v2.0
Pccalcp.Sda Complete full featured spreadsheet program
Pccalcp1.Sdn PC Calc Plus v2.0 (1 of 3)
Pccalcp2.Sdn PC Calc Plus v2.0 (2 of 3)
Pccalcp3.Sdn PC Calc Plus v2.0 (3 of 3)
Pcdeal23.Sda Double entry accounts ledger for small business
Pcdeal23.Sdn PC Deal v2.3
Pcpay_92.Sda PC-PayRoll 1992 revision. Payroll system
Pcpay_92.Sdn Special subscription offer for updates
Pcpy305a.Sda PC-Payroll v3.05 figures U.S. taxes
Pcpy305a.Sdn Payroll with Federal/State/Local taxes
Pcpy305b.Sdn PC-Payroll v3.05 (Disk 2 of 2)
Pcstat23.Sda PCStat v2.3 statistical and histogram
Pcstat23.Sdn Between two related data sets.
Pcstat24.Sda PC-Stat v2.4 statistical reporting prgm
Pcstat24.Sdn Easy to use, uncomplicated <ASP>
Pctickle.Sda Keep track of meetings, appointments, and important dates
Pctickle.Sdn PC Tickle v1.0
Pdsep409.Sda Electrical contractor job costing program
Pdsep409.Sdn PDS EPrice v4.09
Pdsm102.Sda Complete church management program
Pdsm102.Sdn PDS Member v1.02
Pdsq409.Sda Full featured job costing program
Pdsq409.Sdn PDS Quote v4.09
Pfroi24.Sda Complete portfolio management program
Pfroi24.Sdn PFROI v2.4
Ph_ssn12.Sda Social Security Number v1.2 Phil Herron
Phlbl21.Sda PHLBL v2.1 Phil Herron Labeler
Phlbl21.Sdn Print labels and Rolodex style cards
Pivot.Sda Print your As-Easy-As worksheets in portrait or landscape
Pivot.Sdn Pivot v1.01
Pm23.Sda PropMan complete Residential property management program
Pm23_1.Sdn Propman v2.3 (1 of 4)
Pm23_2.Sdn Propman v2.3 (2 of 4)
Pm23_3.Sdn Propman v2.3 (3 of 4)
Pm23_4.Sdn Propman v2.3 (4 of 4)
Pony_exp.Sda Pony Express v1.50 from Melisco Marketing
Pony_exp.Sdn Quickly quote shipping charges
Posinvnb.Sda Point of Sale and Invoicing Program
Posinvnb.Sdn For a Retail bookstore or similar business
Pst09b.Sda Personal Stock Technician v0.9b
Pst09b.Sdn Stock Market Technical Analysis Program
Purchase.Sda Business PO's billing invoice
Purchase.Sdn Purchase Order System by Ron Byxbe
Q_pro4.Sda Complete Business management package
Q_pro4a.Sdn Q-Pro v4.0 (1 of 2)
Q_pro4b.Sdn Q-Pro v4.0 (2 of 2)
Qpacs31.Sda QPACS v3.1 financial management
Qpacs31.Sdn Individual/family, easy menu driven
Qzip21.Sdn Use your own printer, pay less postage
Rcfund12.Sda RCFunds v1.02 track mutual funds
Rcfund12.Sdn Perfect for the small investor
Rcfund13.Sdn Track Mutual funds - stand alone database
Rmstr30a.Sda Resume Master v3.0 powerful generator
Rmstr30a.Sdn Use your resume for job seeking (1/2)
Salbiz12.Sda Update to I.J. Smith series
Salbiz12.Sdn Sale-Biz 1.2 tracks customers & products
Sale_27.Sda IN-Control v2.7 by Paul Sax
Sale_30.Sda IN-Control v3.0 by Paul Sax
Sale_a27.Sdn Prospect/Client/Customer Tracker 1 of 4
Sale_a30.Sdn Prospect/Client/Customer Tracker 1 of 4
Sale_b27.Sdn Prospect/Client/Customer Tracker 2 of 4
Sale_b30.Sdn Prospect/Client/Customer Tracker 2 of 4
Sale_c27.Sdn Prospect/Client/Customer Tracker 3 of 4
Sale_c30.Sdn Prospect/Client/Customer Tracker 3 of 4
Sale_d27.Sdn Prospect/Client/Customer Tracker 4 of 4
Sale_d30.Sdn Prospect/Client/Customer Tracker 4 of 4
Sallog10.Sda Maintain sales data by customer, product, and more
Sallog10.Sdn Sales Log v1.0
Signout.Sda Network aware program to let people know if your are in or out
Signout1.Sdn Sign Out v1.0
Slv4doc.Sdn SolveIt! v4.2 documentation (2 of 3)
Slv4txt.Sdn SolveIt! v4.2 text files (3 of 3)
Slvit42.Sda Full featured financial calculator program
Slvit42.Sdn SolveIt! v4.2 (1 of 3)
Spc_ar12.Sda Standalone business accounts recievable program
Spc_ar12.Sdn SPC Accounts Recievable v1.2
Spci211.Sda Standalone business inventory program
Spci211.Sdn SPC Inventory v2.11
Spcprl10.Sda Standalone business payroll system
Spcprl10.Sdn SPC Payroll v1.0
Stax9112.Sda '91 Share-TAX/1040 v1.2 US IRS Tax prep.
Stax9112.Sdn Computes and prints IRS approved 1040
Tfo330a.Sda Productivity and Marketing tool
Tfo330a.Sdn The Front Office v3.30 (1 of 3)
Tfo330b.Sdn The Front Office v3.30 (2 of 3)
Tfo330c.Sdn The Front Office v3.30 (3 of 3)
Tmstx24.Sda TimeStax v2.4 tracks your time spent
Tmstx24.Sdn Lan aware time management system /ASP
Ttr19c.Sdn Timetrac is a time and expense logging system
Versdx10.Sda VERSADEX v1.0 memory resident client info
Versdx10.Sdn Name, address, etc.. database and prints
Videost.Sda Complete video store management package
Vidstor.Sdn Video Store v1.0
Wallt53.Sda Wall$treet - The Bottom Line v5.35
Wallt53.Sdn Track/Analyse stocks and securities
Winboss.Sda C Programming Assistant for writing windows 3.0 programs
Winboss1.Sdn Window Boss v02.01.89
Winboss2.Sdn Window Boss v02.01.89
Wys_ar11.Sdn WYS-AR v1.1
Wysar100.Sda WYSIWYG accounts recievable package
Wysar100.Sdn WYS-AR v1.0
Zbcolr32.Sda ZBest v3.2 checkbook based accounting
Zbcolr32.Sdn ZBest color version v3.2
Zbmono32.Sda ZBest v3.2 checkbook tracker
Zbmono32.Sdn ZBest for mono systems v3.2
Zilch10.Sda Zilch v1.10 debt liquidation plan
Zilch10.Sdn Designs a progressive plan, repair credit
Zipkey2.Sda Comprehensive zipcode database
Zipkey2.Sdn Zipkey v2.0 zipcode directory
Zpay391a.Sda ZPAY 1991 version businessPayroll
Zpay391a.Sdn Includes compressed storage (1 of 2)
Zpay391b.Sdn ZPAY3 by the ASP President (2 of 2)
Zpayii19.Sda ZPAY v1.9 business payroll and accounting package
Zpayii19.Sdn ZPAY v1.9