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1AGENT.SDA Secret Agent by APOGEE
1AGENT.SDN VGA Game with mouse & sound card support. Puzzling game
1ARCTIC.SDA Aventure game - Arctic Adventure by APOGEE
1ARCTIC.SDN Graphical game with mouse, sound support. 80 levels, mind boggling
1COSMO.SDA Cosmic Kid by APOGEE, graphics similiar to nintendo
1COSMO.SDN Simulates a 3-d background. 4 scrolling levels
1CRYSTAL.SDA Crystal Caves by APOGE, EGA version
1CRYSTAL.SDN Enter cave after cave searching for treasures
1DARK.SDA Dark Ages by APOGEE, adlib and mouse/joystick support
1DARK.SDN Arcade/Adventure game brilliantly done!
1DUKE_1.SDA Duke Nukem 1.0 by APOGEE - follow up to Commander Keen!
1DUKE_1.SDN EGA/VGA, graphics, sound support, mouse & joystick
1DUKE_2.SDN scrolling play fields for realistic play
1DUKE_3.SDN Built-in hint mode, has self-running demo, high scores, the works!
1GALAXYC.SDA Goodbye Galaxy by APOGEE, CGA Version
1GALAXYC.SDN Adlib soundtrack, this episode has 5 different songs
1GALXY_1.SDA Goodbye Galaxy by APOGEE, EGA/VGA version.
1GALXY_1.SDN Star-wars type scrolling, hundreds of HUGE levels, new abilities
1GALXY_2.SDN Save ANYWHERE in any level, three skill levels and much more
1JMAN.SDA JumpMan Lives by APOGEE
1JMAN.SDN arcade/adventure game! Supports 256-color VGA Mode, sound card
1KEEN13.SDA Commander Keen a Flash Gordon style epic
1KEEN13.SDN Commander Keen v1.31 from Apogee Softw.
1KROZ.SDA Kingdom of Kroz by APOGEE, very first APOGEE game
1KROZ.SDN 16-color CGA version. This one won a national contest!
1MARS.SDA Monuments of Mars by APOGEE 20 unique and challenging levels
1MARS.SDN Great sound and graphics support!
1PAGA.SDA Paganitzu by APOGEE - genuine adventure game. Explore pyramids
1PAGA.SDN Sound and graphics! CGA/EGA/VGA supported.
1PTOMB.SDA Phoaroah's Tomb by APOGEE - 20 unique and dangerous levels
1PTOMB.SDN Puzzles and traps, special animation called FAST
1RESCUE.SDA Word Rescue by APOGEE, for kids
1RESCUE.SDN Educational word spelling game for the kids! Neat game!
1ST_GOAL.SDN Fantasy Football league management program
1TREK.SDA Trek Trivia by APOGEE; Star Trek Trivia Game
1TREK.SDN Test your knowledge on 100 different levels
1WOLF3D.SDA Castle Wolfenstein by APOGEE; lastest game!
1WOLF3D.SDN IS THE BEST!! REALISTIC 3-D Graphics! You gotta get it!!
2QUATRIS.SDA Another variation of the great russian
2QUATRIS.SDN game of Tetris, Very nice.
AGGRES10.SDA Super graphics, EGA/VGA required.
AGGRES10.SDN Cross between checkers and BackGammon
ANTKIL11.SDA ANTKill v1.1 quest to exterminate!
ANTKIL11.SDN Exterminate all the ants from the anthills
APPORG.SDN Apples and Oranges, a twist on the board game Othello
APPORG13.SDA VGA/EGA graphics and mouse required
APPORG13.SDN Othello style strategy board game
ATLANTIS.SDA Conquer all 8 islands which make up the atoll
ATLANTIS.SDN Atlantis, Using your armies of olympians
BASEBAL4.SDA BaseBall StatPak v4.0 Federal Software
BASEBAL4.SDN Keep track of baseball statistics
BDARTS1.SDA BarDarts v1.1 arcade style game
BDARTS1.SDN Play against an another or the computer
BLKJACK1.SDA Just like the Casino favorite
BLKJACK1.SDN Black Jack version 1.0
BTTLGRD1.SDA Battle Ground v1.00 two player tacticle
BTTLGRD1.SDN Mid 20th century battle. WWII style
CATMAR21.SDA Catmar Five Card Draw v2.01 excellent VGA /X
CATMAR21.SDN Five card draw for single player. /X
CBSKT20.SDA College Basketball Tourney v2.0 Canada
CBSKT20.SDN Help office pool keeper keep track
DRAGHU10.SDA VirtualDragon(tm) game v1.0
DRAGHU10.SDN 3-D fantasy. Kill dragons with powers
EGATREK2.SDA EGA Star-Trek v2.0
EGATREK2.SDN EGA Star-Trek v2.0
EMPIRE1.SDA World Empire is a strategy game based
EMPIRE1.SDN on a time in the not to near future.
ENIGMAX1.SDA Enigmacross v1.00 word puzzels
ENIGMAX1.SDN Crossword puzzels like newpapers and mags
FASTBRK1.SDN FastBreak v1.0 fantasy basketball
FHS_1.SDA Federal Hil Software Disks 1,2 and 3
FHS_1.SDN Thoroughbred racing and Hound handicapping
FHS_2.SDN Baseball stats and Blackjack
FHS_3.SDN Thoroughbred Handicapper. Full blown
FLIPDRP1.SDN Flip and Drop v1.0 similar to Tetris
FOOTBAL2.SDA Football with AI as Challenger
FOOTBAL2.SDN Football for the Computer
FUNFACE1.SDA A great graphics game for kids
FUNFACE1.SDN Generate funny faces just like a police sketch artist
GET_FOUR.SDN Just like the famous Board game Connect Four
HARNESS.SDA Cambridge Harness Handicapper (racing)
HARNESS.SDN Federal Software - handicap races
HOUNDCAP.SDA Cambridge Greyhound Handicapper (Dog Racing)
HOUNDCAP.SDN Federal Software - handicap dog races
HUGO1.SDA Hugo's House of Horrors
HUGO1.SDN 3-d Graphics/Text Adventure
HUGO2.SDA Hugo's House of Horrors II
HUGO2.SDN 3-D Graphics/Text Adventure
HUGO2HNT.SDN Hints for solving Hugo II
HUGO3HNT.SDN Hints for solving Hugo III
HUGO3_A.SDA Hugo's House of Horrors III
HUGO3_A.SDN 3-D Graphics/Text Adventure (1 of 2)
HUGO3_B.SDN 3-D Graphics/Text Adventure (2 of 2)
KUNGFU_A.SDA Kung Fu Louie and the Martial Arts Posse
KUNGFU_A.SDN Kung Fu Louie (1 of 3)
KUNGFU_B.SDN Kung Fu Louie (2 of 3)
KUNGFU_C.SDN Kung Fu Louie (3 of 3)
LIFE_21.SDA Life is a simulation game which uses a harshly
LIFE_21.SDN spartan set of rules to Generate a lavish Universe
LINED404.SDN LineDrive v4.04 'fantasy' baseball