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206 lines
100SCRNS.ZIP Color Screens for PowerBBS
123PW31.ZIP 1-2-3 Power WIndow Lotus spreadsheet manager
16PSFNTS.ZIP 16 new fonts for atm
1858ICON.ZIP 1858 different icons which are self extracting by alphabet letter
24PIN.ZIP Replacement epson 24 pin driver for win 3.0
4SHELL.ZIP Windows 3.0 shell for 4PRINT 4.10 and 4BOOK
4WIN100.ZIP 4Win "dos" window from a win app. for Win 3.0
673WIN3.ZIP Evrex 640x480 800x600 windows 3 drivers
8514SUBS.ZIP Replacements for system font in Windows 3
A6BMP.ZIP Windows wallpaper US Navy A6 Intruder
ABACO.ZIP Abacus. Very nice colors.
ABCV1_0.ZIP A simple windows 3.0 letter learning tool for kids.
ABDUL_DC.ZIP BMP of Paula Abdul and a Diet Coke!
ACHART11.ZIP Ascii Chart for win3. Also EBCDIC, Color
ACK.ZIP .BMP of Bill the Cat
AD3.ZIP Information on a BBS program for Windows
ADDRSB.ZIP Toolbook app - Professional's Address Book
ADR10C.ZIP (ASP) Wilson Windowware - Address Reminder
ALBATROS.ZIP Serified body font w/ low x-height
ALM096.ZIP Almanac for windows - v.96 great calendar!
AMORT.ZIP Excel 3.0 amortization worksheets
AN101A.ZIP Novell Application notes for Windows 3.0
ANSICO10.ZIP Convert Windows 3.0 ZCO files to ANSI screens
ANTS.ZIP WIN3 BMP: Ants Wallpaper version 1.0. Have moving ants
ANYBIL31.ZIP Anybill 3.1 - Windows checkbook and bill manager.
APIREF.ZIP Documenting API calls-Visual Basic-WINAPI.ZIP
APOLLO.ZIP Win3 BMP: Apollo spacecraft over Earth.
APOR14C.ZIP Replacement Program manager for Windows 3.0
APPDOCK2.ZIP Application Dock v2.0 for Windows 3. (VBasic)
AREACO.ZIP Area code program in Visual Basic
ARNOLD.ZIP Postscript Font for ATM & Windows 3.0
ASCVIEW2.ZIP Ascii viewer v2.0 w/ print, goto, search
ATL96.ZIP Windows 3.0 ATLANTA `96 Olympic Logo.
ATLU11.ZIP Windows 3 Atlas of the US v1.1
ATMFONT1.ZIP Adobe Type Manager Fonts Post Crypt, Black Chancery, RS Alison Etc
ATMFONTS.ZIP Public Domain Fonts for ATM with Pagemaker
ATM_PM.ZIP Text file - using Adobe Type Manager
ATM_WF.ZIP How to include all font weights in wfnboss conv. to ATM
ATOWIN.ZIP To automate & simplify running AUTOSIG v6.8A
ATRE12.ZIP AI program for Windows: An Implementation Adaptive Logic Network
BAMBYBMP.ZIP Bamby bitmap for window 3 wallpaper.
BBVIEW.ZIP A PIC viewer that can convert to .BMP
BCKMN2.ZIP Version 2.2 of Backmenu Fine Pop-up menu
BCKMNU21.ZIP Backmenu 2.1 fixes bug in installation of menu. Similar to X-win
BENG_BLD.ZIP Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
BIBWIN1.ZIP Bible Window 1.0 - Bible Quotes
BIGDSK.ZIP Bigdesk v2.0 - 9 window background program
BIGDSK22.ZIP Update to Big Desk Windows 3.0 Many new features.
BITMAN.ZIP Windows Bitmap Manager - read Win bitmaps
BIVIDISC.ZIP Library, VCR, Disco Program for Windows
BIZNIX1.ZIP Release info for Biz-Nix, invoicing & accounting program for Win
BLITZER.ZIP Arcade game for Win 3.0
BMP2.ZIP More misc. pictures for windows 3.0
BRICK3.ZIP Windows 3.0 bricks program
BRUSHSCR.ZIP Postscript Font for ATM & Windows 3.0
BTDEMO.ZIP A VBasic (Windows) demo of bitmap buttons with source code.
BTRTPW.ZIP Beta ver. of Btrieve interface to TP for Win
BUDGET.ZIP Home Budget program for Toolbook from Headfirst Software
BWMANDEL.ZIP A collection of b/w fractal bmp files.
CAL199.ZIP 1991 Calender for Windows
CALVIN.ZIP Calvin cursor for chgcur program.
CAPRI.ZIP ATM Sinaloa typeface for Windows 3.0
CGMFLT.ZIP AmiPro CGM filter - inport CGM graphics into AmiPro.
CHDIR.ZIP Word for Windows macro - Change directory
CHILIPEP.ZIP Adobe Type I font, also has .WFN in it
CHKBK62.ZIP WIndows 3.0 Checkbook manager v6.2 (11-3)
CLICK11A.ZIP Click! Filer v1.1 for Windows 3.0 Side show
CLICK13.ZIP Windows 3.0 file manager, multiple directories most dos commands
CLICK2.ZIP File and prgram management system for windows
CLNDRMKR.ZIP Calendar maker for windows 3. import graphics files, etc
CLOCK.ZIP Visual Basic Clock
CLOSEALL.ZIP WindowCloseAll is a WFW macro that closes all open files
CLPARTTB.ZIP Toolbook clipart for windows 3.0
CMAN_10.ZIP utility that can be programmed to alarm at specified times
CODEPAD.ZIP Programmers Editor
COIN.ZIP Toolbook for coin collectors
COMICS.ZIP Comicbook Toolbook Application
COMMFIX.ZIP MicroSoft's fix for Win3 & Com 3 & 4
COMVIEW.ZIP Common view demo from image soft for ms windows.
CONNECT4.ZIP A Game of Connect Four - Windows 3.0
COOK.ZIP A visually beautiful, yet powerful freeform database
COOKBO.ZIP Cookbook in toolbook
COPYIT13.ZIP Copyit version 1.3 - File Manager
CORELFNT.ZIP Additional fonts for Corel Draw
COYOTEWP.ZIP Famous coyote wallpaper for windows 3.0
CREPAI2.ZIP New version of a Windows ToolBook game.
CUBIC.ZIP Windows puzzle
CURPRO.ZIP IBM lowers offers special price for Current
DAGNT14B.ZIP Double Agent v1.4 Diagnostics/Info for win3
DATAB13.ZIP Toolbook Database for VCR tapes, Coins, Magazines, etc.
DATASV11.ZIP Dataserver name & addr database with ddl link
DAYCLOCK.ZIP Enhancement to Windows Clock
DC.ZIP .BMP of fireworks in Washington D.C.
DC1.ZIP .BMP of the Mall in Washington D.C.
DDE_LIB.ZIP Library for programming DDE in Win3. 9/90.
DEBBIE2.ZIP Semi-nude BMP for wallpaper
DESK1.ZIP Small program to stop Windows from redrawing the screen.
DESKNAV.ZIP Another Windows add in
DH10.ZIP Utility to launch programs in Windows 3.0
DIALER11.ZIP Ms windows metz phone dialer version 3.22.
DIALRM21.ZIP Dialer v2.1: ms-windows phone dialer w/pop-up windows, more
DIVELG.ZIP Diver's log in toolbook
DLLICON.ZIP Windows 3.0 Icons in alpha order
DNGR20.ZIP Dingbats Retrieval for Windows.
DOMCASUL.ZIP Postscript Font for ATM & Windows 3.0
DRWTSN.ZIP Dr. Watson diagnostic tool for Windows.
DSKLG1.ZIP Disklog for Toolbook...Keep track of floppies
DSWINSUP.ZIP Supplemental drivers for novell windows PACKAGE.
DTT3.ZIP Dick tracy bitmap for window 3 wallpaper.
DUMPCR21.ZIP Cardfile dumping program v2.1
DV2WIN.ZIP Improve Desqview Aware Programs Performance Under MS-Windows
DVWIN3.ZIP Use Windows 3.0 with Desqview
E3270.ZIP 3270 Emulation version 0.90 for IRMA Card
EDITPCBI.ZIP E/VGA printed circuit board draw/designer for Windows 3
EDITSCH2.ZIP E/VGA electrical schematic draw/design v2.3 for Windows 3
EDREPL10.ZIP EditReplay v1.0: provides easy access to entered commands
ELLE.ZIP Elle Mac, 640x480 Wallpaper
EXPAND.ZIP Norton Desktop for Windows expands the custom.mnu from 8k to 16k
EZFM12TD.ZIP 'EZ' FormMaster v1.2 for Windows 3
F16HUD1.ZIP Falconat bitmap for windows 3.0
FANT.ZIP Win3 BMP: Mickey Mouse as the Sorcerer's Apprentice in Fantasia.
FAXDEMO.ZIP WinFax Pro "Test Drive" send and receive fax software
FCENTRAL.ZIP Visual Basic File - Floppy Formatter
FENCES.ZIP Game for Windows
FILMGR31.ZIP Shareware file manager for Windows 3
FINDEMO1.ZIP FINALE PC DEMO. 1 of 2 Req. Windows, EGA.
FINDEMO2.ZIP FINALE PC DEMO. 2 of 2 Req. Windows, EGA.
FIRE.ZIP C'mon windows, light my fire
FIREPLC.ZIP Mood-Enhancer For Windows 3
FISH3.ZIP WIN 3 : fish for 3.0
FLOWER.ZIP Windows wallpaper (BMP) generated by Fractint
FM31.ZIP Newest version of file manager for windows!
FM35.ZIP Metz freemem 3.5 utility to show free memory on screen
FM_W3.ZIP Metz's freemem for windows 3.0.
FNTMGR.ZIP build custom fontpaks for certain printers
FOLDER.ZIP Win 3 Program Manager enhancement
FOLDER31.ZIP Folders for Windows 3.1 - create sub-groups
FOPEN.ZIP Win3 Style File Open Dialog for Visual Basic
FOXEXEC.ZIP Foxbase to Excel via DDE
FRACT0.ZIP Win30 256 BMP of planet rings.
FRACT1.ZIP Windows wallpaper generated with Fractint
FRACT2.ZIP Windows wallpaper generated with Fractint
FRACT3.ZIP Windows wallpaper generated with Fractint
FRACT6.ZIP Windows wallpaper generated with Fractint
FRACT7.ZIP Windows wallpaper generated with fractint
FRACT8.ZIP Windows wallpaper generated with fractint
FRACT9.ZIP Windows wallpaper generated with fractint
FRACTNT2.ZIP Fractint 2.0 for Windows 3.0 Fractal pattern generator
FREEM341.ZIP Free memory for winws 3.0
FRITE.ZIP Scares your icons away from your mouse
FSEARCH.ZIP Search all disks for a file in windows 3.0
FUSE.ZIP A windows utility to monitor cpu usage.
FUSE3.ZIP New fuse for win3, runs on desktop.
GADD15.ZIP Word for windows macro to grab phone numbers.
GADD20.ZIP WinWord Macro to get address info from IBM Current
GANDER10.ZIP Gander 1.0 Binary/Text file viewer for Win3
GBORD10.ZIP BorderPage v1.0. Word for Windows macro
GJGASC.ZIP A word for windows macro to create formatted ascii text files.
GJGDOT12.ZIP Dissect and rebuild WFW templates
GMAIL11.ZIP Gmail 1.1 Xtalk for Win script
GO_OCR.ZIP Great OCR package for Windows. Req scanner.
GPSENV2.ZIP Print PS Envelope NEW version 2
GPWK12.ZIP Allows you to define groups of apps to be launched
GRAPHER.ZIP Grapher for Windows 3.0 Graph f(x) functions
GRKAMI2.ZIP Ami Pro Macro to run Grammatik Windows
GSF11A.ZIP WFW Macro - Gadfly script formatter.
GTOOLS2.ZIP Word for Windows macros.
HAYESESP.ZIP Hayes ESP driver - latest version
HEIDEL.ZIP Postscript Type 1 font for Windows Use with ATM
HERMAN.ZIP Win3 .bmp of herman from unger
HEX.ZIP Hex Viewer
HIMEM3.ZIP Windows 3 himem driver.
HIMEMBUG.ZIP Text describing supposed bugs in himem.sys
HOTSHOT.ZIP Font for ATM/Win3.
HPENV.ZIP Visual Basic Program to print envelopes HP II
HPIFNT2.ZIP Hewlett Packard driver set for Windows 2 of 2
HSTSAT.ZIP .BMP of Saturn from the Hubble
HUNTER.ZIP WIndows 3.0 file finder. (3-7-91)
IBM.ZIP .BMP of IBM logo
ICCH13.ZIP Icon Chooser v1.3: the ultimate MS-Windows icon manager
ICM11A.ZIP Icon manager for Windows
ICMICA.ZIP Windows Icons Zipped by category
ICNDRW11.ZIP windows 3.0 icon draw version 1.1
ICNS.ZIP Collection of icon files for windows
ICNVIEW.ZIP Icon viewer for Window 3.0 need VBRUN100.DLL
ICOCHZ12.ZIP Windows 3.0 Organize and install all your icons.
ICONBR11.ZIP Icon Browser 1.1
ICONLINK.ZIP Drag and drop icon manager
ICONMIX.ZIP Eclectic mix of professionally done Win3 icons. 64 in all.
ICONWRK3.ZIP Icon Works release 3 - needs vbrun100.dll
ICONWRKS.ZIP THE Windows 3.0 ICON manager/creator
IMOVIE.ZIP Icon Movies v1.0 "the world's silliest" Windows 3.0 program
IMSTR03.ZIP Edit icons for Windows 3
INIEDT.ZIP .INI edit for Windows 3
IRELAND.ZIP 640x480x16 Ireland Wallpaper
IYMSR.ZIP It's your money review of Windows 3.0
JAXCAM10.ZIP JaxCam v1.0 Windows 3.0 capture to clipboard
JESSICA.ZIP Win3 BMP: Jessica Rabbit
JOKER.ZIP WIN3 BMP: Original artwork of Batman's foe
JUPITER2.ZIP .BMP of a voyager collage of Saturn & Moon