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286.TEC 17,157 05/21/91 Technical note on 286's
ACTSK.ZIP 9,892 02/12/87 Bring up SideKick menu from DESQview window
APISHARE.ZIP 16,432 10/20/88 Ex of shared task memory using DV API library
API_EXAM.ZIP 162,450 10/11/88 Ex programs using DV API library
ASCIITBL.ZIP 6,933 01/30/88 ASCII table for DESQview
BACKDRP2.ZIP 5,217 09/28/90 DESQview background. Displays date, status
BALLPT.ZIP 2,094 10/15/91 Patch DV to operate MS Ballpoint mouse device
BOYAN4DV.ZIP 5,845 02/11/89 DESQview loader for Boyan v.4 comm program
BUZY102.ZIP 1,211 02/27/91 DESQview window exerciser: Tune tick settings
CALCDV.ZIP 27,981 01/28/88 A calculator for DESQview (w/MSC source)
CD_CHECK.ZIP 2,937 07/06/91 Check for carrier before starting new DV task
CLOCKCAL.ZIP 6,808 07/09/91 Small time-date disp for DV including day/week
CLOSE101.ZIP 2,527 11/03/91 Close files left open in DV by terminated pgms
CMONITOR.ZIP 16,620 12/09/88 DESQview: monitor carrier-detect & abort task
CNTDWN.ZIP 2,450 05/07/89 Countdown timer with alarm for DESQview
COLORTBL.ZIP 4,942 01/30/88 Popup table for color attributes for DESQview
DESQ10.ZIP 6,239 06/05/88 Turbo Pascal code to interface DesqView
DESQC20.ZIP 10,054 12/03/88 TC 2.0 bindings for some basic DESQview calls
DESQTEST.ZIP 2,435 04/22/88 Check from .BAT whether DESQview is loaded
DESQ_RB.ZIP 1,234 03/25/89 Reboot windows in DESQview (requires DVEXEC)
DNANSI.ZIP 2,724 06/15/89 Replaces Desqview's DVANSI.COM -- small, fast
DPC.ZIP 12,528 09/30/87 Control printer setup from DV window
DSLIST.ZIP 3,483 03/18/88 Use Vernon Buerg's LIST.COM in DESQview window
DV286.ZIP 6,844 05/21/91 Info for using DESQview with 286, 8088 system
DV2VIEW.ZIP 4,890 06/24/90 How to run 2 monitors with DESQview
DV2_DOS3.ZIP 886 12/11/87 Using DESQview 2.0 with DOS 3.x
DVALARM.ZIP 14,337 04/22/91 Configurable alarm clock for DESQview
DVASCII2.ZIP 6,271 10/24/87 Desqview 2+ Sidekick-like Ascii Reference
DVATTR.ZIP 3,407 12/26/87 Desqview 2.0+ video attribute display
DVAWARE.ZIP 2,369 03/16/91 DESQview program interface ASM code
DVC17.ZIP 54,623 04/15/91 DV Commander: Command-line control of DESQview
DVCAL.ZIP 4,922 11/15/87 A popup calandar for use with DesQview
DVCRON10.ZIP 37,541 12/18/91 CRON-like util for DesqView. 20K window
DVCTIMER.ZIP 5,843 03/11/90 DV-aware clock triggered by carrier detect
DVDEVL10.ZIP 6,728 08/11/91 Load device drivers inside DESQview windows
DVDUMP2.ZIP 6,163 12/09/87 A hex dump utility for use with DesQview
DVEX0320.ZIP 3,327 03/20/89 Start another DESQview window from batch file
DVEXCPT.ZIP 1,987 04/16/90 Quarterdeck technical note 'EXCEPTION #13'
DVEXEC.ZIP 5,084 03/02/89 Spawn a new program in a new DESQview window
DVGLU101.ZIP 61,426 08/13/88 DVGLUE update DESQview API functs in Turbo 'C'
DVGLUE10.ZIP 183,715 08/10/88 TC interface & funcs for DESQview API src/exe
DVINT28.ZIP 63,367 11/17/91 DV/QEMM-specific extract of interrupt list
DVINTF.ZIP 777 01/02/92 DesqView interface
DVINTQB.ZIP 1,746 07/23/90 Object module to make programs DESQview-aware
DVKPOLL.ZIP 1,491 06/18/88 Inhibit keyboard polling in DESQview windows
DVLIB.ZIP 18,115 05/28/90 Lib routines for DV and Microsoft's C compiler
DVLOAD.ZIP 11,878 04/22/88 Load Desqview apps from command line, w/C src
DVMACROS.ZIP 5,703 01/11/88 MASM macros for Topview/Desqview pgm develop.
DVMON13.ZIP 8,873 06/20/88 Display percentage of unused CPU time in DV
DVMU12.ZIP 104,639 05/27/89 Custom DesqView pop-up menus
DVNETBIO.ZIP 3,696 09/27/91 Update:DESQview driver to handle NETBIOS calls
DVNOVELL.ZIP 4,309 05/16/87 Setting up DESQview for Novell and token ring
DVP101.ZIP 10,810 10/10/89 Print spooler for use in DESQview
DVPED1_0.ZIP 88,110 10/19/91 Edit DV DVP w/better interface, undoc'd fields
DVPIF10.ZIP 14,074 03/31/91 PIF editor for DESQview, with C source
DVPLIST1.ZIP 12,783 01/20/90 Transfer DVP setups between DESQview users
DVPSV11.ZIP 12,878 10/23/91 Full featured print spooler for DESQview
DVPTAME.ZIP 3,229 06/04/91 Controls kbd polling to improve DV performance
DVREM17B.ZIP 6,410 08/22/91 Operate DESQview remotely
DVRUN.ZIP 2,066 03/02/89 Start another DESQview window from batch file
DVSCODE.ZIP 5,413 11/08/87 Quick Scan Code ref (Desqview 2.0+)
DVSCRIP1.ZIP 12,294 10/15/90 DESQview scripts simplify CONVSCR use w/editor
DVSI1_21.ZIP 73,750 10/08/91 UnixLike DV utils:PS w/CPUtime,DF,perf mon,etc
DVSLICE.ZIP 1,551 04/13/87 Routine to include to give up time slices
DVSPRT.ZIP 4,626 12/13/87 Epson MX80 printer setup from DESQview window
DVSWITCH.ZIP 1,263 03/13/89 DESQview command line switches documented
DVTIME.ZIP 662 11/23/87 Set the time within DesQview
DVTMAN13.ZIP 34,907 02/10/91 Auto event scheduler/task manager for DESQview
DVTREE23.ZIP 155,381 08/29/91 DESQview disk manager, dual directory display
DVUNDOC.ZIP 5,913 06/20/87 Poorly-documented features of DESQview
DVWINDOW.ZIP 2,926 04/16/90 DESQview 2.2 and QEMM 4.2 with Windows - notes
DV_GUARD.ZIP 7,843 04/09/90 Watchdog-like utility for running RBBS with DV
DV_PAT.ZIP 19,569 12/19/90 Multiple patches for DV/QEMM through June '90
EMMNET.ZIP 21,507 04/11/91 Help IPX/SPX, NETBIOS calls multitask in DV
EZCOLOR.ZIP 2,429 01/10/88 Makes it easy to set colors within DesQview
FILES008.ZIP 13,077 10/02/91 DESQview utility to display open files
FMONITOR.ZIP 15,809 12/14/88 DesqView: monitor/restore Hercules RAMFONT(tm)
HOOKINT.ZIP 3,721 05/16/91 Ensures interrupt availability in a DV window
IRWINBAK.ZIP 12,927 04/30/88 Back up a PCBoard BBS running under DESQview
JUST1V12.ZIP 6,072 07/25/91 Prevents run of simultaneous copy of pgm in DV
L4_LOAD.ZIP 1,989 12/19/90 Lotus v3.1 loader for DESQview
LIMITEM.ZIP 2,486 05/17/88 Limit program's use of EMS under DESQview
LTFRMT12.ZIP 80,786 03/15/91 LtFormat v1.2: DV-aware floppy disk formatter
MIXEDBAG.ZIP 99,938 12/15/90 Several DESQview utilities by author of Tame
MSCDVINT.ZIP 1,693 11/05/87 MSC bindings for basic DESQview calls
MY_D116.ZIP 5,092 10/14/91 DV DIR lister shows locks,fcbs,tasks accessing
NINSTL.ZIP 3,078 05/24/91 Tech note on network installations of DESQview
PPTD11DV.ZIP 461 11/27/88 Improve ProComm+ TestDrive under DESQview
PP_PIF.ZIP 234 01/01/88 Program Information File for ProComm Plus
PQ12.ZIP 15,349 01/21/89 PRINT.COM work-alike for DESQview
PRINTDV.ZIP 27,133 04/27/88 Print ASCII files from bkg window in DesqView
PROMPTW.ZIP 838 03/29/88 Reset the prompt for better use in DesQview
QB45LOAD.ZIP 3,657 09/01/89 DesqView loader for QB 4.5 and its EXE's
QEXT512.ZIP 4,708 06/07/91 QEXT.SYS v5.12 for DESQview and DOS 5.0
QUPIE11.ZIP 17,663 11/06/88 Print files from background DESQview window
SPACE1.ZIP 7,523 03/04/90 DESQview-specific disk space monitor
STDERR.ZIP 2,299 12/08/87 Redirect standard error message with DESQview
SYSLOG.ZIP 17,098 03/25/90 DESQview-specific system activity logger
TAME261.ZIP 75,649 03/20/91 Speed up pgm execution in DesqView/VM386/other
TASKMAN.ZIP 41,683 06/01/89 Main menu replacement/task mgr for DESQview
TA_PIF.ZIP 235 09/18/88 Program Information File for TAPCIS
TCTVID11.ZIP 6,114 04/14/88 Turbo C 1.5 text w/TopView/DESQview/Windows
TVGLUETC.ZIP 6,040 03/02/88 TurboC bindings for TopView/DESQview calls
XDVEE11.ZIP 20,271 06/06/89 DESQview: Allow use of AST's REMM4.x with XDV