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File List | 1992-05-15 | 9.7 KB | 182 lines |
- 3Dmand.Zip 3D Mandelbrot Fractal Generator and Animator w/many options.
- 4Gif11.Zip Edit descriptions of GIF files under 4DOS requires VPIC and 4Dos
- 7_F14s.Zip Awesome fighter planes,ya know,top gun stuff
- Acadbbs.Zip List of AutoCAD-oriented BBSs
- Adiplot.Zip AutoCAD printer plotting utility
- Adiplt.Zip AutoCAD plots on mainframe printers
- Alladi.Zip General purpose ADI screen drivers for Autocad
- Alphatst.Gif Neat computer-generated image.
- Amdemo.Zip AutoMaster:AutoCAD drawing mgr.&front end DEMO
- Ani_demo.Zip Great animation drawing program. examples included.
- Anim2.Zip Anamation demos in basic
- Ansi137.Zip ANSI driver that implements PCBoard's @ codes
- Ansi_pak.Zip A collection of amazing ANSI BBS
- Ansicom1.Zip Collection of 45 colourful ANSI screens compiled as "com" files
- Ansicv11.Zip GIF to ANS converter.
- Ansidrv.Zip Using the ANSI Driver.
- Ansimate.Zip Learn how to use ansi.sys with ansi-mate put
- Ansimnu3.Zip AutoCAD: Color ANSI AutoLISP menu system
- Ansipics.Zip About a 100 ANSI graphics pictures.
- Ansipl20.Zip ANSI Play Lets you add music strings to ANSI graphics.
- Ansishow.Zip ANSI GRAPHICS tools. ANSI Digitizer, ANSI Watch, Quick Titles, etc
- Ansisr03.Zip Collection of ANSI screens, volume 3
- Ansiswap.Zip Ansi file swap program.
- Ansiwtch.Zip Program: ANSIWatch GR70.0 File viewer that
- Astrblst.Zip Astro-Blast GIF 640X480X256
- Atrek22.Zip Start trek fans, ANSI color files.
- Atype_11.Zip A_TYPE v1.1. Displays ASCII, ANSI, ANSI
- Autosk13.Zip Drawing pgm optimized for schematics (DEMO)
- Azflag.Zip Here it is. the arizona flag
- Bbdslib.Zip Symbols for Booch, Buhr, Data Flow Diagrams
- Bgans11.Zip ANSI viewer which also allows
- Bined.Zip Easy to use "sprite" animator for EGA,VGA
- Bio302sw.Zip Biorythm charting in vga/ega. super quality.
- Blast10.Zip Flat Ascii data file prep utility Strip
- Bydes.Zip ByDesign - Graphics designer for WordPerfect 5.0 & 5.1
- Cartoons.Zip Collection of cartoons
- Cda_acad.Zip Map of canada .dxfed from corel draw! v1.2
- Cga3.Zip Emulate CGA text files to EGA/VGA
- Chg.Zip AutoLISP: Low level entity access
- Chg3.Zip AutoCAD low lvl entity access w/color graphics
- Cinema10.Zip A very flexible slide show pgm
- Clip1.Zip A toolbook clip art sampler. runtime needed
- Coaster.Zip Great vga fli image of a roller coaster ride
- Color102.Zip ANSI screen colour utility.
- Com2mac.Zip Converting com pics back to mac from rawhide
- Compart.Zip Computer op-art gif format ray traced svga
- Cowboy.Zip Wonderful ansi drawing of a cowboy.
- Crpgif11.Zip Cropgif v1.1: cut out part of a .gif and save it to another file.
- Crpgif13.Zip Version 1.3 of this utility which allows you to crop GIF files.
- Crumpics.Zip Ansi screens, very good!
- Cshow833.Exe Newest version of CSHOW 8.33a
- Cshw833a.Zip CSHOW, v8.33a; .GIF viewer from CI$, 6/19/91
- D_7.Zip Scan of klingon d-7 battle cruiser.
- Danmovie.Zip Displays animated sequence of DANCAD drawings
- Dc151a.Zip AutoCAD utility
- Dcfonts.Zip Simplex,duplex,roman,italic for Draft Choice
- Dcs1demo.Zip Digital commercial system (dcs) self-runing demo
- Debut140.Zip ANSI drawing program that rivals TheDraw
- Decor10.Zip Graphics Resource Browser and Icon Editor for MS-Windows 3
- Decorate.Zip Layout furniture in a room, CAD assist
- Design_8.Zip Very good ansi design program. One of the best..
- Destknit.Zip Bard's tale ii character
- Diskpx19.Zip Diskpix v1.9:
- Dkb202.Zip Make your own ray-traced graphics. v2.02
- Dl_view1.Zip .Dl viewer use to view vga image files that end with dl extension
- Door.Zip AutoLISP: Two pick door program
- Dragon.Zip AutoLISP: Generates recursively defined dwgs
- Dstar01.Zip Autodesk animation of tie fighter approaching the death star.
- Dtl.Zip AutoLISP: Extracts detail section of drawing
- Dtp15.Zip Desktop Paint v1.5 Monochrome paint package
- Dw5_demo.Zip Demo of ibm's display write 5. (grasp)
- Econo3.Zip Redundant line replacement program for AutoCAD
- Edraw32.Zip Electronics drawing CAD
- Estory91.Zip Enhanced StoryBoard -
- Examfli.Zip Great future medical exam fli
- Explo203.Zip Exploding style graphics screen saver program with C source code
- F005.Zip A great hi-res fractal, nice effect when COLOR CYCLED.
- Fall05.Zip Pcx of canadian goose flying
- Fansi11.Zip A couple of ANSI pics by Tim
- Fg_xmas.Zip Good demo of the types of things you can do with FastGRaf/Light.
- Fgl101.Zip Fast Graf/Light 1.01
- Fgl10_a.Zip 100+ low level routines for programming in MSC, MS FORTRAN, etc
- Fgl10_b.Zip FastGraph Lite 1.0 - 2/3
- Fgl10_c.Zip FastGraph Lite 1.0 - 3/3
- Film.Zip A character-graphics animation of my trip to
- Fingerpt.Zip Finger paint pretty good drawing package
- Fireblnk.Zip Fireworks display for your pc.
- Fjoke.Zip FBI Joke
- Font_m.Zip FONT MANIA is designed for editing EGA and VGA screen fonts.
- Foxs.Zip Hi res fox wolverine, hyena
- Fracland.Zip Interactive 3d fractal landscapes vga.
- Fractl18.Zip Generate mandelbrot fractal images on your pc
- Fracwve.Zip Dynamic animated graphics program
- Frain14r.Zip Fractint v14r: a very powerful fractal generator. easy to use
- Fraint16.Zip Fractint - Fractal generating program v16 Built in demo, help
- Frasrc14.Zip asm and c source code update for one of the best fractal generator
- Free15a.Zip Freeware 15 for old print shop status 5/29/90
- Fs4.Zip Hi-Res fs4 driver for the video7 1024i vga bo
- Fulltrek.Zip Fli format of startrek.
- Funnies.Zip Comic strip characters for mjvga21.
- Gcpvu.Zip Professional quality CAD tool for PCB design
- Geoclk43.Zip GeoClock v43 (EGA/VGA/SVGA version)
- Geosdemo.Zip Geoworks' demo must have vga
- Gif2wp36.Zip Convert .gif to wp5.x wpg graphic files v3.6a
- Gifc075.Zip Utility to list gif files, w/stats.
- Gifdes32.Zip Allows viewing multiple gif images on screen at once
- Gifdesk3.Zip View mult. gif images at once on a vga
- Gifexe.Zip Allows GIF File to be saved as EXE
- Gifndx10.Zip Gif indexer v1.0 - written by dan linton at
- Gifsc112.Zip Program to list the screen size of gif files
- Gifsize1.Zip Change the size/dimension of gif files.
- Gold20.Zip FastMenu GOLD v2.0 Graphic (GUI) Menu System
- Grabb387.Zip Grabber v3.87. TSR screen capture.
- Grabbit.Zip Grabbit ("groger grabbit") v1.0
- Grafwk61.Zip View, prints, converts, dithers, reverses, scales, and much more
- Graph11.Zip Plots X-Y graphs of experimental data, includes Turbo Pascal sourc
- Graypl.Zip A CorelDraw 2.0 file of 100 shades of gray.
- Grfwk60d.Zip Graphic Workshop 6.0d.
- Grfwk61c.Zip Graphic Workshop v6.1a Graphics manipulator for most formats
- Gtext.Zip Graphic driver for WP 5.1
- Handscan.Zip zsoft drivers for scanners. for use with pc paintbrush iv plus.
- Hotdogps.Zip Great vga grasp of hotdogs!
- Hpgl2scr.Zip Convert HPGL to AutoCAD script language
- Hrsh2acd.Zip Hershey fonts for use with AutoCAD
- Improc20.Zip IMPROCES v2.0, the ultimate SuperVGA GIF editor.
- Improc23.Zip IMPROCES v2.3, SuperVGA editor for GIF/PCX images up to 1024x768x2
- Improc32.Zip Improces version 3.2 SVGA Image Processor
- Incolor.Zip Graphic driver doe WP 5.1
- Intelwin.Zip Animated intel/windows ad.
- Intro.Zip ANSI animation example.
- Lansi1.Zip Ansi viewer. Quick & easy ANSI viewing
- Lasi35b1.Zip LASI v3.5 (8/91): IC layout CAD pgm, 1 of 2
- Lasi35b2.Zip LASI v3.5 (8/91): IC layout CAD pgm, 2 of 2
- Lnfedit.Zip Look and Feel screen designer/code designer demo
- Lsgopen.Zip Collection of opening screens
- Mac2pc.Zip Converts MAC GIF files to IBM PC format GIF files.
- Migcrash.Zip Animation of the 1989 paris air show mig crash
- Mus_tips.Zip Tips for ANSI music
- Musicbbs.Zip Ad for the Music Connection BBS Great ANSI
- Nansi31u.Zip New ANSI v3.1. Fixes problems in NANSI 3.0.
- Nansiutl.Zip Utilities for NANSI written by the author.
- Ncad3d42.Zip NorthCAD-3D v4.2: Create/view/edit 3-D images
- Nnans192.Zip Enhanced MS-DOS ANSI console driver
- Npstech.Zip Pic convert for new ps. technology related
- Ooze.Zip "Lava Lamp" type display for VGA graphics systems w/C Source.
- Pabdul2.Zip Singer/songwriter/choreographer paula abdul
- Parnch.Zip AutoLISP parentheses checker/ pretty printer
- Pcb.Zip Small PC board CAD pgm w/'C' src, 286 only
- Pcroute2.Zip Computer aided design, printed circuit boards
- Pcx_c.Zip PCX graphics "c"
- Pcx_de.Zip PCX graphics d thru e
- Pcx_gh.Zip PCX graphics g-h
- Pcxdxb11.Zip Paintbrush PCX to AutoCAD translation utility
- Pcxslt18.Zip Converts Paintbrush PCX to AutoCAD DXF files
- Pdist.Zip AutoLISP: Finds dist betwn two pts on pline
- Peepshow.Zip Picture viewer/slideshow for IBM-PC with VESA SVGA cards
- Pspice.Zip Electronic circuit design aid, limited demo
- Rect.Zip AutoLISP: Rectangle drawing routines
- Robotruk.Zip Fli (animated) picture of a robot truck -
- Scnart.Zip Scenic artist. draw outdoor scenic views. ega
- Screens2.Zip More good ANSI screens
- Screwit.Zip ACAD drawing library: Socket Head Cap Screws
- Seldwg_3.Zip Select drawings from DOS for AutoCAD
- Sfill.Zip AutoLISP: Fill between 2 Arcs, Lines, Plines
- Sharelib.Zip 1st shareware AutoCad library
- Showeyes.Zip Display computer eyes (ce) digitized images
- Shwgif52.Exe This allows you to view a GIF as it is downloaded
- Shx2shp.Zip Convert ACAD SHX fonts to SHP files for edit
- Sprit203.Zip tool for ega programmerss allows easy creatation,more
- Sqzgif30.Zip convert pictures such as 640x400x256 + 800x600x256 to 320x200x256
- Sv_env.Zip AutoLISP: Saves AutoLISP environment to file
- Tdtutor.Zip Thedraw tutorial program
- Trek_fli.Zip Fli Star Trek..
- Treklair.Zip Fli file of the Enterprise on its greatest mission.
- Triden_t.Zip Graphic driver for WP 5.1
- Vgacad25.Zip VGACAD v2.5 Editor for .GIF/.BMP/.PCX files.
- Vgacap72.Zip VGACAP v7.2 Fast super VGA capture & encode.
- Vgacap74.Zip TSR capture/convert SVGA to GIF/PCX/BMP/TARGA
- Videot.Zip VIDEOTST: Identifies type of VGA adapter/test
- Vuimg260.Zip GIF Viewer -- Pan, Zoom, Brightness Controls.