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** The Mind Chart License Agreement **
Mind Chart is a copyrighted product of Mind Over Matter Systems
(copyright 1988), and must be treated as such by you. Your use of
this program is subject to your concurrence with the terms and con-
ditions of the Mind Chart license agreement, and is entirely at your
own risk. Mind Over Matter Systems makes no warranty of any kind with
respect to the results or performance of Mind Chart. This system was
developed using the QuickBASIC 3.0 language compiler. QuickBASIC, the
BRUN30.EXE file, and the contents of MCLIB.EXE are copyrighted pro-
ducts of Microsoft Corporation (1982-1987, all rights reserved).
*** Copies ***
You are encouraged to make copies for archival purposes, and to dis-
tribute unmodified copies to other potential users, but you may not
sell or market the product, either as it is or in combination with
other software. Each registered copy is to be used on a single person-
al computer and is not to be networked or otherwise used on more than
one machine at a time, with the exception of those copies obtained un-
der a site license agreement. Site licenses apply to the personal
computers owned by a single company and located at a single location.
*** Becoming a REGISTERED USER ***
You have received your copy of Mind Chart as a shareware product.
Shareware is "try before you buy" software. This means that we rely
upon your honesty and integrity to become a registered user if you
intend to use Mind Chart. If you decide not to use the product, you
are under no obligation to register your copy. The price of Mind
Chart is $50 for a single user. Site licenses are $350 for a maximum
of ten users, or $600 for unlimited site use. The registration amount
should be sent in check or money order form to:
Mind Over Matter Systems
608 Crest Drive
Birmingham, AL 35209
A registration/invoice form is supplied on the Mind Chart help/demo
diskette in a file called "REGISTER". To print it, use the DOS "TYPE"
command (eg. enter TYPE B:REGISTER>PRN with the diskette in drive B,
etc.). You may register your copy without the form by including your
name and address with your payment.
*** Becoming a Mind Chart PARTNER ***
When you register your copy of Mind Chart, we will send you a regis-
tration number which you should file for safe keeping. As you share
the product with others, you should supply them with this number so
that they may submit it when they register their copy. For each user
who registers a copy of Mind Chart with your registration number on
his or her form, we will send you a commission check for $10 (or 15%
of the applicable site license registration fee). The only require-
ments to be a Partner are that you yourself be a registered user, that
your number appear on the new user's registration form at the time of
registration, and that you not be a commercial shareware distributor.
Getting Started with Mind Chart
Welcome to the Mind Chart graphics charting and drawing system! We at
Mind Over Matter Systems hope that you find your new product useful
and enjoyable. Please take a few moments before you begin to use the
system to review the contents of the software license agreement, to
familiarize yourself with the information provided below, and to ver-
ify that you have the correct hardware for use with Mind Chart.
A) Copies
Mind Chart comes to you on either two 5 1/4 inch 360 KB
diskettes or on a single 3 1/2 inch 720 KB diskette. Make
copies of the Mind Chart diskette contents and store the
original(s) in a safe place. Use the copies for all sub-
sequent operations. If you need assistance refer to the
COPY command section in your DOS manual.
B) Hard Disk Set-Up
You will probably want to create a separate directory for
the Mind Chart programs and files for a hard disk. To do
this use the DOS MD (make directory) command as follows:
Assuming your hard disk is drive C type C:\ and press
ENTER. Type MD\MC and press ENTER (this creates a new
directory called MC. If you wish to use another name for
the directory substitute that name). Type CD\MC to access
the new directory. Place the Mind Chart program diskette
in diskette drive A, type COPY A:*.*, and press ENTER to
copy all Mind Chart program and configuration files to
the new directory. Remove the program diskette and place
the help diskette in drive A, type COPY A:*.*, and press
ENTER to copy the help file and related files to the new
directory. Remove the diskette from drive A and continue
with step D.
C) Floppy Diskette Set-Up
To use Mind Chart with two 360 KB 5 1/4 inch diskettes
place the program diskette in drive A and the help disk-
ette in drive B. To use the system with one 720 KB 3 1/2
inch diskette place the Mind Chart diskette in drive A
(or in the 3 1/2 inch drive if it is not drive A). Verify
that drive A (or the 3 1/2 inch drive) is the default
drive (but only for a floppy diskette set-up). If it is
not type A:\ (or X:\ where X is the 3 1/2 inch drive
designation) at the DOS prompt and press ENTER. Continue
with step D. (Note: You may use Mind Chart with a single
5 1/4 inch disktte unit but if you do so you must swap
diskettes back and forth if you intend to use the online
help feature, to save large files (or several files) to
disk, or to run the demonstration slide show. To use Mind
Chart with a single 5 1/4 inch drive follow the instruc-
tions for the two drive set-up ignoring the initial use
of the help diskette. Immediately prior to attempting to
access the online help text you may insert the help disk-
ette. Replace it with the program diskette when you
have completed viewing the desired information. Follow a
similar procedure to show the demonstration slide show
or to save files (you will probably want to use a sepa-
rate diskette for your file save operations)).
D) Starting Mind Chart
Type MC to start Mind Chart
E) Help Text Configuration
If you are using Mind Chart with a two diskette system or
wish to configure your system so that the Mind Chart help
text may be referenced on a drive unit or path other than
that containing the system programs you must specify the
new drive or path location as follows:
a. Select C=Config on the Master Menu
b. Select 3=Parameters on the Configuration Options Menu
c. Select 3=System Help on the Parameters Menu
d. Enter the new drive or path specification for the help
text location (eg. for a two drive set-up you must en-
ter B: as the drive designation; for a hard disk using
sub-directory MC you would enter \MC\ etc.)
e. Return to the Configuration Options menu
f. Select the 4=Save File option
g. Return to the Master menu
F) Reviewing General Information
Select option H=Help from the Master menu. From the help
screen select option 2=General Information and review the
contents of that section (if you choose to print the man-
ual as described in (I) below you may wish to use your
printed copy for this purpose).
G) System Demonstration
For a demonstration of Mind Chart features perform the
a. Select U=Util (utilities) on the Master Menu
b. Select 4=Slide Show on the Utilities Menu
c. If you have copied all Mind Chart programs and files
to the same hard disk directory or if you are using a
single 720K diskette configuration enter MCDEMO as
the carousel name and press ENTER to load the slide
show carousel. For a two diskette configuration enter
MCDEMOB as the carousel name (this loads a carousel
which references drive B since for a two diskette
configuration the slides are distributed on the Help
diskette). Note that you should not attempt to run the
demo in CGA 640x200 2-color mode.
d. Press function key F2 to show the system demo
e. Press ESC during the show if you wish to abort
f. Return to the Master Menu when complete
H) Accessing the Tutorial
If you desire help in actually creating sample charts or
in using the basic SKETCH utility features perform the
exercises provided in the system tutorial. Although you
will probably find it easier to print the tutorial (as
described below) prior to using it you may access it
directly on your system monitor as follows: Select option
H=Help from the Master menu. From the help screen select
option 3=Tutorial and perform the exercises provided
I) Printing the System Manual
Even though all of the Mind Chart documentation is avail-
able directly on your system display screen you may wish
to print a copy of the manual for general reference. To
print the manual or a portion of it be certain that the
Mind Chart hard disk or diskette configuration and help
text location is as decribed above and type MCCFG at the
DOS prompt. You will be presented with a menu from which
you may select the portion of the documentation you wish
to print. Press F1 when the menu is visible to display a
description of the available options.
J) Viewing Sample Charts
Included on your help text and demo diskette are a number
of sample files which demonstrate the various types of
charts possible with Mind Chart. These files are named
CHART-1 through CHART-22. Enter a file name in the file
selection window (with any necessary path specification),
plot the chart, then review the various parameter settings
to see how the chart was constructed.