1 Mind Chart Help Text . 1. Getting Started 4. System Messages . 2. General Information 5. Using SKETCH 2 3. Tutorial 6. Common Problems 1 Press the number of the desired option 1 Press F1 for HELP at any system menu E Press ENTER or ESC to exit help 1 Contents .SECTION 1 *** GETTING STARTED *** 4 . A. Copies 4 . B. Hard disk set-up 4 . C. Floppy diskette set-up 4 . D. Starting Mind Chart 5 . E. Help text configuration 5 . F. Reviewing general information 5 . G. System demonstration 5 . H. Accessing the tutorial 5 1 I. Printing the system manual 6 .SECTION 2 *** GENERAL INFORMATION *** 7 . A. Product overview 7 . B. Hardware requirements 8 . C. Windows 8 . D. Menus 8 . E. Keyboard usage 9 . F. Help 11 . G. Configuration 11 . H. System files 12 . I. Printing graphics images 14 1 J. Number formats 15 .SECTION 3 *** TUTORIAL *** 16 . A. Construct a chart 16 . B. Change the chart type 17 . C. Mix chart types 17 . D. Add chart features 17 . E. Merge charts and drawings 18 . F. Draw on a chart 19 . G. Create a simple sketch 20 1 H. Produce a slide show 23 1SECTION 4 *** SYSTEM MESSAGES *** 24 .SECTION 5 *** USING SKETCH *** 36 . A. Accessing 36 . B. Getting started 36 . C. The SKETCH data area 37 . D. Menu options 37 . E. Master SKETCH menu 38 . F. Shapes menu 41 . G. Options menu 42 . H. File recall menu 45 . I. File save menu 45 1 J. Font selection menu 46 .SECTION 6 *** COMMON PROBLEMS *** 48 . A. File extensions 48 . B. Chart text truncation 48 . C. No-show slide shows 48 . D. Fill pattern system lock-ups 49 . E. Multiple charts per screen 49 . F. Axis scaling 50 . G. Unexpected SKETCH results 51 . H. Chart elements not appearing 51 . I. Chart too small 52 . J. Grid too closely spaced 52 . K. Grid spacing differences 52 . L. Insufficient disk space 52 . M. SKETCH utility color conflicts 53 . N. General color conflicts 53 . O. Sketch file color mapping 54 1 P. Inadequate system memory 55 .SECTION 7 *** SYSTEM WINDOWS *** 56 . ASCII file conversion 57 . Axis coordinates 60 . Axis labels 61 . Axis options 62 . Axis scaling 63 . Axis status 65 . Axis timing 66 . Axis type 67 . Axis value display 68 . Bar position 69 . Bar width ratio 70 . CGA base color 71 . CGA mode 72 . Chart colors 73 . Chart type 74 . Chart window status 77 . Color options 78 . Color pattern order 79 . Color patterns 80 . Color status 81 . Configuration options 82 . Data add/modify/delete 83 . Description 87 . Description position 88 . Display adaptor 89 . EGA mode 90 . File review 91 . File selection 92 . Font selection 93 . General screen colors 94 . Grid status 95 . Grid timimg 96 . Label positions 97 . Labels 98 . Line pattern order 99 . Line patterns 100 . Marker order 101 . Marker status 102 . Master menu 103 . Menu color test 105 . Menu window colors 106 . Menu window selection 107 . Override options 108 . Palette selection 109 . Parameter options 110 . Pattern options 111 . Pie chart rotation 112 . Pixel spacing 113 . Slide show 115 . System help location 117 . System manual options 118 . System sizing 119 . Utilities 120 . Window location 121 . Y as a function of X 122 E Y/X parameters 123 1 Getting Started with Mind Chart .Welcome to the Mind Chart graphics charting and drawing .system! We at Mind Over Matter Systems hope that you find .your new product useful and enjoyable. Please take a few .moments before you begin to use the system to familiarize .yourself with the information provided below, to review the .contents of the software license agreement, and to verify 1that you have the correct hardware for use with Mind Chart. .A) Copies . Mind Chart comes to you on either two 5 1/4 inch 360 KB . diskettes or on a single 3 1/2 inch 720 KB diskette. Make. copies of the Mind Chart diskette contents and store the . original(s) in a safe place. Use the copies for all sub- . sequent operations. If you need assistance, refer to the 1 COPY command section in your DOS manual. .B) Hard Disk Set-Up . You will probably want to create a separate directory for. the Mind Chart programs and files for a hard disk. To do . this use the DOS MD (make directory) command as follows: . Assuming your hard disk is drive C, type C:\ and press . ENTER. Type MD\MC and press ENTER (this creates a new . directory called MC. If you wish to use another name for . the directory substitute that name). Type CD\MC to access. the new directory. Place the Mind Chart program diskette . in diskette drive A, type COPY A:*.* and press ENTER to . copy all Mind Chart program and configuration files to . the new directory. Remove the program diskette and place . the help diskette in drive A, type COPY A:*.* and press. ENTER to copy the help file and related files to the new . directory. Remove the diskette from drive A and continue 1 with step D. .C) Floppy Diskette Set-Up . To use Mind Chart with two 360 KB 5 1/4 inch diskettes, . place the program diskette in drive A and the help disk- . ette in drive B. To use the system with one 720 KB 3 1/2 . inch diskette, place the Mind Chart diskette in drive A . (or in the 3 1/2 inch drive if it is not drive A). Verify. that drive A (or the 3 1/2 inch drive) is the default . drive (but only for a floppy diskette set-up). If it is . not, type A:\ (or X:\ where X is the 3 1/2 inch drive . designation) at the DOS prompt and press ENTER. Continue . with step D. (Note: You may use Mind Chart with a single . 5 1/4 inch disktte unit, but if you do so you must swap . diskettes back and forth if you intend to use the online . help feature, to save large files (or several files) to . disk, or to run the demonstration slide show. To use Mind. Chart with a single 5 1/4 inch drive, follow the instruc-. tions for the two drive set-up, ignoring the initial use . of the help diskette. Immediately prior to attempting to . access the online help text you may insert the help disk-. ette, replacing it with the program diskette when you . have completed viewing the desired information. Follow a . similar procedure to show the demonstration slide show, . or to save files (you will probably want to use a sepa- 1 rate diskette for your file save operations)). .D) Starting Mind Chart 1 Type MC to start Mind Chart .E) Help Text Configuration . If you are using Mind Chart with a two diskette system or. wish to configure your system so that the Mind Chart help. text may be referenced on a drive unit or path other than. that containing the system programs you must specify the . new drive or path location as follows: . a. Select C=Config on the Master Menu . b. Select 3=Parameters on the Configuration Options Menu . c. Select 3=System Help on the Parameters Menu . d. Enter the new drive or path specification for the help. text location (eg. for a two drive set-up you must en-. ter B: as the drive designation; for a hard disk using. sub-directory MC, you would enter \MC\, etc.) . e. Return to the Configuration Options menu . f. Select the 4=Save File option 1 g. Return to the Master menu .F) Reviewing General Information . Select option H=Help from the Master menu. From the help . screen select option 2=General Information and review the. contents of that section (if you choose to print the man-. ual as described in (I) below, you may wish to use your 1 printed copy for this purpose). .G) System Demonstration . For a demonstration of Mind Chart features perform the . following: . a. Select U=Util (utilities) on the Master Menu . b. Select 4=Slide Show on the Utilities Menu . c. If you have copied all Mind Chart programs and files . to the same hard disk directory, or if you are using a. single 720K diskette configuration, enter MCDEMO as . the carousel name and press ENTER to load the slide . show carousel. For a two diskette configuration, enter. B:MCDEMOB as the carousel name (this loads a carousel . which references drive B, since for a two diskette . configuration the slides are distributed on the Help . diskette). Note that you should not attempt to run the. demo in CGA 640x200 2-color mode. . d. Press function key F2 to show the system demo . e. Press ESC during the show if you wish to abort 1 f. Return to the Master Menu when complete .H) Accessing the Tutorial . If you desire help in actually creating sample charts or . in using the basic SKETCH utility features, perform the . exercises provided in the system tutorial. Although you . will probably find it easier to print the tutorial (as . described below) prior to using it, you may access it . directly on your system monitor as follows: Select option. H=Help from the Master menu. From the help screen select . option 3=Tutorial and perform the exercises provided 1 there. .I) Printing the System Manual . Even though all of the Mind Chart documentation is avail-. able directly on your system display screen, you may wish. to print a copy of the manual for general reference. To . print the manual, or a portion of it, be certain that the. Mind Chart hard disk or diskette configuration and help . text location is as decribed above, and type MCCFG at the. DOS prompt. You will be presented with a menu from which . you may select the portion of the documentation you wish . to print. Press F1 when the menu is visible, to display aE description of the available options. 1 2. General Information . A. Product Overview F. Help . B. Hardware Requirements G. Configuration . C. Windows H. System Files . D. Menus I. Printing Graphics Images 2 E. Keyboard Usage J. Number Formats 1 2.A. Product Overview .Mind Chart is a charting and drawing program which allows .you to quickly and easily produce on your computer display .a variety of charts or graphs from empirical, statistical, .analytical, or other data and to add special symbols, text, .or drawings to each chart. The drawing feature may also be 1utilized independently of charting functions. .The system suports the following chart types: line, surface,.scatter, centered bar, offset bar, step, pie, stacked bar, .and Gantt. Charts may be displayed in any of nine screen .windows (up to four at one time), and line, surface, scat- .ter, centered or offset bar, and step chart types may be .mixed in the same window and generated on standard, log-log,.or semi-log axes. For applicable non-logarithmic charts, you.can represent X-axis data in standard numeric format, as 1dates in MM/YY or MM/DD/YY form, or as alphanumeric labels. .A number of options are available to give you flexiblity in .chart production. These include such features as user de- .fined scaling, axis parameter options, grid construction, .description positioning, pixel spacing, text size, color and.pattern selection, pattern creation, display mode selection,1pie slice explosion, and bar width modification. .Chart data may be entered directly in row and column format .or imported from ASCII files. In addition you can specify .one of 7 predefined function types (with user defined coef- 1cients and parameters) to be plotted on certain chart types..Mind Chart provides you with a drawing utility with which .you can enhance charts, create logos, or produce freehand .drawings using the cursor control keys. The drawing tool .(called SKETCH) allows you to select pen colors, choose pat-.terns, paint areas, create arcs, boxes, circles, ellipses, .and lines, draw unique figures, change pixel movement dis- .tances, display text, save and recall screen images, and .create, save, and recall sketch files. Sketch files con- .tain instructions for redrawing a previously constructed .drawing. They often occupy considerably less disk space than.screen image files, and may be scaled down in size and port-.ed, with some restrictions, between the various screen modes1supported by Mind Chart. .Mind Chart also provides a slide show feature which allows .you to manually or automatically display previously saved .screen images and sketch files from user constructed carou- 2sels. 1 2.B. Hardware Requirements .To use Mind Chart you will need an IBM personal computer .(PC, PC/XT, PC/AT, or PS/2) or true compatible system with .at least 384 kilobytes of main memory and a hard disk or 720.kilobytes of floppy diskette storage. The system may be used.with a single 5 1/4 inch 360KB diskette unit, but diskette .swapping will be required in such a case to take advantage .of the online help text, to save large or multiple files, .and to view the demonstration slide show. If you plan to use.other software in conjunction with Mind Chart (such as any .of the popular memory resident utilities) or if you have set.aside portions of memory for other purposes (such as RAM .disks or extra file and buffer space) you will need more .than the 384K main memory minimum. In addition, your system 1must be operating with DOS 2.0 or higher. .Mind Chart requires one of the following IBM or compatible .display adaptor cards with a compatible graphics monitor: .CGA (color graphics adaptor) or EGA (enhanced graphics .adaptor). You may also use a VGA (video graphics adaptor) .or MCGA (multi-color graphics array adaptor) and compatible .monitor in one of the supported modes (the VGA can be used .in any of the three supported EGA modes or two supported CGA.modes, and the MCGA in either of the two CGA modes). Non-IBM.graphics cards must be capable of emulating one of the 2standard graphics modes supported for the CGA or EGA. 1 2.C. Windows .All system menus, data entry functions, and other system .features are displayed on your monitor in windows. A window .is simply a rectangular area of the screen containing com- .mon system features and varying in size and location depend-.ing upon the information it contains. Windows appear and .disappear as they are needed based upon your choice of menu .options or response to various prompts (all of which are .themselves performed within their own windows). Within cer- .tain windows you may notice arrows at the top or bottom of .the window. These arrows indicate that there is additional .information either before or after the data you currently .see displayed. Use the cursor movement or page up/down keys 2to access such information. 1 2.D. Menus .Mind Chart is a menu oriented system. That is, you select .virtually every function you wish to perform from a menu. .Each menu contains a group of related function options which.you select in one of two ways. You may simply press the let-.ter or number corresponding to the desired selection, or you.may use the cursor movement keys to position the highlight .bar over the selection, then press ENTER. All menus except .the master menu and the SKETCH utility menus provide you .with a choice of options numbered from 0 or 1 to a maximum .of 9. Each master menu and SKETCH menu option is referenced .by the first letter of the option itself. The master menu is.always the first menu to appear when you enter Mind Chart. .It provides access to all other system features and func- 1tions and appears at the upper left of your display. .When you wish to create or recall a chart file, you will .generally begin by selecting the F=File option from the .master menu (note that this option is already highlighted .when you first enter Mind Chart). For a new file, you will .be prompted for the chart type and data (any of these param-.eters may be changed later). After exiting the data add, .modify, and delete window (or immediately after recalling a .saved file) you may access the other system menu options .you need in the order you find most convenient. Be certain .that you have actually entered a chart file name for cre- .ation or modification prior to any attempt to specify pa- .rameters which are related to chart files (ie. specifying .axis parameters without having first identified a file to .which those parameters apply is meaningless, although a .suitable way to review the various chart menu features). .Since SKETCH utility, configuration options, and Slide show .features are not directly related to chart files, this cau- 2tion does not apply to menus associated with those options. 1 2.E. Keyboard Usage .To get the most from your Mind Chart encounters, note the 1use of the following keyboard keys: .Cursor Positions the cursor to a specified menu option .movement or data field (or within a field). Also moves .(arrow certain data within particular windows (ie. .keys) shifts the rows or columns in the Data Add/Modi- . ify/Delete window or scrolls help text etc.). In . the SKETCH utility the cursor movement keys also . function as drawing tools allowing you to move 1 a `pen' to any point on the screen. .Insert Inserts a character or characters at the current 1 cursor location .Delete Deletes the character at the current cursor loca-1 tion .Home Moves to the first character position within a . data field. In the draw mode of the SKETCH util- . ity this key moves the pen to the upper left 1 corner of the screen. .End Moves to the last character position within a . data field. In the draw mode of the SKETCH util- . ity this key moves the pen to the lower right 1 corner of the screen. 1Page Up Scrolls data or text to the previous page 1Page Down Scrolls data or text to the next page .Backspace Moves the cursor back one position within a data 1 field and deletes the character at that position .ENTER Selects a menu option (based on the position of . the highlight bar), performs a window function, . or registers a data or text entry. Note that each. numeric data or text field entry will only be . saved in memory if you properly exit the field in. question. Proper exits may be accomplished by . pressing ENTER or by comletely filling the field . with characters (or in most cases by using the 1 cursor movement or page up/down keys). .ESC Escape. Exit the current menu or function. If you. use the escape key within a charting system menu,. the menu option will possess the value determined. by the current location of the highlight bar. In . the SKETCH utility, pressing escape while within . a menu returns you to drawing mode. If you are . entering numbers or text and press ESC while . within a data entry field, the value or text for . that field will possess the original value it had. prior to your accessing it. For example: A number. field has the value 12345 and you access the . field to modify its value. After keying 10000 you. press ESC prior to registering the new number (by. pressing ENTER or filling the field). The field . retains its original value of 12345. Note that . the ESC key does not work with the master menu 1 (use Q=Quit to exit). .Print Prints the current text screen. If you press this.Screen key while displaying a graphics image you must . have previously issued the DOS GRAPHICS command . and be operating in one of the CGA screen modes . (or be utilizing an independent screen print 1 utility which uses the Print Screen key). .Function Certain system options make use of the special .Keys function keys located at the top or side of your . keyboard. When function key usage is valid the . appropriate keys will be listed at the bottom of . the window under consideration (eg. F2=Save in- . dicates that pressing function key F2 will save 1 the current file to disk). .Ctrl-End Delete the current data field contents from (and . including) the cursor position to the end of the . field. Hold the Ctrl key down and press the End 2 key. 1 2.F. Help .Documentation for all Mind Chart functions is accessible .directly on your system monitor. For general information .simply select the H=Help option from the master menu and .proceed to the area of interest. When within any partic- .cular charting system window press function key F1 for .immediate information pertaining to the referenced window .(within the SKETCH utility this provides a brief descrip- .tion of highlighted menu options only). When within the help.function use the cursor up/down keys to scroll individual .help lines or the page up/down keys to move to the previous .or next page of documentation (window arrows will indicate .if help text exists before or after the current page). Press.ESC or ENTER to exit the current help function. If you re- .ceive an error message while attempting to use the help fea-.ture it is generally because the system cannot locate the .help text file. If this occurs refer to the `Getting Start- .ed' section of the system manual (if you have printed it), .or to the README file contained on the Mind Chart program .diskette for proper disk and help text path configuration .information. (You may print the system manual or any major .portion of it by following the instructions in either of 2these two sources.) 1 2.G. Configuration .a) Initial Set-up .Refer to the `Getting Started' section of the documentation .(or the README file) for information on the initial system 1set-up procedures. .b) Display Options .Depending upon the capabilities of your graphics display .adaptor and monitor you may configure Mind Chart to operate 1in any of the following graphics modes: .Mode Requires .──── ──────── .CGA 320x200 4-color CGA, EGA, VGA, or MCGA .CGA 640x200 2-color CGA, EGA, VGA, or MCGA .EGA 320x200 16-color EGA with 64K video memory or VGA .EGA 640x200 16-color EGA with 128K video memory or VGA 1EGA 640x350 16-color EGA with 256K video memory or VGA .During system initialization, Mind Chart will attempt to .configure itself for the screen mode contained in the con- .figuration file MCCFG. If the mode defined there exceeeds .your system limitations, Mind Chart will default to the .highest resolution your system is capable of supporting (to .the indicated maximum above). To change the default setting,.select the C=Config option from the master menu; select the .3=Parameters option from the Configuration Options menu; se-.lect the 1=Display Adaptor option from the Parameters menu; 1select the desired screen mode. .c) Data Area Sizing .The system is initially configured for 500 rows by 16 col- .umns of chart data. If you wish to modify these values you .may do so by selecting C=Config from the Master menu, 3= .Parameters from the Configuration Options menu, and 2=System.Sizing from the Parameters menu. Refer to the help documen- .tation for the System Sizing window for detailed information1regarding options for row and column sizing. .d) Colors .You have a tremendous degree of control over practically all.colors used for text and graphics functions in Mind Chart. .In order to modify system colors select C=Config from the .Master menu, 1=Colors from the Configuration Options menu, .and the appropriate color area from the Color Options menu. .Note that for certain color features, the type of graphics .card and monitor you are using will determine the color op- 1tions from which you may select. .e) Patterns .To modify the default settings for color or line patterns, .select C=Config from the Master menu; select 2=Patterns from.the Configuration Options menu; select the desired area for 1modification from the Pattern Options menu. .If you wish to save any configuration file options modified .from the Configuration Options menu you must select option 24=Save File from that menu prior to exiting Mind Chart. 1 2.H. System Files .The following files are supplied on the Mind Chart disk- 1ette(s): .System programs: MC.EXE MCSKETCH.EXE . MCMENU.EXE MCSLIDES.EXE . MCCFG.EXE MCIMAGE.EXE . MCUTIL.EXE MCLIB.EXE 1 MCCHART.EXE BRUN30.EXE 1Configuration: MC.CFG .Font files: MCFONT1 MCFONT3 1 MCFONT2 MCFONT4 1Marker files MCMARK1 MCMARK2 1Getting Started README .All files listed above must be accessible at the same disk 1and directory location for normal charting and drawing. 1Help text MCHELP 1Demo carousels MCDEMO.SLF MCDEMOB.SLF 1Demo slides *.SKF files .Note that the font files are duplicated on the help diskette.of a two diskette system, to allow for proper use of the .system demo slide show feature if you have only a single 1360K diskette drive and no hard disk. .Files having the following extensions are produced by the 1Mind Chart application functions: ..HDR Chart header files ..CGD Chart detail data files ..SKF Sketch files ..SIF Screen image files (also .SI1 and .SI2) 1.SLF Slide show carousel files .In addition Mind Chart allows you to create a chart header .file to be used to provide default parameters for all sub- .sequently created chart files. To create or modify this .file enter DEFAULT for the file name in the file selection .window, modify the desired chart parameters, and save the .file (you cannot enter row/column data for this file). The .default chart parameters will be saved as DEFAULT.HDR. Note .that this file does not store configuration parameters de- .fined from the Configuration Options menu. You may delete .this file at any time if you wish to resume use of the orig-.inal chart default parameters. Example: You normally create .surface charts without grid lines. The default graph type is.for line charts with partial grids. Enter DEFAULT for the .file name in the file selection window (if you have not pre-.viously created the file you will be given the opportunity .to do so; there must be sufficient space available on your .program diskette to do so, if you are using a diskette based.system). Enter any desired text for the file. Select the .T=Type option from the master menu and specify graph type .2=Surface. Select the G=Grid option from the master menu and.specify 0=None. Save the DEFAULT file by selecting S=Save .from the master menu. The next chart you attempt to create .will use the new defaults for graph type and grid status .unless you override them. Note that you will almost certain-.ly have to use the DEFAULT file if you are using a mono- .chrome system which does not support color shading, or if .you are using the CGA 640x200 2-color screen mode, in order .to specify the use of non-solid fill and line patterns for .chart production. In addition to fill and line pattern .order, the DEFAULT file contains a variety of chart param- .eters including axis, grid, description, label, marker, .pixel spacing, X/Y function, positioning, and chart specific1color features. .Unlike the DEFAULT file, the configuration file MC.CFG con- .tains parameters which are not unique to each chart file but.which are used in the production of all charts as well as .for other system functions. These parameters include such .features as colors and patterns, system sizing values, and .screen mode options. Although you may choose to use Mind .Chart without the MC.CFG file, it is generally not desirable.to do so. If you have been using Mind Chart without the .MC.CFG file due to a prior deletion of the file, or if the .file becomes damaged, you may recreate the file at any time .by selecting the configuration save option from the Config- 1uration Options menu. .You may delete the *.SKF and MCDEMO.SLF files at any time if.you wish to save disk space. However, you should be certain .that you have completed using these files prior to doing so .(they are used by the tutorial and for a demonstration of 2system features), and that you have a backup copy of each. 1 2.I. Printing Graphics Images .Mind Chart is a screen graphics charting and drawing program.and does not therefore provide a direct means of producing .a printed or plotted copy of your graphics images. Two op- .tions, however, are available to allow you to print your .work. IBM supplies with DOS a GRAPHICS.COM file which pro- .vides a means of printing graphics screens in CGA mode. To .use this capability, be sure that the GRAPHICS.COM file from.your DOS diskette is accessible on the current drive and .path (or that you have set the DOS PATH option to point to .it), and type GRAPHICS at the DOS prompt prior to starting .Mind Chart. Your system will load the GRAPHICS.COM file and .print any subsequent graphics screen images when you press .the Print Screen key. Refer to your DOS manual for options .you may use when loading GRAPHICS.COM. As mentioned, you .must have configured Mind Chart to operate in one of the .CGA screen modes prior to attempting to print a screen im- .age. The 640x200 2-color mode generally produces the best .results. Be sure to use such features as mixed patterns and .line types or markers in order to differentiate between the .various portions of your charts when producing a 2-color 1image. .A second option for printing your graphics images is to ac- .quire any of the commercial memory resident packages avail- .able for doing so. Some of these support the printing of EGA.images and provide additional features for manipulating your1output. .Be sure you hide the pen arrow prior to printing a screen 1from within the SKETCH utility. .Even though the system does not support film recorders, if .you are adept with a 35mm camera, you may be able to obtain .reasonably good slides by directly photographing an image .on your computer display. Obviously, the higher the resolu- 2and the flatter your screen, the better your slides will be.1 2.J. Number Formats .Numbers entered in data entry fields in Mind Chart windows .must fall within the range plus or minus 10 to the 30th .power, and contain no more than 15 significant digits. You .may enter large numbers in a modified form of scientific .notation. The general format for this type of entry is .`nD+x' or `nD-x', where `n' denotes a non-zero number great-.er than -10 and less than 10 (the mantissa), and `D' signi- .fies that the number is to be raised to the `+x' or `-x' .power. For example, you could enter the numbers 1234500000 .and .0000012345 directly, or as 1.2345D+9 and 1.2345D-6 re- .spectively. Obviously, the scientific notation format pro- .vides the only means for entering extremely large or small .numbers. Note that the system may convert your entry from .standard to scientific notation form or vice-versa, depend- Eing on the number's size and entry mode. 1 3. Tutorial .The following section provides basic instruction in the use .of a number of the Mind Chart features. To review additional.system capabilities, you may use the Slide Show utility with.the demonstration carousel (see `Getting Started', section .G), or simply browse the system windows and associated help .text documentation. The contents of this section assumes the.use of the EGA or CGA 4 or 16 color screen mode options, and.the original display color settings. If you are using the .tutorial in 640x200 CGA 2-color mode, disregard all pen col-.or and fill instructions associated with use of the SKETCH 1utility and skip sections B and C or use non-solid patterns.1 Contents .A. Construct a chart E. Merge charts and drawings .B. Change the chart type F. Draw on a chart .C. Mix chart types G. Create a simple sketch 2D. Add chart features H. Produce a slide show 1 3.A. Construct a chart .Window Entry .------ ----- 1Master Menu F=File .File File > Sample . File not found > ENTER=New File . Text > Cosmic Software Company 1 USA Product Performance 1Chart Type 1=Line 1Marker Status 1=On .Data Number of columns > 3 1 Any date columns? > N . Labels > Actual Budget Prior Yr . A B C . 1 Jan 500 300 200 . 2 Feb 600 400 300 . 3 Mar 900 700 500 . 4 Apr 700 600 300 . 5 May 800 400 300 1 6 Jun 400 200 100 . Press ENTER after each entry 1 Press ESC when complete 1Master Menu P=Plot 1Graphics Press ENTER after reviewing the chart 1************************************************************1 3.B. Change the chart type .Window Entry .------ ----- 1Master Menu T=Type 1Chart Type 4=Bar 1Bar Position 1=Center 1Bar Width Ratio 1 1Master Menu P=Plot 1Graphics Press ENTER after reviewing the chart 1************************************************************1 3.C. Mix chart types .Window Entry .------ ----- 1Master Menu M=Modify 1Data F3=Options > 2=Surface 1 Press ENTER twice to move to column C 1 F3=Options > 1=Line 1 Press ESC when complete 1Master Menu P=Plot 1Graphics Press ENTER after reviewing the chart 1************************************************************1 3.D. Add chart features .Window Entry .------ ----- 1Master Menu D=Descrp 1Description 2=Below Chart 1Description Position 1=Center 1Master Menu A=Axis 1Axis Options 2=Status 1Axis Status 4=Box 1Axis Options 4=Timing 1Axis Timing 2=After Data 1Axis Options 5=Labels .Axis Labels X-Axis > Current Yr 1 Y-Axis > Dollars 1Axis Options 7=Scaling .Axis Scaling Y-Min > 0 . Y-Max > 1000 1 Y-Inc > 200 1Axis Options 0=None 1Master Menu G=Grid 1Grid Status 6=Complete 1Grid Timing 2=After Data 1Master Menu P=Plot 1Graphics Press ENTER after reviewing the chart 1************************************************************1 3.E. Merge charts and drawings .Window Entry .------ ----- 1Master Menu O=Option 1Override Options 7=Chart Window Status 1Chart Window Status 0=Do not clear 1Master Menu O=Option 1Override Options 5=Pixel Spacing .Pixel Spacing Left offset > 50 . Right offset > 50 . Top offset > 50 . Bottom offset > 50 1 Press ESC 1Master Menu U=Util 1Utilities 1=Sketch 1Graphics Press the SPACEBAR 1Master SKETCH Menu O=Options 1Options R=Recall 1Recall 1=Sketch file .File ID File name > US . (specify a path or disk drive designa- . tion if the file US is not found in the. current path or drive, ie. B:US, etc. . This file is found on the help diskette1 for a two diskette system.) 1 Press D to draw the file contents 1 Press O to view the Options Menu 1Options P=Plot 1************************************************************1 3.F. Draw on a chart .Window Entry .------ ----- .Graphics Press S to re-enter the SKETCH utility . (be sure that the chart from the pre- . vious section is still displayed on 1 your screen) 1 Press the SPACEBAR 1Master SKETCH Menu C=Color .Pen Color Move to desired color with the cursor . control keys and press ENTER. If the . selected pen is not visible, repeat . the pen selection process and change 1 the color. . Move the pen to the upper left corner 1 of the chart title 1 Press S to display the Shapes Menu 1Shapes Menu B=Box .Box Construction Move to the lower right corner of the 1 chart title and press ENTER 1 Press Q (for Quit) to exit SKETCH 2Exit Prompt Exit SKETCH utility? > Y 2************************************************************1 3.G. Create a simple sketch .Window Entry .------ ----- 1Master Menu U=Util 1Utilities Menu 1=Sketch . With the cursor control keys: . Press the `move left key' twice 1 Press the `move up key' twice . Press the SPACEBAR to display the Mas- 1 ter SKETCH Menu .Master SKETCH Menu S=Shapes (all Master SKETCH Menu op- . tions may also be accessed without . first displaying the menu by merely . pressing the first letter of the op- 1 tion name) 1Shapes Menu B=Box .Box Construction Press the `move right' key four times . Press the `move down' key four times . (to locate the opposite box corner) 1 Press ENTER (to construct a box) 1 Move the pen inside the box . With the pen inside the box, press F 1 (to display the Fill Options) 1Fill Options Menu Move to any pattern and press ENTER .Color Palette Move to the color in which the box was . drawn and press ENTER (the selected . pattern will fill the box to the bound-. ary color just specified). Be certain . that you select for the fill pattern . boundary the exact color in which the . box was drawn, not just a similar . shade (otherwise your entire screen may1 fill with the selected color!). 1 Move to the lower left box corner 1 Press C (to display the Color Palette) .Color Palette Press the `move right' key once 1 Press ENTER to select a different pen 1 Press S (to display the Shapes Menu) 1Shapes Menu C=Circle .Circle Construction Press the `move down' key once to lo- . cate the circle radius 1 Press ENTER to draw the circle . With the pen at the circle's center, 1 press F (to display the Fill Options) 1Fill Options Menu Move to any pattern and press ENTER .Color Palette Move to the color in which the circle . was drawn and press ENTER (the select- . ed pattern will fill the circle to the 1 boundary color just specified) . Move to the lower right box corner (un-. til you move the pen, it will be hidden1 within the shape just filled) 1 Press S (to display the Shapes Menu) 1Shapes Menu C=Circle .Circle Construction Press the `move down' key once to lo- . cate the circle radius 1 Press ENTER to draw the circle . With the pen at the circle's center, 1 press F (to display the Fill Options) 1Fill Options Menu Press ENTER (select previous pattern) 1Color Palette Press ENTER (select previous border) 1 Move to the upper left box corner 1 Press S (to display the Shapes Menu) 1Shapes Menu L=Line .Line Construction Press the `move left' key twice . Press the `move up' key twice 1 Press ENTER to construct the line 1 Press C (to display the Color Palette) .Color Palette Press the `move right' key once 1 Press ENTER to select a different pen 1 Press O (to display the Options Menu) 1Options Menu S=Save 1Save Menu 1=Save sketch file .Sketch file name CART (a file named CART.SKF and con- . taining the sketch just drawn will be 1 created in the default directory) 1 Press E (to erase the screen) 1Erase Prompt Erase the screen? > Y 1 Press the HOME key 1 Press O (to display the Options Menu) 1Options Menu W=Window .Window Prompt Press the `move right' key four times . Press ENTER (a window will be defined . having the specified horizontal dimen- . sion and a proportional vertical dimen-1 sion based on the current screen mode) . Press D (to redraw the cart figure in 1 the specified window 1 Press the HOME key 1 Press O (to display the Options Menu) 1Options Menu W=Window .Window Prompt Press the END key . Press ENTER to redefine the entire 1 screen as the drawing window 1 Locate the pen at the screen middle 1 Press T (to enter text) .Text Prompt Type `A CART!' 1 Press ESC (to exit text mode) 1 Press O (to display the Options Menu) 1Options Menu S=Save 1Save Menu 2=Save screen image .Screen image name CART (a file named CART.SIF containing . the current screen image will be placed. in the default directory (in 640x350 . EGA mode two files will be used to hold. the image: CART.SI1 and CART.SI2). Note. that you must have sufficient disk . space to perform this or any other file. creation function (refer to the File . Save menu text in the Using SKETCH sec-. tion of this documentation for screen . image file size requirements). With a . two drive diskette based system you . will probably want to put your new . files on drive B. In this case enter 1 B:CART. 1 Press Q (for Quit) to exit SKETCH 1Exit Prompt Exit SKETCH utility? > Y 1************************************************************1 3.H. Produce a slide show .This section uses sketch and screen image files created in .the previous section. You must complete that section prior .to attempting this one. If you placed the files created in .that section on a drive or path other than the default, you .should precede the file (slide) name below with the proper 1path designation (eg. B:CART, etc.). .Window Entry .------ ----- 1Master Menu U=Util 1Utilities Menu 4=Slide Show .Slide Show Carousel Name > SAMPLE 1 Recycle? > N . Slide Name Type Time . ---------- ---- ---- . CART 1 2 1 CART 2 2 1Slide Show Press ENTER after the last entry 1Slide Show Press F2 to show the slides ESlide Show Press ESC (to exit) 1 4. System Messages .The system error and information messages produced by Mind .Chart are presented below with possible reasons for their .production and suggestions for response. If you are review- .ing a message in this list, yet still do not understand an .associated problem, you should refer to the help text for .the window in which you received the message (press F1 at .any window for its related help text) or to the general sys-1tem documentation. .Message Explanation/Response .─────── ──────────────────── .Adaptor error You have attempted an operation or spec-. ified an option which requires a display. adaptor or monitor with capabilities . which exceed your current configuration.. Review the system display requirements . and set-up options and verify that all . relevant switches on your hardware are 1 correctly positioned. .Align paper The system is ready to print your re- . quest. Make certain that the paper is . properly aligned in the printer, and . that the printer is turned on and is . online. Press ESC to abort the print 1 operation; any other key to print. .Background/window You have entered color parameters for .color conflict one or more chart features whose colors . match the graphics window background . color. This would result in those por- . tions of a chart having these colors . being invisible. Press any key to con- . continue. You will be given an oppor- 1 tunity to resolve the conflict. .Can't find xxx The system is attempting to load program. xxx.EXE but cannot find it on the disk . drive and path currently in use. This . problem may occur because 1) you have . removed the Mind Chart program diskette . from the starting drive unit without . replacing it (for a floppy diskette . based system); or 2) you failed to copy . all Mind Chart programs to the current . disk or diskette and path; or 3) you . have deleted the program being sought; . or 4) you have changed the disk drive . letter through the Utilities Menu exit . to DOS option. If the error occurs for . a floppy diskette based system, simply . enter the Mind Chart program diskette . (containing the proper .EXE file) into . the drive currently being accessed and . press any key. If the error occurs for . a hard disk based system, you must re- . start the system (using the CTL ALT DEL . sequence). In this case, be certain that. you correct the problem before re-enter-. ing Mind Chart (refer to the `Getting . Started' section of the system documen- . tation for information pertaining to 1 disk and diskette configuration). .Cannot access disk The system cannot perform a requested . file operation because the disk drive is. not accessible. This condition may be . due to disk power being off, to the . diskette drive door being opened, to . there being no diskette in the drive, or. to another cause. Verify that your disk . or diskette is functioning correctly and1 try the operation again. .Cannot complete Your print request cannot be performed .print operation or completed for one or more reasons. . Possible causes are: the printer is not . turned on; the printer is out of paper; . the system cannot find the requested . information; the file to be printed has . been damaged; the disk drive containing . the file to be printed is not ready. . Press any key to continue, then check . your printer, disk drive and path spec- 1 ifications and resubmit the request. .Cannot produce The system is unable to produce a file .list listing for the specified type of file. . Verify that your disk drive unit and . media are accessible and that your path . specification (if entered) is valid. To . produce a directory listing, the system . must be able to locate the COMMAND.COM . DOS file on disk and have sufficient . memory available to load a second copy . of that file. In addition, you must have. enough free space on your program disk . for creation of a temporary file used in. the list construction process. Verify . that these additional criteria are met, . and retry the procedure, or use the DOS 1 DIR command. .Checking function: The system is checking the X/Y function .Please wait you have specified in order to verify . that the indicated range and increment . values produce no undefined or non- . allowable results. The time required for. this process is related to the total . number of points which must be checked . between the start and end values (the . smaller the increment in relation to the. difference between the start and end . values, the longer the time required for. this). To abort the checking procedure . press the ESC key (the use of the func- . tion will also be aborted in this case, 1 unless you try again). .Color conflict While modifying general text screen or . text window colors you have specified . one or more color options which would . cause a meaningful screen or window . feature to merge with the background . color (and therefore be invisible). . Press any key to continue. Select col- . ors which do not hide system messages or. window text or data (the system check . is not concerned with non-critical fea- . tures such as window borders). Avoid . using a high intensity color for data . foreground colors if you have specified . that its low intensity equivalent be . used for the corresponding data back- . ground color since the data will not . be readable when reverse imaged for an . error condition (the high intensity . colors for text windows are the second . set of eight colors in the color selec- . tion palette). Test your color choices . with the color test feature prior to 1 saving them. .Column already You are attempting to designate a data .in use column for a particular use (eg. as a . dependent variable column) but it has . already been assigned another use (eg. . as an independent variable column). . Move to another column or continue with 1 the next procedure. .Constructing chart The system is performing the prelimin- . ary operations to chart construction. . When they have been completed, the mes- . sage will be removed and the chart will 1 be drawn. .Data access error An error occurred while attempting to . read a .CGD (row/column data) file. The . cause could be a damaged file, unavail- . able disk drive unit, or other problem. . Press the ENTER key to clear the message. and retry the function after checking 1 your disk unit. .Data will be lost: You are attempting to modify the maximum.Continue? (Y/N) row/column sizes allowed for chart data.. If you continue (and actually modify the. sizes) any chart data currently in sys- . tem memory will be lost. Press Y (yes) . to continue with the modification or N . (no) to abort the operation. The default. is N. If you wish to modify the sizes . but not lose any chart data currently in. memory you should first select the mas- . ter menu `Save' option before proceding.. Row/column reconfiguration does not af- . fect files on disk although it may make . them non-readable if they have row or . column sizes different from those you 1 intend to specify. .Date or label You may not specify a date or label col-.column may not umn as a dependent variable column when .be used as defining the range for row/column chart .dependent [Y] output since an attempt to plot either .variable of these along the Y-axis would be mean-. ingless. Move to another column or con- 1 tinue with the next procedure. .Deleting The system is deleting specified infor- . mation as you requested. The message . will be removed when the process is 1 complete. .Disk error The system is unable to perform or com- . plete a file operation due to a problem . with the hard disk or diskette unit. . Verify that the unit is functioning cor-. rectly, that power is on to the unit, . and that the disk media is ready. Try 1 the operation again. .Duplicating colors Per your request the system is copying . the colors specified for the current . window to all windows. When the process 1 is complete the message will be removed..Entry must be in You have entered data which does not .range A-B match the type for the field in question. (ie. alpha data for a numeric field or . numeric data for an alpha only field) or. your entry falls outside the allowable . range for the field. Review the accept- 1 able ranges and try again. .Exchanging The system is exchanging data rows or . columns per your request. The message . will be removed when the process is 1 complete. .File access error This is a general error message produced. when a file cannot be accessed or saved . due to a reason not dealt with by one of. the other file error messages. Verify . that your system is functioning properly. and consult your DOS manual for possible. explanations if everything appears in 1 order. Try the operation again. .File damage In an attempt to read a system file the .suspected operation was terminated abnormally due . to a premature end of file condition. . You may try to re-read the file but this. is generally a fatal condition and your . data no longer useful. It is possible to. get this error when attempting to load . files which to not match the file format. for the file type under consideration . (eg. specifying a sketch file when the . system is expecting a chart file, etc.).. Try a different file name or use a back-1 up file if available. .File not found You have attempted to access a file . which cannot be located for the speci- . fied path and operation type. Check the . file name and path, verify that the file. you are trying to access matches the . current operation type, and try the pro-. cedure again. Note that even though it . is permissible to have multiple files . with the same base name, the extension . of each must match the current operation. type (ie. do not attempt to load a file 1 with an .SKF extension as a chart file)..File not found: You have entered a file name in the file.ENTER=New File, selection window but the file does not .R=Retry exist for the specified or default path.. Press the ENTER key to begin entering . data for a new file with this name or 1 press R to re-enter a new file name. .Graphics hardware You are attempting to use Mind Chart on .required a system which does not have graphics . capabilities or which uses a graphics . feature which is not compatible with . IBM EGA or CGA standards. See the hard- . ware requirements section of the help 1 text for additional information. .Help error The system cannot access the help text . for the specified window or function. . The probable cause is an improper con- . figuration of the help text file during . the set-up procedures or subsequent de- . letion of or damage to the file. Refer . to the `Getting Started' section of the . help text or the README file for proper . set-up instructions, and if necessary . recopy the original file from the backup1 diskette. .Incompatible file You are attempting to retrieve a screen .format image file which was created in a screen. mode other than the current mode (eg. . you may be trying to retrieve an image . saved in 640x200 EGA mode although you . are currently configured for 640x350 EGA. mode). Try another screen image file . name or change the screen mode to match . the mode of the file you are attempting . to load (if that mode is supported by 1 your hardware). .Inserting The system is inserting space for addi- . tional information (such as rows or col-. umns) per your request. The message will1 be removed when the process is complete..Insufficient Insufficient space exists on your disk .disk space or diskette to create or save a file. . Either physical disk space is depleted . or the directory is full. Delete all un-. necessary files or place the file in . question on a diskette having sufficient. space. Refer to this entry in the `Com- . mon Problems' section of the system 1 documentation for more information. .Insufficient Your system does not have enough memory .memory to complete the current function. If . you receive this message at sign-on time. Mind Chart start-up will be aborted. In . such a case, verify that your system has. at least 384KB of memory available for . Mind Chart (you may have to remove mem- . ory resident programs or reduce the sys-. tem file or buffer space to provide the . required memory). If you receive this . message while attempting to change the . number of chart data rows and columns, . your system does not have enough memory . to contain the maximum number of rows . and columns you have specified, or you . have exceeded the 64 kilobyte limita- . tion for such data. In such a case the . system will display the additional mes- . sage `Edit? (Y/N)'. Press Y (yes) to . edit the values or N (no) to return them. to their previous values (the default is. N). If the product of the entered rows . and columns multiplied by 8 (the number . of bytes per element) does not exceed . 64KB, you may need to check your total . system memory for programs or functions . which are prohibiting its full use at . this time (ie. memory resident programs,1 excessive DOS files or buffers, etc.). .Insufficient space You are attempting to perform a function. without adequate space to do so (eg. to . add a row or column when the maximum al-. lowable size has been reached, etc.). . Delete any extraneous information if 1 possible and retry the function. .Invalid color You have entered a color option which is.option not a part of the color palette selec- . tion list or which is otherwise not per-. mitted (eg. you may not specify a high . intensity color for a menu window back- . ground, etc.). Review the documentation . for the window under consideration and 1 try again. .Invalid While checking an X/Y function the sys- .Conditions: tem encountered a condition which would .ENTER=Edit result in an undefined or non-allowable . result (eg. division by zero, logarithm . of an argument less than or equal to . zero, exponent of an argument greater . than 69, production of a number exceed- . ing the maximum allowable system value, . etc.). Review your function and modify . it or change the start, end, or incre- . ment values and try again. (Often this . condition is generated when you define . a discontinuous function: ie. one which . at one or more points has a zero divi- . sor. For such cases you may simply need . to change the start or end values or the. increment values slightly so that the 1 zero denominator condition is avoided.) .Invalid date You have entered a date with invalid . month, day, or year parameters. The two . date formats are MM/YY and MM/DD/YY. . Values must be positive integers and . reflect valid dates. Verify that the . month value is in the range 1-12 and . that the day value does not exceed the . total number of days in the given month 1 (including leap years) and re-enter. .Invalid entry The data you have entered does not meet . the criteria for the field with which . you are dealing. For numeric fields you . may have entered a number excceding the . allowable value, a decimal in an integer. field, or a negative or zero value in a . positive only field. Review the criteria. for the field under consideration and 1 re-enter the data. .Invalid file type While attempting to convert a file to .or file contents Mind Chart format, you have specified . for the source file either a binary . (or non-ASCII) file, or a file con- . taining non-allowable characters. The . source file should be a comma and quo- . tation mark delimited ASCII file, with . records terminated with a carriage re- . turn/line feed sequence. Allowable ASCII. characters are those greater than 31 and. less than 126, or 13 (carriage return), . and 10 (line feed). Refer to the help . text for ASCII file conversion for more 1 details. .Invalid log range You are attempting to plot a logarithmic. chart for data whose maximum or minimum . values would result in an attempt by the. system to take the logarithm of a number. less than or equal to zero. Press any . key to continue, then review the maximum. and minimum values for the axis or axes . for which logarithmic scaling is to be . performed, and modify those values as 1 necessary. .Invalid path or You have entered a file name (possibly .file spec with a path specification) which vio- . lates DOS file and path naming conven- . tions or which has a file extension . (file extensions are supplied by Mind . Chart for all file entries except the . source file in the ASCII conversion . function). Verify that you have not in- . correctly included a file extension, or . review file and path specification re- . quirements in your DOS manual and try 1 again. .Invalid values in You have specified that columns from an .source date ASCII file be used as part of one or .columns more date columns during the conversion . to Mind Chart format, but at least one . of the source columns contains invalid . date parameters. Verify that you have . specified the correct columns to be . converted to date fields, that each con-. tains valid entries, and that you have . specified the proper order. For the two . date types supported the order is MM/YY . and MM/DD/YY, where the portions of each. date are numeric values in the ranges . 1-12 for month, 1-31 for day, and 0-99 1 for year. .Loading file The system is loading a file from disk . into your computer's memory. If you are . attempting to modify row/column data for. an existing chart file or to plot a . chart file for which the detail data has. not yet been retrieved, the data being . loaded is from a *.CGD file. The message. is also displayed when sketch file data 1 is being retrieved (from an *.SKF file)..No data to be While attempting to convert an ASCII .processed file to Mind Chart format, you have . specified a file which has no data, or . you have not specified source file col- . umns to be mapped to destination file . columns. Examine the file you wish to . convert, verify that you have properly . performed the column mapping, and try 1 the operation again. .No file selected You have attempted a file save, delete, . or load procedure without specifying a . file name. Enter a file name and retry 1 the procedure. .No files this path No system files of the designated type . could be found for the specified path. 1 Try another path or exit the procedure. .Operation not You have specified an operation which is.allowed from not permitted from the present row or .this row/column column position (eg. row or column in- .position sert, exchange, delete, graph type spec-. ification, or pie slice explosion may . not be allowed if the cursor is at a row. or column label field, etc.). Move to a . valid row and column position and retry 1 the operation. .Pattern may not You may not create a color or line pat- .be blank tern with all pixels equal to the base . (or pattern background) color. Notice . the legend for `on' and `off' pixel . representations at the bottom of the . pattern window and make certain that . the pattern has at least one pixel in 1 it with an `on' status. .Press any key The system is waiting for you to press . any key before it resumes processing or 1 allows you to continue. .Press D to delete; You have specified that a file be delet-.any other key ed. If you wish to perform the deletion .to continue press D. If you wish to abort the dele- 1 tion procedure press any other key. .Printing Mind The system is printing the Mind Chart .Chart help text documentation you requested. .Documentation This, or a similar message identifying . the portion of the manual being printed,. will be displayed on your monitor until . the print operation is complete. You may. abort the print function at any time by 1 pressing the ESC key. .Resolve color You have just received a `Background/ .conflict? (Y/N) window color conflict' message and have . the option of resolving the conflict or . allowing the conflict to exist (see the . documentation for that message for more . information). Press Y (yes) to resolve . the conflict. Press N (no) to allow the . colors to remain as you have specified. 1 The default response is Y. .Review the README You have received an error message .file for while attempting to load Mind Chart. .instructions Refer to the README file supplied on . your Mind Chart program diskette or the . `Getting Started' section of the help . text for information on initial set-up . details, and follow the instructions . found there. To view the README file . contents enter TYPE README at the DOS . prompt (be sure you have accessed the . proper sub-directory or diskette drive 1 containing the README file). .Save this file? You are about to exit Mind Chart or en- .(Y/N) ter the file selection window while in- . formation from another file is in system. memory. Press Y (yes) to save the cur- . rent file or N (no) to continue with . your requested operation without sav- 1 ing. The default is N. .Saving Per your request the system is saving .configuration the configuration file options as they . currently exist. When the operation is 1 complete the message will be removed. .Saving file The file under consideration is being . saved per your request. The message will1 be removed when the save is complete. .Too many columns The file you are attempting to convert .in source file to Mind Chart format has more than 99 . columns of data (as determined by the . number of comma delimiters per record). . If possible, modify the source file so . that it contains less than 100 columns . (only the first 26 may be converted any-. way). Be certain that you are attempting1 to convert an ASCII file. .Transfer data Press Y (yes) to begin the actual trans-.now? (Y/N) fer of data from an ASCII source file to. Mind Chart format, or N (no) to return . to the transfer mapping screen. The de- 1 fault is Y. .Transferring data The system is converting data from an .to chart file ASCII file to Mind Chart format. The .format time required for this operation is . dependent upon the number of source file. records and the number of elements per 1 record. .Type EXIT to You have temporarily suspended Mind .resume Mind Chart Chart operation and exited to DOS. To . return to the Mind Chart environment . type EXIT at the DOS prompt and press 1 the ENTER key. .Value must be 0-N The data you have entered for a numeric . only field is either non-numeric or is . less than zero or greater than N. Review1 the acceptable ranges and try again. .Value must be <=N The value you are attempting to enter . must be less than or equal to N. Review . the system documentation for the valid 1 parameter ranges and try again. .Warning: sketch The sketch data area is full and cannot .data area filled contain any additional drawing instruc- . tions. The data area provides 1000 pos- . itions for saving drawing instructions. . All functions which may be saved in the . data area require one position each, . except for arcs and ellipses which re- . quire two positions each. If you do not . need to save the drawing functions fol- . lowing the appearance of this message, . you may ignore it. If you do need to . continue the drawing and save the draw- . ing instructions, you should save them . as a sketch file, clear the data area . (C=Clear from the Options Menu), and . continue your drawing, being sure to . save the second portion in another . sketch file. Note that this message will. be displayed only five times from the . moment the sketch data area is determin-. ed filled. After that you will not see . the message, even though the data area . remains full until you clear it, recall 1 another sketch file, or exit SKETCH. .Working The system is performing a task or ac- . cessing a function you requested. When . the operation is complete or the func- . tion is accessible the message will be E removed. 1 5. Using SKETCH .The SKETCH utility provides an easy way to create graphics .screen images for business or fun. With this feature you can.create stand-alone images, merge images with your charts and.graphs, or combine multiple charts on a single screen. The .cursor movement keys are utilized to control the movement of.a pen across the display screen. The pen is represented by .an outlined or solid arrow depending on its status (up or .down). You select its color from a color selection palette .and construct shapes and figures by moving the pen over the .screen while it is in the down position (just as with a reg-.ular pen or pencil). In addition you may use a set of tools .to generate various shapes such as arcs, boxes, circles, .ellipses, or lines. Figures may be painted, shaded, or re- .duced in size, and text may be added in several different 1sizes. 1 5.A. Accessing SKETCH .There are two ways to access the SKETCH utility. From the .Master Menu select U=Util and from the Utilities Menu select.1=Sketch. If the system has just completed constructing a .chart and that chart is currently displayed on the screen, 1you may enter the SKETCH utility by pressing `S'. 1 5.B. Getting Started with SKETCH .When you enter the SKETCH environment you will notice a mes-.sage window appear in the upper left-hand corner of the .screen with the message `Sketch or press SPACEBAR for menu'..You should also see the pen (an arrow shaped figure) in the .middle of your screen, although if you have changed the .default background color or are calling SKETCH immediately .after creating a chart, the pen may be indistinguishable .from its background until you have changed the pen color. .At this point you may begin to draw at once, or you may view.the master SKETCH menu by pressing the SPACEBAR. At any time.while using SKETCH you may view this menu in the same way .(provided no other menus or message windows are being dis- .played at that time and assuming you are not currently using.the text function). The master menu functions may be access-.ed by pressing the letter corresponding to the function de- .sired (regardless of whether or not the menu is actually .displayed), or by moving the highlight bar to the desired .option and pressing ENTER (if the menu is displayed). From .the master menu you may access secondary menus providing .additional options. Unlike the case with the master menu, .secondary menus must be displayed in order for you to se- .lect the options they contain. Because secondary menus may .use some of the same letters as the master menu to identify .different functions, you should be certain you are familiar .with the master menu options before you attempt to access .its functions when it is not displayed. For example, on the .master menu, P=Pen (raise or lower the pen depending on its .current status), while on the secondary Options menu P=Plot .(plot the current chart file on the present screen image). .In order to plot the current chart file, therefore, you must.first access the Options menu. Menu options are described in1detail immediately after the next section. 1 5.C. The SKETCH Data Area .Each time you execute a SKETCH function that causes a point,.line, shape, pattern, or text to be created on screen, the .SKETCH utility saves that operation in computer memory in .the SKETCH data area. This makes it possible for you to save.the contents of your drawings in disk files called sketch .files (which often require considerably less space than a .corresponding screen image file), and to redraw such images .at any time. In addition, this feature provides a handy way .of reducing the size of your drawings (by specifying a .smaller area of the screen as the output window when redraw-.ing). It also makes it possible to transfer images between .the various EGA and CGA screen modes (although there may be .possible color or text problems when going from one mode to .another). The sketch data area has 1000 positions for stor- .ing drawing functions. All functions which may be stored .require a single position except for arcs and ellipses which.require two positions. If you are attempting to create a .complex drawing and are concerned about exceeding the data .area space limitation, you will want to be certain to use .the shapes functions whenever possible instead of merely .moving the pen in the pen down position. For example, if the.pen moves 10 pixels horizontally each time you press the .left or right cursor movement keys and you wish to create a .line which is 50 pixels wide, doing so by moving the pen in .the pen down position would result in five entries in the .sketch data area, whereas doing so using the Shapes menu .line feature would result in a single data area entry. .Another alternative would be to create part of your drawing,.save the data area contents in a sketch file, clear the data.area (but not the screen), and repeat the process as many .times as necessary (using a different sketch file for each .portion of the drawing). Each text character requires one .position in the data area. You should note that any time you.perform a drawing function the data area will be updated be-.ginning from the last entry (ie. if you recall a sketch file.and then add shapes, etc. the data area will contain your .enhancements, although the file will remain unchanged unless.you resave it). If you should exceed the data area capacity .you may continue drawing although your operations will not .be recorded for saving or redrawing (a message will notify .you if the capacity is exceeded). Finally, note that by us- .ing the Edit option you may delete undesirable drawing fea- 2tures from the data area. 1 5.D. Menu Options .All SKETCH functions may be selected from a series of menus .which appear in the upper left corner of the display screen .when requested. You may receive a brief description of any .menu option by pressing the F1 key when the menu highlight .bar is at the desired option. Selecting certain options .will cause additional menus or message windows related to .those options to appear. You choose a menu option by press- .ing the letter corresponding to the desired function or by .moving the high-light bar to the function with the cursor .movement keys and pressing ENTER. You may exit a menu (or .prompt window) by pressing the ESC key. The menus are or- 1ganized as shown below: . Master Menu . (press SPACEBAR to access) . | . ------------------------ . | | . Shapes Menu Options Menu . | . ----------------- . | | | . Font Recall Save 1 Menu Menu Menu 2A description of the options for each menu follows. 1 5.E. Master SKETCH Utility Menu .C=Color Select the color of the pen to be used in subse- . quent sketch operations. Selections are made from. a color palette by moving to the desired color . option with the cursor control keys, and pressing. ENTER. In EGA mode you may choose from 16 colors . (unless you have selected a general screen back- . ground color other than black, in which case you . are limited to 15 colors). In CGA mode your . choice is limited to 4 colors, 3 of which are . predefined, although you may use either of two . color palettes for those 3 colors and define the . base color (the first to appear in the selection . window) as any one of 16 colors. These CGA op- . tions are available through the configuration . feature on the master Mind Chart menu. If you are. in CGA 2-color mode, your choices are limited to . black and the other supported color. Note that if. you have trouble locating your pen on the display. screen it is probably because its color matches . the immediate background. In such a case simply . change the pen color to make it visible. Changing. the color of a pen always results in the pen be- . ing raised (ie. its new status is `up' regardless1 of its previous status). .D=Draw Draw the contents of the sketch data area in the . currently defined output window (defined under . the Options menu). Essentially the system is re- . drawing an image you have previously drawn (and . possibly saved in a sketch file). You may abort . the drawing procedure at any time by pressing the. ESC key although if a fill (paint) operation is . in progress it will complete prior to termination. of the drawing operation. If you attempt to re- . draw an image already on the screen and in the . same output window, nothing will seem to happen . since the system is in effect `tracing over' what. is already there. For a complicated drawing, how-. ever, there may seem to be a long pause before . you can resume normal drawing. Use the ESC key to1 exit in such a case. .E=Erase Erase the current display screen contents. This . function does not affect the contents of the . sketch data area. You will be asked if you wish . to erase the screen. Enter Y or y to erase; any 1 other key to return. The default is not to erase..F=Fill Fill a specified area of the screen with a solid . color or pattern. The fill color is the current . pen color. You will be prompted to select a color. pattern and a border color to bound the fill op- . eration. These selections are made by moving to . the desired pattern or color with the cursor con-. trol keys and pressing ENTER. You may cancel this. function at either selection point by pressing . the ESC key. It is quite important that the tip . of the pen be located inside the area to be fil- . led, that the border color be carefully selected,. and that it completely bounds the area to be fil-. led, or the pattern may cover other portions of . your drawing. For example, consider the situation. in which you have constructed a box having a . light blue border which you wish to fill with a . solid yellow pattern. You first verify that the . current pen color is yellow (if not, select that . color using the pen color selection feature) and . that the pen position is located inside the box. . Next, specify the fill option and select a solid . pattern (you may note that there is a slight time. delay whenever the fill patterns are presented, . if you have changed the pen color since the last . fill operation. In such a case the system is con-. structing the allowable patterns for the new col-. or.). Finally you select the border color which . is to serve as the boundary for the fill opera- . tion (in this case light blue). If you selected a. different border color the entire screen could . possibly be filled with the chosen pattern. On . the other hand, if the current pen position was . outside the box, the inside of the box could re- . main unchanged as everything outside it is filled. (at least to the specified border color). Refer . to the Color Patterns window documentation for . additional information regarding fill pattern 1 color considerations. .M=Move Toggle between the default horizontal and verti- . cal pen movement distances and a one-pixel pen . movement distance. The drawing pen moves up, . down, or sideways each time you press the cor- . responding cursor control keys. You may set a . fixed distance (in pixels) for the pen to move . both horizontally and vertically with the move . function on the Options menu. This feature allows. you to switch between those movement distances . and a distance of one pixel (horizontally and . vertically) when the cursor keys are pressed, . thereby allowing for detailed control over your . drawings. Pressing the key again switches you . back to the default distances. You may use this . function any time you are in a normal drawing . mode or when you are constructing a special shape. (such as a circle or box, etc.), simply by press-. ing `M'. Each time you press `M' the movement . distances are toggled, although you will see no 1 results on the screen until you move the pen. .O=Options Display the Options menu. This feature allows you. to select additional SKETCH utility functions not1 found on the master menu. .P=Pen Raise or lower the drawing pen. If the pen is up . this function puts it down. If it is down it . picks it up. When you move the pen with the cur- . sor control keys, a line or shape is drawn if the. pen is down. When you put the pen down a point is. drawn at that pen position (just as if you had 1 lowered a regular pen to a piece of paper). .Q=Quit Exit the SKETCH utility and return to the master . Mind Chart menu. You will be asked if you do in- . deed wish to exit the utility. Press Y or y to . exit; any other key to resume drawing. The de- . default is to resume drawing. Note that you . should save any sketch data area contents or . screen images which you wish to recall later (if . you have not already done so) prior to exiting 1 the utility. .S=Shapes Display the Shapes menu. From that menu you may . select any one of several shape generation tools 1 to help you construct your drawing. .T=Text Display text on the screen at the current pen . position and in the currently defined font. After. selecting this option simply press the key cor- . responding to each character you wish to display.. When complete, press the ESC key to return to the. normal drawing mode. You may use the Backspace . key to erase the last character you typed if you . detect an error, unless the pen position is with-. in one character block of the screen border or . the character is at the right edge of the screen.. The block may extend above or below the actual . character in question. For example, the charac- . ters `pP$' each have different spacing require- . ments within a fixed character block size. Note . that the cursor movement keys function somewhat . differently when you are in text mode, moving the. pen one character space in the indicated direc- . tion each time one of them is pressed. If you do . not seem to be able to move close enough to one . of the screen borders in this mode, the system . may be preventing you from doing so because of . character block sizing restrictions. In such a . case, exit text mode (press ESC), move to the . desired position, and re-enter text mode (be . careful that you do not move so close to screen . borders that your characters are truncated). Also. note that the insert and delete keys may not be . used in this mode. When you reach the right edge . of the screen while typing characters in text . mode, the system will attempt to continue your . text on the next row one character block size . below the current text row (the last character on. a line may be partially truncated if there is not. sufficient room for it). In order to save a posi-. tion in the sketch data area, use the right cur- . sor movement key to indicate spaces in your text,2 rather than the spacebar. 1 5.F. Shapes Menu .A=Arc Draw an arc on the screen. To Mind Chart, an arc . is any portion of a circle, and is defined by . three points which would be located on the cir- . cumference of some circle. When you select this . function the first point is located at the cur- . rent pen position. You will be prompted to move . the pen to the other two points defining the arc,. and to press the ENTER key when you have located . each point. Pen arrows will identify the pre- . viously selected points. When you have specified . the third point, an arc will be drawn connecting . the three points. The third point will be the . final pen position. You may abort the procedure 1 at any time by pressing the ESC key. .B=Box Draw a box on the screen. The current pen posi- . tion is considered to be one corner of the box. . You will be prompted to locate the opposite cor- . ner of the desired box and to press ENTER. When . this is done the box will be drawn. A pen arrow . will continue to mark the original corner while . you locate the opposite corner. You may abort the. function by pressing the ESC key. After a box is . drawn, the pen will be located at the original 1 corner. .C=Circle Draw a circle on the screen. The current pen po- . sition defines the center of the circle. You will. be prompted to move to any point on the circum- . ference of the circle and press ENTER, after . which the circle will be drawn. A pen arrow will . continue to mark the center position while you . are establishing the radius. You may abort the . function by pressing the ESC key. The final pen . position after the draw operation will be the 1 center of the circle. .E=Ellipse Draw an ellipse on the screen. The current pen . position will be the center of the ellipse. You . will be prompted to set the horizontal and verti-. cal axes of the ellipse by moving the pen to each. in order, after which the ellipse will be drawn. . Pen arrows will mark the ellipse center and in- . termediate position as you establish its dimen- . sions. You may abort the function by pressing the. ESC key. An ellipse created using this feature . will always have horizintal and vertical axes. . You determine which is the major and which is the. minor axis by their relative distance from the . center of the ellipse. Note that while you are . setting the horizontal axis you will be restrict-. ed from moving in a vertical direction and vice- . versa. The final pen position at the conclusion 1 of the draw operation will be the ellipse center..L=Line Draw a line on the screen. The current pen posi- . tion defines one end of the line. You will be . prompted to move to the opposite end and press . ENTER. A pen arrow will continue to mark the or- . iginal end while you locate the other end. After . the line has been drawn, the pen will be located . at the second line position. You may abort the 2 function by pressing the ESC key. 1 5.G. Options Menu .C=Clear Clear the sketch data area. This function does . not erase the screen or affect any disk files . (unless you subsequently save the data area). . When selecting this option you will be asked if . you wish the data area to be cleared. Respond . with a Y or y (yes) if you do; any other key if . you do not. The default repsonse is N (no). . Refer to the reference material on the sketch . data area for more information regarding its 1 function. .E=Edit Edit the sketch data area. This feature allows . you to delete specific portions of a drawing as . they are defined in the sketch data area. It does. not erase any portion of the screen or affect . disk files (unless you subsequently save the data. area contents). In general you will want to erase. the screen prior to performing the edit, in order. to observe each individual drawing operation. . When you select this option the system will draw . the first element contained in the sketch data . area, and prompt you to step through each drawing. element in order (by pressing the ENTER key). . After each element has been drawn or painted you . will be able to erase that element from the . sketch data area (by pressing E), to clear the . remaining draw operations in the data area (by . pressing C), or to continue with the next drawing. operation (by pressing ENTER). You may terminate . the process by pressing the ESC key. After you . have completed the edit, you may observe your . changes by erasing the screen and using the . D=Draw feature from the master menu. Note that . no actual deletions are made to the screen dis- 1 play until you redraw the data area contents. .F=Font Display the font selection menu. From that menu . you may select any of several text character 1 sizes for subsequent screen display. .M=Move Define the default horizontal and vertical pixel . movement distances for the pen when the cursor . keys are pressed. When you enter the SKETCH util-. ity, the pen is set to move a specified number of. pixels horizontally and a specified number of . pixels vertically in response to the use of the . cursor control keys (unless you have toggled the . pen movement status by selecting the M=Move op- . tion from the master menu, in which case the pen . moves one pixel horizontally or vertically until . you switch back to the default distances). The . original pen movement distances are 50 pixels . horizontally and 30 pixels vertically. This fea- . ture allows you to change either of those values,. and proves extremely useful for any drawing con- 1 struction involving regularly spaced intervals. .P=Plot Plot the contents of the current chart file on . the displayed screen image. You must have pre- . viously specified a chart file in order for this . option to be valid. The chart will be plotted in . the currently designated graphics window. The . window may be cleared or not prior to plotting, . based on the current setting of the graphics win-. dow status option (set from the Options menu ref-. erenced from the Mind Chart master menu). Use of . this feature makes possible the construction of . elaboratly mixed charts and diagrams. At the con-. clusion of the charting operation, you must re- . enter the SKETCH utility (by pressing S) if you 1 wish to continue drawing. .R=Recall Recall a previously saved sketch file or screen 1 image file. .S=Save Save the current sketch data area contents in a . sketch file or the current screen image in a 1 screen image file. .W=Window Define the portion of the screen on which you . wish to have the system draw the current sketch . data area contents in response to a subsequent . D=Draw command from the master sketch utility . menu. The current pen position is considered one . corner of the window. You will be prompted to lo-. cate an opposite corner to define the window. A . pen arrow will continue to mark the original cor-. ner while you establish the window. A special . feature to allow for properly scaled drawings . allows you to simply set the horizintal or the . vertical window dimension (rather than the window. corner). In such a case the system will calcuate . the appropriate location for the opposite corner . of the window. This is the preferred method for . establishing a window. Note that if you allow the. system to calculate the undefined window dimen- . sion, it assumes that a horizontal setting is the. window top and a vertical setting the left side . of the window. If you elect to define the window . by locating its opposite corner yourself, expect . unpredicatble drawing results when the system re-. draws the sketch data area contents, if the data . area contains any arcs, circles, or ellipses . (although this is a convenient way to stretch . line drawings). A similar distortion will occur . if you specify only one window dimension, but . have inadequate space for the calculated window. . Generally you will use this feature to reduce the. size of full screen images and relocate them on . the screen. Remember that any drawing operations . performed from the keyboard (including shape gen-. eration) is performed in full screen mode regard-. less of the current window setting or the drawing. size or location. Consequently, if you select the. Shapes menu box function and generate a small box. in the lower right corner of the screen, then es-. tablish a window in the upper left screen quad- . rant and let the system redraw the box, it will . appear as a much smaller box in the lower right . corner of the upper left screen quadrant. To re- . establish the entire screen as the redraw area, . simply press the Home key (to set the upper left . corner of the screen as one window corner), se- . lect the Window option, then press the End key . (to set the lower right corner of the screen as . the opposite corner of the window). One final . word: beware of possible text overlap if you at- . tempt to put the contents of the sketch data area. in a window less than full screen size, if the 2 data area contains text. 1 5.H. File Recall Menu .1=Recall sketch file Retrieve a previously saved sketch . file. You will be prompted for the . file name and may specify a path . according to standard DOS file nam- . ing conventions. Do not specify a . file extension. The contents of the . file will be loaded into the sketch . data area (replacing any current . contents). The drawing will not be . regeneratied until you specify the . D=Draw option defined on the sketch . utility master menu. Note that sketch. files may be recalled in any screen . mode regardless of the mode in which . they were saved (although color loss . or fill pattern system lock-ups may . occur when redrawing the contents of . a file in CGA mode which was origin- . ally created in EGA mode, and you may. experience various text display prob-. lems if the resolution does not match1 that of the original). .2=Recall screen image Retrieve a previously saved screen . image. You will be prompted for the . file name and may specify a path . according to standard DOS file nam- . ing conventions. Do not specify a . file extension. The screen image will. be displayed when it is retrieved and. will replace the current screen im- . age. It will not affect the sketch . data area contents. You may not re- . call a screen image saved in a screen. mode which differs from the current 2 mode. 1 5.I. File Save Menu .1=Save sketch file Save the current sketch data area . contents in a disk file. You will be . prompted for a file name and may . specify a path according to the DOS . file naming conventions. You may not . specify a file extension (the system . provides a file extension of .SKF). . Sketch files are often considerably . smaller than a comparable screen im- . age file (this is always true for EGA1 screen modes). .2=Save screen image Save the current screen image in a . disk file. You will be prompted for . a file name and may specify a path . according to the DOS file naming con-. ventions. You may not specify a file . extension. The system will give the . file an extension of .SIF (see * . below). The size of screen image . files depends upon the screen mode . you are in when the save is perform- 1 ed. File requirements are as follows:. CGA 320x200 16014 bytes . CGA 640x200 16014 bytes . EGA 320x200 32014 bytes . EGA 640x200 64014 bytes 1 EGA 640x350 112014 bytes * . Be sure you have sufficient disk . space when attempting to save screen 1 image files. . * EGA 640x350 mode saves a screen . image in two 56014 byte files with 2 file extensions .SI1 and .SI2. 1 5.J. Font Selection Menu 11=5x6 Select a 5x6 pixel character matrix for text output.2=8x8 Select an 8x8 pixel character matrix for text out- . put. This is the standard text size for CGA and EGA1 320x200 and 640x200 screen modes. .3=8x14 Select an 8x14 pixel character matrix for text out-. put. This is the standard text size for the EGA 6401 x350 screen mode. .4=12x20 Select a 12x20 pixel character matrix for text out-1 put. Characters for this font are outlined. .5=24x40 Select a 24x40 pixel character matrix for text out-1 put. Characters for this font are outlined. .6=36x60 Select a 36x60 pixel character matrix for text out-1 put. Characters for this font are outlined. .The outlined characters (4-6) may be colored or shaded using.the F=Fill option from the master SKETCH menu. Beware, how- .ever, that such character fill operations may not execute .according to your expectations if you redraw a sketch file .in a screen mode which differs from the original. Such a .problem could be the result of the fill pattern origin no .longer being within the character in the changed screen .mode (if the resolution has changed), or the result of a .color problem (if you have gone to a screen mode which sup- Eports fewer colors than the original). 1 6. Common Problems .This section provides information pertaining to several of .the common problems which may arise from time to time with 1the use of Mind Chart. The areas discussed are: .A) File extensions .B) Chart text truncation .C) No-show slide shows .D) Fill pattern system lock-ups .E) Multiple charts per screen .F) Axis scaling .G) Unexpected results when redrawing in SKETCH .H) Chart elements not appearing .I) Chart too small .J) Grid too closely spaced .K) Grid lines not evenly spaced at chart boundaries .L) Insufficient disk space .M) SKETCH utility color conflicts .N) General color conflicts .O) Sketch file color mapping 2P) Inadequate system memory 16.A. File Extensions . Mind Chart supplies extensions for all of the files it .creates, based upon the type file under consideration. For .example, chart files are given extensions .HDR and .CGD. If .you are having problems locating a file, or are receiving .a `File not found' or `Invalid path or file spec' error mes-.sage, you may be attempting to enter an extension with your .file name. If you have entered an extension, re-enter the .name without the extension. Note that only the ASCII source .file name in the file conversion section may legitimately be2given an extension. 16.B. Chart Text Truncation . Mind Chart truncates all chart descriptive and label .text which will not fit within the current chart window. If .this becomes a problem you may a) change the chart window .number, b) change the font size, c) reduce the number of .characters in the description or label, or d) eliminate the .description or label. For pie chart label truncation you may.use any of the methods listed above, including rotating the .chart (in order to shift label positions) or changing the 2order of the pie slices. 16.C. No-Show Slide Shows . When attempting to display the slides in a carousel by .using the F2=Show option, several possibilities exist to .explain a failure of one or more of the slides to appear on .your system monitor. These are: a) non-existence of the ref-.erenced screen image or sketch file, b) a screen image file .which was created and saved in a screen mode other than the .current mode, or c) a damaged sketch file (this could re- .sult in the appearance of only a portion of a drawing). If .during the show mode a slide fails to appear, verify the .problem by moving the cursor within the carousel to the .problem slide and attempting to view the slide individually .using the F6=View feature (this option generates error mes- .sages whereas the show option does not). Be careful when .viewing a sketch file using the F6 option, if that file is .based upon a previously displayed file, since a fill pattern2system lock-up may occur as described below. 16.D. Fill Pattern System Lock-Ups . If within the SKETCH or Slide Show utilities you at- .tempt to fill an area with a pattern whose color matches the.current area background color, the system may lock-up (or .`freeze') and fail to respond to any keyboard input. Fre- .quently in such a case you may have to `reboot' your system .(through use of the CTL-ALT-DEL key combination). To avoid .this problem, be certain that the current pen color prior to.a fill operation does not match the pen background, and that.you do not artificially create such a situation by attempt- .ing to view a slide show sketch file which by itself would .pose such a problem (even though if presented in conjunction.with a preceding slide, it would not). Note that you might .also create this problem if you attempt to display a pre- .viously created sketch file in the SKETCH or Slide Show .utilities, if you have changed the general screen background.color in EGA mode or the CGA base color in CGA mode after .creating and saving the file. This problem cannot occur when2displaying screen image files. 16.E. Multiple Charts per Screen . On occasion you may wish to display multiple charts per.screen for comparison or special presentation purposes. To .accomplish this function, select the desired graphics output.window for the first chart (W=Window from the Master Menu) .and plot that chart. Next, enter the SKETCH utility directly.from the chart by pressing S (any other key returns you to .the Master Menu). Save the chart on disk as a screen image .file. Exit the SKETCH utility and retrieve or create the .data for the next chart. Change the graphics output window .number, then enter the SKETCH utility by selecting U=Util .from the Master Menu and 1=Sketch from the Utilities Menu. .Retrieve the previously saved screen image file. From the .SKETCH utility Options Menu, select P=Plot to display the .second chart with the first. This process may be repeated .for additional charts. It may also be used to merge charts .and drawings. Note that the Chart Window Status parameter .(select O=Options from the Mind Chart Master Menu, then op- .tion 7 from the Override Options Menu) determines whether or.not the designated graphics output window clears for a par- .ticular chart prior to chart creation. By using the proce- .dure presented above and not clearing the chart window, it .is possible to merge (or overlap) charts and drawings. Al- .though there is probably seldom a reason to overlap charts .in the same graphics window, if you do attempt it be certain.that the axis types and scaling factors are identical for 2each chart file you include. 16.F. Scaling . Unless you enter minimum and maximum values for each .of the applicable axes of non-pie charts, Mind Chart calcu- .lates the minimum and maximum values on a per axis basis and.uses those values to scale the chart. For most real-world .data this generally results in axis minimum and maximum val-.ues which you will probably wish to change. For example, in .these X/Y coordinate pairs: 3,8; 23,22; 37,85; and 42,64, .the system would determine that the X scale would be from 3 .to 42 and that the Y scale would be from 8 to 85 (for chart .types 1-5). Although this could be sufficient for some pur- .poses, you will frequently want to modify the minimum and .maximum values to produce a more easily readable and aes- .thetic chart. In this case you might enter 0 and 50 as the .minimum and maximum X values, and 0 and 100 as the minimum .and maximum Y values. By also entering an increment value .for each axis (eg. 10 and 20 for the X and Y increments re- 1spectively), your chart scale could be changed as shown: . 85 | 100 | . | 80 | . | Before 60 | After . | 40 | . | 20 | . 8 |___________________ 0 |___________________ 1 3 42 0 10 20 30 40 50.If you only entered the increment values without changing .the minimum and maximum values, the X axis values would ap- .pear as 3, 13, 23, and 33, and the Y axis values as 8, 28, .48, and 68. Once the scale factors have been determined by .you or the system, they remain in effect until you change .them, modify the data range, move, insert, or delete rows or.columns, or change the chart from type 1-5 or 7 to a pie or .Gantt, from a Gantt to another type, or from a pie to anoth-.er type. To have the system recalculate the values (eg. if .you have added data but are unsure of the new minimum and .maximum values), enter zeros for the minimum and maximum .values related to the axis data you wish to recalculate. The.axis scaling option is accessed by selecting A=Axis from the.Master Menu, and 7=Scaling from the Axis Options Menu. For .additional information (particularly regarding scaling for 2stacked bar charts), refer to the axis scaling window text. 16.G. Unexpected Results When Redrawing in SKETCH . Sometimes when using the D=Draw function from the Mas- .ter SKETCH Utility Menu to redraw the contents of the sketch.data area, you may notice unexpected results. Several common1situations are: .a) Arcs, circles, or ellipses do not appear as expected or . do not properly join lines or other drawing elements. . When this happens you have probably specified both hor- . izontal and vertical dimensions for a drawing window. . Since the system expects a window having the same aspect . ratio as the screen, changing the window size can correct. this problem. Specify only one dimension and let the sys-. tem calculate the other (refer to the `Using SKETCH' sec-. tion of the help text for additional information). .b) Part of one text line overlaps another or text characters. overlap each other. This can occur either when you have . the system redraw in a window less than full screen in . size, or when you output the contents of the sketch data . area in a screen mode other than the original mode in . which the sketch file was created. To correct the prob- . lem, change the window size or the screen mode, or delete. the text with the edit feature and re-enter it (if you . are changing screen modes). Note that this should not be . a problem if you are moving from a lower to a higher . screen resolution. .c) The color pattern with which you filled in one or more . outlined letters fills the space outside the letter rath-. er than inside it. The origin of this problem is the same. as that described in (b) above. If the problem is the re-. sult of a screen mode change, it may not be possible to . correct it (attempts to use the edit deletion function . may result in a system lock-up condition described else- . where in this section). .d) Colors do not as you expected. This problem can occur if . you have changed the CGA base color (in CGA mode) or the . screen background color (in EGA mode), or if the system . is redrawing a sketch file in a screen mode which sup- 2 ports fewer colors than the creation mode. 16.H. Chart Elements Not Appearing . When portions of a chart are not displayed as expected,.the reason is frequently the result of a parameter setting .which restricts the display of the feature in question, or .a modification of the chart colors such that the feature .merges with the chart background color. Access the appropri-.ate option from the Master Menu and verify the parameter .setting, and check the chart colors if necessary. If this is.a problem with chart labels, there may be insufficient space.to display the label in the chart window above the Y-axis .position or Y-axis label, or displaying the label could re- .sult in possible overlap with a previously displayed label .(the latter is only a problem with pie charts using labels .around the chart). If only some axis values or data labels .are not appearing, it is probably due to an attempt by the .system to prevent text overlap (eg. in a list of month .names, only every other one might be displayed). You may be .able to modify this by selecting a wider chart window (if .available), by changing your data range, by reducing the .font size, or by changing the horizontal pixel spacing pa- .rameter. Note that only minimum and maximum axis values will.appear unless you specify increment parameters (or use data 1set labels, for the X axis). .If the Chart Window Status parameter is set for the `Do not .clear' option, you may experience this problem if your cur- .rent background color does not match the chart window back- 2background color. 16.I. Chart Too Small . If a chart is too small, select a larger output window .if available, reduce any non-zero pixel spacing offset pa- .rameters, reduce the size of the font used for text, or 2eliminate labels, axis values, or other text if possible. 16.J. Grid Too Closely Spaced 2 Change the X or Y (or both) increment parameter(s). 16.K. Grid Lines Not Evenly Spaced at Chart Boundaries . This generally occurs when you are plotting a bar chart.and have specified that axis lines be drawn. What you are .actually seeing at the chart boundaries are the axis lines. .Verify that you are using the desired axis format (in such a.case you may wish to use no axis at all, although the box .axis option often produces a pleasing display), or change 2the chart type. 16.L. Insufficient Disk Space . If you are using Mind Chart with a diskette based sys- .tem, you may find that the small amount of space on the Mind.Chart diskette(s) is inadequate to contain all of the chart,.sketch, screen image, or slide show carousel files you wish .to save, as well as for the temporary file requirements as- .sociated with use of the file review utility. With a two .drive 5 1/4 inch system you may remove the help diskette and.replace it with a new one immediately prior to performing a .save operation, being sure to replace it before you attempt .to use the help function again (in such a case you would .probably give the file a name such as B:FILENAME to direct .it to the proper drive unit). Merely reverse the process .when retrieving a file. For a single diskette system, you .would remove the program diskette immediately prior to the .save and insert another diskette to contain the file, then .re-insert the program diskette when the save is complete .(this procedure could also be used for the two diskette .configuration, but using the help drive unit in such a case .will generally result in fewer diskette exchanges, partic- 2ularly if you seldom access the help text). 16.M. SKETCH Utility Color Conflicts . You must be careful if you modify the default general .screen or CGA base colors to avoid several potential prob- .lems when using the SKETCH utility. In EGA mode, the SKETCH .background color is determined by the general screen color .background setting, and the window border and window text .color by the general screen color foreground setting. In .this mode, if you change the background color to one other .than the first color in the palette (generally black), you .will notice that the first palette color in SKETCH matches .the new background color (ie. there will be two identical .palette entries). Also, in an EGA mode you may have to ex- .periment with the general screen foreground and background .colors to find a combination which not only is pleasing, but.which also produces readable SKETCH menu highlight bars, .does not cause pen color and fill pattern selection arrows .to be invisible against their background, and which is ac- .ceptable for the other uses of those colors (the screen .background for other system programs, and sign-on screen .colors). The default colors should adequately deal with .these problems on most monitors, although you may exper- .ience the dual color problem described in (N) below, re- .gardless of your color choices. . In CGA color mode, the SKETCH background color is de- .termined by the CGA base color setting. The SKETCH window .border and text colors in this mode are predefined (based .upon the CGA color palette you are using). You must be quite.careful, therefore, that you do not choose a CGA base color .which causes the window text or border to merge with the .SKETCH background color. You will also want to avoid select-.ing a base color which matches one of the predefined CGA .palette colors. When changing the base color you may have to.experiment until you find a suitable choice. If you enter .the SKETCH utility and find that you cannot see window text,.the window border, or a color or fill pattern selection ar- .row, press Q to exit the utility and Y to confirm the exit .request, then modify the CGA base color or change the CGA .palette number. If you still are experiencing color prob- 2lems, refer to (N) below. 16.N. General Color Conflicts . In addition to the color conflict situations described .above, an additional potential problem should be noted. With.some display configurations, two distinct colors in the se- .lection palette may appear almost identical on your system .monitor, to the extent that they are indistinguishable from .one another. In EGA mode this is not particularly trouble- .some (other than that you have one less color with which to .work) unless you confuse the two colors in a fill operation .and as a result paint your entire screen inadvertently. In .CGA color mode, however, it is a much more significant prob-.lem, since you start with only four colors anyway. Besides .losing a color, you may also be faced with a situation in .which the system is using one of the two colors as the pen .color selection or fill pattern selection arrow for the .other color and vice-versa, with the result that the selec- .tion arrows for both colors are invisible or almost so. Al- .though it is possible to live with this situation in CGA .mode, if it does occur for your hardware configuration you .will probably want to change the CGA color palette (there .are two to choose from) and carefully select an appropriate .complimentary CGA base color. Color selections are made from.the Color Options menu, accessible from the Configuration .Options menu. Note that this will probably not be a problem 2with standard IBM CGA display hardware. 16.O. Sketch File Color Mapping .If you attempt to display a sketch file in a screen mode .offering fewer color attributes than the creation mode of .the file, the system will use a color mapping algorithm to .determine how to display the non-supported color attributes .on your screen. The following table shows how this mapping .is performed (color attribute numbers refer to the relative .positions of colors in the pen color selection palette in .the SKETCH utility, reading from left to right and top to .bottom as depicted in the palette representations below the 1table). .Sketch File Mapped color number for various screen modes:.Color Number EGA 16-Color CGA 4-Color CGA 2-Color .------------ ------------ ----------- ----------- . 1 1 1 1 . 2 2 2 2 . 3 3 3 2 . 4 4 4 2 . 5 5 2 2 . 6 6 3 2 . 7 7 4 2 . 8 8 2 2 . 9 9 3 2 . 10 10 4 2 . 11 11 2 2 . 12 12 3 2 . 13 13 4 2 . 14 14 2 2 . 15 15 3 2 1 16 16 4 2 . EGA 16-Color CGA 4-Color CGA 2-Color . Palette Palette Palette . 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 . 5 6 7 8 . 9 10 11 12 113 14 15 16 .You will note that in all cases the background or base color.attribute (1) is mapped to itself. If you are displaying in .a current 4-color mode a file created in a 16-color mode, .color attributes are repeated on a cyclical basis (corres- .ponding to the three fixed colors in one of the CGA pal- .ettes). If you display the same file in a CGA 2-color mode, .all color attributes other than the background (or base) .attribute will be mapped to the single supported foreground .attribute. Note that, in general, the actual colors will .vary when moving between screen modes supporting different 2numbers of colors. 16.P. Inadequate System Memory . Mind Chart requires 384KB of system memory in which to .operate. Signs of inadequate memory are a system message in-.dicating such at start-up time, or a failure of your comput-.er to respond to keyboard input (be certain that the NUM .LOCK key is in the proper setting, that the lock-up is not .due to an improperly executed fill pattern operation as .described in 6.D., and that some process is not currently .executing). A memory lock-up may be accompanied by a con- .tinuous beeping from the computer speaker. Memory locks .can occur if you have temporarily exited Mind Chart from the.Utilities Menu Exit to DOS option, then loaded another pro- .gram (or attempted to restart Mind Chart, even though it is .already running). Also beware of loading the GRAPHICS.COM .file from the Exit to DOS option, then subsequently changing.screen modes (always load this file prior to starting Mind .Chart, if you intend to use it). Note that to use the Util- .ities Menu `Exit to DOS' and `File Review' options, your .system must have sufficient memory available to load a sec- .ond copy of the DOS COMMAND.COM file (although this is in- .cluded in the 384K system requirement). If your system does .experience a memory lock, you will have to reboot using the .CTL-ALT-DEL sequence. Before restarting Mind Chart in such a.case, verify that you have sufficient memory, and attempt to.avoid the potential problems mentioned above (you may be .able to delete some of the DOS file or buffer space or cer- .tain memory resident programs to provide adequate memory, Edepending upon the total capacity of your system). 1 System Windows .Presented below is information pertaining to the functions, .features, and considerations associated with use of each of .the Mind Chart system windows (exclusive of the SKETCH util-.ity windows described elsewhere in this documentation). You .may view the help text corresponding to any of the windows .described in this section by pressing the F1 special func- Etion key when a window is displayed on your screen. . ASCII File Conversion 1 (Source File/Destination File Column Mapping) .Use this feature to convert a comma and quotation mark de- .limited ASCII text file to the Mind Chart file format for .charts and graphs (ASCII text files are also referred to as .DOS files in some documentation). The source file should .contain data elements grouped in records according to some .common relationship (eg. estimated and actual values by .month). The elements in each record should be separated by .commas and each record terminated with a carriage return and.line feed. Although not absolutely essential, it is advised 1that alpha fields be delimited by double quotation marks. .By using this feature you can map any source file column to .any destination file column, although you will want to avoid.using an alpha column for anything other than row labels. .The file to be converted may originate from a variety of .sources including any spreadsheet or data base package ca- .pable of producing ASCII file output, from a BASIC or other .language program, or from a word processor's ACSII file out-1put, etc. The conversion parameters are as follows: .ASCII source file The name of the ASCII (or DOS) text file . containing the data to be converted to . Mind Chart format. You may specify a path. for the desired file according to stan- . dard DOS file naming conventions. Note . that this is the only Mind Chart file . entry position in which a file extension 1 is allowed. .# Columns The number of data element columns con- . tained in the source file (also equal to . the number of fields per source file re- . cord). The system will determine a value . for this field and display the result . along with the first record of the source. file. If for some reason the number of . columns in the source file differs from . the displayed value, you may enter the . appropriate number (this generally would . occur only if the source file was not . properly delimited. In such a case the . results may be unpredictable regardless . of the value you place in this field). . Note that since the system can only pro- . cess the first 26 columns of a source . file, you will want to be certain to use . some sort of field selection method in . the software which generates the source . file to guarantee that the data you wish . to chart is contained within its first 261 columns. .Transfer column Specify whether or not the first row of .labels? (Y/N) the source file contains column labels . (if you do not know, you will be able to . tell by observing the contents of the . first record displayed in the window . above this question). If you enter N (no). the first source file row will be treated. as data (note that N is the default re- . sponse). If you enter Y (yes) the first . row will be used to create column labels . (in which case the very first source file. element will be discarded since Mind . Chart does not label the row labels col- . umn). If you indicate that column labels . are present and they are not, the first . source file row will still be used for . such, with the likely result that numeric. data will appear in the column labels . position. If you indicate that column la-. bels are not present and they are, the . first data row will probably contain a 1 string of zeros. .Source column Specify the source column containing row .for row labels labels, if such exists. Note that all . columns are referenced alphabetically . (letters A-Z) where A refers to column 1 . and Z to column 26, etc. If row labels . are not present in the source file, or if. you do not wish to transfer them, leave 1 this field blank. .Destination file The name of the Mind Chart file you wish . to create using the source file data. You. may specify a path for the desired file . according to standard DOS file naming . conventions. Do not specify a file exten-. sion. If the file already exists it will 1 be over-written if you save the new file..Source Column For each destination column to be created. enter the letter of the corresponding . source column. If you wish to create a . Mind Chart date column from multiple . source file columns you may do so by en- . tering the source file columns which com-. prise the date in MM/YY or MM/DD/YY se- . quence under the appropriate destination . file column (eg. if source file columns . C and D contain year and month values . respectively, you could create destina- . tion date column F by entering D then C . under that column letter). You should not. attempt to relate source file text col- . umns to a destination data column. When . you have completed all column mapping, . press the page down key (or press the . ENTER key until the cursor leaves the . column mapping area). You will then be . given the chance to create the new file . or modify your entries. The default re- . sponse is to create the file. If at any . point before file creation actually . starts you wish to abandon the procedure,E you may do so by pressing the ESC key. 1 Axis Coordinates .Use this feature to specify the coordinates of the X and Y .axes if a position is desired other than that defined auto- 1matically by Axis Status options 1-4. .The X-Coordinate for Y-Axis value determines where along 1the X axis the vertical axis will be drawn. .The Y-Coordinate for X-Axis value determines where along 1the Y axis the horizontal axis will be drawn. .These coordinates will be used only if Axis Status option 5 .has been selected. In such a case, surface, bar, step, and .stacked bar charts will use the new X axis as the origin for.their data sets (useful for extending bars and surfaces, Eetc. below a fixed axis as well as above it). 1 Axis Labels .Use this feature to specify text to be associated with the X.and Y axes. The axes labels will be displayed at the lower .right and upper left of the chart space. These positions .correspond respectively to the ends of the standard X and Y .axes for axis status codes 1-4. Use the Text feature of the ESKETCH utility to place labels elsewhere on the chart. 1 Axis Options 10=None Return to master menu 11=Type Select standard or logarithmic modes 12=Status Determine display positions 13=Coordinates Specify axis coordinates 14=Timing Indicate when to display axes 15=Labels Specify labels 16=Value Display Indicate if values are to be displayed E7=Scaling Identify max/min and increment parameters 1 Axis Scaling .Use this feature to specify minimum and maximum X and Y-axis.values, and grid and/or axis value label increments for .line, surface, scatter, bar, step, and stacked bar charts. .Also use it to specify minimum, maximum, and increment val- .ues for Gantt charts. Scaling the axes in this manner allows.you to window your data (ie. zoom in or out) and to choose .logical values for screen display. You may zero both the .minimum and maximum X values, or both the minimum and maxi- .mum Y values (except for Gantt charts), or both sets of val-.ues to force the system to calculate the min/max values for .the axis under consideration (this calculation is performed .at chart generation time). Minimum and maximum values for .new charts are zero unless specifically entered. Calculated .values will equal the smallest and largest data values with-.in the specified range. An exception is for stacked bar .chart Y axis values. In this case the calculated minimum Y .value is zero, and the calculated maximum Y value determined.by adding all dependent variable column entries (greater .than 0) for a given row, then selecting the largest of these.sums from all rows in the specified range. The time required.for system calculation of axis values is a function of the .number of axes for which the calculation is being performed .(1 or 2), and the number of rows and columns in the speci- 1fied range. .If you specify non-zero increments, the increment value will.be used to construct grid lines (if indicated on the Grid .Status menu) and to display axis values or data point labels.(if these have been specified). These grid or value/label .positions are determined by adding the increment value to .the minimum value entered or calculated for the axis in .question, then adding the increment value to the resulting .sum and so forth until the maximum value is reached or ex- .ceeded. If you allow the system to calculate the minimum and.maximum values this can produce strange scales and axis val-.ue labels, if your smallest data value does not start with .commonly accepted range values (such as 0, 10, etc.). For .example: Your dependent variable data varies from 3 to 87 .and you elect to have the system calculate the scaling fac- .tors even though you have entered a Y-axis increment of 10. .When the chart is created your Y-axis will display the val- 1ues 3, 13, 23, etc. to 83. .It is important to note that if you modify data values after.producing a chart the system does not recalculate scale fac-.tors but continues to use the previously defined or calcu- .lated values until you specify a scaling change by zeroing .the existing values or entering new ones. Also note that .changing the chart from type 1-5 or 7 to a pie or Gantt, .changing from a pie to another type, changing from a Gantt .to another type, changing the data range, or inserting, .deleting, or exchanging rows or columns, will result in a .system recalculation of the scaling maximum and minimum .values unless you specifically re-enter them prior to chart .production. Increment values are not affected by changes 1such as these. .A zero entry for an increment value (the default condition .unless you are using a modified DEFAULT.HDR file) will re- .sult in the use of the difference in maximum and minimum .X or Y values for the corresponding increment (ie. there .will be no grid or axis values displayed between the maximum.and minimum chart values under consideration, regardless of .the grid or axis display status parameter settings). An ex- .ception for the X axis involves the situation in which row .labels are used as the independent variables, in which case .the increment value will automatically be set to 1. In such .a case a vertical grid would be drawn at each label position.(unless the grid status option is for no vertical grid). By .leaving certain labels blank you can exercise some control .over which labels are actually printed. Note that you cannot.specify X axis min/max values when using row labels as the 1independent variables (the minimum X axis value will be 1). .Date variable increments are given as months for the MM/YY .format and as days for the MM/DD/YY format, and are so la- .beled in the scaling window. (ie. if your data starts at .12/13/91 and ends at 3/13/91 an increment value of 1 could .result in a possible grid mark or value label for each day .between these limits whereas an increment value of 7 could .result in such identifiers for each week between the limits,1etc.). .If you have entered axis labels they will be displayed in .the scaling window above the minimum and maximum and in- Ecrement values for the axis under consideration. 1 Axis Status .1=X Only Display only the X axis (the axis will be drawn 1 at the bottom of the chart space) .2=Y Only Display only the Y axis (the axis will be drawn 1 at the left of the chart space) .3=X and Y Display both X and Y axes (at the bottom and left1 of the chart space respectively) .4=Box Construct a box around the chart space corres- 1 ponding to the maximum and minimum axes values .5=Specify Use the axis coordinates defined under Axis Menu E option 3 for location of the X and Y axes 1 Axis Timing 11=Before Data Draw the axes prior to displaying any data 12=After Data Draw the axes after displaying all data EUse this feature to prevent or force color overlapping. 1 Axis Type .1=Standard Create a chart with a standard numeric, date, . or character labeled X axis and a standard 1 numeric Y axis .2=Y-Log Create a chart with a logarithmic Y axis and a . standard numeric, date, or character labeled X 1 axis .3=X-Log Create a chart with a logarithmic X axis and a 1 standard numeric Y axis 14=Log/Log Create a chart having logarithmic X and Y axes EThese options are meaningful only for chart types 1-5. 1 Axis Value Display .0=None Do not display values or labels for the X axis or1 values for the Y axis 11=X and Y Display X axis values or labels and Y axis values12=X Only Display only X axis values or labels E3=Y Only Display only Y axis values 1 Bar Position .1=Center Center all bars on the corresponding X axis data . value (or label position). This option results in . overlapping bars if more than one data set is be- . ing plotted. If you are using solid colors for . certain data sets this option could result in a . bar for one data set hiding the bar for another. . To avoid such a problem either use shaded bars or . exchange the positions of data set columns. An . alternative is to use the offset option described 1 below. .2=Offset Group the bars for all data sets around their cor-1 responding X axis values (or labels positions) .Be careful not to confuse the centered bar option with the Estacked bar chart type. 1 Bar Width Ratio .Use this feature to vary bar widths. The standard bar width .ratio is 1. Use a value greater than 1 to increase the size .of your bars and a value less than 1 to reduce their size. .Be aware that increasing the ratio to a larger value may .make your chart difficult to read or distort the size of .bars at either end of the chart. However, if you are using .numeric dates for X axis values you will probably find it .necessary to adjust the bar width ratio for optimal display .qualities. Note that bars can never be reduced below a sin- .gle pixel's width regardless of how small you attempt to set.the ratio. Also note that the ratio may never be less than Eor equal to zero. 1 CGA Base Color .Enter the letter of the desired color from the displayed 1color selection palette. .In CGA 4-color mode this color and the three fixed colors .from the specified CGA color palette form the complete pal- .ette for production of all charts and drawings. It is always.the first color presented for selection when choosing chart .window or SKETCH utility pen colors. In general you will .want to avoid selecting a color already in the 3-color pal- 1ette. .In CGA 4-color mode this color also forms the background .color for all SKETCH utility menu and message windows as .well as for all SKETCH fill operations involving non-solid .patterns. In addition, it serves as the fill pattern back- .ground for non-solid patterns for the production of pie, 1stacked bar, and Gantt charts. .This parameter has no significance for any of the EGA modes Eor for CGA 2-color mode. 1 CGA Mode .1=Color Use the 320 horizontal by 200 vertical pixel 1 four color mode for charting and drawing .2=Monochrome Use the 640 horizontal by 200 vertical pixel E two color mode for charting and drawing 1 Chart Colors .Use this feature to specify the colors to be utilized for .each portion of a chart. Beware of selecting color combina- .tions which tend to merge chart features or data into the .chart background or into other features. The system will .warn you about conflicts between system features and the .background color and allow you to correct them, but will not.prevent you from doing what you are attempting. Using colors.which are only slightly different could result in similar .problems, but in such cases no warnings will be given. If .various portions of your chart fail to appear, you will want1to verify that your colors have been properly selected. .To specify a color for one of the chart features move the .cursor to the appropriate feature and enter the letter of .the desired color from the color selection palette. The .first set of color features deals with basic window features.such as background or text. The second set of options allows.for specification of the colors which will be used to draw .or shade chart lines, bars, surfaces, or pie slices. These .colors are listed in sequence from 1-16 where each area num-.ber represents a unique data set (eg. if you are plotting a .bar chart with 3 sets of data the first set of bars will .have color 1 while the second set will have color 2 and the .third set color 3). If you have more than 16 sets of data a .color wrap will occur (ie. color 1 will be used for data set.17 etc.). If you desire for the group (or data set) labels .to be the same color as the data sets themselves rather than.to be a single color you may enter an asterisk for the Group.Labels feature under the Window Area Color heading. If you .are specifying chart colors for any of the supported EGA .screen modes, you will want to note that you are prohibited .from using the first color in the selection palette (normal-.ly black) as the chart background color unless the general .screen background color (in the General Screen Colors win- .dow) is also set to that color. If you are using the CGA 2- .color screen mode, color assignments are made differently in.this window than they are in any of the other supported .screen modes. In this mode you may designate only the chart .background and border colors. Use entries A or C from the .color selection palette to specify that you wish these fea- .tures to be black (or the standard background color for 2- .color use on your monitor), and entries B or D to indicate .that these features should be the other supported color .(high intensity white on a standard IBM CGA configuration, .but possibly amber, green, etc. on your hardware). All other.chart features will assume the color you did not specify forEthe chart background. 1 Chart Type .Use this feature to specify the type of chart you wish to .produce. Valid types are line, surface, scatter, bar, step, .pie, stacked bar, and Gantt. Types 1-5 generate X/Y type .charts. Type 7 generates a pseudo X/Y type chart. X/Y charts.are based upon a set of independent or X variables and one .or more sets of dependent or Y variables. Note that the type.you specify here is the default type for your chart and ap- .plies to all dependent data sets not specifically given a .different chart type in the Data Add/Modify/Delete window. .For certain chart type selections you will be prompted for .additional information (such as marker status or orienta- 1tion). A detailed discussion of each type follows: .1=Line Produces a single line passing through all of the .coordinates associated with a single dependent data set .(ie. a line chart for 3 dependent data sets plotted against .an independent variable would contain 3 distinct lines). .The color and pattern of each line as well as the marker .type is determined by the order in which the line is plotted.and your settings for each of these parameters. If you elect.to use markers to identify or distinguish your lines, the 1markers will be placed at each data set coordinate. .2=Surface Produces a single shaded surface for each depen- .dent data set, whose limits are defined by the coordinates .of the data set. Surface charts may be thought of as colored.or shaded line charts where the shading is performed within .the area bounded by the data set coordinates and the X-axis..The color and pattern for each data set is determined by the.plotting order and your settings for these parameters. In .many instances when generating surface charts the data from .one data set will tend to overlap and obscure that from an- .other data set. If this occurs you may wish to change the .data set order to present the data having the greater Y val-1ues first, or to use a broken rather than a solid pattern. .3=Scatter Produces a single set of points or markers for .each dependent data set. Each point or marker is located at .the coordinates corresponding to a unique X/Y coordinate .pair. Scatter charts are useful for indicating data distrib-.utions or for presenting data points which you do not wish 1to connect by lines. .4=Bar Produces a set of bars having the same color and pat-.tern for each dependent data set, where each bar is drawn .from the X-axis to the value of the Y coordinate of a given .X/Y coordinate pair. Bars may be centered on the independent.variables or the bars for all data sets may be grouped .around their common independent variable positions. If you .elect to center the bars, and some bars tend to hide others .you may wish to change the data set order or to use a broken.rather than a solid pattern for bar coloration. Because bars.having a width greater than 1 pixel require space to the .side(s) of their corresponding X-axis values, the graph .space for bar (and stacked bar) charts is adjusted at either1side to accomodate the extra space requirements. .5=Step Produces a single shaded surface for each dependent .data set. However, unlike surface charts step charts do not .reflect a gradual change between data points for a given .data set but show an abrupt or instantaneous change each .time the Y variable changes. This graph type is particularly.useful for histograms but may be used to represent any step .function or to highlight changes in conventional data. When .charting more than one dependent data set on the same chart,.if one set of data overlaps and hides another you may wish 1to change the data set order or to vary the color patterns. .6=Pie Produces a pie chart, each slice of which represents .a data set column and row entry. Each slice is proportion- .ally sized based on the value of its row/column entry in .relation to the sum of the values of all row/column entries .chosen to be represented as pie slices (all entries chosen .for each pie chart must come from the same row). Pie slices .may be removed from the pie (exploded) for emphasis. The .actual size of the pie is a function of the chart window .used, the labeling method selected, the text size used, and .whether or not slice explosion is used. Sizing is also af- .fected by user definable spacing values (defined in the .Pixel Spacing window). For optimal visual effects you may .find it necessary to change your graphics window selection, .to modify the legend position or angle of rotation, or to .vary the text size. Note that you will generally want to .avoid selecting a date field for inclusion in a pie chart, .since this will almost always produce meaningless results. .Also note that row label fields have no significance for pie1charts. .7=Stacked Bar Produces a stacked bar for each row in the .specified range such that each portion of the bar represents.the value of a non-date and non-label column entry for the .specified row. The portions of each bar are added to each .other to form the complete bar. For stacked bar charts based.on all positive or all negative values, the length of each .bar segment and the overall bar length is of significance, .in contrast with a regular, centered bar chart where the .distance above or below the X axis is of significance (and .apparent segments are in reality produced because of bar .overlap). Each stacked bar is centered at its independent .(X) variable position. Exceptions to the number of bars and .pieces will exist if any row/column entries in the specified.range are blank or zero. If any of the row/column entries in.the specified range are negative, or if you are using Axis .Status 5 (for which you specify the axis positions) and have.entered a non-zero `Y coordinate for X axis' value, in the .Axis Coordinates window, you should be certain to enter Y .axis scaling factors in the Axis Scaling window in order to .assure that your chart is correctly drawn (be certain that .every bar falls within the specified vertical range to guar-.rantee the accuracy of all pieces of your bars). To avoid .segment overlap (and a subsequent misrepresentation of your .data, avoid mixing positive and negative values within a .single bar. Be careful, if you choose to use an X axis hav- .ing a non-zero Y value, that your data is not ambiguously .presented. Note that stacked bar charts may not be mixed 1with other chart types, or plotted on logarithmic axes. .8=Gantt Produces a series of horizontal bars having dis- .tinct start and end positions. One bar will be generated per.row from the specified range. Two columns of the same data .type are used to indicate the start and end values of each .bar. Row labels are used to identify each bar within a Gantt.chart and are displayed at the left of the bar. The system .will only display the number of bars which can be fitted .within a given graphics window. If all of your bars cannot 1be seen you have the following alternatives: .a)Change to a larger window (if possible). .b)Change the marker height (which determines a bar's thick- . ness) or font size, thereby reducing the vertical space . requirements. .c)Select varying data ranges (rows) and display these on 1 multiple charts. .Gantt charts are particularly useful for displaying time .phased data (especially if the MM/YY or MM/DD/YY data types .are employed). However they also provide a means of display-Eing bar charts in a horizontal format. 1 Chart Window Status .0=Do not clear Do not clear the current chart graphics . window before displaying a chart. If you . select this option, the chart window border. and background colors are not used. The . chart will be displayed on the current . graphics screen image without first erasing. any portion of its contents, if you are 1 plotting a chart from the SKETCH utility. .1=Clear Clear (erase) the current chart graphics . window before displaying a chart. If this . option is chosen, the chart window border . and background colors will be used in the 1 clear operation to define the window. .If you have selected option 0, be aware of the possibility .that certain chart features may become invisible because .they have merged with the background on which they are beingEdrawn. 1 Color Options 10=None Return to configuration menu 11=Palette Assign colors to CGA color attributes 12=CGA Base Select the CGA base color 13=Chart Colors Specify chart window colors 14=General Specify general screen colors E5=Menu Windows Specify menu window colors 1 Color Pattern Order .This feature allows you to change the order in which color .patterns are associated with data sets for chart creation. .The current pattern order is shown at the top of the window .as a series of letters. Each of these letters corresponds to.a specific color pattern as shown in the body of the window..Enter a valid letter representing the color pattern you de- .sire to use for a given data set. For example: To generate a.a bar chart having 3 sets of data and using patterns C-H-M .you would enter these letters in order in the first three .order positions. If you have more than 16 sets of data a .pattern wrap will occur (ie. the pattern specified in posi- .tion 1 will be used for data set 17, etc.). Since Mind Chart.is initially configured to use pattern A for all data sets, .you will want to change the pattern order and save the re- .sults in the DEFAULT.HDR file if you will be using a mono- .chrome monitor and graphics card which is not capable of .displaying color shades, or if you will be operating in 640 .x200 CGA 2-color mode. Refer to the General Information sec-.tion of this documentation under the System Files heading Efor details on creating the DEFAULT.HDR file. 1 Color Patterns .Use this feature to create your own color patterns for fill-.ing or shading chart objects (such as surfaces, bars, steps,.or pie slices), and for filling portions of SKETCH diagrams..Press the letter of the pattern to be modified. The cursor .will be visible in the specified pattern and may be moved to.any position in the pattern with the cursor control keys. .Each cursor position within a pattern represents a single .pixel. The ENTER key acts as a toggle switch and turns the .pixel at the current cursor position ON if it is OFF and OFF.if it is ON. The status of any pixel may be determined by .comparing its color to the legend at the bottom of the win- .dow. Note that the actual chart colors for a given pattern .will not necessarily be those shown in this window but are .defined in the Chart Colors feature. For SKETCH utility and .pie, stacked bar, and Gantt fill operation, pixels with an .OFF status will assume the CGA Base Color in CGA 4-color .mode, the Chart Background color in CGA 2-color mode, and .the General Screen Background color in any EGA mode. For .other chart fill operations these OFF pixels will retain the.color of their immediate background. In CGA and EGA modes .those pixels having an ON status will assume the color cor- .responding to the data set being charted (or the current pen.color when you are using the SKETCH utility). You should .remember that any color pattern change will be reflected on .all subsequently created charts regardless of the original .patterns employed. For example: You create a bar chart using.patterns B and C which could represent vertical and horizon-.tal striping patterns respectively. You then change patterns.B and C to solid and cross-hatched patterns. The next time .this chart is produced the bars will be displayed with the .new patterns. However if you modified patterns other than B .and C, the bar chart color patterns would remain unchanged. EIt is recommended that pattern A always be a solid pattern. 1 Color Status .1=Default Colors Use the chart window colors specified in . the configuration file MC.CFG (or the de- . fault colors if you are not using MC.CFG) 1 for chart production .2=User Colors Use a set of user specified chart colors 1 for production of the current chart file .Colors for new charts are initially set to a set of default .colors (from the MC.CFG file if you are using that file; .predefined colors otherwise). If you specify option 2 you .may change the colors associated with the chart features for.each individual chart without affecting the colors for any .other chart. If you save and recall the chart file, the user.colors will continue to be used for chart production unless Eyou decide to once again use the default option. 1 Configuration Options 10=None Return to the master menu 11=Colors Select system colors 12=Patterns Modify color and line patterns 13=Parameters Define basic system parameters E4=Save File Save configuration file values 1 Add/Modify/Delete Data .Use this feature to enter chart data. Data is organized by .rows and columns. Each column corresponds to a unique set of.data (data set). The row elements under a given column con- .tain the data for that data set. Data sets may be labeled in.the column label positions above each column. In addition, .row labels may also be specified in the far left column. For.line, surface, scatter, bar, step, and stacked bar charts .you will create at least one column to correspond to the in-.dependent (or X) variable (or you may use the row labels .column for such). You will also specify one or more columns .to correspond to the dependent (or Y) variable(s) or stacked.bar pieces. For pie charts you will specify a number of col-.umns equal to the number of pieces you wish the pie to have .(each row produces a separate pie chart). For Gantt charts .you will create at least two columns of the same data type, .to contain the start and end values for each of your row .elements. You may wish to include several columns from which.the independent variable column may be selected, but only .one of these may be specified as the independent variable .column when identifying the range for a specific chart (dis-.cussed below). Independent variable columns may have a .standard numeric format or may be defined as date columns in.MM/YY or MM/DD/YY format. Row labels may also be used as in-.dependent variables. Dependent variable columns may only be .numeric in format. When first creating a new chart by this .method, you will be asked to specify the number of columns .and the type for each. If you make a mistake at this point .you can correct it later by adding, deleting, or exchanging .columns. The maximum number of allowable rows and columns is.determined by the values you enter in the System Sizing Pa- .rameters window. To conserve disk space when saving a file .and to expedite the data entry and modification function, .you should not create a chart file with more columns than is.necessary (ie. you should not feel compelled to create a .chart having 16 columns if you only need 3 columns to define.the chart, even though the system sizing parameter would .allow you to do so). Row and column labels are not included .in the system sizing values. Although row labels are option-.al, column labels should generally be entered since they may.be displayed on the chart as the data set labels. A special .feature lets you skip specified numeric row elements when .plotting, by blanking the fields you wish to skip. Relation-.ships between chart types and columns (data sets) are as 1follows: 1 Chart Type Each Dependent Column Results In: .1. Line Single line .2. Surface Shaded surface area .3. Scatter Common set of points or markers .4. Bar Related set of bars .5. Step Shaded surface area 17. Stacked Bar Single set of related stacked bar pieces .For pie charts (type 6) each column specified in the range .results in a separate piece of the pie. For Gantt charts .(type 8) each column represents a unique set of start or 1complete values. .You will notice that the data window is limited in the num- .ber of rows and columns it can display at any one time. To .access additional row or column positions beyond those dis- .played, use the cursor control keys, the page up/down keys, .or the ENTER key. For example, if data columns A, B, and C .are displayed with the cursor at column C, pressing the .ENTER key will shift the window contents and position the .cursor at column D (assuming you have at least 4 columns). .The last row containing data is marked with an asterisk. .Note that although you can access any row up to and includ- .ing the maximum number allowed by the system sizing param- .eters, you may only access the number of columns you have .defined for the chart file in question (you can, however, .change the number of columns unless you have already reached1the system sizing maximum). 1 Special Functions .While in the data entry window you may perform the special .functions defined below by pressing the indicated function 1key: .F2 Find: Allows you to move directly to any specified row .and column by entering the row and column parameters. Note .that rows are given numeric values and columns alphabetic .labels. Invalid entries (ie. row numbers <1 or fractional .or non-numeric values and column numbers outside the range .A-Z) will result in termination of the Find function. You .may however enter row or column identifiers which exceed the.maximum number of current entries. In such cases the last 1valid row and column (marked with an *) will be located. .F3 Options: The use of this function is dependent on the .type of chart specified in the Chart Type selection window. .For charts types 1-5, you may use this function to specify .a different chart type for each dependent variable column .(or data set). It has no effect on independent variable col-.umns. If you do not specify a special chart type for a data .set, the type will be that indicated in the Chart Type se- .lection window. If you do use this function to specify chart.types, any special parameters not defined for the default .type will assume the values they would have if you had cho- .sen that type as the default. For example: you are plotting .three data sets and the default type is a line chart without.markers. If you wish for one of the data sets to be repre- .sented with bars, you may use this option to identify the .appropriate dependent variable column as chart type 4. The .bar position (centered or offset) and the bar width ratio in.such a case will be either the default entries for those pa-.rameters, or the last entries you made for each for the cur-.rent file (if you have accessed those parameters). To change.these entries you would first change the type in the Chart .Type window, then specify the desired position and width ra-.tio. Finally you would change the chart type back to 1=Line,.then access the data window to use the options feature. Note.that a file variable such as marker status can have only one.status (ie. you cannot specify that one data set be drawn on.a chart with markers and another without markers; the last .specification will rule). For pie charts use this function .to identify pie slices which you wish to remove from the pie.(explode) for emphasis. To specify an option for chart types.1-5 or pie charts, press the function key when the cursor is.positioned on the desired column, then select the option of .choice by pressing the indicated key. The specified option .will appear beside the appropriate column letter. Designa- .tions for your selection will be [Line], [Surf], [Scat], .[Bar], [Step], [EX], or blank, to denote line, surface, .scatter, bar, step, pie explosion, or default (or no pie .explosion) choices, respectively. Note that this function .has no significance for stacked bar or Gantt charts (types 71and 8). .F4 Range: The range function makes it possible to select .specified portions of your data for chart creation and to .identify your independent and dependent variables. As an .example assume that you have entered data for 8 columns (or .data sets) of varying data types (ie. standard numeric and .MM/YY or MM/DD/YY formats) with a total of 50 rows. This .function could then be utilized to select meaningful sec- .tions of that data for display of various types of charts, .based upon your selections in the Chart Type window and in .the Options section described above. To specify a range, .press F4 and follow the directions which appear at the bot- .tom of the window (the system will display data beginning at.row 1 and column A for you to begin the specification pro- .cess). You will use the cursor movement keys to locate col- .umns and rows, and the ENTER key to identify them as range .parameters. Press ESC to terminate column selection or to .exit the range function when identifying rows. If you do not.specify a column range for X/Y and stacked bar charts, the .system will use the row labels column as the independent .variable, and all non-date numeric columns as the dependent .variables. If you do not specify a row range for such charts.all rows will be used for chart generation. For pie charts .you must specify the columns to be used for the pie pieces .and the row containing the specific data to be charted. If .you do not specify pie ranges, all non-date columns of the .first row are selected. For Gantt charts, the default con- .ditions if no range is specified, are the first two columns .(if of the same data type) and all rows. If your chart .should not appear as you expected it to, it is possible that.you failed to enter the correct range or that you entered .only a partial range which the system attempted to decipher .(although perhaps not as you anticipated). It is important .to note that changing the type of chart in the Chart Type .selection window from an X/Y or stacked bar type (1-5 or 7) .to a pie or Gantt type (6 or 8), changing from a pie to an- .other type, changing from a Gantt to another type, or in- .serting, deleting, or exchanging the rows or columns resets .the range to the default conditions. All current range col- .umn parameters are displayed in the data window above the .designated columns as [X] or [Y] for independent and depen- .dent variables for X/Y and stacked bar charts, as [P] for .pie slices, and as [START] and [END] for Gantt charts. Rows .included in the range are identified with arrows. Note that .these range identifiers are only visible after you have .specified the range or plotted the chart. When you exit the .range specification process, the system will redisplay your 1data beginning at row 1 and column A. .F8 Insert: Insert rows or columns by pressing this key. In- .dicate your selection of row or column insertion by pressing.R or C when prompted (any other key aborts the process). If .you select row insertion you will be prompted for the number.of rows to be inserted. For column insertion you must spec- .ify the data type corresponding to the new column. Row and .column insertion takes place at the present cursor position .(ie. if the cursor is located at column 3 an inserted column.will be at that position and old column 3 will become new .column 4, etc.). Note that this process resets any previous-.ly specified range and axis scaling parameters to the de- 1fault conditions. .F9 Exchange: This function allows you to exchange the posi- .tions of rows or columns. It exchanges the row or column at .the present cursor position with another row or column which.you designate. This function is especially useful for re- .ordering data sets (columns) for chart emphasis or to pre- .vent surface, bar, and step chart data from one data set .from overlapping and hiding that of another. Indicate your .choice of row or column exchange by pressing R or C when .prompted, then specify the row or column with which you wish.the exchange to be made. Note that this process resets any .previously specified range and axis scaling parameters to 1the default state. .F10 Delete: Use this function to delete rows or columns be- .ginning at the current cursor position. Indicate your choice.of row or column deletion by pressing R or C when prompted. .You may then specify the number of rows or columns to be de-.leted. Specifying zero will terminate the function. Note .that this process resets any range and axis scaling param- Eeters to the default state. 1 Description 10=None Do not display either line of the file description .1=Above Display both lines of the file description above 1 the chart .2=Below Display both lines of the file description below 1 the chart .3=Split Display the first line of the file description 1 above the chart and the second line below the chart.Note that options 1-3 reserve chart space for both lines of Ethe description, even if one or the other is blank. 1 Description Position 11=Center Center the file description in the selected window.2=Left Left justify the file description in the selected 1 window .3=Right Right justify the file description in the selectedE window 1 Display Adaptor .1=CGA Specifies that a Color Graphics Adaptor is function- . ing as the active video adaptor or that you wish to . emulate the CGA adaptor with an EGA, or VGA card. If 1 you are using the MCGA card, specify this option. .2=EGA Specifies that an Enhanced Graphics Adaptor is func- . tioning as the active video adaptor. If you are op- 1 erating with a VGA you should specify this option. .In each case you should make certain that your monitor is .capable of displaying the resolution and color attributes .associated with the specified graphics adaptor card and sub-.sequently selected mode. You may operate the CGA in 320x200 .4-color mode or in 640x200 monchrome mode. The EGA may be .operated in 16-color mode at 640x350, 640x200, or 320x200 .pixels depending upon the amount of adaptor memory availa- .ble. If you have a non-IBM compatible adaptor or one not .referenced above (such as a Hercules card) you should select.from the options above an adaptor type which supports a res-.olution which is less than or equal to that supported by .your card and which provides the proper degree of color (or .monochrome shading) compatibility. In general, you may wish .to experiment with display adaptor options and the accom- .panying mode to find the configuration which both matches .your hardware capabilities and display needs. If you do se- .lect a mode which exceeds the limits of your graphics hard- .ware, the system will attempt to set the adaptor values for .the optimum allowable color and resolution your hardware can.support. Note that you may be able to use a color mode with .a monochrome monitor if the other criteria are met (colors .in this case could possibly be displayed as various shades Eof the standard monitor color). 1 EGA Mode .1=320x200 (64K) Use the 320x200 pixel 16 color mode for . charting and drawing. If you have only 64 . kilobytes of EGA memory, this is the only 1 allowable EGA mode for Mind Chart. .2=640x200 (128K) Use the 640x200 pixel 16 color mode for . charting and drawing. You must have at . least 128 kilobytes of EGA memory in order1 to choose this option. .3=640x350 (256K) Use the 640x350 pixel 16 color mode for . charting and drawing. You must have at . least 256 kilobytes of EGA memory in order. to choose this option. This is generally 1 the option of choice for VGA use. .You may select any option as long as your display adaptor .card has the required amount of video memory, and if the .card and monitor are capable of supporting the associated .screen resolution for 16 colors. Note that you may be able .to use one of the EGA modes with a monochrome monitor if the.memory and resolution requirements are met (colors in this .case could possibly be displayed as various shades of the .standard monitor color). In general, you will probably want .to select the highest resolution available, although other .considerations may cause you to use a lower resolution op- .tion (eg. if you are storing several screen image files for .a slide show and wish to conserve disk space or to display .the images more rapidly). Be sure to note the difference in .video card memory and system memory (ie. you may have 512K Eof system memory, but only 64K of EGA video memory). 1 File Review .This feature allows you to review system files. Use these 1function keys to select the type of file you wish to review:. F2 Chart files F4 Sketch files 1 F6 Screen image files F8 Slide show carousel files .You may change the default file path (drive and directory) .to be used in the search by using function key F10 (follow .standard DOS file and path naming conventions). The file .review feature lists files based upon their system supplied .file extensions. Because for screen image files the system .uses an extension of .SIF for all screen modes except the .640x350 EGA mode (for which an image is saved in two files .with extensions .SI1 and .SI2), the files listed if you use .function key F6 will be determined by the graphics screen .mode for which you are currently configured. Therefore, if .the current graphics mode is other than the 640x350 mode, .the screen image files in your list may not all be related .to the same screen mode (if you have saved images in modes .other than the current mode). If this presents a problem in .screen image file recognition, use the DOS directory func- .tion to review the files and their associated sizes. File .sizes for screen image files (in bytes) are: 16014 for CGA .images, 32014 for EGA 320x200 images, and 64014 for EGA 640x.200 images. This is not a problem in 640x350 mode, or if you.have not mixed modes for your screen images on the path be- .ing searched. Note that you will want to avoid putting non- .Mind Chart files in the same path as that being referenced .by this function. Mind Chart data files have the following 1extensions: .HDR, .CGD, .SKF, .SLF, .SIF, .SI1, and .SI2. .To use this feature, your hardware must have sufficient mem-.ory to load a second copy of the DOS COMMAND.COM file (which.must either be on the default path or specified in the DOS .PATH command), and you must have adequate space on the Mind .Chart program disk and in the program directory for the Ecreation of a temporary file used in this operation. 1 File Selection .Use this feature to specify a chart file which you wish to .create or modify. You may specify a path with the file name .(eg. B:FILENAME or \DIR1\DIR2\FILENAME etc.) but should not .include a file extension. All chart files are automatically .assigned an extension of .HDR for the header files and .CGD .for the detail data files. Each chart file is actually com- 1prised of both types of files. .If the file you specify is not found you will be notified .and given the opportunity to create a new file or to attempt.another entry. Press ENTER to create a new file or `R' to .re-enter the name. If the file does exist its description .will be displayed below the file name. If you have retrieved.the wrong file you may use the cursor movement keys to move .back to the file name position in order to try again. When .the cursor is at the file description positions you may en- .ter two lines of description for a new file or modify these .lines for an existing file. If you do not wish to change the.description when a file has been retrieved you may simply .press the ENTER or cursor movement (down) keys to tab 1through the description lines, or you may press the ESC key..While within the file window you may use the special func- .tion keys F2 and F10 to respectively save or delete the .file. A handy way to create a new file having the same head-.er information as an existing file is to enter the name of .the existing file and press ENTER. When the description ap- .pears indicating that the header file has been retreived, .simply move back to the file name with the cursor up key .and type the name of the new file you wish to create. When .this is done press the F2 key to save the new file. If you .have also retrieved the detail data for an existing file .(either by entering the data modification window or by gen- .erating a chart) the procedure just described will also .create a new detail data file having the new name which you .have specified. Note that when a file is specified in the .file selection window only its header information is re- .trieved at that time. The detail data (row and column labels.and values) will be retrieved only if it is needed for modi-1fication or chart generation purposes. .Be sure that you have specified a file for creation or re- .trieval prior to attempting to modify or enter chart specif-.ic data. Also note that it is good practice to save your .file data as soon as possible following significant addi- Etions or updates. 1 Font Selection .Select the type and size of text characters you wish to use .for chart generation or within the SKETCH utility. The sys- .tem defaults to a predefined selection for each screen mode .but you may desire to modify that selection for a special .reason (eg. you may see that a smaller size text character .is necessary in order to get all of a description or label .on a particular chart). Sizes refer to the dimensions of the.character matrix in pixels. In most cases the characters use1only a portion of the matrix. Available options are: .1=5x6 Special reduced block characters (all letters are 1 capitalized in this mode 12=8x8 Standard characters for 320x200 and 640x200 screens13=8x14 Standard characters for 640x350 resolution screens 14=12x20 Outlined characters 15=24x40 Outlined characters 16=36x60 Outlined characters .All text on a chart is produced in a single size during the .charting function. To create a chart having different size .text for its various portions, use the SKETCH utility. Note .that some of the font options may produce illegibly small Etext in certain screen modes. 1 General Screen Colors .You may use this feature to change the basic screen colors 1associated with several of the system display features. .Screen foreground The foreground color of text and window . borders in SKETCH utility EGA menus. . Also the color of the logo and text ap- 1 pearing on the sign-on screen .Screen background The general screen background color . against which all non-graphics windows . are displayed. Also the EGA SKETCH util-. ity graphics, menu, and non-solid fill . pattern background color, as well as the. base color for EGA pie, stacked bar, and1 Gantt chart fill operations. .Message foreground The text color for all messages appear- 1 ing in chart menu windows .Message background The background color for all chart menu 1 window messages .Beside the appropriate screen feature, enter the letter of .the desired color from the color selection palette. You may .not enter the same color for the screen foreground and back-.ground or for the message foreground and background. You may.not select the high-intensity colors (I-P) as screen or mes-.sage background colors, nor may you use color A (black) as .the screen foreground color. You should be careful about .choosing similar colors for corresponding foreground and .background colors, in order to avoid situations in which .text is invisible (or nearly so). If you will be using one .of the EGA screen modes, you may wish to review the chart .background color in the Chart Colors window if you change .the general screen background color here (if both of these .colors had been color A, the chart background color would .be given the new general screen background color in such a .case, unless you specifically enter the Chart Colors window Eand specify a different color for that feature). 1 Grid Status 10=None Do not display a grid .1=Short Hor Display short horizontal lines at the junction. of the Y-axis and each specified Y-axis incre-1 ment .2=Short Vert Display short vertical lines at the junction . of the X-axis at each specified X-axis incre- 1 ment 13=Short X/Y Combines options 1 and 2 .4=Horizontal Display horizontal lines at each specified . vertical increment and extending across the . entire chart space (from the minimum to the 1 maximum X values) .5=Vertical Display vertical lines at each specified hor- . izontal increment and extending across the . entire chart space (from the minimum to the 1 maximum Y values) 16=Complete Combines options 4 and 5 .If you specify that a grid be drawn but it does not appear .you have probably failed to enter values for the X or Y axisEincrements. 1 Grid Timing .1=Before data Draw the specified grid prior to plotting any1 data .2=After data Draw the specified grid after all data has 1 been plotted .This feature is useful for changing the general appearance .of a chart or for avoiding undesirable color conditions (eg..when a complete grid obscures portions of your data or vice-Eversa). 1 Label Positions .1=Beside Display to the side of a pie chart a series of la-. bels and markers which identify each of the slices1 of the pie chart. .2=Around Display the labels which identify pie chart slicesE directly adjacent to each piece of the pie. 1 Labels .0=No Labels Do not display column (data set) labels and . markers for line, surface, scatter, bar, step,. pie, and stacked bar charts or row labels for . Gantt charts. You might select this option if . you plan to manually label a chart's data us- 1 ing the SKETCH utility. .1=Use Labels Display column labels and markers for line, . surface, scatter, bar, step, pie, and stacked E bar charts or row labels for Gantt charts. 1 Line Pattern Order .This feature allows you to change the order in which line .patterns are associated with data sets for chart creation. .The current pattern order is shown at the top of the window .as a series of letters. Each of these letters corresponds to.a specific line pattern as shown in the body of the window. .Enter a valid letter representing the line pattern you de- .sire to use for a given data set. For example: To generate a.a line chart having 3 sets of data and using patterns C-H-M .you would enter these letters in order in the first three .order positions. If you have more than 16 sets of data a .pattern wrap will occur (ie. the pattern specified in posi- .tion 1 will be used for data set 17, etc.). Since Mind Chart.is initially configured to use pattern A for all data sets, .you may want to change the pattern order and save the re- .sults in the DEFAULT.HDR file if you will be using a mono- .chrome monitor and graphics card which is not capable of .displaying color shades, or if you will be operating in 640 .x200 CGA 2-color mode (an alternative is to use line markers.with the solid pattern). Refer to the General Information .section of this documentation under the System Files headingEfor details on creating the DEFAULT.HDR file. 1 Line Patterns .Use this feature to create your own line patterns for iden- .tifying or distinquishing the lines comprising a line chart..Press the letter of the pattern to be modified or move to .the pattern using the cursor control keys. The cursor will .be visible in the specified pattern and may be moved to any .position. Each cursor position within a pattern represents a.single pixel. The ENTER key acts as a toggle switch and .turns the pixel at the current cursor position ON if it is .OFF and OFF if it is ON. The status of any pixel may be de- .termined by comparing its color to the legend at the bottom .of the window. Note that the actual chart colors for a given.pattern will not necessarily be those shown in this window .but are defined in the Chart Colors feature. Pixels in an .OFF status will appear on a chart or drawing with the imme- .diate background color, whereas those with an ON status will.assume the color corresponding to the data set being chart- .ed. You should remember that any line pattern change will be.reflected on all subsequently created charts regardless of .the original patterns employed. For example: You create a .chart using line patterns B and C which might represent .dotted and short dashed lines respectively. You then change .patterns B and C to solid patterns. The next time you gen- .erate this line chart both lines will be displayed with the .new patterns. However, if you modified patterns other than EB and C, the lines would remain unchanged. 1 Marker Order .This feature allows you to change the order in which line .and scatter chart markers are associated with data sets for .chart creation. The current marker order is shown at the top.of the window as a series of letters. Each of these letters .corresponds to a specific marker as shown in the body of the.window. Enter a valid letter representing the marker you de-.sire to use for a given data set. For example: To generate a.a line chart having 3 sets of data and using markers C-H-M .you would enter these letters in order in the first three .order positions. If you have more than 16 sets of data a .marker wrap will occur (ie. the marker specified in positionE1 will be used for data set 17 etc.). 1 Marker Status 10=Off Do not display markers for a line or scatter chart .1=On Display markers at each data point when generating E a line or scatter chart 1 Master Menu .The master menu provides access to all of the Mind Chart .functions and utilities. To activate a given feature press .the letter corresponding to the menu option or use the cur- .sor control keys to move to the desired option and press 1ENTER. A description of each menu option follows: .A=Axis Displays the Axis Options menu. From that menu you. may specify various axis attributes including: . type, status, coordinates, timing, labels, value 1 display, and scaling. .C=Config Displays the Configuration Options menu. This menu. provides access to all of the system configuration. parameters including colors, patterns, and adaptor. and sizing options. It also provides the opportun-1 ity to save configuration changes. .D=Descrp Allows you to specify the chart location of the 1 description for each chart file. .F=File Accesses the file selection window. From that win-. dow you may specify a chart file to be recalled or1 enter a new file name and description. .G=Grid Displays the Grid Status menu. From that menu you . may specify the type of chart grid you wish drawn 1 for all graph types except pie charts. .H=Help Accesses the general system help text. If you are . new to Mind Chart or need to review certain system. features this function provides information in the. following areas: . 1. Getting Started 4. System Messages . 2. General Information 5. Using SKETCH 1 3. Tutorial 6. Common Problems .M=Modify Allows you to add, modify, and delete chart data. . Also provides functions for mixing chart types, . for exploding pie sections, for specifying data . ranges for chart creation, and for inserting, ex- . changing, and deleting data rows and columns. If . you attempt to access this function prior to spec-. ifying a chart file name you will first be prompt-1 ed to enter a file to be created or retrieved. .O=Option Presents the Override Options menu. From that menu. you may override default chart options such as . color pattern order, line pattern order, marker . order, color status, pixel spacing, font selec- 1 tion, chart window status, and label status. .P=Plot Generates a chart in the selected graphics window . for the specified chart file. If no chart file has. been specified nothing happens when you select 1 this option. 1Q=Quit Exits the Mind Chart environment. .S=Save Saves the currently specified chart file. If no . chart file has been specified nothing happens when1 you select this option. .T=Type Allows you to select the basic graph type for your. charts. You may select from line, surface, scat- . ter, bar, step, pie, stacked bar, and Gantt types.. You may vary the type for individual data sets by . using the special feature provided in the Data 1 Add/Modify/Delete window. .U=Util Displays the system Utilities menu. This feature . provides access to the SKETCH utility and offers . options which allow you to create charts based . upon Y as a function of X, to convert ASCII files . to Mind Chart format, to create and display slide . shows on your system monitor, to temporarily exit 1 to DOS, and to review Mind Chart files. .W=Window Allows you to select the graphics window in which E a chart will be displayed. 1 Menu Color Test .Use this feature to review the colors for a specified window.as defined in the Menu Window Colors option. Each window el-.ement displayed is done so in the color in which it will ap-.pear in the actual window being referenced. Note that the .colors of the system messages shown at the bottom of the .test window are defined in the General Screen Colors menu .rather than in the Menu Window Colors option and apply to Eall charting system text windows. 1 Menu Window Colors .You may use this feature to change the screen colors asso- 1ciated with text windows in the charting system. .Window foreground The text color for window titles and . non-data elements (such as menu options 1 and field identifiers) 1Window background The window background color 1Window border The window border color .Data foreground The text color for field data and high- 1 lighted menu options .Data background The background color for field data and . highlighted menu options. Note that data. foreground and background colors are re-1 versed when field errors are displayed. .Enter the letter of the desired color from the color selec- .tion palette beside the appropriate window feature. You may .not enter the same color for the window foreground and back-.ground or for the data foreground and background. You also .may not use the high intensity colors (I-P) for a background.color. Beware of selecting a low intensity color for the .data background if you have used its high intensity equiva- .lent for the foreground. This may result in acceptable menu .windows but will lead to illegible field data when errors .are displayed in reverse video (due to the fact that the .high intensity colors, when used for the background in text 1mode, are treated as if they were low intensity). .From within this window you may use special function key F5 .to view a test window which illustrates how your color se- .lections would appear in the actual window being referenced..You may also duplicate the colors for the currently selectedEwindow in all other chart text windows by pressing F7. 1 Menu Window Selection .This window displays a list of menu and field input windows .used within the charting system (exclusive of the SKETCH .utility windows). From within the list you may select any .window for the purpose of modifying its colors. To select a .window use the cursor control or page up and page down keys .to locate and highlight the desired window then press ENTER..The Menu Window Colors window will be displayed allowing youEto modify the colors of the indicated window. 1 Override Options 10=None Return to the master menu .1=Color Pattern Order Modify the order in which color pat- 1 terns are used for chart generation .2=Line Pattern Order Modify the order in which line pat- 1 terns are used for chart generation .3=Marker Order Modify the order in which markers 1 are used for chart generation .4=Color Status Specify whether the use of default . graphics window colors or user spec- . ified colors are desired for chart 1 creation .5=Pixel Spacing Modify the pixel spacing parameters . used in chart creation to control . such features as offsets, marker siz-. ing, grid sizing, and pie chart ex- 1 plosion dimensions. .6=Font Selection Select the font to be used in chart 1 generation .7=Chart Window Status Specify whether or not a chart win- . dow is to be cleared before a chart 1 is plotted .8=Label Status Specify whether or not data set la- E bels are to be displayed on a chart 1 Palette Selection .Use this feature to select the set of colors to be used in 1generating a chart in CGA mode. .0=Palette 0 Use CGA palette 0 consisting of the current CGA1 base color and green, red, and brown or yellow .1=Palette 1 Use CGA palette 1 consisting of the current CGA1 base color and cyan, magenta, and white .It is possible that the colors you observe in this selection.window may not match the actual graphics colors you see in .your charts or drawings (eg. the fourth color in this window.for palette 0 will probably appear in the window as some .shade of yellow or brown, although when charting or drawing .it may appear as orange or a shade of red for some hardware .configurations). The colors listed in the selection options .above are for true IBM CGA display adaptor and screen hard- .ware. If you experience charting or drawing color problems .with other hardware for a specific palette option, change .your palette selection (refer to the Common Problems section1(N) of the system manual for additional information). .Note that a change in the color palette specification re- .sults in a change in all subsequently produced charts and in.the color selection options available to you in the Chart EColors specification window. 1 Parameter Options 10=None Return to the configuration options menu.1=Display Adaptor Select the display adaptor to be used 1 with the charting and drawing functions .2=System Sizing Specify the maximum number of data rows . and columns which may be used by a chart1 file .3=System Help Specify the path to be used to locate E the Mind Chart online help text file 1 Pattern Options 10=None Return to the configuration options menu 11=Paint Modify chart and drawing color patterns E2=Line Modify chart line patterns 1 Pie Chart Rotation .Use this feature to specify the number of degrees you wish .to rotate a pie chart. The value given is always measured .from the 0 degree position and not from the last rotation .angle given (eg. You specify a rotation angle of 30 degrees .and generate a chart but are not pleased with the result. .Entering a new value of 60 degrees for this parameter will .produce the same result as if you had originally entered .that value (ie. the chart will not now be rotated 90 degrees.from its original position)). Values may range from 999 to .-99 degrees and are measured from an imaginary positive X- .axis (counterclockwise for positive angles and clockwise .for negative angles). This feature is a useful tool for .potentially correcting problems which occur when labels are .truncated, overlap a pie slice, or do not appear because of .possible overlap with other labels. It also allows you to Eorient charts for maximum presentation effectiveness. 1 Pixel Spacing .Use this feature to change the settings of the pixel spac- .ing parameters which help determine where and how chart out-.put will appear within a graphics window. Each parameter .represents a number of pixels (dots) on the display screen. .Because screen resolutions vary, a setting of 32 pixels for .a horizontal dimension would result in a parameter to screen.ratio of 1/10 for 320 pixel-wide screen modes and 1/20 for 1640 pixel-wide screen modes. The available options follow: .Left offset The distance between the left side of a . graphics window and the left side of a chart.1 The allowable value range is 0-99. .Right offset The distance between the right side of a . graphics window and the right side of a 1 chart. The allowable values range is 0-99. .Top offset The distance between the top of a graphics . window and the top of a chart. The allowable 1 value range is 0-99. .Bottom offset The distance between the bottom of a graphics. window and the bottom of a chart. The allow- 1 able value range is 0-99. .Offset values are extremely useful for leaving space around 1charts for insertion of drawings or additional text. .Horizontal The number of pixels to separate certain .skip chart features from one another in the hor- . izontal dimension (such as text and vertical 1 window borders). Values may range from 0-20. .Vertical skip The number of pixels to separate certain . chart features from one another in the ver- . tical dimension (such as text and horizon- . tal window borders). Values may range from 1 0-20. .Marker width The width of label markers used to identify . surface, bar, step, pie, and stacked bar 1 chart data sets. Values may range from 0-99. .Marker height The height of label markers used to identify . surface, bar, step, pie, and stacked bar . chart data sets and to construct Gantt chart 1 bars. Values may range from 0-99. .Horizontal The length of grid lines drawn along the ver-.grid tical axis if Grid Status option 1 (short . horizontal) or 3 (short X/Y) is selected. 1 The allowable value range is 0-99. .Vertical grid The length of grid lines drawn along the hor-. izontal axis if Grid Status option 2 (short . vertical) or 3 (short X/Y) is selected. The 1 allowable value range is 0-99. .Pie explosion The distance to remove an exploded pie slice .radius 1 from the center of a pie chart in graphics 1 window 1. Values may range from 0-40. .Pie explosion The distance to remove an exploded pie slice .radius 2-9 from the center of a pie chart in graphics E windows 2-9. Values may range from 0-40. 1 Slide Show .Use this feature to create or recall a carousel containing .a list of previously saved sketch or screen image files and .to present the images on your display screen. Presentation .may be performed manually or in a timed fashion. Window 1elements are: .Carousel Name The name of the file containing the list of . slides (sketch or screen image files). You . may enter a path according to standard DOS . file naming conventions. You may not enter . a file extension. If the file you specify as . the carousel name is found, its contents will. be retrieved and displayed. Otherwise you may. enter new file information. Note that the . slide show (or carousel) file contains only . a list of sketch or screen image files with . a type and display time specification for . each, and not the actual graphics data used 1 for each `slide'. .Recycle? Specify a Y to indicate that you wish the . slide show to be repeated following the last . slide. Enter an N to end the show after the 1 last slide. .Slide The name of a previously saved sketch file or. screen image file. A screen image file may . contain the image of a chart or of a drawing . created using the SKETCH utility (or a com- . bination of the two). All screen images stor-. ed in a given carousel must have been created. in the same screen mode (ie. you may not mix . 320x200 16-color EGA images and 640x350 16- . color EGA images, etc.). In addition any im- . age you attempt to display must match the . current default screen mode. One exception . to this rule allows you to mix color and mon-. ochrome CGA images although recalling a mono-. chrome image in color mode generally produces. undesirable results. On the other hand, the . screen mode origin of a sketch file is signi-. ficant only in that an EGA originated drawing. may lose colors if displayed in a CGA screen . mode, that text displayed in a mode other . than that in which it was created may not . properly appear, and that color locks are . possible if you display an EGA originated . image in CGA mode. A special feature allows . you to enter an asterisk (*) in the first . position of the slide name field as a means . of erasing the screen. In such a case, any . other characters entered after the asterisk . will be ignored, as will any entries in the . Option or Time fields. This feature is quite . useful when you wish to erase the screen . prior to displaying a sketch file, since . sketch file contents are drawn directly on . the current screen contents (except when you . initially begin a slide show). Obviously you . can also perform screen erasures by judicious. use of fill functions in your sketch files, . but in certain instances (particularly in 2 . or 4 color modes) this is the only practical . option for doing so. Note that it is unnec- . essary to erase a screen prior to the display. of a screen image file, since these files re-1 place the current screen contents. .Option The type of file to be displayed. Enter 1 for. a sketch file or 2 for a screen image file. 1 The default is 1. .Time This is the length of time in seconds that . you wish for the slide to be displayed before. the next slide is presented. Automatic slide . advance is not performed unless you enter a . non-zero value. Note that disk access time is1 not included in this time value. 1The following function keys may be used as indicated: .F2=Show Run the slide show for the current carousel .F5=Save Save the current carousel and its contents .F6=View Look at the slide at the current slide position .F8=Ins Insert a slide position between existing slides 1F10=Del Delete a slide position .To exit a slide show press the ESC key. To advance a slide .press the ENTER (or cursor arrow down or right) key. To .back up press the BACKSPACE (or cursor arrow up or left) .key. Beware of returning to a previous slide if that slide .is a sketch file, since unless it contains a screen clear .drawing function its contents will be drawn directly upon .the current slide (possibly resulting in a color lock-up 1situation). .The system demo which is supplied with your Mind Chart disk-.ette(s) is an example of the use of this feature (refer to .the `Getting Started' section for details on showing the Edemo slides). 1 System Help Location .Use this feature to specify the disk (or diskette) drive and.path containing the Mind Chart help text documentation (file.MCHELP). For a two diskette system (360 kilobytes each), en-.ter `B:' to specify drive B as the help text location. For a.hard disk system, you might enter `\DNAME\' where DNAME is .the sub-directory you have created for the help text (note .that it is not necessary to create a separate sub-directory .for a hard disk, unless you so desire). If you enter nothing.for this parameter, the system will attempt to locate the .help text on the same drive unit and along the same path as .those containing the Mind Chart programs. Be certain if you .do enter a path that you terminate the path specification .appropriately with a backslash (\) or colon (:) according to.the standard DOS file path requirements (do not enter the Eactual file name `MCHELP', however). 1 System Manual Options 10=Exit Exit the System Manual Options menu .1=Print All Print the entire system manual. This . option will require approximately 1301 pages of 8 1/2 inch by 11 inch paper..2=Contents Print the table of contents for the 1 Mind Chart system manual .3=General Information Print the `General Information' sec- 1 tion 14=Getting Started Print the `Getting Started' section 15=Tutorial Print the `Tutorial' 16=System Messages Print the `System Messages' section 17=Using SKETCH Print the SKETCH utility help text 18=Common Problems Print the `Common Problems' section .9=System Windows Print all charting system window help. text (does not include SKETCH utility1 windows) .Move the highlight bar to the desired option with the cursor.control keys and press ENTER, or press the number of the de-.sired option. You may terminate the print routine at any .time by pressing the ESC key. Be certain that the help file .MCHELP is at the disk and path location specified by the .system help location parameter, and that your printer is Eready to print. 1 System Sizing .Use this feature to specify the maximum number of rows and .columns available for chart data. Since the system reserves .space for chart data you can conserve memory by keeping .these values no larger than necessary to hold your maximum .number of data values. However you must beware that changing.the maximum number of columns will render the data for any .files created and saved with a different number of columns .invalid unless you change the value again prior to attempt- .ing to read those files. Also, a reduction in the number of .rows will result in a loss of data when a file saved with .more rows is retrieved. You may configure your system to .contain a maximum of 26 columns or 2000 rows although the .total memory used for data storage may not exceed 64Kbytes. .Since each row/column data element requires 8 bytes a con- .figuration with 26 columns is limited to 315 rows whereas a .2000 row configuration is limited to 4 columns. Note that .these values do not include row and column labels (ie. space.for labels is allocated separately from the 64K data space .although the labels still require an amount of system memory.related to the number of rows and columns you configure.). .If you attempt to create a configuration which exceeds the .64K limitation the system will notify you and offer the op- .portunity to enter new parameters or to exit the routine. If.you exit at this point the parameter values which originally.existed when you began the routine will be retained. If you .do reconfigure, all data for the current chart file will be .lost. Consequently it is best to perform this function prior.to accessing or creating any charts or after you have saved .the current chart data. Generally, the default parameters of.500 rows and 16 columns will be adequate for most applica- .tions. Under any circumstances you should attempt to avoid .regularly modifying these values if you wish to be able to .recall previously saved files which were created with dif- Eferent sizing parameters. 1 Utilities 10=None Return to the master menu 11=Sketch Access the SKETCH utility .2=Y as Function of X Create or modify a function of X to be1 plotted on the current chart .3=ASCII Conversion Convert an ASCII file to Mind Chart 1 format .4=Slide Show Create, retrieve, or display a carou- . sel of previously saved screen images 1 or sketches .5=DOS Command Temporarily exit to DOS (Mind Chart . is still active and may be re-entered . by typing EXIT and pressing ENTER). . This is a useful feature for perform- . ing DOS functions or running other . programs without having to leave the . Mind Chart environment. To use this . feature, your hardware must have suf- . ficient memory to load a second copy . of the DOS COMMAND.COM file (which . must either be on the default path or . specified in the DOS PATH command), . and you must have adequate space on . the Mind Chart program disk and in the. program directory for the creation of 1 a temporary file used in this process..6=File Review List all Mind Chart system chart, . sketch, screen image, or slide show E carousel files 1 Window Location .Use this feature to specify the graphics window in which you.wish the next chart to be drawn. You may enter a window num-.ber from 1-9 corresponding to the graphics window locations .displayed in the selection window. Note that the window num-.ber is not directly related to any chart. For example: You .specify window 3 as the current graphics window and plot a .chart in that window. You then recall or create a different .set of chart data. Unless you change the window number, the .second chart will also be plotted in window 3. The Chart .Window Status parameter determines in this case whether the Esecond chart replaces or merely overwrites the first chart. 1 Y as a Function of X .Use this feature to select from a list of predefined func- .tion models, a function of X to be further defined and plot-.ted on the current chart. Following selection of the desired.model, you will be prompted for coefficients and parameters 1to define the actual function. 10=No function Return to menu 11=Polynomial Y=A+(BX+CX^N+DX^N1)^N2 Polynomial function 12=Sine Fn Y=A+B(sin(C+DX^N1))^N2 Sine function 13=Cos Fn Y=A+B(cos(C+DX^N1))^N2 Cosine function 14=Tangent Fn Y=A+B(tan(C+DX^N1))^N2 Tangent function 15=Arctan Fn Y=A+B(atn(C+DX^N1))^N2 Arctangent function 16=Exp Fn Y=A+B(exp(C+DX^N1))^N2 Exponential function 17=Log Fn Y=A+B(log(C+DX^N1))^N2 Logarithmic function .The function selected here and configured in the subsequent .window will assume the default chart type specified in the .Chart Type window. Similarly any parameters associated with .that chart type will be used to produce the function plot .(ie. if the default type is a line chart and markers have .been specified for use your function will appear as a line 1chart with markers). .Functions are always plotted after any row/column data has .been plotted. This is an important consideration since color.order and pattern or marker order is determined by the order.in which a data set or function appears. If you have 3 data .sets your function will be treated as though it were data 1set 4. .Note that the system will ignore this feature (ie. it will .not plot Y as a function of X) if you are attempting to .generate a chart having date type independent variables for .row/column data, or if you are plotting a chart for types Eother than 1-5. 1 Y/X Parameters .Use this feature to enter coefficients and parameters for a .previously specified function of X. Since each function op- .tion in the Y as a Function of X window has a predefined .format, you configure the specified function by entering .constants to be used as additive or multiplicative factors .or powers. In addition you specify the function range and .the values by which you wish to increment its independent .(X) variable. In the general equation which appears at the .top of the parameter window and corresponds to your previous.function selection, the independent variable is represented .by X. The letters A, B, C, and D represent additive or mul- .tiplicative coefficients (note that multiplication is im- .plied: eg. CX indicates that X is to be multiplied by the .coefficient C). The letters N, N1, and N2 represent powers .to which the indicated portions of the function are to be .raised (^ denotes that a value or expression is to be .raised to the following power: eg. X^N signifies that X is .to be raised to the Nth power). Portions of a function .within parentheses will be evaluated prior to being multi- .plied by coefficients or raised to powers outside the paren-.theses. In expressions such as CX^N the variable X is raised.to the power N prior to being multiplied by the constant C. .Be careful not to enter coefficients or powers which would .result in a division by zero or other non-allowable situa- .tion (excessively large numbers, invalid exponents or log 2ranges, etc.). 1Trigonometric Functions .The trigonometric functions are sin=sine, cos=cosine, tan= .tangent, and atn=arctangent. Values for X correspond to an- .gle arguments in radians for sin, cos, and tan functions. .The arctangent function produces Y values in radians. You .may use certain equation coefficients to convert degrees to .radians if desired. To plot Y=tan(X) where the X range is .given in degrees use the conversion factor 1 degree = ..017453 radians and enter the following parameters: A=0, .B=1, C=0, D=.017453, N1=1, N2=1 (the value for N is not .relevant). Similarly you may obtain other basic trigonomet- .ric functions than those presented by raising the relevant .portion of the function to the -1 power (eg. setting N2=-1 .in the previos example produces the same result as the .equation Y=cot(X)). When plotting trigonometric functions .which approach a value asymptotically (such as the tangent .function), the system will draw a line from the maximum .position reached within one cycle to the minimum position of.the next cycle (or vice-versa), if you specify a range con- 2taining more than one cycle. 1Exponentiation .The exponentiation function (option 6 in the Y as a Function.of X window) allows you to raise the number `e' (2.71828...).to a power (or expression), and multiply or add to the re- .sult. The letters `exp' are used in the function to repre- .sent the number `e'. Note that the argument of the actual .exponentiation portion of the function (C+DX^N1) must be 2less than or equal to 69. 1Logarithmic Function .Option 7 in the Y as a Function of X window allows you to .configure a logarithmic function. This is the natural log- .arithmic function (ie. log to the base `e' where `e' is the .number 2.71828...). If you wish to produce a plot for anoth-.er logarithmic base you may use the logarithmic identity .formulas to produce coefficients which may be substituted in.the appropriate function positions. To plot the simple .function Y=log(X) using common or base 10 logarithms enter .the following parameters: A=0, B=.4342945 (which is 1/log to.the base `e' of 10), C=0, D=1, N1=1, N2=1 (the value for N .is irrelevant). Note that the argument of the actual loga- .rithmic portion of the function (C+DX^N1) must always be 2greater than zero. 1Range .Use the Start and End fields to specify the X value range .for your chosen function. If the End value is less than the .Start value the system will exchange the contents of the two.fields. The Incr field is used to indicate the increment .for which you wish the function coordinates to be calculat- .ed and plotted. If the Start and End values are equal the .function set-up routine is aborted and the function will not.be plotted. If the Increment value is zero or greater than .the difference in the End and Start values, then the Incre- .ment value will be set to the difference in the two values. .An example of the use of the range feature follows. Suppose .that you wish to create a chart for the polynomial function .Y=3X^2 beginning at X=10 and ending at X=20 with points .plotted at intervals of 1. The paramters you will enter are:.A=0, B=3, C=0, N=2, D=0, N1=1, N2=1, Start=10, End=20, and .Incr=1. For a smoother curve you could change the Increment .value to .1, although doing so increases the number of data .points and subsequent time for checking and plotting the .function. You should note that if you have any row and col- .umn data or have specified axis scaling values the system .will use those values for the chart limits (ie. in the pre- .ceding example if the X-axis scaling values were from 0 min-.imum to 5 maximum the function would not even appear). For .the entire function to appear in such a case, you must enter.axis scaling values which equal or exceed both the X and Y .minimum and maximum function values. If you have no row and .column data and have not entered any axis scaling values, .the system will use the Start and End X values for the X- .axis scale, and will scale the Y-Axis from -10 to 10. Ob- .viously you will in most cases need to modify the Y-axis 2scale in order to properly present your function. 1Text .The last field in the Y/X Parameters window allows you to .enter a description of the function you have just created. .For example you might enter Y=3X^2 for the example given .above. If you enter any text in this field that text is .used as the label for your function. If no text is entered .the system uses the function type as the label (eg. in the .above example the term `Polynomial' would appear as the .label if you were to leave the text field blank). If you .have specified in the Labels window that none are to appear,Ethe text option is irrelevant. .Select the color of the pen tobe used in subsequent drawing Eoperations .Draw the diagram defined in the currently active sketch Efile data area .Erase the currently displayed image from the screen (this Efunction does not clear the sketch file data area) .Fill the area beginning at thecurrent pen position and end- Eing at a selected border colorwith a specified color pattern.Toggle the pen movement dis- tances between the default Ehorizontal and vertical valuesand a distance of one pixel EDisplay additional sketch utility options EPut the pen down if it is up or pick it up if it is down EExit the sketch utility EDisplay the drawing shapes menu EType text on the screen at the current pen position .Draw an arc beginning at the current pen position and pass-Eing through two subsequently specified points .Draw a box having one corner at the current pen position Eand the other at a specified point .Draw a circle whose center is at the current pen position Eand having a specified radius .Draw an ellipse whose center is at the current pen positionEand whose major and minor axesare subsequently defined .Draw a straight line having one end at the current pen Eposition and the other at a specified point .Clear the sketch file data area (this function does not Eerase the screen) .Edit the sketch file data area(delete specified drawing E parts defined in the data area) ESelect the font to be used in subsequent text operations .Change the default horizontal and vertical distances moved Eby a pen when the cursor keys are pressed .Plot the currently defined chart file on the displayed Escreen image ERetrieve a previously saved sketch or screen image file .Save the current sketch file data area contents or the Ecurrently displayed screen image .Identify a portion of the screen on which to draw the Ecurrent sketch file contents .Identify and retrieve a previ-ously saved sketch file (use Ethe Draw function to display the sketch file contents) .Identify and retrieve a previ-ously saved screen image E(screen images are displayed immediately upon retrieval) .Name and save the current sketch data area contents to Edisk EName and save the currently displayed screen image to diskESelect a 5x6 pixel character matrix .Select an 8x8 pixel character matrix (CGA color and mono- Echrome and EGA 320x200 and 640x200 default text size) .Select an 8x14 pixel charactermatrix (EGA 640x350 default Etext size) ESelect a 12x20 pixel charactermatrix (outlined characters) ESelect a 24x40 pixel charactermatrix (outlined characters) ESelect a 36x60 pixel charactermatrix (outlined characters)