SDN¹ Plus
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Text File
340 lines
Release 3.50
August 14, 1989
Copyright (c) 1989 by Peter F. Feldmann
All Rights Reserved
Limited permission is granted to individual users
for private, non-commercial use and transmission
to other individuals, provided these files
are unaltered in any way.
All other rights are explicitly reserved
by the author.
BOTH prints ASCII text files to both sides of the page in "book" or
"magazine" style. BOTH does this by scanning the specified input
file, then helps the user make decisions on specific page formats,
etc. The file is printed as alternate pages (eg. odd side first, 1,
3, 5, 7, . . .). Once one side has been completed, reverse the paper
and re-insert it into the printer to print the other side (eg. 2, 4,
6, . . .).
Limited text formatting commands are included, but the user must as-
sume responsibility to preset the printer with the correct formatting
controls (ie., choice of font or type style, number of lines per
page, characters per line, etc. etc.)
BOTH [[[D:]pathname\]filename.ext] <ENTER>
If no filename is specified, BOTH prompts the user for a file
to be printed. Wildcard file specifiers cannot be used directly,
though a GROUP.BAT file which uses BOTH to print a group of specified
files is included on the BOTH350 distribution diskette*.
* - sent to all registered users.
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Once a file is specified, BOTH scans the entire file, searching for
the widest line, the number of lines in the file, and checking for
the presence of form feed characters in the text. The text file's
"statistics" are displayed near the top of the screen for reference.
The following procedure helps BOTH determine the necessary informa-
tion to print text files correctly to BOTH sides of a page. Default
settings are shown in CAPS inside the brackets [].
"Prepare to Print File [Y/n] ?"
If "N" is entered, BOTH discards the current file and prompts the
user for another filename for possible printing.
"Print [60] lines/page ?"
If BOTH finds no form feeds in the file, the first question in the
configuration menu asks how many lines of text per page are to be
printed (60 is the default value). If the file has been pre-
formatted with blank lines (so that there are 66 lines/page on a
standard sheet), be sure to specify the exact number of lines which
totally fill one page (at 6 lines/inch, a sheet 11 inches long would
be filled with 66 lines), and answer NO to the "AutoFormat" prompt
LASER-JET USER'S NOTE: When using a Laser-Jet(tm) type printer, be
sure that the printer's number of lines per page menu setting is at
least three lines more than the total page length specified to BOTH.
Check that the Laserjet's menu has been set to lock in the desired
"Begin at page [1]?"
Specify the beginning page number to print.
"End at page [nn]?"
BOTH automatically calculates the number of pages it will take to
print the complete file at the number of lines per page rate you
specified. To end at an earlier page, just type in its number.
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"Print Odd or Even pages first? [O/e]"
"O" will print the odd pages of the file (ie., 1, 3, 5, . . . etc.)
"Pause after each page? [y/N]"
If "Y" is chosen, BOTH will pause after sending each page to the
printer. The user may either continue or halt the print operation.
This feature is useful if you're using a single sheet printer or just
experimenting with the format of a page.
"AutoFormat pages? [Y/n]"
BOTH has limited capabilities to lay out "raw" text files (eg.,
source code) into reasonably formatted pages. The "AutoFormat" fea-
ture subtracts two lines from each page: the first is used as a blank
line, the second contains the filename, date, and page number of the
file being printed. Because two lines are effectively removed from
each page to implement this feature, the "AutoF" number given at the
top of the screen may be a little larger than that given for pre-
formatted text files. NOTE: BOTH also adds an extra three spaces on
the left margin of odd numbered pages for binding purposes. Even
numbered pages are unaffected.
"Add line numbers to listing? [y/N]"
A simple line numbering feature in the format: "nnnn>" (adding five
characters to the width of each text line) is available here for
those interested in printing source code, etc.
"Is printer limited to 80 columns? [y/N]"
If you answer "Y" (yes) to this prompt, BOTH will automatically trun-
cate text lines longer than 80 characters. This is done to avoid in-
serting extra "wrapped" lines while the text is being printed. NOTE:
BOTH will NOT add the three extra spaces on odd-numbered pages for
binding space if this option is enabled. Also, if you use line num-
bering (see above), BOTH will DEDUCT this space (5 spaces) from the
maximum 80 character text line to be printed. Generally speaking, it
is better not to use this feature unless it is absolutely necessary.
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"Send output to LPTx ???? [1]" (NEW: BOTH350.EXE)
BOTH needs to know which printer port (LPT1, LPT2, or LPT3) to use
for its output. Type in the number 1, 2, or 3 to specify the port.
If [ENTER] is pressed, BOTH will default to LPT1.
"Specify Left Margin Space [0]"
BOTH can generate a left margin space of "n" characters if you so
desire. These spaces are in addition to the three spaces reserved
for binding purposes as explained above. Type in the number of
characters you wish added.
"Print other side ... ? [y/N]"
Once one side has been printed, BOTH prompts the user, asking if the
other side of the current file is to be processed. If the user types
a "Y", the second side will be sent to the printer, keeping all user-
supplied parameters exactly the same as for the first side printed
(ie., the same page size, beginning page, ending page, left margin,
etc.). To change any parameters, type "N" to this prompt, which will
bring up the following query:
"More Files to Print ? [a/y/N]" (NEW: BOTH350.EXE)
If the user types "A" (Again), the same file will be readied for
printing, but the user is prompted for new starting and ending pages,
etc. If "Y" is entered, the user will be prompted for a new
filename, otherwise BOTH will exit to DOS.
Miscellaneous Notes:
BOTH is intended for use with "pure ASCII" text files, such as source
code and many documentation files (eg., ".DOC" or ".TXT") such as the
one you are now reading. While typical word processors embed an as-
sortment of formatting characters into their files, many can be made
to produce ASCII text files by "printing to disk". Unless originally
written using the non-document mode, WordStar(tm) files will need to
be filtered of higher ASCII characters before being printed. There
are many such filter programs (such as WS2ASC.COM) available in the
public domain.
Another possibility is offered by the utility PRNDSK.COM, found on
the BOTH350 distribution disk. It offers an easy way to redirect
printer output to a disk file, which itself can later be sent to a
printer, edited, etc.
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Text files which have been specially treated to double-print lines by
omitting line feed characters (such as the documentation for some
versions of PROCOMM), or by including embedded printer control
characters, may have to be hand-edited before using BOTH. Files with
embedded form feeds will usually print acceptably using BOTH "as-is".
If problems are encountered, try removing the offending characters
before printing the file. Any line with an embedded form feed will
be processed to place the form feed at the end of that line, thus
keeping all characters in that line on the same page.
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SPECIAL NOTE: We'd suggest not attempting to print a 700 page book
with BOTH before giving it a test file or two (including this .DOC
file). Any bug reports would be gratefully received. Thanks to all
those who contributed to the success of previous versions of BOTH
with comments, suggestions and donations, they are much appreciated.
You are encouraged to share and distribute copies of this program
free of charge, provided the distribution file (BOTH350.EXE) is kept
intact, and that the files and documentation are not altered in any
way. Users who contribute $20 will be registered and receive the
next BOTH update free of charge.
Commercial or multi-user licenses and custom versions to print docu-
mentation files, etc. are available from I.C. Consultants for a
modest fee.
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========== I N V O I C E ==========
IC Consultants
P.O. Box 902
Santa Barbara, CA 93102
(805) 684-0267
Compuserve ID 75156,2535 ** MCI # 248-9063
I enclose $_______________. Please register me as a user of BOTH350.
__ Bug Report:
I have encountered a problem using BOTH350. The equipment I am using
Computer: BOTH Serial #:
(see bottom of ending screen)
DOS version:
Printer: Word Procesor:
Problem description:
I enclose a stamped, addressed envelope for your reply. (Registered
users can contact the author via MCI Mail, CompuServe, or on BIX
(Byte Information Exchange).
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