SDN¹ Plus
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Text File
2,785 lines
Copyright (c) 1986-1992
All Rights Reserved
Nat Martino
PO Box 21284
Concord, CA 94521
(510) 672-0538
PROGRAM OPTION SELECTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
DIRECTORY INDICATOR MOVEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Directory Movement with Arrow Keys . . . . . . . . . . 2
Linking Directories to Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
FILE INDICATOR MOVEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
COMMANDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Attribute Tagged Files . . . . [ A ] . . . . . 6
Attribute Directory . . . . . . [ ctrl-A ] . . . . . 7
Command Entry . . . . . . . . . [ C alt-C ] . . . . . 7
Drive Change . . . . . . . . . [ D ] . . . . . 8
Delete Tagged Files . . . . . . [ alt-D ] . . . . . 9
Directory Tree Modifications. . [ ctrl-D ] . . . . . 9
Edit Indicated File . . . . . . [ E alt-E ] . . . . . 12
Edit Defaults . . . . . . . . . [ ctrl-E ] . . . . . 14
Find File . . . . . . . . . . . [ F ] . . . . . 15
Free Bytes on Other Drive . . . [ alt-F ] . . . . . 16
Help Menu . . . . . . . . . . . [ ? ] . . . . . 17
Copy Tagged Files . . . . . . . [ K ] . . . . . 17
Color Changes . . . . . . . . . [ alt-K ] . . . . . 18
List Indicated File . . . . . . [ L alt-L ] . . . . . 19
Limits of Program . . . . . . . [ ctrl-L ] . . . . . 20
Move Tagged Files . . . . . . . [ M ] . . . . . 22
25 43/50 Line Mode Toggle . . . [ alt-M ] . . . . . 22
Print Tagged Files . . . . . . [ P alt-P ] . . . . . 23
Rename Indicated File . . . . . [ R ] . . . . . 24
Rescan Directory . . . . . . . [ alt-R ] . . . . . 24
Refresh Screen . . . . . . . . [ ctrl-R ] . . . . . 24
Split Screen . . . . . . . . . [ S ] . . . . . 25
Select & Sort . . . . . . . . . [ alt-S ] . . . . . 25
Set Mouse Defaults . . . . . . [ ctrl-S ] . . . . . 26
Toggle Tag . . . . . . . . . . [ T ] . . . . . 27
Tag All Files . . . . . . . . . [ alt-T ] . . . . . 27
Control Tagging . . . . . . . . [ ctrl-T ] . . . . . 27
Untag File . . . . . . . . . . [ U ] . . . . . 29
Untag All Files . . . . . . . . [ alt-U ] . . . . . 29
Utility Tree Dump . . . . . . . [ ctrl-U ] . . . . . 29
Volumn ID Toggle . . . . . . . [ ctrl-V ] . . . . . 29
eXecute File . . . . . . . . . [ X alt-X ] . . . . . 30
Mouse Toggle . . . . . . . . . [ ctrl-Z ] . . . . . 31
Switch/Flip Screen . . . . . . [ + ] . . . . . 31
MACROS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
EXIT PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . [ F9 ] . . . . . 36
REDEFINING KEYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
LICENSING & REGISTRATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
WARRANTY & DISCLAIMER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
APPENDIX A - MOUSE BUTTON SPECIFICS . . . . . . . . . . 42
============| PROGRAM OPTION SELECTIONS |===========
The DS program design philosophy was to get the most
done with the fewest keystrokes. With that in mind the
program makes use of many key sequences which use the
"CONTROL" and "ALT" keys in combination with other normal
keys. A limited capability exists for redefining the
keystrokes which activate program options should the user be
so inclined. See the Redefining Keys section at the end of
the manual.
The DS program can make use of a 2-button mouse in the
following manner. One button is known as the ACTION BUTTON
and the other is known as the OPTION/ESC BUTTON. By default
the ACTION BUTTON is the Left Button and the OPTION/ESC Button
is the Right Button but these assignments can be changed by
the user (along with other mouse parameters) by making use of
the "Ctrl-S" (Set Mouse) option.
The ACTION BUTTON, true to its name, is the button that
accomplishes most of the actions within the program. It is
the button used to Tag, Untag, and Execute files, plus scroll,
change and enter directories. It is also the button used to
select options from menus.
The OPTION/ESC Button is used to activate the popup menus
which provide the user an alternate means of activating the
program options they would normally select via the keyboard.
Once an option has been selected the OPTION/ESC Button becomes
an ESC Button and provides the user a means of terminating the
option they have selected.
A fuller discription of Mouse Button specifics can be
found in Appendix A.
============| DIRECTORY INDICATOR MOVEMENT |===========
The Function Keys F1 thru F8 allow the user to move the
directory highlighter from one directory to another. Moving
the highlighter from directory to directory does not change
the user into the newly highlighted directory until the user
- 1 -
strikes the carriage return [CR] key. The directory function
keys do the following:
F1 - Move the directory highlighter backward/up to the
previous directory.
F2 - Move the directory highlighter forward/down to the next
F3 - Move the directory highlighter up the tree display half
as many directories as are currently displayed.
F4 - Move the directory highlighter down the tree display
half as many directories as are currently displayed.
F5 - Move the directory highlighter to the root directory.
F6 - Move the directory highlighter to the very last
F7 - Scroll up the display of the directory structure.
F8 - Scroll down the display of the directory structure.
************ You need to hit the
* REMEMBER * carriage return [CR] to
************ change/enter a directory.
If the user is in the split screen mode (see "S" option)
the active directory is altered as indicated above with the F1
thru F8 and <CR> keys. To alter the directory in the non-
active display, use the <Ctrl-PgUp>, <Ctrl-PgDn> and <Ctrl-CR>
alternate means of moving the directory highlighter through
the use of the arrow keys. Normally the arrow keys are used
to move amongst the files of a directory, however; with the
help of the space bar acting as a toggle key, the arrow keys
can move the directory highlighter as well. This can be handy
for those users possessing keyboards with function keys along
the top of the keyboard which makes it difficult to use for
directory movement.
The SPACE bar is used as a toggle to switch the definition
of the arrow keys from file movement to directory movement and
back again. A small left pointing arrow will appear midway
down the border between the directory screen and the file
screen when the arrow keys work on directory movement.
When no left arrow appears in the border between the screens,
the arrow keys work on file movement. Users that desire
preventing the SPACE bar from acting as a toggle key (and
- 2 -
accidently switching the arrow key definitions) can lock out
the SPACE bar toggle feature by selecting the "CTRL-E"
(edit defaults) option and setting the appropriate default.
a directory to a number (1 thru 9) or alt-number (alt-1 thru
alt-9) key sequence. After a directory is so linked,
selecting the number or alt-number sequence will highlight the
desired directory. To enter the directory the user may still
be required to hit the return/enter key.
The user may display and/or change directory-number links
by selecting the "0" key or "alt-0" key sequence. The display
presented will allow changes to the links by highlighting the
desired directory with F1 thru F8, the desired number with
Up/Dn Arrows, and then using the Ins key to assign a link, or
the Del key to delete a link. If changes are made, the user
is prompted to chose whether the startup defaults file should
be permanently modified. Also from this display the user may
elect to switch directly to another displayed directory
without making any changes to displayed links.
When using the directory link option to switch
highlighted directories the drive id of the source and
destination directories is significant. If the drive id of
the source or current directory is different from the
destination or future directory then not only is the new
directory highlighted but the user is also placed in the new
directory and presented with the listing of files in that new
directory on the right side of the display. If the drive id
of the source and destination are the same then the new
directory is highlighted but the user remains in the old
directory and the file listing on the right side of the
display remains unchanged. To enter the new directory a
return/enter must be entered.
"TAB <ltr>" OPTION - Depressing the TAB key followed by
a letter will move the highlighted directory to the first
directory whose first letter of its full pathname (excluding
drive id, ie: "c:\") is equal to or greater than the specified
To "ENTER" a directory "release" the Action Button while
the mouse is on top of the directory NAME.
To "HIGHLIGHT BUT NOT ENTER" a directory "release" the
Action Button while the mouse is on the directory line but not
on top of the directory name.
To Scroll Up the directory tree keep the Action Button
- 3 -
depressed while the mouse is in the Upper Left Screen Border.
The scrolling speed can be user controlled. Depressing the
"CONTROL" key while the mouse is in the Upper Left Screen
Border will display a "Delay" value. Depressing the "ALT" key
will reduce the "Delay" value and thereby accelerate the
scrolling speed. Depressing the "LEFT SHIFT" key will
increase the delay value and thereby slow the scrolling speed.
Once the desired scrolling speed is obtained the user should
press the "CONTROL" and "RIGHT SHIFT" keys together to record
the scroll speed as a startup default parameter.
To Scroll Down the directory tree keep the Action Button
depressed while the mouse is in the Lower Left Screen Border.
The scrolling speed can be adjusted in this area as it was in
the previous paragraph.
To Highlight the Root directory click the Action Button
while the mouse is on the topmost row of the Center Divider
between the Directory Box and the File Box.
To Highlight the Last directory click the Action Button
while the mouse is on the bottom most row of the Center
Divider between the Directory Box and the File Box.
To Page Up the directory tree click the Action Button
while the mouse is in the Upper Center Divider between the
Directory Box and the File Box.
To Page Down the directory tree click the Action Button
while the mouse is in the Lower Center Divider between the
Directory Box and the File Box.
When one of the Directory Link Lists (0 or Alt-0) is
displayed, clicking the action button in the following areas
will invoke the following appropriate responses:
Left of "=" sign - Move highlighter to this number link.
On the "=" sign - Move highlighter to this number link
and "delete" (unlink) any assigned directory
from this number key.
Right of "=" sign - Move highlighter to this number link
and "insert" (link) the highlighted directory
to this number key.
Right Border of "File Box" - Page back and forth from the
"0" Directory Link List to the "Alt-0"
Directory Link List.
- 4 -
================| FILE INDICATOR MOVEMENT |=================
Upon entering a directory that contains one or more
files, the first file in the directory is marked with 2 small
triangluar indicators, one on each side of the file name.
This indicates which file is the current "indicated file", and
further file information about this file is displayed at the
bottom of the display screen.
To change the "indicated file" the file indicators are
moved from file to file through the use of the cursor arrow
keys on the numeric keypad. The arrow and related keys work
as follows:
Up Arrow Key - Move to the previous file
Down Arrow Key - Move to the next file
Left Arrow Key - Move to the file in the column to the
Right Arrow Key - Move to the file in the column to the
Home Key - Move to the first file on the display
End Key - Move to the last file on the display
PgUp Key - Display previous page of file names
PgDn Key - Display next page of file names
The PgUp/PgDn keys are active only when the currently
displayed directory has more files than can fit on a single
"TAB TAB <ltr>" OPTION - Depressing the TAB key twice
followed by a letter will change the "indicated file" to be
the first file whose first letter of its name is equal to or
greater than the specified letter.
To change the indicated file with the mouse simply move
the mouse over the name of the desired file and click the
Action Button. This action will toggle the Tag status of the
- 5 -
desired file from untagged to tagged or vice versa. If you
desire to leave the tag status as it was before, click the
Action Button on the file name a second time.
To "Page" to the next or previous "pages" of listed files
click the Action Button while the mouse is in the Upper or
Lower Right Screen Border. An "up arrow" will appear in the
Upper Right Screen Border if there are previous pages of files
to list. A "down arrow" will appear in the Lower Right Screen
Border if there are following pages of files to list.
================| COMMANDS |=================
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
-----| ATTRIBUTE TAGGED FILES |---------| "A" |-----
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
This option allows the user to change 4 of the attribute
bits on all files that are tagged. Depressing "A" with no
files tagged will allow the user to work only on the current
indicated file. Activation of this option will allow the
user to turn on/off the read-only bit, the system bit, the
hidden bit and the archive bit by toggling the "r", "s",
"h" and "a" keys respectively. Changing the file's attribute
bits only takes effect when the "M" key (for Modify) is
depressed. The user should toggle the attribute select keys
("r", "s", "h" & "a") to the desired states, then hit the
"m" key to activate the desired changes.
This option will also allow the user to tag or untag
certain files based on the current status of the attribute
bits. The user should set/specify the desired attribute bits
to test each file, then select <CTRL-T> or <CTRL-U> for
tagging or untagging based on the specified bits. The <SPACE>
bar can be used to toggle the logical AND/OR condition which
applies to this control tagging option.
The option will also allow the use of <Alt-T> and <Alt-U>
for tagging or untagging all files. Additionally single file
tagging or untagging is allowed with the "T" and "U" keys.
All the file attribute options remain the same as
discussed above. To select and/or change the options using
the mouse simply click the Action Button while the mouse is on
top of the desired option.
- 6 -
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
-----| ATTRIBUTE DIRECTORY |---------| "Ctrl-A" |-----
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
This option allows the user to change the same 4 file
attribute bits that Option A (above) changes, except this
option works on the attribute bits of the highlighted
directory. The significance of changing the read-only,
system, and archive bits of a directory is unknown. Turning
the hidden bit of a directory on will hide the directory from
the normal DOS "dir" command. The DS program can see
the directory regardless of the condition of the hidden bit.
The user may want to hide a directory so that other
people that use the same machine do not rummage through the
hidden directory. This assumes the other users do not know
or have access to the DS or other programs that show the
directory regardless of the hidden bit. The user is
prohibited from changing the attribute bits on the root
directory of any drive. All sub-directories are fair
Upon selecting this option, the attribute bit settings
show the current status of the highlighted directory. The user
can use the F1 thru F8 keys to show the bits settings on
other directories.
+-----------------------------+ +------------+
-----| COMMAND ENTER |-------|"C" "Alt-C"|-----
+-----------------------------+ +------------+
The command entry option allows the user to enter any
command they would enter at the normal DOS command prompt.
Whatever is entered by the user is passed on to a second copy
of "command.com". Upon depressing the "c" or "alt-c" key the
bottom 3 lines of the display screen will be cleared and the
following message appear:
To return to DS - Enter only a carriage return
The DOS command line prompt will be the current path followed
by a triangle symbol pointing to the right. Users may enter
as many commands in sequence as they desire, returning to DS
by entering only a carriage return. This option will allow
the user to interface with DOS command stack programs such as
"CED", and with DOS keyboard enhancement programs such as
The "c" option will process one or more commands while
the DS program stays resident in memory. The "alt-c" option
will process the desired command while overlaying the DS
- 7 -
program. Upon termination of the "alt-c" option the DS
program will be reloaded from disk. The "alt-c" option is
slower to reload/restart DS but useful in systems that are
tight on memory. Upon reloading DS the "alt-c" option should
retain the same current "indicated file"; however, all tagging
of files will be lost.
The edit defaults option ("Ctrl-E") contains a selection
item that will instruct the program to automatically use the
"alt-c" option even if the "c" option was selected if the
amount of available memory is less than a specified value.
The specified amount of memory is user tunable. Selecting 590k
for the memory limit will force the program to always use the
overlay option. Selecting 10k for the memory limit will
prevent the overlay option from being used in place of the
normal option.
Click the OPTION/ESC Button to bring up the popup menu
then click the Action Button on the appropriate suboption on
the DOS submenu.
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
-----| DRIVE CHANGE |---------| "D" |-----
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
The drive change option allows the user to switch to a
different default drive and display the directory structure
information of the new drive. When switching off a hard disk,
all directory structure information about that drive and other
pertinent program information (ie: current colors) is first
copied to the "ds_globl.log" and "ds_drv_?.log" files. This
is done so that when switching back to that hard disk it is
not necessary to do a rescan of the entire disk to recover the
disk directory structure information. The user can specify
which drives the program will maintain "log" files on through
the use of the "Ctrl-E" option.
This option will also allow the user to change to a
different log file of the same or different drive. Once the
user presses "d" to activate this option they may then enter
up to 4 characters for the specified destination drive. If
the user specifies the destination drive of "c", they will be
switched to the C: drive using the "ds_drv_c.log" (default)
log file. If the user specifies the destination drive of
"c123", they will be switched to the C: drive using the
"ds_drv_c.123" log file. Note that neither a ":" nor a "."
is used. If the user switches to a drive via a log file other
than the default (".log") then the default log file is
overwritten by the specified log file so that it becomes the
current default log.
- 8 -
Depress the "d" key then depress the letter of the
destination drive.
To change drives using the mouse from the main menu
simply click the Action Button on one of the Available Drive
letters located in the Top Left Screen Border. "Clicking" on a
drive letter which is the CURRENT DISPLAY DRIVE AND which has
NO ".LOG" FILE MAINTAINED (ie: mostly for floppies and RAM
drives) will "rescan" (Alt-R) the entire drive.
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
-----| DELETE TAGGED FILES |---------| "Alt-D" |-----
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
The delete tagged files option will allow the user to
delete those files that have been tagged (see Option "T"
below). This option will first request a confirmation that
the user really wants to delete all those files marked. THE
Tag the desired tiles, depress the "ALT" and "d" keys
together, then depress the <CR> key to confirm deletion.
Tag the desired files, click the OPTION/ESC Button to
display the popup menu, then select the Delete suboption on
the FILE submenu with the Action Button. A confirmation is
not required when using the mouse.
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
-----| DIRECTORY TREE MODIFICATION |---------| "Ctrl-D" |-----
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
The directory modification option will allow the user to
add/delete directories and change the name of specified
directories. Additionally, this option will enable the user
to modify the tree display without adding or deleting
directories on the hard disk, and to save to or read from disk
"log" files of the specified drives. Once the option is
selected, the 7 sub-options are displayed.
- 9 -
Add Directory - This option will create a new directory on
the hard disk and modify the tree display to include the
new directory.
1. The user must highlight (using F1-F8) the PARENT
directory where the new directory will be added,
press the "a" key, and then enter the name of the new
2. The addition is denied if the current number of
directories is already at the max directory limit.
3. The new directory name must be valid.
4. The new directory name must have a full pathname less
than 64 characters and a screen print name less than
40 characters.
Delete Directory - This option will delete the specified
directory from both the hard disk and the tree display.
1. The user must highlight (using F1-F8) the directory
which they desire to delete and then press the "d"
2. Deletion is denied if the user is currently in the
specified directory (ie: right side file display
matches left side highlighted directory).
3. Deletion is denied if the highlighted directory is
not empty (ie: has subdirectories or files still
4. Deletion is denied if the highlighted directory is
the root directory.
Change Name - This option will allow the user to change the
name of a directory on both the hard disk and tree
1. The user must highlight (using F1-F8) the directory
which they desire to change, press the "c" key, and
then enter the new directory name.
2. The new directory name must be valid.
3. The new directory name must have a full pathname less
than 64 characters and a screen print name less than
40 characters. Additionally, the subdirectories of
the directory in question must not exceed the 64
character pathname as a result of this name change.
4. The change name option only works on PC/MS DOS 3.0+.
DOS 2.x does not support changing of directory names.
Unmount Subdirectories - This option will allow the user to
delete subdirectories on the tree display without
deleting them from the hard disk.
1. The user must highlight (using F1-F8) the directory
which they desire to delete, then press the "u" key.
- 10 -
2. The root directory cannot be unmounted.
Mount Subdirectories - This option will allow the user to
add to the tree display subdirectories which are already
present on the hard disk.
1. The user must highlight (using F1-F8) the PARENT
directory of the new subdirectories, then press the
"m" key.
Write Log File - This option will allow the user to write
out to disk a "log" file of the current drive as the
current tree display represents.
1. The user need only press the "w" key and then enter
the 3 letter filename extension for the file.
2. The user should not specify a filename extension of
"log" as the program uses that extension as the
default log file for the specified drive.
3. Note that the user can only specify 3 characters for
the filename extension and that the "." is already
provided by the program.
4. This write option will not only write a new log file
out to disk but also cause a "switch" to that new
log file. The ".ext" will change in the top border
after the drive identifier to indicate such a switch.
Switch Log File - This option will allow the user to switch
to a different "log" file of the current drive which may
radically change the current tree display.
1. The user need only press the "s" key and then enter
the 3 letter filename extension for the file.
2. Note that the user can only specify 3 characters for
the filename extension and that the "." is already
provided by the program.
Log Filename Format = ds_drv_X.YYY
where X = letter "a" thru "z" indicating which drive
this log file represents.
YYY = "log" - default log file for this drive
= "any other valid 3 char" - a special log
file for the specified drive created and
maintained by the user.
Log File Rules:
1. The "ds_drv_X.log" file is always the current and
default log file for specified drive X. (X = letter
"a" thru "z")
2. When exiting the Directory Mod (ctrl-d) routine the
".log" file for the current drive is automatically
- 11 -
updated on the disk to reflect the current displayed
directory tree.
3. When exiting the Directory Mod (ctrl-d) routine a
drive log file with an extension other than ".log" is
updated automatically if the extension is shown in
the top border after the drive identifier.
4. If drive X has 2 log files (extensions ".log" &
".123") and the user currently on drive Y wishes to
return to drive X, they may specify either of the
following to the Drive Change ("d") command:
a) "X" - to change to drive X using ".log" as the
drive log.
b) "X123" - to change to drive X using ".123" as
the drive log. This input will result in the
".log" file being written over by the ".123"
Upon completion of any of the above options the program
will make necessary adjustments to the directory tree display
and allow the user to make additional modifications. To
terminate the directory modification option, hit the ESC key.
Upon terminating this option with with the ESC key, the
program automatically updates the current drive's ".log" file
to reflect the current tree display.
Depress the "CONTROL" and "d" keys together, then select
the desired suboption by depressing the appropriate suboption
selection key.
Click the OPTION/ESC Button to bring up the popup menu
then select the appropriate suboption on the TREE submenu.
All the directory mod options work as discused in previous
paragraphs, simply select the appropriate option by clicking
the Action Button while the mouse is on top of the desired
+-----------------------------+ +------------+
-----| EDIT INDICATED FILE |-------|"E" "Alt-E"|-----
+-----------------------------+ +------------+
The edit option will allow the user to edit the current
"indicated file". The user must supply and identify the
desired editor to the DS program. The DS program does not
provide an editor of its own, but simply attempts to execute a
".com" or ".exe" file that has been defined by the "Ctrl-E"
option as the default editor. The user should specify a full
pathname for the desired editor with the "Ctrl-E" option. If
the user has not previously defined their own favorite editor
- 12 -
to the DS program, the program will attempt to execute a
file by the name of "edit.com", "edit.exe", or "edit.bat".
Upon successful execution of the defined editor, the DS
program passes to it the name of the current indicated file.
Upon termination of the editing process, the DS program
resumes where it left off.
The "e" option will edit the indicated file while the DS
program stays resident in memory. The "alt-e" option will
edit the indicated file while overlaying the DS program. Upon
termination of the "alt-e" option the DS program will be
reloaded from disk. The "alt-e" option is slower to reload
or restart DS but useful in systems that are tight on memory.
Upon reloading DS the "alt-e" option should retain the same
current "indicated file"; however, all tagging of files will
be lost.
The edit defaults option ("Ctrl-E") contains a selection
item that will instruct the program to automatically use the
"alt-e" option even if the "e" option was selected if the
amount of available memory is less than a specified value.
The specified amount of memory is user tunable. Selecting 590k
for the memory limit will force the program to always use the
overlay option. Selecting 10k for the memory limit will
prevent the overlay option from being used in place of the
normal option.
It is highly recommended that the user obtain and
execute the "DPATH" program (found on most RBBS boards)
in their autoexec.bat file. DPATH is to data files what
PATH is to executable files. With DPATH in effect, your editor
will be able to find supporting files even though your
current directory may not be the directory where your editor
and the support files reside. Users who have DOS 3.2 or later
should use the "APPEND" command which accomplishes the same
results as the DPATH program.
Depress the "e" key when the "current file" indicators
are on both sides of the desired file.
Click the OPTION/ESC Button to bring up the popup menu
then select the appropriate suboption on the FILE submenu by
clicking on it with the Action Button.
- 13 -
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
-----| EDIT DEFAULTS |---------| "Ctrl-E" |-----
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
The Edit Defaults option will allow the user to
define 6 default parameters. The user can specify the default
editor (depressing the "E" key), the default lister ("L" key),
and the default print ("P" key) programs. The initial
defaults for the editor, lister, and printer are "edit",
"list", and "print", but may be changed by the user. Upon
selection of this option the user is presented with a display
of the current defaults and the command keys to effect
changes. The user should specify A COMPLETE PATHNAME for the
desired editor, lister, and print programs. For example, if
the desired editor is "list.com" in the "dos" directory on the
"c:" drive, then specify "c:\dos\list" rather than just
"list". Failure to specify a complete pathname will result
in the "alt-e", "alt-l", and "alt-p" options failing to
execute and presenting the following (rather misleading)
DOS error message:
"run-time error R6005
-not enough memory on exec"
This option will also allow the user to specify which
drives the program will maintain "log" files. Log files are
maintained on hard disks so the program will not rescan the
entire disk each time on startup to determine the directory
structure information.
This option will additionally allow the user to specify an
amount of memory whereupon the program will automatically
switch from using the "e", "l", "x", "c" and "p" options to
using the respective overlay versions of the same options.
Editing these memory amounts is accomplished by selecting
either an upper or lower case "e", "l", "x", "c", or "p". For
example, to decrease the specified memory amount for the "c"
option, depress the lowercase "c" key. To increase the
specified memory for the "c" option, depress the uppercase "C"
The final default which this option can set is whether the
space bar will toggle the use of the arrow keys between file
and directory movement. Use the space bar to toggle the
default parameter settings.
Depress the "CONTROL" and "e" keys together. Use the up
and down arrows to select the desired option to modify.
- 14 -
Click the OPTION/ESC Button to bring up the popup menu
then select the "Defaults" suboption on the SETUP submenu by
clicking on it with the Action Button.
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
-----| FIND FILE |---------| "F" |-----
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
The find option will allow the user to search the current
default drive for a specified file. The user provides the
name of the file, which can include the "*" and "?" wildcard
specifiers. The find option will then commence a search of
all directories starting from the root directory. When a
matching file is found in a directory, the program stops in
THAT MATCH THE SPECIFIED STRING. This option only stops once
in each directory. Any additional files that match (which is
likely with "*" and "?") will also be displayed along with the
"indicated file".
Once the program has halted in a directory that has a
matching file the following options are available:
Arrow Keys \
Home / End } - Work as they normally do
PgUp / PgDn /
'L' or 'l' Key - Will list the indicated file
Note: Directory movement keys F1-F8 do not work here.
The user has 3 additional options to continue/terminate:
F2 Key - Continue searching directories.
[CR] Key - Terminate search option in the currently
displayed directory.
ESC Key - Terminate search option & return user to the
original directory from which the option was
If "F2" is chosen, upon completion of the final directory the
user is placed in the original directory from which the find
option was activated.
Note: The find option disregards the user's current select &
sort options (see ALT-S) while searching for matching files.
During execution, the find option uses a select criteria of
the specified search string and sorts files by ascending
filename. Therefore, display of directories which contain
- 15 -
matching files will show only those filenames of matching
files even though there may be additional files in the
directory. Upon termination of this option, the user's
original select & sort options are reinstated. If, however,
the user exits this option through the use of the CR (current
directory) key, there is the possibility that the file the
user just found will disappear if the original file select
criteria does not match the file just found. Confusing isn't
Depress the "f" key, enter the desired filename for
searching, then depress the <CR> key to commence search.
Click the OPTION/ESC Button to bring up the popup menu
then select the "Find File" suboption on the FILE submenu by
clicking on it with the Action Button. All the find options
remain as discussed in previous paragraphs. To use the mouse
simply click the Action Button while the mouse is on top of
the desired option.
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
-----| FREE ON OTHER DRIVE |---------| "Alt-F" |-----
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
This option will allow the user to find out the available
space (free bytes) of any drive without having to switch off
the current drive. This option would most appropriately be
used when tagging files on the current drive to copy to
another drive. In this way the user can get a rough estimate
as to how many files can be tagged and copied to the other
drive. The number of free bytes on the other drive will be
displayed in the lower right corner of the box border, just
above the display of the number of bytes tagged on the current
drive. Due to the nature of file space allocation by DOS (in
clusters of varying sizes on different media), you will not be
able to copy as many bytes from one media to the other media
as specified in this option. In other words, expect to copy
fewer than the number of free bytes displayed by this option.
Depress the "ALT" and "f" keys together, then depress the
letter of the drive of interest.
- 16 -
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
-----| HELP MENU |---------| "?" |-----
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
The help menu will display a one page summary of all
available options. Expanded context-sensitive help is
available by depressing the F10 key.
Click the OPTION/ESC Button to bring up the popup menu
then select the appropriate suboption on the HELP submenu by
clicking on it with the Action Button.
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
-----| COPY TAGGED FILES |---------| "K" |-----
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
The copy tagged files option will copy those files that
are tagged (see Option "T" below) to a specified directory.
The user will specify the desired destination directory. If
the user desires to make a second copy of a file in the same
directory, specify only the new name of the file. If the user
specifies only a drive specification such as "a:", the program
will copy the tagged files to the current directory on that
drive. If the user does not specify a destination directory
but simply enters a carriage return, the program will copy the
tagged files to the directory which is currently highlighted.
When choosing this last method of specifying the destination
directory, prior to entering the carriage return the user may
change the highlighted directory with the use of the F1 thru
F8 keys. The program will not allow the user to copy a file
or files to the same directory without specifying a new
filename. In other words, no copy will take place if the user
simply enters a carriage return and the highlighted directory
also happens to be the current directory. This prevents the
system from trying to copy a file onto itself and consequently
clobbering itself.
If in the split screen mode, users can specify the
destination directory for a copy command with an "*" if the
desired destination directory is the highlighted directory
on the "other display" of the split screen display mode. The
"*" can also be used if in the full screen mode and the
desired destination is the highlighted directory in the other
full screen "FLIP" mode.
- 17 -
After tagging the appropriate files, depress the Action
Button ANYWHERE in the File Box, drag the mouse (with Action
Button still depressed) to the Available Drive Letters, to
one of the directories on the Directory Tree, or to the other
File Box of a split-screen display. Release the Action Button
on a Drive Letter, Directory, or File Box. A popup menu will
appear showing the destination directory and an option to
either copy or move the desired files. The default is to copy
tagged files and simply clicking the Action Button on the
popup menu will accomplish the copy.
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
-----| COLOR CHANGE |---------| "Alt-K" |-----
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
The DS program will allow the user with a color/graphics
monitor to change the color of the foreground, background and
display border.
To enable these color changes the user first selects the
ALT-K option, whereupon the following keys are used:
F1 Key - Change/Increment the display foreground color.
The foreground cycles thru 16 colors.
F2 Key - Change/Increment the display background color.
The background cycles thru 8 colors.
F3 Key - Change/Increment the display border color. The
border cycles thru 8 colors.
F4 Key - Modify the defaults startup file "ds_prog.def" so
that current selected colors will be used on
future initializations of the program.
F5 Key - Modify the default colors used when not within
the DS program. This option requires the presence
of the ansi.sys device driver.
F6 Key - Modify the color/mono attributes on the display
to conform with a monochrome display. This
option might be necessary should the defaults
file contain color attributes which are
undesirable (ie: underline) for a monochrome
To exit the color change option, depress the Return or
Escape key.
- 18 -
Click the OPTION/ESC Button to bring up the popup menu
then select the "Colors" suboption on the SETUP submenu by
clicking on it with the Action Button. All the Color options
remain as discussed in previous paragraphs, simply click the
Action Button while the mouse is on top of the desired option.
+-----------------------------+ +------------+
-----| LIST FILE |-------|"L" "Alt-L"|-----
+-----------------------------+ +------------+
The list option will allow the user to list the contents of
the current "indicated file". The user must supply and
identify the desired lister program to the DS program. The DS
program does not provide a lister program of its own, but
simply attempts to execute a ".com" or ".exe" file that has
been defined by the "Ctrl-E" option as the default lister.
The user should specify a complete pathname for the desired
lister program with the "Ctrl-E" option. If the user has not
previously defined a lister program to the DS program, the
program will attempt to execute a file by the name of
"list.com", "list.exe", or "list.bat".
If the user does not have a lister program they should
create a "list.bat" with "type %1" and "pause" as the only
2 lines in the file which "ctrl-e" maintains as the lister
file. This way the file will be listed via the DOS "type"
command. An outstanding lister program by Vernon D. Buerg
is available in the "shareware" environment which is highly
recommended for your use.
The "l" option will list the indicated file while the DS
program stays resident in memory. The "alt-l" option will
list the indicated file while overlaying the DS program. Upon
termination of the "alt-l" option the DS program will be
reloaded from disk. The "alt-l" option is slower to reload
or restart DS but useful in systems that are tight on memory.
Upon reloading DS the "alt-l" option should retain the same
current "indicated file"; however, all tagging of files will
be lost.
The edit defaults option ("Ctrl-E") contains a selection
item that will instruct the program to automatically use the
"alt-l" option even if the "l" option was selected if the
amount of available memory is less than a specified value.
The specified amount of memory is user tunable. Selecting 590k
for the memory limit will force the program to always use the
overlay option. Selecting 10k for the memory limit will
prevent the overlay option from being used in place of the
normal option.
- 19 -
Depress the "l" key when the "current file" indicators
are on both sides of the desired filename.
Click the OPTION/ESC Button to bring up the popup menu
then select the "List" suboption on the FILE submenu by
clicking on it with the Action Button.
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
-----| LIMITS OF THE PROGRAM |---------| "Ctrl-L" |-----
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
This option will show and optionally change the program
limits. Maximum Directories per Drive (MAXDIR) and Maximum
Files per Directory (MAXFILES) can be changed to suit user
needs. Additionally the program can be tailored to use
expanded memory (EMS) or normal DOS memory to maintain the
MAXDIR and MAXFILES data structures.
After selecting "CTRL-L" to show the program limits the
user will see a display on the bottom 4 lines as follows:
'M' = Modify Limits
--- DS Ver 4.10 --- Limit Used |- Log Drives -| Prog Size
Dir per Drive - EMS 512 173 | CD | DOS 77k
Files per Dir - EMS 600 89 |--------------| EMS 64k
To modify program limits hit the "m" key. The display will
change to the following:
ESC=Cnx/Rtn [Tab] +- CR=Process
--- DS Ver 4.10 --- Limit Used |- Log Drives -| Prog Size
Dir per Drive - EMS <-> 512 173 | CD | DOS 77k
Files per Dir - EMS 600 89 |--------------| EMS 64k
The blinking left-right arrow will indicate which program
limit you can currently modify. Here the arrow indicates that
the MAXDIR limits can be modified. The others keys now
available for modifying limits are as follows:
ESC key = Cancel any changes and return to main menu.
[Tab] key = Toggle this limit from EMS to DOS or vice versa.
Arrow keys = Switch to modifying the other program limit.
+- keys = Increase or decrease the program limit.
<CR> key = Process the currently displayed program limits.
Once the limits have been modified as desired, the user
CHANGES. When the program processes the requested changes it
- 20 -
will deallocate/reallocate memory and rescan the disks for
directory structure information. Hit the ESC key to return to
the main menu after the desired changes have been processed.
This option will allow the following new limits for the
MAXDIR - 100 to 2000 (using DOS) in increments of 100
512 to 2048 (using EMS) in increments of 512
MAXFILES - 200 to 2500 (EMS & DOS) in increments of 100
A maximum of 128k of EMS memory can be used to store the
MAXDIR and MAXFILES data structures, thereby conserving
DOS memory for other application programs. The MAXDIR data
structure has priority in using EMS memory. If the user
increases the amount of EMS memory that MAXDIR uses, the
program may automatically switch the MAXFILES to use DOS
memory vice EMS to ensure that the desired MAXFILES limit is
not reduced.
MAXDIR = 1536 EMS (uses 96k EMS)
MAXFILES = 600 EMS (uses 32k EMS)
User increments MAXDIR limit to 2048 EMS
MAXDIR = 2048 EMS (uses 128k EMS)
MAXFILES = 600 DOS <-- program automatically switches
to using DOS memory so that the
600 limit can be maintained.
Depress the "CONTROL" and "l" keys together. Depress the
"m" key if modifications are desired. Depress the Tab, "+",
"-", up-arrow, down-arrow, and <CR> to modify the limits.
Click the OPTION/ESC Button to bring up the popup menu
then select the "Program Limits" suboption on the SETUP
submenu by clicking on it with the Action Button. The mouse
will be locked on the bottom screen border. To modify the
program limits, position the mouse over the option displayed
in the bottom border and click the Action Button on the
desired option.
- 21 -
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
-----| MOVE TAGGED FILES |---------| "M" |-----
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
The move tagged files option allows the user to move those
files tagged (see Option "T" below) to another directory on
the same or a different drive. The user can either specify
the desired destination directory or enter simply a
carriage return. If the user enters only a carriage return,
the program will move all the tagged files to the
directory which is currently highlighted. When choosing this
method of specifying the destination directory, the user may
change the highlighted directory with the F1 thru F8 keys
prior to entering the carriage return. Additionally, the
highlighted directory must be different from the current
directory (the one in which the tagged files are in) for this
method of entering only a carriage return to work.
If in the split screen mode, users can specify the
destination directory for a move command with an "*" if the
desired destination directory is the highlighted directory
on the "other display" of the split screen display mode. The
"*" can also be used if in the full screen mode and the
desired destination is the highlighted directory in the other
full screen "FLIP" screen.
After tagging appropriate files, depress the "m" key,
then either type in the destination directory, depress the "*"
key, or hit a <CR> to move files to the highlighted directory.
After tagging the appropriate files, depress the Action
Button ANYWHERE in the File Box, drag the mouse (with Action
Button still depressed) to the Available Drive Letters, to one
of the directories on the Directory Tree, or to the other File
Box of a split-screen display. Release the Action Button on a
Drive Letter, on or next to a Directory, or in the other File
Box. A popup menu will appear showing the destination
directory and an option to either copy or move the desired
files. The default is to COPY tagged files so the USER MUST
MOVE THE MOUSE OVER TO THE MOVE BOX option before clicking the
Action Button to accomplish the move.
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
-----| 25 43/50 LINE MODE TOGGLE |---------| "Alt-M" |-----
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
The expanded 43/50 line toggle will allow the user to
switch back and forth from 25 lines to 43(EGA) or 50(VGA)
- 22 -
lines per display on monitors supporting such modes. When
exiting the DS program the user is automatically placed back
in the 25 line mode. Should the user exit the DS program
while in the 43/50 line mode and subsequently reenter the
program, the user will be placed back in the 43/50 line mode.
Depress the "ALT" and "m" keys together.
Click the OPTION/ESC Button to bring up the popup menu
then select the "25 43/50 Line" suboption on the SETUP submenu
by clicking on it with the Action Button.
+-----------------------------+ +------------+
-----| PRINT TAGGED FILES |-------|"P" "Alt-P"|-----
+-----------------------------+ +------------+
The print tagged files option allows the user to send to
the print program a maximum of 10 tagged files. This option
simply sends to the user-specified "print" program the first
10 tagged files. The user specifies the desired print
program through the use of the "Ctrl-E" (edit defaults)
The edit defaults option ("Ctrl-E") contains a selection
item that will instruct the program to automatically use the
"alt-p" option even if the "p" option was selected if the
amount of available memory is less than a specified value.
The specified amount of memory is user tunable. Selecting 590k
for the memory limit will force the program to always use the
overlay option. Selecting 10k for the memory limit will
prevent the overlay option from being used in place of the
normal option.
After tagging appropriate files depress the "p" key.
After tagging the appropriate files click the OPTION/ESC
Button to bring up the popup menu then select the "Print"
suboption on the FILE submenu by clicking on it with the
Action Button.
- 23 -
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
-----| RENAME FILE |---------| "R" |-----
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
The rename option allows the user to rename the indicated
file to a new name.
Depress the "r" key when the "current file" indicators
are on both sides of the desired file.
Click the OPTION/ESC Button to bring up the popup menu
then select the "Rename" suboption on the FILE submenu by
clicking on it with the Action Button.
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
-----| RESCAN DIRECTORY |---------| "Alt-R" |-----
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
The directory rescan option will rescan the directory
structure of the current default drive. This option may be
necessary if you switch floppies in a floppy drive. It may
also be used on a hard disk if you make or delete directories
without using the directory modification (CTRL-D) option.
Depress the "ALT" and "r" keys together, then depress the
"y" key to confirm a rescan is desired.
Click the OPTION/ESC Button to bring up the popup menu
then select the "Rescan Tree" suboption on the TREE submenu by
clicking on it with the Action Button. If the CURRENT DISPLAY
DRIVE has NO ".LOG" FILE MAINTAINED on it (ie: mostly for
floppies and RAM drives) the user can "rescan" the drive from
the main display by simply "Clicking" on the drive letter in
the upper left display border.
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
-----| REFRESH SCREEN |---------| "CTRL-R" |-----
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
The refresh screen option will allow the user to redraw
the entire screen. This may become necessary should a DOS
message like "Abort, Retry or Ignor" disrupt the screen.
- 24 -
Depress the "CONTROL" and "r" keys together.
Click the OPTION/ESC Button to bring up the popup menu
then select the "Refresh Screen" suboption on the SETUP
submenu by clicking on it with the Action Button. The user
can also refresh/redraw the screen from the main menu display
by simply clicking the Action Button when the mouse is
displayed on the bottom (25th, 43rd, or 50th) line of the
current display.
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
-----| SPLIT SCREEN |---------| "S" |-----
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
The split screen option will allow the user to display 2
different directories on the screen at the same time. The
directories can be on the same or different drives. Upon
selecting the split screen option the top and bottom halves of
the screen will display the same directory. The user can then
change either the top or bottom display to a different
directory and/or drive. To switch the active display from top
to bottom or from bottom to top, use the '+' key. Selecting
the "s" option when already in the split screen mode will
cause the display to revert to the full screen mode.
Depress the "s" key to switch in and out of split screen.
Click the Action Button on the Right Bottom Screen Border.
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
-----| SELECT & SORT |---------| "Alt-S" |-----
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
The select & sort option allows the user to specify
alternate sorts of the files in a directory. Additionally, it
allows the user to filter out some files by allowing entry of
a file match parameter to use rather than accepting the
default file match parameter of "*.*". Upon program
initialization the defaults are a filter of "*.*" with a sort
by filename in ascending order.
After selecting this option the user may change any/all
the defaults. Depressing the space bar will toggle the sort
- 25 -
option through the 5 sort types of no sort, name, extension,
size and date. Depressing the up arrow or down arrow will
toggle the sort direction to ascending or descending
respectively. Entry of any other valid character will allow
the user to change the file match parameter. Depressing the
carriage return character after valid file filter parameter
characters will change the file filter to the newly specified
file filter. Depressing the carriage return character without
any new file filter entered will change the file filter back
to "*.*".
The new sort and file select filter take effect upon
termination of the sort/select option, upon pressing the ESC
key. After terminating this option the new sort option will
be displayed on the 1st of the 3 bottom status lines, right
after the "Help = ?" message. Additionally, if the file
select filter is anything other than "*.*", it will be
displayed above and slightly to the right of the sort
type/direction in the display border.
Click the OPTION/ESC Button to bring up the popup menu
then select the "Sort & Select" suboption on the FILE submenu
by clicking on it with the Action Button. All the sort and
select options remain as discussed above, simply click the
Action Button while the mouse is on top of the desired option.
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
-----| SET MOUSE DEFAULTS |---------| "Ctrl-S" |-----
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
The set mouse defaults allows the user to adjust various
parameters of the mouse. The mouse can be turned on and off,
have its appearance, color, and blink status changed, have the
Action and Option/Esc Buttons switched, and adjust the
directory speed parameter. Once the user has selected this
option, the suboption selections are activated by depressing
the appropriatly highlighted keys. Exiting this routine will
update the startup default parameters.
Depress the "CONTROL" and "s" keys together, then depress
the desired suboption keys "m", "t", "f", "c", "b", "+" and/or
"-". Press ESC to terminate the option.
Click the OPTION/ESC Button to bring up the popup menu
then select the "Mouse" suboption on the SETUP submenu by
clicking on it with the Action Button. All the mouse default
- 26 -
suboptions remain as discussed above, simply click the
Action Button while the mouse is on top of the desired option.
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
-----| TOGGLE TAG |---------| "T" |-----
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
The toggle tag option is used to tag or untag a file as a
precursor to other options such as the copy tagged files
option. When this option is selected, the current indicated
file is either tagged (if untagged) or untagged (if tagged)
and the next file becomes the current indicated file.
Depress the "t" key while the "current file" indicators
are on both sides of the filename.
Position mouse on top of desired filename and click the
Action Button.
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
-----| TAG ALL FILES |---------| "Alt-T" |-----
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
The tag all files option allows the user to tag all the
files in the current directory in preparation for execution of
another option.
Depress the "ALT" and "t" keys together.
Click the OPTION/ESC Button to bring up the popup menu
then select the "Tag All" suboption on the TAGS submenu by
clicking on it with the Action Button.
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
-----| CONTROL TAGGING |---------| "Ctrl-T" |-----
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
The control tagging option will allow the user to tag or
untag files based on matches with filenames, dates and/or
- 27 -
UP/DOWN Arrows - Will cycle through the selection options
(name, date or size) the user will be selecting.
LEFT/RIGHT Arrows - Will cycle through the selection
criteria for a particular name, date or size option.
<SPACE> - The space bar will toggle some of the criteria
for name, date or size options. Normally the space bar will
toggle between a specified filename, date or size and the
"[other_screen]" option. The [other_screen] option indicates
that the program should compare the file names, dates or sizes
of the current directory with those on the "other screen" when
the split/flip screen option has been previously selected.
<TAB> - The TAB key will cycle through the month, day and
year criteria of the date option.
<+> - The plus key will increment the month, day or year
criteria of the date option.
<-> - The minus key will decrement the month, day or year
criteria of the date option.
Once the user has setup the selection criteria for the
name, date and size options the tagging or untagging of files
based on such criteria is accomplished by selecting <CTRL-T>
or <CTRL-U> respectively.
The <CR> and F1 thru F8 keys function normally under this
option, allowing the user to move to and enter different
directories. Additionally the <Alt-T> and <Alt-U> options are
enabled, allowing the user to tag or untag all the current
The "Missing" criteria under the Name option always
compares the files in the current directory against those in
the "other_screen". If the "Missing" criteria is selected for
the Name option then the "[other_screen]" cannot be selected
for either the date or size options.
Click the OPTION/ESC Button to bring up the popup menu
then select the "Control Tags" suboption on the TAGS submenu
by clicking on it with the Action Button. All the control tag
options remain as discused in the paragraphs above, simply
click the Action Button while the mouse is positioned on top
of the desired option.
- 28 -
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
-----| UNTAG FILES |---------| "U" |-----
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
The untag option allows the user to untag a file that has
been tagged by mistake.
Depress the "u" key while the "current file" indicators
are on both sides of the filename.
Position mouse on top of tagged filename and click the
Action Button.
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
-----| UNTAG ALL FILES |---------| "Alt-U" |-----
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
The untag all files option allows the user to untag all
the files that are currently tagged.
Depress the "ALT" and "u" keys together.
Click the OPTION/ESC Button to bring up the popup menu
then select the "UnTag All" suboption on the TAGS submenu by
clicking on it with the Action Button.
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
-----| UTILITY TREE DUMP |---------| "Ctrl-U" |-----
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
The tree dump utility option will create a file that
contains the tree structure diagram which is displayed on the
left side of the DS display screen. The user will be prompted
to enter a name for the output file.
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
-----| VOLUMN ID TOGGLE |---------| "Ctrl-V" |-----
+-----------------------------+ +----------+
The volumn id toggle option will turn on/off the display
of the default drive's volumn label. The volumn id will be
displayed in the lower left corner of the display border when
available and turned on. The default on start up is toggle
- 29 -
Depress the "CONTROL" and "v" keys together.
Click the OPTION/ESC Button to bring up the popup menu
then select the "Volume Show" suboption on the SETUP submenu
by clicking on it with the Action Button.
+-----------------------------+ +------------+
-----| EXECUTE FILE |-------|"X" "Alt-X"|-----
+-----------------------------+ +------------+
The eXecute file option allows the user to execute the
current indicated file if its file name extension is ".com",
".exe", or ".bat" (see below for other files). Prior to the
execution of any of these files, this option allows the user
to enter command line arguments which are passed to the
indicated program as it goes into execution.
The "x" option executes the indicated program while
the DS program stays resident in memory. The "alt-x" option
will execute the indicated program while overlaying the DS
program. Upon termination of the "alt-x" option the DS
program will be reloaded from disk. The "alt-x" option is
slower to reload/restart DS but useful in systems that are
tight on memory. Upon reloading DS the "alt-x" option should
retain the same current "indicated file"; however, all tagging
of files will be lost.
The edit defaults option ("Ctrl-E") contains a selection
item that will instruct the program to automatically use the
"alt-x" option even if the "x" option was selected if the
amount of available memory is less than a specified value.
The specified amount of memory is user tunable. Selecting 590k
for the memory limit will force the program to always use the
overlay option. Selecting 10k for the memory limit will
prevent the overlay option from being used in place of the
normal option.
Depress the "x" or "ALT" and "x" keys together. The user
can enter command line parameters prior to program execution.
WITH Command Line Parameters
Click the OPTION/ESC Button to bring up the popup menu
- 30 -
then select the "Execute" suboption on the FILE submenu by
clicking on it with the Action Button. The user may then
enter the desired command line parameters.
WITHOUT Command Line Parameters
"Double Click" on the filename (not .ext) to execute the
file and keep DS in memory.
"Double Click" on the filename extension to execute the
file and overlay DS to conserve memory.
Attempting to execute such a file will cause the program to
search a file named "ds_exec.ini" for a list of filename extensions
to match the current file. If a matching filename extension is
found then the corresponding program listed in the "ds_exec.ini"
file will be executed and the current file will be passed as a
command line argument to the program. If a file named "ds_exec.ini"
is found in the current directory then it is used for the search.
If file "ds_exec.ini" is not found in the current directory then
the DS HOME directory is searched for such a file. If "ds_exec.ini"
is not found in the DS HOME directory IT IS CREATED in the DS HOME
directory. The user should place themself in the DS HOME directory,
attempt to execute a non-".com/.exe/.bat" file to create the
"ds_exec.ini", and then edit the "ds_exec.ini" file for further
details on this option as it also allows the user to pass the
current file directly to the "edit" and "list" options.
+-----------------------------+ +------------+
-----| MOUSE TOGGLE |-------| "Ctrl-Z" |-----
+-----------------------------+ +------------+
The mouse toggle option will toggle the activation of the
mouse. If the mouse is active, this option will hide and
deactivate the mouse. If the mouse is inactive, this option
will activate and show the mouse providing the mouse driver
routine has been installed.
Depress the "CONTROL" and "z" keys together.
+-----------------------------+ +------------+
-----| SWITCH/FLIP SCREEN |-------| "+" |-----
+-----------------------------+ +------------+
The Switch/Flip Screen option will allow the user to
switch the active display from top to bottom or bottom to top
if currently in the split screen mode. If the user is
- 31 -
currently in a full screen mode but had previously been in a
split screen mode, selecting '+' will flip the full screen
mode to the other screen/display. When in the full screen
mode if there exists another "flip" screen available, the
drive letter of the other "flip" screen will be displayed in
the directory display border just above the bottom 3 line
status area.
Depress the "+" key.
To switch screens when in split screen dual screen mode,
simply move the mouse to the desired screen. To flip screens
when in full screen mode, simply click the Action Button on
the drive letter of the other screen (hidden screen) in the
top right corner of the display screen.
================| MACROS |=================
Limited macro definitions may be supported thru the use of
the following keys:
Shift-F1 thru Shift-F9 (sF1 - sF9)
Control-F1 thru Control-F9 (^F1 - ^F9)
Alternate-F1 thru Alternate-F9 (@F1 - @F9)
To display current macro definitions or to change definitions
the following keys may be depressed:
Shift-F10 Control-F10 or Alternate-F10
The user will then be presented with a display showing the
current macro definitions for the appropriate shift, control
or alternate function keys. The user will be allowed to
select/highlight the desired function key and clear or
reassign the defined macro for the selected function key.
After changing any macros the user is prompted as to whether
the changes should be made permanent.
The following "special key sequences" may be used in the
macro definitions:
%F = Filename of the current "indicated file" will be
inserted in the macro at this position. The
filename INCLUDES the filename EXTENSION (ie: the
- 32 -
characters after the period).
%f = Filename of the current "indicated file" will be
inserted in the macro at this position. The
filename DOES NOT INCLUDE the filename EXTENSION.
%c = Clear the display screen before the macro is
%d = Directory name (full pathname) of the current
highlighted directory will be inserted in the
macro at this position.
%R = Return prompting will be required upon completion
of the macro prior to returning to the main DS
menu. The bottom of the screen WILL display a
message prompting for the prompt character.
%r = Return prompting will be required upon completion
of the macro prior to returning to the main DS
menu. The bottom of the screen WILL NOT display
the prompting message.
%i = Input from the user is expected prior to macro
execution. The user will be prompted for this
input. Be advised when using this option in
conjunction with either %t or %T that a "d"
(Greek sigma) character will mark the position
where the tagged filenames will be inserted.
%T = Filenames of all currently tagged files will be
inserted in macro at this position. The filename
INCLUDES the filename EXTENSION (ie: the
characters after the period). If the user desires
to seperate the filenames with a specified
character string then specify the string (max of
5 characters) between double quotes immediately
after the %T.
%T"-+" Specifies that a minus sign followed
by a plus sign seperates all the
filenames in the macro.
%t = Filenames of all currently tagged files will be
inserted in macro at this position. The filename
user desires to seperate the filenames with a
specified character string then specify the
string (max of 5 characters) between double
quotes immediately after the %t.
- 33 -
%t"+ +" Specifies that a plus sign followed
by a space followed by a plus sign
seperates all the filenames in the
%1c = Execute the macro command only once. Some macro
commands can be executed repeatedly (like pkarc)
to accomplish thier mission; however, some
programs (like link) can only be executed once
to accomplish thier task. Use "%1" to indicate
that the macro must execute only once. The "c"
after the "%1" indicates what single character
will be used to terminate all but the last
line of input to the macro.
%1+ = "+" terminates all but the last line.
%1\ = "\" terminates all but the last line.
%O = Overlay the DS program upon executing the macro.
This will recover the memory used by the DS
program for use by the macro. Upon completion
of the macro the DS program will be restarted or
reloaded from disk. This option is slower
returning to DS but may be useful in systems
that are tight on memory.
%% = A "%" will be inserted in the definition at this
Sample Usage:
wp %F = Execute wordperfect and send it the filename
(including .ext) of the current "indicated"
dir /w %d %r = Do a wide directory listing on the current
highlighted directory and require a prompting
keystroke upon completion prior to returning
to the main DS menu.
del %f.* = Delete the current "indicated" file and all
files with the same name but different
filename extension.
erase %i = Erase the file(s) the user will input. The
macro will prompt the user for the input.
lark %f = Execute the "lark" (list archive utility)
program on the current indicated file.
- 34 -
pkzip a newlib %T%O = Create a new archive file by the
name of "newlib" and to this file add all the
currently tagged files. The "pkzip" program
which does the archiving may be executed
repeatedly to archive all the specified files
as DOS can only accept a maximum of 128
characters per command line. This macro will
also overlay (%O) the DS program to conserve
memory. DS will be reloaded/restarted upon
completion of the macro.
lib oldlib -+%t"-+";%R = Use the "lib" program to update
an old file by the name of "oldlib" and
insert into "oldlib" new copies of all the
currently tagged files. The characters (-+)
between the double quotes indicate the
string to be used to seperate tagged file
names. Also require (%R) a return key prompt
on completion of the macro.
link %t;%1+ = Link together into one program all the
currently tagged files. Since the link
program can only be executed once to do its
job correctly (unlike repeated executions of
pkarc to add to an arc file) the user must
specify that the macro should only be
executed once with the "%1" sequence. The
"+" following the "%1" sequence indicates
that the "+" character will terminate all but
the last of the input lines to the macro.
The macros are designed to be activated by using the
keyboard. The mouse can be used to call up and modify a list
of the available macros. Click the OPTION/ESC Button to bring
up the popup menu then click the Action Button on the
appropriate macros set on the "MACROS" option.
When one of the macro lists (@F10, sF10, or ^F10) is
displayed, clicking the action button in the following areas
will invoke the following appropriate responses:
On or Left of "=" sign - Launch (Execute) the Macro.
Right of "=" sign - Move highlighter to appropriate Macro
to enable changes to be made to the Macro.
On Top 2 lines of display - Tab to other Macro Lists.
- 35 -
PROGRAMMERS NOTE: The addition of the "%t", "%T", "%O", "%X",
and the "%1c" options have greatly increased the number of
combinations of special option keys in macros. With the
limited time and resources available to the author, not all
possible combinations have been thoroughly tested for
compatability or integrity of operation. The user may have to
tinker with the macro somewhat to get it to operate correctly.
In particular I have noted that some macros will not work
correctly if there are extra (not needed) spaces in the macro
definition. Some macros (such as those using "%1" with "%T"
or "%t") create a file "ds_macro.dat" in the "DS home"
directory which is used as redirected input to the execution
of the macro. The user may find it useful to review that file
if problems with the macro execution occur. The
"ds_macro.dat" file is also used with the "%T" and "%t"
options when the "%O" (overlay) option is also specified.
================| EXIT OPTION |=================
One exit option is available:
F9 - Exit in the directory that is currently highlighted.
Click the OPTION/ESC Button to bring up the popup menu
then select the "Exit" option.
================| REDEFINING KEYS |=================
A limited capability for redefining the key/options
exists. The "ds_ovrly.exe" file contains a table of 50 32-bit
(2 word or 4 byte) entries which can redefine a key/option or
can prevent the key/option from being used. The table begins
with the ascii string "KEY>" (excluding quotes) and ends with
the ascii string "<KEY" (again no quotes).
The hexadecimal display of the redefinition table looks
like the following when seen with "debug", the "Alt-H" option
of Buerg's list program, or most any "byte changer" program.
Note: The 1st 4 bytes (4B 45 59 3E) are the "KEY>"
ascii string used to locate the table.
- 36 -
-4B 45 59 3E 00 00 01 01
00 00 02 02 00 00 03 03-00 00 04 04 00 00 05 05
00 00 06 06 00 00 07 07-00 00 08 08 00 00 09 09
00 00 10 10 00 00 11 11-00 00 12 12 00 00 13 13
00 00 14 14 00 00 15 15-00 00 16 16 00 00 17 17
00 00 18 18 00 00 19 19-00 00 20 20 00 00 21 21
00 00 22 22 00 00 23 23-00 00 24 24 00 00 25 25
00 00 26 26 00 00 27 27-00 00 28 28 00 00 29 29
00 00 30 30 00 00 31 31-00 00 32 32 00 00 33 33
00 00 34 34 00 00 35 35-00 00 36 36 00 00 37 37
00 00 38 38 00 00 39 39-00 00 40 40 00 00 41 41
00 00 42 42 00 00 43 43-00 00 44 44 00 00 45 45
00 00 46 46 00 00 47 47-00 00 48 48 00 00 49 49
00 00 50 50 3C 4B 45 59-
Note: The last 4 bytes (3C 4B 45 59) are the "<KEY"
ascii string indicating the end of the table.
Think of the table between the ascii string terminators
as a 50 by 2 array of integers like the following:
4B 45 59 3E "KEY>" Ascii string terminator/locator
00 00 01 01 1st key redefinition entry
00 00 02 02 2nd key redefinition entry
00 00 03 03 : : : :
00 00 04 04 : : : :
:: :: :: :: : : : :
:: :: :: :: : : : :
00 00 49 49 : : : :
00 00 50 50 50th key redefinition entry
3C 4B 45 59 "<KEY" Ascii string terminator
To redefine a key/option first list the key you want to
redefine followed by how you want it redefined.
Example: Redefine the following
1) "Alt-C" to be Copy ("K") command
2) "O" to be Drop to DOS ("C" no overlay) option
3) "Alt-O" to be Drop to DOS ("Alt-C" overlay)
4) "A" (File Attribute) option to be locked out
4B 45 59 3E "KEY>" Ascii string terminator/locator
00 2E 4B 00 "Alt-C" (00 2E) to be "K" (4B 00)
4F 00 43 00 "O" (4F 00) to be "C" (43 00)
00 18 00 2E "Alt-O" (00 18) to be "Alt-C" (00 2E)
41 00 00 00 "A" (41 00) to lockout (00 00)
:: :: :: :: : : : :
:: :: :: :: : rest remains the same
00 00 49 49 : : : :
00 00 50 50 50th key redefinition entry
3C 4B 45 59 "<KEY" Ascii string terminator
- 37 -
The hexadecimal display of the redefinition table after
successfully changing the appropriate entries would be as
-4B 45 59 3E 00 2E 4B 00
4F 00 43 00 00 18 00 2E-41 00 00 00 .. .. .. ..
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..-.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
.. .. .. rest remains the same.. .. .. .. .. ..
The following lists provide the key definitions to be
used in the redefinition table for the appropriate keys.
A = 41 00 ^A = 01 00 @A = 00 1E
B = 42 00 ^B = 02 00 @B = 00 30
C = 43 00 ^C = 03 00 @C = 00 2E
D = 44 00 ^D = 04 00 @D = 00 20
E = 45 00 ^E = 05 00 @E = 00 12
F = 46 00 ^F = 06 00 @F = 00 21
G = 47 00 ^G = 07 00 @G = 00 22
H = 48 00 ^H = 08 00 @H = 00 23
I = 49 00 ^I = 09 00 @I = 00 17
J = 4A 00 ^J = 0A 00 @J = 00 24
K = 4B 00 ^K = 0B 00 @K = 00 25
L = 4C 00 ^L = 0C 00 @L = 00 26
M = 4D 00 ^M = 0D 00 @M = 00 32
N = 4E 00 ^N = 0E 00 @N = 00 31
O = 4F 00 ^O = 0F 00 @O = 00 18
P = 50 00 ^P = 10 00 @P = 00 19
Q = 51 00 ^Q = 11 00 @Q = 00 10
R = 52 00 ^R = 12 00 @R = 00 13
S = 53 00 ^S = 13 00 @S = 00 1F
T = 54 00 ^T = 14 00 @T = 00 14
U = 55 00 ^U = 15 00 @U = 00 16
V = 56 00 ^V = 16 00 @V = 00 2F
W = 57 00 ^W = 17 00 @W = 00 11
X = 58 00 ^X = 18 00 @X = 00 2D
Y = 59 00 ^Y = 19 00 @Y = 00 15
Z = 5A 00 ^Z = 1A 00 @Z = 00 2C
F1 = 00 3B sF1 = 00 54 ^F1 = 00 5E @F1 = 00 68
F2 = 00 3C sF2 = 00 55 ^F2 = 00 5F @F2 = 00 69
F3 = 00 3D sF3 = 00 56 ^F3 = 00 60 @F3 = 00 6A
F4 = 00 3E sF4 = 00 57 ^F4 = 00 61 @F4 = 00 6B
F5 = 00 3F sF5 = 00 58 ^F5 = 00 62 @F5 = 00 6C
F6 = 00 40 sF6 = 00 59 ^F6 = 00 63 @F6 = 00 6D
F7 = 00 41 sF7 = 00 5A ^F7 = 00 64 @F7 = 00 6E
F8 = 00 42 sF8 = 00 5B ^F8 = 00 65 @F8 = 00 6F
F9 = 00 43 sF9 = 00 5C ^F9 = 00 66 @F9 = 00 70
F10 = 00 44 sF10 = 00 5D ^F10 = 00 67 @F10 = 00 71
UP ARROW = 00 48
DOWN ARROW = 00 50
HOME = 00 47 ^HOME = 00 77
- 38 -
END = 00 4F ^END = 00 75
LEFT ARROW = 00 4B ^LEFT ARROW = 00 73
PGUP = 00 49 ^PGUP = 00 84
PGDN = 00 51 ^PGDN = 00 76
1 = 31 00 @1 = 00 78
2 = 32 00 @2 = 00 79
3 = 33 00 @3 = 00 7A
4 = 34 00 @4 = 00 7B
5 = 35 00 @5 = 00 7C
6 = 36 00 @6 = 00 7D
7 = 37 00 @7 = 00 7E
8 = 38 00 @8 = 00 7F
9 = 39 00 @9 = 00 80
0 = 30 00 @0 = 00 81
While the key redefinition table can be changed by
using the DOS "debug" program, it is recommended that users
desiring to change the table use a "byte changer" program
(available on most electronic bulletin boards) which is much
faster and easier to use than "debug".
A few additional items should be noted when using this
facility to redefine the keys. They are:
1) The "ds_ovrly.exe" file is (and should be) a read-
only file. To modify the key redefinition table the user must
remove the "read-only" attribute from the file prior to
attempting the changes with a "byte changer" or "debug"
program. After the changes have been made to the file, it
should be made a read-only file again.
2) Only the topmost level option keys can be changed.
In other words you can change the "Ctrl-D" (Directory Mod)
activation option to another key but within the Directory Mod
option you cannot redefine the "Add", "Delete", "Mount", etc.,
activation keys. It is significant to remember that if you
change up/down directory movement from F1/F2 to something else
at the topmost level it is NOT reflected at a lower level such
as under the "Ctrl-D" option. For this reason it is not
recommended you redefine the F1 to F8 Directory Movement keys
nor the File Movement Arrow, Home, End, PgUp, etc., keys as
their redefinitions at the top level would not be reflected
at any lower levels.
3) Any changes that are made to the redefinition
table are NOT reflected in the 1-page help summary ("?") nor
in the expanded help screens ("F10").
4) Enter the desired key redefinitions in the table
sequentially starting with the 1st key redefinition entry
- 39 -
(00 00 01 01). If the first word (00 00) of entry 1 is all
zeros (as the default is), then no key redefinitions will be
active. All entries in the redefinition table which are not
being used should have zero (00 00) as the first word of the
5) To lockout an option from use, specify zero (00 00)
as the second word of an entry after specifying the option
key you want locked out as the first word of the entry.
================| LICENSING & REGISTRATION |=================
Directory Scanner (tm) Ver 4.21
Copyright (c) 1986-1992
All Rights Reserved
by Nat Martino
* A $15 shareware contribution is requested for using the
* The author retains the sole right to sell the program.
* The author grants users the right to copy and distribute
the program within the following constraints:
- All program files remain unaltered and are distributed
en masse.
- Only the original "non-cloned" version of the program
with the startup/termination and drive change time
delays is distributed.
- No attempt is made to sell the program, or to make
money from it or any modified version of it.
- The program is not bundled with any other hardware or
software transactions without the author's permission.
- Recognized users' groups may charge a maximum $5
duplication or distribution fee.
* Continued use of the program (more than 2 weeks) by any
individual, corporation or institution without a single
user or site license is prohibited.
* Single user licenses are obtained by sending in the $15
shareware contribution.
* Corporations and other institutions (including government
and educational) which desire using the program should
refer to the "DS_SITE.LIC" file for site licensing
* Special modified versions of the program can be created by
the author for different system configurations or desires.
Contact the author for details.
- 40 -
================| WARRANTY & DISCLAIMER |=================
The author disclaims all warranties expressed or implied
as to the quality or performance of this program. The author
will not be held liable for any lost profits, lost savings or
any other direct, indirect, incidental or consequential
damages resulting from the use of this program. Your use of
this program constitutes your agreement to this disclaimer and
your release of the author from any form of liability or
- 41 -
=============| APPENDIX A - MOUSE BUTTON SPECIFICS |==========
3 a b c d <-#1 #2-> c:\sub\home d3<- #3
3 3 c:\ 3 [ 3 file1 .ext 3 3
3 3 @Dsub 3 3 file2 .ext 3 3
3 #4 3 CDhome 3 #8 3>file3 .ext<3 #12 3
3 3 @Dplay 3 3 3 3
3 _ 3 3 _ 3 3 _ 3
3 3 3 3 3 3
3 #5 3 #6 3 #9 3 #11 3 #13 3
3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 [ 3 3 3
3 #14 #15 3
"Clicking" on a drive letter will switch the appropriate
screen display to the indicated drive. Hot spots for drive
activation are the drive letter or the blank character on
either side of the drive letter (ie: 3 characters per drive
"Dragging" from the file box (with 1 or more files tagged)
and "Releasing" on a drive letter will initiate a
"Copy/Move" popup window routine to either copy or move
(default is copy) tagged files to the default directory on
the indicated drive.
"Clicking" in this area "recenters" (really just
highlights) the tree display on the current directory.
This enables the user to re-highlight the current directory
after the tree has been scrolled off to other directories
for other purposes.
This area will display a drive letter if the user is in
single-screen mode but had previously been in split screen
- 42 -
mode. The drive letter of the other screen (hidden screen)
will be displayed. "Clicking" on the drive letter will
"flip" the full screen display to the other screen.
This area enables the user to scroll up the directory tree.
While the Action Button is Depressed in this area
successive directories further up the tree are highlighted.
The scrolling speed can be controlled by the user.
Depressing the "CONTROL" key while in this area will
display a "Delay" value. The larger the delay value the
slower the scrolling speed. Press "ALT" key to accelerate
the scrolling speed (decreases the delay value). Press
"LEFT SHIFT" to slow the scrolling speed (increases the
delay value). Once the desired scrolling speed is obtained
press "CONTROL" and "RIGHT SHIFT" together to save the
scrolling speed as a startup default parameter.
This area enables the user to scroll down the directory
tree. While the Action Button is Depressed in this area
successive directories further down the tree are
The scrolling speed is controlled as in area #4.
"Releasing" the Action Button "ON" a directory NAME will
"ENTER" the specified directory and list files in that
"Releasing" the Action Button on a directory LINE (not the
name) will just highlight the directory but not enter it.
"Dragging" from the file box (with 1 or more files tagged)
and "Releasing" ON a directory NAME will initiate a
"Copy/Move" popup window routine to either copy or move
(default is copy) tagged files to the indicated directory
AND "ENTER" the destination directory upon completion of
the option.
"Dragging" from the file box (with 1 or more files tagged)
and "Releasing" ON a directory LINE (not the name) will
initiate a "Copy/Move" popup window routine to either copy
or move (default is copy) tagged files to the indicated
directory BUT remain in the source directory upon
completion of the option.
- 43 -
"Clicking" on the top row of the center divider will change
the tree display to highlight (but not enter) the root
"Clicking" in this area of the center divider will scroll
up the tree display one-half of the display screen.
"Clicking" in this area of the center divider will scroll
down the tree display one-half of the display screen.
"Clicking" on the bottom row of the center divider will
change the tree display to highlight (but not enter) the
last directory.
#11 - (FILE BOX)
"Clicking" on a filename will toggle the "TAGGING" of that
"Pressing" on one filename (start file) and "Releasing" on
a different filename (end file) will toggle ALL of the
files between the start and end files inclusive.
"Double Clicking" on a filename (not the .ext) will execute
the specified file (Keyboard "X" command). You cannot
specify command line parameters with this option.
"Double Clicking" on a filename extension (including the
".") will execute the specified file (Keyboard "Alt-X"
command) overlaying the DS program to conserve memory. You
cannot specify command line parameters with this option.
"Clicking" in the columns where the Left and Right File
Indicator triangles reside will toggle the "File Follow"
feature. The file follow feature is defaulted to OFF
whereby moving the mouse in the file box does not
automatically move the file indicator at the same time. Be
aware that when the file follow feature is active if the
user hits any of the arrow keys or the home or end keys the
file follow feature will be deactivated (ie: turned off)
otherwise the user would be unable to change the indicated
"Pressing" the Action Button ANYWHERE in the File Box WITH
- 44 -
1 OR MORE FILES TAGGED and "Dragging and Releasing" the
mouse in the Available Drives area (#1), or the Directory
Box (#6), or the other File Box (#11) of a split-screen
display will initiate a "Copy/Move" popup window routine to
either copy or move (default is copy) tagged files to the
indicated drive or directory.
"Clicking" in this area when an "up arrow" appears in the
top row will "page up" the file listing to a previous page
of files in the current directory.
"Clicking" in this area when an "down arrow" appears in the
bottom row will "page down" the file listing to the next
page of files in the current directory.
"Clicking" is this area will TOGGLE the "Directory Follow"
feature. The directory follow feature is defaulted to ON
(except for DESQ) whereby moving the mouse in the directory
box with the Action Button depressed will automatically
move the directory highlighter at the same time.
"Clicking" in this area will toggle the split screen mode.
"Clicking" in this area will toggle the "Tags" on ALL files
in the current directory.
Popup Menu - Main Options
(Selected by "Clicking" the "OPTION/ESC Button")
3File 3 Tags 3 DOS 3 Setup 3 Macros 3 Tree 3 Help 3 Quit 3
- 45 -
SubOption Selections
(Selected by "Clicking" the "ACTION Button")
File Setup Tree
3 Edit /(Ovly)3 3Screen Repaint 3 3 Menu 3
3 3 3 3 3 3
3 List /(Ovly)3 3 25 43/50 Line 3 3 Add Directory 3
3 3 3 3 3 Change Name 3
3Execute/(Ovly)3 3Program Limits 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 Delete Directory3
3 Print /(Ovly)3 3 Mouse 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 Mount Directory 3
3 Delete 3 3 Colors 3 3UnMount Directory3
3 3 3 3 3 3
3 Copy 3 3Volume Show Tog3 3 Show/Switch Log 3
3 Move 3 3 3 3 Write New Log 3
3 Rename 3 3 Defaults 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 Rescan Tree 3
3 Select & Sort3 3 Drive Summary 3
3 Attributes 3 3 Register Info 3
3 Show Owner 3
3Check Integrity3
SubOption Selections (cont)
(Selected by "Clicking" the "ACTION Button")
Tags DOS Macros Help
3 Tag All 3 3 DOS 3 3 Alt Fn 3 3Keyboard3
3 UnTag All 3 3DOS (Ovly)3 3 Shft Fn 3 3 Mouse 3
3Control Tags3 @DDDDDDDDDDY 3 Ctrl Fn 3 3Expanded3
3Alt # Links3
- 46 -