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Directory eXtended v2.0 11 January 1989
DX version 2.0 is finally here. This version incorporates many
new features that I think you'll enjoy -- it represents almost 8
months of modifications. Much of DX has been rewritten so it is
faster and smaller. Smaller? Well, yes, if you take into account
all the new features added, the program has not gotten
proportionally larger. All known bugs are fixed.
This version also lays the ground-work for a new set of utilities
modelled around DX that I expect to have out sometime in 1989.
The new package, Directory eXtension Utilities, will include both
command and full-screen oriented versions, an optional resident
kernel, and an install utility. There will be support for multi-
drive/directory matching (wildcards in the drive and path
portions) and many other features. It will be available
commercially only but you'll have an attractive upgrade offer.
ECONO-SOFT now has a new address and an 800 phone number:
ECONO-SOFT CompuServe [73267,1664]
P.O. Box 181030 GEnie [ROB.BLAINE]
Austin, TX 78718-1030 800-367-7590, 512-832-1675
Registration: $25; $35 with printed manual.
Upgrades: $10; $20 with printed manual.
Postage: Free in the US; $3 on international orders.
Texas residents: Please add 8% sales tax.
MasterCard and Visa accepted; include expiration date.
The embedded control number is gone.
===== == ==== ====
READ.ME => This file.
DX.EXE => DX v2.0.
DX.DOC => Documentation.
DX.CED => Sample PCED synonym file for use
with DX.
DX_QUICK.REF => A Quick Reference (Appendix A
from the manual).
DX_HEAP.EXE => Program to adjust DX's internal
heap size.
Directory eXtended v2.0 11 January 1989
======= == ========= ======
The new manual, as supplied on disk is just simple, unformatted
text. It assumes a generic printer of 66 lines/page and nothing
more. A printed manual is now available at an additional cost of
$10. In addition, pre-formatted manuals are available for the
Apple Laserwriter, the Epson FX-80/100, and the Epson FX-85/185
printers. The Apple Laserwriter manual will probably print fine
on any PostScript printer. The word-processing source for
printing on any printer is also available -- providing that you
have access to Borland's Sprint. Any additional manual on disk
costs $5 (to cover postage and handling only).
- The color switches (/FColor, /BColor, and /DColor) require
the use of keywords now -- the numeric format will no
longer work. (DX still gets its default color
configuration from the screen's colors at the cursor
position where DX is started from.)
- File attribute selection has changed. /Archive, /Normal,
/Directory, /Hidden, /Readonly, and /System have all been
replaced with /ATtr -- please see DX.DOC for details;
/Full still works as before. This was done to provide a
more uniform approach to attribute handling since there
are now three switches that take attributes.
- The /DAte and /TIme switches have been replaced with
/SINce and /BEfore -- these work very much like Digital
Equipment Corporation's VMS Operating System and provide
much more flexibility in specifying dates and times.
- DX now writes directly to the video buffer. A /VIDeo
switch is provided as follows:
/VIDeo:Direct => Direct writes with no snow
/VIDeo:DIRECTSnow => Direct writes with snow
checking (default).
/VIDeo:BIOS => Output through the system
- DX makes one undocumented DOS function call that is known
to cause a problem under Toshiba DOS 3.2. If you have that
version of Toshiba DOS (3.3 is fine!) or experience a hang
when DX is first started, add /NONSTD to your
AUTOEXEC.BAT's SET command. (The /ABsolute switch is
superceeded by this switch.)
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Directory eXtended v2.0 11 January 1989
=== ======= =======
There are three categories of questions asked during special
processing controlled by /Verify, /OVerwrite, and /ROnly --
please see the appropriate sections of the manual. Among other
things, you can specify that a file be overwritten if it is
newer/older/larger/smaller than the previous version; you can
specify that the file MUST overwrite a previous file; and you can
tell DX to never touch, ask first, or ignore read-only files.
When being asked a question, you can now shell to DOS before
answering or view the directory of the source and target; you can
also view (using /LIst) the contents of the target file in
addition to the source.
New switches include:
/GOBak => revert to a .BAK version of a
/APpend => append to existing files.
/FDate => set a file's modification
/TDate => set the target of a move/copy's
/TAttr => set the attributes on the target.
/MSP => multi-pass special processing.
/ARCDT => correct an archive/library's
date/time to that of the most
recent member.
/VIew => call the /LIst processor for
matching files.
DX now fully supports network configurations. You can specify
what action to take when a network conflict is detected:
/NETaccess:Criterr => Produce critical error message
/NETaccess:Wait => Wait for conflict to resolve.
/NETaccess:Fail => Automatically "Fail" the
operation and go on.
DX now adapts itself to EGA/VGA 8x8 modes (43/50 lines) and
Hercules 132-column modes -- if these modes are in effect when DX
is called.
Target pattern replacement now includes a "/" character to delete
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Directory eXtended v2.0 11 January 1989
characters from the source pattern -- see DX.DOC for details.
If /FSize is used with copy/move, you may omit the drive and it
will use the same drive as the target of copy/move.
A program is supplied to adjust the amount of memory available --
see the section on Memory Utilization in DX.DOC for information
on running DX_HEAP.
Happy New Year! Enjoy!
Rob Blaine / ECONO-SOFT
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