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Integrity Master(tm) ordering information:
To order quickly, call ASG at 1-800-788-0787 (toll free) or 1-314-256-3130
with VISA or MasterCard or see our list of authorized agents below.
On CompuServe, enter "GO SE" to order from Software Excitement! in the
electronic mall.
This file contains all the information you need to register your copy
of Integrity Master. For license and warranty information, please read
information provided when you execute SETUPIM or read file IM.DOC.
If you wish to use Integrity Master on more than one PC, you must
license multiple copies. There are two ways to do this.
1) One way is to simply purchase more than one copy; you will get a
price reduction on multiple copies. In this case, you will get
complete packages including the book and disk.
2) The other way is to purchase a site license for the extra copies.
In this case, you do not get extra copies of the book and diskettes
unless you specifically order them, but you pay a lower price than
if you had ordered the complete package.
Benefits of Registering Integrity Master
1) The latest registered version of Integrity Master direct from the
author, with automatic notification of updates.
2) The professionally printed and bound book: "Defeating Viruses and Other
Threats to Data Integrity," will be shipped for no charge to users who
register before September 30, 1992. This is a complete guide and reference
manual for IM as well as information on data integrity and viruses.
4) Special offers, including a FREE introductory CompuServe subscription
($39 value) with up to 2.5 hours of connect time. (This may be a time
limited offer so order today)
5) Exclusive three year virus updates (see file 3YEAR.DOC for details)
6) Twelve month free technical support for IM, which includes direct
assistance (from Stiller Research) with virus attacks (if needed).
7) The good feeling knowing that you are supporting low cost, high quality
software, where the $$$ go into development not into expensive marketing.
Copying this file your to printer (or entering: IMPRINT ORDER) will produce
this documentation plus the following order form and mailer. You can
print just the order form and mailer by copying file ORDER.FRM to your
printer or entering the command:
If you have a continuous form type printer, make sure your printer is
positioned at the top of page before you print the order form (do a page
| |
| Mail to: Stiller Research |
| 2625 Ridgeway St. |
| Tallahassee, Florida 32310 |
| U.S.A. |
| O R D E R F O R M (Please fill out completely) |
| |
| Name:_________________________________ Title:___________________ |
| |
| Company:_________________________________________________________ |
| |
| Address:____________________________ City:___________________ |
| |
| State:___________ Zip:_____________ Country:______________ |
| |
| Date:____/____/____ Type of PC: ___________ DOS Version:___ |
| |
| Disk: 5-1/4" ___ 3-1/2" ___ Telephone: ____________________ |
| |
| DESCRIPTION |# | Price | Each | Total |
| Integrity Master Package (first copy) | 1|$35.00 | $39.50 | $39.50|
| Shipping and Handling | | $4.50 | | |
| Additional copies (includes book + disk) | | | | |
| $$ from multiple copy table in QUANTITY.DOC | | | | |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -| |--------| | |
| Shipping and Handling (per copy) | | $4.50 | | |
| Multiple PC usage (site license) | | | | |
| (enter amount from site license table) | | | | |
| (Extra books/disks only for site license) | | | | |
| Enter # of additional books and disks | | $7.50 | | |
|- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -| |--------| $12.00 | |
| Shipping and handling (per copy) | | $4.50 | | |
| Outside U.S./Canada, add $5 per book + disk:| | | | |
| Subtotal -----------------------------------------------------> | |
| Florida residents add sales tax: | |
| (Currently 6% in most counties) | |
| Total enclosed (Payable in U.S. funds only) | |
| (foreign checks must be drawn on a US bank) -----------------> | |
| Where did you get your copy of Integrity Master? (V1.13a)|
| Download from: ____________________________ |
| Disk vendor name ____________________________ |
| Other: ____________________________ |
| Comments: (Suggestions, what you like, don't like etc.) |
| _______________________________________________________________________ |
| _______________________________________________________________________ |
| _______________________________________________________________________ |
------- Separate or fold near here, on continuous form printers-------------
1) Please place the order form on the back of this page, then fold both
pages together as indicated.
2) Insert your check or money order then staple or tape both ends.
3) Stamp and mail. Orders are normally shipped within 24 hours of receipt.
Reminder: Did you include $4.50 shipping/handling for each copy of IM that
includes a book and disk? If you are outside of the U.S. or
Canada, did you include the extra $5.00 for overseas shipping as
well as the $4.50 (basic shipping) for each copy?
T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R O R D E R !
----------------------------- Fold here first -------------------------------
| Place |
| stamp |
| here |
Stiller Research - Dept I13
2625 Ridgeway St.
Tallahassee, FL. 32310-5169
---------------------------- Fold here last ---------------------------------
T a
a p
p e
h h
e e
r r
e e
(or staple here)
------- Separate near here, on continuous form printers-------------
A u t h o r i z e d A g e n t s:
Note, at present, Stiller Research will air-mail Integrity Master
directly to you so you can be assured of getting the most current
version. Some of our agents will shortly be shipping directly. In this
case, we electronically transmit the latest software to that agent to
make sure your copy is the very latest version.
Integrity Master can be ordered from the following sources:
United states:
Stiller Research (orders in US dollars only: cash or payable on a US bank)
2625 Ridgeway St.
Tallahassee, FL. 32310
Advanced Support Group (Visa and MasterCard)
11900 Grant Place
Des Peres, MO 63131
1-800-788-0787 or
Shareable Software International (Visa and MasterCard)
PO Box 59102
Shaumburg, IL 60159
Tel: 1-800-622-2793 or 1-708-397-1221 Fax: 1-708-397-0381
Software Excitement! in CompuServe Electronic Mall (Free)
Single copies only: "GO SE" on CompuServe.
United Kingdom (Great Britain):
(Integrity Master is available from UK dealers for 24.95 pounds including
shipping. This price is subject to change depending upon currency
exchange fluctuations)
Nildram Software (Visa and MasterCard/Eurocard) accepted
26 Stanley Hill Avenue
HP7 9BD (U.K.)
Tel: (0494) 729236
PC Independent User Group
87 High Street
Tonbridge, Kent, England
Tel: (0732) 771512
(outside the UK dial your international code + 44 732 771512)
Fax: (0732) 771513
The PC Independent User Group can accept cheques drawn on a UK bank,
Eurocheques (made out in pounds sterling) or else payment by Visa or
Mastercard credit cards
DP Tool Club (Visa and MasterCard or EuroCheck with EC # on back accepted)
102 rue des Fusilles
B.P. 745
59657 Villeneuvre d'Ascq
Tel: 33-
Fax: 33-
Germany (Deutchland):
CDV-Software (Visa and MasterCard/Eurocard) accepted
Ettlingerstr. 5
W-7500 Karlsruhe 1
Tel 0721-22295-22294
Fax 0721-21314
CIS [100022,274]
Software International (Visa and MasterCard/Eurocard) accepted
Sorzana, 21 1B
28043 Madrid
Tel: (91) 416-6587
Fax: (91) 519-1957
BUDGETWARE (Visa and MasterCard/Eurocard) accepted
P.O. Box 496
Newtown NSW 2042
Phone (02) 519-4233
Fax (02) 516-4236
N O N - U. S. O R D E R S :
If you are outside the United States, you can order directly from us or
contact any of our agents. Our agents all accept orders by telephone
or mail using Visa and MasterCard/Eurocard. We currently have agents
in the U.S., United Kingdom, Germany, and Australia. Our agents
charge the same price (computed in terms of US dollars) as we charge,
except in the UK, where we have fixed the price at 24.95 pounds
(including shipping). Your copy of Integrity Master will be air-mailed
directly from the author here in the U.S. so you can be assured of
getting the very latest release. If you register by mail, we accept
payment only in U.S. dollars. Checks must be payable in dollars through
a U.S. bank. We do accept postal money orders made out in dollars.
If you send cash, please register your letter to confirm delivery; we
can not be responsible for cash lost in the mail. We're very sorry for
this inconvenience, but our banks here leave us no other option.
Q u a n t i t y o r d e r s a n d S i t e L i c e n s e s :
Please read file QUANTITY.DOC if you want to use Integrity Master on
multiple PCs.