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Text File  |  1992-04-13  |  21KB  |  638 lines

  2. Integrity Master (TM) Virus Identification List
  3.                                        (Copyright 1991-1992 Wolfgang Stiller)
  5. This is a list of the virus names you'll see reported if IM detects a
  6. known virus.   We have, where possible, chosen virus signatures that
  7. identify more than one virus.  Since many viruses are simply
  8. modifications of preexisting viruses this is actually almost
  9. unavoidable.  IM is not intended to provide a positive identification
  10. of a particular virus, but rather an identification of the
  11. characteristics of the virus.  In some cases, such as the 1704-F
  12. (Cascade-format) virus, where the variant is more destructive than its
  13. kin,  we have taken extra care to identify this particular form of the
  14. virus.  This list will also identify alternate names for the same virus.
  15. Since these viruses are constantly being modified and re-released, we
  16. make no guarantees that all viruses on this list will be identified by
  17. name.  Please notify us immediately if Integrity Master should detect a
  18. virus but not identify it by name.
  20. Virus name
  21. reported:           Aliases and other virues reported under the same name by IM
  22. ==============      ========================================================
  23. #1                  Number one
  24. 1028
  25. 1039                Dutch 1039, Grapje, 1012 + 27
  26. 1067                1067 resident .COM .EXE infector
  27. 1067C               1067 .COM non resident infector
  28. 1077
  29. 115                 SmallV-115
  30. 126                 Tiny-126, Dutch Tiny 126
  31. 1554                V-alert, Ten byte, 1559, 9800:000
  32. 1575                1575B, Green Caterpillar, Caterpillar
  33. 1600                V1600, Happy New Year
  34. 1605                Solomon, Tel Aviv
  35. 1661                Cascade-1661
  36. 1701                Falling Letters, Cascade
  37. 1701F               Cascade 1701-F
  38. 1701JoJo            Cascade-JoJo
  39. 1701S               Cascade-1701-S
  40. 1704                Cascade-04,1701-04
  41. 1704-F              Cascade-format, 1701-Format
  42. 1704-YAP            Cascade-Yap
  43. 1704D               Cascade C/D
  44. 1706                Cascade 1706
  45. 1767                Jerusalem-1767
  46. 17Y4                1701-Y4, Cascade-Y4, 1704-B
  47. 1813                Westwood
  48. 1876
  49. 191b
  50. 1963                V1963, 1963 Overwrite
  51. 2330                TimeSlice
  52. 2480                Crew-2480
  53. 251                 Danish 251
  54. 268+
  55. 3445
  56. 3029                Traceback-3029
  57. 337
  58. 38                  Trivial-38
  59. 382                 382 recovery
  60. 3:10                Ten after three, 748
  61. 405                 405B
  62. 4096                Frodo, IDF, Israeli defense forces, IDF, Century, 100 years
  63. 432
  64. 44                  Trivial 44
  65. 483
  66. 493                 Kiev-493
  67. 5120                Vbasic, Basic virus
  68. 535A                Vienna variants
  69. 555                 Dutch 555, 555-B, V-555
  70. 583                 Polish 583/584, Vienna-583
  71. 656
  72. 656V                Vienna-656
  73. 7thSon              Seventh Son-350
  74. 7thSon2             Seventh Son-284
  75. 757
  76. 765
  77. 777                 Revenge, 777 revenge
  78. 789
  79. 7thSon              Seventh son
  80. 8 Tunes
  81. 800
  82. 864
  83. 905
  84. 907
  85. 928
  86. Ada                 Targets PC-CILLIN
  87. Agiplan
  88. Aids                HaHa, Taunt, VGA2CGA
  89. Aids2               Aids-II, Aids companion virus
  90. Aircop
  91. Akuku
  92. Alabama             Alabama-2
  93. Alameda             Yale, Merrit, Pekin, Seoul
  94. Albania             Albania-426/506/575/606
  95. Ambulance           Redx, Red cross, Ambulance-B
  96. AP-1                Anti-Pascal 1, AP-529,AP-605
  97. AP-2                Anit-Pascal 2, AP-400, AP-440, AP48
  98. 1392                Amoeba
  99. Amstrad             Pixel,V-277,V-299,V-345,V-847,V852,Amstrad-852,Amstrad-877
  100.                     Pixel-779,Pixel-837,Pixel-850,Pixel-854
  101. Anthrax
  102. Antimon             PandaFlu
  103. Anto
  104. Arab                V-834, 834,Arab834
  105. Argentina           Argentna,Argentina 1.0
  106. Armagedon
  107. AT-X                AT-144,AT-149,AT-132
  108. Attention           USSR 394,Best Wishes-970
  109. Australian          Australian 403, V403
  110. Azusa               Hong Kong
  111. B123                Bulgarian-123
  112. BackTime            Shaker, Blinker
  113. BadGuy
  114. BadGuyN             New BadGuy,Bad Guy-New,Milan Overwriting-208, Crackpot-208
  115. Badboy              Bad Boy 2
  116. dbf blank           V1075, Crash
  117. Bebe
  118. BestWishes
  119. Beware              DarkGraveSoft
  120. BigJoke
  121. BlackMonday         Black Monday-Borderline
  122. Bljec               Entire familiy of small viruses (Bljec-267,Bljec-270,
  123.                     Bljet-358,Bljec-369)
  124. Blood
  125. Bloody              Beijing, Blood2, Boody!
  126. Boojum
  127. Boys
  128. Boys2               Bad Boys II SysPTF
  129. Brain               Pakistani, Ashar, Shoe
  130. Brainy
  131. Brunswick           Stoned-16
  132. Burger1             Numerous variants all recognized by same code segment
  133.                     inlcludes Burger-Pirate,909090h,CIA,505,537,540,541,560
  134.                     542,560,560-B (All detected as Burger variants)
  135. Burger2
  136. Burger3             382
  137. Burger4             405
  138. Burghofer           525 byte swiss
  139. CaptainTrips        Jerusalem-Sub Zero, Skism11, Skism12
  140. Carioca
  141. Casino
  142. Chemist             Voronezh-Chemist-650,Video mode
  143. Checksum            Checksum 1.00, Checksum 1.01
  144. Chv 2.1
  145. Cinderella
  146. Cloud               Phalcon
  147. CookieJ             Japanese Christmas Cookie, Jap-Cookie
  148. Copmpl              "Sorry I'm copmpletely dead"
  149. Copyright           Fake Award BIOS copyright
  150. Crash               Crash-1075
  151. CrazyEddie
  152. Crazy Imp
  153. Cspr1 or Cspr2      Casper, Chameleon
  154. Cssr528             Anti-virus virus
  155. CAZ
  156. Criminal
  157. CSL                 Microelephant
  158. CSL2                CSL-V4,CSL-V5
  159. CZ2986b
  160. Dada                Da,Da
  161. Dark Avenger        Eddie, Black Avenger, Diana, DarkAvenger-B, MIR, Zeleng
  162.                     CB 1530,PS!KO-1803,PS!KO
  163. DarkLord            ManOwar
  164. Datacrime           1168, Columbus Day
  165. Datacrime2          1514, V1514
  166. Datacrime2B         1917
  167. DatacrimeB          1280, V1280
  168. Datalock            V920
  169. Day10               Numlock,Day/10
  170. Db destroy          Dbase destroy
  171. Dbase               dbf virus
  172. Dec24
  173. DeiciDE             Glenn
  174. Demon               Demonhyak
  175. DenZuk              Search, Venezuelan, Den Zuk
  176. DenZukB
  177. Destructor
  178. Devil's Dance       Mexican
  179. Dewdz               Kewl Dewdz
  180. Diamond             1024, Diamond-B, Damage, Damage-B, Diamond-1173, David,
  181.                     Gremlin, Lucifer
  182. Dir            DirVir
  183. Dir2                Aliases: Dir II, Dir-2, Cluster Virus, Driver-1024,
  184.                     Creeping death, MG series II,Link virus, FAT virus
  185.                     Variants: CD10, CD11, CD12
  186. Discom              2053
  187. DiscomB             DisCom-1813
  188. Disk Killer         Ogre
  189. Disk Killer2
  190. Diskjeb
  191. Do nothing          Stupid virus
  192. Doom2
  193. Doom2B
  194. Dot killer          Point eater
  195. DM310               M-310,M-310
  196. DM330               DM V 1.05,DM-330
  197. DM400               M-400
  198. DM400b              M-400(1.01)
  199. Dr.    Q            Vienna-Dr. Q,DOCTOR QUMAK, Vienna-712
  200. Durban              Saturday the 14th
  201. Dyslexia
  202. EDV                 Cursy, E.D.V.
  203. Eddie3              Eddie-2, V651, 651, V2100, 2100, Eddie-651
  204. Einstein            Jerusalem-Einstein
  205. Empire              Evil Empire
  206. EmpireB             Evil Empire-B
  207. Exterminator
  208. EUPM                Apilapil
  209. Eur92               Europe-92
  210. F709                Finnish-709,EC-709,Swedish-709
  211. F-word              Fuck You, Trust me,USSR-417
  212. Faust               Spyer
  213. Faust               Spyer
  214. Fellowship          1022
  215. FichV               903, V-903, CHV 2.1
  216. Fichv 2.0
  217. Filler              Filler Boot
  218. Fish 6
  219. Flash
  220. Flip                Flip-2153, Flip-2343
  221. Forger
  222. Form
  223. Formiche
  224. France
  225. Freeze
  226. Fri 13              Munich, South African, 512, Com virus, Friday the 13th
  227.                     Miami,Virus-B,South African,South African-623
  228. Fri 13B
  229. Fri 13C             South African-408
  230. Fri 13D             South African-416
  231. Frogs               Frog's Alley, Frogs-B
  232. Fumanchu            2080, 2086
  233. GP1
  234. Gergana             (The original Gergana)
  235. GerganaB            Gergana-222,Gergana-300,Gergana-450
  236. Gergana512          Gergana-512
  237. GhostBalls          Ghost Boot,Vienna-822,Vienna-645B
  238. Ghost               Tiny-Ghost
  239. Gliss
  240. GoldenGate          Mazatlan, 500 Virus, Golden Gate C
  241. GoldenGate2         Golden Gate C2
  242. Got You
  243. Gotcha
  244. Gotcha2             Gotcha-C,Gotcha-D,Gotcha-906
  245. Greemlin            Gremlin
  246. Greetings
  247. Grune
  248. Guppy
  249. Hafenstr            Hafenstrasse, Hafenstrasse-791,Haffenstrasse-1689
  250. Haifa
  251. Hallochen
  252. Halloween
  253. HappyDay            Happy Day
  254. Hary Anto
  255. Hero
  256. Hero394
  257. HeyYou              923
  258. Hitch               Hitchcock
  259. Hiv                 Murphy3, Goblin, Migram-2,Pest,Intergalactic Pest,Smack
  260.                     Delirium-138, Locker, Murphy Brothers,Murphy-Amilia
  261.                     Murphy Tormentor
  262. Horse               8 mutations, Naughty Hacker
  263. Horse2              6 mutations, Naughty Hacker II
  264. H482                Hungarian-482 format, Hungarian-473
  265. Hybrid              Hybryd
  266. Hydra               Hydra1-7 (7 variants)
  267. Hydra8              Hydra1-8
  268. Iceland1            Saratoga,onein ten,System
  269. Iceland2            one in two,disk crunching virus
  270. Iceland3            Saratoga II
  271. Ill                 Illness, Copyright violation
  272. Incom
  273. Int13
  274. Interceptor         Interceptor-Vienna,TImeB, Monxla-B
  275. 1355
  276. 1381                Internal
  277. Invad2576           Plastique-2576
  278. Invader             Plastique, anti-CAD,Plastique-2900
  279. Invader1            Plastique, Plastique 3004, COBOL
  280. Invader2            Plastique, AntiCAD-2, Plastique-Mozart
  281. Invader521          Plastique521
  282. InvaderD            Plastique-Danube,Plastique-Invader
  283. Iraq                Iraqui Warrior, Iragui
  284. Irish (0-9)         Maltese Amoeba
  285. IronMaiden
  286. ItaviR              3880
  287. Jabbr               Jabberwocky,JABBRWOCK,JW2,812,Jabberwocky 615
  288. JD3                 D-158
  289. JD2                 D-448,JD-460
  290. Itti-99
  291. Itti-191
  292. JD1                 D-356,JD-392
  293. Jerk                Talentless Jerk, Superhacker
  294. Jerusalem           Anarkia,Anarkia-B,Carfield,Groen Links,Frere Jacques, Mendoza
  295.                     A-24,Payday, Puerto, Spanish, Jerusalem-G
  296. Jerus-2             Skism, Jerusalem-USA,Jerusalem-Nemesis,Nemesis
  297. Jerus-1244          Jerusalem-1244
  298. Jerus-3             Mummy,Jerusalem-Barcelona,Jerusalem 2187,Jerusalem-Mummy
  299.                     Jerusalem-1735
  300. Jerus-C             Jerusalem-Clipper
  301. Jerus-X             PLO, Friday the 13th, Israeli
  302. Jews                Surrender
  303. Jihuu               ish virus display several msgs
  304. Joker1
  305. Joker2
  306. Joshi               Happy birthday Joshi
  307. July13
  308. June16              Pretoria
  309. Justice
  310. Kalah               VDV 91
  311. Kamikaze
  312. Karin               Redstar, Karin's birthday
  313. Kemerovo-B
  314. Kennedy             Dead Kennedys, 333
  315. Kennedy163          163
  316. Keypress            Keyclick
  317. KeyB-bug            Keyboard bug
  318. Klaeren
  319. Korea               LBC boot
  320. Kuku
  321. Kuzmitch            Vienna-Kuzmitch
  322. Kylie
  323. L.Bro.              Little Brother
  324. Lao Doung           Lau Doungo
  325. Lazy
  326. Lcase               Lower Case,Lower Case-B
  327. Leech               Topler
  328. Lehigh              Lehigh University
  329. Lehigh2             Lehigh-B
  330. Leprosy
  331. LeprosyB
  332. Leprosy-C2          Durango
  333. LeprosyD
  334. Leszop
  335. Liberty             Magic,Mystic
  336. LibertyO            (Old variation on liberty virus - thought extinct)
  337. Liberty1186b
  338. LittleP             Little pieces
  339. Lovechild
  340. LovechildT          Love child Trojan
  341. Loz-1018            Lozinski-1018,Lozinski-1023B
  342. Lozinsky            Aids test
  343. MLTI                Red diavolyata, Red Devil USSR-830
  344. Macedonia
  345. Macho               MachoSoft
  346. Magnitogorsk        2048, 2560
  347. Mardi Bros          Marti Bros
  348. Mannequin           RQSP2
  349. Manuel              Manuel-C
  350. Mg                  MG-1A,MG-2,MG-3,MG-4
  351. Mgtu
  352. Michelangelo
  353. Microbes            Bombay
  354. Miky                Jerusalem-Miky
  355. Mini30b             Minimal-30-B
  356. Mini45              V45, Minimal-45
  357. Mini46              Minimal-46
  358. Mirror
  359. Ministry             Phalcon-Ministry
  360. Mix1
  361. Mix1B               Mix1-2
  362. Mix2
  363. Moctezuma           Jerusalem-Moctezuma
  364. Mono                Mono-1063,Monochrome deleter
  365. Monxla              Time Virus, Vienna-Monxla
  366. Mosquito
  367. MPS1                MPS-OPC 1.1
  368. MPS3                MPS-OPC 3.1 MPS-OPC 3.2,MPS 3.2B
  369. MPS3.1              MPS-OPC 3.1
  370. MPS3.2              MPS-OPC 3.2,MPS 3.2B
  371. MPS4                MPS-OPC 4.01
  372. MSTU                MSTU-531,MSTU-554
  373. Mshark
  374. Multiface           Portugese
  375. Murphy1             V1277
  376. Murphy2             Cemetary, Murphy3, V1521, Diabolik, Finger,Migram-1
  377.                     Murphy-Bad taste,Bad taste Ltd
  378. MusicBug            Music Boot, Music Bug
  379. Mutant              Mutant-127, Mutant-123
  380. Nina
  381. NineComp            Nines Complement
  382. Nobock              No Bock today
  383. NoInt               (Stoned variant with no payload)
  384. Nomenklatura        Nomenclature,1024-B
  385. Nov 17              November 17th
  386. Nov 30.             Jerusalem-Nov 30th,November 30th
  387. NV71                1840, 1827
  388. Ohio                Hacker
  389. Ohio0
  390. Omega               (Friday the 13th variant)
  391. Omega2              (440 byte virus from Finland)
  392. Ontario
  393. Orion               Orion-365,Orion 262, Orion system
  394. Oropax              Music virus, Musician
  395. Paris
  396. Parity
  397. P1                  V1701-New, Evil, Phoenix, PhoenixD, Proud, P-1
  398.                     P1 related, Phoenix related
  399.                     Dark Avenger Mutation Engine generated viruses
  400. P2000 Trojan        Phoenix 2000 Trojan
  401. Padded
  402. Pathhunt
  403. PCflu               PC-Flu
  404. PCflu2              PC-Flu2
  405. PCV                 PCVRSDS
  406. PSQR                PSQRJerusalem-PSQR, 7120
  407. Path
  408. Pentagon
  409. Peach
  410. Perfume             765, 4711
  411. Perfume2            Perfume-731
  412. Phantom             Thesease
  413. Pingpong            Italian, Turin, Bouncing Ball, Vera Cruz,Typo boot
  414. Pingpong2           Ping Pong
  415. Pisello             Mosquito-Pisello
  416. Piter               Polish-529, 529
  417. Pixel1              V354
  418. Pixel2              V299,Vesko
  419. Pixel277            Pixel-277,Polish Pixel (2 variants 457+550 bytes)
  420. Pixel3
  421. Pixel345
  422. Pixel740
  423. Pixel847
  424. Pixel852
  425. Pixel936            Pixel-897,Pixel-899A,Pixel-899B,Pixel-905,Pixel Pixie 1.0
  426. PixelR              Pixel-Rosen, Rosen
  427. Plaque              590, The plague
  428. PlovDiv             New Bulgarian 800
  429. Plovdiv1.3
  430. Polimer             Polimer Tapeworm
  431. Polish217           Polish Stupid, 217,Polish 217A
  432. Polish              Polish Minimal 45
  433. PolishColor
  434. Possesed            Possessed-B/2446,Poss, Poss-A/B
  435. Pregnant            Pregnant.!!!
  436. Pretoria            June 16th
  437. PrintScreen         EB 21, 8290, PRTSC
  438. PrtSC-F             1024-PtrSc,1024PRSC
  439. Prudents            1210
  440. QMU                 QMU-1513
  441. Rage
  442. Rape                Data Rape(?)
  443. Rat
  444. Raubkopie        Raub
  445. REQ                 W13-REQ!
  446. Revenge             Revenge Attacker
  447. RPVS                TUQ
  448. Russian Mirror      FBeeper
  449. SBC#
  450. SPANZ
  451. SSSSS               Liberty-SSSSS
  452. SVC                 USSR-1689,Svc-4.0,SVC-1740
  453. SVC5                SVC 5.0  (new version 1/92)
  454. SVC6
  455. Saddam              Hussein
  456. Sadis
  457. Scotts Valley       2131, Slow-2131
  458. Screamer            Screaming fist
  459. Semtexb
  460. Sentinel
  461. Sept18              September 18th
  462. Shadowbyte          Shadow,Shadow-2
  463. ShadowByte2
  464. Shake
  465. Shirley
  466. Sistor              Sistor-2380,Sistor-2225
  467. Slow                Slowdown
  468. Smiley              Smiley worm boot
  469. Smiley              Smiley .COM infector
  470. Socha
  471. Solano              Solano 2000, Dyslexia
  472. Something
  473. Sov1                Lenigrad
  474. Sov2                Leningrad2
  475. Spoiler             Disk Spoiler
  476. Spanz
  477. Sparse
  478. Squawk
  479. Squeaker
  480. Staf                Staff
  481. StarDot             StartDot-600
  482. Stardot801          StarDot-789,StarDot-801
  483. Stigmata            Danish Stigmata,Greetings to
  484. Stink
  485. StinkFoot
  486. Stoned              New Zealand,Marijuana,Rostov,Hawaii
  487. Stoned2             Sex Revolution, San Diego, Smithsonian,Stoned II
  488. StonedB             Stoned-2
  489. StonedN             Stoned-new,Stoned II, Donald Duck
  490. StonedZ             Stoned-zapped
  491. Striker             Striker #1
  492. Stupid Rock
  493. Subliminal          Subliminal 1.10
  494. Sunday
  495. SundayB             Sunday 2
  496. Suomi               Suomi, Ouhu, 1008
  497. Suriv1              April 1st,Suriv-1.01,Suriv01,SurivA
  498. Suriv2              Suriv-2.01,April 1st-B,Suriv02
  499. Suriv3              Suriv-3.00,Israeli,SurivB,Jerusalem-T13
  500. Svc3.1              USSR-1064,SVC-3.1
  501. Sverdlov            USSR 1962, Hymn 1962,Hymn-2
  502. Svir                Stupid
  503. SvirB               Svir-B
  504. Swap                Track Swap, Falling Letters
  505. Swedish             Swedish Disaster
  506. Sylvia              Sylvia-2, Holland Girl, Holland Girl2,  Harmless text virus
  507. Syslock             Advent,Cookie ("I want a cookie"),Crew-2480,3551,3555
  508.                     Macrosoft
  509. Tabulero
  510. Taiwan
  511. Taiwan1             Taiwan-2,Taiwan-B,Taiwan-D
  512. TaiwanC             Taiwan-C,Anti-CAD
  513. Telecom1            Spanish Telecom, Telphonica,Telecom-3700
  514. Telecom2
  515. Telecom3
  516. Telecoma            Spanish Telecom boot sector only
  517. TelecomB            Spanish Telecom-2, Spanish Telecom variant B, Telephonica-B
  518. Tequila
  519. Tequila2            (alternate pattern for self-mutation)
  520. Terror
  521. Tester              Testvir, Testvirus
  522. Thurs12             Thursday 12th, VirCheck V1.2
  523. Timid               Timid-306,Timid-305
  524. Tiny                163, Tiny-163, Kennedy-163
  525. Tiny#               Tiny family of viruses,Tiny-(133-198)
  526. Tiny DI             Tiny DI-94,Tiny DI-101,Tiny DI-108,Tiny DI-110
  527. Tic
  528. Tokyo
  529. Tony
  530. Topo                 Mosquito-Topo
  531. Tp06vIR
  532. Tp16vIR
  533. Tp23vIR
  534. Tp24vIR         TP25VIR, TP33VIR, TP34VIR
  535. TP4xVIR             Tp41vIR, Tp42vir, Tp45vir, Tp46vir
  536. Traceback           3066
  537. Traceback2        2930, Traceback II, Spanish
  538. TrackSwap
  539. Traveller           BUPT
  540. Tula                Tula-419, 419
  541. Tumen               BackWolf,Tumen 1.2
  542. Twin
  543. V2100               Dark Avenger-2100
  544. V472
  545. V512                # of the Beast,666
  546. V512A               # of the Beast1,666-A
  547. V512B               # of the BeastE
  548. V512C               # of the BeastF
  549. Vienna              Austrian, Unesco, DOS62, Lisbon,Vienna-645,Vienna-Polish 634
  550.                     Vienna-644B,Vienna-618
  551. Vienna7             Vienna-757,Vienna-776
  552. Vienna733
  553. ViennaB-E           Vienna-Choinka, Monxla, Grither, Vienna-622,Vienna-625
  554. ViennaD             Christmas Tree, NTKC, C-23693,Vienna-726,Vienna-621
  555. VirDem              VirDem-824,Virdem-1542 and other variants
  556. VCS                 Virus construction kit, Virus kit,V kit,VCS-Manta,Manta
  557.                     VCS-VDV-853
  558. Xmas-Jap            Christmas in Japan
  559. ZeroBug             Pallette, 1536,Zero Bug
  560. Turbo448            @ virus, Turbo @, Polish-2
  561. KO-408
  562. Kukac               Turbo Kukac
  563. TV-730              Ontario-730
  564. Typo                Typo Boot,Mistake
  565. Typo-F              867,Fumble, Typo-fumble,Typo
  566. Twin351             Companian type
  567. Ussr311             V311
  568. USSR600             600
  569. USSR492             492
  570. USSR516             516, Leapfrog
  571. USSR696             696
  572. USSR707             707
  573. USSR711             711
  574. USSR948             948
  575. USSR1049            1049,RCE1049
  576. USSR2144            2144
  577. USSR1594            1594
  578. V2                  V2xx series of viruses
  579. 1253                AntiCad,V-1,Thanksgiving, AntiCAD 3088
  580. Vacsina1            Rybka
  581. Vacsina2
  582. V1024               Dark Avenger III
  583. V2000               Dark Avenger II,Travel virus,Die Young, Copy me
  584. V800                Live after death
  585. V801                V-801,V791,V-805
  586. Vcomm               637
  587. 12 Tricks           (This is not a virus but a vicious trojan which attacks
  588.                     files and system sectors)
  589. Virdem2
  590. VirdemK             VirDem killer, Virdem-792
  591. VFSI                437, Happy Day
  592. Vhp348
  593. Vhp367              VHP353
  594. Vhp435              Vhp623, Vhp627
  595. Victor
  596. Vieena644
  597. Vienna-S            Mob-1a,Parasite,Parasite-2b,Infinity,Vienna Mob-1a
  598. Vindicator          FV-734
  599. Violator            Violator BT,Violator-B
  600. ViolatorB3
  601. ViolatorB4          Christamas Violator
  602. Violetta
  603. Virus9
  604. Virus90
  605. Virus101
  606. Viper               Viper,Leprosy-Viper
  607. Viperize            Vienna-Viperize
  608. VirX                Fake-VirX
  609. Void Poem
  610. Voronezh            USSR-1600
  611. Voronezh370
  612. VP
  613. W13                 Toothless,W13-A,W13-B,W13-C,W13-361,Vienna-534B
  614. Vriest
  615. Warrier
  616. We're here
  617. WL#                 Mother fish,Z the Whale,Whale-B,Whale
  618. Wisconsin        Death to Pascal
  619. WitCode
  620. Wolfman
  621. Wonder
  622. Words               Words-1069,Words-1085
  623. WWT                 WWT-01,WWT-02
  624. XA1            Christmas, Xmas,Tannenbaum
  625. Xabras
  626. Yafo                Maccabi
  627. Yankee0             Yankee Doodle, 5 O'clock,XPEH
  628. Yankee1             Yankee-1150,Yankee-1205
  629. Yankee2             Old Yankee, 1961, Yankee-go-home
  630. Yankee-Old          Enigma, Black Wizard
  631. Yankee go home
  632. Yaunch            Wench
  633. Yukon            Yukon overwriting, Divide overflow
  634. Zero Hunt        Minnow
  635. Zherkov             Zherkov-1882
  636. Zherkov2            Zherkov-1915/2968/2970,AIDSTEST