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Application Notes
Use of Archiver Programs (Archivers)
Archivers -- Various archive/compression programs
Relevant Software
Beginning with version 1.01, InContext supports the following
archive/compression programs:
ARCA/ARCE -- free ARC-compatible, but limited function
ARC -- SEA's ARC program (version 6.02)
ARJ -- Robert Jung's excellent newcomer
LHA -- Haruyasu Yoshizaki's free archiver (LZH)
PAK -- NoGate Consulting's entry, also used by the
FidoNet-based Software Distribution Network (SDN)
PKPAK/PKUNPAK -- Phil Katz's old ARC-compatible archiver
PKZIP/PKUNZIP -- Phil Katz's current archiver (ZIP)
LHA is free, and is distributed with InContext. The others must be
obtained and installed by the user, but are then well-supported by
How to Use These Programs with InContext
In order to view an archive, it is necessary that a class definition
exist for the filename extension used by the archiver. In the case of
PKZIP, for example, the class definition ZIP.ACT must exist in the
InContext installation directory. The required class definition is
almost trivial. For ZIP, the definition contains only one action
("Edit") whose procedure definition is
!viewArchive ZIP %f
This definition instructs InContext to invoke its internal archive
viewer, in ZIP mode, on the selected file. Class definitions have
been provided with this AppNote for the following classes: ARC, ARJ,
LZH, PAK, SDN, and ZIP. Also provided is a class definition for the
AppNote class itself (APP), since AppNotes are actually LZH archives.
At the present writing, these class definitions are identical to
those distributed with InContext V1.01, but any additions may result
in a new release of this AppNote in advance of the next InContext
Archivers AppNotes -1- Archivers (7/18/91)
If you use one of the ARC-compatible archivers, you'll need to
manually edit the ARC.ACT "Edit" definition, in order to select that
particular archiver. Instructions are present there, in the form of
The class definitions just discussed tell InContext what to do when
you select an existing archive object. A second aspect of archiver
use is the definition of procedures to allow you to place objects
into archives. As distributed, InContext provides this ability only
for LZH archives. To add another archiver, you'll need to change the
definition of the "Archive" action in the Common action list, and
change the "Arc-all" action in the Group action list. A small ex-
ample, to show the idea, is this definition for a Common "Archive"
!menu "Select archive type"
!choice "ARJ -- Creates or updates an ARJ archive"
!query 1 "Enter name of ARJ archive" 12
!verify "OK to archive this object to '%1'?"
arj m %1 %f
!choice "LHA -- Creates or updates an LZH archive"
!query 1 "Enter name of LHA archive" 12
!verify "OK to archive this object to '%1'?"
lha m %1 %f
!choice "PKZIP -- Creates or updates a ZIP archive"
!query 1 "Enter name of PKZIP archive" 12
!verify "OK to move this object to '%1'?"
pkzip -mu %1 %f
This action definition allows the user to select an ARJ, LHA, or ZIP
type, indicate the name of the archive, and move the selected file
into that archive. You'll find complete examples in the EXAMPLE.ACT
file distributed with this AppNote.
H. Rudy Ramsey Phone: 203-426-3782
Rams' Island Software CompuServe: 76244,324
8 Grand Place, Newtown, CT 06470-2114 BBS: 203-426-2687
Archivers AppNotes -2- Archivers (7/18/91)