VIRUSCAN for Windows McAfee Associates Registration:$25
Files: WSCAN84.ZIP
WSCAN (VIRUSCAN for Windows) is a version of the famous McAfee SCAN program adapted to the Windows environment. It checks for multiple types of virii, just like the DOS version SCAN.EXE. This program was received by Win*Net with the McAfee authenticity verification .ZIP envelope, and so has been left as-is; the archive contains the VALIDATE program which can be used to further verify that the program is indeed a McAfee SCAN product. Extensive on-line help is available.
The archive includes:
SCAN.EXE - The DOS version of VIRUSCAN
WSCAN.EXE - The Windows version of VIRUSCAN
WINSTALL.EXE - Installation program for WSCAN.EXE
SCAN.ICO - McAfee Associates icon for Windows
SCANHLP.HLP - On-line help for VIRUSCAN for Windows
VIRLIST.TXT - List of viruses VIRUSCAN currently detects
VALIDATE.COM - Validation program to validate SCAN.EXE
VALIDATE.DOC - Documentation for Validation program
REGISTER.DOC - Registration form for VIRUSCAN for Windows