The SelectWare System Volume 2 #3
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**** EPCN1MN1 ****(1)
- The 'Job Cost' and 'Schedule' application codes are flags
to indicate whether or not these modules are currently active.
- 'Day Break Time' is the time of day after which a clock
in will be applied to the following day.
- 'Schedule Weeks' (1-4) indicates the number of weeks
in advance employee schedules are planned.
- 'Current Week' indicates which week's schedule is currently
in effect. The system automatically maintains this field.
**** EPCN1MN2 ****(10)
- Since employees do not punch in and out exactly on time,
the user defines a set of grace period rules.
- When transactions are outside of the grace periods,
user defined rounding rules are applied.
- Rounding codes determine the direction in which
pay time is rounded.
- Rounding minutes establish to which 'nearest minute'
regular time and overtime will be rounded.
**** EPCN1MN3 ****(19)
- Regular and Overtime pay periods can be Weekly, Bi-weekly,
Semi-monthly, or Monthly.
- Overtime calculation rules can be defined for Regular
Pay Days, Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays.
- The user defines the number of hours per day and per pay
period after which overtime is paid. Similar time
parameters are defined for double time.
-Automatic meal deductions are defined based upon the
number of hours worked.
**** EPSCHMN1 ****(29)
- Schedules are usually associated with a specific
- Shift premiums may be either a percentage or a
dollar amount.
**** EPSCHMN2 ****(34)
- Meal window indicates the number of minutes before
or after the meal start time an employee can begin
the meal break without generating an exception
-Meal process codes indicate automatic meal deduction,
meal punches required, or flexible meal breaks within
the specified window.
**** EPINMNU1 ****(42)
Detailed or summary information can be displayed by employee or by
order or account.
**** EPMNMNU1 ****(46)
EPIS menus are organized by functional areas.
**** EPMNMNU4 ****(48)
'System Utilities' include data collection device polling, company time
and attendance policy definition, and periodic payroll processing.
**** EPMNMNU5 **** (52)
The system incorporates a comprehensive set of menu driven features for:
** Company Tailoring
** Policy and Schedule Maintenance
**** EPMNMNU6 **** (56)
Payroll processing provides for editing, posting, and reporting for the
specified pay period.
**** EPMNMNU7 ****(59)
Management reporting provides on-line inquiry of:
** Employee Activity ** Order Activity
** Account Activity
**** EPMNMNU8 ****(63)
A comprehensive set of reports is provided to capture and summarize all
labor transactions by employee, department, order, and account.
**** EPMNMNU9 ****(66)
The employee scheduling module allows the assignment of employees to
daily schedules for up to four weeks in advance.
**** EPMNMN10 ****(69)
On-line master file maintenance is provided along with master file list
**** EPSYMNU1 ****(72)
The system menu options allow the creation and maintenance of a set of
parameters that uniquely define the user's operational environment.
**** EPESHMN2 ****(76)
A unique schedule may be identified with each working day
on a 4-week rolling basis. These schedules can be different
for each employee.
**** EPESHMN4 **** (82)
Overrides are used to define an employee's schedule when a
pre-defined schedule does not match planned hours. In addition,
planned overtime can be scheduled and controlled. Reporting is
available to reflect the impact to projected payroll costs.
**** EPCN2MN1 **** (87)
Automatic accumulation
of year-to-date total
hours and dollars for
these accounts.
**** EPCN2MN2 **** (92)
Automatic accumulation
of year-to-date total
hours for these
**** EPSYMNU2 **** (97)
Company tailoring, policy, and schedule maintenance are central to the
system set-up and will be highlighted later.
**** EPSYMNU3 ****(100)
These programs are tailored to the specific data collection devices
**** EPSTPOLL **** (103)
Automated consolidation of labor activity from data collection network.
- Automatic data verification
- Diskette backup of polled data option
- Built in diagnostic checking for all collection devices on
****EPSCHMN3 ****(109)
These fields default to the system configuration parameters and
can then be tailored by the user to fit each individual schedule.
Labor information is collected at the order and operation level.
On-line inquiry provides timely visibility to order and operation
costs for supervisory personnel.
Employee time can be tracked at the order and operation level and
summarized by day.
Schedule exceptions and unscheduled punches are noted by the
exception codes.
Planned work hours for an employee are displayed
for a rolling four week schedule and presented a
week at a time for detailed review. Printed
copies of schedules can be distributed to each
employee. Management schedule reports are
available, including department coverage.
All time records for an employee for a selected date may be
viewed together. With a valid supervisor badge number, records
can be modified, deleted, or added in a real-time mode.
To see printed samples of EPIS reports, press the <Esc> key to
end the Demo and then type 'REPORTS'. The menu you see here will
re-appear and you will be able to print the reports you want to see.
Instructions for printing report samples will appear at the end
of this demonstration.