The SelectWare System Volume 2 #3
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Text File
465 lines
/vs/ee/edm~-~p~ ~b~s~{esc}
{DELAY 45}
{MESSAGE,12,15,"Are your SuperProject program files, data files and"}
{MESSAGE,12,16,"macro files on the same drive and directory (Y/N)?"}
{MENUCALL YES," YES ","All files are on the same drive and directory","Y"}
{MENUCALL NO," NO ","The files are on separate drives or directories","N"}
{Label YES}
{Label NO}
{BOXDRAW 5,6,75,9}
{MESSAGE,10,7,"Please enter the path (Drive and directory) to the sample (.pj)"}
{MESSAGE,10,8,"files and press RETURN. When you see the .PJ files press <F8>."}
{windowsoff}{ready}/vs/ee{dn 17}6-1-87~/vp{ready}/ev/fdy~
{DELAY 15}
{DELAY 15}
{MESSAGE,46,7,"Computer Associates",4,7}
{MESSAGE,46,10," presents ",4,7}
{MESSAGE,46,13,"SuperProject Expert",4,7}
{MESSAGE,43,18,"To quit, press Ctrl-Break",0,7}
{DELAY 60}
{boxdraw 50,4,77,10,4,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " Every project"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " consists of"1,7}
{boxtext 1,3, " four ingredients:"1,7}{delay 30}
{boxdraw 5,15,10,20,14,7}
{boxtext 0,1, "TASK"0,7}
{boxdraw 15,15,20,20,10,2}
{boxtext 1,1, "$$"0,2}
{boxdraw 25,15,30,20,12,4}
{boxtext 0,1, "TIME"0,4}
{boxdraw 35,15,44,20,3,7}
{boxtext 0,1, "RESOURCES"9,7}{delay 30}
{boxdraw 50,4,79,15,4,7}
{boxtext 1,3, " Each project requires"1,7}
{boxtext 1,4, " different quantities of"1,7}
{boxtext 1,5, " money, resources and time."1,7}
{delay 40}
{boxdraw 15,14,20,20,10,2}
{boxtext 1,1, "$$"0,2}
{delay 01}
{boxdraw 15,13,20,20,10,2}
{boxtext 1,1, "$$"0,2}
{delay 01}
{boxdraw 15,12,20,20,10,2}
{boxtext 1,1, "$$"0,2}
{delay 01}
{boxdraw 15,11,20,20,10,2}
{boxtext 1,1, "$$"0,2}
{delay 01}
{boxdraw 15,10,20,20,10,2}
{boxtext 1,1, "$$"1,7}
{delay 01}
{boxdraw 35,14,44,20,3,7}
{boxtext 0,1, "RESOURCES"9,7}
{delay 01}
{boxdraw 35,13,44,20,3,7}
{boxtext 0,1, "RESOURCES"9,7}
{delay 01}
{boxdraw 35,12,44,20,3,7}
{boxtext 0,1, "RESOURCES"9,7}
{delay 01}{boxdraw 35,11,44,20,3,7}
{boxtext 0,1, "RESOURCES"9,7}
{delay 01}{boxdraw 35,10,44,20,3,7}
{boxtext 0,1, "RESOURCES"9,7}
{delay 01}{boxdraw 50,4,79,15,4,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " SuperProject helps you"1,7}
{boxtext 1,3, " optimize time and money"1,7}
{boxtext 1,4, " through powerful task"1,7}
{boxtext 1,5, " and resource scheduling"1,7}
{boxtext 1,6, " features."1,7}
{delay 60}
{boxdraw 25,15,30,20,12,4}
{boxtext 0,1, "TIME"0,4}
{delay 01}
{boxdraw 25,14,30,20,12,4}
{boxtext 0,1, "TIME"0,4}
{delay 01}
{boxdraw 25,13,30,20,12,4}
{boxtext 0,1, "TIME"0,4}
{delay 01}
{boxdraw 25,12,30,20,12,4}
{boxtext 0,1, "TIME"0,4}
{delay 01}
{boxdraw 25,11,30,20,12,4}
{boxtext 0,1, "TIME"0,4}
{delay 01}
{boxdraw 25,10,30,20,12,4}
{boxtext 0,1, "TIME"0,4}
{delay 01}
{boxdraw 25,9,30,20,12,4}
{boxtext 0,1, "TIME"0,4}
{delay 01}
{boxdraw 25,8,30,20,12,4}
{boxtext 0,1, "TIME"0,4}
{delay 01}
{boxdraw 25,7,30,20,12,4}
{boxtext 0,1, "TIME"0,4}
{delay 01}
{boxdraw 25,6,30,20,12,4}
{boxtext 0,1, "TIME"0,4}
{delay 01}
{boxdraw 25,5,30,20,12,4}
{boxtext 0,1, "TIME"0,4}{delay 10}
{ready}{windowsoff}{boxdraw 0,2,79,20,4,7}{windowson}
{boxdraw 0,2,79,20,4,7}
{boxtext 9,1, " Some of SuperProject's features include:"1,7}
{delay 20}{boxdraw 3,7,53,17,0,1}
{boxtext 1,1, "* ADVANCED SCHEDULING OPTIONS "15,1}
{boxtext 1,2, " * Leveling "15,1}
{boxtext 1,3, " * Smoothing "15,1}
{boxtext 1,4, " * Percent Complete "15,1}
{boxtext 1,5, " * Split Assignments "15,1}
{boxtext 1,6, " * Priority Scheduling "15,1}
{boxtext 1,7, " * Budgeted Cost of "15,1}
{boxtext 1,8, " Work Performed "15,1}
{delay 80}
{boxdraw 3,7,53,17,0,1}
{boxtext 1,1, "* WORK BREAKDOWN SCHEDULING "15,1}
{boxtext 1,2, " For efficient `top down' "15,1}
{boxtext 1,3, " planning. "15,1}
{boxtext 1,5, "* MULTI-PROJECT CAPABILITY "15,1}
{boxtext 1,6, " For linking several projects,"15,1}
{boxtext 1,7, " using the same resources. "15,1}
{delay 70}
{boxdraw 3,6,53,18,0,1}
{boxtext 1,1 "* NETWORK SUPPORT "15,1}
{boxtext 1,3, "* MACROS "15,1}
{boxtext 1,4, " For designing your own programs"15,1}
{boxtext 1,5, " and project presentations. "15,1}
{boxtext 1,7, "* EXPORT-IMPORT CAPABILITIES "15,1}
{boxtext 1,8, " For the transfer of information"15,1}
{boxtext 1,9, " to spreadsheets and data bases."15,1}
{delay 70}
{boxdraw 0,2,79,20,4,7}
{boxtext 9,6, " And now, for a look at some of SuperProject's features."1,7}
{boxdraw 43,2,79,7,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " At SuperProject's PERT Chart"1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " you can see the sequence in "1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " which tasks must be performed."1,7}
{delay 60}
{boxdraw 43,2,79,7,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " These tasks are linked to start"1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " when the preceding tasks finish."1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " SuperProject also has Start-to- "1,7}
{boxtext 1,3, " Start and Finish-to-Finish links."1,7}
{delay 60}
{boxdraw 39,2,79,7,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " SuperProject shows which tasks"1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " are critical to your project by"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " linking them with red diamonds."1,7}
{boxtext 1,3, " Blue links mean you have more time."1,7}{delay 80}
{windowsoff}{ready}/er{ready}/er{scrollright 8}{windowson}{refresh}{boxdraw 39,2,79,7,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " SuperProject also lets you"1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " reduce the view, to see more"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " of the project at once."1,7}
{delay 60}
{windowsoff}/ee{ready}{home}/v~{up 36}{windowson}
{boxdraw 36,15,79,20,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " This is SuperProject's Outline"1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " screen. Here, you can see virtually"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " every field in the program, including"1,7}
{boxtext 1,3, " cost and schedule information. "1,7}
{delay 60}{refresh}{rt 6}{rt}{rt}{rt}{rt}{rt}{rt}{rt}{rt}
{boxdraw 40,15,79,20,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " The Outline screen lets you "1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " design the project structure"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " by phase..."1,7}
{delay 50}{rt}{lt}{rt}{lt}
{boxdraw 40,15,79,20,4,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " by tasks.."1,7}{delay 20}
{dn}{delay 10}
{boxdraw 40,15,79,20,4,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " and by assigned resources."1,7}
{delay 30}
{delay 5}
{delay 5}{up 3}
{boxdraw 40,15,79,20,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " With a single keystroke, you"1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " can show as much or as little"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " of your project as you like."1,7}
{delay 60}
{boxdraw 40,15,79,20,4,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " For example, this view shows you"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " just the tasks in your project."1,7}
{delay 40}
{boxdraw 40,15,79,20,4,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " You can also `roll up' tasks"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " and assignments under phases."1,7}
{delay 40}
{boxdraw 40,15,79,20,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " See the phase, `Award', to the"1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " left? Watch the tasks below it"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " roll up so that they're not seen."1,7}
{delay 50}
{boxdraw 40,15,79,20,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " The + sign in front of `Award' "1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " tells you that tasks are now"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " hidden under this phase."1,7}
{delay 50}
{boxdraw 40,15,79,20,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " SuperProject is dynamic;"1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " changes you make on one screen"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " impact all other screens."1,7}
{delay 60}
{boxdraw 40,15,79,20,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " With SuperProject, your project"1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " can have up to nine structural "1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " levels."1,7}
{delay 40}
{boxdraw 40,15,79,20,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " Headings can be linked to "1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " each other directly, without"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " linking all the individual tasks. "1,7}
{delay 50}
{boxdraw 36,2,79,7,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " This is SuperProject's Work"1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " Breakdown Chart, which graphically"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " illustrates the project's structure."1,7}
{delay 50}
{delay 5}
{delay 5}
{boxdraw 40,2,79,7,4,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " You can reduce the view, to"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " see more of your project at once."1,7}
{delay 50}
{boxdraw 40,2,79,7,4,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " You can view it horizontally or"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " vertically..."1,7}{delay 40}
{refresh}/ev~{scrollright 5}{delay 20}/ev~
{boxdraw 40,2,79,7,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " The Work Breakdown Structure "1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " shows the organizational"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " relationship between headings "1,7}
{boxtext 1,3, " and tasks. "1,7}
{boxdraw 40,13,79,18,4,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " SuperProject's Gantt screen shows"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " your project's schedule over time."1,7}
{delay 60}
{boxdraw 40,13,79,18,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " The symbols indicate critical"1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " and noncritical tasks, delay,"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " float, and other important"1,7}
{boxtext 1,3, " scheduling conditions."1,7}
{delay 60}
{boxdraw 40,3,79,8,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " This is the Project Details screen."1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " Here you can set work starting times,"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " finish times, break times, etc. by"1,7}
{boxtext 1,3, " typing your entries on the screen."1,7}
{delay 75}{boxdraw 40,3,79,8,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " You can also define your Work "1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " Breakdown Structure Mask on this"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " screen."1,7}
{delay 40}{dn}{delay 5}{dn}{delay 5}{dn}{delay 5}E{delay 1}L{delay 1}M{delay 1}-{delay 1}1{delay 1}.{delay 1}2{DELAY 1}.{DELAY 1}3~{home}{delay 20}{refresh}
{windowsoff}{ready}/vr{windowson}{refresh}{delay 5}
{boxdraw 40,3,79,8,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " At Resource Details, all "1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " the information pertaining"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " to each resource is shown on an"1,7}
{boxtext 1,3, " individual screen."1,7}{delay 60}
{boxdraw 40,3,79,8,4,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " Here, you can change the workday"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " for each resource."1,7}
{delay 40}{refresh}
{dn}{delay 5}{dn}{delay 5}{rt}{delay 5}{rt}{delay 5}{rt}{delay 5}
/vt{delay 5}
{boxdraw 40,14,79,19,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " This is the Task Details screen."1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " Here, you see the task's start"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " and finish dates and costs."1,7}{delay 60}
{boxdraw 40,14,79,19,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " You can schedule a task ASAP, "1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " ALAP, or Span, or enter a Must"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " Start date."1,7}{delay 50}
{RT}{DELAY 35}{rt}{delay 35}{HOME}
{BOXDRAW 40,3,79,8,4,7}
{BOXTEXT 1,O, " This is SuperProject's Setup"1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " Preferences screen. Here you"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " can choose the settings and"1,7}
{boxtext 1,3, " options you want to use."1,7}
{delay 60}{refresh}
{HOME}{DN}{dn}{dn}{dn}{dn}{dn}{dn}{delay 5}{LEFT}~
Scale Model~
{boxdraw 40,7,79,12,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " This is the Resource Histogram."1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " The blinking symbols indicate"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " this resource is overscheduled."1,7}
{delay 60}
{boxdraw 35,7,79,12,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " The histogram window at the bottom"1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " of the screen shows resource workload"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " over time. This resource has been"1,7}
{boxtext 1,3, " given more work than it can handle."1,7}
{delay 75}
{boxdraw 35,7,79,12,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " SuperProject can solve the over-"1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " scheduling automatically. Watch"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " SuperProject recalculate and level"1,7}
{boxtext 1,3, " this resource's assignments."1,7}
{ready}{delay 70}
{boxdraw 49,9,79,14,4,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " The resource's workload now"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " fits within his capacity. "1,7}
{delay 30}{windowsoff}{ready}
/vc/eg5-31-87~{windowson}{refresh}{boxdraw 40,3,79,8,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " SuperProject has separate calendars"1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " for each project and each resource."1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " This screen shows the project's"1,7}
{boxtext 1,3, " calendar."1,7}
{delay 80}
{boxdraw 40,3,79,8,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " Holidays you create on the project"1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " calendar appear on all the resource"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " calendars."1,7}{delay 45}
{rt}{delay 5}{rt}{delay 5}h{delay 2}o{delay 1}l{delay 3}i{delay 1}d{delay 3}a{delay 1}y{delay 2}~{DELAY 20}
{windowsoff}{tab}{windowson}{refresh}{boxdraw 40,3,79,8,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " This is SuperProject's resource "1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " calendar. You can change views"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " to see what tasks a resource"1,7}
{boxtext 1,3, " is scheduled for."1,7}{delay 60}
{boxdraw 40,3,79,8,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, "As you move through the calendar,"1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, "the table below tells you which tasks,"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, "this resource has been scheduled for."1,7}
{delay 70}
{boxdraw 36,15,79,20,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " SuperProject allows you to modify"1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " the way information is presented."1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " To demonstrate, we will rearrange"1,7}
{boxtext 1,3, " this Outline screen."1,7}
{delay 70}
{boxdraw 36,15,79,20,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " The order of the Outline screen is"1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " determined here at the Select screen."1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " We'll change the order of the Outline"1,7}
{boxtext 1,3, " screen now."1,7}{delay 70}
{dn}{delay 3}{dn}{delay 3}{dn}{delay 3}{rt}{delay 3}{rt}{delay 3}
{rt}{delay 3}{dn}{delay 3}2{delay 3}{up}{delay 3}3{delay 3}{dn}{delay 3}
{dn}{delay 3}4{delay 3}{dn}{delay 3} {delay 3}{dn}{delay 3} {delay 3}
{boxdraw 36,15,79,20,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " We've asked for the name to"1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " appear first, hours second,"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " duration third, costs fourth. "1,7}{delay 40}
{boxdraw 40,15,79,20,4,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " The Outline screen appears just"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " as we asked for it."1,7}
{delay 40}
{boxdraw 36,15,79,20,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " You can also generate reports"1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " with SuperProject, combining"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " information from different screens."1,7}
{delay 50}
{boxdraw 36,15,79,20,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " Watch now as we output a report"1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " to screen, combining the Gantt"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " and Outline."1,7}
{windowsoff}/vg/ev~/ov{delay 1}order~
{delay 40}
{boxdraw 36,15,79,20,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " Reports such as these can be"1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " printed, or viewed on screen."1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " They are easy to generate because"1,7}
{boxtext 1,3, " they use your project's data."1,7}{delay 50}
{boxdraw 35,15,79,20,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " So, from outlining your project to"1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " writing project reports, SuperProject"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " makes project management easier."1,7}
{delay 80}{refresh}
{boxdraw 40,15,79,20,4,7}
{boxtext 1,0, " SuperProject makes managing projects"1,7}
{boxtext 1,1, " so much easier, you just might give"1,7}
{boxtext 1,2, " everyone an extra day off."1,7}{delay 50}
{rt}{delay 4}{rt}{delay 4}{rt}{delay 4}
{rt}{delay 4}d{delay 1}a{delay 2}y{delay 1} {delay 5}o{delay 3}f{delay 1}f{delay 1}~{rt}
/fdy~/vs{dn 7}n~/vg/evw{ready}/vp/su