▒89138876▓Health care in the Yemen Arab Republic.│Lambeth S┤University of North Dakota, College of Nursing, Grand Forks 58202.╡1988╢0022╖0020-7489╕3╣171-7║25╗╝03╜The Yemen Arab Republic has health-care problems similar to other developing countries yet lacks the abundant oil reserves of its Arabian peninsula neighbors to address these problems. An ambitious 5 year health plan developed in 1977 has been impeded by a lack of material and human resources. The infant mortality rate remains one of the highest in the world, schistosomiasis drains the energy of the people, and tuberculosis and malaria remain endemic. Progress is, however, being made in health-care educational programs within Sanaa University and the Health Manpower Institutes to develop the resources of the Yemeni people to meet the health-care needs of their country.╛0027~0322*00~0386~0454~0519 59~0521 59~0522*59~0525*59~0526*59~0608~0640~0642 59~0644~0722 59~0743~1017~1380┐▒89138877▓Notes on the utilization of traditional and modern/Western mental health practices among the Yoruba, Nigeria.│Jaiyeoba DA┤Department of Nursing, Health Sciences, University of Ife, ILE-IFE, Nigeria.╡1988╢0022╖0020-7489╕3╣179-84║25╗╝03╜The problem of utilization of modern/Western and traditional mental health practices among the Yoruba people of Nigeria is the focus of this paper. The Yorubas' beliefs about mental disorders, causes and the value of traditional systems against modern/Western mental health practices are discussed. The paper ends with suggestions for the better use of traditional knowledge and the integration of this knowledge with Western practices--all for the general good of the would-be clients.╛0247*61~0322*00~0608~0740~0769*00~0774 55~0775~0843┐▒89138878▓Effectiveness of primary health-care nurses in the promotion of oral rehydration therapy in a rural area of Nigeria.│Jinadu MK, Olusi SO, Alade OM, Ominiyi CL┤Department of Community Health and Nutrition, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ife, ILE-IFE, Nigeria.╡1988╢0022╖0020-7489╕3╣185-90║25╗╝03╜Using a pre- and post-intervention method, this study evaluates the effects of verbal instructions and demonstration by the primary health-care nurses on knowledge, attitude and practice of home management of childhood diarrhoea by mothers in a rural area of Nigeria. Although the proportion of mothers that knew how to prepare and give oral rehydration therapy (ORT) increased significantly from 6.2 to 47.0%, few (9.5%) were practising it during subsequent episodes of diarrhoea. The use of starvation by the mothers also decreased significantly from 43.0 to 8.2% however the use of traditional medicines and medicines from chemists did not show any significant change. The beliefs that sugar worsens diarrhoea, that home-made ORT was not a medicine, and continued reliance of the mothers on traditional healers and medicine dealers for advice were factors constraining adoption of the ORT by the mothers. For effectiveness, therefore, the educational programmes of the nurses should also be directed at the traditional healers and the medicine dealers.╛0027~0215~0322*00~0335*55~0454~0470*37~0513 34~0608~0640~0743~0843~1035*34~1149*00┐▒89138879▓Effects of preparation for mastectomy/hysterectomy on women's post-operative self-care behaviors.│Williams PD, Valderrama DM, Gloria MD, Pascoguin LG, Saavedra LD, De la Rama DT, Fetty TC, Abaguin CM, Zaldivar SB┤J. Hillis Miller Health Center, College of Nursing, University of Florida, Gainesville 32610.╡1988╢0022╖0020-7489╕3╣191-206║25╗╝03╜The research problem was: what are the effects of preparation for mastectomy/hysterectomy on women's self-care behaviors during the immediate post-operative period, and 1 month after surgery? Study subjects were 60 women, 30 mastectomy and 30 hysterectomy, equally divided into an experimental and control group. The independent variable, structured teaching, was administered by a nurse clinician before and after surgery. The dependent variable, self-care, during the immediate post-operative period, was defined as the performance of three ambulation tasks on day 1. Five additional exercises were rated for the mastectomy group on day 1 and four on day 2. Task performance was rated on three criteria: time interval, amount of prompting and amount of assistance required for the first complete performance (as demonstrated and practiced pre-operatively) of each exercise. During the clinic phase, 1 month post-surgery, self-care was the score obtained on a Self-Care Rating Scale, obtained by patient report and based on the discharge planning content. Findings showed that for the in-hospital phase, patients in the group given pre-operative instructions performed at a significantly higher level. They required neither prompting nor assistance in the initiation and completion of ambulation tasks compared to the uninstructed group. Most patients in the uninstructed group did not initiate nor complete the tasks despite prompting and physical assistance from the nurse. For the clinic phase, both the instructed post-mastectomy and post-hysterectomy groups performed self-care activities at home significantly better than and more frequently than the uninstructed groups.╛0017~0024~0027~0157 44*53~0454~0608~0626*44~0754*44~0792~0943*34~1172*44~1341 44*53┐▒89138880▓Selected AIDS beliefs, behaviors and informational needs of homosexual/bisexual men with AIDS or ARC.│Lovejoy NC, Moran TA┤Department of Physiological Nursing, University of California, San Francisco.╡1988╢0022╖0020-7489╕3╣207-16║25╗╝03╜Due to the current absence of curative therapies, patients with AIDS or ARC (AIDS-Related Complex) rely on information to provide them with a sense of control over their lives [Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, Confronting AIDS: Directions for Public Health, Health Care and Research (1986)]. The purpose of this study was to describe AIDS beliefs, behaviors and informational needs of patients with AIDS or AIDS-related complex 7 years into the epidemic. Data were collected once using a modified version of the AIDS Beliefs and Behaviors Questionnaire (ABBQ) developed by McKusick et al. [Am. J. Public Hlth. 75, 493-496 (1985)] and Moran et al. [Oncol. Nurs. Forum (1988)]. Study results showed that 90% of outpatients (N = 30) at an internationally recognized AIDS medical center wanted more information about building their immune systems. Surprisingly few patients (10%) wanted explicit information about safe sexual behaviors, although 4 years into the epidemic, this information was a central concern [Moran, Unpublished Masters thesis (1986)]. Results suggests that nurses need to take a more active role in monitoring and addressing patients' changing informational needs.╛0015 37*44~0027~0035 37*44~0132*00~0511*00~0513 34~0578*00~0608~0743~1182~1192*00┐▒89138881▓Nursing procedures and their function as policies for effective practice.│Crow RA, Chapman RG, Roe BH┤Nursing Practice Research Unit, University of Surrey, Guildford, U.K.╡1988╢0022╖0020-7489╕3╣217-24║25╗╝03╜Documents covering nursing procedures form part of the District Health Authorities policies in the United Kingdom. How far such written documents contribute to standards of care has not been established. As part of a wider investigation, a postal survey of all District Health Authorities in England and Wales was undertaken to examine the content of procedures for catheter care. Eighty-two per cent of Authorities responded and it was found that the documents consisted largely of a detailed list of steps to be followed. There was no complete coverage of all components of care and there were gaps in information concerned with patient safety. In discussion it is suggested that procedures reflect technical performance rather than guidelines for good practice. In the light of this analysis it is argued that the profession should reconsider the place of such documents within the Health Authorities' quality assurance programme.╛0184 37~0406~0608~0870*31~1082*31~1262~1333 37~1361┐▒89138882▓Nurses' work satisfaction and feelings of health and stress in three psychiatric departments.│Landeweerd JA, Boumans NP┤Department of Health Sciences, Limburg University, Maastricht, The Netherlands.╡1988╢0022╖0020-7489╕3╣225-34║25╗╝03╜A study was conducted to compare nurses' work satisfaction and feelings of health and stress in three psychiatric departments differing in type of work. Subjects were 65 nurses. Questionnaires and interviews were used. From the results it appears that the admissions department receives relatively high scores on the work satisfaction variables. The short-stay department especially scores relatively negative on both the work satisfaction and health and stress variables. These results are explained in terms of the different work situations, stressing the differences between a dynamic psychiatric environment and a work situation where aims and expectations are not met.╛0027~0105*00~0163*44~0249~0454~0598~0608~0688*00~0714~0743~0774 37~1060~1061*00~1253*12*44┐▒89138883▓A study of nurses' knowledge and attitudes about sexuality in health care.│Webb C┤Bristol Polytechnic, U.K.╡1988╢0022╖0020-7489╕3╣235-44║25╗╝03╜This article discusses a questionnaire study carried out to investigate knowledge and attitudes towards sexuality among 50 trained nurses working in gynaecological and non-gynaecological wards in the U.K. Knowledge levels were low and attitudes were traditional, and the gynaecology nurses' scores showed them to be less knowledgeable and more conservative than other nurses. These findings match those of studies carried out in the U.S.A. in the 1970s. The implications of the study for nurse education are considered, bearing in mind some reservations concerning the research instruments used.╛0103*00~0377*00~0498~0505 20~1182*00~1184*00~1262┐▒89139998▓Important British report calls for major review of residential care provision for all age groups [editorial]│Smith JP┤╡1988 Sep╢0025╖0309-2402╕5╣535-6║13╗╝03╜╛0406~0608~1120*50~1121*50~1241~1361┐▒89139999▓The work of community psychiatric nursing.│Pollock CP┤In-Service Education Nursing Officer, Rosslynlee Hospital, Edinburgh.╡1988 Sep╢0025╖0309-2402╕5╣537-45║13╗╝03╜The findings of this study provide an explanation of how community psychiatric nurses make community psychiatric nursing work. The work of community psychiatric nursing can be usefully compared to that involved in making a theatre production. In the theatre there is a play with a plot which is conveyed through the parts played by characters. In the face of production limitations (size of theatre, costs and time constraints, for example) and the demands of sponsors, audience, theatre critics and others in the Company, the characters make use of the stage props and get the show on the road. The community psychiatric nurses can be likened to the characters in a play, whose title is 'the provision of a community psychiatric nursing service'; the plot being the provision of individualized care. Similar to the production limitations in the theatre, the community psychiatric nurses have limited care options and resources and are faced with the varied demands of patients, carers and situations, other specialists and the bureaucracy. Yet the nurses have to produce the best match of needs to resources. Maintaining a theatrical analogy, the nurses have to use what props they have on the stage, not to 'get the show on the road', but to make the community psychiatric nursing service work. Unlike a theatrical production, however, community psychiatric nurses do not appear to have an overall director controlling the work; neither are there guidelines which limit or define practice. This results in individual community psychiatric nurses establishing their own modus operandi and defining their own work practices. Two major themes pervade this account of the work of community psychiatric nurses.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)╛0247*38 50~0248*32~0522 52~0608~1026~1061*00~1168~1245┐▒89140000▓Narcolepsy: a review of a common, life-long sleep disorder.│Cohen FL┤Narcolepsy Research, College of Nursing, University of Illinois, Chicago.╡1988 Sep╢0025╖0309-2402╕5╣546-56║13╗╝03╜Narcolepsy is a severe debilitating chronic life-long sleep disorder that can be ameliorated but not cured. In the United States, its prevalence is at least 1 in 1000 making it more common than multiple sclerosis or Parkinson's disease. Its symptoms lead to severe lifestyle consequences, with profound impact on the affected persons, their interpersonal relationships, job, school experiences, and family life. Despite this, little has appeared in the nursing literature about the disorder. The most characteristic symptoms include uncontrollable excess daytime sleepiness, cataplexy (bilateral voluntary muscle weakness), sleep paralysis, hypnagogic hallucinations and disturbed night-time sleep. Characteristics of normal sleep are reviewed and compared with disturbances seen in narcolepsy. The aetiology, assessment, diagnosis, pharmacologic therapy, non-pharmacologic therapy and psychosocial issues are discussed along with needed research directions.╛0014~0027~0202~0238~0608~0675~0709 44~0723~0749~0822*42 44 55~1132~1134~1201 41~1262┐▒89140001▓An investigation of the dependence of severely disabled people in a hospital.│Stride NM┤Royal Hospital and Home, Putney, London.╡1988 Sep╢0025╖0309-2402╕5╣556-64║13╗╝03╜This paper describes a pilot study of the dependence of 20 severely disabled patients on nursing staff in a long-term rehabilitation ward. Dependence was measured as the number of 15-minute periods spent by a patient in receipt of various categories of nursing care during fixed observation times. Measurements were made by patient activity sampling and were in reasonably good agreement with the results of nurse activity sampling. Severity of disability gradings of the International Classification of Impairments. Disabilities and Handicaps (ICIDH) were adapted to give an overall disability score for each patient. Appropriately summarized numerical data are presented in the form of tables and bar charts. Patient feeding was firmly established as the most time-consuming of the direct nursing care activities. There was also a high statistical correlation between feeding dependence and severity of disability and this finding is discussed at some length.╛0017~0318*00~0508*44~0608~0658*11~0729~0863*00~0949*11~0961*00~1108~1262~1300┐▒89140002▓The Marie Curie/St Luke's Relative Support Scheme: a home care service for relatives of the terminally ill.│Johnson IS, Cockburn M, Pegler J┤Community Medicine, Trent Regional Health Authority, Sheffield.╡1988 Sep╢0025╖0309-2402╕5╣565-70║13╗╝03╜A hospice-based scheme for the support of relatives of dying patients is described. The majority of carers were females and almost a third of them elderly. Most patients were suffering from malignancy. Relatives reported a high level of satisfaction with the help they received from the scheme, but late referral was a common source of dissatisfaction. A large proportion of patients subsequently died at home but it is suggested that the intervention of the relative support scheme was not the only contributory factor. The perceptions of nurses working for the scheme and the susceptibility of volunteers to stress are highlighted.╛0027~0030~0249~0406~0454~0574*00 32~0579~0592~0608~0743~0792~1103~1128*00~1212┐▒89140003▓Verbal communication and behaviour during meals in five institutionalized patients with Alzheimer-type dementia.│Sandman PO, Norberg A, Adolfsson R┤Department of Geriatric and Long-Term Care Medicine, University of Ume a, Sweden.╡1988 Sep╢0025╖0309-2402╕5╣571-8║13╗╝03╜Five institutionalized patients with Alzheimer-type dementia were observed (video-recorded) during meals. The aim was to assess their meal behaviour and social interaction. The results showed that when the patients ate without the participation of staff, the two least demented patients became 'caregivers' in the group and helped the three most demented patients to eat. When two mental nurses joined the group, the patients dropped their roles as helpers. The conversation in the group could be characterized as incomplete, with short sentences and a lot of breaks. Sixty-three per cent of all comprehensible utterances concerned food and eating and almost all conversation concerned the present.╛0030~0031~0043*44~0241*00~0368*00~0454~0608~0661~0675~0743~0792~1204*00~1262┐▒89140004▓Hospital and community liaison links in nursing: the role of the liaison nurse.│Jowett S, Armitage S┤School of Nursing Studies, University of Wales College of Medicine, Cardiff.╡1988 Sep╢0025╖0309-2402╕5╣579-87║13╗╝03╜Since the 1960s there has been an awareness of a 'care-gap' when patients are transferred between hospital and home. In the United Kingdom, attempts to improve continuity of care have included the development of the role of the hospital/community liaison nurse. The liaison role has evolved in different ways and no systematic evaluation has occurred. This paper reports the findings of an exploratory study into the structure and process of the liaison role. It is suggested that the role is effective in enhancing continuity of care, but that modifications accompanied by educational and organizational changes would improve current practice.╛0225~0266*00~0574*00~0608~0801~0873*00~0942~0948*00~1034*00~1142~1226~1262┐▒89140005▓Preceptorship: a viable alternative clinical teaching strategy?│Myrick F┤Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.╡1988 Sep╢0025╖0309-2402╕5╣588-91║13╗╝03╜The difficulty experienced by many baccalaureate student nurses in making the role transition from student to graduate nurse continues to pose problems for nursing education and nursing service personnel alike. A variety of instructional strategies described in the literature which claim to enhance the effectiveness of student learning in the clinical setting and promote role adjustment immediately upon graduation have been used by nursing faculty and nursing service personnel. Preceptorship is one such strategy. The author reviews the evolution of preceptorship within the nursing profession and explores factors which are provoking current interest in this concept. Available empirical data regarding the effect of preceptorship on student and graduate nurse performance in the clinical setting are presented and implications for nursing education discussed.╛0379*00~0608~0863*00~1015*00~1216┐▒89140006▓Strategies and conditions for teaching theoretical nursing: an international perspective.│Meleis AI, Price MJ┤Department of Mental Health, School of Nursing, University of California, San Francisco 94143-0608.╡1988 Sep╢0025╖0309-2402╕5╣592-604║13╗╝03╜How, when, and why to teach nursing theory are still central questions for nurse educators. The questions are restated and generalized to the whys, and hows, and the whens to incorporate theoretical nursing rather than nursing theory in nursing education. Process and strategies for teaching theoretical nursing are compared and contrasted with those related to research. We propose the use of similar strategies and add several essential conditions related to theoretical nursing. In teaching theoretical nursing, educators are expected to develop an environment that values theory and ways by which a theoretical identity is facilitated and fostered in students. Critical and reflective thinking as well as the role modelling of local models of excellence are central ingredients in the development of nurses who are committed to using and developing theories. One approach in incorporating theory in curricula is to identify central components and goals such as historical analyses, domain boundaries, theory utilization, process and strategies for theory development and testing. Once components are identified, faculty can make a decision about where to incorporate them. We have proposed several approaches that incorporate theoretical nursing in undergraduate and graduate programmes.╛0291*00~0379*00~0382~0608~0865~0877*00~1285*34┐▒89140007▓A study to compare the practice style of graduate and non-graduate nurses and midwives: the pilot study.│Bircumshaw D, Chapman CM┤Nursing Studies, University of Wales College of Medicine, Heath Park, Cardiff.╡1988 Sep╢0025╖0309-2402╕5╣605-14║13╗╝03╜This paper comprises essentially a discussion of the pilot of a study currently being undertaken to compare the practice styles of graduate and non-graduate nurses. The background to the main study is described and discussed, as is the methodology. The problems encountered in the planning and executing of the data collection are particularly highlighted. The paper does not present data from the pilot study, but evaluates the methodology used and considers the implications for the main study.╛0249~0379~0381~0608~0794*00~0856*00~0992~1042*00~1086~1361┐▒89140008▓Determinants of patient care: nursing process or nursing attitudes?│Moss AR┤Royal Preston Hospital, Preston.╡1988 Sep╢0025╖0309-2402╕5╣615-20║13╗╝03╜Nurses are increasingly striving to be recognized as independent professionals and often use the nursing process as evidence that they have their own area of expert knowledge. The nursing process is, in theory at least, an effective framework on which to base nursing care. However, there are a number of studies which indicate that nursing care is influenced to a significant degree by the attitudes of nursing staff. If nursing is to attain the status of an independent profession it must identify, and if possible, rectify the factors that influence nursing attitudes.╛0103*00~0608~0863*50~0870*00~0876*44~0949~1084~1143~1245┐▒89140009▓Marginality and the role of the clinical teacher.│Smyth T┤School of Community and Educational Studies, Colchester Institute, Essex.╡1988 Sep╢0025╖0309-2402╕5╣621-30║13╗╝03╜This paper discusses the concept of marginality and its relevance to an understanding of the role of the clinical teacher. Despite having a rather chequered history, the notion of marginality has proved, nonetheless, to be a powerful and resilient stimulus for many writers from a variety of backgrounds. After a brief overview of the historical development of the concept, this paper focuses on the theoretical framework proposed by Dickie-Clark which is found to have value as both an accessible and flexible means of analysing a wide range of social and individual phenomena. It is this framework that is used to examine the position of the clinical teacher. The essence of the argument is that the clinical teacher is at a pivotal level at the intersection of two relatively distinct hierarchies (the formal educational and the informal clinical) which need to be reconciled if the clinical teacher is to be effective. Brief references are made also to Third World studies as an illustration of how seemingly remote concepts can be employed creatively to highlight some hitherto unconsidered aspects of the clinical teacher's role.╛0288*00~0377*00~0553~0608~0676~0863*00~0879~1285*00┐▒89140010▓Token economy in a hospital rehabilitation system.│Baker R┤Department of Psychology, Royal Cornhill Hospital, Aberdeen, Scotland.╡1988 Sep╢0025╖0309-2402╕5╣631-9║13╗╝03╜A ward-based token economy programme which formed one part of a larger rehabilitative service for long-stay psychiatric patients is described. The clinical effectiveness of the programme is examined by the use of various nursing, psychological and psychiatric assessments before and after the patients' treatment on the ward, and the progress of former patients is followed-up as they move to different parts of the rehabilitation service. Significant clinical gains in patients' psychiatric symptomatology and problem behaviour on the ward are reported, although there were indications that improvement was not fully maintained as the patients moved on to other parts of the service. Comparison of the present clinical programme with the earlier research programmes on the ward indicated that the present regime was superior. The advantages and problems of token economy as a rehabilitative facility are discussed, outlining the various different roles for token economy with psychiatric rehabilitation. Finally, the future of token economy for long-stay patients is considered, questioning whether it might more appropriately be replaced by other structured ward programmes.╛0027~0222~0608~0677~0743~0792~0861~1047~1049~1063~1159*48~1262~1307*00┐▒89140011▓Assessment of nurses' attitudes towards cancer: a critical review of research methods.│Corner JL┤King's College, London.╡1988 Sep╢0025╖0309-2402╕5╣640-8║13╗╝03╜There has been increasing interest in the attitudes that the general public and health care professionals hold towards cancer, the effect these have on an individual's likelihood to present early with symptoms, and the quality of care patients with the disease receive from carers. The research appears to indicate that the attitudes of both groups are largely negative and stereotyped, and cancer is seen as being more devastating than other life threatening diseases. These attitudes have been associated with patterns of poor communication and care for cancer patients. This paper looks critically at the research into the attitudes of nurses towards cancer and calls for more innovative methods than have been used to date. There is a need to increase our understanding of this complex problem before indications for education and practice can be made.╛0103*00~0608~0834*37 55~0869~1046~1132~1134┐▒89140012▓Improving recovery following cardiac surgery: a randomized clinical trial.│Gortner SR, Gilliss CL, Shinn JA, Sparacino PA, Rankin S, Leavitt M, Price M, Hudes M┤School of Nursing, University of California, San Francisco.╡1988 Sep╢0025╖0309-2402╕5╣649-61║13╗╝03╜To enhance individual and family health during recovery from heart surgery, this study employed nursing interventions based on self-efficacy and family stress theory during the hospitalization period and for 3 months thereafter. The effectiveness of the interventions were assessed through a randomized trial in which 67 prospective bypass and valve surgery patients, aged 30-77 years, and their spouses, were allocated either the experimental interventions or usual care and followed for 6 months. At 3 months post-surgery, the only statistically significant differences between the experimentals and controls were on perceived self-efficacy for lifting and tolerating emotional distress. At 6 months no significant differences were found on individual or family measures. Analyses revealed that age, gender and preoperative cardiac status significantly affected individual recovery. The study is continuing with a larger sample in order to explicate the recovery process and to better determine whether a low intensity nursing intervention can effect changes in individual and family recovery.╛0027~0029~0030~0085 48~0227~0249~0444~0454~0539 37*48~0540 48~0608~0743~0792~0943*34~1008*34~1095~1185~1264┐▒89140013▓Student nurse perception of the staff nurse role.│Buckenham MA┤Nurse Education Centre (Infirmary), District General Hospital, Macclesfield.╡1988 Sep╢0025╖0309-2402╕5╣662-70║13╗╝03╜A survey was undertaken to identify the developing perception of the staff nurse role by student nurses in two health districts of one regional health authority using a questionnaire specially developed for the survey. A sample of 190 was selected from student nurses, staff nurses and sisters, working within those areas used for general nurse teaching at the two districts. The results indicate that first-year student nurses hold perceptions of the importance of the functions of the staff nurse role which are significantly different from the staff nurse whilst second-year students respond in the same way as staff nurses. Third-year student nurses hold a perception of the staff nurse role which does not differ significantly from that held by staff nurses except for the clinical function. Questions relating to performing within these functions were less easily interpreted. The results do not demonstrate a sequential developing perception of the staff nurse role, rather a change over the first year with some areas of performance remaining different throughout the years of training. Possible reasons for these differences are advanced. Difficulties in generalizing the results due to the limitations of the data obtained, questionnaire design and the locations for the study, are identified.╛0249~0608~0675~0873 38~0876*00~0879~1086~1142*00~1208*00~1256*44~1285┐▒89140278▓Infection control and emergency care [letter]│West K┤╡1988 Oct╢0021╖0899-823X╕10╣435║9╗╝03╜╛0283*43~0394*00~0608~0746~0971*20┐▒89140279▓APACHE II update [letter]│Draper EA┤╡1988 Oct╢0021╖0899-823X╕10╣435-6║9╗╝03╜╛0608~0652*00~0763~1180*00~1220┐▒89140280▓The private practice of infectious diseases--a current assessment.│Morrison AJ Jr┤Fairfax Hospital, Falls Church, Virginia.╡1988 Oct╢0021╖0899-823X╕10╣437-9║9╗╝03╜╛0015 55~0240*55~0608~1037*00~1217~1225*00~1326┐▒89140281▓Evaluation of the variety of plasmid profiles in S epidermidis isolates from hospital patients and staff.│Valentine CR, Yandle SH, Marsik FJ, Ebright JR, Dawson MS┤Department of Microbiology/Immunology, Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, OK 74137-1297.╡1988 Oct╢0021╖0899-823X╕10╣441-6║9╗╝03╜Plasmid profiling was used to determine the variability of normal flora isolates of Staphylococcus epidermidis in order to evaluate the usefulness of plasmid profiling for identifying pathogens. Fifteen hospital staff members and patients repeatedly had cultures taken from the hands and nares, and multiple isolates were examined for plasmid profiles. S epidermidis isolated from the nares of 15 neonates were also examined. The total number of isolates examined for plasmid profiles was 726. Repetition of profiles was common among the different isolates from a single sampling (one swab). The frequency of re-isolating similar profiles on different days varied from 7% to 13%. Simultaneous isolation of similar profiles from nares and hands on the same individual varied from 0% to 11%, the percentage being lower for personnel. Isolation of the same plasmid profile from different individuals occurred only twice and resulted in an assignment probability of Pa = 0.002 for isolates obtained from different individuals. Significantly more isolates from nares contained plasmids (97%) compared with isolates from hands (89%). Patients who had two or more isolates of coagulase-negative staphylococci with similar profiles were judged, clinically, to have infections in 12 of 13 cases. However, the likelihood of re-isolating an S epidermidis strain with a similar plasmid profile twice from the same person at different times was sufficiently high to prevent plasmid profiling from being used as an absolute criterion for infection.╛0027~0120~0506 35~0608~0644~0825 35~0971~0999*00~1237 35~1238*11 30~1262┐▒89140282▓Documentation and evaluation of fevers in hospital-based and community-based nursing homes.│Franson TR, Schicker JM, LeClair SM, Hoffmann RG, Duthie EH Jr┤Section of Infectious Disease, Zablocki Veterans Administration Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI 53295.╡1988 Oct╢0021╖0899-823X╕10╣447-50║9╗╝03╜We reviewed clinical evaluation practices and documentation of fever (greater than or equal to 100.2 degrees F) in all febrile patients over a two-month period in a hospital-based nursing home (HBNH) compared with a community-based nursing home (CBNH). Results showed 38 febrile (mean 101.9 degrees F) HBNH patients and 26 febrile (mean 101.5 degrees F) CBNH patients. Median time from fever onset to physician contact was 4 hours in HBNH and 12.5 hours in CBNH episodes (P less than 0.01). Laboratory studies were initially performed in 68% of HBNH and 31% of CBNH episodes (P less than 0.005), and diagnosis of fever source was documented in 76% of HBNH and 16% of CBNH episodes (P less than 0.005). Overall assessment stratification showed 81% febrile HBNH patients had both evaluation and therapy performed compared with 38% in CBNH (P less than 0.0001); 39% of febrile CBNH patients had no evaluation or therapy performed. Results indicate lack of documentation, and fever evaluation in CBNHs may preclude complete detection of nursing home-acquired infections and thereby hamper preventive responses to potential infection problems.╛0027~0030~0031~0249~0283*21 55~0454~0465*23~0580~0608~0743~0792~0868*00 38~0871~1053~1264┐▒89140283▓Failure of the sterile air-flow component of a protected environment detected by demonstration of Chaetomium species colonization of four consecutive immunosuppressed occupants.│Woods GL, Davis JC, Vaughan WP┤Department of Pathology, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha 68105.╡1988 Oct╢0021╖0899-823X╕10╣451-6║9╗╝03╜Four bone marrow transplant recipients consecutively occupying the same room on our Oncology-Hematology Special Care Unit (OHSCU) became colonized with Chaetomium species between January and April, 1987. These patients, aged 27 to 43 years, were immunocompromised as a result of intensive chemotherapy, and were consequently at increased risk for development of invasive fungal infection. At the time of Chaetomium colonization, all patients were febrile, two had transient new infiltrates on chest x-ray, and three were receiving amphotericin B therapy. Subsequent environmental cultures revealed Chaetomium contamination of the OHSCU air-handling system, including the HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters in seven of the nine rooms comprising the unit. Because fungal colonization of HEPA filters used to create a "protective environment for immunocompromised patients can occur and can serve as a source for patient infections, guidelines concerning proper surveillance of these HEPA filters should be established. We suggest that before a new patient enters a "protected room, the clean side of the HEPA filter should be cultured. If fungi are recovered from that culture, we would recommend changing the filter.╛0027~0094*30~0148*58~0199*30~0413*00~0454~0466 50~0608~0633~0743~0826*35~0945*50~1349 50┐▒89140284▓Enterococcal infections: an increasing problem in hospitalized patients.│Terpenning MS, Zervos MJ, Schaberg DR, Kauffman CA┤Department of Internal Medicine, Veterans Administration Medical Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105.╡1988 Oct╢0021╖0899-823X╕10╣457-61║9╗╝03╜We studied 157 episodes of infection or colonization with enterococci in 122 patients over a six-month period. One hundred twelve episodes (71.3%) occurred in patients over age 60 years. The most common sites for isolation of enterococci were the urinary tract, and bone and soft tissue. Nosocomial acquisition of enterococci occurred in 74.7% of all infections, and an additional 21% of episodes occurred in patients who had been transferred from another hospital or were regularly seen in the clinic. The overall mortality was 19.6%; 71.4% of those with bacteremia died. Enterococci appear to be significant pathogens, especially in older men in veterans' acute care hospitals and nursing home care units.╛0030~0146 35~0283*35~0603~0608~0743~0787~0792~1249*35 36~1250*30~1263~1335 35┐▒89140285▓Management of health care workers remotely vaccinated for hepatitis B who sustain significant blood and body fluid exposures.│Snyder MB┤Division of Infectious Diseases and Hospital Epidemiology, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI 48202.╡1988 Oct╢0021╖0899-823X╕10╣462-4║9╗╝03╜╛0283*43~0411~0549*43~0550 06~0608~0892 43~0971*00~1140~1356*54┐▒89140286▓Respiratory syncytial virus.│Sinnott JT 4th, Gilchrist LS, Ellis L┤Department of Internal Medicine, University of South Florida College of Medicine, Tampa.╡1988 Oct╢0021╖0899-823X╕10╣465-8║9╗╝03╜RSV is now understood to be the most significant viral respiratory pathogen of infants and is capable of causing both bronchiolitis and pneumonia. It is a particular risk to hospitalized infants as the virus is easily spread through close contact. The most vulnerable infants are those who suffer with either congenital heart disease or bronchopulmonary dysplasia who easily fall prey to pulmonary complications of infection. Strict environmental control and the use of protective clothing and eyewear should be implemented to decrease the nosocomial spread of RSV. Available diagnostic studies include viral isolation, fluorescent antibody stains, and enzyme immunoassays. Treatment of the disease is usually supportive but hospitalized patients frequently benefit from aerosolized ribavirin therapy. Hopefully, current vaccine trials will be successful and this pathogen will not only be treatable but will also be preventable.╛0215~0608~0640~0926*21 43~1125~1127*21 23~1132~1134~1136 54┐▒89140287▓Surgical asepsis in labor and delivery.│Ledger W┤Cornell University Medical College, New York.╡1988 Oct╢0021╖0899-823X╕10╣469-70║9╗╝03╜╛0015 43 57~0080*34~0095*34~0283*43~0308*00~0454~0608~0644~0699*00~1017┐▒89140288▓Diagnosis-related groups: past and future.│McMahon LF Jr┤Department of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 48109-0376.╡1988 Oct╢0021╖0899-823X╕10╣471-4║9╗╝03╜╛0333*00~0608~0949 11~1052*00 59~1326┐▒89140289▓Surgeon-specific infection rates [letter]│Ferraz EM┤╡1988 Nov╢0021╖0899-823X╕11╣484║9╗╝03╜╛0608~1265*00~1272*21┐▒89140290▓Informed consent [letter]│Bartley J┤╡1988 Nov╢0021╖0899-823X╕11╣484, 487║9╗╝03╜╛0015 44~0608~0655*00~0786┐▒89140291▓Infectious waste management--will science prevail? [editorial]│Hedrick ER┤╡1988 Nov╢0021╖0899-823X╕11╣488-90║9╗╝03╜╛0608~0647*57~0765*00~1326~1328~1363*00┐▒89140292▓Primary cytomegalovirus infection in pediatric nurses: a meta-analysis.│Flowers RH 3d, Torner JC, Farr BM┤Department of Medicine, University of Virginia, Charlottesville.╡1988 Nov╢0021╖0899-823X╕11╣491-6║9╗╝03╜A meta-analysis of six controlled studies was performed to evaluate the risk of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection among pediatric nurses. The pooled risk ratio for CMV infection in pediatric nurses using cumulative incidence data was statistically significant (risk ratio [RR] 2.7; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.33 - 5.52), but person-year analysis taking account of follow-up periods demonstrated a trend toward increased risk that failed to reach statistical significance (RR 1.8; 95% CI 0.88 - 3.55). Despite pooling, there was low statistical power for comparing person-year rates. The studies included in this analysis failed to provide data on several potential confounding variables. We conclude that studies published prior to the widespread adoption of universal precautions suggest that pediatric nurses may have been at increased risk for CMV infection due to occupational exposure, but inadequate design and sample size of the studies prevent a definitive conclusion. Well-designed, controlled studies are still needed to define the occupational risk of CMV infection.╛0294 21*23~0608~0781*00~0950*00~1140┐▒89140293▓Number of comorbidities as a predictor of nosocomial infection acquisition.│Gross PA, DeMauro PJ, Van Antwerpen C, Wallenstein S, Chiang S┤Department of Internal Medicine, Hackensack Medical Center, NJ 07601.╡1988 Nov╢0021╖0899-823X╕11╣497-500║9╗╝03╜Infection control programs are primarily oriented toward chronicling the incidence of nosocomial infections (NI). Intervention programs oriented toward preventing infection would be facilitated by identifying patients at greatest risk of NI acquisition. We studied the number of comorbidities as a risk predictor for NIs in patients admitted to the medical intensive care unit (ICU) for three or more days. In 148 patients, we found by regression analysis that the number of comorbidities varied directly with the development of nosocomial infections, as well as with the appearance of new complications and length of ICU stay. Diagnosis-related groups did not adequately account for the variance in comorbidities observed.╛0271~0283 12 21*23~0333~0608~0668~0714~0805*00~1107~1140┐▒89140294▓Factitious meningitis: a recurring problem.│Penn RL, Normand R, Klotz SA┤Department of Medicine, Veterans Administration Medical Center, Shreveport, LA 71101-4295.╡1988 Nov╢0021╖0899-823X╕11╣501-3║9╗╝03╜Although gram-negative meningitis is rare in our hospital, between July, 1982 and July, 1983 clusters of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) smears were reported positive for gram-negative bacilli. Fourteen specimens were obtained by diagnostic lumbar punctures, and one was obtained during a myelogram. No CSF cultures were positive, and a diagnosis of factitious meningitis was eventually established for each patient. Nonviable gram-negative bacilli were found in 6.7% of manometers, and 23.3% to 90% of the specimen tubes tested from the same lots of commercial lumbar puncture trays. It was estimated that there were between 44 and 333 organisms per specimen tube. Two lots of the commercial myelogram trays yielded nonviable gram-negative bacilli from 50% of the specimen tubes and 33.3% of the manometers tested. Retrospective review of laboratory records for 1982 and 1983 revealed 23 total CSF smears positive for gram-negative bacilli. No CSF grew gram-negative bacilli, and chart reviews confirmed a diagnosis of factitious meningitis in each case. In addition to the clusters of false-positive smears, this had occurred sporadically in both years. The problem did not recur after separate sterile tubes were provided for CSF collection. Physicians and laboratories should be aware that nonviable contaminants in commercial products may be a source of false-positive CSF gram-stained smears.╛0193 35~0442*00~0497 30~0608~0772 09*15┐▒89140295▓Biological indicators.│McCormick PJ┤MDT Corporation, Rochester, New York.╡1988 Nov╢0021╖0899-823X╕11╣504-7║9╗╝03╜╛0114 25~0289~0541~1235~1246*50┐▒89140296▓Evolution of the infectious diseases practitioner.│Ervin FR┤McLeod Regional Medical Center. Florence, South Carolina.╡1988 Nov╢0021╖0899-823X╕11╣508-9║9╗╝03╜╛0239~0283 43~0608~0647*00~1217~1225*00~1326┐▒89140297▓The effectiveness of medical care.│Nettleman MD┤Department of Internal Medicine, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City 52242.╡1988 Nov╢0021╖0899-823X╕11╣510-2║9╗╝03╜One skill required of the modern physician is the ability to provide effective care while spending a minimal amount of money. As outcomes become more complex, it is important to have a structured approach to the evaluation of effectiveness. Decision analysis provides the tools to quantitate and compare the utilities of alternate strategies.╛0304*00~0305*00~0608~0748┐▒89141062▓Some reflections on learning and teaching [editorial]│Benoliel JQ┤╡1988 Oct╢0030╖0022-3158╕8╣340-1║27╗╝03╜╛0608~0708*00~0977*00~1285*00┐▒89141063▓Clinical teaching is more than evaluation alone!│Flagler S, Loper-Powers S, Spitzer A┤School of Nursing University of Washington.╡1988 Oct╢0030╖0022-3158╕8╣342-8║27╗╝03╜Gaining self-confidence as a nurse is an essential aspect of the nursing student's professional development. The purpose of this study was to determine clinical instruction behaviors that students perceived as important in promoting their self-confidence. One hundred thirty-nine baccalaureate students rated 16 clinical teaching behaviors as to the degree each helped or hindered their self-confidence as nurses. Factor analysis of these behaviors revealed five dimensions of clinical teaching that characterized the instructor as: resource, evaluator, encourager, promoter of patient care, and benevolent presence. Behaviors contributing to the dimensions of clinical instruction other than evaluation were rated by students as helpful in the development of their self confidence as nurses. Students' responses to open-ended questions provided further evidence of the importance of the nonevaluation dimensions. Focusing on evaluation to the exclusion of other aspects of clinical teaching may impede nursing students' professional development.╛0125~0224~0379*00~0440~0608~0863*00~1086~1173~1256 44~1262~1285*34┐▒89141064▓Survey of baccalaureate nursing schools' guidelines/policies on AIDS.│Bowles CL, Carwein VL┤Graduate Program, Nursing, University of Nevada, Las Vegas.╡1988 Oct╢0030╖0022-3158╕8╣349-53║27╗╝03╜A descriptive survey of 242 National League for Nursing (NLN)-accredited schools was conducted to identify guidelines and methods used to deal with both student assignment to AIDS clients and students who are HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) antibody positive or diagnosed as having AIDS. Results indicated that 96% of the nursing schools have no guidelines for dealing with infected students, 76% have no guidelines for dealing with student assignments to AIDS clients; and 49% have no plans to develop guidelines. Thirteen percent felt HIV antibody testing should be required of all nursing students. While 66% responded that another assignment would be made if a student refused to care for an AIDS client, 45% added other comments, primarily that they would employ student conferences and further AIDS education as well. In dealing with HIV antibody positive students who are not ill, 84% felt students should remain in theory classes and 64% said they should remain in clinical. When asked about students diagnosed as having AIDS, 79% would allow theory attendance, and 31% would allow clinical attendance. Regarding who should be notified, 67% indicated that student health center, 41% said only nursing faculty in direct contact with the student, and 61% said the nursing school administration. Results demonstrated few schools of nursing have existing guidelines, many have no plans to develop them, and uncertainty abounds in the resolution of these issues.╛0015 15*37~0379~0571~0608~1073*00~1166*00~1256*00~1326┐▒89141065▓A comprehensive approach to faculty evaluation.│Boland DL, Sims SL┤Brigham Young University, College of Nursing.╡1988 Oct╢0030╖0022-3158╕8╣354-8║27╗╝03╜The purpose of this undertaking was to design a comprehensive faculty evaluation instrument that would reflect the complexities of the faculty role. An 80-item instrument was designed from a review of the literature, content analyses on job descriptions, existing evaluation tools. Items were modified on the basis of critical review by educators with expertise and experience in evaluation measurement and faculty role expectations. Instrument design incorporates the need for explicit criteria; flexibility in establishing performance standards and expectations; involvement of students, peers, administrators and self in the evaluation process; and greater consistency of judgments. When used in conjunction with a computerized data management package, this instrument provides a variety of information needed to make well-informed decisions regarding faculty development, promotion, retention and tenure of faculty members, and optimum utilization of faculty talents. Each school's faculty establishes standards of performance expectations according to its values, capitalizing on the unique nature of the proposed evaluation instrument.╛0296~0399*00~0432~0441*50~0608~0967*00~1142~1220┐▒89141066▓Sexuality of the aged and the attitudes and knowledge of nursing students.│Quinn-Krach P, Van Hoozer H┤University of Iowa, College of Nursing, Iowa City.╡1988 Oct╢0030╖0022-3158╕8╣359-63║27╗╝03╜Sexuality of the aged is one area of particular concern to nurse educators, because students' lack of knowledge and negative attitude can have far-reaching effects on nursing care of the elderly. This study examined the relationship of the dependent variables, attitude and knowledge, to the independent variables of ethnicity, age, experience in health care, family income, religious affiliation, religiosity, living arrangements, and level of education. One hundred fifty-eight female nursing students completed White's Aging Sexuality Attitude and Knowledge Scale. The study found that higher knowledge was related to more positive attitude scores (r = .25, P less than .004). Age was also significantly related to both positive attitude (r = .44, P less than .001) and higher knowledge (r = .54, P less than .001). Older students had a more positive attitude toward the elderly and were more knowledgeable about aged sexuality than younger students in the sample. One-way analysis of variance was used to test the significance between means of the dependent and independent variables. A statistically significant difference was found between ethnicity and attitude (f = 33.09, P less than .001) and ethnicity and knowledge (f = 18.36, P less than .001). Asian students in this study had a more negative attitude and were less knowledgeable about aged sexuality than Caucasian students. The study suggests that nurse educators need to pay special attention to the age and ethnicity of students when planning gerontological learning experiences designed not only to facilitate knowledge acquisition, but to promote positive attitudes toward the elderly.╛0027~0029~0030*44~0102*00~0230~0429~0454~0608~1182*00~1219~1245~1256*44┐▒89141067▓RNs' perceptions of their baccalaureate programs: meeting their adult learning needs.│Beeman P┤University of Delaware, College of Nursing, Newark.╡1988 Oct╢0030╖0022-3158╕8╣364-70║27╗╝03╜The American Nurses' Association's (ANA) 1985 resolutions have resulted in an influx of registered nurses into a variety of baccalaureate programs. The purpose of this study was to compare ways in which 12 baccalaureate programs in nursing were perceived by RN students and to note significant differences among programs in meeting adult learning needs. Data were gathered using the Beeman Educational Environment Measure for Adult Nurses instrument, which contains statements related to adult learning principles. Findings revealed significant differences among three groups of students on three scales: RNs in RN-only programs (BRNs; n = 129); RNs in basic BSN programs (n = 59); and non-RNs (n = 96). RNs in basic programs indicated that facets of their programs often inhibited learning while BRNs found that their programs better promoted an orientation to learning, met their practical concerns, and more often fostered adult characteristics such as self-direction and independence. All students found their educational environments offered them some support.╛0249~0291*00~0379*00~0380*00~0432~0608~0708*00~1208┐▒89141068▓Socialization of nurse scientists: the graduate student as research assistant.│Kennedy MB, Oakley D, Denyes M┤School of Nursing, University of Michigan, Detroit.╡1988 Oct╢0030╖0022-3158╕8╣371-2║27╗╝03╜╛0382~0608~0872~1117~1118*44~1216*00~1256*44┐▒89141069▓Clinical exam: a summative evaluation tool.│Johnson G, Lehman BB, Sandoval JB┤University of North Carolina, Greensboro.╡1988 Oct╢0030╖0022-3158╕8╣373-4║27╗╝03╜╛0224*00~0608~0939~1039~1065~1256*00┐▒89141070▓Literature and music: an educational strategy in psychiatric mental health nursing.│Peterson LC, Booth C┤Graduate Studies in Nursing, Russell Sage College, Troy, New York.╡1988 Oct╢0030╖0022-3158╕8╣374-7║27╗╝03╜The authors believe that literature and music as an adjunct in teaching psychiatric-mental health nursing are enriching for students and faculty. Although a systematic evaluation process has not yet been completed, anecdotal evidence suggests that more interesting classes and greater learning results from a variety of teaching methods (Bloom, 1976; Shipman & Shipman, 1985). The students learn from the life experiences of others portrayed by the characters in literary and musical form. Insights into the psychodynamics of human behavior are gleaned through the study of the reality of the total person rather than a focus on mental disorders. Moreover, students take a more active role in learning since they problem-solve in class rather than the more passive role that usually accompanies the lecture format. Through the increased use of reflection, analysis, and self-discovery, students hopefully will continue to utilize these processes, thereby increasing their awareness of the psychological aspects of everyday media, valuing human behavior, and perceiving the world in a more integral whole.╛0608~0726*00~0767~0817*00~1061*20~1285*34┐▒89141071▓Peer evaluation: a component of faculty performance appraisal.│Harwood CH, Olson J┤Faculty of Nursing, University of Western Ontario, London.╡1988 Oct╢0030╖0022-3158╕8╣377-9║27╗╝03╜╛0399*00~0432~0441*50~0608~0901~0953*00~0967*00~1043~1331┐▒89141072▓Recruitment and retention of nursing students from diverse cultural backgrounds.│Crawford LA, Olinger BH┤Berea College, Kentucky.╡1988 Oct╢0030╖0022-3158╕8╣379-81║27╗╝03╜╛0202~0208~0287*00~0288*00~0608~0859*32~1114~1162~1256*00~1326~1358┐▒89141140▓HIV precautions update [letter]│Wiley K┤╡1988 Sep-Oct╢0032╖0884-2175╕5╣305║17╗╝03╜╛0015*43~0570*00~0608~0888*00~0892*43┐▒89141141▓Midlife crisis in nursing [letter]│Sewall G┤╡1988 Sep-Oct╢0032╖0884-2175╕5╣305║17╗╝03╜╛0454~0455*00~0608~0649*37~0888*59~1017┐▒89141142▓Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling.│Dunn PA, Weiner S, Ludomirski A┤Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.╡1988 Sep-Oct╢0032╖0884-2175╕5╣308-13║17╗╝03╜Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling (PUBS) provides a new and exciting method for assessment and management of certain fetal disorders. This procedure offers direct access to the fetal circulation for obtaining blood samples or for transfusing the fetus in utero. Although investigational, PUBS offers treatment approaches that were not previously available. This ability to treat the fetus in utero can prolong pregnancy, resulting in decreased prematurity and mortality rates for infants with erythroblastosis fetalis. This article describes the PUBS procedure and the indications for PUBS and discusses the nursing implications associated with the care of women undergoing PUBS.╛0139 29*34~0141 29~0221 15~0454~0458*06~0460*15 55~0461 15~0608~1017~1324 29┐▒89141143▓A nursing process approach to epidural analgesia.│Henrikson ML, Wild LR┤Hospital Nursing Services, University Hospital, Seattle, WA 98195.╡1988 Sep-Oct╢0032╖0884-2175╕5╣316-20║17╗╝03╜Epidural narcotics are finding increasing favor in management of postcesarean birth pain. Effective pain relief coupled with minimal side effects often make this technique the method of choice. To provide comprehensive and safe nursing care for the mother using epidural narcotics, nurses must be knowledgeable about the technique, drugs, and associated patient responses. Nursing management using a care plan with nursing diagnosis and expected patient outcomes will help nurses plan their care of these patients.╛0057*00 03~0061*37~0062*37~0198*00~0454~0608~0861*00~0864*00~0922*37~1017~1140┐▒89141144▓Developing a maternal-fetal intensive-care unit.│Brubaker JJ, Teplick FB, McAndrew L┤Butterworth Hospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan.╡1988 Sep-Oct╢0032╖0884-2175╕5╣321-6║17╗╝03╜Advances in perinatal health care have allowed more women the opportunity for a successful pregnancy despite medical complications. A maternal-fetal intensive-care unit (MFICU) can provide these patients with medical and nursing care equivalent to that of a medical/surgical intensive-care unit while meeting the complex physical and psychosocial needs associated with pregnancy. Successful development of a MFICU mandates consideration of administrative aspects, educational programs, and clinical issues. The key to a successful maternal-fetal intensive-care unit lies in thorough planning, careful implementation, and timely evaluation.╛0454~0608~0644~0669*38~0700*37~0880 38~0940 38~1017~1018*37~1140┐▒89141145▓Nursing diagnoses in wellness childbearing settings.│Stevens KA┤Catholic University of America School of Nursing, Washington, D.C.╡1988 Sep-Oct╢0032╖0884-2175╕5╣329-36║17╗╝03╜Although most nurses recognize the benefits of nursing diagnoses, difficulties surrounding clinical application of the NANDA system have often occurred. Many nurses feel that the NANDA system focuses mainly on illness or problem diagnoses, which makes application to healthy processes and areas such as childbearing more difficult. Examples of the flexibility of the NANDA system for stating diagnoses involving healthy processes as well as illness/problem diagnoses for postpartum clients are cited to illustrate that with simple modifications and in combination with a conceptual framework, this system can be used to formulate individualized diagnoses in childbearing settings.╛0206 43~0245~0454~0521*00~0608~0644~0807*00~0861*00~0864*00~1017~1018*43┐▒89141146▓Unpublished preterm infant stimulation papers sought [letter]│Nelson D┤╡1988 Sep-Oct╢0032╖0884-2175╕5╣336║17╗╝03╜╛0209*00~0608~0644~0646*44~1075*00~1207*00┐▒89141147▓Nipple tenderness and breast massage [letter]│Axline SE┤╡1988 Sep-Oct╢0032╖0884-2175╕5╣336, 355║17╗╝03╜╛0155*00~0156*00~0454~0608~0753*00~0755*43~0845*00┐▒89141148▓Comparison of the effectiveness of videotape versus live group infant care classes.│Leff EW┤Maternity Unit, Medical Center Hospital, Vermont.╡1988 Sep-Oct╢0032╖0884-2175╕5╣338-44║17╗╝03╜Postpartum women on a hospital maternity unit viewed a videotape on infant care or attended a group class on infant care. Content quiz scores for the two groups were not significantly different. Although the majority of both groups thought the live class was a better way to teach new mothers about infant care, no significant differences on measures of convenience, ease of understanding, level of interest, amount learned, and how relaxed the mother felt were identified.╛0249~0291~0454~0608~0640~0641*34~0644~0808*20~0855~0943*34~1262~1354*34┐▒89141149▓Couples' experiences with in vitro fertilization.│Milne BJ┤University of British Columbia School of Nursing in Vancouver, Canada.╡1988 Sep-Oct╢0032╖0884-2175╕5╣347-52║17╗╝03╜In vitro fertilization (IVF) is one of the newest techniques for treatment of infertility. While the medical aspects of IVF have been extensively reported, little research has explored this procedure from the couple's point of view. In this descriptive study, 28 couples who had experienced at least one IVF procedure were interviewed. The results indicate that while IVF offers hope for infertile couples, the procedure, if unsuccessful, can be emotionally traumatic. In addition, the results suggest that comprehensive anticipatory information and emotional support are the primary needs of couples undergoing IVF.╛0020*00~0027~0454~0455*44~0608~0649 44~0743~0749~1207*00~1212*00┐▒89141150▓Realistic expectations of the labor coach.│Berry LM┤Dalhousie University School of Nursing, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.╡1988 Sep-Oct╢0032╖0884-2175╕5╣354-5║17╗╝03╜This descriptive, retrospective survey (part of a larger study) employed a questionnaire to determine the behaviors of 40 expectant fathers to the stress generated by their spouses' labors and deliveries. Results indicated that the experience was stressful for all the expectant fathers, and expectant fathers only coached their spouses with their breathing exercises at labor's peak. Fathers spent more time trying to hide their feelings and worrying about their usefulness. These findings have significance for the prenatal education of couples, the education of health professionals, and the practice of labor and delivery nursing.╛0450*44~0454~0608~0699*44~0743~0855*00~1017~1027 44┐▒89144278▓Detection of neonatal hypoglycemia--a comparison of three reagent strips.│Brown MS, Nelson S, Stewart BJ┤School of Nursing, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland.╡1988 Oct╢0056╖0361-1817╕10╣15-6, 18, 23-4║13╗╝03╜This article reports two studies that replicate previous investigations of the effectiveness of Chemstrip bG, Dextrostix and Visidex for making nursing assessments of hypoglycemia in the newborn. The article also describes a third study that combines results of the first two studies with results of previous studies in the literature in an attempt to improve the reliability and validity of the findings. In the first study, 102 blood samples were tested using either Chemstrip bG or Dextrostix and then compared with laboratory blood glucose levels. Because of the small number of hypoglycemic samples, a second study was devised in which six samples of cord blood were artificially titrated to known levels of glucose. In this study, Visidex as well as Chemstrip bG and Dextrostix were used. Eighty-five percent, 50 percent and 90.4 percent of the hypoglycemic samples were detected by Chemstrip bG, Dextrostix and Visidex, respectively. Data available in the literature from previous studies investigating the same question were then compiled and analyzed. The composite sample of 402 infants for Dextrostix and 484 for Chemstrip bG resulted in the finding that less than half of the hypoglycemic infants tested with Dextrostix were detected whereas Chemstrip bG detected 90 percent of them. The conclusion reached is that both Chemstrip bG and Visidex can be considered adequate screening techniques for nursing assessment of hypoglycemia in the newborn, while visually read Dextrostix is unacceptable in clinical practice.╛0136 06~0249~0608~0622*07 37~0644~0861*00~1096*00~1176┐▒89144279▓Patient smoking cessation--treatment strategies.│Alexander LL┤Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Washington, D.C.╡1988 Oct╢0056╖0361-1817╕10╣27, 30-1, 34-6 passim║13╗╝03╜Smoking is one of the major health issues of our century. It is clearly a detrimental health behavior that costs millions of dollars annually and undisputed morbidity and mortality. There is considerable interest among health care providers in assisting smokers in the cessation of this destructive personal habit. This article covers indirect measures (including environmental strategies) and direct measures to influence the smoking behavior of patients. Direct measures covered include the most appropriate delivery of anti-smoking information, an evaluation of legitimate and organized smoking cessation resources, and tips on assisting patients with their smoking cessation and cessation maintenance efforts. Through an understanding of the individual patient, his or her unique history and needs, and the basic design of the most popular smoking cessation strategies, the clinician can most effectively assist patients in the initiation, development and maintenance of patient cigarette smoking cessation efforts.╛0111~0608~0842 02~0854*00~1103~1111~1202 17*43┐▒89144280▓Ambulatory care centers: a unique opportunity for nurse practitioners.│Henne SJ, Warner NE, Frank KJ┤Immedicenter Medical Group Inc., Santa Barbara, Calif.╡1988 Oct╢0056╖0361-1817╕10╣43, 46-7, 50-1 passim║13╗╝03╜Nurse practitioners continue to struggle to find avenues for professional fulfillment. Urgent care or ambulatory care centers (ACCs) may, because of their need to respond to consumer demands for more comprehensive services, offer nurse practitioners a unique opportunity to establish productive primary care practices based on the concepts of total patient care. A model for such a practice has operated successfully since 1983, establishing that both professional and business success can result from the collaborative efforts of nurse practitioners and physicians in an ACC setting.╛0045 32*38~0447~0608~0635~0854*00 19~0940~1034*00~1326┐▒89144281▓Plasma nitroglycerin levels, blood pressure and apical heart rate variations to site of application of nitroglycerin ointment.│Conant CC┤Veterans Administration Medical Center, Gainesville, Fla.╡1988 Oct╢0056╖0361-1817╕10╣56, 58, 63-4║13╗╝03╜The purpose of this study was to observe changes in plasma nitroglycerin levels, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and apical heart rate after the administration of nitroglycerin ointment to selected sites. The sample consisted of 15 subjects with a diagnosis of coronary artery disease. The four application sites used were the fifth intercostal space of the left anterior chest, medial aspect of the left upper arm, medial aspect of the left thigh, and medial aspect of the left lower leg. There was no statistically significant difference in plasma nitroglycerin levels and diastolic blood pressure to site of application. Mean systolic blood pressure was significantly lower (p less than 0.05) for the upper arm and anterior chest sites than for the thigh and ankle at both 75 and 90 minutes. Mean heart rate was significantly higher (p less than 0.05) for the anterior chest than for the ankle at 45 and 60 minutes.╛0027~0030~0138*16~0225~0272 07 17~0492 02*07~0538*16~0608~0743~0792~0897~1117~1262┐▒89144282▓Pain theories and their relevance to nursing practices.│Gedaly-Duff V┤School of Nursing, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland.╡1988 Oct╢0056╖0361-1817╕10╣66, 68║13╗╝03╜Pain is a feared but universal experience. Early pain theories focused on locating neurological pain fibers. However, when surgical interventions failed to control the pain, other explanations were sought. The interplay between practice and research has advanced our understanding and management of pain. Current pain theories explain pain as a physical, psychological and social experience. Nursing interventions that are multidimensional will have a better chance at ameliorating a patient's pain.╛0030~0179~0188 42~0454~0608~0839 42~0920 37*42┐▒89144283▓Interstitial cystitis: painful bladder syndrome.│Fletcher S┤Department of Graduate Nursing Studies, Indiana State University, Terre Haute.╡1988 Oct╢0056╖0361-1817╕10╣7, 10-2║13╗╝03╜Although interstitial cystitis is a fairly uncommon cause of cystitis in patients, it is one that is frequently misdiagnosed as either bacterial, urological or gynecological in origin. Interstitial cystitis is a chronic inflammatory condition of unknown etiology, involving the bladder wall. The patient is usually a middle-aged female with presenting symptoms of 1) subacute development of pain on bladder filling, 2) urinary frequency unrelieved at night and 3) urgency. Patients complain of a varying degree of symptoms over several months or years without complete relief at any time, regardless of antibiotic treatment. The urine culture is negative and the only physical examination finding may be some urethral/vaginal tenderness. With careful attention to the symptom complex and accurate diagnostic testing, the diagnosis can be confirmed. This article summarizes the etiology, signs and symptoms, diagnostic criteria and treatment modalities for interstitial cystitis; patient-counseling suggestions are provided.╛0041~0238~0277~0293*12 15 55~0367 23~0454~0608~0792~0861~0920~1337 23┐▒89144284▓Differing views: how to enable N.Y. NPs to diagnose, treat and prescribe [letter]│┤╡1988 Oct╢0056╖0361-1817╕10╣74-6║13╗╝03╜╛0608~0840~0854*31~1042*31~1218┐▒89144285▓Workers Comp reimbursement is available for NP services [letter]│Cook BP┤╡1988 Oct╢0056╖0361-1817╕10╣76, 79║13╗╝03╜╛0608~0665*00~0854*19 31~0907~1374*19┐▒89144286▓Nurses continue struggle for improvement in Nicaragua [letter]│Hecht I, Blobner D, Appelbaum D┤╡1988 Oct╢0056╖0361-1817╕10╣79║13╗╝03╜╛0608~0841~0859*59~1205*00┐▒89148360▓Hospitals that succeed with nurses [editorial]│Mallison MB┤╡1989 Mar╢0002╖0002-936X╕3╣313║89╗╝03╜╛0580*00~0608~0876*38~0967*00~0970*00~1326┐▒89148361▓Fighting over a critically ill patient.│Elston-Hurdle BJ, Poyzer D┤Medical/Surgical Trauma ICU, Loma Linda, CA University Medical Center.╡1989 Mar╢0002╖0002-936X╕3╣327-8║89╗╝03╜╛0027~0179~0282*00~0443*00~0454~0608~0743~0876*44~1044*00┐▒89148362▓Cholesterol measurements--update [letter]│Herrmann J┤╡1989 Mar╢0002╖0002-936X╕3╣333║89╗╝03╜╛0027~0219*07~0608~0615*07┐▒89148363▓The White House nurses.│Gierlich C, Zusy ML┤╡1989 Mar╢0002╖0002-936X╕3╣334-6║89╗╝03╜╛0454~0495*00~0608~0796*00~1326┐▒89148364▓How to fight MG fatigue.│Rhynsburger JF┤╡1989 Mar╢0002╖0002-936X╕3╣337-40║89╗╝03╜╛0017*00~0454~0608~0819 42*48 55┐▒89148365▓A mid-life crisis for baby-boomer nurses.│Stegman CB┤Salisbury State University, MD.╡1989 Mar╢0002╖0002-936X╕3╣342-3║89╗╝03╜╛0608~0721~0792~0856*44┐▒89148366▓The mythical danger of rapid urinary drainage.│Bristoll SL, Fadden T, Fehring RJ, Rohde L, Smith PK, Wohlitz BA┤St. Joseph's Hospital, Milwaukee, WI.╡1989 Mar╢0002╖0002-936X╕3╣344-5║89╗╝03╜╛0027~0138~0227~0249~0262~0538~0608~0743~1095~1333*34~1337*37┐▒89148367▓Managing Myra's madness.│Calarco MM┤University of Michigan Hospitals, Ann Arbor.╡1989 Mar╢0002╖0002-936X╕3╣346-9║89╗╝03╜╛0027~0179~0251*37 55~0454~0608~0855*00~0939~1061*00~1160*37 44~1161┐▒89148368▓Shared governance. Reality or sham?│O'Grady TP┤Affiliated Dynamics, Inc., Avondale Estates, GA.╡1989 Mar╢0002╖0002-936X╕3╣350-1║89╗╝03╜╛0303*00~0608~0707~0801~0850~0875*38┐▒89148369▓A career day--with a difference.│Grant P┤Veterans Administration Medical Center, Denver, CO.╡1989 Mar╢0002╖0002-936X╕3╣354-5║89╗╝03╜╛0024~0176*00~0202~0277~0608~0876*00~1074*00~1255*00┐▒89148370▓Speaking out. More power to you.│Smith GR┤State Department of Public Health, Lansing, MI.╡1989 Mar╢0002╖0002-936X╕3╣357-8║89╗╝03╜╛0608~0707~0850~1013*00~1070~1071*00┐▒89148371▓Commonsense tips for working with blind patients.│Norris RM┤Georgia State University, Atlanta.╡1989 Mar╢0002╖0002-936X╕3╣360-1║89╗╝03╜╛0134*37~0515~0608~0855~0876┐▒89148372▓An exercise program for dialysis patients.│Snyder TE┤Montana State University, Bozeman.╡1989 Mar╢0002╖0002-936X╕3╣362-4║89╗╝03╜╛0433*00~0545*00~0608~0696*48 55~0984┐▒89148373▓ECG rhythms made easier with algorithms.│Andrews LK┤Wayne (NJ) General Hospital.╡1989 Mar╢0002╖0002-936X╕3╣365CC-368CC, 370CC-371CC, 372B-372D║89╗╝03╜╛0041*00~0088*42~0389*00~0536 41 42~0608┐▒89148374▓Midwest jobfocus. The midwest plains and simple.│Nash M┤╡1989 Mar╢0002╖0002-936X╕3╣383, 385-91║89╗╝03╜╛0282~0400*00~0590*00~0608~0793~0876*00┐▒89148375▓Why students choose ADN programs.│Williams JK┤Herbert H. Lehman College, Bronx, NY.╡1989 Mar╢0002╖0002-936X╕3╣396, 398║89╗╝03╜╛0027~0176*00~0378*00~0454~0608~0743~0840~1256*44┐▒89148376▓Michigan jobfocus. Michigan's magic.│Nash M┤╡1989 Mar╢0002╖0002-936X╕3╣402-4║89╗╝03╜╛0400*00~0590*00~0608~0786~0876*00┐▒89148377▓What's new in interactive video?│Rizzolo MA┤AJN Educational Services Division, American Journal of Nursing Co., New York, NY.╡1989 Mar╢0002╖0002-936X╕3╣407-8║89╗╝03╜╛0252*00~0376~0377~0608~0789*00~1354*00┐▒89148378▓She isn't what you see.│Prellwitz S┤╡1989 Mar╢0002╖0002-936X╕3╣446║89╗╝03╜╛0195*00~0454~0608┐▒89149157▓Point/counterpoint [editorial]│Pothier PC┤╡1988 Oct╢0007╖0883-9417╕5╣259║2╗╝03╜╛0291~0380*59~0608~1061*20~1326┐▒89149158▓Psychosynthesis: evolutionary framework for psychotherapy.│Tuyn LK┤╡1988 Oct╢0007╖0883-9417╕5╣260-6║2╗╝03╜╛0434*00~0608~0610*00~1067*34~1113*00┐▒89149159▓Predictors of divorce in long-term marriages.│Jones SL, Jones PK┤╡1988 Oct╢0007╖0883-9417╕5╣267-73║2╗╝03╜╛0027~0353*00~0454~0608~0743~0747~0749*00~0792~1140┐▒89149160▓Use of open report as a staff-patient model of communication on a schizophrenia research unit: a case report.│Puskar KR, McAdam D┤╡1988 Oct╢0007╖0883-9417╕5╣274-80║2╗╝03╜╛0241*00~0608~0795*00~0940~1045*00~1159 48~1161*00~1295*00┐▒89149161▓Family caregivers of the elderly: involvement and reactions to care.│Given BA, King SK, Collins C, Given CW┤╡1988 Oct╢0007╖0883-9417╕5╣281-8║2╗╝03╜╛0020*00~0027~0030~0222*44~0443*00~0454~0575*44~0608~0743~0792~1264┐▒89149162▓The behavioral consequences of a communication intervention on institutionalized residents with aphasia and dysarthria.│Buckwalter KC, Cusack D, Beaver M, Sidles E, Wadle K┤╡1988 Oct╢0007╖0883-9417╕5╣289-95║2╗╝03╜╛0030~0086*37~0087*37~0126*00~0238~0366*37~0577~0608~0703~0743~0792~0868~1228*37~1229~1262┐▒89149163▓Potential for unresolved grief in survivors of persons with AIDS.│Houseman C, Pheifer WG┤╡1988 Oct╢0007╖0883-9417╕5╣296-301║2╗╝03╜╛0015*44~0499*00~0608~1061~1132~1134┐▒89149164▓Meperidine addiction associated with amphoteracin treatment in leukemia: case study and staff reaction.│Fincannon J┤╡1988 Oct╢0007╖0883-9417╕5╣302-6║2╗╝03╜╛0053*03 54~0454~0608~0628~0716*17~0780*00~0823*23┐▒89149165▓Promoting interprofessional collegiality: national and state models.│Pelletier LR, Pothier PC┤╡1988 Oct╢0007╖0883-9417╕5╣307-11║2╗╝03╜╛0608~0676*00~0827~1061*00~1326┐▒89149166▓Conflicts in the inpatient treatment of the borderline patient.│Johnson M, Silver S┤╡1988 Oct╢0007╖0883-9417╕5╣312-8║2╗╝03╜╛0027~0149*37 44~0179~0454~0598~0608~0855~0963*37~1132~1134┐▒89149167▓A nursing reformulation of Bowen's family systems theory.│McFarlane AJ┤╡1988 Oct╢0007╖0883-9417╕5╣319-24║2╗╝03╜╛0448*34~0608~0855*00~1062*00~1132~1134~1282*00┐▒89150975▓Workaholics--the effect on health and family life.│Mullarney M┤╡1988 Winter╢0011╖╕68╣13-4║54╗╝03╜╛0443*00~0608~0675~1322*00~1372*00┐▒89150976▓What the doctor says--flu.│Fleetwood J┤╡1988 Winter╢0011╖╕68╣15║54╗╝03╜╛0608~0650*00 43~0651 54┐▒89150977▓Keep warm--keep well.│Tidmarsh M┤╡1988 Winter╢0011╖╕68╣16-7║54╗╝03╜╛0143*00~0542~0608~0625*43┐▒89151027▓Toxicities of antimicrobial agents used in the intensive care arena.│Foxworth J┤╡1989 Mar╢0015╖0887-9303╕4╣1-10║11╗╝03╜At a time when complex infectious diseases and newer antimicrobial agents are rapidly increasing, appropriate use of the antibiotics remains a challenge for everyone in health care. All health care professionals can contribute substantially to the safer use of antimicrobial agents by remaining well-informed about the toxicities of these important drugs.╛0050 56~0072*56~0073 56~0282*00~0608~1132~1133┐▒89151028▓Asepsis--an indispensable part of the patient's care plan.│Crow S┤╡1989 Mar╢0015╖0887-9303╕4╣11-6║11╗╝03╜╛0080*00~0095*00~0282*37~0283*43~0608~0939~0944┐▒89151029▓Wound care.│Messer MS┤╡1989 Mar╢0015╖0887-9303╕4╣17-27║11╗╝03╜Knowledge of wound physiology and factors that affect wound healing is extremely valuable to the critical care practitioner. Critical care patients are all inherently at risk for wound healing complications and infection. Early recognition of high-risk patients and optimization of the patient's wound healing resources can, in many cases, prevent such complications.╛0608~1272 39*43~1376*00~1377 39*43~1378*37┐▒89151030▓Nosocomial pneumonia in the ICU patient.│Craven DE, Regan AM┤╡1989 Mar╢0015╖0887-9303╕4╣28-44║11╗╝03╜Although mechanically ventilated patients represent only a small proportion of the hospital population at risk for pneumonia, they are generally seriously ill with disproportionately high rates of pneumonia and fatality. Hand carriage of nosocomial pathogens is a well-known mode of transmission and can be substantially reduced by proper handwashing. Knowledge of the potential hazards of all respiratory therapy equipment and tubing condensate is essential in preventing transmission of nosocomial pathogens that are often implicated in hospital-acquired pneumonia in ventilated patients. Administration of prophylactic antibiotics may reduce the risk of pneumonia, but more studies are needed in this area. Over the past decade there has been significant progress in the prevention of nosocomial pneumonia, but more research is needed to firmly establish the efficacy of these concepts in specific subsets of hospitalized patients.╛0119*43~0282*00~0283*43~0608~0668 50~1003*43~1132~1133┐▒89151031▓Nosocomial infections in critical care units: causation and prevention.│Massanari RM┤╡1989 Mar╢0015╖0887-9303╕4╣45-57║11╗╝03╜Nosocomial infections reflect a dynamic interaction between host, agent, and environment. In the compromised host, the microbes most frequently associated with nosocomial infections in the ICU are bacteria that normally reside in or on body surfaces or in the environment. Infections occur when the host, compromised by the underlying disease, is exposed to a variety of diagnostic and therapeutic interventions that disrupt normal physical and chemical barriers and allow direct access to the internal milieu of the host. Efforts to prevent nosocomial infections in critical care units must take into consideration the interplay of all of these factors to be successful.╛0119 43~0282*50~0283*23 43~0608~0668*50~1132~1134┐▒89151032▓Nosocomial sepsis related to intravascular access.│Hamory BH┤╡1989 Mar╢0015╖0887-9303╕4╣58-65║11╗╝03╜Many aspects of intravascular catheter care require further detailed study, including the optimal duration of cannulation by particular devices at each site, the influence of newer catheter materials on rates of bacterial colonization and infection, and the degree to which handling the catheter or its connections influences the rate of cannula-associated complication. Use of topical antibiotics and antimicrobial substances, their frequency of application, and similar issues also require further study. If the available knowledge of infection control practice could be consistently applied, it has been estimated that the rate of nosocomial bacteremia (including those secondary to infection at another site) could be reduced by up to 35%.╛0184*03~0283*23~0608~1132~1134~1178*23┐▒89151033▓Employee health for critical care duty.│Rhinehart E┤╡1989 Mar╢0015╖0887-9303╕4╣66-74║11╗╝03╜Many patients present for care in critical care settings every day. Some have known or suspected infectious diseases, whereas others may have infections that remain undetected throughout the hospital course. Through careful attention and compliance to the primary, secondary, and tertiary strategies of prevention, practitioners in critical care can remain healthy and uninfected while providing lifesaving care to their patients.╛0240 15~0282*37 50~0283*43~0608~0876*00~0894*00~1132~1134┐▒89151034▓Surveillance of nosocomial infections.│Rasley DA┤╡1989 Mar╢0015╖0887-9303╕4╣75-82║11╗╝03╜Surveillance for nosocomial infections is one of the most effective quality assurance outcome measurements of health care. To provide the most reliable data, organization is the key to reporting good data. Specific criteria must be defined, and where and how the necessary data is most readily available must be determined. Surveillance activity must be performed concurrently so that data can be reported in a timely manner and appropriate action can be taken if necessary. Reports must be designed in a concise and understandable manner so they are easily interpreted and can be effectively used. The method of data reporting must be analyzed, committees and individuals who need to evaluate the data must be identified, and any necessary action must be taken to ensure that data fit the evaluators' needs. The use of graphics to provide a clearer picture of consistent rates or problem areas should be evaluated.╛0283*43~0590 50~0608~0876*50~1082~1226┐▒89151035▓Neonatal nosocomial infections.│Thomas DJ┤╡1989 Mar╢0015╖0887-9303╕4╣83-94║11╗╝03╜Prevention of infection in the high-risk infant presents a challenge for all members of the health care team. The infant's condition must be constantly assessed for risk factors, and a plan of care must be developed to reduce that risk. That plan requires a thorough understanding of the multiple factors (the infant host, potential pathogens, and therapeutic procedures) involved in neonatal infections and strict adherence to infection control procedures.╛0282*37~0283*43~0608~0644~0669*50~1132~1133┐▒89151159▓Community nursing practice in a faculty of nursing health promotion project.│Brehaut C┤╡1988 Spring╢0008╖0318-1006╕1╣17-28║20╗╝03╜╛0245*00~0379*00~0441*00~0521*00~0608~0708~0901~1256~1262~1285 34┐▒89151160▓[Losses and threats perceived by aged persons in a coronary intensive care unit]│Guinard-Lachance N, Laurin J┤╡1988 Spring╢0008╖0318-1006╕1╣29-51║20╗Pertes et menaces per~cues par les personnes ag ees a l'unit e de soins intensifs coronariens.╝04╜╛0030*44~0225~0271~0282*44~0407~0608~1086~1253*23┐▒89151161▓Actor-observer attributions for failure to control physical conditions.│Perloff E, Bohachick P┤╡1988 Spring╢0008╖0318-1006╕1╣53-63║20╗╝03╜╛0024~0027~0030~0105~0454~0608~0620*37 44 48~0743~0792~0856~0885*37 44 48~0990~1086~1262┐▒89151162▓Dilemmas of ethics and validity in qualitative nursing research.│Robinson CA, Thorne SE┤╡1988 Spring╢0008╖0318-1006╕1╣65-76║20╗╝03╜╛0225*00~0428*00~0608~0655~0872*00┐▒89151163▓Assessing an instrument in a pilot project: the self-care agency questionnaire.│Bottorff JL┤╡1988 Spring╢0008╖0318-1006╕1╣7-16║20╗╝03╜╛0030~0225 34~0577~0608~0868~0992~1086~1172*00┐▒89151164▓Facts about adolescent suicide.│┤╡1989 Jan-Mar╢0009╖0008-4247╕1╣16║30╗╝03╜╛0024~0025*00~0608~1140~1260*00┐▒89151165▓Charting behaviors of psychiatric nursing.│Dundas S, Yonge O, Davis L┤╡1989 Jan-Mar╢0009╖0008-4247╕1╣17-20║30╗╝03╜╛0602~0608~0871*00~1061*00┐▒89151166▓Therapeutic relationships in milieu therapy.│Mulvihill D┤╡1989 Jan-Mar╢0009╖0008-4247╕1╣21-2║30╗╝03╜╛0608~0795*00~0855*00~1061*00┐▒89151167▓Youth suicide.│Holmstrom C┤╡1989 Jan-Mar╢0009╖0008-4247╕1╣6-10║30╗╝03╜╛0020~0024~0025*00~0277~0608~1140~1260*00 43┐▒89151298▓Nurses say 'no'--doctors say 'yes' and pledge AMA dollars for RCT training.│┤╡1988╢0010╖╕4╣6║2╗╝03╜╛0042*20~0047*00~0352~0608~0859*32~1218*00~1312~1326┐▒89151299▓The RCT debate: point and counterpoint.│┤╡1988╢0010╖╕4╣7║2╗╝03╜╛0042*00~0047*00~0608~0859*32~1326┐▒89151578▓[Experience in management of scientific researches on nursing]│Zhao SG┤╡1988 Sep╢0012╖0254-1769╕9╣515-7║23╗╝01╜╛0608~0859*38~0872*00┐▒89151579▓[Care of patients during feverish period of epidemic hemorrhagic fever]│Li JS, Ren XM┤╡1988 Sep╢0012╖0254-1769╕9╣518-20║23╗╝01╜╛0138~0470 03~0548*37~0608~0619 23 37┐▒89151580▓[Organization and management of nursing care for admission of a batch of burn patients]│Mu XL, Gao WJ┤╡1988 Sep╢0012╖0254-1769╕9╣521-2║23╗╝01╜╛0164*37~0608~0873*38┐▒89151581▓[Nursing for patients with chronic empyema treated by transplantation of pedicled omentum to thoracic cavity]│Zhou SZ, Zhang AL┤╡1988 Sep╢0012╖0254-1769╕9╣523-4║23╗╝01╜╛0024~0027~0401*37 53~0454~0608~0743~0792~0899 58~1008~1030~1269*00┐▒89151582▓[Care of children with intracranial hemorrhage caused by delayed vitamin K deficiency]│Zhou XY┤╡1988 Sep╢0012╖0254-1769╕9╣525-6║23╗╝01╜╛0189 23*37~0454~0608~0640~0743~1357*12┐▒89151583▓[Care of patients with dorsal and lumbar vertebra compression fracture treated by padding pill]│Tao JR┤╡1988 Sep╢0012╖0254-1769╕9╣532║23╗╝01╜╛0179~0454~0478*37 55~0608~0734*28~0792~1298*28┐▒89151584▓[Observation of patient's tongue presentation in clinical nursing]│Zhang GM┤╡1988 Sep╢0012╖0254-1769╕9╣536-7║23╗╝01╜╛0454~0608~0768*00~0792~0863*00~1309*39┐▒89152254▓Focus on Scotland. Taking the high road [interview by Sue Smith]│Cheape C┤╡1989 Jan 11╢0013╖0262-8759╕╣10-2║╗╝03╜╛0245*00~0454~0608~0794~1017~1168┐▒89152255▓Focus on Scotland. Over the sea from Skye [interview by Sue Smith]│Whitlow E, Macleod M┤╡1989 Jan 11╢0013╖0262-8759╕╣13-5║╗╝03╜╛0245*00~0608~1149~1168┐▒89152256▓Home--or home?│McMillan I┤╡1989 Jan 11╢0013╖0262-8759╕╣16-21║╗╝03╜╛0030~0249~0297~0524*00~0574*00~0577*00~0608~0868┐▒89152257▓Community nurse profile. All in a day's work.│Hally H┤╡1989 Jan 11╢0013╖0262-8759╕╣4-6║╗╝03╜╛0027~0179~0245*00~0454~0574~0608~0640~0743~1061*00┐▒89152258▓Crisis on the streets.│Thomson A┤╡1989 Jan 11╢0013╖0262-8759╕╣8-9║╗╝03╜╛0015 37~0027~0040 37~0179~0245*00~0454~0608~0943~1058*00~1257 37┐▒89152259▓Career paths for nursing: another step forward.│Polifroni EC, Stover KJ┤╡1989 Feb╢0014╖0278-4092╕2╣1║62╗╝03╜╛0176*00~0259~0608~0859*00~1218┐▒89152737▓Acute tubular necrosis: preventing complications.│Norris MK┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0016╖0730-4625╕1╣16-26║8╗╝03╜Any patient who demonstrates a decrease in urinary output, compromise in hemodynamic parameters, or exposure to nephrotoxic agents will be thoroughly assessed by the critical care nurse for signs or symptoms of acute tubular necrosis (ATN). Prompt recognition of the patient who is at risk, and early nursing interventions, can prevent or improve the course of ATN, the most common form of acute renal failure (ARF).╛0608~0695*37~0697 12*37 42~0861┐▒89152738▓Retention technique #1. Developing managerial warmth.│Davidhizar R┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0016╖0730-4625╕1╣28-37║8╗╝03╜A manager who has interpersonal warmth is not simply gullible or naive, but instead possesses a valuable skill in reaching others. In most manager-employee relationships, some degree of limit-setting and judgment are necessary; however, warmth integrated with limit-setting is more satisfying for both employee and manager. Although warmth as an interpersonal phenomenon is affected by the employee's perception, certain managerial actions can increase the likelihood of being perceived as warm; yet, in spite of careful adherence to the guidelines for communicating warmth, managerial warmth will still be rejected in some situations. As is true of any managerial technique, the effective use of warmth requires an assessment of the employee's personality and the approach most appropriate for the situation at hand. The excellent manager is able to quickly adapt, matching the level of warmth to the situation. See Nurse Manager Retention Factors for viewpoints from nurses themselves. Interpersonal management style is an important retention factor.╛0282*37 38~0608~0676*00~0873*32~0876*00┐▒89152739▓Building respect: the key to retention.│Johnson SH┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0016╖0730-4625╕1╣3-4║8╗╝03╜╛0282*37~0608~0668*32~0688~0876*44~0970~1326┐▒89152740▓Retention technique #2. Closing critical care beds.│Allman C┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0016╖0730-4625╕1╣38-43║8╗╝03╜The key to nursing retention is to be sensitive to the pressures and demands placed on staff nurses who want to provide and take pride in giving quality patient care. If an institution has many critical care nursing vacancies, it is important to avoid pushing the remaining nurses beyond human limits. It may even be necessary to close beds to keep the remaining nurses, rather than allow the stress of the nursing shortage to cause them to resign too.╛0282*37~0608~0668 32*38~0676~0873*32~0970┐▒89152741▓Retention technique #3. Research: future impact on image and retention.│Schaefer KM┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0016╖0730-4625╕1╣44-9║8╗╝03╜The recruitment, retention, utilization, and image of nursing are critical issues facing nurses today. Critical care nursing research will assist us in dealing with these problems to prepare for a twenty-first century in which nursing is a valued profession. This author takes an optimistic view of the future and explains how she believes nursing research will help solve these recruitment and retention problems.╛0282*37~0608~0668*38~0860*00~0872*00~0873 32~0876*59~0970┐▒89152742▓Retention technique #4. Developing retention strategies within your internship program.│Martin B┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0016╖0730-4625╕1╣50-6║8╗╝03╜Internship programs are a well-established method of recruiting and preparing nurses for practice in critical care. This author describes how to incorporate strategies into a program that may enhance the retention of the nurse, following the internship program.╛0282*37~0291~0380*00~0608~0659~0668*32~0674*00~0876*20~0970~1015┐▒89152743▓Retention technique #5. Teaching opportunities: retention of the experienced critical care nurse.│Caster CM┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0016╖0730-4625╕1╣57-62║8╗╝03╜Continued career development is an important goal for critical care nurses. Assisting clinical nurses to develop strong teaching skills can promote their career advancement and self-confidence, while increasing retention of these experienced professionals. If you are an experienced nurse interested in developing teaching skills, this article will help you to begin. If you are a manager, educator, or a clinical nurse specialist, the author suggests ideas for helping your expert colleagues develop these abilities.╛0177~0282*37~0608~0659*00~0668*32~0876*20~0970~1285┐▒89152744▓Decreased cardiac output: a nursing diagnosis.│Bumann R, Speltz M┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0016╖0730-4625╕1╣6-15║8╗╝03╜Controversy exists regarding whether "Decreased Cardiac Output is really a nursing, or instead, a medical diagnosis. These authors clarify the importance of this diagnosis for nursing care.╛0173 15*37 42~0547~0608~0802~0861*00~0864*00┐▒89153607▓[Nondrug therapy of gynecologic diseases]│Kozhin AA┤╡1988 Oct╢0017╖0014-9772╕10╣12-4║53╗Nemedikamentoznaia terapiia ginekologicheskikh zabolevani i.╝10╜╛0027~0033 15*46~0454~0486 15*46~0608~0706 54~0792~1151┐▒89153608▓[Physioprophylaxis of puerperal diseases]│Lysaia TN, Khrapova TD┤╡1988 Oct╢0017╖0014-9772╕10╣14-7║53╗Fizioprofilaktika poslerodovykh zabolevani i.╝10╜╛0238 34~0454~0608~0986*34~1017~1076*43 48┐▒89153609▓[The syndrome of scrotal edema and hyperemia in children]│Iudin IaB┤╡1988 Oct╢0017╖0014-9772╕10╣17-9║53╗Sindrom oteka i giperemii moshonki u dete i.╝10╜╛0024~0202~0329~0372*15~0608~0616*15~0743~1169*00 08~1280┐▒89153610▓[Ischemic stroke]│Danilova DP┤╡1988 Oct╢0017╖0014-9772╕10╣19-23║53╗Ischemicheski i insul't.╝10╜╛0190 15 23 55~0191*15 23 55~0194~0608┐▒89153611▓[Diagnosis and treatment of somnambulism]│Ponizovski i AM┤╡1988 Oct╢0017╖0014-9772╕10╣23-7║53╗Diagnostika i lechenie somnambulizma.╝10╜╛0024~0027~0202~0238~0329~0608~1223*15 23 55┐▒89153612▓[Neurological disorders in lung diseases]│Turevski i II, Pristupa VM┤╡1988 Oct╢0017╖0014-9772╕10╣27-30║53╗Nevrologicheskie narusheniia pri zabolevaniiakh legkikh.╝10╜╛0608~0736*12 15~0837 15*23~1046┐▒89153613▓[Control over the prevention of postural disorders in children]│Vorotilova SIu┤╡1988 Oct╢0017╖0014-9772╕10╣3-5║53╗Kontrol' za profilaktiko i narusheni i osadki u dete i.╝10╜╛0024~0202~0215~0608~0671~1010*00~1165~1232*43~1339┐▒89153614▓[Sarcoidosis of the respiratory organs]│Kunovski i BV┤╡1988 Oct╢0017╖0014-9772╕10╣30-3║53╗Sarkoidoz organov dykhaniia.╝10╜╛0365~0608~1016 02~1046~1126*15 17~1156*15 17┐▒89153615▓[Status asthmaticus]│Pankratov AB┤╡1988 Oct╢0017╖0014-9772╕10╣34-8║53╗Astmaticheski i status.╝10╜╛0097*15~0238 34~0282 34~0392~0608~1243*15 23 55┐▒89153616▓[Gastric lavage via a tube in acute poisonings]│Starosel'ski i AA┤╡1988 Oct╢0017╖0014-9772╕10╣38-43║53╗Promyvanie zheludka cherez zond pri ostrykh otravleniiakh.╝10╜╛0018~0482*34~0608~0681 34~1004*55┐▒89153617▓[Effect of alcohol on progeny]│Kuznetsov VK, Lavrent'eva NA, Kolmykova VN┤╡1988 Oct╢0017╖0014-9772╕10╣43-6║53╗Vliianie alkogolia na potomstvo.╝10╜╛0038*03~0040 12~0450~0454~0456 21 23~0608~0743~1017~1029*00┐▒89153618▓[The working conditions for female sewing machine operators in the Moscow Sewing Combine]│Konstantinova IL┤╡1988 Oct╢0017╖0014-9772╕10╣46-8║53╗Usloviia truda shvei-motoristiki na shve inom ob'edinenii "Moskva .╝10╜╛0027~0454~0608~0788~0806~0892 15*23 43~1293*00~1332┐▒89153619▓[Ol'ga Dmitrievna Sokolova-Ponomareva (on the centenary of her birth)]│Velikoretskaia MD┤╡1988 Oct╢0017╖0014-9772╕10╣49-50║53╗Ol'ga Dmitrievna Sokolova-Ponomareva (k 100-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia).╝10╜╛0556~0557~0564~0565~0951 26~1150~1339┐▒89153620▓[The sanitary and epidemic regimen and the swimming pool equipment at pediatric polyclinics]│Kriazhevskikh SV┤╡1988 Oct╢0017╖0014-9772╕10╣5-6║53╗Sanitarno- epidemicheski i rezhim i oborudovanie plavatel'nykh basse inov pri detskikh poliklinikakh.╝10╜╛0239*00~0347*43~0596*00~0599*00~0608~0640~0806~0982~1275~1276*00~1332┐▒89153621▓[Uncoordinated labor]│Barkhatova TP┤╡1988 Oct╢0017╖0014-9772╕10╣50-5║53╗Diskoordinirovannaia rodovaia deiatel'nost'.╝10╜╛0027~0179~0308~0331~0454~0608~0700*15 23 55~1017┐▒89153622▓[Progressive stenocardia (the preinfarct state)]│Smirnov AN┤╡1988 Oct╢0017╖0014-9772╕10╣55-8║53╗Progressiruiushchaia stenokardiia (predynfarktnoe sostoianie).╝10╜╛0064*15~0065*15 17~0179~0608~0743~0792~0821 43~1140┐▒89153623▓[Acute gonorrhea]│Kiriushchenkov AP┤╡1988 Oct╢0017╖0014-9772╕10╣58-62║53╗Ostraia gonoreia.╝10╜╛0018~0027~0179~0454~0494*15 17~0608~0784┐▒89153624▓[The hazardous consequences of passive smoking]│Polishko VK, Semina AG┤╡1988 Oct╢0017╖0014-9772╕10╣6-9║53╗Opasnye posledstviia passivnogo kureniia.╝10╜╛0027~0202~0454~0608~0743~1017~1140~1304*03┐▒89153625▓[Differential diagnosis of jaundice in pregnant women]│Polozhenkova LA┤╡1988 Oct╢0017╖0014-9772╕10╣9-11║53╗Differentsial'naia diagnostika zheltukhi u beremennykh.╝10╜╛0329~0454~0608~0684*15 23~1017~1018*15 23┐▒89153924▓Team spirit.│Hutt A┤╡1988 Dec-1989 Jan╢0018╖0269-9079╕11-12╣10║8╗╝03╜╛0030~0524*00~0608~0676*00~0940*00┐▒89153925▓Kill or cure?│Keane E┤╡1988 Dec-1989 Jan╢0018╖0269-9079╕11-12╣11║8╗╝03╜╛0030~0179~0454~0608~0938*00~1084*00┐▒89153926▓The image makers.│Jenkins G┤╡1988 Dec-1989 Jan╢0018╖0269-9079╕11-12╣12-3║8╗╝03╜╛0030*44~0228*00~0488~0608~0961*00┐▒89153927▓Dealing with diabetes.│Thomas L┤╡1988 Dec-1989 Jan╢0018╖0269-9079╕11-12╣14-5║8╗╝03╜╛0324*15~0488~0608~0710 23┐▒89153928▓Remembrance day.│Goodwin S┤╡1988 Dec-1989 Jan╢0018╖0269-9079╕11-12╣18-9║8╗╝03╜╛0030~0031~0068*00~0127~0608~0743~1074*00~1317*00~1352*00┐▒89153929▓Community care--the price of liberty.│Burns D┤╡1988 Dec-1989 Jan╢0018╖0269-9079╕11-12╣20-1║8╗╝03╜╛0009*00~0030~0031~0179~0454~0488*00~0608~0609*00~0977┐▒89153930▓Alzheimer's disease: a savage master.│McClelland L┤╡1988 Dec-1989 Jan╢0018╖0269-9079╕11-12╣22-4║8╗╝03╜╛0027~0030~0043*23 35~0608~0792┐▒89153931▓Communication: is there anybody there?│Phillips A┤╡1988 Dec-1989 Jan╢0018╖0269-9079╕11-12╣26-7║8╗╝03╜╛0030~0608~0960~1228 37*55~1229*00┐▒89154028▓Looking at HCFA's snapshot of nursing homes [editorial]│Huey FL┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0019╖0197-4572╕1╣15║10╗╝03╜╛0577 32*50~0608~0868 32*50~1326~1330┐▒89154029▓Staying healthy after 85.│Hogstel MO, Kashka M┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0019╖0197-4572╕1╣16-8║10╗╝03╜╛0030~0031*44~0454~0511*00~0608~0723*00~0743~1262┐▒89154030▓The incontinency taboo.│Tulloch GJ┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0019╖0197-4572╕1╣19║10╗╝03╜╛0608~0868~0938~1334 37*44┐▒89154031▓Paying for long-term care.│Hays AM┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0019╖0197-4572╕1╣20-1║10╗╝03╜╛0030~0222*19~0575*19~0577 19~0608~1110*00┐▒89154032▓Investing in mouth care.│Pettigrew D┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0019╖0197-4572╕1╣22-4║10╗╝03╜╛0030~0316~0608~0863~0906*34┐▒89154033▓Dementia and depression: a devastating pair.│Condon EH┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0019╖0197-4572╕1╣26-7║10╗╝03╜╛0030~0043*12 15 37~0179~0321*12 15 37~0329~0608~0743┐▒89154034▓A past well remembered....│Miller CM┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0019╖0197-4572╕1╣28-9║10╗╝03╜╛0030*44~0321 44 55~0454~0577*00~0608~0770*00~0846~0868*00┐▒89154035▓Nurse-managed approach to care.│Igou JF, Hawkins JW, Johnson EE, Utley QE┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0019╖0197-4572╕1╣32-4║10╗╝03╜╛0030~0244 38~0379~0521~0524*38~0608~0854*00~1032┐▒89154036▓Making the family a partner in quality assurance.│Neubauer JA, LeSage JM, Roberts KL┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0019╖0197-4572╕1╣35-7║10╗╝03╜╛0027~0030~0443*00~0454~0608~0743~0792~0862~0868*00~1044~1082*00~1262┐▒89154037▓Cholesterol reducers. Worth the price?│Todd B┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0019╖0197-4572╕1╣39-40║10╗╝03╜╛0030~0075 03*54~0276~0608┐▒89154038▓Jack Sprat and all that.│Yen PK┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0019╖0197-4572╕1╣43-4║10╗╝03╜╛0030~0340*02~0472~0608┐▒89154039▓Acute care patients also get depressed [letter]│Erler C┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0019╖0197-4572╕1╣7║10╗╝03╜╛0030*44~0321 15*44~0589*00~0608┐▒89154040▓What restraint policies don't say [letter]│Janelli LM┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0019╖0197-4572╕1╣7║10╗╝03╜╛0608~1129*00~1195*00┐▒89154511▓Federal commission on nursing: final report.│┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0020╖0146-2784╕1╣1-2║30╗╝03╜╛0309~0377~0608~0859*00~1326~1327*00┐▒89154887▓Canada: frustration envelopes AIDS conference [news]│Banning J┤╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0023╖0020-8132╕6╣159-60║35╗╝03╜╛0015*00~0170~0520~0608┐▒89154888▓HIV risk (still) low for health care workers [news]│┤╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0023╖0020-8132╕6╣161║35╗╝03╜╛0015*57~0518*00~0608~0892*57~1139┐▒89154889▓The UK leads the US in AIDS management [news]│┤╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0023╖0020-8132╕6╣163║35╗╝03╜╛0015*00~0498~0523*00~0608~1326┐▒89154890▓Update: reported AIDS cases by country (as of 31 August 1988) [news]│┤╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0023╖0020-8132╕6╣163║35╗╝03╜╛0015*21~0608┐▒89154891▓Guidelines for an AIDS policy in the workplace.│┤╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0023╖0020-8132╕6╣164║35╗╝03╜╛0015*00~0608~0895*00┐▒89154892▓Omissions in nursing research: another look.│Bergman R┤Tel-Aviv University, Israel.╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0023╖0020-8132╕6╣165-8, 164║35╗╝03╜Nursing research findings, even when relevant to solving a problem, are useless if not implemented. Who's to blame? And how can the value of such research be used to the fullest? In a previous article (INR, March-April 1984), Professor Bergman pointed the accusing finger at some of the nondoings and omissions in nursing research, which included inadequate communications between the researcher and practitioner, nurses' lack of motivation to study the findings or even to research themselves when possessing the skills. Below, she takes an expanded view of these omissions and poses some provocative questions for both researchers and practitioners.╛0241~0274~0608~0872*00 19 34 50~1118┐▒89154893▓Nursing research: some guidelines for practitioners.│Beckingham C┤Sturt Site South Australian College of Advanced Education.╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0023╖0020-8132╕6╣169-71, 174║35╗╝03╜In a state of rapid change, nursing over the last few years has become almost unrecognizable. And the profession, says Cushla Beckingham, has perhaps never been more divided. Some nurses (particularly those too senior to gain entry to tertiary courses) see a great chasm between tertiary-educated nurses and those who give "old-style nursing care based on intuition. Indeed, the profession does consist of three separate groups--the educators and the practitioners (between which is a large gap) plus nurse managers. For Beckingham, research based on area of practice could be the uniting factor, particularly in the search for cost-cutting programmes, as government funds for medical care diminish with each new budget.╛0225*34~0608~0854~0872*34┐▒89154894▓Models for leadership development.│Blais KK, Farris L┤Florida International University, School of Nursing, North Miami.╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0023╖0020-8132╕6╣172-4║35╗╝03╜With the current emphasis on developing nursing leaders, many developing countries are looking outside for a broader perspective and expertise upon which they can proceed with continuing education and higher-learning programmes for nurses. The possibilities are vast, yet not all models are appropriate for all countries. Nurses and educational institutions are thus constantly on the lookout for the answer to fit their particular needs. Below, two educators explore several models for continuing education programmes in developing countries. It is hoped that their recommendations will be but the start of the presentation in INR of other solutions (e.g. networking and sharing) and other models that use the expertise available in developing countries. To do this, INR is depending upon you, its readers (particularly from developing countries), to send in ideas and experience in this field. Your response--whether 30 or 300 lines--is welcome.╛0322*00~0380*00~0608~0707*00~0801*00~0879┐▒89154895▓How the UN is defending human rights.│┤╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0023╖0020-8132╕6╣175-8║35╗╝03╜Today some nurses are themselves victims of human rights violations (ranging from the extreme practice of torture to economic and social discrimination just because they are women), while others are witness to violations of the rights of their people or patients (minorities, indigenous population, AIDS sufferers, the mentally ill or children). But these injustices are not being ignored and nurses can help stop them. Since 40 years ago when the conscience of the world was awakened with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, international instruments providing the legal clout and pressure to stop the oppressors have been set in motion and are working in some places. Unfortunately violations continue in a number of countries. There are numerous effective channels (see also Inside View), many through the UN. To mark the Declaration's 40th anniversary on December 10 and to give readers a better understanding of what the UN is doing to promote and protect the peoples of the world, INR below answers some questions that nurses may be asking, defines the treaties and shows what international machinery is available to realize those rights.* In a subsequent issue, INR will focus on nurses' involvement in torture and other inhuman treatment and their moral dilemma, giving the views of nurses who have cared for such victims.╛0608~0609*31~1325*31┐▒89155025▓Is there a disease-prone personality? Synthesis and evaluation of the theoretical and empirical literature.│Thomas SP┤╡1988╢0024╖0161-2840╕4╣339-52║9╗╝03╜╛0105*00~0346 23*44~0348~0608~0961*00┐▒89155026▓The use of a medical support group on a medical/psychiatric unit.│White EM┤╡1988╢0024╖0161-2840╕4╣353-62║9╗╝03╜╛0027~0030~0454~0588~0601~0608~0743~0792~0848~1060~1061*00~1068*00~1207*00~1212*00┐▒89155027▓Rules for disease: an interactional model for psychosomatic illness in families.│Castleberry K┤╡1988╢0024╖0161-2840╕4╣363-71║9╗╝03╜╛0024~0027~0179~0202~0256~0443*00~0445*00~0448~0454~0608~0675*00~1066*44 55┐▒89155028▓Effects of methylphenidate hydrochloride on the subjective reporting of mood in children with attention deficit disorder.│Walker MK, Sprague RL, Sleator EK, Ullmann RK┤╡1988╢0024╖0161-2840╕4╣373-85║9╗╝03╜╛0027~0028*16~0029~0101*17 44~0202~0249~0454~0608~0743~0785*54~0965~1262~1264┐▒89155029▓Physical and psychosocial health status 3 years after catastrophic illness--botulism.│Cohen FL, Hardin SB, Nehring W, Keough MA, Laurenti S, McNabb J, Platis C, Weber C┤╡1988╢0024╖0161-2840╕4╣387-98║9╗╝03╜╛0027~0030~0150*42 44 48~0181*00~0454~0471~0510*00~0527*00~0608~0630~0730~0743~0792~1123~1131~1264┐▒89155030▓Psychosomatic symptoms: implications for child sexual abuse.│Gilbert CM┤╡1988╢0024╖0161-2840╕4╣399-408║9╗╝03╜╛0202~0204*15~0443~0454~0608~0743~1066*23~1164┐▒89155031▓Basic health care needs of the mentally ill: issues for psychiatric nursing.│Talley S┤╡1988╢0024╖0161-2840╕4╣409-23║9╗╝03╜╛0329~0608~0774 15*37 55~1061*00┐▒89155032▓Ten years in liaison nursing: concepts, models, and conventional wisdom.│Dulaney PE, Crawford GW┤╡1988╢0024╖0161-2840╕4╣425-31║9╗╝03╜╛0263*00~0608~0676~0799~0855~0876*44~1061*00┐▒89155515▓Laser Doppler flowmetry evaluation of burn wound depth.│O'Reilly TJ, Spence RJ, Taylor RM, Scheulen JJ┤Baltimore Regional Burn Center, Francis Scott Key Medical Center, Baltimore, Maryland 21224.╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0027╖0273-8481╕1╣1-6║10╗╝03╜Hypothesizing that reduced blood flow to various levels in thermally damaged dermis is related to the depth of burn, we studied 59 burns in 41 patients, with an age range of 18 months to 67 years, with improved laser Doppler blood flow technology to determine burn depth on admission. Two hundred and sixty-eight laser Doppler measurements were made in 59 burn wounds in 41 patients. Of the 129 burn wounds with laser Doppler readings of less than 1.4 on admission, 127 were classified ultimately through clinical observation as either deep second- or third-degree burns and required excision and closure. Therefore predictive value of a positive result (i.e., laser Doppler value less than 1.4) on admission was 98.4% using laser Doppler measurements. Clinical estimation did not correlate as well with the depth of injury.╛0024~0027~0030~0164*39 42~0202~0215~0608~0640~0792~1105~1196*08 28~1324*00┐▒89155516▓Actual burn nutrition care practices. A national survey (Part I).│Williamson J┤Harborview Burn Unit, Seattle, Washington.╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0027╖0273-8481╕1╣100-6║10╗╝03╜╛0162*00 32~0164 55~0295~0342 19 32*61~0608~0668*00 32~0881~1326┐▒89155517▓Hetastarch: an alternative colloid in burn shock management.│Waters LM, Christensen MA, Sato RM┤Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Stanford University Medical Center, CA 94305.╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0027╖0273-8481╕1╣11-6║10╗╝03╜Hetastarch is a synthetic polysaccharide colloid that has been used clinically in the management of multiple trauma, hypovolemic shock, and postoperative cardiac patients. Our objective was to determine whether hetastarch is a safe alternative to blood products in burn shock resuscitation. Twenty-six patients received hetastarch during the colloid phase of resuscitation and were compared to matched historical controls who received either albumin or fresh frozen plasma. Clinical and laboratory parameters were measured on admission and for 4 days after the burn. There was no significant difference in hemodynamics, respiratory status, incidence of bleeding, or renal or liver function among the three colloid groups. The advantages of hetastarch include immediate availability, no dependence on human blood donor population, no risk of serum-transmitted diseases, and lower cost. It can be safely recommended for those patients who object to blood products for resuscitation, in those situations where human donors are few, and when cost is a consideration.╛0027~0138~0164*12 39~0233~0249~0608~0613 03*54~0996~0998 03*54~1080~1178 23~1179 02~1189 23 42*55~1239*04~1262~1377 23┐▒89155518▓A randomized trial of plasma exchange in the treatment of burn shock.│Kravitz M, Warden GD, Sullivan JJ, Saffle JR┤Intermountain Burn Center, University of Utah Health Science Center, Salt Lake City.╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0027╖0273-8481╕1╣17-26║10╗╝03╜Hypovolemia following major thermal injury results from increased capillary permeability with subsequent loss of fluid into the interstitium. Investigations of burn shock have demonstrated the release of circulating factors that effect these fluid shifts. Previous studies have suggested that this process can be altered by the performance of plasma exchange in patients who fail to respond to conventional resuscitation. This study evaluated the effect of plasma exchange during burn shock. Twenty-two adult subjects were randomly assigned to one of two groups. The control group received standard fluid resuscitation guided by the Parkland formula; the treatment group received the same resuscitation in addition to a course of plasma exchange. Seventeen subjects, eight from the control group and nine from the plasma exchange group, completed the study. Control subjects had a mean age of 37 years, a mean burn size of 52.3% total body surface area, and a mean full-thickness injury of 24.6% total body surface area. Plasma exchange patients had a mean age of 38 years, a mean burn size of 49.4% total body surface area, and a mean full-thickness injury of 37.3% total body surface area (p less than 0.01 compared to the control group). Completion of resuscitation was accomplished earlier in the plasma exchange group (20.2 hours versus 30.8 hours; p less than 0.05). There was no difference in the total amount of fluid required to achieve resuscitation. The mean urine output during resuscitation was greater for the plasma exchange group (p less than 0.01). Performance of plasma exchange during the second 8-hour period after the burn did not alter the course of burn shock in this study group.╛0024~0027~0164*12 39~0454~0470~0608~0743~0792~0997*00~1053~1095~1130~1189 23 42*55┐▒89155519▓Sequence of morphologic events in experimental smoke inhalation.│Linares HA, Herndon DN, Traber DL┤Shriners Burns Institute, Galveston, Texas.╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0027╖0273-8481╕1╣27-37║10╗╝03╜The experimentally induced smoke inhalation injury in sheep is in many respects similar to that observed in smoke-injured humans. Our sheep model allows us to describe a sequence of morphologic changes that may be divided into four fairly discrete although overlapping phases. The magnitude of the destructive process and the length and characteristics of each phase are related to the severity of the injury and the superimposed complications. The availability of this animal model may allow the experimental manipulation of each of the four described phases to investigate physiopathologic and therapeutic implications toward the prompt normalization of pulmonary function.╛0067~0166*39~0186~0735*39~1188~1301~1376┐▒89155520▓Normal phosphatidylcholine composition of lung surfactant 24 hours after inhalation injury.│Prien T, Strohmaier W, Gasser H, Richardson JA, Traber DL, Schlag G┤Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet, Muenster, Germany.╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0027╖0273-8481╕1╣38-44║10╗╝03╜The effects of cotton smoke injury on the phosphatidylcholine composition of pulmonary surfactant material were studied. While under halothane anesthesia, 18 ewes were intubated using a double-lumen tube. In six sheep the left lung was exposed to smoke; in another six sheep the right lung was exposed to smoke. A sham group of six sheep was insufflated with air instead of smoke. Twenty-four hours later the animals were killed, and alveolar lavage fluid was obtained from both lungs. Phospholipid material was separated, and its relative phosphatidylcholine composition was determined. In the smoke-treated lungs this composition was not different statistically when compared with the contralateral and the sham-exposed lungs. These findings suggested that smoke inhalation has no effect on the composition of the phosphatidylcholine fraction in the alveolar lining layer 24 hours after injury.╛0067~0138~0160 14~0166 07*33 39~0172~0454~0735*33 39~0980*33~1188~1264~1301┐▒89155521▓Effects of inhalation injury on airway blood flow and edema formation.│Kramer GC, Herndon DN, Linares HA, Traber DL┤Firefighters Pacific Burns Institute, University of California, Davis.╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0027╖0273-8481╕1╣45-51║10╗╝03╜We measured airway blood flow in unanesthetized sheep under control conditions and after lung injury induced by inhalation of cotton smoke. Blood flows in trachea, carina, main stem bronchi, intraparenchymal bronchi, and whole lung were measured by injection of radioactive microspheres. In 10 control sheep mean blood flow (+/- SD) was trachea, 17.2 +/- 10.5; main stem bronchi, 17.5 +/- 7.6; and whole lung (parenchyma inclusive of all small intraparenchymal airways), 20.5 +/- 11.9 ml.min-1/100 gm tissue weight. After injury, measurements were made 8 to 30 hours after smoke inhalation when respiratory distress was evident by arterial oxygen tensions of less than 60 mm Hg. Inhalation injury had little effect on cardiac output or blood flow to peripheral tissue. However, after inhalation injury airway blood flow (n = 6) was increased nine times in trachea, eight times in main stem bronchi, twelve times in intraparenchymal bronchi, and two times in whole lung. The increased airway blood flow resulted from a selective vasodilation of the airway vasculature because arterial driving pressures were unchanged by inhalation injury. Other investigators have shown that the microvascular permeability of the bronchial circulation is remarkably sensitive to inflammation, and the present experiments suggest that a selective vasodilation of the airway vasculature is another aspect of the airway response to inflammation. Increased airway blood flow through a leaky microvasculature may increase capillary filtrate from the bronchial circulation and contribute to the pulmonary edema of inhalation injury.╛0067~0158*08~0166 12*42~0454~1078~1079*23 39~1105~1188~1262~1264~1311 08~1348┐▒89155522▓Smoke inhalation and airway management at a regional burn unit: 1974-1983. Part I: Diagnosis and consequences of smoke inhalation.│Clark WR, Bonaventura M, Myers W┤Department of Surgery, State University of New York, Syracuse.╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0027╖0273-8481╕1╣52-62║10╗╝03╜Victims of smoke inhalation with and without burns and burn patients with respiratory insufficiency for reasons other than smoke at a regional burn unit are profiled in terms of age, burn size, length of stay, and mortality. The diagnostic characteristics of patients with an inhalation injury (N = 108) are listed; 7% of all patients (N = 52) have known smoke exposure with equivocal evidence for injury to the airway or pulmonary parenchyma. The degree of respiratory (visceral) failure experienced by patients with inhalation injury is not uniformly severe. Many of the clues to this diagnosis are indirect and not always related to the severity of pulmonary injury. Timing and degree of visceral failure control the severity of the injury, which increases progressively from that in patients with a burn only (parietal injury) through those with a visceral injury only (smoke without burn), those with both smoke and burn, to those with a burn and uniformly severe respiratory failure on the basis of sepsis.╛0027~0164 12 36~0166 12*15 36~0454~0608~0743~1046┐▒89155523▓Topical lidocaine in the treatment of partial-thickness burns.│Brofeldt BT, Cornwell P, Doherty D, Batra K, Gunther RA┤Department of Surgery, University of California, Davis 95817.╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0027╖0273-8481╕1╣63-8║10╗╝03╜The analgesic properties and systemic absorption of topical lidocaine in the treatment of partial-thickness burns were evaluated by applying a 5% lidocaine cream to the burn wound at a concentration of 1 mg/cm2. The plasma lidocaine level was measured in 24 patients 15, 30, 60, 120, and 240 minutes after application. Systemic analgesics were given 30 minutes before application of the lidocaine cream. The Visual Analog Scale was used to record pain intensity in 30 patients just before and 30 minutes after application of the lidocaine cream. The maximal area treated was 28% total body surface area partial-thickness burn with application of 4.5 gm of lidocaine, resulting in a plasma level of 5.8 micrograms/ml. The plasma lidocaine level was constant during the 4-hour experiment and was associated with a significant decrease in pain. No infectious, allergic, or cardiovascular complications were observed. Our results indicate that topical lidocaine cream offers significant pain relief of long duration without associated systemic side effects.╛0008~0024~0027~0055*00~0115 02~0164 33*39 42~0608~0720*02 03 40~0792~0897~0921~1262┐▒89155524▓The problem of Social Security disability determination for the burn patient. A report from the Committee on Rehabilitation of the American Burn Association (ABA).│Cromes GF, Helm PA, Salisbury RE┤University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas 75235.╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0027╖0273-8481╕1╣69-73║10╗╝03╜The ABA Rehabilitation Committee has developed a form to be included in the hospital record at discharge that should facilitate the Social Security disability determination process for the burn patient. This form should aid in the disability determination process by guiding the Social Security disability examiner to the pertinent evidence of limitation and chronicity in the often cumbersome medical record and by emphasizing the multiple body system nature of the severe burn injury.╛0164*48~0344*00~0608~1098~1211*00~1326┐▒89155525▓Does early excision of burn wounds change the pattern of mortality?│Peck MD, Heimbach DM┤University of Washington Burn Center, Seattle, Washington.╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0027╖0273-8481╕1╣7-10║10╗╝03╜Ninety-five patients died at the University of Washington Burn Center from 1980 to 1985. Fifty-seven patients (60%) survived more than 3 days. Thirty-five of these patients underwent excision and grafting. The major causes of death were pneumonia, burn wound sepsis, and sepsis from multiple sources. Thus infection was the cause of death in 26 (74%) of these 35 patients. The other 22 patients who survived longer than 3 days did not undergo excision and grafting before death. The primary cause of death was pneumonia. Infection was the cause of death in 12 patients of this group (55%) and thus was the major cause of death in 62% of all patients who survived more than 3 days. Although early wound closure may affect overall mortality, it does not appear to materially change the pattern of the causes of death in those that die after 3 days of hospitalization.╛0027~0164 12 36*53~0185~0608~0647 23 36~0792~1131~1196 58~1262~1301~1377 36┐▒89155526▓Automated hydrotherapy pool water treatment system.│Devlin PM, Hwang JC, Winchell CJ, Day SG, Zura RD, Edlich RF┤Department of Plastic Surgery, University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville 22908.╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0027╖0273-8481╕1╣74-8║10╗╝03╜An automated hydrotherapy water treatment system was described that controls chemical pumps that maintain the pool's water pH and chlorine levels at the designated set points, regardless of the bather load. This system consists of sensing electrodes, a controller, and positive displacement pumps. Because outbreaks of waterborne infections have never been reported in facilities in which the pool water has been continuously maintained at pH 7.2 to 7.8 with a free available chlorine level of at least 1.0 ppm, we recommend that this type of water treatment system be installed in all public pools.╛0109~0218 06~0608~0611~0612*29~1262~1364 06┐▒89155527▓The microbiology and cleaning of thermoplastic splints in burn care.│Wright MP, Taddonio TE, Prasad JK, Thomson PD┤Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor.╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0027╖0273-8481╕1╣79-83║10╗╝03╜The ability of thermoplastic splints to be a vehicle for the transfer of microorganisms from the burn wound was explored. Twenty splints were evaluated and 10 (50%) were found to have recoverable microorganisms immediately after being removed from the burn patient. Air drying for 10 minutes was not shown to be an effective method of removing contaminating microorganisms. A cleaning protocol using a quaternary ammonia solution proved to be 100% effective in removing microorganisms from thermoplastic splint material.╛0024~0027~0030~0051~0118*30~0164 35*55~0202~0215~0350~0419~0608~0640~0792~1000~1234*00~1377 43┐▒89155528▓Have you tried the sandwich splint? A method of preventing hand deformities in children.│Ward RS, Schnebly WA, Kravitz M, Warden GD, Saffle JR┤Division of Physical Therapy, University of Utah, Salt Lake City 84112.╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0027╖0273-8481╕1╣83-5║10╗╝03╜The prevention of contractures of the burned hand is an arduous problem in the young pediatric burn patient. Difficulty in applying splints, along with the time-consuming fabrication of complex splints, led to the development of the "sandwich splint. This easily produced splint provides a means of preventing and treating hand deformities in this patient age group. Positive results have been noted with the use of this splint in conjunction with the patient's usual active physical therapy program.╛0164*12~0202~0507*43~0608~0784~1234*00┐▒89155529▓Burn prevention begins at home ... your home.│Varas R, Hammond JS┤UM/JM Burn Center, University of Miami School of Medicine, Department of Surgery, FL 33101.╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0027╖0273-8481╕1╣88-9║10╗╝03╜╛0103~0164*43~0608~1059┐▒89155530▓Promoting a burn center ... and burn prevention.│Loveland L┤Public Relations Department, Bridgeport Hospital, CT 06610.╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0027╖0273-8481╕1╣89-91║10╗╝03╜╛0162*00~0164*43~0521*00~0608~0668*00┐▒89155531▓Registered nurses and burn care facilities. Factors associated with turnover rates.│Fields C, Wright T, Luterman A┤University of South Alabama Medical Center, Mobile 36617.╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0027╖0273-8481╕1╣94-8║10╗╝03╜The health care system in the United States is suffering from a severe shortage of registered nurses. Burn treatment facilities are no exception to this phenomenon. As a result of this shortage, institutions have begun hiring less trained personnel such as licensed practical/vocational nurses (LPNs/LVNs), nursing assistants, burn technicians, and nursing students to fill the void. This shortage is so significant that the American Medical Association (AMA) has proposed a new category of bedside care provider, a "Registered Care Technologist (RCT). The purpose of this paper is to determine the magnitude of the registered nurse shortage in burn care facilities. A second purpose is to identify factors associated with high turnover rates and to document the reasons why registered burn nurses are leaving their positions.╛0162*32~0608~0668*32~0876*52~0967*00~0970*00┐▒89155532▓The use of the bone curet in debridement of the burn wound and graft recipient sites.│Davis JW, Hansbrough JF, Stein JM┤Department of Surgery, University of California, San Diego Medical Center 92103.╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0027╖0273-8481╕1╣99║10╗╝03╜We describe the use of the simple bone curet for the purpose of scraping and debriding partial-thickness burn wounds and other chronic wounds encountered by the burn surgeon before autograft placement. In our experience the instrument allows more efficient and safer operating room debridement than does the standard scalpel blade.╛0164*53~0300*29~0608~1270*00┐▒89156054▓Evaluation of a gerontological nursing continuing education programme: effect on nurses' knowledge and attitudes and on patients' perceptions and satisfaction.│Harrison LL, Novak D┤University of Alabama Capstone College of Nursing, Tuscaloosa 35487-0358.╡1988 Nov╢0025╖0309-2402╕6╣684-92║13╗╝03╜The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a four-session (8-hour) gerontological nursing continuing education (CE) programme on nurses' knowlege of and attitudes towards the elderly. The study also sought to ascertain the effects of the CE programme on patient satisfaction with and perceptions of nursing care. Seventy-six nurses completed the Miller-Dodder Revision of the Palmore Facts on Ageing Quiz and the Kogan Attitudes Towards Old People Scale before and after participating in the CE programme. Post-test scores on both measures were slightly but significantly higher than pretest scores. Thirty hospitalized elderly patients were interviewed before and 33 were interviewed after the CE programme was offered to the nurses on their hospital units, using the LaMonica-Oberst Patient Satisfaction Scale and the Harrison-Novak Patient Perception Scale. Post-test measures of patient satisfaction and perception were not significantly different from pretest scores. Patients were generally satisfied with their nursing care, but perceived that nurses did not focus on health promotion activities. In addition, 59% of the patients indicated that they were unable to distinguish nurses from other health care providers. The article identifies implications of the study for nursing education, practice and research.╛0030~0103~0265~0380*00 50~0488*20 50~0608~0937┐▒89156055▓The '24-hour reality orientation' type of approach to the confused elderly: a minimum standard for care.│McMahon R┤Oxford Nursing Development Unit, Radcliffe Infirmary.╡1988 Nov╢0025╖0309-2402╕6╣693-700║13╗╝03╜The use of the two principle types of reality orientation with the confused elderly has been the subject of research by nurses, psychiatrists and psychologists. Reviews of this research suggest that the effects of these therapies on patient outcomes are extremely limited. However, a number of writers advocate their use on the grounds that their implementation results in more individualized care by nurses. This argument is rejected in favour of the demonstrated effect of introducing individualized care from a basis in nursing theory. Nursing theory also provides the remit for nurses to control the physical and interpersonal environment of the confused elderly patient. By examining moral principles as they are applied to nursing, it is argued that the nature of that environmental control should be towards a 24-hour reality orientation type approach. This should be implemented in an individualized way and should form the basis of a minimum standard of care for this client group.╛0030~0312*37~0313*37~0608~0863~0877~0943~1097┐▒89156056▓Being old does not always mean being sick: perspectives on conditions of health as perceived by British and American elderly.│van Maanen HM┤University of Toronto, Faculty of Nursing, Ontario, Canada.╡1988 Nov╢0025╖0309-2402╕6╣701-9║13╗╝03╜The process of ageing is frequently described in terms of decline and deterioration. Limited attention is paid to the gains in later life. Studies among self-defined healthy American-born elderly and ill-healthy British-born older persons, indicated that the perception of health was determined by many dimensions other than the absence of disease and illness. The older the person, the more emphasis was placed on health as a state of mind, even in situations of a gradually failing body. It was evident that these respondents, among them the ill-healthy elderly challenged the current beliefs of health and illness as perceived by health providers.╛0030*44~0031~0032*41~0105*00~0249~0406~0511~0608~1192~1326┐▒89156057▓Biometric outcomes of a geriatric health promotion programme.│Higgins PG┤University of New Mexico, College of Nursing, Albuquerque 87131.╡1988 Nov╢0025╖0309-2402╕6╣710-5║13╗╝03╜A geriatric health promotion programme was conducted to determine biometric changes in cardiovascular, nutritional and musculoskeletal status. Sixty-seven older adults participated in the study. The experimental group of 34 elderly subjects showed statistically significant increases in flexibility and high density lipoprotein with significant decreases in resting pulse rate, blood pressure, total cholesterol, weight and skinfold measures. The overall results of the wellness programme showed significant improvements in the physical health status of older adults.╛0030*00~0131~0454~0521*00~0528~0608~0743~1262~1264┐▒89156058▓Nursing staff's perceptions of work in acute and long-term care hospitals.│Heiskanen TA┤University of Tampere, Department of Public Health, Finland.╡1988 Nov╢0025╖0309-2402╕6╣716-25║13╗╝03╜The survey study compared perceptions of work in the nursing staff of acute and long-term care hospitals. The focus was on professional challenges, career prospects, independence, responsibility, the social requirements of work, time pressure and workload. Consistent differences were found in the extent to which the two groups experienced their work as challenging: the scores were lower in the long-term care hospital than in the general hospital. For example, 40% of the respondents in the long-term hospital felt their work was too easy compared with their knowledge and skills, while the figure was only 9% in the general hospital. Among these workers, a simultaneous decline was found in personal resources, as measured by psychosomatic symptoms, and in the individual's commitment to the organization. In the theoretical discussion the experience of lacking challenges is related to the concepts of work orientation, coping strategies and work culture.╛0020~0103*00~0591~0594~0608~0876*44~0954~1372*00┐▒89156059▓A comparison of sources of nursing stress and job satisfaction among mental handicap and hospice nursing staff.│Power KG, Sharp GR┤Community Clinical Psychology Service, Forth Valley Health Board, Department of Psychology, University of Stirling.╡1988 Nov╢0025╖0309-2402╕6╣726-32║13╗╝03╜This study compares sources of nursing stress and job satisfaction among 181 mental handicap and 24 hospice nurses. It was hypothesized that nursing stress varies as a consequence of nursing specialty. Analysis of variance revealed differing features of nursing stress between the two specialties. Hospice nurses reported stress as primarily associated with death and dying and inadequate preparation to meet the emotional needs of patients and their families, while mental handicap nurses reported stress related to workload, conflict with other nurses and nursing environment. The results suggest that two additional factors that did not differ between specialties require further examination, namely patient behaviour and purposelessness of nursing care. Job satisfaction also differed between specialties with hospice nurses reporting higher satisfaction with supervision, co-workers, and pay, and lower satisfaction with promotion in comparison to mental handicap nurses. Within the mental handicap groups nursing stress correlated with job satisfaction, state-trait anxiety and non-psychotic psychiatric disturbance in predicted directions. Analysis of the above variables with respect to mental handicap nursing grade was also undertaken. Overall results indicate the importance of nursing specialty as a major factor influencing nursing stress.╛0249~0579*00~0599*00~0608~0688*00~0778*00~0875*44~1253*00~1262┐▒89156060▓Do nurses smoke because of stress?│Elkind AK┤Department of Epidemiology and Social Oncology, Christie Hospital, Manchester.╡1988 Nov╢0025╖0309-2402╕6╣733-45║13╗╝03╜A comparison of learner nurses and student teachers indicated that occupational differences in smoking prevalence were established prior to entry. However, learner nurses experienced higher stress for the greater part of their first year of training and this was one factor contributing to the consolidation of smoking among them. In general, smoking was seen as a way of dealing with negative feelings and although smokers did not experience greater stress than non-smokers, the former were more likely to feel anger. Lower levels of perceived stress were associated with moves to lesser smoking, suggesting that stress prevents smoking being given up. Some non-smokers were vulnerable in that they both experienced higher stress and saw smoking as a solution. The use of maladaptive intrapsychic coping techniques and the absence of social support outside nursing were both associated with movements to greater smoking.╛0249~0454~0608~0856*44~1202 43*44~1251*00~1256 44~1262~1285┐▒89156061▓Violent incidents on a regional secure unit.│R ix G, Seymour D┤Denis Hill Unit, Bethlem Royal Hospital, Beckenham.╡1988 Nov╢0025╖0309-2402╕6╣746-51║13╗╝03╜This 1-year retrospective study was conducted on a regional secure unit at the Bethlem Royal Hospital, London, using the hospital's data collection sheet for violent incidents. The majority of incidents were minor in nature but there were a few assaults that involved pain, lacerations or bruising. Although violence was common to the majority of patients, two contributed a large number. Those staff at the bottom of the nursing hierachy who spent most time with patients were most at risk. Likewise fellow patients were also often involved in incidents. Violence did not tail off after the breakfast period, as reported in previous studies, but continued to rise until bedtime.╛0024~0027~0454~0588~0598*00~0608~0743~0792~1131~1140~1355*00┐▒89156062▓Merging nursing research and practice: a case of multiple identities.│Jennings BM, Rogers S┤Health Care Studies Division, Health Services Command, Fort Sam Houston, Texas.╡1988 Nov╢0025╖0309-2402╕6╣752-8║13╗╝03╜Although using research to guide nursing practice has been a long-standing goal for the nursing discipline, the actual merger of research and practice is not yet widespread. There are many possible explanations for the limited progress that has been made in this arena. In this paper, it is suggested that the multiple identities taken on by nurses may stifle actualizing a merger between research and practice. Diverging responsibilities and orientations among identities are depicted by considering the nurse as researcher, clinician, educator and administrator. In addition to elucidating differences among these various nurse identities, the paper addresses their commonalities, the most obvious and important of which is that of nurse. If individuals retain the identity of nurse as the generic and salient characteristic, the multiple nurse identities have the potential to become a complementary array of diverse resources that can empower rather than thwart merging research and practice.╛0608~0850~0854~0863*34~0872*00~1142┐▒89156063▓Perceptions and attitudes of academic nursing students to research.│Eckerling S, Bergman R, Bar-Tal Y┤Department of Nursing, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel.╡1988 Nov╢0025╖0309-2402╕6╣759-67║13╗╝03╜Tel Aviv University students' perceptions of nursing research activities were examined. Specifically, the research concentrated on attitudes, role perception, ability and behavioural intention to perform research in the future. It was found that nurses in all stages of their academic studies, viewed research activities favourably on all four measures. Differences, however, were shown on the subjects' rating of their ability to perform research, their attitudes and their intentions to engage in research activity, according to their job level and academic level. No differences were found on the four measures when examined by work domain or clinical area. The multiple regression analysis showed that the best predictor of the intent to do research was the perception of ability, followed by the perception of research as part of the nursing role and the subjects' attitudes towards research.╛0027~0103~0377*00~0454~0608~0682~0743~0792~0872*00~0954~1132~1134~1256*44┐▒89156064▓The use of profile similarity indices and the Bem sex role inventory in determining the sex role characterization of a group of male and female nurses.│Pontin DJ┤Bristol and Weston School of Nursing, Bristol Royal Hospital for Sick Children.╡1988 Nov╢0025╖0309-2402╕6╣768-74║13╗╝03╜A group of male and female general nurses was tested using the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI), with statistical modifications, to determine the degree of pshychologically 'androgynous' sex role characterization, so that comparisons might be drawn between the sexes regarding attributes commonly held to be desirable for nurses. Some indicators for future trends in nurse recruitment are given.╛0027~0249~0454~0608~0743~0792~0856*44~0858 44~0954~0962~1185*00~1242┐▒89156065▓Mentoring in doctoral education.│Davidhizar RE┤Logansport State Hospital, Indiana.╡1988 Nov╢0025╖0309-2402╕6╣775-81║13╗╝03╜Mentoring has historically been common among men. Recently, however, mentoring has emerged as a popular concept in nursing and more and more references in the nursing literature describe the importance of a mentor to the nurse. Mentoring is also an important concept in doctoral education in nursing. This paper discusses both the development of mentoring relationship which can vitally contribute to the development of the nurse leader are discussed. A mentoring relationship between a doctoral student and a more experienced professional can enable the development of leadership potential and significantly contribute to the development of competent professionals in nursing.╛0382*00~0608~0707~0779*00 44~1040┐▒89156066▓Reciprocal trust in health care relationships.│Thorne SE, Robinson CA┤University of British Columbia School of Nursing, Vancouver, Canada.╡1988 Nov╢0025╖0309-2402╕6╣782-9║13╗╝03╜This paper examines the phenomenon of trust in health care relationships from a new perspective, that of the recipients of care for chronic illness. The authors argue that reciprocal trust is a necessary component of satisfying, effective health care relationships when the illness is of an ongoing nature. From the patient's perspective, reciprocal trust has a significant impact on the experience of being a receiver of health care and on the development of competency with illness management. Because of this, the authors claim that it is imperative for health care professionals to alter their traditional beliefs with regard to sick role and trust. With a new perspective, they may then develop the specific skills necessary to enact the caring aspect of the service they offer. The authors offer a number of suggestions for actualizing this reciprocal trust in clinical practice.╛0103*00~0222~0270*00~0608~0941*00~1192┐▒89156067▓Nursing values: exploring the clich es.│Wilson-Barnett J┤Department of Nursing Studies, King's College, London.╡1988 Nov╢0025╖0309-2402╕6╣790-6║13╗╝03╜Many fundamental values underpin the practice of nursing and, in an inaugural address to nurses and those in other disciplines, it seemed appropriate to explore values which have special relevance to nursing. If future research and practice are to exploit these values, they must be explained and understood. To that end the concept of holistic care, individualized care and practical care are discussed. Nursing research, which demonstrates their relevance to patients' needs during recovery, is then briefly reviewed. Throughout this paper differences in focus between nursing and medicine are highlighted in order to promote complementarity between the professions.╛0573~0608~0639~0859*59~0863 50~0866~1132~1134~1213~1245┐▒89156068▓Primary nursing: is it worth it?│Macdonald M┤Sisters Development Programme, Gloucester Health Authority, Rikenel, Montpellier.╡1988 Nov╢0025╖0309-2402╕6╣797-806║13╗╝03╜In this paper a small sample of the massive, and largely North American, primary nursing literature is reviewed and three categories of writing identified: (1) descriptive literature, (2) literature of formative evaluation, and (3) literature of summative evaluation. The descriptive literature is examined in an attempt to decide whether primary nursing is worth trying. The literature of formative evaluation is then explored in order to determine whether the process of implementing primary nursing is, in itself, worthwhile. Finally, taking staff satisfaction, patient satisfaction, quality of care and the cost of primary nursing as the foci of evaluation, the literature of summative evaluation is considered to ascertain whether the outcomes of primary nursing merit the investment. The answers to each of these three questions of worth, posed by the three categories of writing, appear to be respectively a definite, a probable and tentative 'yes'.╛0103~0265~0274~0608~0688~1035*59~1084~1132~1134┐▒89156069▓Characteristics of a quality journal [editorial]│Copp LA┤╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0035╖8755-7223╕6╣393-4║4╗╝03╜╛0859~0956*50┐▒89156070▓The nurse executive. Professional women at the interface: the case of the nursing executive--Part II.│Fagin CM┤╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0035╖8755-7223╕6╣395, 458║4╗╝03╜╛0023*50~0608~0676*00~0850*50~1040┐▒89156071▓Professional practice. One step forward, one step back.│Carter MA┤╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0035╖8755-7223╕6╣396║4╗╝03╜╛0608~0977*00┐▒89156072▓Public policy. The role of Federal Government in child care.│Scearse PD┤╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0035╖8755-7223╕6╣397, 458║4╗╝03╜╛0202~0207*00~0495*00~0556~0608~1073*00~1142~1326┐▒89156073▓Research. Evolving clinical nursing research priorities: a national endeavor.│Hinshaw AS, Heinrich J, Bloch D┤╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0035╖8755-7223╕6╣398, 458-9║4╗╝03╜╛0225*34~0608~0828*00~0872*34~1326┐▒89156074▓Education. Educational counseling for research careers.│Shannon MD┤╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0035╖8755-7223╕6╣399║4╗╝03╜╛0277*00~0377*00~0441*00~0608~0872*00┐▒89156075▓International affairs. The Behrhorst program: a model for primary health care.│Glittenberg J┤╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0035╖8755-7223╕6╣400, 459║4╗╝03╜╛0246~0288~0454~0503~0608~0638*00~0640~0743~0798~1034*34┐▒89156076▓Legal and ethical issues. Resources for dealing with chemically dependent students.│Giovinco G┤╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0035╖8755-7223╕6╣401, 459║4╗╝03╜╛0224 31~0608~0719~1256*00~1258*00┐▒89156077▓Midwifery: past to present.│Lops VR┤╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0035╖8755-7223╕6╣402-7║4╗╝03╜╛0280 26 31~0454~0556~0560~0561~0562~0563~0564~0565~0566~0567~0608~0743~0794*26 59~0853*26 59┐▒89156078▓Impact of changes in the insurance industry on nursing education: recent and anticipated changes.│Amos LK, Rhea MH┤╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0035╖8755-7223╕6╣408-14║4╗╝03╜╛0274~0377 19*59~0454~0608~0663 59~0666*00 59~0743~0867 59~1166*00~1326┐▒89156079▓Influence of diagnosis-related groups on discharge planning, professional practice, and patient care.│Bull MJ┤╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0035╖8755-7223╕6╣415-21║4╗╝03╜╛0333*00~0454~0517~0580~0608~0678~0861~0863*00~0942*00~1326┐▒89156080▓The academic nurse-managed center movement: a survey report.│Higgs ZR┤╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0035╖8755-7223╕6╣422-9║4╗╝03╜╛0023*00~0045*00 19 38~0291~0295~0377~0441~0608~0678~0850*00~0912~1034~1166~1331┐▒89156081▓Educational preparation for international nursing.│Andrews MM┤╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0035╖8755-7223╕6╣430-5║4╗╝03╜╛0284*00~0291~0377*00~0379~0382~0608~0673~0801~1226┐▒89156082▓Doctoral education in nursing: its present and its future.│Meleis AI┤╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0035╖8755-7223╕6╣436-46║4╗╝03╜╛0309 59~0382 26 50*59~0441~0474~0556~0565~0608~0872~1083~1219~1326┐▒89156083▓The community as the site for psychiatric-mental health nursing clinical practicum.│Forker JE┤╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0035╖8755-7223╕6╣447-52║4╗╝03╜╛0245*20~0247*00 59~0291~0379*00~0454~0608~0743~1061*20┐▒89156084▓The connotative meanings of the term "psychosomatic .│Bartol GM, Eakes GG┤╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0035╖8755-7223╕6╣453-7║4╗╝03╜╛0103*00~0608~0743~0856*44~1066*44~1086~1154┐▒89156978▓Today's medicine--chance and opportunity for primary health care.│Weeks V┤╡1988 CHRISTMAS╢0028╖╕╣13-24║╗╝03╜╛0245~0498~0521~0608~0940*00~1034*59~1071~1142┐▒89156988▓Teaching home health aides the use of Life Review.│Haight BK, Olson M┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0031╖0882-0627╕1╣11-6║5╗╝03╜Life Review is presented as a therapeutic nursing intervention for the elderly. This article describes a class on life review for home health aides and shows the ease with which these aides managed life review. The description of this class may serve as a model for inservice educators to teach nurse aides the use of life review.╛0030~0103~0243*20~0608~0770*00~0801~1067 20*34~1285*34┐▒89156989▓Preceptor program evaluation demonstrates improved orientation.│Giles PF, Moran V┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0031╖0882-0627╕1╣17-24║5╗╝03╜Although the preceptor method of orientation is generally accepted as an effective mechanism for orienting newly employed nurses, very few evaluation studies of preceptor programs have been reported in the literature. This article describes a study designed prior to implementing a preceptor program at the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics in order to measure the outcomes of the program. Data were collected on the satisfaction of orientees, preceptors, other staff nurses, and nurse managers. The preceptor role and preceptor's level of comfort and skill were studied. To quantify the economic impact, both length of orientation and nursing turnover were considered.╛0380*00~0608~0659~0676~0876*20~0879~1015*00┐▒89156990▓A comprehensive training program for multidisciplinary treatment plans.│Brown VM, Adkins BS┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0031╖0882-0627╕1╣25-9║5╗╝03╜A client-oriented treatment plan that will direct and coordinate health care staff, thereby ensuring efficient quality client care, is a worthy goal. After planning, implementing, and evaluating a training program for this purpose, the authors concluded that the key to quality client care and successful implementation of this program lies in proper preparation and administrative support.╛0380*00~0385~0608~0659~0876*20~0940*00~1061*20┐▒89156991▓Continuing learning among registered nurses employed in a community hospital.│Oddi LF, Robertson JE, Ellis AJ┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0031╖0882-0627╕1╣30-5║5╗╝03╜This study indicated that hospital nurses learn through a variety of modes and that part-time nurses participated less frequently in certain learning activities than full-time nurses. Findings will be used to identify and expand resources for learning in this setting, devise strategies for enhancing participation of nurses in a variety of educational activities, and broaden the perspective of the administration and staff in relation to what constitutes continuing learning among professionals.╛0380*00~0592~0608~0659~0708~0876*20┐▒89156992▓Management education needs of head nurses.│Ibarra V┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0031╖0882-0627╕1╣36-9║5╗╝03╜Today's head nurses must be skilled in the art of management in order to meet the needs of patients, unit staff, administrative staff, and the employing organization. More hospitals are recognizing the need to offer basic education programs that assist head nurses to develop necessary knowledge and skills. Based on a study of 41 head nurses, the author discusses findings and recommendations for planning education programs for head nurses.╛0380*00~0608~0659~0876*20~0879*00~1086┐▒89156993▓Application of the nursing process to a continuing education course.│Campbell RL, Martin KS┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0031╖0882-0627╕1╣40-4║5╗╝03╜The nursing process is a fundamental component of curricula in schools of nursing. The nursing process also is adaptable to continuing education offerings provided by a nursing education and research department of an urban, community teaching hospital. This article describes how nurse educators used the nursing process as the basis for development, implementation, and evaluation of an advanced medical-surgical continuing education program.╛0291~0380*00~0608~0659~0870*00~0876*20~0939┐▒89156994▓A cost effective plan for CPR recertification.│DiPietro CM, Larkin SA┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0031╖0882-0627╕1╣45-6║5╗╝03╜╛0196*00~0274~0380*00~0608~0659*19~0876*20~1048*19~1130*00~1326┐▒89156995▓Organizational rites and nursing.│Jones L┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0031╖0882-0627╕1╣46-7║5╗╝03╜╛0380*00~0608~0659~0809~0873*32~0876*20┐▒89156996▓Quality assurance in nursing staff development.│Beare PG, Polovich M┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0031╖0882-0627╕1╣47-9║5╗╝03╜╛0380*50~0608~0659 50~0876*20~1082~1236┐▒89156997▓Retaining graduate nurses: a staff development challenge.│Fisher JA, Connelly CD┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0031╖0882-0627╕1╣6-10║5╗╝03╜The high attrition of graduate nurses in their first nursing positions has a significant and costly impact on Staff Development Departments. Orientation of these new practitioners demands increased use of resources (educators, money, and energy) which in turn decreases the availability of these resources for the career development of the more experienced RN staff. To justify this investment, the new graduate must be retained beyond the first year. Staff development educators are challenged to create and test new strategies to facilitate this retention. This article describes one strategy, support groups, and its effect upon the retention and job satisfaction of graduate nurses during their first year of employment.╛0380*00~0608~0659~0873*32~0876*20~1212┐▒89156998▓Implementing differentiated practice: the Sioux Valley Hospital experience.│Koerner JG, Bunkers LB, Nelson B, Santema K┤Sioux Valley Hospital, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.╡1989 Feb╢0029╖0002-0443╕2╣13-20║19╗╝03╜Historically, nurses with different levels of education have been used interchangeably in acute care hospitals. If nursing is going to be viewed as a preferred career choice and acute care hospitals are to retain staff, nurse administrators must provide a nursing practice model that differentiates scope of practice based on education. The authors discuss how they implemented a system of differentiated practice.╛0249~0276~0378~0379~0687~0688~0850~0873 19 32*38~0876*38┐▒89156999▓Stoplight Grid: a color-coded visual system for per diem staff assignment.│Ernst P┤Psychiatric Inpatient Unit, Veterans Administration Medical Center, San Francisco, California.╡1989 Feb╢0029╖0002-0443╕2╣23-7║19╗╝03╜What is the best way to appropriately assign per diem nursing personnel? The author describes a systematic approach to per diem staff assignment called the Stoplight Grid. The Stoplight Grid correlates staff skills and preferences with unit needs and integrates this data into a color-coded system for staff assignment.╛0276~0863 50~0876*00 19~0879 50~0967*00~0969*00~1086~1153┐▒89157000▓Concept of the month: implementing King's Conceptual Framework at the bedside.│Byrne E, Schreiber R┤Department of Nursing, Centenary Hospital, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada.╡1989 Feb╢0029╖0002-0443╕2╣28-32║19╗╝03╜Acknowledging the use of conceptual frameworks as the future of nursing, administrators are searching for methods to incorporate theory into practice. The challenge is to do this in a way that is meaningful and useful to the nurse at the beside. The authors describe how one directorate, in a 650-bed community hospital, developed a program that enabled nurses to understand and apply Imogene King's systems and concepts to their practice.╛0608~0855*00~0863*50┐▒89157001▓Practice partnerships: the newest concept in care delivery.│Manthey M┤Creative Nursing Management, Minneapolis, Minnesota.╡1989 Feb╢0029╖0002-0443╕2╣33-5║19╗╝03╜The shortage of nurses provides an opportunity to advance clinical reasoning to include deciding exactly which hands-on care activities must be done by the professional nurse and which aspects of care can be provided by a nurse extender. The relationship of the professional nurse and her "extender partner is a new solution to an old problem...one that has lasting power because it advances professionalism.╛0863*00 38~0876 19~0935*00 38~1153~1220┐▒89157002▓Enhancing the image of nursing.│Porter RT, Porter MJ, Lower MS┤School of Nursing, University of Missouri-Columbia.╡1989 Feb╢0029╖0002-0443╕2╣36-40║19╗╝03╜A Task Force from a Midwestern teaching hospital developed a comprehensive strategy to enhance the image of nursing in both the hospital and the community. Nursing administrators will find the Task Force's process and outcomes useful in addressing the image of nursing in their own institutions.╛0176~0454~0608~0751~0856*00 44~1074~1173┐▒89157003▓Professional liability insurance.│Feutz SA┤University of Missouri-Columbia.╡1989 Feb╢0029╖0002-0443╕2╣5-7, 27║19╗╝03╜╛0666*00 31~0856*00~1326┐▒89157004▓Interinstitutional collaboration for nursing excellence: Part 1, Creating the partnership.│Baker CM, Boyd NJ, Stasiowski SA, Simons BJ┤School of Nursing, Indiana University, Indianapolis.╡1989 Feb╢0029╖0002-0443╕2╣8-12║19╗╝03╜A partnership between two unrelated public institutions was formed to enhance the quality of clinical learning for students and staff, promote exemplary care to patients, and foster expansion of nursing research. The critical nucleus of the partnership is the unit-based clinical nurse specialist who performs the multiple functions of professional nursing: practice, education, and research. This two-part series describes the collaboration effort. Part 1 focuses on the organizational structure created for the partnership, and part 2 reports the findings of a 15-week pilot study conducted to test the model.╛0377 38~0590~0670~0852 59~0859*00~0863 50~0872 38~0935*00 38~1331┐▒89157005▓Manager impact on retention of hospital staff: Part 1.│Taunton RL, Krampitz SD, Woods CQ┤University of Kansas College of Health Sciences.╡1989 Mar╢0029╖0002-0443╕3╣14-9║19╗╝03╜The impact of middle managers on retention of 71 hospital professionals was examined in this prospective study. Price and Mueller's 1981 model of turnover was expanded to include the leadership characteristics of middle managers. In Part 1, research design, methods, and descriptive results are presented. Data on predictor variables were obtained by two questionnaires comprised of established instruments. Retention data then were collected for 6 months. Part 2 of this series, the impact of the manager and recommendations for improving retention, will be presented in the April issue.╛0027~0058~0608~0688~0707~0876 59~0966*00 59~0970~0971*00 59~1053~1086~1262┐▒89157006▓Focus groups: a program planning technique.│DesRosier MB, Zellers KC┤DesRosier Associates, Seattle, Washington.╡1989 Mar╢0029╖0002-0443╕3╣20-5║19╗╝03╜To successfully develop nurse retention programs, a thorough organizational analysis, including the identification of problems, is necessary. Used as a management tool, focus groups that use the organization's nursing staff provide a unique method of data collection for identifying problems that now exist in the organization. The authors discuss this method for obtaining information for strategic planning for retention of nurses.╛0688~0872~0876*00 38~0968~0970~0993┐▒89157007▓Providing equal access for deaf clients.│Kimmel B┤Deaf Education, St. Ann's Hospital, Columbus, Ohio.╡1989 Mar╢0029╖0002-0443╕3╣26-8║19╗╝03╜Fifteen years after the passage of a law by the Federal Government, many hospitals are still not providing hearing-impaired patients with equal access to their services in a consistent and effective way. Not only does this create frustrating situations for the patients and hospital staff, but it also puts the hospital in the position of noncompliance with the law. The author describes how one hospital addressed this issue at the level of service provision and found some workable solutions.╛0030~0241*00~0298*00 48~0529~0608~0658*00~0949*00┐▒89157008▓Comparative costs of a cooperative care program versus hospital inpatient care for gynecology patients.│Saywell RM, Woods JR, Benson JT, Pike MM┤Graduate Program in Health Administration, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University, Indianapolis.╡1989 Mar╢0029╖0002-0443╕3╣29-35║19╗╝03╜The cost of gynecologic care delivered in a cooperative care (co-op) unit was compared with the cost for similar patients treated in a traditional hospital inpatient unit. No significant differences were found. This finding was in direct contrast to our earlier study of obstetric patients where overall savings were achieved. The authors did, however, find cost savings (approximately $450) for those co-op patients cared for by physicians who were frequent users of the unit. Most of the savings for this group was achieved through a reduction in the cost of routine services, which includes nursing care. If the current nursing shortage leads to an increase in co-op units, nursing administrators need to be aware that potential cost savings may depend on physician familiarity with the co-op concept. A major role of nursing therefore, is to provide information on the benefits of cooperative care both to physicians and to potential patients.╛0027~0249~0276~0309*19 38~0454~0486*19~0585*19~0608~0863*19~0890*19~1262┐▒89157009▓Values and vision in chaotic times.│Strasen L┤Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital, Valencia, California.╡1989 Mar╢0029╖0002-0443╕3╣4-5, 25║19╗╝03╜Nursing administrators can be more successful in stabilizing the major labor force in the hospital by ensuring that organizational values are explicitly shared, discussed, and visible to those in the nursing department. Standards and expectations that operationalize the values must be developed and implemented. Methods to measure accomplishment of the standards must be quantifiable and measured on an ongoing basis and staff and management must be held accountable for the standards. Finally, reward and recognition systems must flow from attainment of the standards that operationalize organizational values. If any one of the components of the model is missing, organizational values cannot be actualized, employees will not experience the stabilizing effect of understanding the values that drive the organization's decision-making, and resources will not be used maximally to move the organization toward its vision of quality patient care.╛0850~0855~0863*50~0876*50~0967*00┐▒89157010▓The crisis in nursing administration education.│Henry B┤Council on Graduate Education for Administration in Nursing, University of Texas, Austin.╡1989 Mar╢0029╖0002-0443╕3╣6-7, 28║19╗╝03╜╛0023*20~0176~0382*00~0850*20 59~1326┐▒89157011▓Interinstitutional collaboration for nursing excellence: Part 2. Testing the model.│Baker CM, Boyd NJ, Stasiowski SA, Simons BJ┤School of Nursing, Indiana University, Indianapolis.╡1989 Mar╢0029╖0002-0443╕3╣8-13║19╗╝03╜Two unrelated public institutions formed a partnership to foster excellence in professional nursing. The organizational structure was described in Part 1 (February 1989). This second article reports a 15-week pilot study conducted on seven hospital units to determine the degree to which the clinical nurse specialist can merge the multiple functions of professional nursing: practice, education, and research.╛0377 50~0590*00~0670*00~0852~0859*00 50~0863 50~0872 50~0935~0992~1331*00┐▒89157012▓Nursing image as reflected in sex role preferences.│van Cleve L┤Loma Linda University, California.╡1988 Nov╢0030╖0022-3158╕9╣390-3║27╗╝03╜This study examined the relationships between sex role preference and image of nursing among 43 female freshman students of nursing. Student nurses who envisioned themselves as fulfilling a more traditional female role saw nursing differently from those who envisioned themselves as more liberal. The Dreyer Sex Role Preference Profile delineated two groups. A two-tailed test of proportions was used to analyze the data with significance determined at the .05 level. The groups differed significantly on nine of the 19 attributes of nursing, and differed in the importance to self on eight of the 19 items. Interestingly, however, none saw themselves as strongly traditional.╛0027~0103~0454~0484*00~0608~0629*00~1173*00~1256*44┐▒89157013▓A comparison of clinical evaluation tools in hospitals and baccalaureate nursing programs.│Grabbe LL┤Family and Community Health Nursing, Georgia State University, Atlanta.╡1988 Nov╢0030╖0022-3158╕9╣394-8║27╗╝03╜This study compared nurse educators' and hospital administrators' expectations of graduating baccalaureate students by analyzing the content of clinical evaluation tools in two settings: the last medical-surgical rotation and the beginning staff-level position. Ten baccalaureate nursing programs and 10 large university hospitals were studied as pairs. Evaluation tool criteria were divided into six role categories: care giver, client teacher, manager-team member, communicator, investigator, and professional. The study yielded data regarding similarities and differences regarding behaviors expected by schools and hospitals. The highest rates of similarity were found in the care giver and professional roles. The greatest difference was found in the manager-team member role with hospitals including many more of the behaviors. Few behaviors in the investigator role were included by school-hospital pairs, but schools included more of the behaviors than hospitals.╛0224*00~0249~0250~0379*50~0601~0608~0866~0873 50┐▒89157014▓Nursing students' attitudes toward AIDS.│Lester LB, Beard BJ┤Nursing Education, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti.╡1988 Nov╢0030╖0022-3158╕9╣399-404║27╗╝03╜A study of 177 baccalaureate nursing students was conducted to explore their knowledge, fears, beliefs and other attitudes regarding AIDS. Lazarus' theory related to coping with threatening events provided the theoretical framework. Students with a high fear score were less willing to care for AIDS patients, had higher knowledge scores, and were more homophobic. While 96.6% of the students felt that AIDS patients are entitled to the same care as any other patient, 49% preferred not to care for AIDS patients. Thirty-six percent thought nursing students should not be assigned to care for AIDS patients. Most of the students (70.6%) got their information about AIDS from the media. Nursing faculty must respond by including current, correct information when instructing students about AIDS. Faculty also need to provide opportunities for students to ask questions and share their fears regarding AIDS.╛0015*37~0027~0103*00~0379 50~0608~0792~0863*44~0865┐▒89157015▓Professional autonomy and ethical decision making among graduate and undergraduate nursing majors.│Cassidy VR, Oddi LF┤Northern Illinois University, School of Nursing, Dekalb.╡1988 Nov╢0030╖0022-3158╕9╣405-10║27╗╝03╜The purpose of this study was to determine differences in perceptions of ethical dilemmas and attitudes toward autonomy among four groups of nursing students. A randomly selected sample (n = 130) of students enrolled in associate degree, generic baccalaureate, degree completion, and master's study completed the Judgments About Nursing Decisions (JAND), the Nursing Autonomy and Patient's Rights Scale (NAPRS), and a demographic data sheet. Using one-way analysis of variance procedures, significant differences were found among groups on autonomy, patients' rights, and rejection of traditional role limitations. No significant differences were found on perceptions of idealistic and realistic moral behavior. Additional analysis produced significant findings when student groups were compared by age, RN status, and participation in ethics courses and seminars. Lack of significant differences on perceptions of ethical dilemmas may have resulted from the relatively low level of reliability of the JAND with the groups studied. Differences in attitudes are attributed to experience as a registered nurse, participation in an educational offering, and exposure to the bureaucratic environment of the health-care system.╛0027~0249~0291~0301~0378~0379~0382*00~0428*00~0454~0608~0792~0865*00~0872*00~1262┐▒89157016▓Nursing, nursing education, and anxiety.│Biggers T, Zimmerman RS, Alpert G┤School of Communication, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida.╡1988 Nov╢0030╖0022-3158╕9╣411-7║27╗╝03╜One hundred seventy-one graduating students in associate degree, diploma, and baccalaureate nursing programs completed a questionnaire concerning various state and trait measures of emotions (including general anxiety, apprehension about communication, and anxiety about one's future nursing career). Differences among the three groups of nursing students on the various dimensions of emotions, anxiety, and communication apprehension were assessed from the perspective of Mehrabian's theory of emotion. Predictors of anxiety about one's nursing career were investigated for the overall sample and for the three groups separately. Findings indicate that baccalaureate students are least apprehensive about communicating and feel most dominant in their setting. In addition, associate degree students were most anxious about nursing if they did not feel dominant, diploma students were most anxious if they did not feel dominant or were apprehensive about communication, and baccalaureate students were most anxious if they were generally unhappy. The results are discussed in terms of Mehrabian's emotion theory, the current crisis in and future direction of nursing education, and the use of theory in designing a strategy for nursing as a profession.╛0027~0081*23~0163 23~0249~0377*59~0378~0379~0381~0454~0608~0743~0792~0856*44~0865 34┐▒89157017▓Stresses and threats reported by baccalaureate students in relation to an initial clinical experience.│Pagana KD┤Lycoming College, Williamsport, Pennsylvania.╡1988 Nov╢0030╖0022-3158╕9╣418-24║27╗╝03╜Based upon the theory of cognitive appraisal of stress, an instrument was designed to describe the aspects of a clinical experience that were challenging or threatening. The qualitative data largely reflected the threatening, rather than the challenging, aspects of the experience. Thus, this research report provides a typological analysis of qualitative data describing the threatening nature of an initial medical-surgical experience for 262 baccalaureate students. Content analysis was used to determine the six predominant themes of threat which included personal inadequacy, fear of making errors, uncertainty, the clinical instructor, being scared or frightened, and fear of failure. The threats elaborated upon in this research should provide the instructor with some insight into understanding the stressors inherent in the clinical experience. The students' comments offer direction for nurse educators to pursue in facilitating therapeutic discussions with nursing students.╛0024~0027~0379*00~0454~0608~0743~0792~1253*23~1256*44~1285┐▒89157128▓Care of the neonate with erythroblastosis fetalis.│Dunn PA, Bhutani V, Weiner S, Ludomirski A┤Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0032╖0884-2175╕6╣382-6║17╗╝03╜Erythroblastosis fetalis, hemolytic disease of the newborn, occurs when an isoimmunized mother produces antibodies that cross the placenta and cause hemolysis of fetal red blood cells. This hemolysis can be accompanied by severe anemia, ascites, pleural and pericardial effusions, congestive heart failure, and neurological damage with resultant perinatal mortality. Rh isoimmunization in pregnancy still occurs in spite of the advent of Rh immune globulin. This article describes the complex management and nursing implications associated with caring for the neonate with erythroblastosis fetalis.╛0059 23~0424 12*37~0454~0547~0608~0614 23~0644~1017~1122 23~1135*12┐▒89157129▓Second skill educational development of personnel for a single-room maternity care system.│Gerlach C, Schmid M┤St. Mary's Hospital, Minneapolis, MN 55454.╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0032╖0884-2175╕6╣388-93║17╗╝03╜A modified cross-training approach was used to train nurses for a single-room maternity care unit. This cross-training program included development of a skills list for the labor/delivery and nursery/postpartum areas and an instruction program including formal lectures, independent study, and clinical experience. The clinical part of the program was a preceptor-based experience. The results of this program indicated that competency-based skills and objective selection criteria are mandatory for a successful cross-training program.╛0454~0588*38~0608~0876~0888*20~0890~1007~1017~1027┐▒89157130▓Reva Rubin revisited.│Gay JT, Edgil AE, Douglas AB┤University of Alabama, Birmingham 35294.╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0032╖0884-2175╕6╣394-9║17╗╝03╜A review and analysis of Reva Rubin's major publications is presented. Rubin's contributions to maternity nursing are acknowledged and questions concerning the applicability of Rubin's theories to current practice are raised. Nursing implications are drawn for contemporary nursing practice, and areas for future research are identified.╛0128~0290~0454~0556~0565~0608~0644~0758*00~0807~0888 26~1017~1326┐▒89157131▓Conceptual models and theory development.│Fawcett J┤University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0032╖0884-2175╕6╣400-3║17╗╝03╜The influence of conceptual models on theory development efforts stemming from NAACOG research priorities is discussed. Examples are given to illustrate the guidelines for theory development provided by seven conceptual models of nursing. In addition, a conceptual-theoretical-empirical structure for use in developing and testing theories and identifying tools for data collection is described.╛0254~0295~0608~0801*00~0872 34~0877*00┐▒89157132▓Psychological status of previously infertile couples after a successful pregnancy.│Bernstein J, Mattox JH, Kellner R┤Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Division, University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Albuquerque.╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0032╖0884-2175╕6╣404-8║17╗╝03╜Potential long-term effects of psychological dysfunction associated with infertility were investigated in a descriptive study of 32 previously infertile couples. Comparison was made with the performance of 20 never infertile couples matched for age, number of children, education, and income level, using a standard psychological assessment tool, the Hopkins symptom check list. While infertile, women had slightly elevated mean scores on three subscales: depression, interpersonal sensitivity, and hostility. After resolution of infertility, these scores did not improve. In addition, depression scores were elevated among the previously infertile women compared with a matched, never infertile group. Infertile men scored within the normal range for depression and interpersonal sensitivity and had a borderline mean score for hostility, which was markedly reduced after a normal pregnancy.╛0320 44~0454~0605~0608~0648*44~0675~0743~1017*44~1063┐▒89157133▓Nursing diagnoses for the postpartum woman.│Tribotti S, Lyons N, Blackburn S, Stein M, Withers J┤Hospital Nursing Service, University Hospital, Seattle, WA 98195.╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0032╖0884-2175╕6╣410-6║17╗╝03╜A descriptive, correlational study was undertaken to identify nursing diagnoses selected by mothers during the first 72 hours after birth. The convenience sample of 231 women completed questionnaires listing 34 diagnoses. On average, each mother selected nine diagnoses of concern to her since the birth. Alteration in comfort, potential for growth, alteration in body fluids, impaired mobility, and sleep pattern disturbance were the most frequently selected diagnoses. Only 34.5% of the mothers identified knowledge deficit as a concern. Parity, type of delivery, and length of postpartum time influenced the diagnoses selected. The data suggest modifications in the focus of hospital-based, postpartum nursing care.╛0198 37~0295~0454~0608~0641~0644~0861*00~0864*00~0939~1017~1077*00┐▒89157134▓Practices and policies in the initiation of breastfeeding.│Houston MJ, Field PA┤University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0032╖0884-2175╕6╣418-24║17╗╝03╜Despite increasing knowledge about factors affecting the initiation of breastfeeding, many mothers still encounter problems and discontinue breastfeeding earlier than desired. Many hospitals still have not implemented the practices that are known to be helpful in the establishment of breastfeeding. As a result, a study was conducted to examine the policies and practices affecting breastfeeding in hospitals in Alberta, Canada. A questionnaire-based survey of all Alberta hospitals (including directors of nursing and staff nurses) found that many practices were still relatively inflexible; did not always reflect accurate, research-based information; and were not geared to the needs of mothers and infants. The implications of these findings are discussed.╛0156*00~0170~0454~0608~0644~0876*00~1017~1086~1262┐▒89157296▓Nursing research with preoperational age children: the use of standardized tests.│Brown MS, Haylor M┤╡1989 Feb╢0033╖0882-5963╕1╣19-25║4╗╝03╜Very few standardized tools are currently available for nurses who work with preoperational age children. This article suggests steps to adapt research tools used with older children for use with younger children.╛0202~0209*00~0215~0225*34~0608~0847~0855~0872*34~0950*00~1063*00┐▒89157297▓The use of projective assessment techniques in pediatric research.│Poster EC┤╡1989 Feb╢0033╖0882-5963╕1╣26-35║4╗╝03╜A variety of projective techniques are available to pediatric nurse researchers. This article focuses on four of the most frequently used projective assessment techniques in pediatric research: the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT); the Child Apperception Test (CAT); the Rorschach; and Human Figure Drawings (HFDs). Each of these techniques is described in terms of the underlying theoretical framework for its development, instructions for use with children, reliability and validity, and major findings from health care and nursing literature. Ten recommendations are provided to help nurse researchers ensure that their data meet reasonable criteria for objectivity to allow for replication of their investigations. Despite the often contradictory, inconclusive research findings, there is a role for projective techniques both in clinical practice and research.╛0202~0215~0225*34~0608~0872*34~0950*00~1050*00~1132~1134~1145~1294┐▒89157298▓Palmar sweat index use with children in pain research.│Gedaly-Duff V┤╡1989 Feb╢0033╖0882-5963╕1╣3-8║4╗╝03╜This article addresses (a) historical support of the palmar sweat index as an indication of pain; (b) the utility and appropriateness of this measure as used with children; (c) specific patterns and relationships of palmar sweat to the pain experience; and (d) developmental issues relevant to children. Areas of needed research are discussed.╛0202~0506~0608~0921*34~1132~1134~1273 49~1274*00┐▒89157299▓Compliance with chronic illness regimens: school-aged children and adolescents.│Pidgeon V┤╡1989 Feb╢0033╖0882-5963╕1╣36-47║4╗╝03╜More chronically ill school-aged children and adolescents are surviving into adulthood due to recent medical advances and modern technology. However, noncompliance rates are higher among adolescents than adults. Noncompliance is costly, can lead to complications, and may be life-threatening. Several models of compliance are discussed. Variables described in recent research as related to noncompliance (personal, family, and illness factors) are discussed. Those factors that emerged as most important in adolescent compliance were self-esteem, social functioning, and perceived autonomy. It appears that psychological needs may compete and conflict with the need for adherence to illness regimens in adolescence.╛0024~0025*00~0202~0212*00~0222*37 44~0443~0608~0675~0799~0941*00┐▒89157300▓Night terrors: strategies for family coping.│Gates D, Morwessel N┤╡1989 Feb╢0033╖0882-5963╕1╣48-53║4╗╝03╜This article discusses the occurrence of night terrors (parvor nocturnus) in children. The characteristics of a typical night terror incident are described, as are the common parental reactions to such frightening events. Nurses who work with children and families need to know about the etiology and clinical course of night terrors. They need to be able to differentiate night terrors from other sleep disturbances and determine possible ways to alleviate the occurrences. This article emphasizes assessment, anticipatory guidance, education, and counseling. A practical guide for parents is included to provide families with information on ways to cope with night terrors.╛0020~0202~0358~0608~0861~0929*00~0931 44~1198 41~1200*37 44┐▒89157301▓Implementation of a clinical study of a pain management program for pediatric oncology patients.│Broome ME┤╡1989 Feb╢0033╖0882-5963╕1╣54-6║4╗╝03╜╛0202~0215~0608~0834*37 42~0920*37 55~0940~1044~1117┐▒89157302▓Nihilism and the young.│Rankin WW┤╡1989 Feb╢0033╖0882-5963╕1╣57-8║4╗╝03╜╛0202~0212*00~0608~0675~0950~0975*00~1355*00┐▒89157303▓The games we play.│Silva JR, Deck ML┤╡1989 Feb╢0033╖0882-5963╕1╣59-61║4╗╝03╜╛0380*00~0608~0659~0676~0876*20~0879~1001~1130*00~1285*34┐▒89157304▓Development and use of the Preschool Behavior Inventory.│Rose MH┤╡1989 Feb╢0033╖0882-5963╕1╣9-18║4╗╝03╜This article is on the development and use of the Preschool Behavior Inventory (PBI), a mental health screening tool for preschool children. The PBI was developed to fulfill the need for a valid and reliable mental health screening tool for preschool children that could be completed by parents in a brief period of time in a variety of settings, including well-child clinics, pediatricians' offices, outpatient clinics, hospitals, Head Start programs, day-care centers, and preschools. The validity and reliability of the PBI were tested in three phases on 433 preschool children in Tacoma-Pierce County, WA. The children were in day care, preschools, or early childhood screening programs. To test the validity and reliability of the PBI, comparisons were made between parents' ratings on the PBI and ratings on the Mental Health Rating Scale completed by preschool teachers, day-care providers, and/or mental health specialists in the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. Based on these studies, the PBI was found to have good validity and reliability.╛0205*00~0212*00~0215~0608~0776~0931~0964*00~1063*00~1086~1264┐▒89157377▓Orthopedic interventions for problems associated with the treatment of cancer in childhood.│Robertson WW Jr┤╡1989╢0026╖0748-1802╕1╣12-4║6╗╝03╜Early recognition of the musculoskeletal sequelae of the treatment of childhood tumors can lead to well-planned and minimization of deformity. Technological advances have improved both our recognition and our ability to manage these problems.╛0147 23*53~0202~0608~0816 23*53~0834*46~0913~1088*53~1093*03~1132~1134┐▒89157378▓Psychological issues in childhood cancer survivors.│Kazak AE┤╡1989╢0026╖0748-1802╕1╣15-6║6╗╝03╜╛0020*00~0202~0471~0608~0834*44 48┐▒89157379▓Offspring of childhood cancer survivors.│Thurber WA┤╡1989╢0026╖0748-1802╕1╣17-9║6╗╝03╜╛0003~0004~0079 03~0202~0454~0471~0608~0644~0646~0648 23~0834 24 42 44*55~0929*00~1017~1093 03┐▒89157380▓Correlational research.│Walker CL┤╡1989╢0026╖0748-1802╕1╣21-2║6╗╝03╜╛0202~0225*34~0608~0872*34~0950*00~1038┐▒89157381▓BCNU (carmustine).│Burnham N, Betcher DL┤╡1989╢0026╖0748-1802╕1╣23-5║6╗╝03╜╛0178 03*54~0608~0834*17┐▒89157382▓Survivors make my day.│Fochtman D┤╡1989╢0026╖0748-1802╕1╣5║6╗╝03╜╛0202~0471~0608~1157 17*37 46┐▒89157383▓The patient failed therapy [letter]│Russell TL┤╡1989╢0026╖0748-1802╕1╣6║6╗╝03╜╛0202~0241*00~0608~0834*37 55~0938*00┐▒89157384▓Second malignant neoplasms in childhood cancer survivors.│Meadows AT┤╡1989╢0026╖0748-1802╕1╣7-11║6╗╝03╜╛0024~0027~0079 03~0202~0608~0834*10~0835*00~0836*23~1093 03~1132~1134┐▒89157418▓Holistic nursing.│Keegan L┤╡1989 Feb╢0034╖0883-9433╕1╣17-21║4╗╝03╜Holistic health care began in antiquity, but it gradually faded from traditional medicine. The re-emergence of the whole-thinking paradigm has begun to revolutionize the health care system. New modes of nursing intervention, including therapeutic massage, therapeutic touch, imagery, and music, are now available for implementation by the postanesthesia nurse. In addition, nurses must recognize the need for self-care and healthful behavior patterns in their own lives. When nurses model wellness, they feel and function better, and they will be more able to meet the goal of high-quality care.╛0573*00~0608~0863*00~1271*00~1310*00┐▒89157419▓Promoting power and control in the elderly client.│Drevdahl D┤╡1989 Feb╢0034╖0883-9433╕1╣22-6║4╗╝03╜╛0030*44~0488*00~0608~1013~1173*00~1245┐▒89157420▓Handle with care: the geriatric patient in the ambulatory surgery environment.│Burden N┤╡1989 Feb╢0034╖0883-9433╕1╣27-31║4╗╝03╜╛0030~0046*00~0488~0608~0855*00~0902*00┐▒89157421▓A practical system for narcotic control within the OR/PACU.│Davis JL┤╡1989 Feb╢0034╖0883-9433╕1╣32-5║4╗╝03╜╛0361*34~0587~0608~0824*00~0904*38~1099*38┐▒89157422▓Practical points in the management of laryngospasm.│Litwack K, Zeplin KL┤╡1989 Feb╢0034╖0883-9433╕1╣36-9║4╗╝03╜Laryngospasm is an emergency situation and must be promptly recognized. Without quick recognition and proper treatment, the patient's airway may occlude, leading to respiratory arrest followed by cardiac arrest. Because laryngospasm is a potential life-threatening postoperative event, the PACU nurse must remain a guardian of the airway.╛0608~0704 15*37 43~1009*37 43~1140┐▒89157423▓Is midazolam a dangerous drug?│Levy L, Pandit SK┤╡1989 Feb╢0034╖0883-9433╕1╣40-3║4╗╝03╜Midazolam can be used to achieve anxiolysis, to provide conscious sedation with anterograde amnesia during operations performed under local or regional anesthesia, to induce general anesthesia, and as part of a balanced anesthetic. Understanding the pharmacologic properties and potential adverse side effects of any drug is necessary in order to dose and monitor patients effectively. When used with vigilance, appropriate patient monitoring, and slow, careful titration to desired effect, midazolam is an extremely useful and safe medication for both inpatients and outpatients.╛0081*17~0336 40~0608~0731 40~0791 03*40 54┐▒89157424▓Case studies and care plans: a new feature.│Ashby D┤╡1989 Feb╢0034╖0883-9433╕1╣44-5║4╗╝03╜╛0608~0939~1271*00┐▒89157425▓Introduction to quantitative research and analysis.│Luczun ME┤╡1989 Feb╢0034╖0883-9433╕1╣46-8║4╗╝03╜We have now gained appreciation for both qualitative and quantitative research. Whichever method we choose can only serve to strengthen our professional identity. It has been said that qualitative research attempts to uncover what needs to be learned while quantitative research seeks to determine the amount. My advice to all PACU nurses is to begin recording observations and keep an inventory. The design of a study can be determined later; it's the research question that bears merit. Above all, do not ever discount a feeling, a hunch, or an instinct. You may well be on the verge of a very important discovery. Carpe diem--or seize the opportunity--it's worth taking!╛0058~0225*34~0608~0872*34~0902*00┐▒89157426▓Commission questions existence of RN shortage.│Allen A┤╡1989 Feb╢0034╖0883-9433╕1╣49-52║4╗╝03╜╛0400~0608~0859*32~0873 32~1326┐▒89157427▓Anxiety reduction in family members of patients in surgery and postanesthesia care: a pilot study.│O'Connell M┤╡1989 Feb╢0034╖0883-9433╕1╣7-16║4╗╝03╜╛0027~0081*00~0202~0454~0608~0743~0929~1044*00~1063~1086~1271*00┐▒89157750▓[Panic state of the patient and the role of the midwife to support her]│Okabe K┤╡1988 Nov╢0037╖0047-1836╕11╣872-7║42╗╝07╜╛0451~0454~0608~0794*00~0855*00~1017┐▒89157751▓[Nursing of a patient who repeatedly complains of pain during labor: interactions between a primigravida and a student midwife]│Yoshidaya H┤╡1988 Nov╢0037╖0047-1836╕11╣878-83║42╗╝07╜╛0454~0608~0699*41~0794 20~0855*00~0920*44~0933~1017~1255*00┐▒89157752▓[Avoidance of a panic state by the expectant patient: reflections on cases and a thought on nursing activities]│Munakata H, Sato S┤╡1988 Nov╢0037╖0047-1836╕11╣884-8║42╗╝07╜╛0451*00~0454~0608~0855*00~0925*00~1017*44┐▒89157753▓[Perinatal care of a patient in a panic state: use of the result of determination of labor progression]│Kassai I┤╡1988 Nov╢0037╖0047-1836╕11╣889-94║42╗╝07╜╛0027~0179~0451*00~0454~0608~0699~0925*00~1007*00~1017~1027*00┐▒89157754▓[Perinatal care of an HIV carrier]│Sagara Y, Asai M┤╡1988 Nov╢0037╖0047-1836╕11╣896-901║42╗╝07╜╛0027~0179~0454~0571*37~0608~1017~1020*37~1027*00┐▒89157755▓[My personal experience in delivery in England. 2. The middle and last stages of pregnancy: mothers' classes and home visits by a midwife]│Oseki N┤╡1988 Nov╢0037╖0047-1836╕11╣902-6║42╗╝07╜╛0406~0454~0513~0607*00~0608~0794*00~1017~1027*00┐▒89157756▓[Opinion leaders in Europe and the United States. 6. Ms. Suzanne Arms, a photographer in California campaigning for liberation of childbirth (interview by S. Kikuchi)]│Arms S┤╡1988 Nov╢0037╖0047-1836╕11╣908-13║42╗╝07╜╛0301*00~0454~0608~0699*44~1017~1370*00┐▒89157757▓[Continuous monitoring of fetal movements in a single patient]│Okumura C┤╡1988 Nov╢0037╖0047-1836╕11╣914-9║42╗╝07╜╛0454~0462*00~0463*00~0608~1017┐▒89157758▓[Training of midwifery students. An essay]│Aoki T┤╡1988 Nov╢0037╖0047-1836╕11╣920-1║42╗╝07╜╛0608~0794*20┐▒89157759▓[Ainu midwifery technics practiced by Ms. Aiko. 20. Her amazing ability in diagnosis]│Nagai H┤╡1988 Nov╢0037╖0047-1836╕11╣922-3║42╗╝07╜╛0429~0454~0608~0683~0794*00~0861*00~1017~1018*15┐▒89157760▓[Counseling in midwifery. 8. Sympathetic understanding]│Osuga K┤╡1988 Nov╢0037╖0047-1836╕11╣926-9║42╗╝07╜╛0277*00~0396*00~0454~0608~0794*00┐▒89157761▓[Introduction of personal computers in perinatology. Clinical application. 8. Health education of expectant mothers]│Hosono Y┤╡1988 Nov╢0037╖0047-1836╕11╣930-2║42╗╝07╜╛0252*00~0454~0513*34~0608~0955~1017┐▒89157762▓[For more effective professional education. 20. Educational methodology. 1]│Hirano T┤╡1988 Nov╢0037╖0047-1836╕11╣934-5║42╗╝07╜╛0373*50~0608~1285*34┐▒89157763▓[Rupture of the renal artery during pregnancy]│Shimada N┤╡1988 Nov╢0037╖0047-1836╕11╣937║42╗╝07╜╛0027~0179~0454~0608~1017~1019~1115*28~1147┐▒89157764▓[Pregnancy toxemias which are limited to humans: etiology and prevention of pregnancy toxemias based on comparative zoology]│Ogita Y┤╡1988 Dec╢0037╖0047-1836╕12╣1006-11║42╗╝07╜╛0067~0249~0454~0608~0991~1017~1023*23 42 43~1382┐▒89157765▓[My experience in delivery in England. 3. Wonderful pamphlets on pregnancy, delivery and child rearing]│Oseki N┤╡1988 Dec╢0037╖0047-1836╕12╣1012-5║42╗╝07╜╛0213~0406~0454~0513*00~0608~0699~0794*00~0924*00~1017┐▒89157766▓[Ainu midwifery technics practiced by Ms. Aiko. U-tek-anhi, Ainu philosophy]│Nagai H┤╡1988 Dec╢0037╖0047-1836╕12╣1016-7║42╗╝07╜╛0429*00~0454~0608~0794*00~0975*00~1017┐▒89157767▓[Introduction of personal computers to perinatology. Clinical application. 9. In search of medical computers allowing smooth operation]│Ohashi K┤╡1988 Dec╢0037╖0047-1836╕12╣1020-2║42╗╝07╜╛0253*50~0608~0955*00┐▒89157768▓[Happiness in studying together with midwifery students. An essay by a midwifery instructor]│Saito S┤╡1988 Dec╢0037╖0047-1836╕12╣1024-5║42╗╝07╜╛0608~0794*20~1255*00~1285*00┐▒89157769▓[For more effective professional education. 20. Educational methodology]│Hirano T┤╡1988 Dec╢0037╖0047-1836╕12╣1026-7║42╗╝07╜╛0373*50~0608~1285*34┐▒89157770▓[Counseling in midwifery. 9. Listening to the patient beyond the need for evaluation]│Osuga K┤╡1988 Dec╢0037╖0047-1836╕12╣1028-31║42╗╝07╜╛0277*00~0396~0454~0608~0794*00~1017┐▒89157771▓[A new record (10 days) in maintaining a fetus in an artificial uterus]│Shimada N┤╡1988 Dec╢0037╖0047-1836╕12╣1033║42╗╝07╜╛0052~0067~0093*00~0289*00~0454~0464*41~1188*41~1342┐▒89157772▓[The starting point in health education of expectant mothers: a reflection on the classes held by Miss Mathison]│Odagiri F┤╡1988 Dec╢0037╖0047-1836╕12╣946-55║42╗╝07╜╛0454~0513*26~0608~1017*00~1027┐▒89157773▓[Health education of mothers. From education of expectant mothers and education in preparation for childbirth]│Chiga Y┤╡1988 Dec╢0037╖0047-1836╕12╣956-63║42╗╝07╜╛0454~0513*00~0608~0699*00~1017~1027┐▒89157774▓[Health education of expectant mothers. Lively round table sessions: a class held at Hokkaido University Hospital]│Miyamura M┤╡1988 Dec╢0037╖0047-1836╕12╣964-70║42╗╝07╜╛0454~0513*00~0601~0608~0683~1017*00~1027┐▒89157775▓[Health education of expectant mothers. Cheerful sessions held at Yamaguchi Prefectural Central Hospital]│Imagawa Y┤╡1988 Dec╢0037╖0047-1836╕12╣971-7║42╗╝07╜╛0454~0513*00~0595~0608~0683~1017*00~1027┐▒89157776▓[Health education for expectant mothers. For the happiness of mothers and babies: classes held at Nagahashi Obstetric Clinic]│Haga M┤╡1988 Dec╢0037╖0047-1836╕12╣978-81║42╗╝07╜╛0454~0513*00~0514~0608~0683~0889~1017*00~1027┐▒89157777▓[Organization of effective health education for expectant mothers. Organization of classes based on the local needs: classes held at Nagaokakyo-shi]│Ueda K, Murayama M┤╡1988 Dec╢0037╖0047-1836╕12╣982-8║42╗╝07╜╛0454~0513*38~0608~0955~1017*00~1027┐▒89157778▓[Organization of effective health education for expectant mothers. Efforts to nurture positive attitudes in mothers: efforts at the classes for expectant mothers]│Sono Y┤╡1988 Dec╢0037╖0047-1836╕12╣989-93║42╗╝07╜╛0102~0454~0513*38~0608~0808 44~1017*00┐▒89157779▓[Discussion: advantages and disadvantages of male midwives]│Ito T, Kondo J, Saito M, Nanno C┤╡1988 Dec╢0037╖0047-1836╕12╣995-1003║42╗╝07╜╛0608~0743~0794*00~0858*00┐▒89157794▓[The era of home care: the emergence of a welfare service and nursing profession]│Muramatsu S┤╡1988 Dec╢0039╖0386-9830╕12╣1154-7║52╗╝07╜╛0245*00~0574*38~0608~0683┐▒89157795▓[Nursing theory. 35. On Orem's nursing theory. [1] Everyone has the capacity to be involved in self-care]│Onodera T┤╡1988 Dec╢0039╖0386-9830╕12╣1158-9║52╗╝07╜╛0608~0877*00~1172*00 44┐▒89157796▓[Terminal care in harmony with the local history and culture]│Hosoi E┤╡1988 Dec╢0039╖0386-9830╕12╣1171-7║52╗╝07╜╛0288*00~0608~0683~1289*44┐▒89157797▓[Terminal care--reflection on the care at home]│Muramatsu S┤╡1988 Dec╢0039╖0386-9830╕12╣1178-83║52╗╝07╜╛0574*00~0575*00~0608~1289*44┐▒89157798▓[Daily activities and final moments of aged patient at home: interaction with the patient]│Okuma M┤╡1988 Dec╢0039╖0386-9830╕12╣1184-92║52╗╝07╜╛0017~0030~0179~0443~0575~0608~0743~1289*44┐▒89157799▓[Difference between the terminal care in Japan and in the United States with special reference to medical ethics and home care]│Nitta S┤╡1988 Dec╢0039╖0386-9830╕12╣1193-7║52╗╝07╜╛0249~0284~0427*00~0574*00~0575~0608~0683~1289*00~1326┐▒89157800▓[Economic and qualitative aspects of terminal care. Interview with Dr. Akira Sato. Director, Hakujuji Clinic]│Sato A┤╡1988 Dec╢0039╖0386-9830╕12╣1198-202║52╗╝07╜╛0608~0683~1289*19 50┐▒89157801▓[Efficacy of overnight home stay by terminal patients]│Kuroda A, Hisahara A, Omoda H, Sono T, Uebayashi M┤╡1988 Dec╢0039╖0386-9830╕12╣1203-7║52╗╝07╜╛0575*00~0608~0844*00~1289*34┐▒89157802▓[Understanding physiopathology, a knowledge useful in patient care: a discussion preceding a series on the "mechanism of the development of various symptoms ]│Hashimoto N, Nishiyama E┤╡1988 Dec╢0039╖0386-9830╕12╣1208-12║52╗╝07╜╛0346*42~0608~0861*00~0863┐▒89157803▓[JJN hotline. For nursing of incontinent patients. Studies of incontinence nursing as a nursing subspecialty]│Naito Y┤╡1988 Dec╢0039╖0386-9830╕12╣1213-7║52╗╝07╜╛0608~1226~1334*37┐▒89157804▓[An organization of breast cancer patients. 9. A thought on its 10th anniversary]│Watt T┤╡1988 Dec╢0039╖0386-9830╕12╣1218-21║52╗╝07╜╛0157*00~0454~0608~0683~1175*00┐▒89157805▓[Experience of a nursing instructor as a patient. 9. The patient and flowers]│Fujiwara S┤╡1988 Dec╢0039╖0386-9830╕12╣1222-5║52╗╝07╜╛0608~0856*44~0949*44┐▒89157806▓[Information technology for nurses. 9. Decision making methods. 2. Diagnostic tests]│Tsuji K┤╡1988 Dec╢0039╖0386-9830╕12╣1226-9║52╗╝07╜╛0302*00~0328*00~0330*00~0608┐▒89157807▓[Welfare and medical care in the aging society. 28. Aging and married couples]│Kinoshita Y┤╡1988 Dec╢0039╖0386-9830╕12╣1230-3║52╗╝07╜╛0030~0454~0524*00~0608~0683~0743~0749~1214*00┐▒89157808▓[Diary of a physician stationed at a hospital. 24. Return to Tsugaru, the starting point in my medical career]│Ogasawara N┤╡1988 Dec╢0039╖0386-9830╕12╣1236-7║52╗╝07╜╛0107~0608~0683~0743~0990*00┐▒89157809▓[Nursing study in England. 24. A letter to Ms. Fujiwara in Colombia]│Nishimura K┤╡1988 Dec╢0039╖0386-9830╕12╣1238-41║52╗╝07╜╛0377*00~0406~0608┐▒89157810▓[A profile. Ms. Fabiola Cuervo Tafur, a visiting public health nurse from Colombia (interview)]│Cuervo Tafur F┤╡1988 Dec╢0039╖0386-9830╕12╣1242║52╗╝07╜╛0234~0454~0608~0743~1071*00┐▒89157811▓[Mechanism in the development of symptoms. 1. Keypoints in observation. Fever]│Hashimoto N, Nishiyama E┤╡1989 Jan╢0039╖0386-9830╕1╣1-7║53╗╝07╜╛0465*42~0608┐▒89157812▓[Psychological approach in nursing. 1. Negative attitude of a patient facing hysterectomy]│Hosaka T, Otsuka M, Sugawara Y┤╡1989 Jan╢0039╖0386-9830╕1╣10-3║53╗╝07╜╛0027~0103*00~0105*00~0179~0454~0608~0626 37*44┐▒89157813▓[Unforgettable patients in a psychiatric ward. Mr. A. who taught a lesson in interpersonal relationships]│Kondo Y┤╡1989 Jan╢0039╖0386-9830╕1╣22-3║53╗╝07╜╛0179~0608~0675*00~0743~0774*44~0946┐▒89157814▓[Experience in nursing education at an American university]│Kawasaki M┤╡1989 Jan╢0039╖0386-9830╕1╣26-31║53╗╝07╜╛0379*00~0608~0683 22~1166*00~1326~1331┐▒89157815▓[Nursing education at universities: a view from clinical nursing]│Yasukata F┤╡1989 Jan╢0039╖0386-9830╕1╣32-7║53╗╝07╜╛0379*00~0608~0683~1331*00┐▒89157816▓[The role of college education in nursing]│Yoshida S┤╡1989 Jan╢0039╖0386-9830╕1╣38-43║53╗╝07╜╛0379*00~0608~1040*00┐▒89157817▓[Expectation and results of college education]│Niikura M┤╡1989 Jan╢0039╖0386-9830╕1╣44-9║53╗╝07╜╛0379*00~0608~0683┐▒89157818▓[University nursing education and the study of nursing: a view of a student]│Honda I┤╡1989 Jan╢0039╖0386-9830╕1╣50-5║53╗╝07╜╛0379~0608~1256~1331*00┐▒89157819▓[In search of quality home service care closely tied to the area: an interview with Mrs. Joanne M. Pedersen, supervisor, Ramsey County Public Health Nursing Service, Minnesota]│Pedersen JM┤╡1989 Jan╢0039╖0386-9830╕1╣58-63║53╗╝07╜╛0574 50*52~0608~0797┐▒89157820▓[Communication with cancer patients on their treatment: patients' awareness of the nature of their illness at the time of chemotherapy and an analysis of their attitudes toward recovery]│Iwatare M, Sawamura N, Ohara C, Inoue S┤╡1989 Jan╢0039╖0386-9830╕1╣64-8║53╗╝07╜╛0105*00~0113~0241*00~0608~0834 17*44┐▒89157821▓[Bedside nursing. A reflection on the interactions with a psychiatric patient who developed a romantic attachment to nursing personnel]│Higuchi Y┤╡1989 Jan╢0039╖0386-9830╕1╣69-70║53╗╝07╜╛0027~0179~0417*12~0454~0608~0733~0855*00~1159*12~1161*00~1313*00┐▒89157822▓[A profile. Ms. Kisano Shioda, a 91-year-old lady who is an active member of Akebonokai, an organization for breast cancer patients (interview)]│Shiada K┤╡1989 Jan╢0039╖0386-9830╕1╣71║53╗╝07╜╛0030~0031~0157*00~0179~0454~0608~1175*00┐▒89157823▓[An organization of breast cancer patients. 10. Encouragement by my family]│Watt T┤╡1989 Jan╢0039╖0386-9830╕1╣72-5║53╗╝07╜╛0157*44~0443~0454~0608~1175*00┐▒89157824▓[Experience of a nursing instructor as a patient. 10. Apprehension associated with illness]│Fujiwara S┤╡1989 Jan╢0039╖0386-9830╕1╣76-9║53╗╝07╜╛0081~0608~0856*44~0949*44┐▒89157825▓[Nursing theory 36. Orem's nursing theory. 2. The self-care theory and theory of insufficient self-care]│Onodera T┤╡1989 Jan╢0039╖0386-9830╕1╣80-1║53╗╝07╜╛0608~0877*00~0977~1172*00┐▒89157826▓[Information science for nurses. 10. Information science and judgment]│Tsuji K┤╡1989 Jan╢0039╖0386-9830╕1╣82-5║53╗╝07╜╛0108*00~0608~0654~0692~0873*38┐▒89157827▓[Welfare and medical care in the aging society. 29. Aging and married couples. 2]│Kinoshita Y┤╡1989 Jan╢0039╖0386-9830╕1╣86-9║53╗╝07╜╛0030~0032*00~0454~0524*00~0608~0743~0749*00┐▒89157828▓[A report of the international cooperative medical project in Colombia. 1. Selection of a model area]│Fujiwara M┤╡1989 Jan╢0039╖0386-9830╕1╣94-7║53╗╝07╜╛0234~0672*00~0800┐▒89157899▓[Discrepancy in the scores of uncertainty perceived by patients and nurses' interperson perception]│Hahn UB, Kim MJ, Ro YJ, Kim NC, Kim HS┤╡1988 Dec╢0040╖0378-004X╕3╣231-8║18╗╝08╜The purpose of this study was to assess and compare discrepancy in the scores of uncertainty perceived by patients and nurses' interperson perception. For this study, 124 hospitalized patients and the same numbered nurses assigned for direct care of each 124 patients were selected from general ward of C. University Hospital in Seoul during the time period from September to November 1987. Degree of uncertainty was measured by 27 items modified from Mishel Uncertainty in Illness Scale (M-UIS), and was utilized by a Likert type scale The data were analysed by Mcnemar-test, Unpaired t-test, ANOVA, Scheff e-test and Stepwise multiple regression. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The discrepancy in the scores of uncertainty perceived by patients and nurses' interperson perception showed significant differences in 23 of 27 items: 11 of 23 items showed that the scores of patients' perception of uncertainty were higher than that of nurses' interperson perception of uncertainty. but 12 of 23 items were revealed reversely. 2. With regard to nurse's demographic variables, the discrepancy scores were the highest in the group under 22 years of age (F = 3.20, p = .026) and in the group less than 1 year of nursing experience among 4 groups (F = 4.41, p = .006). 3. The discrepancy scores had a tendency to be lowered in the higher age group (r = .27, p = .0026) and in the longer experienced group (r = .25, p = .0052).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)╛0027~0407~0608~0658*44~0855*00~0949*44~1063~1242┐▒89157900▓[A study for assessing accuracy rates of pain rating scales (KPRS and VAS)]│Lee EO, Jung MS┤╡1988 Dec╢0040╖0378-004X╕3╣239-44║18╗╝08╜The purpose of this study was to identify the accuracy rates(hit ratio) which mean the degree of concordance between pain rating scale differences over time & subjective comparisons. Subjective comparisons mean the responses to the question "how does the pain you are now experiencing compare with the one at the time of the assessment yesterday? . Answers to this question were translated into 'greater', 'same', or 'less'. KPRS (Korean Pain Rating Scale) was developed through 4 consecutive studies to assess pain extensively & accurately by Lee etc. VAS (Visual Analogue Scale) was reported as valid & reliable measure for the intensity of pain by many researchers. Thirty hospitalized patients with complaints of headache participated in this study during the period from May 1 to July 31, 1987. In conclusion, the accuracy rates of KPRS and VAS were 60%, 67%, respectively.╛0249~0407~0608~0658~0921*34┐▒89157901▓[An analysis of the relationship between sex role identity and life adjustment among adult patients]│Moh KB┤╡1988 Dec╢0040╖0378-004X╕3╣245-56║18╗╝08╜The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between sex-role-identity and life adjustment which adult patients perceive by means of the analysis of the relationship between the sex-role-identity and life adjustment which are perceived by adult patients who are hospitalized. The primary purpose of this study is to investigate how the adult patients describe their own Sex role-identity. Secondary purpose is to find out whether their Sex role-identity is related to life adjustment and which life circumstances. If any are associated with Sex role identity. 207 adult patients who were older than 30 years living under 65 years were admitted to the hospital in Seoul. Were interviewed with measures including the Bem Sex Role Inventory short Form. Life adjustment and current life situation. For data analysis, X2-test, ANOV-A, and Scheffe test were used. The results are summarized as follows: (1) Most adult patients described androgynous Sex role-identity. (2) Sex role-identity differentiated significantly life adjustment. (3) Perceived Sex role identity was related to the Several dimension of life situation such as marital status family construction activity. By the result of this study, the present writer is to suggest as follows; Firstly, in the aspect of the study of nursing the many -sided and desirable study on the relation between the sex-role-identity life adjustment, and the study which a nurse can control and prevent the anxiety of adult patients by means of examining the measure and the cause of the emotional support on a patient must be accomplished. Secondly, in the aspect of the aspect of the practical affairs of nursing the practical effort which puts emphasis on the whole personal nursing in the performance of the duty, and the institutional support in the nursing administration must be planned in order to increase the efficiency of the nursing service by promoting the whole -personal nursing role of a nurse.╛0027~0407~0484*00~0608~0629*00~0792~1173*00~1203*00┐▒89157902▓[Comparison of two intramuscular injection technics on the severity of discomfort and lesions at the injection site]│Kim KS┤╡1988 Dec╢0040╖0378-004X╕3╣257-68║18╗╝08╜The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of the Z-track intramuscular injection technique with the effect of the stand and intramuscular injection technique on the severity of discomfort and lesions at the injection site. The subjects of the study were 20 patients with only early tuberculosis excluding another abnormalities (a skin rash, allergy to topical use of alcohol, jaundice, edema, neurosensory abnormality, coagulation defects, obesity and thin). Data collection was done from Feb. 1 to March 15, 1988 by means of Korean Pain Measurement Tool, Visual Analogue Scale, and Objective measures of injection site lesions. The results of this study were as follows: 1) Hypothesis 1; "The severity of subject discomfort is less following administration of the Z-track intramuscular injection technique than following administration injection technique. was not supported. 2) Hypothesis 2; "The degrees of severity subject discomfort is less following administration of the Z-track intramuscular injection technique than following administration of the standard intramuscular injection technique. was not supported. 3) Hypothesis 3; "The severity of injection sites lesions is less following administration of the Z-track intramuscular injection technique than following administration of the standard intramuscular injection techniques. was not supported. 4) The terms that were selected included factor II (mild-moderate pain) of Ratio Scale Measuring Pain using Korean Pain Terms. In conclusion; it was found that there was not a difference from the severity of subject discomfort between two groups, but the degrees of severity of subject discomfort about following administration of the Z-track intramuscular injection was tended to be declined. Therefore further studies suggest that the Z-track intramuscular injection technique can decrease the severity of discomfort in persons receiving frequently intramuscular injections. First of all, it is necessary to be developed an effect tool of dis comfort measurement for the intramuscular injection in Korean.╛0249~0407~0608~0657 03*34~0920 23~0921~1320 17┐▒89157903▓[Relationships among self concept, perception of aging and physical aging]│Lee YH, Kim MS, Choi YH┤╡1988 Dec╢0040╖0378-004X╕3╣269-80║18╗╝08╜Although everyone grows old, perception about the aging process and aging as measured physiologically vary widely. Perceptions of aging have psychologically influence on physical aging. This study was to examine the relationships between, self-concept, perception of aging, and physical aging in the elderly and to contribute to the theory development which may direct nursing intervention to promote well-being of the aged. Subjects were 70 women residents of a nursing home for the elderly in Seoul. Data collection was done from May 15 to June 15, 1988 using interview schedules and mechanical instruments. The instruments were selected items from the Health Self Concept Scale developed by Jacox and Stewart for self concept, and Secord and Jourad's Body Cathexis Scale and Osgood's Semantic Differential Scale for perception of aging. Physical aging was measured by mechanical instruments, inspection, questions, and palpation. The data were analysed for mean, t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson Correlation Coefficient using an S.P.S.S computerized program. The results of the analysis were as follows. 1. The mean level of self concept for the subject group was 16.97 (SD = +/- 6.17) in a range from 6-30. The mean level of perception of aging was 39.6. (SD = +/- 6.51) in a range from 13-65. The mean level of physical aging was 14.09 (SD = +/- 2.05) in a range from 8-40. 2. Relationships among self-concept, perception of aging, and physical aging. 1) There was a positive relationship between self-concept and perception of aging (r = 0.4461, p = 0.000). 2) There was a negative relationship between physical aging and perception of aging (r = -0.2975, p = 0.006). 3) There was a tendency toward a negative relationship between physical aging and self-concept, but not a significant relationship (r = -0.1033, p = 0.197). 3. 1) No general characteristic variables were related to self concept. 2) The general characteristic variable related to the level of perception of aging was religion (t = 4.17, p = 0.001). 3) The general characteristic variable related to the level of physical aging was age (F = 12.008, p = 0.000). There was a significant relationship between self-concept and perception of aging, and between physical aging and perception of aging. Therefore nursing intervention should focus on promoting a positive perception of aging and strengthening self-concept during the physical aging process.╛0030*44~0032*41~0407~0454~0608~1173*00~1262┐▒89157904▓[The effect of patient teaching on compliance with sick role behavior of diabetic patients]│Park OC, Hong MS, So HS, Jang KS┤╡1988 Dec╢0040╖0378-004X╕3╣281-8║18╗╝08╜This study examined the effect of patient teaching on Compliance with sick role behavior in diabetic patients. The purpose was to improve diabetic patients Compliance by D.M. patient teaching. The study objectives were to determine the effect of patient teaching on Compliance with sick role behavior, and factors influencing compliance with sick role behavior of diabetic patients. The subjects, consisting of 52 diabetic patients diagnosed in the C. and other hospitals in K. city were divided into experimental and control groups. Data were gathered from July 25th to September 3rd, 1988 through interviews by questionnaires, measurement of blood sugar level by Reflux. D.M. Patient teaching was defined as informational intervention of social support by the nurse. A booklet representing patient education and questionnaires were developed by the investigator, and were tested for Content validity, and reliability by Item Analysis: Cronbachs alpha for any instrument to measure variables was patient Compliance .83, perceived health belief .65, diabetic knowledge .70. Analysis of data were done by paired t-test, t-test, Anova, Pearson correlation, and Stepwise multiple regression. The results of the study may be summarized as follows: 1. The effect of patient teaching on Compliance with sick role behavior, on diabetic Knowledge and health belief was Confirmed by significant differences between the experimental and the control group before and after the experiments. (P = 000 P = 006, P = 004).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)╛0324*44 48~0407~0608~0941*00~0943*00~1192*00~1262┐▒89158056▓[No fear of analgesics! Pain-free tumor patients]│Anderes R, Stoll H┤╡1989 Jan╢0041╖0253-0465╕1╣12-5║82╗Keine Angst vor Schmerzmittelabgabe! Schmerzfreie Tumorpatienten!╝05╜╛0056 02*54~0608~0834 42~0920 17*23┐▒89158057▓[Shared pain]│Grob P┤╡1989 Jan╢0041╖0253-0465╕1╣16-9║82╗Der geteilte Schmerz.╝05╜╛0396~0608~0920*37 44~0977~1066┐▒89158058▓[Position paper on anesthesia]│Engetschwiler R, Hildebrandt T, Wildi Y, Wiedemeier R, G uttinger-Furrer B┤╡1989 Jan╢0041╖0253-0465╕1╣20-3║82╗Standortbestimmung An asthesie.╝05╜╛0060*00~0608~0851~1014~1225┐▒89158059▓[Anesthesia. Use in emergency situations]│Jenny R┤╡1989 Jan╢0041╖0253-0465╕1╣24-6║82╗An asthesie. Einsatz in Ausnahmesituationen.╝05╜╛0060*34~0392*00~0608┐▒89158060▓[European Nursing Conference, 21-24 June, 1988 in Vienna. "Vienna Declaration and recommendations]│┤╡1989 Jan╢0041╖0253-0465╕1╣26-8, 74-5║82╗Europ aische Pflegekonferenz, 21.-24. Juni 1988 in Wien. "Wiener Erkl arung und Empfehlungen.╝0405╜╛0106~0258~0519*00~0608~0859*00~1375┐▒89158061▓[Revision of guidelines. Current status of nursing education]│Panchaud C┤╡1989 Jan╢0041╖0253-0465╕1╣30-2, 69-71║82╗Richtlinien-Revision. Stand der Dinge.╝0405╜╛0291*00~0377*59~0608~1279┐▒89158062▓[The new role of nurses consists more and more in leading and coordinating teams. Learning to lead]│Ammann U, K unzle K┤╡1989 Jan╢0041╖0253-0465╕1╣33║82╗Die neue Rolle der Krankenschwester besteht immer mehr in der Leitung und Koordination von Teams. Lernen zu leiten.╝05╜╛0030~0488 20~0608~0707*00~0729 44~0879*00~0940*38┐▒89158063▓[Nursing teachers in conflict]│L u ond G┤╡1989 Jan╢0041╖0253-0465╕1╣36-8║82╗Krankenpflege-Lehrerin im Zwiespalt.╝05╜╛0371~0377~0608~1208*00~1285*00┐▒89158064▓[Educational evaluation in the nursing facility--a precious tool]│de Muralt C┤╡1989 Jan╢0041╖0253-0465╕1╣55-9║82╗L' evaluation formative dans l'institution de soins--un outil pr ecieux.╝04╜╛0399*34~0608~0967*34┐▒89158065▓[Almost like home]│Walder B┤╡1989 Jan╢0041╖0253-0465╕1╣60-5║82╗Presque comme a la maison.╝04╜╛0439*00~0514*00~0515*00~0608~0960┐▒89158066▓[A new program at Bon Secours. 3 post-diploma specialties, one purpose]│Radoux-Vionnet C, Chatagnat C, Moraga M┤╡1989 Jan╢0041╖0253-0465╕1╣66-8║82╗Nouveaux programmes au Bon Secours. Trois sp ecialisations post-dipl ome, une volont e.╝04╜╛0380*00~0608~1226*00┐▒89158067▓[Prevention of mouth disorders in terminal patients. The importance of nursing diagnosis]│Guggisberg E┤╡1989 Jan╢0041╖0253-0465╕1╣72-3║82╗Pr evention des affections buccales chez les patients en phase terminale. L'importance du diagnostic infirmier.╝04╜╛0608~0812*43~0861*00~0864*00~1289*00┐▒89158068▓[Physician-patient: the dilemma of truth. 1.]│Pingeon S, Matt F┤╡1989 Jan╢0041╖0253-0465╕1╣83-6║82╗Curante-paziente: il dilemma della verit a 1.╝06╜╛0427~0608~0989*00~1212~1319*00┐▒89158136▓Health services utilization and special education: development of a school nurse activity tool.│Cowell JM┤Public Health Nursing, College of Nursing, University of Illinois, Chicago 60612.╡1988 Nov╢0036╖0022-4391╕9╣355-9║58╗╝03╜Increasing competition exists for resources to support health services for children receiving special education. Consequently, management tools to document services when claiming these resources need to be developed. The purposes of this study were to develop a time study instrument based on nursing activities in the school, compare nursing time provided to special education children and their nondisabled peers in general education settings, compare nursing process activities in traditional settings and in special education settings, and elicit feedback from nurses to improve the validity and reliability of the time study process. Eighteen nurses representing rural, urban, and suburban schools completed a time study for two weeks, quantifying services provided in the health room. Nurses recorded student educational status, special education category or not, nursing process activity, and the time utilized per student contact. Results indicated 48.2% of school nursing time was attributed to services for special education students during the study period. Most nursing process activities for both settings were in assessment of problems and in direct services. Findings indicate the instrument can provide objective documentation of special education health services, providing a base for claiming important resources for school health services.╛0384*00~0608~1098*00~1163*61~1164*00~1300~1326┐▒89158137▓Health education needs in child care programs.│Nelson GD, Hendricks CM┤Division of Health Education, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA 30333.╡1988 Nov╢0036╖0022-4391╕9╣360-4║58╗╝03╜This article contains results from an assessment of health education needs in child care programs serving preschool children. The assessment included identification of the scope of health education activities provided in child care programs, and the program director's perception of benefits of and barriers to health education in child care settings. A mail survey assessed the health education needs in a random sample of licensed child care programs in Alabama. Survey results identified factors affecting adoption and delivery of early childhood health education programs.╛0036~0208*00~0215~0513*00~0525~0608~1086~1095~1154~1285┐▒89158138▓A comprehensive approach to drug-free schools and communities.│Fox CL, Forbing SE, Anderson PS┤College of Education, San Diego State University, CA 92182-0138.╡1988 Nov╢0036╖0022-4391╕9╣365-9║58╗╝03╜A comprehensive approach to developing and maintaining drug-free schools and communities is discussed. Five sequential phases, needs assessment, planning, implementation, evaluation, and dissemination, are described. An effective implementation program meets the needs of students at various stages of drug use and abuse. Prevention strategies are effective with students who have only experimented or never used drugs, while early intervention strategies are most effective for students who have a more regular use pattern. Chemically dependent students need referral for treatment at a community social agency. After treatment and rehabilitation, returning to a supportive aftercare school program proves most effective. The approach described in this article advocates a team effort including well-trained school core teams collaborating with parents and community representatives from law enforcement, social agencies, business, religious groups, and the media.╛0513 34*38~0608~0801~0912~0993~1165*00~1258*43┐▒89158139▓Tobacco use prevention and health facilitator effectiveness.│Young RL, Elder JP, Green M, de Moor C, Wildey MB┤Project SHOUT, Center for Behavioral and Community Health Studies, San Diego 92120.╡1988 Nov╢0036╖0022-4391╕9╣370-3║58╗╝03╜Tobacco prevention programs often use peers to teach refusal skills to other adolescents. College undergraduate health facilitators delivered a tobacco prevention intervention to sixth and seventh grade students in six schools. Outside observers evaluated facilitators in seven categories: being prepared, maintaining class control, keeping students' attention, encouraging participation, communication, relating to students, and working well in a team. Facilitators were rated highly in all categories. Higher rated health facilitators had more effect in reducing tobacco use than poorly rated facilitators. Facilitators who worked well in a team, related well to students, and were well-prepared were especially effective in positively influencing program outcomes.╛0027~0454~0500~0513*00~0608~0743~1202*43~1255*00~1264~1285*34~1331┐▒89158140▓Patterns and prevalence of smokeless tobacco use by high school seniors in New York.│Olds RS┤Dept. of Adult, Counseling, Health, and Vocational Education, Kent State University, OH 44242.╡1988 Nov╢0036╖0022-4391╕9╣374-8║58╗╝03╜Patterns and prevalence of smokeless tobacco use by high school seniors in New York state were identified in this study. A questionnaire was administered to a sample of 10% of each senior class in 96 randomly selected public and nonpublic secondary schools in New York; 1,830 students participated. Data analysis included descriptive statistics, t-tests, and chi-square tests. Comparisons were made by gender, hometown status, concurrent use of smokeless tobacco and cigarettes, and smokeless tobacco use versus cigarette smoking. Results revealed a significant difference existed between males and females and between urban and rural smokeless tobacco use (p = .05). Use of chewing tobacco related significantly to use of cigarettes (p = .05). A significant difference existed between prevalence of cigarette smoking and smokeless tobacco use (p = .05). Smokeless tobacco use by high school seniors in New York is predominantly a habit of rural males. Use of chewing tobacco is related to cigarette smoking, and smokeless tobacco was less prevalent than cigarette smoking in the sample (p = .05). Further research on the relationship between smokeless tobacco and cigarette smoking should be conducted. Use of chemical assays or the bogus pipeline to validate self-reported data is recommended. Identified high-risk groups such as rural males should receive particular attention in future research efforts.╛0024~0454~0608~0743~0840~1086~1140~1149~1202 21 44~1255*00~1303*00~1305*21 44~1306*00┐▒89158141▓School-based clinics: meeting teens' health care needs.│Lovick SR┤Support Center for School-Based Clinics, Center for Population Options, Houston, TX 77005.╡1988 Nov╢0036╖0022-4391╕9╣379-81║58╗╝03╜╛0024~0027~0202~0454~0525~0608~0743~1163*00 52 59~1164~1184~1219┐▒89158142▓Teaching the unreliability of testimonials.│Lindsay GB, Edwards GL┤Dept. of Physiology and Health Science, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47306.╡1988 Nov╢0036╖0022-4391╕9╣382-3║58╗╝03╜╛0513*00~0608~1255~1285*34┐▒89158143▓Wellness awareness day at Leo Elementary School.│Meyer LL┤Indiana University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne 46805.╡1988 Nov╢0036╖0022-4391╕9╣384-5║58╗╝03╜╛0513*00 38~0516*00 38~0521*00 38~0608~1163*00 38┐▒89158144▓Library resources to prevent the spread of HIV.│Kerr DL┤AIDS Education Project Coordinator, American School Health Association, Kent, OH 44240-0708.╡1988 Nov╢0036╖0022-4391╕9╣388║58╗╝03╜╛0015*43~0608~0652~0717*00~1165┐▒89158250▓[A guideline for home nursing and bathing services]│┤╡1988 Dec╢0038╖0385-549X╕13╣1411-3║13╗╝07╜╛0124*00~0575*20~0608┐▒89158251▓[Problems in nursing management: discharge of a patient without relatives and using the hospital as his address]│Isobe M┤╡1988 Dec╢0038╖0385-549X╕13╣1415║13╗╝07╜╛0576*00~0608~0942*00┐▒89158252▓[Problems in nursing management: the family's desire to place the patient in a geriatric hospital in spite of her recovery and ability to ambulate on her own]│Kobayashi E┤╡1988 Dec╢0038╖0385-549X╕13╣1416║13╗╝07╜╛0017*00~0030~0443~0454~0488*00~0608~0948*00┐▒89158253▓[Keywords concerning nursing management. The clinical ladder, a system to raise the quality of care and the degree of satisfaction by nurses]│Uchida K┤╡1988 Dec╢0038╖0385-549X╕13╣1417║13╗╝07╜╛0177*00~0608~0688*00~1084*00┐▒89158254▓[Personality: Mr. Terumasa Kurota, a former news reporter, currently active in the campaign for home care of the aged (interview)]│Kurota T┤╡1988 Dec╢0038╖0385-549X╕13╣1418-9║13╗╝07╜╛0030~0524*00~0574*00~0608~0683~1051┐▒89158255▓[Problems in nursing education: problems and interest in sex among nursing students; an optimum form of sex education at nursing schools]│Kawano M┤╡1988 Dec╢0038╖0385-549X╕13╣1421║13╗╝07╜╛0608~1184*50~1256*00┐▒89158256▓[Problems in clinical training in nursing: a method to guide students with short attention spans]│Onimura K┤╡1988 Dec╢0038╖0385-549X╕13╣1422║13╗╝07╜╛0100~0377*00~0608~1256 44~1285*00┐▒89158257▓[Development in the field of nursing in the United States. Serious nursing shortage--its causes and countermeasures]│Ichimiya C┤╡1988 Dec╢0038╖0385-549X╕13╣1425-8║13╗╝07╜╛0608~0859*32~1326┐▒89158258▓[Nurse shortage and a thought by a ward manager--maintenance of the ward operation in spite of the crises]│Sumiyoshi C┤╡1988 Dec╢0038╖0385-549X╕13╣1428-31║13╗╝07╜╛0608~0683~0859 32~0879*00~1084~1326┐▒89158259▓[Nursing shortage in the United States: the current status of the service offered by nursing agencies]│Suday KK┤╡1988 Dec╢0038╖0385-549X╕13╣1431-5║13╗╝07╜╛0608~0859*32~0874 50~0878*00~1106~1326┐▒89158260▓[The future of nursing instructors of an increasing number of nursing schools which are being closed]│Imai K┤╡1988 Dec╢0038╖0385-549X╕13╣1435-9║13╗╝07╜╛0441*00~0608~0683~1166*00~1285*32~1326┐▒89158261▓[DRG and its impact on nursing]│Omichi H┤╡1988 Dec╢0038╖0385-549X╕13╣1439-41║13╗╝07╜╛0333*00~0608~0874*32~1326┐▒89158262▓[Development in nursing services in the United States. The current status of geriatric services, nursing homes, and home nursing]│Kingary M┤╡1988 Dec╢0038╖0385-549X╕13╣1442-5║13╗╝07╜╛0030~0488*59~0574*59~0575 59~0577*59~0608~1326┐▒89158263▓[Nursing development in the United States. Multiplicity of nursing specialties and assignment systems for staff nurses]│Takahashi H┤╡1988 Dec╢0038╖0385-549X╕13╣1445-8║13╗╝07╜╛0608~0876*52~0967*00~0969*00~1226*59~1326┐▒89158264▓[The current status and future problems of primary nursing in the United States]│Nitta S┤╡1988 Dec╢0038╖0385-549X╕13╣1448-51║13╗╝07╜╛0608~1035 50*59~1326┐▒89158265▓[The status of nurse-practitioners in the United States]│Yo S┤╡1988 Dec╢0038╖0385-549X╕13╣1451-4║13╗╝07╜╛0608~0854*00~1326┐▒89158266▓[Lessons from the state of the nursing profession in the United States]│Yoshitake K┤╡1988 Dec╢0038╖0385-549X╕13╣1455-6║13╗╝07╜╛0608~0859*00~1326┐▒89158267▓[The self-image and nursing education]│Maruya S┤╡1988 Dec╢0038╖0385-549X╕13╣1458-9║13╗╝07╜╛0377*00~0608~1173*00┐▒89158268▓[A plan to develop the nursing career]│Kitao M┤╡1988 Dec╢0038╖0385-549X╕13╣1460-1║13╗╝07╜╛0177*00~0608~0859*00┐▒89158269▓[Nursing statistics. The percentage of nursing fees in the total of medical expenses]│Okumura M┤╡1988 Dec╢0038╖0385-549X╕13╣1462-3║13╗╝07╜╛0371*51~0435*51~0453*51~0608~0683┐▒89158270▓[Case studies and key points in training nursing group leaders]│Hatakeyama Y, Fukushima M┤╡1988 Dec╢0038╖0385-549X╕13╣1464-9║13╗╝07╜╛0380*00~0500~0608~0659~0707*00┐▒89158271▓[The process of introduction of primary nursing at St. Luke's International Hospital (6)]│Kawana N┤╡1988 Dec╢0038╖0385-549X╕13╣1470-6║13╗╝07╜╛0594~0608~0683~1035*38┐▒89158272▓[A documented study on the effectiveness of the use of a nursing model]│Tanaka K, Oyama T, Shimada R, Takamune K, Inoue I┤╡1988 Dec╢0038╖0385-549X╕13╣1477-85║13╗╝07╜╛0608~0801*00~0863*00┐▒89158273▓[On man and nursing. Aging. 12. The people involved in the development of geriatric problems. A discussion]│Yukizaki J, Nishikawa K┤╡1988 Dec╢0038╖0385-549X╕13╣1486-91║13╗╝07╜╛0030~0032*00~0488*32 59~0608┐▒89158274▓[Better patient care through nursing research. 6]│Abdellak FG, Levine E┤╡1988 Dec╢0038╖0385-549X╕13╣1492-6║13╗╝07╜╛0225*00~0608~0863*50~0872*00┐▒89158275▓[The contents of education of nursing specialties (3)--Psychiatric nursing and public health nursing]│Ito A, Endo E, Nishio K, Nishimura C, Nahara H┤╡1988 Dec╢0038╖0385-549X╕13╣1497-508║13╗╝07╜╛0291*00~0608~0683~1061*20~1071*20┐▒89158282▓Sources of father-infant bonding beliefs: implications for childbirth educators.│Palkovitz R┤╡1988 Summer╢0042╖0090-0702╕2╣101-13║17╗╝03╜Media presentations, anecdotal reports, and survey data suggest that the public is invested in the concept of father-infant bonding. The purpose of the present study was to examine information sources influencing persons' beliefs concerning father-infant bonding. As a follow-up to their participation in a larger survey (N = 244), 17 subjects responded to individual, in-depth interviews investigating the strength and direction of laypersons' bonding beliefs. Specifically, the investigator wanted to know what types and sources of evidence people would cite as influencing their beliefs about father-infant bonding. Although a majority of respondents expressed strong belief in both the phenomenon of bonding and the existence of scientific evidence to support it, only one subject had direct exposure to a professional journal article on the topic. Of those subjects able to cite information sources impacting upon their bonding beliefs, "general knowledge was most frequently cited, followed by mass media, classes, and popular readings. These findings can explain the mismatch between the lack of unequivocal empirical evidence supportive of father-infant bonding and the strength and pervasiveness of the subjects' beliefs. Implications are discussed for medical personnel and childbirth and parent educators.╛0027~0449*00~0454~0471~0608~0652*00~0743~0792~0886*00~0931*20~1072*00~1262┐▒89158283▓Determinants of Filipino children's responses to the death of a sibling.│Manalo Atuel T, Dauz Williams P, Tamba Camar M┤╡1988 Summer╢0042╖0090-0702╕2╣115-34║17╗╝03╜Well school-age children (N = 73) who had experienced the death of a sibling within one year of data collection were interviewed. Their reactions were related to the deceased sibling's age, nature of death, time interval since death, sex of child, and socioeconomic status. Subjects were located through registries of five hospitals and five municipalities of Rizal Province, Philippines. In addition to the interview, children produced stories about nine projective test pictures. Results showed that school grades dropped significantly after the sibling's death. Children's responses reflected three stages: (1) shock, disbelief, denial (10%); (2) guilt, protest, sadness (50%); and (3) acceptance and recovery (40%). Chi-square tests showed that Stage 1 was significantly associated with a younger age of the deceased sibling, more recent death (less than or equal to 6 months), and lower social class. With regard to the projective story themes, children whose siblings died suddenly (compared to those whose deaths were anticipated) had significantly higher loneliness themes. Children whose deceased siblings were of school age also gave significantly more death themes than children whose deceased siblings were younger.╛0104*00~0202~0315~0454~0499~0504~0608~0728~0743~0974~1050~1132~1134~1191*00┐▒89158284▓Distress and self-soothing bedtime behaviors in hospitalized children with non-rooming-in parents.│White MA, Powell GM, Alexander D, Williams PD, Conlon M┤JHMHC: College of Nursing, University of Florida, Gainesville 32610.╡1988 Summer╢0042╖0090-0702╕2╣67-77║17╗╝03╜The nature of behaviors during sleep onset latency (SOL) at night bedtime was studied in a group of 40 hospitalized children ages 3 to 8 years whose parents did not room-in. Research questions were: (a) What is the nature of behaviors during sleep onset latency of young children whose parents do not room-in? and (b) How are these behaviors related to family structure, social status, age, gender, previous hospitalizations, and number of days hospitalized? Child subjects were observed using the Senders, Signals, and Receivers (SSR) computer-compatible system to measure SOL, distress, and self-soothing behaviors for 2-3 consecutive nights. The median falling asleep time was 26 minutes. Variations in SOL and self-soothing behaviors were not significantly related to family structure, social status, gender, age, length of hospitalization, night of hospitalization, or previous hospitalizations. Greater distress behaviors were, however, significantly related to children of two-parent families and those from middle social status.╛0020*00~0082 44~0133~0202~0214*44~0215~0454~0608~0641*00~0743~0931*00~1144*00~1198*00~1199~1201~1219~1262┐▒89158285▓Anxiety levels of rooming-in and non-rooming-in parents of young hospitalized children.│Alexander D, Powell GM, Williams P, White M, Conlon M┤╡1988 Summer╢0042╖0090-0702╕2╣79-99║17╗╝03╜This study examined levels of anxiety in 50 parents who roomed in and 51 parents who did not room in with their hospitalized children. The Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory was used to measure parental anxiety at two specific times. Statistically significant correlations were found between parental anxiety and number of children at home, parental educational level, and family social status. Of clinical importance were findings that non-rooming-in parents reported higher anxiety than rooming-in parents at both testings.╛0081*44~0214*00~0444~0454~0608~0641*00~0743~0929~0931*44~1144*00~1262~1264┐▒89158708▓[Participation of the nurse in the pediatric polyclinic in the dispensary observation of children with chronic disease]│Onoprienko AV, Vetrov VP┤╡1988 Oct╢0043╖0025-8342╕10╣11-3║47╗Uchastie meditsinsko i sestry detsko i polikliniki v dispansernom nabliudenii za det'mi s khronicheskimi zabolevaniiami.╝10╜╛0044*00~0202~0215~0222*37~0596*00~0599*00~0608~0806~0864┐▒89158709▓[Prevention of excessive body weight and obesity in industrial workers]│Zhuravleva KI, Ovcharenko SA┤╡1988 Oct╢0043╖0025-8342╕10╣13-6║47╗Profilaktika izbytochno i massy tela i ozhireniia u rabochikh promyshlennykh redpriiati i.╝10╜╛0144*00~0454~0608~0743~0885 37*43~0892 37*43~1339┐▒89158710▓[Current problems in the social rehabilitation of mental patients]│Ryzhikova KS┤╡1988 Oct╢0043╖0025-8342╕10╣16-9║47╗Nekotorye aktual'nye voprosy sotsial'no i reabilitatsii psikhicheski bol'nykh.╝10╜╛0608~0774 37*48~1203*00┐▒89158711▓[Organization of the amateur artistic activities of mental patients]│Isaeva EI┤╡1988 Oct╢0043╖0025-8342╕10╣19-20║47╗Organizatsiia khudozhestvenno i samodeiatel'nosti psikhicheski bol'nykh.╝10╜╛0608~0774*55~0818*34┐▒89158712▓[Artistic creativity and its importance for the social rehabilitation of mental patients]│Goncharova GS┤╡1988 Oct╢0043╖0025-8342╕10╣20-2║47╗Khudozhestvennoe tvorchestvo i ego znachenie dlia sotsial'no i reabilitatsii psikhicheski bol'nykh.╝10╜╛0089*00~0279*00~0608~0774*48~1203*00┐▒89158713▓[High professionalism--a pledge of success]│Urusmambetov ShN┤╡1988 Oct╢0043╖0025-8342╕10╣22-4║47╗Vysoki i professionalizm--zalog uspekha.╝10╜╛0224*00~0377~0608~0659~0837*37~1151┐▒89158714▓[Hereditary diseases related to disorders of amino acid metabolism]│Belitskaia TT, Nikolaeva EA┤╡1988 Oct╢0043╖0025-8342╕10╣24-7║47╗Nasledstvennye zabolevaniia, sviazannye s narusheniiami obmena aminokislot.╝10╜╛0049*55~0238~0555 07~0608~0972 55┐▒89158715▓[Psychological methods of examining children with hereditary diseases]│Troitskaia LA┤╡1988 Oct╢0043╖0025-8342╕10╣27-31║47╗Psikhologicheskie metody obsledovaniia bol'nykh dete i s nasledstvennymi zabolevaniiami.╝10╜╛0024~0100~0202~0608~0770~0778 15*44~0954~1063*34~1296┐▒89158716▓[The 1st All-Union Congress of Physicians]│Chikin SIa┤╡1988 Oct╢0043╖0025-8342╕10╣3-6║47╗O I Vsesoiuznom s ezde vrache i.╝10╜╛0258*26~0407~0565~0608~0990*26~1069 26~1151┐▒89158717▓[Legionnaires' disease (legionellosis)]│Astaf'eva NV┤╡1988 Oct╢0043╖0025-8342╕10╣31-3║47╗Bolezn' legionerov (legionellez).╝10╜╛0018~0238~0608~0711*15 55~0712*15 55┐▒89158718▓[Escherichia coli infections]│Parkhomenko IuG, Emel'ianenko IN┤╡1988 Oct╢0043╖0025-8342╕10╣33-7║47╗Esherikhiozy.╝10╜╛0018~0238~0329~0425*15 35 55~0608┐▒89158719▓[Erysipeloid (swine erysipelas)]│Frolov VM┤╡1988 Oct╢0043╖0025-8342╕10╣37-9║47╗Erizipeloid (rozha svine i).╝10╜╛0001~0067~0422*15 23~0423*57~0608~0892 15 23~1277~1278 15*57~1323┐▒89158720▓[Protection from ionizing radiation in the x-ray office]│Stavitski i RV┤╡1988 Oct╢0043╖0025-8342╕10╣40-2║47╗Zashchita ot ioniziruiushchego izlucheniia v rentgenovskom kabinete.╝10╜╛0411~0585*00~0608~0760~1087~1089*00 29~1092*00┐▒89158721▓[Safety technics in working in the x-ray office]│Chikirdin EG┤╡1988 Oct╢0043╖0025-8342╕10╣42-5║47╗Tekhnika bezopasnosti pri rabote v rentgenovskom kabinete.╝10╜╛0009*00~0585*00 32 50~0608~1089 29 34 50~1090 29 50~1092*00 32 50~1152*00~1339┐▒89158722▓[Practical aspects of the combined radiation treatment of cancer of the organs of the oral cavity]│Vazhenin AV, Abdullina NA┤╡1988 Oct╢0043╖0025-8342╕10╣45-9║47╗Prakticheskie aspekty sochetanno-luchevogo lecheniia raka organov rotovo i polosti.╝10╜╛0151 34~0238~0608~0813*46~1091 34~1301┐▒89158723▓[The use of decoctions, infusions and extracts of medicinal plants in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract]│Galsanov ShB┤╡1988 Oct╢0043╖0025-8342╕10╣49-52║47╗Primenenie otvarov, nastoev i ekstraktov lekarstvennykh rasteni i pri zabolevaniiakh zheludochno-kishechnogo trakta.╝10╜╛0222~0483*17~0608~0784~0994*54~0995*00~1221┐▒89158724▓[The problems and outlook in creating drug forms for children]│Kondrat'eva TS, Budukova LA┤╡1988 Oct╢0043╖0025-8342╕10╣52-7║47╗Problemy i perspektivy sozdaniia lekarstvennykh form dlia dete i.╝10╜╛0202~0215~0356*00~0364 34~0608~0640~0644~1116~1339┐▒89158725▓[Deontological aspects of oncological stomatology]│Iordanishvili AK┤╡1988 Oct╢0043╖0025-8342╕10╣58-60║47╗Deontologicheskie aspekty onkostomatologii.╝10╜╛0317*00~0428*00~0438*37~0608~0685*37~0813*37~0855~1008~1044┐▒89158726▓[The development of nursing in the People's Republic of Cuba]│Cha ikovski i AV┤╡1988 Oct╢0043╖0025-8342╕10╣6-8║47╗Razvitie sestrinskogo dela v Narodno i respublike Kuba.╝10╜╛0286~0377 59~0859*59┐▒89158727▓[The prophylactic work of the nurse in a pediatric polyclinic in protecting child health]│Vetrov VP, Onoprienko AV, Makarova ZS┤╡1988 Oct╢0043╖0025-8342╕10╣8-11║47╗Profilakticheskaia rabota meditsinsko i sestry detsko i polikliniki po okhrane zdorov'ia rebenka.╝10╜╛0211*00~0245~0454~0608~0640~0644~1017~1027~1032*00~1151~1332┐▒89158926▓Risk of unexplained stillbirth in prolonged pregnancy.│Yudkin P┤╡1988 Oct╢0044╖0306-9699╕10╣407-10║24╗╝03╜╛0454~0459*23~0608~1017~1025*00~1140┐▒89158927▓AIDS and drug misuse publicity campaigns a success.│┤╡1988 Oct╢0044╖0306-9699╕10╣411║24╗╝03╜╛0015*43~0406~0608~0751~1257*43┐▒89158928▓Cultural aspects of child abuse in Britain.│Qureshi B┤╡1988 Oct╢0044╖0306-9699╕10╣412-3║24╗╝03╜╛0096~0202~0203*22~0249~0284~0288*00~0406~0608┐▒89158929▓Problems of HIV positive pregnant women.│Johnstone FD┤╡1988 Oct╢0044╖0306-9699╕10╣414-6, 429║24╗╝03╜╛0015 57~0454~0571*00~0608~1007~1017~1020*00~1022┐▒89158930▓Lousy nitwits.│Dulfer S┤╡1988 Oct╢0044╖0306-9699╕10╣424-5║24╗╝03╜╛0067~0202~0608~0718 41~0931~0952*15~1164*00┐▒89158931▓Midwifery in the Falkland Islands.│Stephenson F┤╡1988 Oct╢0044╖0306-9699╕10╣428-9║24╗╝03╜╛0099~0608~0794*00┐▒89158932▓School phobia and suicidal depression.│Knox P┤╡1988 Oct╢0044╖0306-9699╕10╣431-2║24╗╝03╜╛0202~0320*44~0608~0979*44~1260*44┐▒89158933▓Fish oil in the diet.│Saynor R┤╡1988 Nov╢0044╖0306-9699╕11╣453-6║24╗╝03╜╛0272*43~0339*00~0469*00~0608┐▒89158934▓Infants of women seropositive for HIV.│Mok J┤╡1988 Nov╢0044╖0306-9699╕11╣458-62║24╗╝03╜╛0454~0571*15 37 57~0608~0640~0644~0645*57~0759~1017~1381 54┐▒89158935▓Divorce: a new approach from Barnardo's.│Turner A┤╡1988 Nov╢0044╖0306-9699╕11╣464-6║24╗╝03╜╛0024~0040 48~0202~0277*00~0281 43~0353*00~0608┐▒89158936▓The role of continuing education in nursing.│Podsiadly E┤╡1988 Nov╢0044╖0306-9699╕11╣469-73║24╗╝03╜╛0177~0380*00~0608~0659~1142*00┐▒89158937▓Recent developments in barrier methods of contraception.│Richardson H┤╡1988 Nov╢0044╖0306-9699╕11╣476-9║24╗╝03╜╛0015 43~0024~0027~0268*11~0454~0608~0743~0751┐▒89158938▓Outcome of modern intensive care for low birthweight infants.│D'Souza SW┤╡1988 Nov╢0044╖0306-9699╕11╣484-8║24╗╝03╜╛0002*43~0192 23~0502~0608~0643*00~0644~0669*00~0915┐▒89158939▓Measles, mumps and rubella immunisation in Fife--first experience.│Carter H, Walker D┤╡1988 Dec╢0044╖0306-9699╕12╣504-8║24╗╝03╜╛0202~0215~0362 02~0608~0761*02~0815*02~1146*02~1168┐▒89158940▓Present trends in screening procedures.│Holtby I┤╡1988 Dec╢0044╖0306-9699╕12╣510, 512║24╗╝03╜╛0002*15~0157 15*21~0197 15*21~0276~0454~0608~0752*00 19~1346┐▒89158941▓The Multiple Births Foundation.│Bryan EM┤╡1988 Dec╢0044╖0306-9699╕12╣513-5║24╗╝03╜╛0277~0454~0477~0608~1017~1024*00~1321*00~1359*00┐▒89158942▓A personal look at crying babies.│Warren C┤╡1988 Dec╢0044╖0306-9699╕12╣517, 520║24╗╝03╜╛0179~0285*00~0454~0606*00~0608~0644~0743~1017┐▒89158943▓"Don't talk to me about natural childbirth .│Hulme H┤╡1988 Dec╢0044╖0306-9699╕12╣521-4║24╗╝03╜╛0454~0490~0608~0699*00~0794*00~0829*00~1017┐▒89158944▓Concept of the combined post in midwifery practice and education.│Lewis P┤╡1988 Dec╢0044╖0306-9699╕12╣530-2║24╗╝03╜╛0608~0794*00 20~1285*00┐▒89158945▓How does AIDS affect the Chinese?│Fong Lam L┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0044╖0306-9699╕1-2╣10, 12║25╗╝03╜╛0015*21~0216 22~0608~0727┐▒89158946▓Asian culture and communications in midwifery.│Sen D┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0044╖0306-9699╕1-2╣16, 18║25╗╝03╜╛0096 22~0241*00~0288*00~0406~0454~0608~0794*00~1017┐▒89158947▓School nurses and professional status.│Strehlow MS┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0044╖0306-9699╕1-2╣19-20║25╗╝03╜╛0608~1164*32 50┐▒89158948▓Psychological effects of lower section caesarean.│Trowell J┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0044╖0306-9699╕1-2╣22, 24║25╗╝03╜╛0198 34*44~0395*00~0454~0608~0807~1017┐▒89158949▓What parents should know about asthma.│Wilson R┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0044╖0306-9699╕1-2╣26-30║25╗╝03╜╛0097*42~0202~0513*00~0608~0931*20┐▒89158950▓"The politics of health .│North N┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0044╖0306-9699╕1-2╣32-4║25╗╝03╜╛0406~0608~0722~1005*00~1011~1069*00┐▒89158951▓MIDIRS: a database for midwives.│Hawkins S┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0044╖0306-9699╕1-2╣36, 38║25╗╝03╜╛0406~0608~0653*00~0794*00┐▒89158952▓Education reform and speech therapy.│Evesham M┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0044╖0306-9699╕1-2╣8-9║25╗╝03╜╛0291~0373*00~0608~1228*48~1229*00┐▒89158953▓Special delivery?│Grayshon J┤╡1989 Jan╢0045╖0026-3524╕1212╣12-3║102╗╝03╜╛0026*00~0454~0608~0644~0794*00~0807*00~0855┐▒89158954▓Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT)--a treatment for infertility.│McLaughlin M┤╡1989 Jan╢0045╖0026-3524╕1212╣23║102╗╝03╜╛0454~0481*00~0608~0649*55~1017~1022┐▒89158955▓Sexuality--before and after birth.│Bailey VR┤╡1989 Jan╢0045╖0026-3524╕1212╣24-6║102╗╝03╜╛0454~0608~0699*44~0743~0794~1017*44~1077*44~1182*00┐▒89158956▓Carers' careers--contingencies and crises.│Mander R┤╡1989 Jan╢0045╖0026-3524╕1212╣3-8║102╗╝03╜A review of the literature on employment decisions shows that chance events vary in their contribution to the employment decision. The nature of these events varies between being quite favourable to being almost totally malign. The uncertainties involved in student midwives' employment decisions require certain strategies to be used to make allowance for these chance events, which may assume the proportions of crises. The recent study of student midwives' employment decisions demonstrates the nature of some of the uncertainties with which they are faced and the ways in which they cope. Conclusions are drawn concerning the significance of these processes for midwife managers.╛0176*00~0454~0498~0608~0743~0794*20~1017~1086~1256*00~1262┐▒89158957▓The holistic health care of couples undergoing IVF/ET.│Kuczynski HJ┤╡1989 Jan╢0045╖0026-3524╕1212╣9-11║102╗╝03╜The purpose of this paper is to discuss the role of health professionals as educators, counsellors and support system persons for couples undergoing in-vitro fertilisation/embryo transfer (IVF/ET). All health care professionals must take a more assertive role in promoting the holistic health care approach to IVF patients so that they may be protected from unnecessary emotional distress. Prolonged insensitive evaluations with no clear end in view intensify frustrations and erode the patient's self-esteem. Comprehensive medical/nursing services are needed, as well as ongoing education, counselling and psychological support. Holistic health care considers all diagnostic and therapeutic modalities. Emphasis should be put on answering patients' questions, allaying fears and recognising any medical or psychological factors that may be important during the course of therapy. Adequate pre- and post-operative preparation of the couple should be a priority for health professionals.╛0391*00~0454~0455*00~0573*00~0608~0743~0794~0863*00~1017┐▒89159292▓Nebraska hospital establishes program for high-risk obstetric patients.│Neumann M, Lowe M, Millea D, Kozel M┤╡1989 Jan╢0047╖╕1╣1, 4-7║16╗╝03╜╛0454~0604~0608~0699~0830~0943~1017~1018*37┐▒89159377▓[A dream which should not end as a mere dream: establishment of regional nursing stations for the home care of local patients]│Taguchi Y┤╡1988╢0048╖0387-351X╕4╣308-11║18╗╝07╜╛0245*38~0574*38~0608┐▒89159378▓[Basis of health care--public health nurses and lessons in the capabilities of local residents]│Nita C, Ogome R, Fujimori M, Fujino R, Zaibe M┤╡1988╢0048╖0387-351X╕4╣312-9║18╗╝07╜╛0264~0608~0683~1071*50┐▒89159379▓[Scenes of day care at the public health clinic--a regional support network for mental patients]│Hasegawa M, Yokozawa F┤╡1988╢0048╖0387-351X╕4╣320-7║18╗╝07╜╛0297*00~0608~0774*37~1071*00┐▒89159380▓[Direction in planning of psychiatric day care--a thought on the basis of regional psychiatric nursing]│Sueyasu T┤╡1988╢0048╖0387-351X╕4╣328-34║18╗╝07╜╛0297*38~0608~0683~0777*38~1061*38┐▒89159381▓[Improved health education for expectant mothers]│Kamata F┤╡1988╢0048╖0387-351X╕4╣335-40║18╗╝07╜╛0454~0513*50~0608~1017~1027*00┐▒89159382▓[The nurses' station as the base for discharged patients--experiences in interactions in activities of patients in wheelchairs]│Okamoto S, Morimoto M, Fujii M, Ishihara A┤╡1988╢0048╖0387-351X╕4╣341-7║18╗╝07╜╛0608~0855*00~0942*00~1366*00┐▒89159383▓[Activities at the public health clinic as the basis of health care for the residents and plans for future nursing]│Takahashi C┤╡1988╢0048╖0387-351X╕4╣348-51║18╗╝07╜╛0246*00~0608~0939*00~1071*00┐▒89159384▓[Expectations from ambulatory nursing]│Shinozuka T┤╡1988╢0048╖0387-351X╕4╣352-5║18╗╝07╜╛0044*00~0608┐▒89159385▓[Establishment of bases for regional care--a physician's message to nursing personnel]│Shioda Y┤╡1988╢0048╖0387-351X╕4╣356-61║18╗╝07╜╛0245*00~0608┐▒89159386▓["Going my own way in medicine: a discussion by young physicians]│Ishibashi Y, Ishikawa Y, Mayuzumi T, Hisatsune S┤╡1988╢0048╖0387-351X╕4╣362-77║18╗╝07╜╛0608~0683~0987*00┐▒89159387▓[Home nursing of a terminal cancer patient--a physician's record for 45 days]│Yamato T, Tahara K, Hirata K, Miyawaki M, Ishii T┤╡1988╢0048╖0387-351X╕4╣386-96║18╗╝07╜╛0030~0179~0454~0574*00~0575~0608~1100*37 55┐▒89159388▓Carcinoma of the cervix--an holistic approach.│Kalideen DP┤╡1988 Dec╢0049╖0027-6049╕12╣11║25╗╝03╜╛0197*37 53~0454~0573*00~0608┐▒89159389▓The ideal and the actual: pre-operative visiting--revisited.│Nightingale K┤╡1988 Dec╢0049╖0027-6049╕12╣12-3║25╗╝03╜╛0608~0861~0902*00~1030*00┐▒89159390▓Development of theatre clothing.│Howorth FH┤╡1988 Dec╢0049╖0027-6049╕12╣15-7║25╗╝03╜╛0119*43~0228*00~0420~0608~0750~0904 50~1267*00┐▒89159391▓The Kennedy LAD ligament augmentation device.│Miles S┤╡1988 Dec╢0049╖0027-6049╕12╣18-20║25╗╝03╜╛0027~0098*53~0179~0608~0634*00~0698*53~0724*53~0743~1056┐▒89159392▓A study of peri-operative patient care.│Roberts S┤╡1988 Dec╢0049╖0027-6049╕12╣8-10║25╗╝03╜╛0608~0902*00~1008*00~1030*00┐▒89159470▓Regrading--the legal aspects.│Finch J┤╡1988 Dec 31╢0054╖0029-6570╕13-14╣16-7║3╗╝03╜╛0498~0608~0744 31~0874*38~0875*31┐▒89159471▓Seasonal safety.│Alderman C┤╡1988 Dec 31╢0054╖0029-6570╕13-14╣18-9║3╗╝03╜╛0012*43~0572~0608┐▒89159472▓Do you believe in Santa Claus?│Atkinson J┤╡1988 Dec 31╢0054╖0029-6570╕13-14╣20-1║3╗╝03╜╛0030~0179~0245*00~0454~0488*00~0572~0608~0855┐▒89159473▓In the beginning.│Jones IH┤╡1988 Dec 31╢0054╖0029-6570╕13-14╣22-3║3╗╝03╜╛0498~0556~0565~0569*00~0572*26┐▒89159474▓Children in hospital. A nursing noel.│Milne C┤╡1988 Dec 31╢0054╖0029-6570╕13-14╣24║3╗╝03╜╛0202~0214*00~0572*00~0608┐▒89159475▓Christmas in To(r)yland.│Naish J┤╡1988 Dec 31╢0054╖0029-6570╕13-14╣26-7║3╗╝03╜╛0030~0202~0246*31~0498~0608~1005*00~1368┐▒89159476▓Animal crackers.│Sylvester J┤╡1988 Dec 31╢0054╖0029-6570╕13-14╣28-9║3╗╝03╜╛0067~0145*00~0590~0608~0658*44~0868~0886*00~0949*44┐▒89159477▓Homeless--out in the cold.│Lock K┤╡1988 Dec 31╢0054╖0029-6570╕13-14╣30-1║3╗╝03╜╛0498~0527~0572~0576*00~0608~1194┐▒89159478▓Mental handicap--home comforts.│Carlisle D┤╡1988 Dec 31╢0054╖0029-6570╕13-14╣32-3║3╗╝03╜╛0245*00~0247 38~0249~0572~0608~0658~0778*37~0916┐▒89159479▓How to survive the festive spirit.│Mangan P┤╡1988 Dec 31╢0054╖0029-6570╕13-14╣48║3╗╝03╜╛0320*00~0572*00~0608┐▒89159480▓High praise for emergency services at train crash.│McNally M┤╡1988 Dec 31╢0054╖0029-6570╕13-14╣7-9║3╗╝03╜╛0345*00~0394*00~0406~0608~0863~1094*00┐▒89159713▓Building and promoting the executive team [editorial]│Brown BJ┤╡1989 Winter╢0051╖0363-9568╕2╣vii-viii║13╗╝03╜╛0023*00~0608~0660~0850*00~0874*38┐▒89159714▓Nursing and administration: a synthesis model.│Blair EM┤╡1989 Winter╢0051╖0363-9568╕2╣1-11║13╗╝03╜The position taken in this article is that nursing administrative practice is a synthesis of knowledge and skills from the two major fields of study, nursing and administration. This synthesis is unique, needs further explication, and differs from a simple combination of content from two separate fields. Expanded study of nursing is an essential component of graduate programs in nursing administration and embraces both discipline and practice considerations. It proceeds from the perspective of clients as pluralities and organizations and systems as appropriate units of analysis. Nurses in executive positions, operating from an expanded knowledge base, have an opportunity to empower nursing and exert substantial influence on the nature and direction of health care. Concurrently they can empower other members of the executive team through development of creative patterns of interdependence as the organization pursues the goal of high-quality, evenly distributed, cost-effective patient care.╛0023*00~0608~0801*00~0850*00~0874*38┐▒89159715▓Nurse executive leadership: a corporate perspective.│Miller KL┤╡1989 Winter╢0051╖0363-9568╕2╣12-8║13╗╝03╜It is a new age of understanding for nursing leaders. New corporate leadership positioning and power allow nurses the opportunity to evaluate leading abilities and to develop innovative leadership models. A corporate perspective sheds new light on old and difficult leadership problems. New sources of information are useful to all nursing leaders as they guide professional nurses, students, physicians, administrative colleagues, and others involved in health care delivery.╛0023*00~0608~0707*00~0850*00~0875┐▒89159716▓Management preparation for nurse executives: the dual degree option.│Boerstler H, Suver J┤╡1989 Winter╢0051╖0363-9568╕2╣19-23║13╗╝03╜Nurses have the clinical expertise that enables them to better understand the complex issues inherent in management of the delivery of health care. Yet without adequate preparation in management, as well as training of higher levels of nursing theory and research, nurses will be less prepared to compete at higher levels as the system continues to change. The University of Colorado offers a program designed to meet these needs, which serves as a national model for other schools of nursing considering such a curricular change. Further research needs to be conducted to identify the specific components of a graduate program that will enable the nurse executive to develop advanced nursing practice skills while developing the management skills necessary to achieve effectiveness in the practice setting. Because the long-term outcome of the dual degree model is still unknown, the effectiveness of the program in the health care system over time will be evaluated in relation to three outcomes: first, the effectiveness of program goals and objectives for producing successful nurse executives; second, the effectiveness of the curriculum design in preparing successful nurse executives; and third, satisfaction of graduates with the program and with their preparation. Participants in the dual degree program look forward to meeting this challenge.╛0023*20~0236~0375*00~0382*00~0608~0850*20~1166~1264~1331┐▒89159717▓The nurse executive and interdisciplinary team building.│Farley MJ, Stoner MH┤╡1989 Winter╢0051╖0363-9568╕2╣24-30║13╗╝03╜Team-building efforts of the nurse executive will raise nursing's status and strengthen nursing's image as a reliable, self-managed department able to make valuable contributions to health care delivery. Nurse administrators who assume the responsibility of building and maintaining productive interdisciplinary teams at the executive level will be rewarded with increased visibility, recognition, and power. Such opportunities for leadership should not be ignored or left to the purview of hospital administrators, physicians, or any other discipline.╛0023*00~0608~0660~0707*00~0850*00~0940*00~1218~1326┐▒89159718▓The theory of bureaucratic caring for nursing practice in the organizational culture.│Ray MA┤╡1989 Winter╢0051╖0363-9568╕2╣31-42║13╗╝03╜Changes in the health care environment have raised many questions related to patient care. How are political, economic, legal, and technological caring decisions made? How is spiritual caring fostered? How can ethical caring be the grounds on which moral decisions are made? What new policies must be designed to enhance the human perspective in corporate policy, and how will these principles and policies guide actions? The impact of the Theory of Bureaucratic Caring on the corporate enterprise will necessitate a system shift from a narrow to a broad focus where management and caring views can exist side by side and realistically represent the transformation of health care organizations to benefit humankind.╛0023*00~0608~0801*00~0850*00~0876*38~0911~0967*00┐▒89159719▓Executive teamwork at the University of Michigan Medical Center.│Sample SA┤╡1989 Winter╢0051╖0363-9568╕2╣43-4║13╗╝03╜╛0023*00~0600*38~0601*38~0608~0707~0786~0850*00~0966*00┐▒89159720▓Executive teamwork at the University of Michigan Medical Center.│┤╡1989 Winter╢0051╖0363-9568╕2╣43-66║13╗╝03╜╛0023*00~0600*38~0601*38~0608~0707~0786~0850*00~0873*38┐▒89159721▓Creating the foundation for an effective executive team.│Robinson JA┤╡1989 Winter╢0051╖0363-9568╕2╣44-51║13╗╝03╜╛0023*00~0600*38~0601*38~0608~0660~0786~0850*00~0873*38┐▒89159722▓The evolution of the nurse executive role from one perspective.│Spengler CD┤╡1989 Winter╢0051╖0363-9568╕2╣51-5║13╗╝03╜╛0023*00~0600*38~0601*38~0608~0786~0850*00~0873*38~1142┐▒89159723▓Forming and executive team.│Dufek SR┤╡1989 Winter╢0051╖0363-9568╕2╣55-8║13╗╝03╜╛0023*00~0600*38~0601*38~0608~0660~0786~0850*00~0873 38~0902 38┐▒89159724▓Effective staff functioning in dealing with executive teams.│Benjamin G┤╡1989 Winter╢0051╖0363-9568╕2╣58-61║13╗╝03╜╛0023*00~0600*38~0601*38~0608~0660~0707~0786~0850*00~0873*38┐▒89159725▓Reflections of the executive team.│Craig ME┤╡1989 Winter╢0051╖0363-9568╕2╣61-2║13╗╝03╜╛0023*00~0600*38~0601*38~0608~0660~0786~0850*00~0873*38┐▒89159726▓The corporate challenge.│Sample SA┤╡1989 Winter╢0051╖0363-9568╕2╣62-5║13╗╝03╜╛0023*00~0600*38~0601*38~0608~0707~0786~0801~0850*00~0873*38┐▒89159727▓The changing health care environment: challenges for the executive team.│Christman L, Counte MA┤╡1989 Winter╢0051╖0363-9568╕2╣67-76║13╗╝03╜╛0023*00~0523*59~0608~0660~0707*00~0850*00~0873*59~1326┐▒89159728▓Identification and management of DES-exposed women.│Vieiralves-Wiltgen C, Engle VF┤Llanfair Retirement Center in Cincinnati, Ohio.╡1988 Nov╢0056╖0361-1817╕11╣15-6, 19-20, 22 passim║13╗╝03╜Diethylstilbestrol (DES), a synthetic estrogen compound, was prescribed to many women with history of miscarriage between the years 1940 and 1971. As a result of prolonged use of DES in gynecological practice, an estimated 1 million to 1.5 million women were exposed prenatally, resulting in multiple upper and lower genital tract abnormalities. These anomalies may affect reproductive function and place women at greater risk for developing clear cell adenocarcinoma (peak incidence at age 19) and squamous cell carcinoma of the vagina and cervix (peak incidence at ages 35 to 40). Emphasis has been placed on screening for clear cell adenocarcinoma rather than squamous cell carcinoma and reproductive alterations. Despite the previous emphasis during the 1970s and a subsequent decline in public and practitioner awareness, women are at risk for the known effects of DES exposure until the year 2010. Greater effort must be made by practitioners to identify and screen for DES exposure in their practices, as well as to educate the public regarding the health risks posed by DES exposure so that affected women may be reached and receive care.╛0021 10 15~0197 10 15~0343*03~0454~0486*10 15~0608~0743~0854~0943~1017~1029*00~1345 10 15┐▒89159729▓Caring for the HIV-infected adult.│Cummings D┤AIDS Clinical Trials Unit, University of Washington, Seattle.╡1988 Nov╢0056╖0361-1817╕11╣28, 31, 34 passim║13╗╝03╜As the number of persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) dramatically escalates over the next few years, health care providers will increasingly be involved in their care. A thorough understanding of the broad spectrum of infection, from asymptomatic seropositivity to AIDS-related complex and overt AIDS, will help prepare care providers for the challenges ahead. This article identifies the clinical manifestations of infection, provides management plans for common problems, and discusses psychological and social issues pertinent to the care of HIV-infected adults.╛0015 44*55~0035 55~0571 15~0608~0854~0905 12~0939 34~0943 34┐▒89159730▓HIV testing in the workplace.│Tri DL┤Edmonds Family Medicine Clinic, Edmonds, Wash.╡1988 Nov╢0056╖0361-1817╕11╣48, 50-2║13╗╝03╜Because the incidence of AIDS continues to grow, affecting a greater number of the working population, the disease is also rapidly becoming a major issue for employers. AIDS has implications for employer decisions in the areas of hiring, termination, training, promotions, benefits, collective bargaining, health and safety in the workplace. This article examines the advantages and disadvantages of HIV screening in the workplace. Technical issues regarding the validity of current HIV tests being used are outlined. Precedent-setting court decisions are reviewed, and the resulting legal and ethical implications and dilemmas of employers and health care providers are examined.╛0015 15 57~0034*00 50~0187~0334*00~0400*00~0442~0608~0854~0892 57~1326┐▒89159731▓Direct reimbursement to nurse practitioners: the importance of the Federal Employees Health Care Freedom of Choice Act (H.R. 382).│Knox JT┤Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond.╡1988 Nov╢0056╖0361-1817╕11╣52-4║13╗╝03╜This article discusses H.R. 382: The Federal Employees Health Care Freedom of Choice Act, first introduced to Congress in 1987. This act would directly reimburse nurses, nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, family and marriage therapists, and chiropractors under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. Few third-party payers currently directly reimburse nurse practitioners. Passage of H.R. 382 is important because it would increase health care availability, make provisions for cost-effective care and increase provider choice. Direct reimbursement to nurse practitioners would not increase health insurance premiums, according to the Office of Personnel Management and the Congressional Budget Office. Suggested strategies for nurse practitioners to lobby for the bill are discussed.╛0496*00~0512*31~0608~0664*31~0667*31~0854*19~1110*31~1326┐▒89159732▓Strategies for faculty practice.│Fenton MV, Rounds L, Wise D┤University of Texas School of Nursing, Galveston.╡1988 Nov╢0056╖0361-1817╕11╣54, 57-8, 60║13╗╝03╜Nursing faculty who prepare students for advanced roles in primary care are faced with maintaining their own clinical knowledge and skills at a time when doctoral preparation, research and scholarship are receiving emphasis. This article describes some successful faculty experiences in increasing clinical knowledge and practice while integrating clinical practice into the faculty role.╛0224~0380~0441*00~0608~0867*38~1326┐▒89159733▓Let's capitalize on our successes (and avoid naivet e) [editorial]│Pearson LJ┤╡1988 Nov╢0056╖0361-1817╕11╣6-7║13╗╝03╜╛0112*00~0363*00~0454~0608~0676~0854*00~1326┐▒89159734▓Urinary tract infections in older adults.│Millette-Petit JM┤Alexian Village of Milwaukee, Wis.╡1988 Dec╢0056╖0361-1817╕12╣21-4, 29║13╗╝03╜Upper and lower urinary tract infections are common and frequently recurring problems encountered by clinicians who manage the health care of older adults. Due to the multiplicity of diseases in this population, it is sometimes difficult to identify symptoms and diagnose urinary tract infections. Evaluating the presenting symptoms, collecting specimens and interpreting laboratory data can present a challenge. Identifying clients at risk, knowing the client's prior health status, recognizing the symptoms and maintaining updated knowledge of antibiotic therapy remain essential care components. This article reviews the current literature on urinary tract infections and provides guidelines for the treatment of urinary tract infections in the older adult.╛0030~0119*15 17~0454~0608~0743~0854~1132~1134~1336*15 17┐▒89159735▓An ethical model for decision-making.│Bunting SM, Webb AA┤Wayne State University College of Nursing, Detroit, Mich.╡1988 Dec╢0056╖0361-1817╕12╣30, 32-4║13╗╝03╜The increasing social and technological complexity of health care is requiring health care providers to make many ethical decisions. This article presents a brief overview of selected ethical principles and theories, as well as several decision-making models. A 10-question model to assist the practitioner in assessing the moral aspects of an ethical dilemma is described and this model is applied to a clinical situation which involves the principles of confidentiality, autonomy, and prevention of harm.╛0030~0031~0179~0301*00~0428*00~0454~0608~0771 37~0801*00~0854~1086┐▒89159736▓Patient compliance: a challenge in practice.│Kolton KA, Piccolo P┤Primary Health Care Nursing Program, Simmons College, Boston.╡1988 Dec╢0056╖0361-1817╕12╣37, 40-1, 44 passim║13╗╝03╜Non-compliance with medication regimens is a major public health problem. Much research has been carried out and several theories have been developed to explain and correlate a variety of factors that influence a person's willingness to comply with treatment recommendations. The literature cites 24 behaviors that have a positive effect on patient compliance. However, according to a recent survey conducted by the authors, only 11 of these behaviors are reported as being used by nurse practitioners a majority of the time. As nurse practitioners become familiar with and use all the behaviors that influence compliance, they can design individualized treatment plans that will allow for increased patient compliance with medication regimens.╛0125~0364*00 44~0608~0799~0854~0861~0941*00~1086┐▒89159737▓Update on high blood pressure: highlights from the 1988 national report.│Fontana SA┤University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee School of Nursing.╡1988 Dec╢0056╖0361-1817╕12╣8, 10-2, 15 passim║13╗╝03╜This article summarizes the highlights of the 1988 Report of the Joint National Committee on Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure. In addition, it examines the implications for practice relative to caring for individuals with elevated blood pressure, including individuals with coexisting medical conditions and those from special populations (e.g., young, elderly, pregnant). This article outlines an insightful approach to the definitive clinical recommendations issued in the report. The ways in which nurse practitioners can facilitate greater patient involvement in drug and non-drug therapy as well as in reducing other cardiovascular risk factors are presented. The article addresses the quality of life aspects relative to implementing the treatment guidelines and their importance in clinical decision-making.╛0030~0076*54~0202~0454~0608~0620 37*55~0854~0946~1017~1085~1140┐▒89159738▓Factors associated with pregnancy-induced hypertension.│Remich MC, Youngkin EQ┤School of Nursing, Medical College of Virginia-Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond.╡1989 Jan╢0056╖0361-1817╕1╣20-4║14╗╝03╜This article reports the results of a correlational study that explored the association between the three factors of pregravid weight, prenatal weight gain at 28 weeks and maternal age, and the subsequent development of pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH). A significant relationship between low maternal age and PIH development was found. Further data analysis showed that PIH occurred significantly more often when the second trimester mean arterial pressure (MAP) did not drop to a level lower than the first trimester MAP. Clinically, emphasis should be placed on early detection of women at high risk for PIH development. Analysis of the MAP changes could prove to be a low-cost, effective and low-risk predictive test for PIH development.╛0138~0144~0454~0608~0620 15*23 37~0757~1017~1019 15*23 37~1140~1365┐▒89159739▓How each state stands on legislative issues affecting advanced nursing practice.│┤╡1989 Jan╢0056╖0361-1817╕1╣27-34║14╗╝03╜╛0495*00~0608~0854*31~1031~1110~1240*00┐▒89159740▓The workplace: an innovative and cost-effective practice site.│Touger GN, Butts JK┤SAS Institute Inc. Health Care Center, Cary, N.C.╡1989 Jan╢0056╖0361-1817╕1╣35, 38, 40-2║14╗╝03╜A significant portion of our nation's health care is financed by employer-sponsored health care benefit plans. Employers now realize the importance of devising cost-saving measures beyond restrictions on coverage for services. In 1984 a corporation in the Southeast United States established a nurse practitioner-managed health care center on-site for employees and certain dependents. This health care center offers quality primary care, identification of risk factors, early intervention and health education. The intangible benefits include easy access to health care and time-saving convenience. The health care center demonstrated impressive cost-effectiveness. The combination of a self-funded insurance program and an on-site nurse practitioner-managed primary health care practice saved the company more than +791,000 in 1987. Establishing health care centers at the workplace offers new opportunities for nurse practitioner practice sites and cost savings for corporations.╛0274*00~0608~0854*00~0894*00┐▒89159741▓Sudden hearing loss.│Rambur BA┤University of Mary, Bismarck, N.D.╡1989 Jan╢0056╖0361-1817╕1╣8, 11, 14-9║14╗╝03╜The condition of "sudden hearing loss is characterized by an abrupt and usually unilateral reduction of hearing. The loss may affect any frequency and may range from mild to profound in degree. This type of hearing loss causes particular difficulty in assessment because several chronic conditions may manifest similar initial symptoms. Sudden hearing loss is an emergency which demands astute recognition and a prompt otolaryngological referral. The key to prompt recognition in the primary care setting includes the maintenance of a high index of suspicion accompanied by a thorough and accurate patient history.╛0530*15 23 55~0608~1034┐▒89159826▓Corrections please ... [letter]│Sabin S┤╡1989 Feb╢0053╖0744-6314╕2╣14║20╗╝03╜╛0608~0870~0949*11┐▒89159827▓On the mark ... [letter]│Keffer HL┤╡1989 Feb╢0053╖0744-6314╕2╣14║20╗╝03╜╛0042*00~0047*00~0608~0856 52~1326┐▒89159828▓Off-tour nurse vs. primary nurse: defining the roles.│Newman LN, Becker-Geer C┤╡1989 Feb╢0053╖0744-6314╕2╣17, 20║20╗╝03╜╛0241~0608~0676~0876*38~1035*38┐▒89159829▓Age discrimination.│Creighton H┤╡1989 Feb╢0053╖0744-6314╕2╣21-2║20╗╝03╜╛0032*00~0454~0597~0608~0792~0879 31 32~1026*00~1326┐▒89159830▓The role of the LPN or ... the problem of two levels.│Manthey M┤╡1989 Feb╢0053╖0744-6314╕2╣26, 28║20╗╝03╜╛0032~0608~0719*00~0876 38~0878*00~1026┐▒89159831▓The new nursing organization.│O'Malley J, Loveridge CE, Cummings SH┤╡1989 Feb╢0053╖0744-6314╕2╣29-32║20╗╝03╜╛0265 50 59~0287~0309 38 50 59~0608~0873*38 50 59┐▒89159832▓Measuring nursing resource consumption.│Bost D, Lawler TG┤╡1989 Feb╢0053╖0744-6314╕2╣34-5║20╗╝03╜╛0273~0333~0432~0592 19 38~0608~0876 19*61~0949 11┐▒89159833▓Managing the "super-achiever nurse.│Russell LN┤╡1989 Feb╢0053╖0744-6314╕2╣38-9║20╗╝03╜╛0014*00~0399~0608~0876 44~0879*34┐▒89159834▓Self-scheduling for professional nurses.│Ringl KK, Dotson L┤╡1989 Feb╢0053╖0744-6314╕2╣42-4║20╗╝03╜╛0007~0387~0608~0688~0876*38~0879 38~0967*00~0969*00~0970┐▒89159835▓Utilization review: a psychiatric perspective.│Abramczyk MJ, Forrester T┤╡1989 Feb╢0053╖0744-6314╕2╣46-8║20╗╝03╜╛0275~0593 19~0714 19~0848~1060*00 19~1343*00┐▒89159836▓Managing the borderline personality.│Wester CM┤╡1989 Feb╢0053╖0744-6314╕2╣49-51║20╗╝03╜╛0149*37 44~0608~0676~0864~0876 44~0879 34~0963*37┐▒89159837▓A problem-focused quality assurance program.│Harris SH, Kreger SM, Davis MZ┤╡1989 Feb╢0053╖0744-6314╕2╣54-6, 58, 60║20╗╝03╜╛0168~0309 38~0608~0689~0876 38~0993~1082*00┐▒89159838▓Streamlined documentation through exceptional charting.│Cline A┤╡1989 Feb╢0053╖0744-6314╕2╣62-4║20╗╝03╜╛0168~0354*34~0592~0862 34~0871*00┐▒89159839▓Taking the "guesstimates out of FTE budgeting. Full-time equivalency.│Jones RA┤╡1989 Feb╢0053╖0744-6314╕2╣65-6, 68, 72-3║20╗╝03╜╛0161*00~0276~0467*00~0592 19~0608~0871~0876 19~0949 11~0967*00~0969*00~1283~1301~1367┐▒89159840▓The performance edge [editorial]│Curtin LL┤╡1989 Feb╢0053╖0744-6314╕2╣7-8║20╗╝03╜╛0279~0399*00~0608~0809~0967*00┐▒89159841▓A hospital-based learning center.│Lee JB┤╡1989 Feb╢0053╖0744-6314╕2╣74-5, 78║20╗╝03╜╛0276~0604 19~0608~0659 19*38~0876 19*20~1086~1292┐▒89159842▓Preoperative teaching: a need for change.│Johnson S┤╡1989 Feb╢0053╖0744-6314╕2╣80B, 80F, 80H║20╗╝03╜╛0081 43~0608~0714~0943*34~1030*00┐▒89159843▓Nursing intensity in cardiac surgical care.│Corcoran L, Diers D┤╡1989 Feb╢0053╖0744-6314╕2╣80I-80J, 80N-80P║20╗╝03╜╛0027~0030~0259~0282*00~0333~0454~0539*37~0581~0583~0601~0608~0714~0743~0792~0876 61~0949 11┐▒89159844▓Leadership: do it with style.│Blankenship M, Wilhoit K, Blankenship C┤╡1989 Feb╢0053╖0744-6314╕2╣81-2║20╗╝03╜╛0608~0707*00~0879*34┐▒89159845▓Performance-based evaluations.│Tuttle CL┤╡1989 Feb╢0053╖0744-6314╕2╣82║20╗╝03╜╛0399*34~0608~0967*34┐▒89159846▓Management rights in unionized hospitals.│Cela M┤╡1989 Feb╢0053╖0744-6314╕2╣82, 84║20╗╝03╜╛0269 31~0608~0701*31~0879*31~1326┐▒89159847▓Decision-making and conscience: protecting values in a clinical area.│Liffrig LE┤╡1989 Feb╢0053╖0744-6314╕2╣84║20╗╝03╜╛0260*00~0301*00~0428~0608~0804*00┐▒89159848▓Management skills. Handling the delicate situation.│Bedford D┤╡1988 Oct╢0057╖0029-7917╕10╣614-6║40╗╝03╜╛0027~0179~0255*00~0608~0743~0894*00~1039┐▒89159849▓Biological monitoring: what samples to take?│Aw C┤╡1988 Oct╢0057╖0029-7917╕10╣666-9║40╗╝03╜╛0414*34~0608~0893*00~1227*00┐▒89159850▓Management skills. OH managers and employee legislation.│Howard G┤╡1988 Oct╢0057╖0029-7917╕10╣670-3║40╗╝03╜╛0007~0400~0406~0608~0894*31 38~0967*00┐▒89159851▓Diesel exhaust--is it blacker than it looks?│Atkinson P┤╡1988 Oct╢0057╖0029-7917╕10╣677-8║40╗╝03╜╛0110*00~0416*00~0608┐▒89160037▓[Report of the experiences of a nursing instructor--teaching on the ward]│Th uringer M┤╡1989 Jan╢0058╖0303-4461╕1╣4-5║42╗Erfahrungsbericht einer Lehrschwester--Unterricht auf der Station.╝05╜╛0377*00~0608~0863*00~1285*34┐▒89160038▓[Integration of handicapped children--school without discrimination]│Scheer G┤╡1989 Jan╢0058╖0303-4461╕1╣6-8║42╗Integration behinderter Kinder--Schule ohne Aussonderung.╝05╜╛0202~0508*20 44~0608~0742*00~1026~1207┐▒89160039▓[I lay there full of anxiety and wanted to die]│Silberbauer H┤╡1989 Jan╢0058╖0303-4461╕1╣9-11║42╗Ich lag in Angst und wollte sterben.╝05╜╛0179~0237*44~0320~0608~0743~0943*00~0989*00┐▒89160111▓Even children have arthritis.│Page-Goertz SS┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0059╖0097-9805╕1╣11-6, 30║15╗╝03╜Children experience a number of problems related to juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA), including pain, stiffness, and loss of mobility that interferes with normal growth and development. Innovative nursing in a variety of settings is needed to manage the child with this chronic illness.╛0090*37 42 55~0202~0238~0608~0896~0986~1264┐▒89160112▓Preventing delivery of enteral formula via parenteral route.│Garvin G, Franck LS┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0059╖0097-9805╕1╣17-8║15╗╝03╜A potentially life-threatening complication of nursing care delivered to a patient receiving concurrent enteral and parenteral support is identified, which has not previously been reported in the literature. Strategies for minimizing the risk of accidental administration of enteral formula via the parenteral route are presented.╛0408~0473*00~0608~0766~0930 29*37┐▒89160113▓The effects of play therapy on developmental achievement levels of abused children.│Saucier BL┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0059╖0097-9805╕1╣27-30║15╗╝03╜Child abuse has been a visible social problem in America over the last several years, but a difficult one to study by social scientists. Play therapy can have a positive effect on the developmental achievement levels of these abused children.╛0027~0202~0203*44~0209*00~0215~0454~0608~0640~0743~0810~1002*00~1063┐▒89160114▓Developing a quality home care program for children.│Grammatica G┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0059╖0097-9805╕1╣33-5║15╗╝03╜Many children who might have died or been institutionalized before can now be cared for in the home by their families with an increase in home care and high technology services. Home health agencies must respond to this need by initiating and developing quality pediatric home care programs.╛0202~0211*38~0245~0443~0574*38~0608┐▒89160115▓Retention of infant CPR instruction by parents.│Wright S, Norton C, Kesten K┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0059╖0097-9805╕1╣37-41, 44║15╗╝03╜Twenty-one families of high-risk infants were followed at home after receiving cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) instruction prior to hospital discharge. Parents retained large amounts of theoretical knowledge about CPR up to 2 months following instruction. Skills were less well retained, but retention was better than reported for other lay groups.╛0385~0454~0574~0575~0608~0640~0743~0931*20~0942~1130*20┐▒89160116▓Developmentally delayed children: effects on the normal sibling.│Scheiber KK┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0059╖0097-9805╕1╣42-4║15╗╝03╜The experience of having a sibling is common for most children. What happens to a child when a sibling is developmentally delayed or disabled? What can parents do to improve the adjustment of their nondelayed child?╛0202~0210*37 44~0608~0640~0929~0940~1191*00┐▒89160117▓Nursing update: hypophosphatemic rickets.│Dudek G┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0059╖0097-9805╕1╣45-50║15╗╝03╜Hypophosphatemic rickets is a nonnutritional condition that requires lifelong care and treatment. The Roy Adaptation Model serves the nurse in assessing and planning care for children and their families according to four adaptive modes: physiologic, self-concept, role function, and interdependence.╛0020~0202~0215~0454~0608~0623 12*37 42~0640~0743~0799~0801~0861~1137 23*37 42┐▒89160118▓Pediatric management problems (aortic coarctation).│Rothman A┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0059╖0097-9805╕1╣56-8║15╗╝03╜╛0027~0083*37~0179~0454~0608~0644~0743~0861~0931 20┐▒89160119▓Community service: an avenue for nursing power.│Schaffer SD┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0059╖0097-9805╕1╣59-60║15╗╝03╜Directing volunteer nursing expertise and services can greatly benefit the community, the nursing profession, and the nurse. This article presents concepts of power from a nursing perspective and the benefits of directing nursing expertise into a community.╛0245*00~0246*38~0608~0809~0856~1326~1360*00┐▒89160120▓Children without health care: whose problem is it anyway?│Feeg VD┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0059╖0097-9805╕1╣6, 98║15╗╝03╜╛0202~0211*52~0608~0762~1011~1326┐▒89160121▓Anabolic steroids.│Yelverton GA┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0059╖0097-9805╕1╣63║15╗╝03╜╛0024~0144~0202~0341~0355*00~0454~0608~0743~1247*03┐▒89160122▓Pain in the nonverbal patient: advocating for the critically ill neonate.│Franck LS┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0059╖0097-9805╕1╣65-8, 90║15╗╝03╜Relief of suffering is a major goal of nursing care. Nurses caring for nonverbal patients must develop specialized skills needed to assess pain and communicate their assessments to other nurses, physicians, and parents. Through collaborative efforts, pain relief for these patients can be achieved.╛0282*37~0608~0644~0669~0847*00~0861~0920*37~0939┐▒89160123▓Fiscal planning--the capital budget.│McAlvanah M┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0059╖0097-9805╕1╣70║15╗╝03╜A well-prepared and accurate capital budget is a key part in successfully managing a nursing unit. A well-prepared capital budget will provide a nursing unit with the appropriate equipment needed for patient care.╛0161*00~0467*00~0608~0873*19┐▒89160124▓Identifying signs that nurses interpret as indicating pain in newborns.│Jones MA┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0059╖0097-9805╕1╣76-9║15╗╝03╜PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: The purpose is to explore the behavioral and physiological signs that nurses interpret as suggesting the possibility of pain in the newborn. Methodology: The data collection instrument used was a General Information and Pain Sensitivity Questionnaire asking nurses to identify those physiological and behavioral signs that suggest the possibility of pain in the newborn. It was distributed to 109 nurses who worked in units where newborns are hospitalized; this was in a 1,000-bed tertiary care, university-affiliated hospital in the Midwest. RESULTS: Eighty-one nurses responded (74%). Three signs were selected "always with a high frequency: fussiness, crying, and grimacing. When the scores of "always and "usually were combined for these three items, the figures are 96%, 79%, and 79%, respectively for selection rate. CONCLUSIONS: The fact that only three signs were selected with confidence suggests the difficulty and tentative nature of nursing decisions regarding the assessment of pain in the newborn.╛0608~0644*41~0861*00~0920*37~0921~1086┐▒89160125▓The importance of supporting nursing colleagues on scope of practice issues.│Hogue E┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0059╖0097-9805╕1╣82-3║15╗╝03╜Although scope of practice issues contained in state statutes are often perceived as "tedious by nurses, these issues are nonetheless important. This article cites a recent court case that demonstrates the importance of supporting nursing colleagues on these issues.╛0202~0364*37~0520*31~0608~0898~1164*00┐▒89160126▓A quick guide for home use of inhalant medications.│Brim S┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0059╖0097-9805╕1╣87-8, 94║15╗╝03╜The chronic and frequently recurring symptoms in an obstructive lung disease such as asthma often dictate a complex home treatment program for the child and family. In planning for discharge of an asthmatic child, the nurse assesses and evaluates a variety of treatment modalities.╛0022 34*37~0097 17*37~0202~0608~0737 17*37~0942~0943┐▒89160211▓Nursing makes a difference.│Kotecki C┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0046╖0196-4895╕1╣1, 10║19╗╝03╜╛0179~0282 37~0454~0608~0715 12*37~0792~0855~1178 23*37~1248 23*37┐▒89160212▓Recovery from childbirth--does the "postpartum period last only six weeks?│Tulman LJ┤╡1989 Jan-Feb╢0046╖0196-4895╕1╣11║19╗╝03╜╛0198~0249~0454~0608~0699~1017~1077 41*44~1117┐▒89160213▓Paths to knowledge: innovative research methods for nursing.│┤╡1988 Dec╢0050╖╕15-2233╣i-viii, 1-238║╗╝03╜╛0225 34~0608~0872*34~0975┐▒89160214▓Esthetic inquiry.│Highley B, Ferentz T┤╡1988 Dec╢0050╖╕15-2233╣111-39║╗╝03╜╛0225*34~0426*00~0608~0678~0801~0872*34~0981*00┐▒89160215▓Ethical inquiry.│Fowler M, Fry S┤╡1988 Dec╢0050╖╕15-2233╣145-63║╗╝03╜╛0129*00~0225*00~0428*00~0608~0804~0856~0872*00┐▒89160216▓Philosophical analysis.│Edgerton SG┤╡1988 Dec╢0050╖╕15-2233╣169-82║╗╝03╜╛0608~0872*34~0975*00~1167┐▒89160217▓Ethnography.│Omery A┤╡1988 Dec╢0050╖╕15-2233╣17-31║╗╝03╜╛0225*34~0430*00~0608~0801~0872*34~1117┐▒89160218▓Metaphysical analysis.│Sarter B┤╡1988 Dec╢0050╖╕15-2233╣183-91║╗╝03╜╛0608~0783*00~0872*34~1117┐▒89160219▓Hermeneutics.│Reeder F┤╡1988 Dec╢0050╖╕15-2233╣193-238║╗╝03╜╛0608~0801~0872*34~0975┐▒89160220▓Grounded theory.│Bowers BJ┤╡1988 Dec╢0050╖╕15-2233╣33-59║╗╝03╜╛0608~0801*00~0872*34┐▒89160221▓The historical method in nursing.│Lee JL┤╡1988 Dec╢0050╖╕15-2233╣5-16║╗╝03╜╛0558*00~0608~0872*34~1117┐▒89160222▓Futures research.│Lee JL┤╡1988 Dec╢0050╖╕15-2233╣61-75║╗╝03╜╛0474*00~0608~0801~0872*34~0956~1326┐▒89160223▓Meta-analysis.│Smith MC┤╡1988 Dec╢0050╖╕15-2233╣77-91║╗╝03╜╛0225*34~0608~0781*00~0872*34┐▒89160224▓Phenomenology.│Swanson-Kauffman K, Schonwald E┤╡1988 Dec╢0050╖╕15-2233╣97-105║╗╝03╜╛0801~0872*34~0975*00┐▒89160225▓NLN testing: products and services for registered nursing programs 1989.│┤╡1989╢0050╖╕17-1825╣3-36║╗╝03╜╛0377*50~0379 50~0385*00~0608~0719*00~1218~1326┐▒89160365▓A year to remember.│Vousden M┤╡1988 Dec 21-1989 Jan 3╢0055╖0029-6589╕51╣16-9║84╗╝03╜╛0498~0608~0859*00~1218~1241~1254┐▒89160366▓What next?│Dean D┤╡1988 Dec 21-1989 Jan 3╢0055╖0029-6589╕51╣21║84╗╝03╜╛0498~0608~0859*32~1218*00~1241┐▒89160367▓The battle that's beyond our Ken.│Dickson N┤╡1988 Dec 21-1989 Jan 3╢0055╖0029-6589╕51╣24-5║84╗╝03╜╛0498~0608~0701*00~0859*00~1218┐▒89160368▓Recruit and retain. Nursing still needs you.│Davidson L┤╡1988 Dec 21-1989 Jan 3╢0055╖0029-6589╕51╣26-9║84╗╝03╜╛0498~0608~0859*32~0956┐▒89160369▓Recruit and retain. Where have all the women gone?│Johnston C┤╡1988 Dec 21-1989 Jan 3╢0055╖0029-6589╕51╣29-31║84╗╝03╜╛0374*00~0380*00~0383*00~0454~0498~0608~0859*32~1241~1369*00~1371*00┐▒89160370▓The personal touch.│Perrins S┤╡1988 Dec 21-1989 Jan 3╢0055╖0029-6589╕51╣32-3║84╗╝03╜╛0588*38~0608~0863*50~0870~0876 38┐▒89160371▓The mark of the devil.│Thomas J┤╡1988 Dec 21-1989 Jan 3╢0055╖0029-6589╕51╣38-9║84╗╝03╜╛0406~0556~0559~0568~0608~1261*00~1326~1362*26 55┐▒89160372▓The person inside the patient.│Ferguson M┤╡1988 Dec 21-1989 Jan 3╢0055╖0029-6589╕51╣40║84╗╝03╜╛0123*18~0179~0235*47~0405~0454~0608~1045*00┐▒89160373▓Spiritual healing.│Dopson L┤╡1988 Dec 21-1989 Jan 3╢0055╖0029-6589╕51╣43-5║84╗╝03╜╛0220~0406~0572~0580*00~0604*38~0608~0876*00~0936*00┐▒89160374▓Primary nursing. All you need is thought.│Malby R┤╡1988 Dec 21-1989 Jan 3╢0055╖0029-6589╕51╣46-8║84╗╝03╜╛0454~0588 38~0594~0608~0873 38~1035*00┐▒89160375▓Blood phobia.│Richards D┤╡1988 Dec 21-1989 Jan 3╢0055╖0029-6589╕51╣49-51║84╗╝03╜╛0027~0081~0126*00~0135*00~0179~0454~0608~0979*55~1017~1086┐▒89160376▓Cancer nursing in India.│Bibbings J┤╡1988 Dec 21-1989 Jan 3╢0055╖0029-6589╕51╣52-3║84╗╝03╜╛0454~0608~0636~0743~0834 21*37~0900 20┐▒89160377▓Wound care. Facial prosthesis.│Thomas K┤╡1988 Dec 21-1989 Jan 3╢0055╖0029-6589╕51╣59-61║84╗╝03╜╛0142~0171*53~0436~0437*53~0438*53~0454~0608~0743~1055*00~1056~1193┐▒89160378▓Wound care. Ulcers: treating the cause.│Allen S┤╡1988 Dec 21-1989 Jan 3╢0055╖0029-6589╕51╣62-3║84╗╝03╜╛0608~0710*11 23┐▒89160379▓Wound care. Treatment on trial.│Wilson LA, Scurr J┤╡1988 Dec 21-1989 Jan 3╢0055╖0029-6589╕51╣64-6║84╗╝03╜╛0027~0030~0249~0323*00~0608~0710*55~0792~0891*00┐▒89160380▓The halo effect.│Smith R┤╡1988 Dec 21-1989 Jan 3╢0055╖0029-6589╕51╣68║84╗╝03╜╛0202~0608~0688~0856*44~0950*00┐▒89160381▓No fixed abode.│Hempel S┤╡1989 Jan 4-10╢0055╖0029-6589╕1╣16-7║85╗╝03╜╛0027~0202~0245~0498~0576*00~0608~0640~0743┐▒89160382▓Looking for liberation.│Crabbe G┤╡1989 Jan 4-10╢0055╖0029-6589╕1╣18║85╗╝03╜╛0608~0859*59~1208┐▒89160383▓Against the grain.│Pope N┤╡1989 Jan 4-10╢0055╖0029-6589╕1╣19║85╗╝03╜╛0015*15~0255~0428*00~0571~0608┐▒89160384▓When sex isn't any fun.│Andrews J┤╡1989 Jan 4-10╢0055╖0029-6589╕1╣22║85╗╝03╜╛0454~0608~0676*00~0743~0876*00~1182*00~1256┐▒89160385▓Models for intensive care. Small patient big challenge.│Collin S┤╡1989 Jan 4-10╢0055╖0029-6589╕1╣24-6║85╗╝03╜╛0282*37~0608~0644~0669*00~0801*00~0832*00┐▒89160386▓Models in intensive care. Non-verbal communication.│Bogdanovic A┤╡1989 Jan 4-10╢0055╖0029-6589╕1╣27-9║85╗╝03╜╛0017~0282*37~0608~0801*00~0847*00~0855*00┐▒89160387▓Primary nursing. Night rites.│Remington J┤╡1989 Jan 4-10╢0055╖0029-6589╕1╣30-1║85╗╝03╜╛0608~0873*38~0876~0969~1035*38~1373┐▒89160388▓Shoulder pain in stroke patients.│Wood C┤╡1989 Jan 4-10╢0055╖0029-6589╕1╣32-4║85╗╝03╜╛0130~0195*37 42 48~0544 37 42 48~0608~0920*37~1010~1190*42┐▒89160389▓Setting up a GP smear recall scheme.│Porter K┤╡1989 Jan 4-10╢0055╖0029-6589╕1╣35║85╗╝03╜╛0027~0197 15*43~0447~0454~0608~0752 34~0792~1346*00┐▒89160390▓Fluid intake and urinary tract infection.│Pitt M┤╡1989 Jan 4-10╢0055╖0029-6589╕1╣36-8║85╗╝03╜╛0249~0359*00~0608~1086~1096~1336 15*43┐▒89160391▓Making sense of temporary transvenous pacing.│Belshaw M┤╡1989 Jan 4-10╢0055╖0029-6589╕1╣39-41║85╗╝03╜╛0174 03*34~0534 42 55~0608~0919┐▒89160392▓Why figures cannot lie.│Pritchard C, Bourne A┤╡1989 Jan 4-10╢0055╖0029-6589╕1╣42-3║85╗╝03╜╛0275~0276~0498~0608~1241*19┐▒89160393▓Management. The name game.│McCarthy J┤╡1989 Jan 4-10╢0055╖0029-6589╕1╣44-5║85╗╝03╜╛0023*00~0498~0608~0850*00~0874*38┐▒89160394▓Needle point.│Sheehan A┤╡1989 Jan 4-10╢0055╖0029-6589╕1╣46║85╗╝03╜╛0015*43~0608~0831*00~1258*00~1281*00┐▒89160395▓Self-inflicted injury.│Ingram R┤╡1989 Jan 4-10╢0055╖0029-6589╕1╣47-9║85╗╝03╜╛0608~0778 44~0799~1174*44 48┐▒89160396▓A picture of the past.│O'Neill C┤╡1989 Jan 4-10╢0055╖0029-6589╕1╣50-1║85╗╝03╜╛0406~0556~0565~0569*00~0796 26┐▒89160397▓Quest: NT's educational supplement.│┤╡1989 Jan 4-10╢0055╖0029-6589╕1╣57-64║85╗╝03╜╛0291~0377*00~0498~0608┐▒89160398▓Quest. Building a strong foundation.│Frost S, Nunkoosing K┤╡1989 Jan 4-10╢0055╖0029-6589╕1╣59-60║85╗╝03╜╛0291~0377*59~0498~0608~0801┐▒89160399▓Quest. A model marriage?│Hawkett S┤╡1989 Jan 4-10╢0055╖0029-6589╕1╣61-2║85╗╝03╜╛0291*00~0377*00~0608~0801*00┐▒89160400▓Quest. The missing link.│Gavin N┤╡1989 Jan 4-10╢0055╖0029-6589╕1╣62-3║85╗╝03╜╛0291*00~0377*00~0569~0608┐▒89160401▓Standing empty.│Swaffield L┤╡1989 Jan 11-17╢0055╖0029-6589╕2╣16-7║85╗╝03╜╛0498~0608~0902 32~0904*61┐▒89160402▓Poverty and infant deaths.│Fardell J┤╡1989 Jan 11-17╢0055╖0029-6589╕2╣18║85╗╝03╜╛0498~0608~0640~0642*00~1011*00┐▒89160403▓Back to postbasics.│Vousden M┤╡1989 Jan 11-17╢0055╖0029-6589╕2╣19║85╗╝03╜╛0380*00~0498~0608~0859*32┐▒89160404▓The select few.│Salvage J┤╡1989 Jan 11-17╢0055╖0029-6589╕2╣24║85╗╝03╜╛0027~0385*00~0608~0743~0859*32~0961~1061*20~1162*00~1256*00┐▒89160405▓Disability. Facing up to my epilepsy.│Cobell R┤╡1989 Jan 11-17╢0055╖0029-6589╕2╣26-9║85╗╝03╜╛0020*00~0179~0417*44 48~0454~0608~1071┐▒89160406▓Disability. Mind your language.│French S┤╡1989 Jan 11-17╢0055╖0029-6589╕2╣29-31║85╗╝03╜╛0105*00~0508*00~0608~0702~1208~1245*00┐▒89160407▓Disability. Be resourceful.│Martin C┤╡1989 Jan 11-17╢0055╖0029-6589╕2╣32-3║85╗╝03╜╛0498~0508*00~0608~1211~1359*00┐▒89160408▓Trading places.│Sutherland S┤╡1989 Jan 11-17╢0055╖0029-6589╕2╣34║85╗╝03╜╛0396*00~0608~0855~0863*00┐▒89160409▓Who decides?│Thom A┤╡1989 Jan 11-17╢0055╖0029-6589╕2╣35-7║85╗╝03╜╛0428*00~0498~0608~0876~1086~1130*00~1138~1218┐▒89160410▓Primary nursing. One to one.│McMahon R┤╡1989 Jan 11-17╢0055╖0029-6589╕2╣38-40║85╗╝03╜╛0608~0688~0873 38~0876 44~1035*00┐▒89160411▓Management. Only if the face fits?│┤╡1989 Jan 11-17╢0055╖0029-6589╕2╣42-3║85╗╝03╜╛0023*00~0608~0687~0850*00~0875*00~0967*00~0968*00┐▒89160412▓Systems of life. No. 167. Senior systems. 32. Locomotor system 3--joints.│Roberts A┤╡1989 Jan 11-17╢0055╖0029-6589╕2╣45-8║85╗╝03╜╛0030~0032 41~0608~0690 15*42 55~0691*05 41 42┐▒89160413▓A dearth of knowledge.│Thomas B┤╡1989 Jan 11-17╢0055╖0029-6589╕2╣49-51║85╗╝03╜╛0015*37 44~0035*37 44~0608~0743~1061┐▒89160414▓Acute intestinal obstruction.│Dalzell T┤╡1989 Jan 11-17╢0055╖0029-6589╕2╣59-61║85╗╝03╜╛0018~0030~0179~0235 12*37 53~0608~0679 23*37 53~0743~0833┐▒89160415▓Mental Handicap Nursing.│┤╡1989 Jan 11-17╢0055╖0029-6589╕2╣63-70║85╗╝03╜╛0498~0608~0778*37~1061┐▒89160416▓Mental Handicap Nursing. We want a real say.│Cattermole M, Jahoda A, Markova I┤╡1989 Jan 11-17╢0055╖0029-6589╕2╣65-7║85╗╝03╜╛0027~0249~0608~0678~0729~0778*48~1120┐▒89160417▓Mental Handicap Nursing. The revolution is over.│Donovan H┤╡1989 Jan 11-17╢0055╖0029-6589╕2╣67-9║85╗╝03╜╛0247 38~0291~0498~0608~0778*37 48~1061*20┐▒89160418▓A death with a difference.│Laurent C┤╡1989 Jan 18-25╢0055╖0029-6589╕3╣16-7║85╗╝03╜╛0104~0152~0179~0202~0443~0454~0532*58~0608~0675*00~1302*00┐▒89160419▓Planning for the elderly.│Cameron J┤╡1989 Jan 18-25╢0055╖0029-6589╕3╣18║85╗╝03╜╛0030~0498~0524*38~0608~1218~1241 38┐▒89160420▓A pain in the back.│Vousden M┤╡1989 Jan 18-25╢0055╖0029-6589╕3╣19║85╗╝03╜╛0116*28~0117*19 23~0498~0608~0876*00~0892*19~1218~1374*00┐▒89160421▓Community initiatives. Accidents will happen.│Kay E┤╡1989 Jan 18-25╢0055╖0029-6589╕3╣26-9║85╗╝03╜╛0009*00~0011*51~0202~0245*00~0498~0608~0950*00┐▒89160422▓Community initiatives. Community patch-work.│Smith S┤╡1989 Jan 18-25╢0055╖0029-6589╕3╣29-31║85╗╝03╜╛0245*00~0246 38~0406~0608┐▒89160423▓Back to school.│Macaulay R┤╡1989 Jan 18-25╢0055╖0029-6589╕3╣35-7║85╗╝03╜╛0374*00~0454~0608~0743~0774*37 48~0940~0942~0943*00┐▒89160424▓Waking up to postoperative pain.│Carr E┤╡1989 Jan 18-25╢0055╖0029-6589╕3╣38-9║85╗╝03╜╛0056 02~0608~0921~0922 17*37~1170┐▒89160425▓Uncharted territory.│Kloss D┤╡1989 Jan 18-25╢0055╖0029-6589╕3╣40-1║85╗╝03╜╛0498~0608~0744*31~0863*00~0876*31~0902 31~1218┐▒89160426▓Heartfelt care.│Cardiff J┤╡1989 Jan 18-25╢0055╖0029-6589╕3╣42-5║85╗╝03╜╛0179~0532*58~0537 53~0539*37~0608~0743~0801~0861┐▒89160427▓Tumour takes all.│Woods M┤╡1989 Jan 18-25╢0055╖0029-6589╕3╣46-7║85╗╝03╜╛0167*23 42~0608~0834*12 42┐▒89160428▓Taste changes in cancer patients.│Stubbs L┤╡1989 Jan 18-25╢0055╖0029-6589╕3╣49-50║85╗╝03╜╛0169~0608~0834*12 42~1284*23┐▒89160429▓The rise and fall of the male nurse movement.│Edwards G┤╡1989 Jan 18-25╢0055╖0029-6589╕3╣51-3║85╗╝03╜╛0498~0556~0565~0608~0743~0858*00~1218*26┐▒89160430▓Autonomy and accountability.│Vaughan B┤╡1989 Jan 18-25╢0055╖0029-6589╕3╣54-5║85╗╝03╜╛0608~0859*00~1210┐▒89160431▓Progressing nicely.│Shearer M┤╡1989 Jan 18-25╢0055╖0029-6589╕3╣60-1║85╗╝03╜╛0224*00~0377*00~0608~0861~1166┐▒89160432▓Diabetes. Teaching the teaching of self-care.│Mulkeen H┤╡1989 Jan 18-25╢0055╖0029-6589╕3╣63-5║85╗╝03╜╛0179~0245*20~0325*37 48~0374*00~0380*00~0383*00~0608~0743~0792~0943*00┐▒89160433▓Diabetes. Sweet success [interview by Andrew Heenan]│Connolly M┤╡1989 Jan 18-25╢0055╖0029-6589╕3╣66-7║85╗╝03╜╛0027~0179~0324*48~0454~0608~0876*00~0943~1373┐▒89160434▓Models and perspectives of addiction. Implications for treatment.│Hughes TL┤University of Illinois, College of Nursing, Chicago.╡1989 Mar╢0052╖0029-6465╕1╣1-12║24╗╝03╜The absence of consistent scientific evidence concerning the etiology and basic characteristics of alcoholism and other addictions has created ambiguity and uncertainty. These serve to foster and perpetuate the conflicts that inform the various theoretical perspectives and associated beliefs held by professionals in the addictions field. Addiction is more than a toxic state, a criminal offense, a disease, a mental health problem, or an unhealthy habit. It is also a social problem that affects every aspect of life--physical, psychological, and interpersonal. Given this fact, it is unlikely that one perspective can sufficiently guide the treatment of addicted clients. Thus, care of addicted clients must be based on a model of health-illness that is inclusive and flexible, yet distinct and relevant. Such a model must accommodate the reality that health or illness is the outcome of multiple personal characteristics that interact with a host of interdependent factors within the larger social environment. Nurses, because of their holistic and client-centered focus, are uniquely prepared to provide care to addicted clients.╛0040~0608~0799~0801~1132~1134~1258*00 37┐▒89160435▓Nursing interventions for addicted patients.│┤╡1989 Mar╢0052╖0029-6465╕1╣1-299║24╗╝03╜╛0608~1257*37┐▒89160436▓Co-dependency. Assessment and recovery.│Zerwekh JA, Michaels B┤Willowbrook Hospital, Waxahachie, Texas.╡1989 Mar╢0052╖0029-6465╕1╣109-20║24╗╝03╜Co-dependency involves a particular system of thinking, feeling, and behaving toward ourselves and others that often causes emotional pain and leads to low self-esteem. Co-dependent behaviors are self-destructive. A process of recovery from these self-defeating behaviors is discussed.╛0319 15 44*48~0499~0504~0608~0963*48~1132~1134~1172~1173~1187┐▒89160437▓The role of the psychiatric nurse in a community substance abuse prevention program.│Finley B┤Montana State University, Missoula.╡1989 Mar╢0052╖0029-6465╕1╣121-36║24╗╝03╜There is an increasing awareness of the need for prevention of substance abuse related problems. The psychiatric nurse is especially equipped to strengthen the bonds among citizens and parents, health agencies and schools, law enforcement and hospitals to assist the community in the design and implementation of its own prevention program. The nurse is able to facilitate the community's own vested interests in a manner congruent with its needs. The nature and scope of nursing practice have traditionally included responses to health-conducive behavior. The nurse emphasizes self-determination and choice in health matters; therefore, substance abuse prevention efforts are likely to be incorporated by the community. The nurse provides the knowledge of addiction and abuse and assists the community in its health enhancement by using addiction and nursing theory, interpersonal process, research competencies, and teaching skills.╛0024~0027~0039 43~0245*00~0432~0454~0513*00~0608~0743~0803~0992~1061*00~1257*43┐▒89160438▓Identifying the alcoholic client.│Tweed SH┤School of Nursing, University of Wisconsin-Madison.╡1989 Mar╢0052╖0029-6465╕1╣13-32║24╗╝03╜Although there is no single sign or symptom that provides conclusive evidence of alcoholism, a thorough and thoughtful assessment can provide clues for early identification of the alcoholic person. The nurse's approach should include an accepting, matter-of-fact, nonthreatening attitude. Family members should be included in the assessment if possible. The assessment should include information about the client's drinking patterns, as well as about physiological, psychological, and behavioral signs and symptoms indicative of alcoholism. Astute observations and questioning about this combination of factors can result in early identification and intervention with alcoholic clients and their families.╛0040*15 37 44~0608~0861*00~1132~1134┐▒89160439▓The role of the addictions nurse specialist in a general hospital setting.│Leiker TL┤St. Francis Regional Medical Center, Wichita, Kansas.╡1989 Mar╢0052╖0029-6465╕1╣137-49║24╗╝03╜The four major roles of the addictions nurse specialist were defined. Specific examples of role implementation were described for the roles of practitioner, consultant, educator, and researcher. It is evident that the roles of consultant and educator permeate the roles of practitioner and researcher in the practice setting. Role differentiation among addictions nurse specialists will continue as the role becomes more widely utilized. Critical to the success of the addictions nurse specialist are (1) organizational support, (2) clearly defined role expectations, and (3) mutually established short- and long-term goals for the position.╛0179~0594*00~0608~0743~0792~0852*00~0872~0943~1103~1142~1258*37┐▒89160440▓The certification process. History and significance for addictions nursing practice.│Nelson N┤University of Phoenix, Arizona.╡1989 Mar╢0052╖0029-6465╕1╣151-9║24╗╝03╜The addictions nursing certification process will become a reality for the nurse. Ideally, this process will provide a method of ensuring quality care while maintaining self-regulation by the profession. The literature supports certification based on standards of care as a measure of that quality of care and as a voluntary mechanism selected by the practicing nurse. Many professional issues lie ahead for specialty nursing practice in the 1990s. The addictions nursing certification established by the NNSA offers a quality basis for certification implementation. The addictions nursing practice certification credential can provide the acknowledgement that the nurse has mastered a body of knowledge and skills reflective of a specialty nursing area.╛0196*00 26 50~0556~0565~0608~0864~1226*50~1258*37~1326┐▒89160441▓Rehabilitation.│┤╡1989 Mar╢0052╖0029-6465╕1╣161-296║24╗╝03╜╛0608~1108*37~1226*00┐▒89160442▓Community liaison nursing. An expanded role for the rehabilitation nurse.│Giberstone T┤Sinai Rehabilitation Center, Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, Maryland.╡1989 Mar╢0052╖0029-6465╕1╣165-70║24╗╝03╜Throughout the United States nurses are increasingly becoming responsible for the evaluation process for entry into inpatient rehabilitation programs. Often called "Liaison Nurses, they interface between rehabilitation centers and the broader health care community.╛0121~0608~0658~1103*00~1108*37~1142~1226*00 32 59┐▒89160443▓Home health care and rehabilitation nursing.│Jaffe KB┤Rehabilitation & Home Health Care Services, Centinela Hospital Medical Center, Inglewood, California.╡1989 Mar╢0052╖0029-6465╕1╣171-8║24╗╝03╜Health care is increasingly being delivered on an outpatient and a home care basis than ever before. The Medicare Prospective Payment System, along with the implementation of DRGs, has caused an intense scrutiny of the need for and the length of hospitalization. Thus, hospitals have increased profit incentives to reduce costs and to discharge patients more quickly. Community awareness of the availability and effectiveness of home health care is now growing dramatically. Concurrently, the delivery of rehabilitation services is also rapidly expanding. These combined forces enable the rehabilitation nurse to be a significant member of the home health care interdisciplinary team.╛0179~0195 48~0454~0556~0564~0565~0574*00 26~0608~0792~0940*00~1108*37~1226*00~1326┐▒89160444▓The individual with high quadriplegia.│Kirby NA┤Division of Rehabilitation Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland.╡1989 Mar╢0052╖0029-6465╕1╣179-91║24╗╝03╜Persons with quadriplegia resulting from disease or trauma have an array of disabling impairments that involve virtually every body system. During the rehabilitation process, each impairment is addressed. This article presents alternatives in three areas: respiration, communication, and environmental control. The importance of tailoring strategies to the individual is emphasized throughout. Appropriate rehabilitation of the person with high quadriplegia goes beyond maintenance of life and health. An interdisciplinary team that includes the patient unites dreams, knowledge, skills, and technology so that the patient has the possibility of noninstitutional living, major control over his or her own destiny, some autonomy, and participation in a full spectrum of life activities. As Maddox noted: "Life is a fragile, fleeting thing, under any circumstances, and living it can be comic or tragic, weird or wonderful--regardless of one's motor limitations.╛0242~0409~0608~1081*37~1123 34~1132~1134┐▒89160445▓Cognitive retraining. A nursing approach to rehabilitation of the brain injured.│Bottcher SA┤National Rehabilitation Hospital, Washington, DC.╡1989 Mar╢0052╖0029-6465╕1╣193-208║24╗╝03╜Rehabilitation of those suffering from brain injury requires the efforts of the entire health team. Devising a standard plan of care organizes the efforts of team members while meeting the patient and family at the level of their present need. The rehabilitation process can be divided into three phases that reflect the behaviors of the patient: stimulation, structure, and reintegration. This approach to providing care helps reduce the devastating effects of damage to the central nervous system and to the individual.╛0153 37 44*48~0230*00~0608~0985~1132~1134┐▒89160446▓Halo-body jacket immobilization in rheumatoid arthritis patients with cervical myelopathy.│Nazaroff KS, Stanton JH, Magana KR, Kaufman RL┤Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center, Downey, California.╡1989 Mar╢0052╖0029-6465╕1╣209-23║24╗╝03╜The rehabilitation nurse may care for patients with arthritis in a variety of settings. When the patient has advanced RA, the problem of cervical myelopathy may require surgical intervention and use of the halo-body jacket immobilization orthosis. Expert pre- and postoperative management requires a knowledge of surgical nursing as well as rehabilitation nursing, in the traditional sense, to prevent complications and promote optimum recovery. When dealing with people who have lived with RA for many years, the rehabilitation nurse must continue to assess the patient's knowledge of the disease and use of self-management strategies and community resources.╛0091 12 37 53*55~0608~0902~0914*00~1008~1230 23 37 53*55┐▒89160447▓Rehabilitation and the geriatric patient.│Dacher JE┤Mason F. Lord Chronic Hospital and Nursing Facility, Baltimore, Maryland.╡1989 Mar╢0052╖0029-6465╕1╣225-37║24╗╝03╜The true challenge in the care of the elderly is to keep people at home, in the community, with a high degree of functional ability. This is beneficial to the individual and, from a financial point of view, to the community and public. Maintenance and restoration of function are best accomplished within a framework that considers the psychosocial and developmental needs of the geriatric patient and in a setting specifically intended for the geriatric rehabilitation patient. Unlike the rehabilitation process in younger age groups, which is often dramatic, successful work with geriatric patients is likely to be subtle, but it will result in a return to the community and allow patients to experience a higher level of satisfaction (both emotional and functional) at the end of their lives. The needs of this population are many, and the health care provider must consider disease, physiologic changes associated with aging, and developmental needs when planning and implementing care. Initial research has pointed to the efficacy of geriatric rehabilitation programs; this would seem to indicate a need for a true specialization in geriatrics within the field of rehabilitation.╛0030~0054 48~0195 48~0320 48~0489*59~0554 48~0608~1108*00~1132~1134┐▒89160448▓Trends in pediatric rehabilitation.│Burkett KW┤Pediatric Comprehensive Neurorehabilitation Unit, Kennedy Institute for Handicapped Children, Baltimore, Maryland.╡1989 Mar╢0052╖0029-6465╕1╣239-55║24╗╝03╜The 1980s have been declared the decade of the disabled. Surgeon General Koop has stated that "it is profoundly important for our own society that we tend to these issues of disabled children, that these children not be forgotten or pushed aside, and that we retain our belief in the strength of the American family . The field of pediatric rehabilitation, unheard of as recently as the late 1970s, has become a recognized specialty. The definition of pediatric rehabilitation has expanded to include the care and treatment of children with congenital and acquired disabilities. The pediatric rehabilitation nurse is challenged to keep abreast of new developments in the field while seeking and implementing innovative ways to assist the child and family in their adjustment to the child's disability. A knowledge base of normal growth and development is essential when assessing abnormal patterns in the child with a disability. Complete assessment of the child with a disability includes a parent-child interview and physical assessment, with particular focus on the child's developmental age, movement patterns, and functional activities of daily living. The reaction of the child and family to the disability is all too often viewed as lack of "acceptance of the child's disability. A continuum of "adjustment to the disability for both family and child describes normal coping mechanisms for living with and managing the needs of a disabled child. It is important for the pediatric rehabilitation nurse to develop a partnership with parents in which they serve as consultants to families, not as directors of the child's care. Cerebral palsy and spina bifida are the two most common childhood disabilities. With advanced technologic equipment and refined surgical procedures, the child's potential for independence is reaching new heights. Computerized technology has aided the motor-impaired child to progress through normal developmental processes of exploration and discovery. Specialized health procedures such as tube feedings and clean intermittent catherization have become routine for many children and their families. Advanced technology has also benefited the child who is ventilator dependent, although not without some limitations to the child, family, and society. Limited financial and psychosocial resources create a burden on both the family and society as the child continues to require high technology care. The relatively new field of head-injury rehabilitation provides an arena for pediatric rehabilitation nurses to define specific interventions for the child who is rapidly evolving through the stages of cognitive and motor recovery.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)╛0202~0508~0608~0951*59~1108*00~1132~1134~1165┐▒89160449▓Client and family learning in the rehabilitation setting.│Diehl LN┤Sinai Rehabilitation Center, Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, Maryland.╡1989 Mar╢0052╖0029-6465╕1╣257-64║24╗╝03╜Learning in the rehabilitation setting, whether it be inpatient or community based, is a vital part of the client and family's role as consumers of rehabilitation care. Educational programs foster client participation in selecting appropriate modes of learning activities as they relate to the recovery process and help the client and family make a smooth transition into community living. Varied modes of instruction may be used, including practice sessions, group learning activities, computerized programs, use of videos as well as printed resources. The role of the nurse as educator coupled with a broad range of teaching strategies provides the client and family effective tools to make ongoing changes related to their functional abilities. The role of the rehabilitation nurse as an educator is an evolving one. No longer is the nurse practicing in a rehabilitative setting, whether it be inpatient or community based, guaranteed what appeared to be unending time to conduct educational programs. Past constraints, shortened stays, the client assuming an earlier role as a self-care agent, the focus on wellness, disabled individuals mainstreaming into community life, greater family involvement in rehabilitation efforts, and increased use of paraprofessionals force the nurse to strengthen and clarify her role as educator. Nurses need to value their teaching role as an integral part of the team effort. Strategies include scheduling teaching time with clients and families, recording activities and outcomes, discussing educational issues with other disciplines, and designing and promoting an environment that is conducive to learning.╛0027~0443*00~0608~0708*00~0856~0943*00~1108*37~1285 34┐▒89160450▓Sexuality and the adult with acquired physical disability.│Rieve JE┤Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Division of Rehabilitation Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland.╡1989 Mar╢0052╖0029-6465╕1╣265-76║24╗╝03╜A theme of this article is that sexuality is a broad concept that includes perceptions of one's self as male or female as well as sexual drives and behaviors, which are influenced by personal, societal, and cultural factors. Disability has demonstrable impact on sexuality and must be taken into account by nurses concerned with rehabilitative approaches to clients with disabilities. Self-assessment by professionals of their attitudes and feelings about sexuality was encouraged. Some strategies were offered by which nurses can define and identify their level of involvement in the sexual counseling of disabled clients. Assessment and information for selected interventions were discussed, as were emerging issues requiring further exploration. The nurse's role as it relates to sexuality in persons with disabilities is to assist clients to find, implement, and integrate their beliefs and behaviors into a healthy and satisfying lifestyle.╛0027~0267~0454~0508*00~0608~0743~0861~1132~1134~1181*00~1183~1231 48┐▒89160451▓Cultural assessment in rehabilitation nursing practice.│Hoeman SP┤Department of Nursing, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.╡1989 Mar╢0052╖0029-6465╕1╣277-89║24╗╝03╜Relationships between disability and culture may affect the outcomes of care, clients' interactions with rehabilitation nurses, and clients' responses to rehabilitation services. Rehabilitation nurses have leadership roles that include coordinating and managing care, advocating for clients in the health system, educating family, clients, and community, and conducting research that can be applied to practice. Professional rehabilitation nurses are encouraged to examine the content and process of their clients' beliefs and behaviors in order to improve the outcomes of care for clients and to add to the body of knowledge of rehabilitation nursing.╛0288*00~0508~0608~0861*00~1108*37~1132~1134┐▒89160452▓Substance abuse. The silent saboteur in rehabilitation.│Pires M┤New England Regional Spinal Cord Injury Center, University Hospital, Boston University Medical Center, Massachusetts.╡1989 Mar╢0052╖0029-6465╕1╣291-6║24╗╝03╜Clearly, substance abuse among traumatically disabled persons can potentially sabotage rehabilitation outcomes for this population. There is evidence that substance abusers will comprise a growing percentage of patients within rehabilitation programs. Rehabilitation professionals must examine their own attitudinal barriers toward making a substance-abuse program an integral part of comprehensive rehabilitation care. Rehabilitation nurses are in a unique position to assist the rehabilitation team to identify the need for development of a substance-abuse program.╛0508*00 44~0509 12~0608~1132~1134~1257 12*48┐▒89160453▓Cocaine addiction. Assessment and intervention.│Nuckols CC, Greenson J┤Cardwell C. Nuckols and Associates, Orlando, Florida.╡1989 Mar╢0052╖0029-6465╕1╣33-43║24╗╝03╜Assessment and intervention of cocaine addiction is still an evolving science. There do exist pioneering efforts that allow for the appropriate assessment of this disease. As with other chemical addictions relapse remains a crucial treatment issue. Paramount to the treatment of cocaine addiction are the issues of early intervention and the management of drug hunger or "craving. The ability of health care professionals assisted by the legal profession, industry, and others to intervene early in the disease progression is critical. Early intervention yields a less guarded treatment prognosis. Accurate assessment of medical, behavioral, and psychosocial variables is crucial. Medical science has used existing strategies and new regimens to assist in the management of cocaine "craving. These strategies alone will not be effective without the time-tested delivery of rehabilitative services synergistically applied with self-help programs.╛0229*00~0608~1132~1134~1258*00 15 48 55┐▒89160454▓Addictive eating disorders.│Flood M┤Community Psychiatric Center, Millwood Hospital, Arlington, Texas.╡1989 Mar╢0052╖0029-6465╕1╣45-53║24╗╝03╜Addictive eating disorders have been a part of history and have only recently been recognized as psychiatric disorders. Increased publicity has enabled family and friends of eating disordered individuals to recognize the disease and seek help for them from trained medical professionals. Everyone is "at risk, but certain subpopulations have been "coming out of the closet in epidemic proportions. An ever-increasing number of high school-aged and college-aged females have developed some form of eating disorder, from fad diets to self-induced vomiting. In these individuals, the obsession with thinness takes priority over family, friends, schoolwork, or career. Strangely enough, the eating disordered person's addiction is not to food but to the feeling of numbness her behavior brings. Over time, the need to control is desperately sought and many patients transfer their obsession to other patterns of self-abuse. Nursing intervention should include setting the appropriate example in terms of the professional's relationship with food, while providing much needed emotional support. An innovative method of intervention available to nursing professionals includes the use of creative, visual imagery to repeatedly diffuse fear and anxiety about food until a level of personal autonomy over the disorder and other emotional concerns is achieved. Therefore, a system of recovery can be designed for the anorectic or bulimic patient and the experience of recovery from the eating disorder can be a lifelong process of personal growth.╛0369*00 37 44 55~0454~0608~0887~1132~1134┐▒89160455▓Family recovery from alcoholism. Mediating family factors.│Captain C┤School of Nursing, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.╡1989 Mar╢0052╖0029-6465╕1╣55-67║24╗╝03╜The problems families face during recovery from alcoholism are complex and pervasive. Sobriety for the alcoholic without concurrent alterations in family member relationships and improved family functioning too often leads to relapse and the demise of the family unit. The degree to which a family is able to modulate demands, use resources, implement effective coping strategies, and make necessary relationship adjustments may determine the extent to which treatment effects will be maintained. For those families who have successfully worked together to overcome the negative effects of alcoholism, the experience becomes a major catalyst to continued growth, maturity, and a healthier lifestyle. The nurse has a significant role in assisting the family with early recovery needs and in developing new behaviors for maintaining therapeutic gains.╛0040 37 44*48~0443*00~0445~0608~1132~1134~1282┐▒89160456▓Use of milieu as a problem-solving strategy in addiction treatment.│Jack LW┤University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing, Pennsylvania.╡1989 Mar╢0052╖0029-6465╕1╣69-80║24╗╝03╜Addicted clients begin their recovery through detoxification and treatment in a structured inpatient unit. The focus of treatment is most appropriately on learning new, more constructive ways for solving problems. Everyday living skills can best be learned in a therapeutic milieu where interactions in the here-and-now are examined and opportunities are present for practicing problem-solving skills. A therapeutic milieu can be designed and initiated through efforts of the nursing staff and members of other disciplines. It is a group treatment approach emphasizing active participation in structured activities, decision-making by consensus involving all members of the community, and a reward and restriction system based on the appropriateness of client behaviors. Certain problem behaviors of addicted clients can be addressed through confrontation and group pressure; to be expected are problems with manipulation, avoidance, aggression, impulsiveness, and grandiose denial. Staff members who work in a therapeutic milieu approach to treatment of addicted clients share certain concerns. Strategies need to be developed for dealing with manipulative attempts at splitting the staff into opposing forces, clarifying roles, enforcing unit policies, and lessening feelings of hopelessness when clients fail to achieve sobriety. A cohesive staff who work at trusting each other in an atmosphere of open communication and equitable conflict resolution are best able to support each other while addressing common concerns. While treatment in a therapeutic milieu is an effective beginning in the process of recovery, it must be remembered that it is only a beginning in the long, slow process of rehabilitation. And during that process, there are likely to be relapses, which can be used as learning tools in the development of improved problem-solving skills.╛0027~0179~0454~0608~0743~0795*00~0876 44~1039*00~1061~1132~1134~1258 44*55┐▒89160457▓The chemically dependent nurse.│Green P┤╡1989 Mar╢0052╖0029-6465╕1╣81-94║24╗╝03╜Although exact numbers are not known, it is recognized that addiction to alcohol and other drugs occurs in nurses as it does in other occupations. There is some indication that nurses may be at greater risk for the development of addictive disease because of factors present in the profession. The nursing profession is recognizing the problem impaired practice presents and is working to develop programs to ensure that the issue of the impaired nurse is no longer denied by institutions, administrators, and individual nurses. There is a need for education of the profession in regard to the nature of addictive disease and the identification of the nurse whose practice has become impaired because of the use of alcohol or other drugs. Nurses also need to know more about intervention, treatment, and monitoring of recovery. It is the responsibility of the entire profession to see that programs designed to accomplish these tasks are in place in all states. The goals of programs for the impaired nurse are to protect the safety of individual patients, to safeguard the integrity of the profession, and to facilitate treatment and rehabilitation for the chemically dependent nurse.╛0608~0876*44~1041*00~1132~1134~1140~1212~1258*00 44 48┐▒89160458▓Nursing interventions for addicted patient. Strategies for intervention.│Williams E┤Professional Advisory Services, Inc, Mission, Kansas.╡1989 Mar╢0052╖0029-6465╕1╣95-107║24╗╝03╜The intervention process is a powerful tool in helping those affected by chemical dependency. Intervention presents reality in a manner that penetrates the maladaptive defense mechanisms that have developed around this illness, both in the person who is thought to be chemically dependent and in those significant in his or her life. The process begins with the nurse assessing the extent of the problem and the likelihood that chemical dependency is the cause, or at least the primary factor. The nurse assists in identifying the persons to be involved in the intervention and the ability of the individuals and the group to carry out the intervention process. Education and preparation of the group are the next steps. Once the group is adequately prepared, the intervention is implemented. Throughout the process, the nurse is cautioned to remember (1) the patient/client is the person seeking assistance, not the person thought to be chemically dependent, and (2) he or she is a facilitator, not an intervener. Follow-up to the actual intervention is also important, ensuring the evaluation is completed, encouraging the individuals in the group to follow through with the prepared plans, and assisting them in dealing with the feelings they experience as a result of the intervention. Nurses often function as intervention facilitators. Because intervention is so powerful, preparation as a facilitator requires sound knowledge of the illness and the process and supervised clinical experience.╛0307~0501~0608~0861~1068*34~1132~1134~1258 37*44┐▒89160864▓How well do we perform? Parents' perceptions of paediatric care.│Ball M, Glasper A, Yerrell P┤╡1988 Dec╢0060╖0266-8130╕3╣115-8║4╗╝03╜╛0202~0608~0929*00~0950*50~1044*00~1082~1086┐▒89160865▓Whatever happened to the Griffiths Report?│Shuttleworth A┤╡1988 Dec╢0060╖0266-8130╕3╣119-20║4╗╝03╜╛0246*31~0498~0608~0874 38~1241┐▒89160866▓How can the incidence of surgical wound infection be reduced?│Morison MJ┤╡1988 Dec╢0060╖0266-8130╕3╣122-5║4╗╝03╜╛0608~1030*00~1271*00~1272*43┐▒89160867▓The Denford meeting--airing staff concerns.│Sigsworth J┤╡1988 Dec╢0060╖0266-8130╕3╣127-9║4╗╝03╜╛0179~0195 37~0608~0676~0743~0792~0855~0876*44~1253 43┐▒89160868▓The spiritual needs of atheists and agnostics.│Burnard P┤╡1988 Dec╢0060╖0266-8130╕3╣130-2║4╗╝03╜╛0608~0863*00~0936*00~0975~1112*00┐▒89160869▓The Conseal System: a viable alternative.│Taylor S┤╡1988 Dec╢0060╖0266-8130╕3╣134-7║4╗╝03╜╛0237*00~0249~0454~0608~0743~0792~0943~1056*00~1057┐▒89160870▓Encopresis: family support must accompany treatment.│Turner AF┤╡1988 Dec╢0060╖0266-8130╕3╣141-6║4╗╝03╜╛0126~0202~0215~0261 43~0402 43 44*48~0608~0929~0931*20┐▒89160871▓A diverse range of options lies north of the Border.│┤╡1988 Dec╢0060╖0266-8130╕3╣147-50║4╗╝03╜╛0177~0314~0608~0859*00~1168┐▒89160872▓Midwifery--ensuring new life has the best possible start.│┤╡1988 Dec╢0060╖0266-8130╕3╣151-2║4╗╝03╜╛0176*00~0177~0454~0498~0608~0794*00~1017┐▒89160873▓Agency work can broaden your experience.│┤╡1988 Dec╢0060╖0266-8130╕3╣154║4╗╝03╜╛0176~0498~0608~0878*00┐▒89160874▓Are you looking forward to the future?│Horne EM┤╡1989 Jan╢0060╖0266-8130╕4╣162║4╗╝03╜╛0377~0474*00~0608~0859*59┐▒89160875▓What is an alcohol problem?│Watts M┤╡1989 Jan╢0060╖0266-8130╕4╣167-9║4╗╝03╜╛0040*44~0360~0608~1206~1209*00┐▒89160876▓How would mandatory continuing education work?│Shuttleworth A┤╡1989 Jan╢0060╖0266-8130╕4╣170-2║4╗╝03╜╛0380*31~0385~0608~1040┐▒89160877▓Women's experiences of gynaecology.│Couch-Hockedy S┤╡1989 Jan╢0060╖0266-8130╕4╣173-6║4╗╝03╜╛0005*44~0006*44~0451~0454~0608~0626*44~1017┐▒89160878▓Do we discriminate against AIDS patients?│Peate I┤╡1989 Jan╢0060╖0266-8130╕4╣177-81║4╗╝03╜╛0015*44~0103*00~0608~1026┐▒89160879▓Reusable or disposable theatre linen--which is best?│Clark C┤╡1989 Jan╢0060╖0266-8130╕4╣183-5║4╗╝03╜╛0228*00~0249~0351*00~0608~0904~1268*00┐▒89160880▓Caring for patients with herpes zoster ophthalmicus.│Milbourn S┤╡1989 Jan╢0060╖0266-8130╕4╣186-8║4╗╝03╜╛0019 54~0044~0552 12*37 44~0589~0608┐▒89160881▓Department of Health research studentships.│Hurst K, Thompson D┤╡1989 Jan╢0060╖0266-8130╕4╣189║4╗╝03╜╛0406~0608~0872*34~1070~1119~1256*00┐▒89160882▓Teaching patients to cope with catheters at home.│Wright E┤╡1989 Jan╢0060╖0266-8130╕4╣191-4║4╗╝03╜╛0095~0575*20~0608~0943*00~1333*00┐▒89160883▓A guide to enteral feeding.│Taylor SJ┤╡1989 Jan╢0060╖0266-8130╕4╣195-200║4╗╝03╜╛0408*34~0473~0608┐▒89161103▓Nursing no place to scrimp on health care cost.│Mills B┤╡1989 Jan╢0061╖0033-4189╕1╣6║25╗╝03╜╛0276~0379*00~0523*19~0608~1326┐▒89161142▓Nurse liability in patient transfer.│Tammelleo AD┤╡1989 Jan╢0063╖0034-3196╕8╣1║29╗╝03╜╛0010*00~0011*00~0179~0215~0454~0608~0764 31~0876*31~0948*31~1292┐▒89161143▓Can nurse "diagnose arrest of labor? Case in point: Ewing v. Aubert (532 So. 2d 876--LA (1988)).│Tammelleo AD┤╡1989 Jan╢0063╖0034-3196╕8╣2║29╗╝03╜╛0179~0390~0454~0457*23~0599 31~0608~0644~0700*15~0732~0743~0764*31~0861~0864~0876*31~1017┐▒89161144▓Legal case briefs for nurses. GA.: incident report altered: punitive damages; CO.: concealing death: indictment dismissed.│Tammelleo AD┤╡1989 Jan╢0063╖0034-3196╕8╣3║29╗╝03╜╛0010~0179~0236~0394 31~0454~0467*31~0487~0533 37~0608~0743~0857~0868*31~0875*31~0876*31~1141*31┐▒89161145▓Nurses fail to respond to emergency "stat . Case in point: Garcia v. U.S. (697 F. Supp. 1579--CO (1988)).│Tammelleo AD┤╡1989 Jan╢0063╖0034-3196╕8╣4║29╗╝03╜╛0179~0236~0392*00~0543 37~0603 31~0608~0743~0744*31~0876*31┐▒89161179▓Prevention and nursing.│┤╡1988╢0062╖0144-6592╕╣i-ii, 1-174║22╗╝03╜╛0608~0863*00~1033*00~1034*00┐▒89161180▓An introduction to developments in prevention in nursing.│Linwood ME, Willis LD┤╡1988╢0062╖0144-6592╕╣1-10║22╗╝03╜╛0521*00~0608~0863*00~1036*00~1375┐▒89161181▓Patterns of prevention: an exploration of patterns of prevention in the broad sense as they have developed.│McClymont A┤╡1988╢0062╖0144-6592╕╣11-32║22╗╝03╜╛0209~0245*00~0608~0640~1034*00~1036*00┐▒89161182▓Family planning in a rural community.│Nzeribe NG┤╡1988╢0062╖0144-6592╕╣110-23║22╗╝03╜╛0105~0267 34~0446*00~0454~0513~0608~0743~0843~1149*00~1219┐▒89161183▓Prevention of drug misuse: a review of current policy with proposals for future development.│Davidson R┤╡1988╢0062╖0144-6592╕╣124-36║22╗╝03╜╛0042 20~0246*00~0498~0513~0520*00~0608~1257*43┐▒89161184▓Health care needs of a Canadian native population.│Anderson KA┤╡1988╢0062╖0144-6592╕╣137-46║22╗╝03╜╛0037~0288*00~0454~0521~0608~0637*00~0743~1034*00┐▒89161185▓Prevention and patterns of disease: prospects and research directions in nursing for the future.│Mussallem HK┤╡1988╢0062╖0144-6592╕╣147-62║22╗╝03╜╛0170~0225~0521*00~0608~0863*59~0938~1033*00~1034*00~1326~1375┐▒89161186▓Prevention of accidents to hospital patients.│Fitzgibbon M, Roberts FM┤╡1988╢0062╖0144-6592╕╣33-48║22╗╝03╜╛0009*00~0608~0658*00~0863*00~0949*00~1140~1141┐▒89161187▓Accidents in the community.│Linwood ME┤╡1988╢0062╖0144-6592╕╣49-61║22╗╝03╜╛0009*00~0011*51~0024~0202~0245*00~0246*00~0608~1158┐▒89161188▓Helping patients avoid readmission to hospital: a health behaviour study.│Larsen AS┤╡1988╢0062╖0144-6592╕╣62-88║22╗╝03╜╛0511*00~0608~0801~0863~0942*00~0943*00~0947*00┐▒89161189▓Chronic disease and the social matrix: a native American diabetes intervention.│Tom-Orme L┤╡1988╢0062╖0144-6592╕╣89-109║22╗╝03╜╛0138~0144~0245*00~0324*37 43 48~0513*00~0608~0637*00~0943~1340┐▒89161190▓Asymptomatic chlamydia during pregnancy.│Abel E, von Unwerth L┤College of Nursing, University of South Carolina, Columbia 29208.╡1988 Dec╢0064╖0160-6891╕6╣359-65║11╗╝03╜Data were collected by certified nurse midwives during routine antepartum visits for 111 low-income women. There was a significant difference between the incidence of chlamydia n = 25 (22.5%) and gonorrhea n = 2 (1.8%), Z-score = 4.7; p less than .01. If current practices for selective screening were used 19 of the 25 women who had a positive chlamydia would not have been tested. Given the complications associated with chlamydia for women and their offspring, early detection, treatment, and education programs are justified.╛0133~0217*21 43~0454~0494 21~0608~0752~1017~1020*21 43~1027~1194~1262┐▒89161191▓Preferences for treatment control among adults with cancer.│Degner LF, Russell CA┤School of Nursing, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.╡1988 Dec╢0064╖0160-6891╕6╣367-74║11╗╝03╜The preferences of adults with cancer about alternative roles they might play in treatment decision making was examined. The hypothesis was that people with cancer have ideal points along the psychological dimension of keeping, sharing, or giving away control over decision making. A theoretical sample of 60 ambulatory oncology patients was tested using two card-sort procedures with a total of eight vignettes describing various patterns of control over treatment decision making. Results indicated that preference orders of 59/60 patients were consistent with the existence of an underlying psychological dimension, "preferences for control over treatment decision making ; that most patients preferred the pattern of shared control; and that patients preferred to give control to the physician rather than a family member.╛0027~0044~0226~0301~0608~0834*44 55~0946*00~1262┐▒89161192▓A model for forecasting intermittent skilled home nursing needs.│Johansen S, Bowles S, Haney G┤Columbia University School of Public Health, New York, NY.╡1988 Dec╢0064╖0160-6891╕6╣375-82║11╗╝03╜The problem of forecasting the need and the cost for post-discharge skilled home nursing services is addressed by a simple statistical model. The model, assumptions, and simple calculations are described. Use of the model is illustrated with 7598 cancer patients and 2337 myocardial infarction patients. Simulation of the impact of changes in the health care delivery system toward greater and lesser severity of hospitalized patients is carried out. Two key projections illustrating the model's output are the number of patients with these diseases who will need care and the cost of that care.╛0276~0474~0525*00~0526*00~0575*59~0608~0800~0821 37~0834 37~0992┐▒89161193▓Assessment of the reliability of physical measures.│Engstrom JL┤Department of Maternal-Child Nursing, College of Nursing, University of Illinois, Chicago 60612.╡1988 Dec╢0064╖0160-6891╕6╣383-9║11╗╝03╜Assessment of the reliability of physical measures that yield continuous data (e.g., physiological measures such as blood pressure and anthropometric measures such as weight) should include the following statistics and procedures: mean, minimal and maximal differences; standard deviation of the net differences; technical error of measurement; and clinically meaningful indices of agreement. Displaying differences graphically and using Exploratory Data Analysis are excellent methods of summarizing differences. In those situations where any measurement error is important, regardless of its direction, the absolute value of the differences should be used to describe average differences. Correlation coefficients are not recommended because they are not adequate tests of reliability.╛0069~0295 50~0608~0983*50~1083*00~1101┐▒89161194▓Collaborative practice: a critical theory perspective.│McLain BR┤Department of Family Health Care Nursing, School of Nursing, University of California, San Francisco, CA 94143.╡1988 Dec╢0064╖0160-6891╕6╣391-8║11╗╝03╜The purpose of this critical theory study was to investigate the observed failure of nurses and physicians to collaborate, and the underlying meaning behind this failure. Using a phenomenological and participatory approach, 18 family nurse practitioners and physicians in joint practice were interviewed separately and together about their practice relationships. Transcribed interviews and data summaries were returned to the participants for review and validation. Emergent themes were analyzed using the critical theory of J urgen Habermas. Results demonstrated that distorted communication and nonmeaningful interactions were promoted by both nurses and physicians. Elements identified as contributing to more successful collaborative practices included a willingness to move beyond basic information exchange in nurse/physician interactions, the willingness and ability to challenge distortions and assumptions in the relationship, and a belief system based on critical self-reflection.╛0241~0608~0676*00~0854*00~0940~0988*00~1034~1042*00~1142*00~1264┐▒89161195▓Identification of nursing diagnoses and defining characteristics: two research models.│Woodtli A┤College of Nursing, University of Arizona, Tucson 85721.╡1988 Dec╢0064╖0160-6891╕6╣399-406║11╗╝03╜Nursing diagnoses and their defining characteristics associated with one Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) were identified and validated. The clinical-retrospective model and the nurse validation model were used to identify high-volume nursing diagnoses associated with DRG 366, transurethral prostatectomy, and to validate related defining characteristics. For the clinical-retrospective model, 34 patient records classified as DRG 366 were reviewed, nursing diagnoses and their associated defining characteristics were identified and retrospectively validated. The nurse-validation model was implemented by assessing nine patients within DRG 366 over 22 shifts. Analysis using descriptive statistics demonstrated 80% level of agreement on five most frequently identified nursing diagnoses, but lack of agreement on the associated defining characteristics.╛0333~0608~0801~0861*50~0864*50~0869*34~0872*34~1262┐▒89161196▓The hidden fallacies in longitudinal designs [editorial]│Oberst MT┤╡1989 Feb╢0064╖0160-6891╕1╣iii-iv║12╗╝03╜╛0608~0730*00~0872*34┐▒89161197▓Maternal confidence during toddlerhood: comparing preterm and fullterm groups.│Gross D, Rocissano L, Roncoli M┤Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, Department of Psychiatric Nursing, Chicago, Illinois.╡1989 Feb╢0064╖0160-6891╕1╣1-9║12╗╝03╜The purposes of this study were to explore predictors of maternal confidence during toddlerhood among mothers of children born preterm and fullterm and to determine if mothers of toddlers born preterm were less confident in parenting than mothers of toddlers born fullterm. Mothers of children born preterm (n = 62) and fullterm (n = 70) aged 12 months through 36 months (postnatal age) completed a measure of maternal confidence during toddlerhood, the Toddler Care Questionnaire (TCQ), and a family background form. Major predictor variables included the extent of the mother's prior childcare experience, toddler birth order, and maternal report of toddler handicaps and major health problems. Data on neonatal condition were collected from hospital records. There was no difference in mean TCQ score between the preterm and fullterm groups. In the preterm group, prior childcare experience, birth order, and maternal report of the toddler having cerebral palsy explained 33% of the variance. In the fullterm group, prior childcare experience, maternal age and toddler's birthweight explained 38% of the variance. The findings are discussed in light of Bandura's theory of self-efficacy (1982).╛0020~0213*00~0215~0249~0608~0640~0644~0646*00~0758*00~1173*00~1262┐▒89161198▓Instructional information and breast self-examination practice.│Lauver D┤University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, Philadelphia 19104-6096.╡1989 Feb╢0064╖0160-6891╕1╣11-9║12╗╝03╜The effects of four interventions on frequency and thoroughness of breast self-examination (BSE) were compared. The interventions provided different types of information, as derived from a self-regulation framework, to promote BSE practice. Women seeking BSE instruction (N = 204) were randomly assigned to interventions. No intervention effects on frequency were observed. However, exam frequency increased from pre- to postintervention and remained constant over 3 and 6 months follow-up. Interaction effects observed on thoroughness suggested that a positive effect of sensory information about the breast was conditional upon having had prior experience with BSE. Implications for research, theory, and practice are drawn.╛0020~0027~0030~0155*00~0157*15~0454~0511~0608~0792~0923*00~0941~0943 34~1177~1262~1264┐▒89161199▓Confusion in the hospitalized elderly: incidence, onset, and associated factors.│Foreman MD┤Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing, College of Nursing, University of Illinois, Chicago.╡1989 Feb╢0064╖0160-6891╕1╣21-9║12╗╝03╜Seventy-one non-surgical patients over age 60 years were studied to obtain information about the incidence, onset and variables associated with the onset of confusion. The incidence of confusion was 38%; 27 of the 71 subjects developed confusion during hospitalization. Nineteen of the 27 patients developed confusion by the second day of hospitalization; no new cases of confusion were detected after the sixth day of hospitalization. An examination of the psychophysiologic variables associated with the onset of confusion produced a profile of the confused elderly patient. Confused patients were: hypernatremic, hypokalemic, hyperglycemic, hypotensive, had elevated blood levels of creatinine and urea nitrogen, received more medications, were more frequently perceived by nurses as confused, had more orienting objects in their immediate environment, and fewer interactions with significant others. Recommendations for the continued investigation and care of confused patients are offered.╛0020~0030*44~0231*23~0257*23 37~0454~0573~0589*00~0608~0743~1140~1262~1264┐▒89161200▓Theoretical modeling to predict violence in hospitalized psychiatric patients.│Morrison EF┤School of Nursing, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio.╡1989 Feb╢0064╖0160-6891╕1╣31-40║12╗╝03╜Research from a nursing perspective on factors related to psychiatric inpatient violence is lacking. The purpose of the study was to test a nursing theoretical framework of violence using predictive model testing. Data were collected by 57 nursing staff on 162 hospitalized patients in four hospitals. Inconsistencies in the social and therapeutic rules predicted 18% of the violent behavior. Demographic and medical variables contributing to violence were: history of violence towards others, length of hospitalization, and the diagnosis of substance abuse. The findings support the need for further research to identify nursing concepts that contribute to patient violence.╛0027~0103~0454~0589*00~0598~0608~0743~0774*44~0800~1061~1142~1262~1264~1355*00┐▒89161201▓Aberrant eating behavior in elderly parkinsonian patients with and without dementia: analysis of video-recorded meals.│Athlin E, Norberg A, Axelsson K, M oller A, Nordstr om G┤Department of Advanced Nursing, University of Ume a, Sweden.╡1989 Feb╢0064╖0160-6891╕1╣41-51║12╗╝03╜Aberrant eating behavior among 14 elderly, non-demented and 10 demented patients with Parkinson's disease was studied by means of video-recordings. The findings revealed problems in handling food on the plate, transporting food into the mouth, manipulating food in the mouth, and swallowing. Interpretations were performed based on impairments of autonomic processes, perception, cognition, emotion, and motor performance that occur in the disease.╛0030~0311 12*44~0452*00~0454~0508~0608~0743~0792~0934 12 37*44~1053~1262~1353┐▒89161202▓Blood pressure norms for healthy young adults: relation to sex, age, and reported parental hypertension.│Hahn WK, Brooks JA, Hite R┤Student Health Services, University of Tennessee, Knoxville 37996.╡1989 Feb╢0064╖0160-6891╕1╣53-6║12╗╝03╜Blood pressure norms are presented for 1,522 white, healthy, nonsmoking, normotensive 18 to 22-year-old men and women as a function of age and parental hypertension. Age effects were observed for diastolic blood pressure among males only. Parental hypertension was related to higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure among young women, and women with two hypertensive parents had higher systolic blood pressure than women with one hypertensive parent. The use of oral contraceptives is likely to have affected these results. Directions for future research are given.╛0024~0027~0029~0138*00~0454~0608~0620*23 43~0743~0931*00~1102~1140~1185┐▒89161203▓Some ethical implications of qualitative research.│Ramos MC┤University of Virginia School of Nursing, Charlottesville 22903.╡1989 Feb╢0064╖0160-6891╕1╣57-63║12╗╝03╜Traditional values in nursing dictate a high level of concern for the welfare of research participants. Initial attempts at setting minimal ethical standards stemmed from the quantitative approaches. As qualitative modalities are more widely used, nurses must become acutely aware of possible problems in study design and planning, the dangers of coercion and deception, threats to confidentiality and trust, implications of the emergent design, and providing for a new concept of informed consent. The new character of the research relationship is examined in light of possible strategies for protection of research participants while preserving the integrity of qualitative investigation.╛0255~0295~0428*00~0608~0655~0872*00~0938~1045~1319┐▒89161559▓Late effects of cancer treatment in children and adults.│┤╡1989 Feb╢0067╖0749-2081╕1╣1-73║5╗╝03╜╛0027~0079*03~0202~0608~0834*55~1093*03┐▒89161560▓Endocrine late effects among survivors of cancer.│Hobbie WL, Schwartz CL┤╡1989 Feb╢0067╖0749-2081╕1╣14-21║5╗╝03╜╛0027~0079*03~0202~0403 16*45~0454~0608~0624 16 45~0743~0834*17 46~0917 23~1088 23~1093*03~1132~1134~1290 23~1299 23┐▒89161561▓Late effects of cancer therapy on the central nervous system.│Kramer J, Moore IM┤╡1989 Feb╢0067╖0749-2081╕1╣22-8║5╗╝03╜The number of studies documenting the long-term morbidity of CNS treatment has increased dramatically in recent years. Cranial irradiation, in particular, has been associated with cognitive deficits and neuroanatomic pathology. Children who are treated at an early age and individuals who receive higher doses (2,400 cGy or greater) appear to be at greatest risk for these sequelae. Much more research on the pathogenesis of delayed injury following CNS treatment is needed. Although several compelling mechanisms have been proposed, little empirical evidence is available. This knowledge is essential to the identification of agents that may protect normal brain tissue from injury. Even less is known about the effects of age at time of treatment, type of treatment (radiation v chemotherapy), or dose of radiation in relation to delayed injury. Of utmost importance are studies that will establish the predictive relationship between brain injury and cognitive deficits. This would allow clinicians to predict patients who are at risk for cognitive impairment in order to institute appropriate preventive or remedial interventions.╛0027~0079*03~0188 16*45~0202~0608~0834 17*46~1088 23~1093*03~1132~1134┐▒89161562▓Genetic counseling of the cancer survivor.│Mulvihill JJ, Byrne J┤╡1989 Feb╢0067╖0749-2081╕1╣29-35║5╗╝03╜Each year, tens of thousands of persons are diagnosed with cancer, are treated, and become survivors while still in their reproductive years. Their concerns about possible germ-cell damage as a result of life-saving radiation, chemotherapy, or both are plausible, based on evidence from animal models and from somatic cell mutations in human beings. A 40-year follow-up of survivors of the atomic bomb blasts in Japan showed no detectable genetic damage and suggested that the human gonad is more resistant to radiogenic mutation than the laboratory mouse. The pooled results of studying 12 series of offspring of cancer patients showed a 4% rate of major birth defects (similar to that of the general population) and an excess of fetal loss and low birth weight in offspring of women who received abdominal radiotherapy. According to preliminary evaluation of a new National Cancer Institute collaboration with five cancer registries, offspring of survivors of childhood cancers had no more birth defects than expected and, beyond an increase in probably familial cancers in children younger than 5, no overall increase in childhood cancer. Ideally, genetic and reproductive counseling should take place as soon as cancer is diagnosed (before therapy starts) and again when pregnancy is contemplated.╛0027~0067~0079 03~0202~0454~0471~0485*00~0608~0743~0834 24*55~0918 16 45~1017*00~1093 03~1132~1134~1291 16 45┐▒89161563▓Immunologic late effects in children and adults.│Workman ML┤╡1989 Feb╢0067╖0749-2081╕1╣36-42║5╗╝03╜╛0027~0079 03~0202~0608~0632*16 45~0834 17 27*37 46~1093 03~1132~1134┐▒89161564▓Late effects in multiple body systems.│Ruccione K, Weinberg K┤╡1989 Feb╢0067╖0749-2081╕1╣4-13║5╗╝03╜╛0027~0079*03~0202~0608~0834*17 46~0861~1093*03~1132~1134┐▒89161565▓Second malignancies following cancer therapy.│Fraser MC, Tucker MA┤╡1989 Feb╢0067╖0749-2081╕1╣43-55║5╗╝03╜In the absence of proper treatment, essentially all patients with disseminated malignancy and a substantial number of those with more localized disease will die of their cancer. Unfortunately, effective cancer therapy usually results in exposure to treatment that, in itself, may be carcinogenic. The long-term risks attributed to such therapy, however, must be balanced against the benefits of therapy for a life-threatening disease. The risk of treatment-related malignancies is under intensive investigation. As the follow-up time increases on various treatment regimens, our knowledge of these late effects will be advanced significantly.╛0027~0079*03~0202~0608~0834*10 17 46~0836*23~1093*03~1132~1133┐▒89161566▓Psychosocial consequences of childhood cancer.│Hymovich DP, Roehnert JE┤╡1989 Feb╢0067╖0749-2081╕1╣56-62║5╗╝03╜This article summarizes findings regarding the psychosocial late effects of chronic childhood cancer on long-term survivors. Overall, the psychosocial adjustment of many survivors appears to be within the normally expected range. Studies that compared cancer survivors with healthy controls on standardized scales found few or no significant differences in psychopathology. However, more subtle concerns or problems related to physical impairments, vocational discrimination, economic burden, and early and open communication within the family were identified. More research is needed to fully understand these subtle difficulties and to identify intervention strategies to prevent psychosocial late effects from occurring, and to ameliorate them when they are present.╛0142~0202~0395*00~0608~0723~0834*44 48~1132~1134~1173~1219~1264┐▒89161567▓The adult cancer survivor: psychosocial consequences of cure.│Quigley KM┤╡1989 Feb╢0067╖0749-2081╕1╣63-9║5╗╝03╜This article has summarized the psychosocial sequelae identified for the adult cancer survivor. The themes that have been identified relate to loss, compromise, and uncertainty. There is, as yet, no evidence of increased psychopathology in this population. Research on this subject is sparse and difficult to interpret. Consistent definitions of survival across studies is needed in order to compare findings. Although no specific length of time is precise for a given individual, information does exist that would assist in defining long-term survival for a given disease. The use of sensitive measures and appropriate comparison groups is an important consideration in future studies. Instruments that measure psychopathology have often been used; however, these instruments appear not to be sensitive to the more subtle levels of psychological distress and problems associated with long-term survival. Schipper and Levitt have emphasized the need for more discriminating tools. Spitzer and colleagues propose the use of in-depth psychological interviews as optimal in this regard. Comparison groups have varied from neighbors, friends, college students, psychiatric patients, and national surveys. In addition to a lack of consistency among these groups, questions have been raised in the literature as to what degree these groups represent the general population. Schipper and Levitt suggest that patients might best be used as their own controls and followed over time. Through increased understanding, strategies for prevention and intervention can be designed. An editorial in the newsletter for the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship states, "the strength of the survivorship movement can be measured, in part, by the fact that these activities have developed independently, without coordination.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)╛0020*00~0027~0395~0608~0675~0834*44 48~1132~1133~1203┐▒89161745▓[Substance dependence and substance abuse]│Ouvry O, Allilaire JF┤╡1989 Jan╢0066╖0397-7900╕1╣21-3║39╗Pharmaco-d ependances et toxicomanies.╝04╜╛0431~0556~0563~0565~0608~1257*00 26~1258*00 26~1326┐▒89161746▓[Substance abuse: social aspects]│Ouvry O, Allilaire JF┤╡1989 Jan╢0066╖0397-7900╕1╣25-6║39╗Toxicomanie: aspects sociaux.╝04╜╛0288~0608~1209*00~1257*44┐▒89161747▓[Substance abuse: individual aspects]│Ouvry O, Allilaire JF┤╡1989 Jan╢0066╖0397-7900╕1╣27-30║39╗Toxicomanie: aspects individuels.╝04╜╛0608~0963*12~1257 12*44┐▒89161748▓[Substance abuse: afterwards]│Clav e M┤╡1989 Jan╢0066╖0397-7900╕1╣31-3║39╗Toxicomanie: l'apr es.╝04╜╛0024~0479~0608~1109~1257*48┐▒89161749▓[At Pierre-Nicole (interview)]│Touzeau D┤╡1989 Jan╢0066╖0397-7900╕1╣34-5║39╗A Pierre-Nicole.╝04╜╛0024~0608~0932~1109*00~1257*48┐▒89161750▓[Understanding wound healing in order to treat a wound better]│Antonetti J, Vaillant N┤╡1989 Jan╢0066╖0397-7900╕1╣37-9║39╗Comprendre la cicatrisation pour mieux soigner une plaie.╝04╜╛0513~0608~1376*00~1378*37┐▒89161751▓[Radiotherapy: problems and sequelae, treatment measures]│Vaysse MC, Gely H┤╡1989 Jan╢0066╖0397-7900╕1╣41-3║39╗Radioth erapie: incidents et s equelles, moyens de traitement.╝04╜╛0608~0811 45~1088 43*55~1093*03~1196 45┐▒89161752▓[Nutrition of patients in radiotherapy]│Champetier S┤╡1989 Jan╢0066╖0397-7900╕1╣45-8║39╗Alimentation des malades sous radioth erapie.╝04╜╛0027~0202~0608~0881*00~1093*00┐▒89161753▓[Practical aspects of bladder catheterization]│Manillier MH┤╡1989 Jan╢0066╖0397-7900╕1╣49-52║39╗La pratique du sondage v esical.╝04╜╛0454~0608~0743~1333*34┐▒89161754▓[Making good use of culture in nursing care]│Burrus O┤╡1989 Jan╢0066╖0397-7900╕1╣53-6║39╗Bien user de la culture ... pour les soins infirmiers.╝04╜╛0288*00~0608~0855~0863*50┐▒89161755▓[General care, psychiatry--towards a common education]│Levigneur D, Bourdais R┤╡1989 Jan╢0066╖0397-7900╕2╣19-22║39╗Soins g en eraux, psychiatrie--vers une formation commune.╝04╜╛0377*59~0608~1035~1061*20┐▒89161756▓[Sacred heart ... grafted heart...]│Bregetzer J┤╡1989 Jan╢0066╖0397-7900╕2╣23-5║39╗Coeur sacr e ... coeur greff e....╝04╜╛0027~0107~0179~0532*58~0608~0743┐▒89161757▓[The views of others are sometimes disturbing]│Clav e M┤╡1989 Jan╢0066╖0397-7900╕2╣26-7║39╗Le regard des autres est parfois d erangeant.╝04╜╛0608~0688~0878*19┐▒89161758▓[Occupational nurses: still an ambiguous function]│Manillier MH┤╡1989 Jan╢0066╖0397-7900╕2╣29-30║39╗Infirmi eres du travail: une fonction encore ambigu e.╝04╜╛0479~0608~0893*00┐▒89161759▓[Detection of deafness in children]│Francois M┤╡1989 Jan╢0066╖0397-7900╕2╣31-4║39╗D epistage de la surdit e chez l'enfant.╝04╜╛0029~0215~0298*15~0531*34~0608~0640┐▒89161760▓[Social security. 1]│Wehrlin N┤╡1989 Jan╢0066╖0397-7900╕2╣35-9║39╗La s ecurit e sociale--1.╝04╜╛0479~0556~0565~1211*00 26┐▒89161761▓[Planned hemodilution in orthopedics]│Kahwati C┤╡1989 Jan╢0066╖0397-7900╕2╣40-2║39╗L'h emodilution intentionnelle en orthop edie.╝04╜╛0546*00~0608~0913*00~1030┐▒89161762▓[New ways to explore the spine]│Belmatoug N┤╡1989 Jan╢0066╖0397-7900╕2╣44-50║39╗Les nouveaux moyens d'exploration du rachis.╝04╜╛0332*00~0608~0741~0820~1232*15~1233 47~1308┐▒89161770▓[Nursing management in the hospital. A profile of nursing management organs (specifically administration)]│Bernal M, Bogu n a M, Prieto RM┤╡1988 Dec╢0065╖0210-5020╕124╣11-3║11╗La gesti on de enfermer ia en el hospital. Perfil de los organos de gesti on de enfermer ia (espec ificamente, direcci on).╝11╜╛0608~0873*38 59~0879 38 59┐▒89161771▓[Continuing education in hospitals]│P erez Hern andez RM, Albendiz Ruiz FJ┤╡1988 Dec╢0065╖0210-5020╕124╣15-9║11╗Formaci on continuada en hospitales.╝11╜╛0380*00~0581~0583~0594~0659*00~0784~1224┐▒89161772▓[Juvenile delinquents. A serious social ill]│Llamas Urrutia C┤╡1988 Dec╢0065╖0210-5020╕124╣21-7║11╗J ovenes delincuentes. Una grave enfermedad social.╝11╜╛0024~0608~0693 43 48~1209*00~1213~1215~1219~1224┐▒89161773▓[Manual lymphatic drainage. An innovative therapy]│Lozano Mart inez F, Marcal L opez JA┤╡1988 Dec╢0065╖0210-5020╕124╣28-32║11╗Drenaje linf atico manual. Una terapia innovadora.╝11╜╛0357*34~0608~0738*41~0739 05 41~0863 34┐▒89161774▓[Oral diets in the hospital]│Cao Torija MJ┤╡1988 Dec╢0065╖0210-5020╕124╣33-6║11╗Dietas orales en el hospital.╝11╜╛0337~0338*34~0608~0884┐▒89161775▓[Occlusive dressings in the management of decubitus ulcers]│Varea S, Oro C, Bronchales J, Sapena MJ, Poveda C, Maranch on F, Forn es J, Oro JM┤╡1988 Dec╢0065╖0210-5020╕124╣39-42║11╗Ap ositos oclusivos en la curaci on de ulceras por dec ubito.╝11╜╛0030~0031~0306*37~0454~0608~0743~0792~0891*00┐▒89161776▓[A rehabilitation program for coronary patients]│de Puig A┤╡1988 Dec╢0065╖0210-5020╕124╣44-9║11╗Programa de rehabilitaci on para pacientes coronarios.╝11╜╛0271~0272 37*48~0608~0943 34~1224┐▒89161777▓[Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. 1. The catheter for CAPD]│S anchez Zaplana I, Buj A┤╡1988 Dec╢0065╖0210-5020╕124╣52-6║11╗Di alisis peritoneal continua ambulatoria. 1. Cat eter para CAPD.╝11╜╛0182 03 29 34~0608~0958 03*29 34┐▒89161778▓[Continuing education. 32. Subject: geriatric nursing. Topic: To live old age]│S anchez Mart inez ML, Artigas Lelong B, Pardo Y a nez E┤╡1988 Dec╢0065╖0210-5020╕124╣58-62║11╗Formaci on continuada. 32. Area: enfermer ia geri atrica. Tema: vivir la vejez.╝11╜╛0030~0032*00~0054 37~0179~0380*00~0454~0488*20~0608~1224┐▒89161779▓[Between theory and practice (editorial)]│┤╡1988 Dec╢0065╖0210-5020╕124╣9║11╗Entre la teor ia y la pr actica.╝11╜╛0377*59~1224┐▒89161780▓[A new operating room for the Georgia Baptist Medical Center]│Hudson AC┤╡1988 Dec╢0065╖0210-5020╕124 Suppl╣10-4║11╗Un nuevo quir ofano para el Georgia Baptist Medical Center.╝11╜╛0487~0586*00~0590*00~0604*00~0904*00┐▒89161781▓[The function of the operating room nurse in changing the design of the surgery department]│Ross P┤╡1988 Dec╢0065╖0210-5020╕124 Suppl╣4-5║11╗La funci on de la enfermera de quir ofano en el cambio de dise no del departamento quir urgico.╝11╜╛0487~0585*00~0586*00~0604~0608~0879~0902*32~1266*00┐▒89161782▓[The function of the surgical staff in the design of the surgery department]│Wilson JP┤╡1988 Dec╢0065╖0210-5020╕124 Suppl╣6-8║11╗La funci on de la plantilla quir urgica en el desarrollo del departamento quir urgico.╝11╜╛0487~0585*00~0586*00~0604~0608~0902*32~0903*00~1266*00┐▒89162098▓[The dialogue on humanizing care]│Cucci M, Benner P┤╡1988 Sep-Oct╢0068╖╕5╣228-30║36╗O di alogo na humaniza~c ao dos cuidados.╝09╜╛0608~0610*00~0855~0863*00~0949 44┐▒89162099▓[Caring for a dying patient is above all helping a patient while alive]│de Barros MI┤╡1988 Sep-Oct╢0068╖╕5╣231-40║36╗Cuidar de um doente moribundo e antes de mais assistir um doente em vida.╝09╜╛0104~0299*00~0608~0610~0855~0880~1289*44┐▒89162100▓[Attending the elderly dying patient]│Sebag-Lano e R, Cazas A┤╡1988 Sep-Oct╢0068╖╕5╣241-5║36╗O acompanhamento do velho moribundo.╝09╜╛0030~0104~0241~0608~0855~1289*34 44┐▒89162101▓[Diabetes and pregnancy]│Grimaldi A, Bosquet F, Coutarel P, Vauttier D, Sachon C, Sebacher J, Darbois Y┤╡1988 Sep-Oct╢0068╖╕5╣246-52║36╗Diabetes e gravidez.╝09╜╛0326 12*55~0327~0454~0460 23 43~0462~0608~0617 12 55~0662 54~1017~1021 12*55~1046┐▒89162102▓[Diabetes. Let us stop researching glycosuria]│Miller VG┤╡1988 Sep-Oct╢0068╖╕5╣253-4║36╗Diabetes. Deixemos de pesquisar a glicos uria.╝09╜╛0136 06~0137~0249~0324 07*60~0493*60~0608┐▒89162103▓[Acute bronchiolitis. A case study. The Lisbon School of Postgraduate Nursing. Specialization course in rehabilitation nursing]│Urbano GP┤╡1988 Sep-Oct╢0068╖╕5╣255-70║36╗Bronquiolite aguda. Estudo de caso. Escola de Enfermagem P os-B asica de Lisboa. Curso de especializa~c ao em enfermagem de reabilita~c ao.╝09╜╛0018~0159*37 42 48~0179~0380*00~0608~0870~1006~1226*00┐▒89162104▓[Ventilator weaning]│Nett LM, Morganroth ML, Petty TL┤╡1988 Sep-Oct╢0068╖╕5╣271-80║36╗Desmame do ventilador.╝09╜╛0509 37~0608~0737 37~1124 37~1297 37~1301~1350 34*37~1351┐▒89162437▓[Standard nursing care plans]│Grypdonck M┤╡1988 Nov 24╢0069╖0033-6456╕23╣731-3║42╗Standaardverpleegplannen.╝02╜╛0432~0608~0863*50~0939*50~1084┐▒89162438▓[Standardization and nursing diagnosis]│Leih P┤╡1988 Nov 24╢0069╖0033-6456╕23╣734-8║42╗Standaardisatie en verpleegkundige diagnoses.╝02╜╛0608~0861*50~0863*50~0864*50~0939*50┐▒89162439▓[Management and standard nursing care plans]│Bekkers F, Stam G┤╡1988 Nov 24╢0069╖0033-6456╕23╣739-43║42╗Management en standaardverpleegplannen.╝02╜╛0377~0387~0608~0659~0863*50~0873*38~0939*50~1082┐▒89162440▓[Standard nursing care plan in practice. The use of the standard nursing care plan in a professional practice]│Salentijn C┤╡1988 Nov 24╢0069╖0033-6456╕23╣744-6║42╗Standaardverpleegplan in praktijk. Het gebruik van het SVP in een praktijk van beroepsuitoefening.╝02╜╛0608~0863 38*50~0939*50┐▒89162441▓[Study of a standard nursing care plan--effects of the standard nursing care plan on a patient undergoing PTCA (percutaneous transluminal angioplasty)]│Kastermans M┤╡1988 Nov 24╢0069╖0033-6456╕23╣748-51║42╗Een standaardverpleegplan onderzocht--effecten van het standaardverpleegplan PTCA-patient.╝02╜╛0066*37~0608~0939*50┐▒89162442▓[Standard nursing care plans: do they improve quality?]│van der Bom P, van Dodewaard-de Langen M, Wijngaards M┤╡1988 Nov 24╢0069╖0033-6456╕23╣752-4║42╗Standaardverpleegplannen: kwaliteitsverhogend?╝02╜╛0325*37~0608~0866~0939*50~1084*00┐▒89162443▓[Side effects of radiotherapy--development and introduction of a standard nursing care plan]│Bos M, Noyen J, Tjia PF┤╡1988 Nov 24╢0069╖0033-6456╕23╣755-8║42╗Bijwerkingen bij radiotherapie--ontwikkeling en invoering van een standaardverpleegplan.╝02╜╛0608~0866~0939*50~1088*37~1093*03┐▒89162444▓[Automation and standard nursing care plans]│Nikkels HT, Remmelts P, Banens JM┤╡1988 Nov 24╢0069╖0033-6456╕23╣759-61║42╗Automatisering en standaardverpleegplannen.╝02╜╛0253*00~0608~0871*00~0939*50┐▒89162445▓[This is how patients can feel ... nursing problem]│┤╡1988 Nov 24╢0069╖0033-6456╕23╣761║42╗Zo kunnen pati enten zich voelen ... verpleegperikel.╝02╜╛0275~0370~0608~0838~0876 19*52~1099*32┐▒89162446▓[Grief and mourning--I]│Jaspers L┤╡1988 Dec 8╢0069╖0033-6456╕24╣771-5║42╗Rouw en rouwverwerking--I.╝02╜╛0020*00~0027~0202~0395~0454~0499*00~0608~0640~0743~0931 44~1191~1259*00┐▒89162447▓[From profile to quality profile. The development of a measuring tool for quality evaluation of nursing care for mentally retarded]│de Veen G, Hollands L, van Bergen B┤╡1988 Dec 8╢0069╖0033-6456╕24╣776-9║42╗Van profiel tot kwaliteitsprofiel.╝02╜╛0310~0608~0778*37~0870 50~1061*50~1082*00┐▒89162448▓[The filtering role of the nurse in the emergency service]│Baars N┤╡1988 Dec 8╢0069╖0033-6456╕24╣780-2║42╗De filterfunctie van verpleegkundigen op de acute hulppolikliniek.╝02╜╛0393*00~0394*00~0608~0861~0876*00~1318*00┐▒89162449▓[Personnel planning for a fixed period. Aids for head nurses]│de Bekker JM, van Dun CM┤╡1988 Dec 8╢0069╖0033-6456╕24╣783-9║42╗Pesoneelsplanning op termijn.╝02╜╛0608~0838~0873*38~0879*00~0967*00~0969*00~1300┐▒89162450▓[Malnutrition: a misdiagnosed problem]│Meijer AM┤╡1988 Dec 8╢0069╖0033-6456╕24╣792-3║42╗Inter disciplinair ondervoeding: een onderschat probleem.╝02╜╛0030~0608~0882*15 43~0883~1140┐▒89162451▓[Humanly deficient and medically sufficient]│Thung PJ┤╡1988 Dec 22╢0069╖0033-6456╕25╣803-7║42╗Menselijk tekort en medisch genoeg.╝02╜╛0427*00~0608~0976~1085*00~1286*00┐▒89162452▓[Between therapy and 'acting normally'. The work of psychiatric nurses]│Borgesius E┤╡1988 Dec 22╢0069╖0033-6456╕25╣808-10║42╗Tussen therapie en 'gewoon doen'.╝02╜╛0608~0855*00~1061*00~1142*00┐▒89162453▓[Grief and mourning--II]│Jaspers L┤╡1988 Dec 22╢0069╖0033-6456╕25╣812-4║42╗Rouw en rouwverwerking--II.╝02╜╛0020*00~0027~0202~0299*00~0395~0454~0480~0499*00~0608~0743~1067┐▒89162454▓[Case management--a task for psychiatric nurses?]│Brouns G, Dassen T┤╡1988 Dec 22╢0069╖0033-6456╕25╣815-8║42╗Case management--een taak voor psychiatrisch verpleegkundigen?╝02╜╛0573~0608~0939*38~1061*00┐▒89162455▓[This is how patients can feel--treated as cattle]│┤╡1988 Dec 22╢0069╖0033-6456╕25╣819-20║42╗Zo kunnen pati enten zich voelen--als koe behandeld.╝02╜╛0179~0241*00~0608~0658*44~0743~0855~0949*44~1045*00┐▒89162456▓[Reaction to the article 'Nursing ... a future source for anxiety?' by H. Stroeks (letter)]│van der Peet R┤╡1988 Dec 22╢0069╖0033-6456╕25╣821-2║42╗Reactie op het artikel 'De verpleegkunde ... een toekomstig zorgenkind?' van H. Stroeks.╝02╜╛0519*59~0608~0838~0859*59~1208┐▒89162649▓Shared governance.│Guinn J┤╡1989 Feb╢0070╖0194-5181╕2╣10-2║11╗╝03╜1. Shared governance allows the individual to assume more authority and responsibility and be a part of an overall structure of self-management. 2. Major categories which need to be assessed in such a proposal include: budget, staffing, communications, quality assurance, education, statistics, and supplies, maintenance requirements. 3. Nurses involved with the proposal stated an increased sense of professionalism, increased job satisfaction and a greater understanding of hospital financing, legal and professional demands made upon the hospital by government, professional organizations and the community.╛0608~0660*00~0688~0910*00~1099*38~1271┐▒89162650▓Trauma: a personal perspective.│Yonge DC┤╡1989 Feb╢0070╖0194-5181╕2╣13-7║11╗╝03╜1. Empathic caring is essential to deliver high-quality nursing care. 2. As nurses, we need to understand what patients are feeling to help decrease their emotional trauma. 3. Many OR patients do not have the luxury of good support systems, familiarity with caregivers and environment, and a medical knowledge base to enhance understanding.╛0020*00~0396*00~0454~0608~0698*48~0814 37 44*48┐▒89162651▓OR experiences are for student nurses.│Brazen L┤╡1989 Feb╢0070╖0194-5181╕2╣18-23║11╗╝03╜1. The media, lack of appropriate socializing comments regarding clinical nursing specialties and unavailable rotations may contribute to a student nurse's negative conception of RNs who work in the OR care environment. 2. Developing a project of this kind has informal and formal parameters. Informal parameters are based on becoming familiar with OR constructs; formal parameters are established by reviewing the mission statement and philosophy of both the nursing education program and that of the health-care institution. 3. Nonprivate, non-parochial, university-affiliated agencies welcome student learning experiences and have the time, place and people resources to support them. However, private, for-profit or free-standing health-care agencies may require contracts as documentation of the goals and motivations for the activities.╛0377*00~0608~0902*20~0977┐▒89162652▓A training system for first and solo assistants in microsurgery.│Hara T, Hara T, Takayama T, Kikuchi K┤╡1989 Feb╢0070╖0194-5181╕2╣24-9║11╗╝03╜1. A system to train nurses to be first and solo assistants of microsurgery has been practiced in our hospital for the past 13 years. 2. Under our unique weekly rotation system, nurses are educated to be all-around nurses. Microsurgical assistance is only one of approximately eight sections of the rotation. 3. Under this system, nurses can become extremely efficient solo assistants after 3 years.╛0180~0608~0790*00~0902*20┐▒89162653▓Teddy bear clinic.│Creedon CM┤╡1989 Feb╢0070╖0194-5181╕2╣31-3║11╗╝03╜1. The Shriners Institute in Boston developed a day to educate children about hospitals and the OR environment. 2. OR nurses have instituted extensive procedures and policies to allow potential patients the information they need to know their rights. 3. The most important instruction was for the children to ask those questions that they thought their teddy bears might ask.╛0202~0212*00~0608~0904*00~0943*00┐▒89163319▓Why won't they just ask us?│Poole D┤╡1988 Nov-Dec╢0071╖╕8╣3║18╗╝03╜╛0042*00~0047*00~0608~0859*32~1326┐▒89164894▓Prevention of human immunodeficiency virus infection: our responsibilities as health care professionals.│Pugliese G, Lampinen T┤Division of Quality Control Management, American Hospital Association, Chicago, IL 60611.╡1989 Feb╢0001╖0196-6553╕1╣1-22║17╗╝03╜The prevention of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is a major responsibility of health care professionals. This paper deals with the virus itself--its history and prevalent modes of transmission. The low risk of HIV transmission in health care settings and through casual contact is emphasized. A discussion of prevalence rates in the United States is followed by an explanation of methods to prevent HIV infection through testing, counseling, limiting sexual transmission, screening of blood and blood products, reducing risk among intravenous drug users, avoiding perinatal transmission, practicing safety measures in health care settings, and implementing educational goals.╛0015 21*43 57~0513~0608~0892 21 43 57~1034*00~1132~1134~1140~1186 21 43 57~1326┐▒89164895▓Daily change of an antiseptic dressing does not prevent infusion phlebitis: a controlled trial.│Leibovici L┤Department of Internal Medicine B, Beilinson Medical Center, Petah Tiqva, Israel.╡1989 Feb╢0001╖0196-6553╕1╣23-5║17╗╝03╜We carried out a controlled, randomized study in which we compared the incidence of infusion phlebitis in 83 patients whose povidone-iodine dressing over the infusion site was changed daily with a control group of 84 patients whose original dressing was left unchanged. Over 3 days the cumulative incidence of phlebitis in the study group was 60% and in the control group 59%. We conclude that the daily change of an antiseptic dressing does not reduce the risk of infusion phlebitis.╛0024~0027~0030~0031~0071*02~0078*02~0122*00~0183 03~0184*03~0227~0249~0454~0608~0743~0792~0978 23*43~1012 02~1053~1095~1301┐▒89164896▓Draft guideline for selection and use of disinfectants.│Rutala WA┤Department of Medicine, North Carolina School of Medicine.╡1989 Feb╢0001╖0196-6553╕1╣24A-38A║17╗╝03╜╛0239*00~0349*50~0608~1326┐▒89164897▓Susceptibility of hospital-based health care personnel to varicella-zoster virus infections.│McKinney WP, Horowitz MM, Battiola RJ┤Division of General Internal Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.╡1989 Feb╢0001╖0196-6553╕1╣26-30║17╗╝03╜Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) transmission poses a major infection risk for health care workers in the hospital environment. Immunologically normal adults who contract varicella have 9 to 25 times the risk of major morbidity or death from infection compared with healthy children. Moreover, varicella infection during pregnancy is associated with a high rate of complications and the risk of the congenital varicella syndrome. To evaluate susceptibility to VZV infection among hospital workers, the employee health service screened 241 personnel for VZV antibody by the indirect fluorescent antibody technique. Overall, 7 (2.9%) of 241 personnel lacked VZV antibody and were therefore presumed susceptible to infection. Susceptibility varied dramatically by age and was significantly higher among persons 35 years of age and younger (7/93 = 7.5%) than among those aged 36 years and older (0/148 = 0%, p = 0.001). Persons 35 years old or younger with a clinical history of chickenpox or herpes zoster were much less likely to lack immunity (3/71 = 4.2%) than those stating they had no history of either (4/11 = 36.4%, p = 0.005). Screening strategies for VZV immunity in hospital employees could be made more efficient by performing serologic tests only on those persons aged 35 years or younger with a negative or uncertain history of the disease. Persons who lack antibody may be considered for preexposure immunization with live attenuated varicella vaccine as an alternative to varicella-zoster immune globulin or enforced absence from patient care after exposure to a VZV-infected patient.╛0027~0074 06~0201*23 27~0283 27~0348~0454~0551*23 27~0608~0743~0792~0892*23 27~0971*00~1347 27┐▒89164898▓Survey of patients' knowledge of nosocomial infections.│Miller PJ, Farr BM┤Department of Medicine, University of Virginia Medical Center, Charlottesville 22908.╡1989 Feb╢0001╖0196-6553╕1╣31-4║17╗╝03╜A survey of discharged patients revealed that 62% of respondents were aware of the risk of nosocomial infection before they received the survey. Of the respondents 12.4% said they had suffered from a nosocomial infection; 70% were concerned about their risk of acquiring a nosocomial infection in the future; 83% believed nosocomial infections were preventable; 69% said the risk of acquiring a nosocomial infection was never explained to them during hospitalization; and 62% were dissatisfied with the information that hospitals and the medical community provided concerning the risk of nosocomial infections. Fifty-seven percent were willing to pay an extra $7.14 mean per diem charge to enhance the hospital's infection control program if this payment would lower their risk of infection. This survey suggests that the subset of responding patients want to know more about the risk of nosocomial infections, and they are willing to pay for more resources to be channeled into effective infection control programs.╛0027~0105*00~0283*23 44~0454~0608~0743~0792~0943*00~1086~1140┐▒89164899▓Survey of techniques used for sterilization of facial implants.│Gurevich I, Yannelli B, Cunha BA┤Infectious Disease Division, Winthrop-University Hospital, Mineola, NY 11501.╡1989 Feb╢0001╖0196-6553╕1╣35-8║17╗╝03╜Policies need to be developed in each institution to ensure that OR personnel alert the CSS when implants are sent to CSS for sterilization so that a spore test can be processed with each implant regardless of the method of sterilization (steam, gas, or other). Implants should be quarantined for a 48-hour negative test result when possible. It is advisable to keep a log in CSS for items that require premature release with prior notification of the physician. In situations when implants and materials must be customized during surgery, OR personnel may sterilize the unwrapped implants and materials with a spore test. Under special circumstances, such materials may be released for use before obtaining the results of the 48-hour spore test, if the special circumstances are recorded in a log in the OR. If a spore test is subsequently found to show positive results, the physician and infection control personnel should be notified by telephone by OR personnel. Opposition to these policies in institutions that have implemented them has gradually diminished as surgeons have become used to the requirements and realize the rationale. OR nurses and infection control personnel need to understand that the procedures constitute safer patient care practices and that they are in full compliance with CDC guidelines.╛0437*53~0585*50~0608~0634*00~1086~1246*34~1266*50~1326┐▒89164900▓AIDS: problem solving in infection control. Universal precautions: Part 2.│┤╡1989 Feb╢0001╖0196-6553╕1╣39-41║17╗╝03╜╛0015*43~0239*00~0608~1039┐▒89164901▓CDC definitions for nosocomial infections [letter]│┤╡1989 Feb╢0001╖0196-6553╕1╣42-3║17╗╝03╜╛0187*00~0283*11~0608~1326┐▒89164902▓Threat of AIDS: relationship between knowledge and attitudes [letter]│Selig SM, Gordon EF, Taylor DK, Miller SS┤╡1989 Feb╢0001╖0196-6553╕1╣43-4║17╗╝03╜╛0015*23~0103*00~0513~0608~1086┐▒89164903▓Compliance with needle disposal policies [letter]│Coiner C┤╡1989 Feb╢0001╖0196-6553╕1╣44-5║17╗╝03╜╛0015*43~0608~0831*00~1104*00┐▒89164983▓Ryan to depart from ANA leaving record of success.│McCarty P┤╡1989 Feb╢0003╖0098-1486╕2╣1, 4║21╗╝03╜╛0048*38~0290~0556~0565~1326┐▒89164984▓Education adapts to meet challenges.│┤╡1989 Feb╢0003╖0098-1486╕2╣1, 7║21╗╝03╜╛0048~0377*59~0608~1326~1327┐▒89164985▓Women cite child care as vital to family.│Grimaldi C┤╡1989 Feb╢0003╖0098-1486╕2╣13║21╗╝03╜╛0048~0202~0207*00~0443*00~0454~0608~0859*32~1326~1369*00~1371*00┐▒89164986▓ANA researches career center plan.│Bender C┤╡1989 Feb╢0003╖0098-1486╕2╣14║21╗╝03╜╛0048*00~0176*00~0400~0608~0688*00~0856*00~1326┐▒89164987▓ANA narrows focus, balances budget.│┤╡1989 Feb╢0003╖0098-1486╕2╣23║21╗╝03╜╛0048*00~0161*00~0371~0377~0467*00~0608~0872~0938~1153~1326┐▒89164988▓As I see it--Bentsen: RNs must maintain advocacy.│Bentsen L┤╡1989 Feb╢0003╖0098-1486╕2╣5║21╗╝03╜╛0030~0202~0517~0608~0762~0859*00~0938*00~1005~1326┐▒89164989▓Keep quality of education, expectations high.│McGivern D┤╡1989 Feb╢0003╖0098-1486╕2╣5║21╗╝03╜╛0377*50~0608~0863*50~1256~1326┐▒89164990▓Responding to the natural direction of change: nursing's educational and practice agenda.│Joel LA┤╡1989 Feb╢0003╖0098-1486╕2╣7║21╗╝03╜╛0048~0377*59~0608~0859*59~0863*59~1326┐▒89164991▓Educators innovate to match changing needs.│Malone B, Shannon A, Sorrentino E┤╡1989 Feb╢0003╖0098-1486╕2╣7, 10║21╗╝03╜╛0377*50~0441*50~0608~0707~0729~1148┐▒89164992▓North Dakota educates under new rules.│McCarty P┤╡1989 Feb╢0003╖0098-1486╕2╣8-9║21╗╝03╜╛0013~0291~0377*00~0608~0713*00~0849~1218┐▒89165265▓Reproductive technology [letter]│┤╡1989 Jan╢0005╖0161-9268╕2╣vii-ix║11╗╝03╜╛0454~0608~0743~0859*00~1017~1028*00~1287*00~1324┐▒89165266▓Perceptions of life-pattern disintegrity as a link in the relationship between stress and illness.│Dixon JP, Dixon JK, Spinner J┤Yale University School of Nursing, Community Health Center Plan, New Haven, Connecticut.╡1989 Jan╢0005╖0161-9268╕2╣1-11║11╗╝03╜The weak but significant association between stressful events and illness suggests the importance of understanding the specific conditions under which stress is likely to result in illness. The research was undertaken to determine whether a perception of disintegrity--a perception that life has not gone as it should have--may be such a link. Ninety-one master's-prepared nurses between the ages of 55 and 70 completed a measure of the extent to which they had experienced stress in balancing a career with other life involvements. They also assessed the extent of integrity-disintegrity in their life pattern and recorded the illnesses that had occurred during their middle years. In a path analysis, once the indirect path through disintegrity was considered, the direct path between stress and illness was so minimal that it was considered eliminated. This result suggests that unless stress leads to feelings of disintegrity, it is not likely to lead to illness.╛0020~0346*23~0454~0608~0721*00~0792~0799~0856 44~0959*00~1171~1253 23~1264┐▒89165267▓Reviewing nursing stress according to a proposed coping-adaption framework.│Harris RB┤Seton Hall University, College of Nursing, South Orange, New Jersey.╡1989 Jan╢0005╖0161-9268╕2╣12-28║11╗╝03╜Is stress a common problem for nurses who work in intensive care units (ICUs)? Stress-coping theory is useful in analyzing ineffective coping and its outcome, burnout. This article compares stress among nurses in ICUs to stress in non-ICU nurses. Effects of stresses, such as nursing dissatisfaction and the loss of nurses to the profession, will be discussed. Research and commentaries regarding stress in ICU nurses v non-ICU nurses will be reviewed. Areas for future research will be presented.╛0020*00~0163 23~0249~0282 44~0608~0688~0876*44~0970~1132~1134~1253*44┐▒89165268▓Fear of contagion: a stress response to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.│Meisenhelder JB, LaCharite CL┤New England Deaconess Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts.╡1989 Jan╢0005╖0161-9268╕2╣29-38║11╗╝03╜The threat of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) has triggered an affective stress response to illness: fear of contagion, an anxious response to the perceived threat of catching a disease. Three behaviors characterize this fear: avoidance, extreme precautions, and verbal expressions of fear regarding the disease. Despite the scientific evidence for the low risk of occupational exposure to this infection, many health care workers appear to demonstrate highly fearful behavior. Social and cultural values, which attach a deep symbolic meaning to AIDS, combine with misperceptions about transmission to create this stress response. This article suggests education on cross-cultural, sexual, and death-related issues, as well as factural information on AIDS to decrease this fear. Implications for nursing research are included.╛0015*44 57~0103*00~0411~0451*00~0518~0608~1253 43*44┐▒89165269▓Alternative explanations of coping with stressful experiences associated with physical illness.│Johnson JE, Lauver DR┤School of Nursing, University of Rochester, New York.╡1989 Jan╢0005╖0161-9268╕2╣39-52║11╗╝03╜This article contains a review of the components of four theories (emotional-drive, self-regulation, cognitive appraisal, and self-efficacy) relevant to explanations of the relationship between informational interventions and coping with stressful experiences associated with physical illness. Data from recent clinical studies are used to illustrate the process of evaluating alternative hypotheses about mediating processes from each of the theories. Hypotheses from emotional-drive theory are not supported. Hypotheses from self-regulation theory are supported when the outcome measure is returned to usual activities. Additional analyses reveal the limitations of cognitive appraisal and self-efficacy theories.╛0020*00~0346 12*44~0608~0743~0863~0943*00~1054 44 46~1132~1134~1253 37 43*44~1262~1264┐▒89165270▓The hardiness characteristic: a motivating factor in adaptation.│Pollock SE┤Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholar, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.╡1989 Jan╢0005╖0161-9268╕2╣53-62║11╗╝03╜This article describes the conceptual development and measurement of hardiness as a motivating factor in adaptation. The health-related hardiness concept is further refined to include theoretical and operational indicators that can be used to investigate the effect of hardiness on adaptation to actual and potential health problems. Empirical support is presented for both the direct and indirect effects of hardiness. A valid and reliable instrument has been developed for health-related research with both well and ill populations. Implications for theory and research are discussed with emphasis on contributing to the knowledge base of nursing and developing interventions in practice.╛0020*00~0027~0103~0105~0222*44~0608~0721~0743~0809~0872*00~0961*00┐▒89165271▓Stress on caregivers of the elderly.│Bunting SM┤Center for Health Research, Wayne State University College of Nursing, Detroit, Michigan.╡1989 Jan╢0005╖0161-9268╕2╣63-73║11╗╝03╜This article considers the health threats to a vulnerable population, caregivers of the frail elderly who are maintained in the community. A model of competing care demands is derived from Orem's self-care theory and from caregiver literature to propose that the caregiver, when faced with dwindling resources of energy, time, and money, is forced to choose between self-care and dependent care of the elder. Often, the individual neglects his or her own health to continue to give care. The suggested research projects presented here assess those nursing interventions that complement and support caregiving.╛0020~0030*00~0445~0454~0575*44~0608~0792~0799~0861~0872~1172~1253*23 43┐▒89165272▓Social support and psychological adjustment to chronic coronary heart disease: operationalization of Johnson's behavioral system model.│Riegel B┤Cardiovascular Clinical, San Diego, California.╡1989 Jan╢0005╖0161-9268╕2╣74-84║11╗╝03╜No comprehensive theory of social support and psychological adjustment to chronic illness such as coronary heart disease (CHD) exists. This article reviews the literature on social support and adjustment to CHD from the perspective of Johnson's behavioral system model. It is argued that the quality of social support or nurturing is the major factor predicting cardiac crippled behaviors or dependency following myocardial infarction (MI). The variables of self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and perceptions of functional capacity are identified as variables affecting choices such as return to work and adherence to the treatment regimen and the behavioral outcome of dependency following MI.╛0020*00~0272*44~0318~0608~0799~0821 44~1132~1134~1192*00~1207*00~1212*00┐▒89165294▓A nurse by any other name is still in short supply [editorial]│Palmer PN┤╡1988 Nov╢0006╖0001-2092╕5╣853-4║48╗╝03╜╛0176~0608~0859*32~1153┐▒89165295▓Domino transplants. Sequential heart and heart-lung transplantation.│Sutor S, Wieczorek P, DeMaio K, Gibson J, Michael K, Riddleberger S┤Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore.╡1988 Nov╢0006╖0001-2092╕5╣876-89║48╗╝03╜╛0027~0121~0175 34~0179~0272 12~0292 12~0532*58~0539*34 37~0608~0735*58~0743~0902 34~0908 34~0909 34┐▒89165296▓Children with AIDS. Diagnosis, symptoms, care.│Cruz LD┤University of Colorado, Boulder.╡1988 Nov╢0006╖0001-2092╕5╣892-910║48╗╝03╜╛0015 15*43 55 57~0202~0208~0215~0476~0608~0640~0644~1132~1134~1165┐▒89165297▓The homograft. A new dimension for cardiac valve replacement.│Graf D, Gonzalez-Lavin L┤Deborah Heart and Lung Center, Browns Mills, NJ.╡1988 Nov╢0006╖0001-2092╕5╣911-7║48╗╝03╜╛0084*58~0539 37~0608~0909~1315┐▒89165298▓Managing in a unionized setting. Part I: The discipline process.│Julius DJ┤University of San Francisco School of Nursing.╡1988 Nov╢0006╖0001-2092╕5╣919-29║48╗╝03╜╛0232*00~0397*34~0608~0879*34~0966~0967*34┐▒89165299▓Total temporal bone resection. A radical but life-saving procedure.│Sataloff RT, Roberts BR, Myers DL, Spiegel JR┤Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia.╡1988 Nov╢0006╖0001-2092╕5╣932-48║48╗╝03╜Traditional therapeutic approaches for malignancies of the temporal bone have produced unacceptably low survival figures. The morbidity and mortality associated with temporal bone cancer justify extensive surgery. Total temporal bone resection can be performed successfully in the hands of an experienced skull-base surgical team. By circumscribing the tumor rather than transgressing it, this procedure follows generally accepted principles of oncologic surgery. This procedure also shows promise in resection of extensive, carefully selected, recurrent benign tumors. We believe this approach offers hope for improved survival in patients with malignancy of the temporal bone. Further refinements in technique are suggested by each new case. Additional experience and long-term follow-up are needed to assess the efficacy of this procedure. The interest, expertise, and active participation of the operating room nursing team are critical to the success of this surgery. Ideally, not only intraoperative participation but also preoperative assessment and postoperative support should be routine. Close cooperation and extensive communication among the surgeons and nurses are essential.╛0027~0171*53~0179~0454~0608~0902 20*34 38~0973~1030~1197 36 37*53~1271~1288*53┐▒89165300▓Developing an efficient inventory control system.│Young CD, Conley ET┤Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, Fla.╡1988 Nov╢0006╖0001-2092╕5╣970-5║48╗╝03╜╛0274~0756 34*38~0904 38┐▒89165301▓Shoulder arthroscopy: a diagnostic and therapeutic tool.│Lopez JO, Silva I Jr┤Anaheim (Calif) Memorial Hospital.╡1988 Dec╢0006╖0001-2092╕6╣1078-9, 1082-5, 1088-96║48╗╝03╜╛0092*00~0608~0690 48 53~0902~0943~1008~1009~1030~1190*53┐▒89165302▓Coping with culture. 'Health for All' affects or nursing in developing countries.│McInerney TG┤Triangle Women's Health Center, Chapel Hill, NC.╡1988 Dec╢0006╖0001-2092╕6╣1104-8, 1110-2║48╗╝03╜╛0288*00~0309*00 50~0322*00~0454~0608~0723~0743~0769~0902*00~1011~1375┐▒89165303▓Vaginal hysterectomy. Its success as an outpatient procedure.│Moore J┤Ambulatory Surgery Center, Springer Clinic, Tulsa, Okla.╡1988 Dec╢0006╖0001-2092╕6╣1114, 1116-20║48╗╝03╜╛0046*00~0454~0608~0626*00~0627*00~0902~0943~1008~1030┐▒89165304▓Transscleral cyclophotocoagulation. A laser treatment for glaucoma.│Langseth FG┤Methodist Hospital, Houston.╡1988 Dec╢0006╖0001-2092╕6╣1122-5, 1127║48╗╝03╜Ophthalmologists have been searching for a treatment to control intraocular pressure in difficult cases of glaucoma. The ideal treatment is one that is simple and effective and has few side effects. Transscleral cyclophotocoagulation is less damaging to the ciliary process than cyclocryotherapy in which a probe cooled to -112 degrees F (-80 degrees C) with nitrous oxide gas is applied to the conjunctiva to destruct the ciliary body. Because of the large area that comes in contact with the probe, the patient usually experiences severe pain immediately after surgery. The recent availability of the Nd:YAG lasers with a free-running mode of operation has given physicians a wider range of laser energy and has raised the hope that this treatment technique may be more generally available.╛0202~0491 13*53~0608~0706~0725*00 37~0902 34┐▒89165305▓Cardiac catheterization. Performing the procedure in an outpatient setting.│Pappenheim CL, Kirkpatrick B┤Surgi-Center and Laser Center, Mercy Medical Plaza, Sacramento, Calif.╡1988 Dec╢0006╖0001-2092╕6╣1130-2, 1134-7║48╗╝03╜╛0044*00~0471~0535*00 37~0608┐▒89165306▓Management tips. Managing people, time, paperwork.│Brooks RR┤Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center, Baton Rouge, La.╡1988 Dec╢0006╖0001-2092╕6╣1139-43║48╗╝03╜A manager works with people, time, and things to meet the goals of the organization. To meet those goals, the manager must motivate people to perform the jobs the manager has decided need to be done. The manager must manage his or her time as well as the time of the staff. Management in the OR is not limited to the director and the head nurse. It includes all the staff. If the staff is involved and willing to participate, everybody functions better.╛0608~0904*38~0912~0966*50~0969┐▒89165307▓Managing in a unionized setting. Part II: The grievance process.│Julius DJ┤University of San Francisco School of Nursing.╡1988 Dec╢0006╖0001-2092╕6╣1145, 1147-9, 1151║48╗╝03╜╛0398*00~0608~0701*00~0876 38~0966*00~0967*00┐▒89165308▓Laser endometrial ablation. Treatment for dysfunctional uterine bleeding.│Ball KA┤Grant Laser Center, Columbus, Ohio.╡1988 Dec╢0006╖0001-2092╕6╣1153, 1155-64║48╗╝03╜╛0027~0046~0404*53~0454~0608~0705*34~0773*53~0902~1008┐▒89165309▓In-room sharps disposal reduces needlesticks.│┤╡1988 Dec╢0006╖0001-2092╕6╣1164║48╗╝03╜╛0015 43~0571~0608~0831*00~0863┐▒89165310▓Using a chaplain in the OR.│Bryce BE┤Sewickley Valley Hospital, Penn.╡1988 Dec╢0006╖0001-2092╕6╣1178-9║48╗╝03╜╛0200*61~0585*61~0608~0904*00~0936┐▒89165311▓Organ recovery coordinators can help family work through the grieving process.│Sammons BH┤Sandoz Pharmaceuticals Corp., East Hanover, NJ.╡1988 Dec╢0006╖0001-2092╕6╣1181-2║48╗╝03╜╛0104~0315~0443~0499~0608~0909*34~1302*44┐▒89165312▓Legal considerations in RN monitoring of intravenous sedation.│Murphy EK┤University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.╡1988 Dec╢0006╖0001-2092╕6╣1184-7║48╗╝03╜╛0608~0621*02~0656~0719~0744 31~0856*00┐▒89165313▓It's time to put some 'teeth' into solutions to the nursing shortage [editorial]│Palmer PN┤╡1989 Mar╢0006╖0001-2092╕3╣731-2║49╗╝03╜╛0608~0665~0859*32~0873 19~1326┐▒89165314▓Bone transplant recipient found positive for AIDS.│┤╡1989 Mar╢0006╖0001-2092╕3╣732║49╗╝03╜╛0015*57~0146*58~0608~1315*03┐▒89165315▓Targeting cerebral tumors. Combining image-guided stereotactic endoscopy with laser therapy.│Koch F, Poisson C┤Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit.╡1989 Mar╢0006╖0001-2092╕3╣740-3, 745-7, 750 passim║49╗╝03╜╛0154 47*53~0249~0278~0608~0680~0705*00~0904 38~1244*00 29~1268~1308┐▒89165316▓Wrist arthroscopy. An ambulatory surgery procedure.│Nichols CD┤Grossmont College, El Cajon, Calif.╡1989 Mar╢0006╖0001-2092╕3╣759-63, 766, 768 passim║49╗╝03╜Because wrist arthroscopy is a relatively new procedure, at this point in time, it may be more valuable for diagnosis of wrist pain and mechanical disorders than for the treatment of them. It does, however, make the selection of proper surgical treatment more predictable. As more precise small joint instrumentation is developed for arthroscopic procedures, surgical treatment at the time of diagnosis becomes increasingly possible. The need for a second invasive procedure for many conditions may be eliminated, which in turn will benefit the patient.╛0046*00~0092*00 29 34~0608~0680~0904 38~1008~1030~1379*53┐▒89165317▓Electrical injuries. Considerations for the perioperative nurse.│Bailey SL┤Harborview Medical Center, Seattle.╡1989 Mar╢0006╖0001-2092╕3╣773-6, 778-81, 784-7║49╗╝03╜╛0027~0165 12 37*53~0202~0388 12 37*53~0608~0743~0864~0902*00┐▒89165318▓Congenital absence of the vagina. Surgical treatment and perioperative care.│Fliegner JR, Zeplin AJ┤University of Melbourne.╡1989 Mar╢0006╖0001-2092╕3╣789, 791-5, 798-800║49╗╝03╜A simple surgical technique is described for the correction of an absent vagina. It combines the positive features of the traditional approach of using a split-thickness skin graft from the thigh or buttock applied on a plastic mold with the intermittent-pressure method of vaginal development. Since 1975, the new isograft technique has been performed on 15 patients at the Royal Women's Hospital, Melbourne, with excellent results and no complications. With one exception, satisfactory coitus productive of orgasm has occurred following the procedure.╛0027~0454~0608~0680~0902*00~0943~1008~1030~1269*00~1270~1344*01 53┐▒89165319▓Clinical ladders. A plan that works.│Davis JL┤St Vincent's Medical Center, Jacksonville, Fla.╡1989 Mar╢0006╖0001-2092╕3╣802-6║49╗╝03╜Today is a challenging time for hospitals and nurse managers. Times of nursing shortage and the presence of more critically ill patients demand creative strategies. A clinical ladder helps managers hire and retain nurses. More importantly, it encourages perioperative nurses to advance their skills, making them better prepared to care for the seriously ill surgical patient in a safe, effective, and efficient manner.╛0177*00~0224*00~0608~0687~0902*50~0953~1084┐▒89165320▓Nursing care documentation. Creating a perioperative nursing record.│Slone LA, Burkholder A, Campion N┤Sibley Memorial Hospital, Washington, DC.╡1989 Mar╢0006╖0001-2092╕3╣808-13║49╗╝03╜╛0352~0581~0583~0592~0608~0871*50~0902*00┐▒89165321▓Medical device reporting. A pilot study of nurses.│George VD, Boruch RF┤Cleveland State University.╡1989 Mar╢0006╖0001-2092╕3╣815-9, 822-4, 826-7║49╗╝03╜╛0418*50~0421*00~0428~0902~0992~1086~1098*00~1263~1264~1268 50~1326~1329*00┐▒89165322▓Perioperative nursing research. Part II: Intraoperative chemical and physical hazards to personnel.│Kneedler JA, Purcell SK┤Walla Walla (Wash) College.╡1989 Mar╢0006╖0001-2092╕3╣829-31, 834, 836-8 passim║49╗╝03╜╛0063 56~0070 56~0077 56~0225~0349 56~0388 43~0411*00~0415*00~0468~0608~0902*00~1088 43~1132~1133┐▒89165323▓Recommended practices. Operating room environmental sanitation.│┤╡1989 Mar╢0006╖0001-2092╕3╣856-7, 860, 862-3║49╗╝03╜╛0412*50~0608~0902~0904*50~1155*50~1218~1326┐▒89165324▓Recommended practices. Traffic patterns in the surgical suite.│┤╡1989 Mar╢0006╖0001-2092╕3╣865-6, 870║49╗╝03╜╛0608~0756*50~0902*50~0904 38*50~1218~1268~1316~1326┐▒89165325▓Court actions regarding refusal of blood products.│Murphy EK┤╡1989 Mar╢0006╖0001-2092╕3╣874, 876, 878-9║49╗╝03╜╛0024~0027~0140*00~0179~0220*00~0454~0608~0655*31~0743~1326┐▒89165326▓Particles from drill bit and metal suction tip friction distort magnetic resonance imaging.│Groah L, Skinner HB┤University of California Hospitals and Clinics, San Francisco.╡1989 Mar╢0006╖0001-2092╕3╣882-3║49╗╝03╜╛0475*00~0608~0741*00~0782*00~1232*15┐▒89165327▓Is clinical experience for OR nursing managers necessary?│Dieffenbach MS, Kelly-Studnicky K┤Riverview Medical Center, Red Bank, NJ.╡1989 Mar╢0006╖0001-2092╕3╣886, 888, 890-2║49╗╝03╜╛0224*00~0608~0676~0686~0879*00~0902*00~0904*38┐▒89165328▓State legislatures address reimbursement, uncompensated care, nurse practice act; Connecticut allows RN first assistants.│┤╡1989 Mar╢0006╖0001-2092╕3╣894-7, 900║49╗╝03╜╛0608~0713*00~0902 31~1110 31~1326┐▒89165454▓The temptations of taxonomy [editorial]│Krauss JB┤╡1988 Dec╢0007╖0883-9417╕6╣327║2╗╝03╜╛0223*00~1061*00┐▒89165455▓Psychosocial nursing diagnosis--issues and research.│Wolf-Wilets VC┤╡1988 Dec╢0007╖0883-9417╕6╣328-9║2╗╝03╜╛0608~0801~0861*00~0863~0864*00~0872~1061*00┐▒89165456▓Daily living and functional health status: a perspective for nursing diagnosis and treatment.│Carnevali DL┤╡1988 Dec╢0007╖0883-9417╕6╣330-3║2╗╝03╜╛0017*00~0510*00~0527*00~0608~0801*00~0861*34~0864*34~0939┐▒89165457▓A guide for nursing assessment of the psychiatric inpatient.│Sanger E, Thomas MD, Whitney JD┤╡1988 Dec╢0007╖0883-9417╕6╣334-8║2╗╝03╜╛0608~0658~0774*37~0801*00~0861*34~0864~0939~1262┐▒89165458▓Nursing diagnosis of patients with manic and thought disorders.│Thomas MD, Sanger E, Wolf-Wilets V, Whitney JD┤╡1988 Dec╢0007╖0883-9417╕6╣339-44║2╗╝03╜╛0024~0027~0231*15 37~0454~0598~0608~0743~0745*15 37~0861*34~0864*34~1264┐▒89165459▓A validation study of the nursing diagnosis "somatization .│Whitney JD, Sanger E, Thomas MD, Wolf-Wilets VC┤╡1988 Dec╢0007╖0883-9417╕6╣345-9║2╗╝03╜╛0017~0027~0030~0454~0608~0743~0792~0801~0861*34~0864*34~1061~1222*15 23┐▒89165460▓Development of a tool for assessing posttrauma response.│Tanaka K┤╡1988 Dec╢0007╖0883-9417╕6╣350-6║2╗╝03╜╛0608~0861*34~0864*34~1132~1134~1252*15┐▒89165461▓Psychosocial nursing diagnosis.│Loomis ME┤╡1988 Dec╢0007╖0883-9417╕6╣357-9║2╗╝03╜╛0608~0801~0861*00~0864*00~0872~1061*00┐▒89165462▓Inpatient management of a patient with borderline personality disorder: a case study.│Freeman SK┤╡1988 Dec╢0007╖0883-9417╕6╣360-5║2╗╝03╜╛0016~0027~0149 44*55~0179~0454~0594~0608~0939~0963*55~1060┐▒89165463▓Theory development in psychiatric-mental health nursing: an analysis of Orem's theory.│Dashiff CJ┤╡1988 Dec╢0007╖0883-9417╕6╣366-72║2╗╝03╜╛0249~0608~0801~0877*00~1061*00~1132~1134~1172┐▒89165464▓Developing a multidimensional turnover prevention program.│Hutchinson SJ, Turner JA┤╡1988 Dec╢0007╖0883-9417╕6╣373-8║2╗╝03╜╛0249~0274~0487~0582~0584~0608~0688~0876*44~0966*00~0967*00~0970*00~1061*32~1212┐▒89165479▓Relaxation therapy and guided imagery in ESRD.│Horsburgh ME, Robinson JA┤╡1989 Feb╢0004╖8750-0779╕1╣11-4, 19║16╗╝03╜This article explores the efficacy of using relaxation techniques and guided imagery to enhance patient adjustment to end stage renal disease and dialysis. The theoretical bases of this intervention are examined briefly, related nursing research reviewed, a patient case study presented, and recommendations for nursing practice and research proposed.╛0030~0031~0179~0454~0608~0631~0696 37*44~0957~1111*00┐▒89165480▓Development of a sleep-awake instrument for use in a chronic renal population.│Moore MN┤╡1989 Feb╢0004╖8750-0779╕1╣15-9║16╗╝03╜A pilot study with nine subjects was completed to test instruments and refine methodology for a study of sleep-awake behaviors in end stage renal disease (ESRD) hemodialysis clients pre- and post-ESRD diagnosis with concomitant hemodialysis treatment. The development of the instrument is described. Several sources contributed to content validity. Stability was tested through test-retest reliability.╛0027~0030~0454~0608~0696*12~0743~0792~0992~1064~1086~1200 15 23*55~1262┐▒89165481▓Creating a therapeutic environment in a pediatric renal unit.│Frauman AC, Gilman CM┤╡1989 Feb╢0004╖8750-0779╕1╣20-2, 26║16╗╝03╜Creating and maintaining a therapeutic patient environment has been the responsibility of nurses since the days of Florence Nightingale. Achieving this environment for children with renal disease and their families can, however, be a complex task. This article addresses a number of factors that must be considered in planning a new pediatric unit or renovating an established one. Useful strategies leading to a therapeutic environment in a pediatric nephrology unit are described as well.╛0202~0215~0410*00~0514*00~0515*00~0608~0950*00~1001~1338┐▒89165482▓Peritoneal dialysis transfer set change procedures study.│Prowant BF, Ryan LP┤╡1989 Feb╢0004╖8750-0779╕1╣23-6║16╗╝03╜The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effectiveness of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) procedures. Four procedures to disinfect the catheter adapter/transfer set connection were compared in vitro using a mock sterile CAPD system.╛0249~0350~0608~0958*29~1262┐▒89165483▓Coping with uncertainty and ambivalence while awaiting a cadaveric renal transplant.│Weems J, Patterson ET┤╡1989 Feb╢0004╖8750-0779╕1╣27-31║16╗╝03╜A qualitative approach was used to identify concerns of candidates awaiting cadaveric renal transplant and to identify coping strategies used during the wait. Patients who were within 10 days postrenal transplant were interviewed and asked to recall their concerns during the wait. Two major concerns were identified through the analysis--uncertainty and ambivalence. The problems are presented with supporting vignettes and strategies used by the subjects to cope with the problem.╛0020*00~0395*00~0608~0694*58~1262~1314*44┐▒89165484▓Continued bone disease and symptoms post-parathyroidectomy.│Vaughn E, Baker KL┤╡1989 Feb╢0004╖8750-0779╕1╣45-6║16╗╝03╜╛0147 23 33*53~0179~0608~0618*12 53~0696 12~0743~0792~0927*53~0928 49┐▒89165485▓Strike--you've got to be kidding!│Ferentz CA┤╡1989 Feb╢0004╖8750-0779╕1╣53║16╗╝03╜╛0608~0701~0856*00~1254*00┐