Labels:bulletin board | clock | crt screen | monitor | plant | sky | stairs | window OCR: Maintain control data ACME HARDWARE Screen End of day reports 33 Dai reg i ister summary This screen allows you to 34 Dai reg ister aud i select the end of day and 35 Dai sa les by departnent his tory reports you wou1d 36 Daily paynent listing like to print when you run 37 Dai 1y sales by user end of day procedures 38 Daily sales by salesman 39 Daily non- -sale report 40 Daily except ion report History retention Drawer his tory Depar tment his tory Paynent history User history Sa lesman history Tax code tory Make changes press PgUp for prior screen or press PgDn for ?xau screen ield mumber to change contro ster audit depari wouId paymeni toru tmen Field number