Spanish Scene 4
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Text File
220 lines
MetalWEB 4.0.1
- Frames: Doesn't fails with cols="*" or row="*"
- Images: Doesn't try to open datatypes if file doesn't exist
- Dtpic: Fixed clean and BitMapAlloc
- ColorText: Fixed potencial bug on frames color selection
- Prefs: Save metalweb.prefs on progdir: well
- Prefs: Idetation width was losing.
- Prefs: Save speedbar settings
- Global: Changed some little things to fix rare quit bug
MetalWEB 4.0
- Frames: Now it doesn't crash playing with scroll Border.
- Locale: 'Checkmark' and 'Radio Button' are now separated on Edit
- TearOff: Reactivated save env to remember his position.
- About: Try to add all new people.
MetalWEB 3.93 beta
- Save: Completely reworked frame saving.
- Speedbar: Updated mybrush.c with V³ code
- Save: Now saves width correctly
- Save: Added Identation to frame save routine
- Global: Now it works with any trouble under Picasso96 machines with
strange picture.datatypes.
- Speedbar: Fixed hard bug with AmigaOS 3.5 and 64 colors AGA screen,
now works fine.
MetalWEB 3.92 beta
- Frames: Fixed new frame name losed
- Locale: Added target strings to locale
- Locale: Last non translated strings added
- Locale: Metalweb title added to locale
- Tables: New class works now with broked tables
- Parser: Understand Hidden form tag
- Parser: Fixed Targets on Images Gui not losed now
MetalWEB 3.91 beta
- Mem: Fixed mem type detection
- Locale: Fixed identation
- Save: Now it doesn't save always <FORM> tag
- Tables: Increased tables layout speed
- Background: Fixed loss of selected background
- Frames: Fixed non-initiated background string
- Bar: Fixed cells width on resize
- Locale: Added a lot of new strings
- Metalmap: Fixed little bug with path on metalmap<->metalweb arexx script
MetalWEB 3.90 beta
- GUI: Removed RMB Settings and Settings button
- GUI: Changed Edit window
- Save: Fixed Uppercase on tags
- Save: Added "" on color tags
- Locale: Fixed and removed some obsolete strings
- GUI: recessed-frames used for speedbar
- Prefs: Added Idention selection (None, Tabs, 4 spaces)
- Save prefs: Added identation
- GUI: Changed align cycle to speedbar buttons
- Prefs: Changed fonts as Voyager Fonts layout prefs
- Dtpic: Now it tells DOS not to bother us with requesters on rendering process.
- Tables: Fixed bug with colspan on last column
- Tables: Cells with no width size will have width=1 by default.
- Save: Fixed bug on bordercolor tag
- Background: Fixed little bug on redraw routine with nobackground tables.
- Parser: Fixed tables buffer limit
MetalWEB 3.89 beta
- Mem: Fixed little bug with count lines
- GUI: If one imagebutton not exits then Speedbar buttons are on text mode
- Parser: Little free() changes
- GUI: Added CTRL-C
- Mouse: Fixed bug on interruption mouse funtion
- GUI: Removed TearOf from Edit and Source Window because it cause Hits when
these windows aren't opened.
- Tables: Added new tables class based on a layout hook with these tags supported:
Width (%)
- Parser & Save: Changed to work with new tables class.
- Background: Added an (ON/OFF) on tables settings
- Background: Reworked and fixed routine to redraw it.
- Tables: Fixed bug with resize on last colum on tables.
MetalWEB 3.88 beta (4.0 pre3)
- GUI: Fix an AmigaOS 3.5 trouble.
- Parser: Fixed table rows non-initializated with <tr>
- Tables: Removed extra bottom line
- Tables: Fixed table colspan
- Vapor: Added vapor_update.library support
MetalWEB 3.87 beta (4.0 pre2)
- Save: Added WordWRAP
- Save: Fixed little bugs marking
- Parser: Fixed little trouble with tabs and pc-returns
- GUI: Changed few things on preferences
- GUI: Changed TextInput WordWRAP
MetalWEB 3.86 beta
- Tables: Visual (Width) resize,
- Parser: Fast Fixing
- Demo: Fixed cut&paste bug
- Colortext: Added color='WHITE' tag
- Parser: Fixed bgcolor
- Parser: Fixed to load pages with ' and "
- GUI: Fixed Clear Page
- GUI: contextual mouse pointer for resize images and resize tables
- Parser: Fixed align on Tables, and implemented TD, TH, CAPTION ALIGN
- GUI: Fixed backspace bug
- GUI: Added Menu for all the windows
MetalWEB 3.85 beta
- Images: Added a visual way to change the size of images, simple
dragging his right or bottom border.
- GUI: Fixed click on tables
- Parser: Added <table bgcolor>
- GUI: Changed the bgcolor of (left, right, center) images
- GUI: Fixed when tries to change <br> properties.
- GUI: Changed the routine to put background on pages
- Save: No save, no necessary files
- Locale: no loads catalogs if no v.4 is loaded
- Metalmap: rewrited MetalWEB -> Metalmap Arexx
MetalWEB 3.84 beta
- GUI, Parser: Added a way to see noborder tables
- Parser: changed few things to do it smaller
- Locale: Fixed minor bugs on tables and parser
- Parser: Fixed crashes on non-finished correctly tables
- Save: Fixed some limited strings
- Parser: Fixed bug when a Tables page is loaded
- Parser: Now load width and height of bad images
MetalWEB 3.83 beta (NC3 version)
- Save: No save SRC=""
- Parser: Added Style, Scrypt, Comment
- GUI: Updated edit GUIs
- Metatools: Enforced fixed
- Corrected bug on clean page
- Locale: Rewrited
- GUI: Added Style, Scrypt, Comment support and images
MetalWEB 3.82 beta
- Key: Added NC3 keyfile system
Metalweb 3.81 beta
- GUI: Double click detect and it opens edit window
- GUI: Active frame on current object
- GUI: Fixed crash on Cut copy paste
- GUI: Changed way to add text on page
- GUI: Fixed FrameString on Frames and tables GUI
- Keyboard: Fixed Return Bug
- Keyboard: Fixed blocking when a lot of keys detected at
same time
- Mouse: Fixed trouble selecting mixed justify lines
- Parser: Fixed troubles with datatypes
- Init: Now it works on MUI 4.0 beta
- Save: Fixed trouble saving tables
- Fixed some little bugs
Metalweb 3.80 beta
- GUI: Now Use, Cancel and Save prefs works.
- Return button works 400% faster (aprox)
- Fixed Enforcer when click on a created table
- Fixed crash before load tables
- GUI: Added table, Frames, Embed Menu
- Cursor move Fixed
- Write is faster too.
- Fixed some enforcers and little bugs.